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private A Dance Under Moonlight (1x1 with Ginger Ale)

Dark Horse

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@Ginger Ale

The moon was waxing full within the cloudless, starry sky above Equestria's midnight landscape, bathing the entire land in a soft, white glow as the creatures of the day gave way to those who roamed at night. Owls hooted, crickets chirped and the occasional timberwolf could be heard howling in the distance. But it wasn't just nocturnal wild animals who held reign over the night.

Captain Nova Nightstar of the Lunar Guard stood in a grassy clearing on the outskirts of Canterlot, almost perfectly still and undaunted by the sounds of night all around him, as he allowed himself to bask in the light of the moon, feeling completely energized and content by its majesty. His dark purple fur looked like a deep void mixed with the pale light and midnight forest backdrop, and it contrasted heavily with his bright, fiery tail of orange.

He was a pony, but no ordinary pony. Like most of the Lunar Guard, Nova was a bat pony. Those who had adapted to living under almost constant darkness. As a result their bodies displayed a number of fierce looking features that would have looked quite unusual or even frightening to any other Equestrian day-dweller, though how much tended to vary among individuals. Adding to this, he was wearing the standard, dark looking armor of a Lunar Captain, and much of his face was thus hidden behind his masked helmet. Two long, razor sharp fangs also protruded from the stallion's mouth, only serving to add to his intimidating appearance.

Despite this, Nova's position in Equestrian society was considered to be one of honor and respect. Serving in the Lunar Guard meant serving the Princess of the Night, and one of the two ruling monarchs of the Equestrian lands: Princess Luna herself. Nova had always favored Luna and her world of night over the more commonly known rule of her elder sister, Princess Celestia. Nevertheless, both monarchs were held in high regard by all who served in the guard, and Nova had always considered it a matter of personal pride to not let his feelings dictate how he performed his duties.

As a Captain, it was one of Nova's roles to scout out potential new recruits for the Lunar Guard and to train them, though he more often than not delegated the actual training to somepony else. He was good at spotting potential and innate abilities within others, but when it came to socializing or interaction with the new recruits, Nova was often known of as a Pony of few words. He generally stayed within his personal quarters whenever not out running assignments for the guard or personally assisting his Princess. He preferred it that way. He wasn't here to make friends with every new recruit that walked through the door, and most were lucky if they got more then 2 sentences with him. Only those who proved themselves true guards and progressed through the ranks tended to get any attention from him whatsoever.

At least, that's how it normally was... until tonight.

Nova opened his bright golden eyes, his cat-like irises slit thinly as they gazed up at the moon. He remained perfectly still, his purple, bat-like ears listening out carefully for any sudden sounds. He was fully alert, and ready to act on the slightest notice.

...Where was she? He thought to himself silently, still not taking his eyes off of the moon.

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"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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Ginger Ale was adoring the night with some fireflies that were bringing a little light to the darkest night out of the Canterlot Castle. Everypony was resting and streets were now belonging bat ponies. North Star (best friend of Ginger Ale and @SFyr's OC) was also walking with her. They barely had time to spend together after their Lunar Guard apprentice became harsher on them. 

Then one of a bat pony came closer to them. It was hard to identify who she was but she was looking at them. "Are one of you here a bat pony named Ginger Ale?" she asked. Ginger Ale was speaking to herself inside "I was afraid, it was me. Why would a mare bat pony ask my name? Was I in trouble? Was Luna kicking me out from the Lunar Guards?"  Ginger Ale was panicking when North Star was about to sacrifice herself when Ginger Ale held her back and said: "I am Ginger Ale, how may I help?" 

Mare bat pony came closer; "Your luck has one of a kind young pony. Our Lunar Guard captain saw the potential in you and you were chosen. Now, move your flank and don't make your captain wait! This is not a ball!" she yelled. 

Ginger Ale dropped her ears. "Me? What reason for our Lunar Guard picked me? What potential?" Ginger Ale continued.

North Star turned to her: "Don't you know? It is Captain Nova's duty to scout out potential new recruits for the Lunar Guard and to train them" she said. Ginger Ale was shocked. She knew what they both meant since the beginning but she was shocked.

