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Maple Bat

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@MoTusNua @Mickey Adaptus @rolle @Tilgoreth

It was another peaceful day in Equestria. Ever since the Lunar Republic and Solar Empire formed a treaty, things had been way more quiet. The threat of the "Invaders", Unseen threats that could attack anywhere in equestria at any moment, Loomed over all of equestria Ponies where terrified knowing no where is safe from them. The two armies stay separate near their own bases only occasionally going to the other to share data or plans and thoughts. The solar empire had mad base in Canterlot since they had a larger army at the time. Meanwhile The Lunar Republic has rebuilt the castle of the two sisters and made it more suited towards battle and themed to match Luna.

Maple Bat sat at the top of the Castle of the two sisters watching over equestria from the distance. The Vampire Fruit-bat-Pony hadn't seen any action in the past few days. She didn't like the Idea of the treaty, Having no encounters with these "Invaders" since they where first talked about she questioned their existence at all. At least the army had time to replenish it's supplies for when the fight resumed.

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  • Brohoof 3


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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  • 1 month later...

Luna paused.She gazed over at the tapestry in her room,the one she let nopony change.The one that depicted Equestria in it's early days,still alive and happy.Her eyes shifted to the four alicorns at the top.Her,Twilight,Cadance...and Celestia.She kept the tapestry to remind of better times...happier times.She shook her head sadly,and exited the room.


((OOC:If I did anything wrong PLEASE tell me.Also,can someone tell me more about what's happened?))

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Heathlife was currently wandering around the castle, to see if all the guards were in position, and not sleeping on the job. Who knows what might happen, if they're not awake. As he was about to enter the east wing to check the patrols there, he remembered, he forgot his staff in his room. So, he decided to walk and grab it before continuing.

  • Brohoof 2

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Maple saw her brother-in-arms, Healthlife, from where she was waiting and went to go speak with him. She lifted herself off the ledge

"Hey, Healthline." She said sternly "You've been keeping good check of the training regiments right? If so then I'll need to test you to make sure the training is going well, as you know." Even though it was stern her voice was still as calm and kind sounding as it normally was but she had to get a point across.


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat

Heathlife listened intently before chuckling lightly "Alright, however, I forgot my staff. So, if we're sparring and not just showing off it'll have to be hand-to-hand." there was a pause before he said anything again "Oh, and no fangs. I may recover fast. But, it still is uncomfortable." he said showing off a kind smile to his sister-in-arms.

Edited by rolle

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Shady yawned, waking up from his bed with his mane all messed up, and he looked in a mirror. Shady blinked and gasped, what if Princess Twilight was in danger right now, and he grabbed his staff in his mouth and sprinted down the hallway, realizing that they were still at the castle, not in a battlefield. "Woops... My bad!" Shady walked a bit further from his room and headed to the kitchen. This was his chance. He could get Twilight breakfast. He could totally do it, couldn't he? Don't make a mess. Just put one- And Shady tripped over his own legs, sending himself flying into the cupboard, knocking pots and pans down all over the ground. 

"Ow! Okay okay... I've just got to clean it up..." Shady bent over, knocking his rear into the table, shifting it slightly and knocking plates all over the floor, breaking the majority of them. "Well. At least I won't be dying on the battlefield it seems..." Shady made a nervous chuckle and began to tip-toe out.

Edited by Dakcka
Totally forgot which side Shady was on.


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Maple rolled her eyes. "Aww, come on they don't hurt that much... Fine whatever..." Maple thought about something for a second. "Winner has to do the other's Chores for a week?" She asked wondering if he'd take the bet or not... 



Celestia looked at a banner similar to that Luna had been looking at. And sighed too. Wondering if these invades Twilight had mention where real and her sister was telling the truth. "No... No of course not. They're not real until evidence is brought forth to me.

Edited by Maple Bat


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Luna was walking along the corridors,thinking.She frowned,as she thought about her sister.She heard hoofsteps,and turning,she saw a pair of her guards hurrying out the door at the end of the hall.She tilted her head,and confused,flew down the hall and to the door.Looking out,she saw Heathlife and Maple Bat,facing each other.


((OOC: @rolle @Maple Bat So Luna's going to be watching you two!Better do a good job 'eh?

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Maple smiled "Alright, Thank you." Maple nodded as she walked to the training yard. She looked around and saw the usual number of ponies training, after watching for a second she shouted "Attention!" All of the ponies looked at her. "Healthlife and I will be sparing. Please spectate the match because you all may learn something from this." After being sure they were watching Maple turned back to Healthlife

 Battle start: Maple Vs Healthlife.

"I'll let you hit first since I'm more used to physical combat" Maple said before waiting on her brother-in-arms to attack. She noticed Luna approach as she waited, "Oh! And the Princess is watching best make it count

(@rolle) Healthlife's turn.



Twilight heard the shattering of plates in the kitchen, The purple Alicorn glanced in there and saw one of her retainers, Shady Deceit, In there "Sweet Celestia! What happened in here?" She asked closing the book she was reading.



Discord walked over to Luna and saw her about to watch a battle he walked over and saw Maple about to fight someone but he had something to say first "Luna. I've been doing some thinking, what if the invaders weren't conjured by your sister? There are a lot of powerful unicorns who would want the royal sisters to fight so I see this as a high possibility."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Luna turned and glanced at Discord."...You really think it's possible?I...I have to admit,Celestia did sound like she believed it...But."She turned her head and looked at Discord sharply."Until I find proof,I remain unconvinced.But...I do think it is a possibility."She turned back to the two in the center of the courtyard,watching to find what the match's outcome would be.