"This can't be this easy, how may I trust you?" Ginger Ale turned her face to the masked bat pony. The mare removed her helmet and it was...

echo lunar guard ile ilgili görsel sonucu

"Now you trust me?" said Echo. "Now follow me, your captain is waiting." she continued.

Ginger Ale nodded with a quite shock by seeing one of the loyal helpers of Princess Luna. It was Echo, she heard lots of rumors and gossips about her but she has never seen her in flesh. She hugged North Star before leaving and then she started following Echo.

When they reached their destination she couldn't believe it was Nova, Captain Nova in flesh was in front of her, however, she was unsure if he notices them yet. He was gazing at the moon and he looked too concentrated and thoughtful. Ginger Ale said to herself inside "Well Ginger Ale, you found yourself in a new adventure and a new life opportunity. Hope it ends healthy and well." she said and made a swallowing sound "Gulp*". Was she even ready? Did she even know what was going to happen? She was waiting for answers and indeed, waiting for Captain Nova to notice them first.

Surprisingly because of respect, Echo was not even making any sounds or calling to get his attention. She and Ginger Ale were waiting thereby not making any sound. So just to make him notice Ginger Ale cleared her throat and broke the silence. Echo turned to Ginger Ale in a "What are you doing?" look. Ginger Ale made Echo terrified a little. She was also in front of the captain after all. Did she manage to get Captain Nova's attention?




north_star_by_sapphfyr-da7zzoh.png bat7.thumb.png.de02575ceb148687493e07ef4151f754.png6QmbQQA.png&key=5bc723d3f07de5436a46a387da78d1d9e78d223a5f8cde787890e0492507adbc

Noth Star  (drawn by @SFyr)                                Ginger Ale (drawn by @SFyr)                                          Captain Nova 


echo lunar guard ile ilgili görsel sonucu

               Echo (bat pony canon)

Edited by Ginger Ale
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@Ginger Ale

Nova did not take his eyes off of the moon as the two Mares approached him. They were late, he thought. But nevertheless Echo stood silently and with attention, awaiting for Nova to make the first move. The other, however, was obviously not quite as familiar with him and his 'habits', and audibly sought to gain his attention. Nova closed his eyes as the Mare with a streak of ginger to her mane cleared her throat. He did little else to acknowledge the sound, but he knew that Echo must have been mortified.

Nova lowered his head from gazing upwards at the sky, turned to face their direction, and opened his eyes again.

"Thank you Lt. Echo." He said with a nod to the grey bat pony, who returned the nod with a relieved smirk. "I trust this one didn't prove too troublesome?"

Nova approached Ginger and half circled her, as though inspecting her form. He was quite a bit bigger than she was, certainly bulkier, and his dark Lunar armour only added to his imposing presence. He stood face to face and gazed directly into her eyes. They were a bright golden-yellow similar to his own, yet Nova seemed to be looking past even that, as if measuring something that was beyond the surface.

After several more seconds, he finally spoke up. "Ginger Ale." He addressed her directly. "As my lieutenant here may have already informed you, I summoned you here to me because I have been observing your recent progress from afar these last few days. You show great promise. More-so than you probably even realize, and as it is my duty as a captain of the Guard to select the finest from among us and train them to serve our Princess more closely, I'm informing you that tonight you have been chosen to begin specialized training, so that you may learn to serve the Lunar Guard in full capacity."

Normally, whenever Nova had found a new recruit to train in, he delegated it to one of his subordinates like Echo. Nova generally only oversaw their final examination and determined whether or not they had learned enough to receive full status within the Guard. Asides from that, he kept a very hoofs-off approach to the whole thing. He had his reasons for this, but mostly he gave the excuse that he was simply too busy, and locked himself away in his quarters.

That was, until he had witnessed Ginger sparring with North Star, and instantly began to take a personal interest in her. Nova had a good sense for special talent, and something about this particular Bat Pony, unassuming and inexperienced as she currently was, was very special indeed. Now he just had to find out what.

"Of course.. I assume that you are willing to accept this invitation?" He asked her, tilting his head in a questioning expression.

  • Brohoof 1

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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@Dark Horse

Ginger Ale was shocked after the question that the captain of the night guards asked to her. She was indeed surprised and didn't expect this. She was thinking how easy that request came to her. She was mostly questioning what she has done to deserve this role?

"M-Me? W-Willing?" she was shocked as the words were barely coming out from her mouth. The captain of the night guard was talking to her indeed but she was surprised a lot and she was assuming Princess Luna to visit her dream. However, bat ponies could not dream. Maybe she was asleep in the morning and still has a dream that is happening currently. She shook her back. If this was a dream, she never wanted to wake up.

"I am ready. I mean, what are we up to? What will we do? How will I be trained?" she was asking questions one after another. She had lots of question in mind. And Ginger Ale... How could Ginger Ale, herself, became well known by the highest quality bat ponies. She wished this upon a yellow star once she was seven. Was that really the providing of this? She believed in the power of yellow stars however she did not expect this. Were the yellow stars providing wishes that come true? Was she really the finest to be selected? Was her progress really that much satisfying for them to get her accepted?

What progress? Was this a recommendation from her apprentice? Without thinking more and making her new captain wait, she began her words;

"My apologies, are you sure you are seeking for Ginger Ale? She is me I mean, however, I was not expecting this," she said and looked at the captain's eyes. She got lost in them. It was love at first sight. The charismatic standing, the charming eyes, the hair that dances under the breeze that night brings, she was shocked. She did not expect a captain that would be this awesome.

This was unexpected. Ginger Ale started to talk with herself inside, "Ginger Ale, you can not fall in love with your own captain. You just met him and you should never forget, love and duty should never be mixed." she said. 

Bat ponies were cold-blooded beings. She knew bat ponies barely show their emotions although they feel. However, Ginger Ale was not good enough in concealing feelings. She shouldn't have- there we go. She was blushing. "Yes, captain I am ready, I guess," she said for last words hoping she did not tomfool herself.

For the last time, waiting for an answer, now she was looking at the sky, looking for a yellow star to bring hope and luck to herself once more. However, most of the stars she was seeing were white this time. She knew yellow stars were unique, however, she knew she had a special connection with them. At least the ones that have a dominant yellow more than white.

She expected to forget her feelings that occurred in a sudden to her captain. She expected stars would help her think of something else. Instead, she was faced with an increasing rate of heartbeat currently, hoping her captain to notice nothing at all.

She looked back, Echo was no longer there. She went away. Now it was only herself and the charming captain that she can't stop thinking about.


Edited by Ginger Ale
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@Ginger Ale

Though he was often known as a stoic and stone-faced pony, Nova couldn't help but smile slightly upon seeing Ginger frantically run through the motions as though she was being examined right this moment. And to be fair, perhaps she was. Nova liked to take a continual assessment of Lunar Guard trainees to try and get a feel for them outside of their duties, though of course he never told them this.

"Clearly not." Nova smirked as the ginger maned Mare had to insist how little she had been expecting this. She wasn't the first prospective recruit to freak out over the proposition like this. In fact, most Bat Ponies were lost for words whenever Nova approached them. It was a great honour to be selected for training among the Lunar Guard, but at the same time it required significant commitment and dedication. Not everypony was sure that it was the path for them, and Nova respected that. He allowed Ginger the time to compose herself. "However I am quite certain that you are the Ginger Ale I seek. I have been watching you progress from afar for some time now.

Ginger locked eyes with him, and Nova felt a way that he had not felt for a very long time. Her eyes reminded him of his own, back when he was but a hopeful young trainee being selected for the guard. They were full of energy and enthusiasm, and their bright yellow glow almost seemed to reflect his own eyes perfectly. What was this...? Longing? Passion? Normally, he could simply tell if a recruit was truly able for the life of a Guard, but with Ginger... it felt as though it went even further than that, like he could gaze beyond the surface and into her very essence.

Nova blinked. Though he trained himself rigorously to hide his inner feelings, he knew that he had just let them slip slightly. He could not afford to let those feelings interrupt his duty.