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@Star48955 @rolle

An odd presence was felt by Maple and Luna, Maple disregarded it as Healthlife attacked.

When Healthlife was about to hit Maple said "Don't hold back... I need to make sure you're strong enough."

(Both Maple and Healthlife for the sake of training only have 5 hp)

Healthlife hit Maple dealing 1 damage. Maple counterattacked only once, not following up dealing 1 damage, She was holding back.

"Healthlife. You need to focus." Maple said "Try that again."

Maple's skill relief actives healing her one lost hp.

Healthlife's turn


Luna could still feel that odd energy she felt like it was getting stronger.

Edited by Maple Bat


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat@Star48955

He smiled "Maple, you and I both know-" after stopping what he said he faked a left uppercut, which actually led to a sidekick as he spun around the hoof that wasn't in the air "I am not very physical." he finished the sentence and he moved his left hoof so that he could recover his stance if he was counterattacked.

(The last part just means he can prevent falling on his back or tumbling etc. Nothing else.)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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@rolle (Note: This next bit is for story reasons.)

Maple Dodged the hit so Healthlife did no damage Maple retaliated with a Critical hit! She dealt 3 dmg leaving Healthlife at one.

Heathlife didn't fall but for the most part was too hurt to contiue. "Whoops," She said, chuckling "Went a tad overboard. Let's stop for now."

(Maple Wins)

@Star48955 @rolle @Mickey Adaptus

After Maple knocked Healthlife away 3 Ponies, Luna, Heathlife, and a pony names Ajax sensed the earlier energy Move quickly towards Maple.

Maple Nodded to Healthlife. "Perhaps that match was a tad unf-" A large cut, appeared in Maple's side, caused by an invisible force. After which the 3 ponies who could sense the energy saw it take shape into an armored earth pony, wielding a sword it kicked Maple away from it and Looked at the weakened Healthlife with glowing red eyes and a white colored almost see-through body... "T... that's one of the invader ponies..." Maple said weakly.


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Luna growled,and spreading her wings, flew to the downed Maple.She planted herself firmly between the invader,and Heathlife and Maple. "You were foolish to reveal yourself. Now...we deal with you."


((OOC:So should Luna engage the invader,or will somepony else?))

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@rolle @Star48955 @Maple Bat

As the battle was going on, an unfamiliar earth pony was slowly walking towards the armoured assailant that had decided to attack Maple.

While he wore no armour, he was wearing an set of weird looking gloves in his front hoves, but in reality, it was retractable claws, crafted in a similar way that tiger claws would work.

When he got close enough, the claws emerged from the gloves, and then the earth pony slashed at the armoured assailant.

(Hope this is good, not sure if this is a correct way to write in this rp, so feel free to correct me.)


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@Mickey Adaptus @Star48955

The Armored pony said nothing to the two who stood in his way. The 'invader' was unable to speak anyways he pointed his sword at Luna, Challenging her and the other pony.

Another Energy was sense and there was a second soldier an archer pegasus clad in lighter armor, it had the same look to them however a white see through body even the armor, and the glowing red eyes.


Battle Starts: Luna's army vs. Invaders

Discord: "I'll get Maple out of here... She's in no shape to fight, Healthlife still can though. She'll just need healing, Which you can do Luna."

The "Invaders" Don't take any immediate action against the 3 in front of them.

(Luna's Army's turn)


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Luna glared at the enemy ponies."It would have been wise to wait.Now that we now of you,we outnumber you."

Luna summoned her magic and turned to Heathlife.She cast a spell and healed him."Let us drive these ponies out of our home."

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@Mickey Adaptus@Star48955@Maple Bat

Heathlife was gasping after the sparring, and as the silent and invisible invaders came he was surprised. A common soldier suddenly stood in his way of harm, as well as Princess Luna. Discord had taken Maple, so Heathlife was slightly worried. The worry faded a bit as he felt magical energies calming him. He looked up at the enemies, his eyes glimmered with a green magical light that helped the magical energies that were given by Luna heal him, suddenly these energies seemed to set aflame with black fire that was enveloped in a golden glimmer, this energy shot out like a pulse out of him and entered any allies in the surroundings healing them if damaged.

"I'll have to get my staff... Princess Luna, I'll send my replica to get it for me" he whispered to Luna. As he finished whispering his pupils widened and bubbles that seemed as if they were filled with algae started pouring out from his body, these bubbles fell out and floated into a pile of green mass. The green mass then turned into a ball floating in the air as it seemingly imploded on itself and an identical, maybe a bit more handsome version of Heathlife appeared in its stead. This Heathlife immediately started running away from the combat scene towards his room.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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@Star48955 @Mickey Adaptus @rolle


Luna had expeded 1 hp to heal Healthlife back to full hp which was 20

Then Ajax hit the armoured pony dealing another 5 damage.

(Enemy Turn)

The armored raider.. wounded. It still dissapeared since it's job was finished

The archer 'Raider' attacked the closest pony Ajax Dealing 4 damage

(Luna's Army's turn)

Edited by Maple Bat


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Hmph." Luna turned to the archer invader. "You are even more outnumbered now.You will meet the same fate as your friend."   


Luna cast a healing spell on Heathlife once again.

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