Perhaps it was already too late for that. He could see Ginger blush before him, tilting her head downwards slightly in a futile attempt to conceal it from him. Nova couldn't help but smile at the display. He closed his eyes, thought for a moment, then found himself raising a hoof to remove his helmet. He was surprised at himself. Nova almost never revealed his full face to others, even to those who had known him longest, and certainly never in public like this. But with Ginger... it just felt right.

Nova placed his helmet down on the ground next to him. He felt the midnight breeze against his significantly trimmed mane, though once it had been much longer, he never allowed himself to let it grow freely these nights. He had always felt that serving Princess Luna meant disregarding the petty notions of personal style. ...Just another reason why this all felt so strange.

"Good." Nova said, though not with the usual sort of tone to his voice. It was now something softer. "Then you understand that our sessions will proceed in private. I'm afraid that Echo has other matters to attend to this night." Another smile pressed his lips as Ginger suddenly realized that they were, in fact, alone. "I assure you that this is quite normal. I would like to see your abilities for myself, and without the distractions of others. This way I may determine both your strengths and weaknesses."

Ginger seemed to be distracted. She was gazing up at the night sky, into the stars. Nova looked up. It was indeed a beautiful evening, though he saw nothing particularly unusual about the formation of stars present. Perhaps Ginger was simply finding her words?

"The night sky is our domain." He said to her. "And that is where our first test shall begin. You will fly with me a short distance to the nearby mountain. On our way there, I may present you with some challenges or questions. You will react to each in the appropriate manner, or at least to the best of your ability." He saw the nerves return to the Mare's face. Her heartbeat seemed to be elevated. "You may take the time to prepare yourself. Let me know when you feel ready to begin."

Ginger looked anxious, but Nova could feel the strength buried within her. She wanted to succeed, she wanted to prove herself a true Lunar Guard. Nova knew that she would be ready.

He wanted her to be ready.

  • Brohoof 1

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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@Dark Horse

All those words coming out from the commander's mouth without even letting Ginger Ale answer or even react. Shock over another shock. She was frozen and still blushing. Her mind was like a tornado dragging, throwing and spinning around with lots of different ideas, thoughts and facts that she was having currently. Was it true? She was indeed watched by the commander of the lunar bat guards of all over Equestria.

After those decisions, she heard the word "challenge". This really caused her to change her heartbeat rate. She was expecting to faint because of anxiety but it would be super embarrassing in front of the commander. She was still gazing the sky, because she could not look at him, from her eye corner's she realized that he was looking at her. She was trying super hard not to blush but she knew she failed well.

"A challenge? The mountain? Reactions? I do not understand, are you sure I will be able to do what you are expecting me to do?" she asked suddenly. This was not lacking trusting herself. This was more like an anxiety and an excitement controlling her feelings.She was in love. No, she was not. She shook her head to reset her brain. Yep, she was totally in love at first sight. However, this shouldn't be that. She should pass the challenge.

She looked at him finally and it was their first eye contact ever. What was he thinking? She was wondering his thoughts about her more than anything in life. She was unsure about everything. She was not in a dream because she could feel the tremble she was having on her legs because of shyness in front of him and she could also feel the cold breeze coming towards them.

"A challenge to prove you are ready Ginger Ale," she said to herself. "You can do this!". She stretched her legs and wings. She took a deep breath and stepped one hoof to the ground really hard. It hurt her a bit but she knew she was ready. "Just imagine you are flying with North Star and not with the most handsome bat pony of the whole Equestria." she continued her inner talk.

What was actually charming about him? His charming bright eyes that she could see herself on? The prettiest mane that moves with the effect on the wind? The mask covered hea-... What? No, he did not attempt to do that. Well, he did. Ginger Ale stopped holding her blush after seeing his face. He was making her feel uncomfortable, sick and weird on the stomach. She could really feel the butterflies in her tummy. Were these the side effects of love? She raised herself up.

"I think... Uhm... I am ready. Shall we begin?" she said and blushed. "I mean not we as we, I mean you and I. Not together I mean, or are we doing together the duty? Not the duty, the challenge I mean. Hehe..." she continued and she knew she really messed it up. She turned back and closed her eyes hoping he does not mock her at all because of this embarrassing moment.

The more embarrassing thing was all Ginger Ale was thinking without his mask he really looked handsome.

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