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The History of Equestria


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Here is my best guess at the History of Equestria in terms of events alluded to in the series, trying my best to keep it all as consistent as possible. Keep in mind I'm only basing this on events in the show itself, for two reasons: Aside from the movie and a single comic issue I haven't read or watched any of the supplementary material, I've just picked information from the Wiki and whatnot. Second, there is numerous places where supplementary contradicts show canon, so it's best to avoid trying to untangle that mess for now. If you want to go at it, go ahead, but I'm not, even though they do have the potential to clarify a lot. Contains major spoilers for the Season 7 finale, so read at your own risk. It's divided into three eras, and the third and longest section is mainly just stuff actually in the show, so feel free to skip it. 



1. Ponehenge is presumably created by unicorn mages in ancient history who were apparently more powerful than any we've seen since. The same may apply to the Well of Shadows. 

2. Much later comes the age of the Pillars of Equestria. In this age there is many different pony kingdoms in the land known as Equestria in varying degrees of development, each predominantly a single race. There is at least two unicorns kingdoms, an Eastern and Western one, and the Western ones apparently control the sun and moon, and Tartarus. The first event known event in this age is that Star Swirl the Bearded becomes the greatest sorcerer in recorded history at this point in time. 

3. Celestia and Luna are born in the Western unicorn kingdom. If they weren't born alicorns, they became them at a young age. 

4. Star Swirl the Bearded becomes the teacher of the young alicorn sisters. 

5. Monster brothers Scorpan and Tirek come to Equestria seeking to plunder it's magic. 

6. Star Swirl the Bearded befriends Scorpan and Scorpan meets his pupils. 

7. Scorpan tells his brother to stop his crusade, but he refuses. 

8. Scorpan finds Luna and Celestia and convinces them to fight his brother. Despite being young and lacking any elements, they manage to defeat him in combat.

9. After Tirek is defeated, he is brought before Western unicorn justice and imprisoned in Tartarus. 

10. In this age there are six heroes with an overlapping time frame whose reknown has extended beyond their own kingdoms for their feats. Star Swirled is the oldest of them, but otherwise it's impossible to correlate the chronology across the kingdoms. This entry just covers the other five kingdoms. 

11. Stygian's village is attacked by the Sirens. 

12. Stygian explores Equestria and manages to assemble those six heroes and return to his village, where they banish the sirens into Limbo. 

13: Together the six heroes complete more feats and become established as the Pillars of Equestria. 

14: Stygian grows envious and seeks to copy the powers of the Pillars so he may also become a hero. He steals their artifacts and take them to Ponehenge and attempts to make the copies. 

15. The Pillars of Equestria discover Stygian's "betrayal", are shocked, and banish him from their presence. 

16. A bitter Stygian visits the Well of Shadows and is possessed by a demon inside it. 

17. Stygian returns to the Pillars of Equestria. Thinking he's seeking forgiveness, they let him. He transforms into The Pony of Shadows and attacks, but they manage to escape. 

18. The Pillars of Equestria devise plan to defeat Stygian by banishing him to Limbo, sacrificing themselves in the process. 

19. As a replacement for themselves, they create a seed with their powers in it and plant it, hoping it will grow in power of time and give their elements a new form. 

20. They summon Stygian at Ponehenge and seal themselves and him inside Limbo.

21. Clover the Clever, Star Swirl's apprentice, is left as the magical guide of the Western Unicorns after Star Swirl disappeared.

22. Tensions build between the pony races. Supposedly this causes Windigos and a harsh winter. 

23. The pony races unite and overcome the winter. The kingdom of Equestria is founded, starting the classical era. There is still some separate pony kingdoms though, like the Crystal Empire. The latter was probably founded sometime between the age of the pillars and the creation of Ponehedge. 


1. The Tree of Harmony feeds on the harmony magic of a united Equestria and grows powerful. It grows the Elements of Harmony from the essences of the Pillars of Equestria, further strengthening Equestria's magic. 

2. Discord shows up, conquers Equestria, and somehow learns about the Tree of Harmony and understand it's power quite well, but does nothing about it at this time. 

3. The alicorn sisters find the tree of harmony, probably following a lead Star Swirl left them. 

4. They take the elements from the tree so they can use them against Discord. The tree slowly weakens as a result. 

5. The sisters confront Discord with the elements. Knowing what's going to happen, Discord creates the plunderseeds to attack the Tree of Harmony and weaken it further, eventually allowing his return. The sisters then turn him stone using the elements. 

6. The sisters become the rulers of Equestria afterwards, and also take over responsibilities for the sun and moon. At this point alicorn and princess get used interchangably as they are one and the same under the new rule. Their capital is positioned near the tree of harmony, though they store the elements in their castle. 

7. Sombra conquerors the Crystal Empire. 

8. Celestia and Luna learn of the fall of the Crystal Empire and come to usurp the usurper.

9. After being defeated in combat, Somba's physical form is destroyed, but he is still able to cast spells. He causes the capital of the empire (known as the Crystal Kingdom) to disappear for over a thousand years, hoping to later reconqueror it without the princesses to threaten him. 

10. Sombra is sealed into the artic ice, and the supposed states of the Crystal Empire are probably annexed into Equestria. 

11. Luna grows envious of Celestia. 

12. Luna is corrupted by a dark force, possible residue from the Well of Shadows, and becomes Nightmare Moon. 

13. In the form of Luna, Nightmare Moon confronts Celestia before revealing her true form. 

14. The two battle. Nightmare Moon nearly wins, but Celestia manages to defeat her using the Elements of Harmony. Unable to purge the darkness from her, she seals her inside the moon for a thousand years, waiting for new ponies who can properly bear the elements. 

15. After the devastation Nightmare Moon caused, Celestia moves the capital to Canterlot, which is located on a mountain nearby. She leaves the elements in the old castle though. 

16. Overtime, the Everfree Forest grows were the old capital, now tainted by dark magic, was.   


1. Princess Celestia grants the Apple family land near the Everfree Forest. 

2. The Apple Family begins cultivating Zap Apple jam.

3. Stinkin' Rich distributes the Zap Apple jam, leading to the founding of Ponyville as more ponies make their home there. 

4. A feud between the Pear and Apple families develops over competition in the Ponyville market.

5. Bright Mac and Pear Butter fall in love, prompting Grand Pear to leave Ponyville. 

6. Bright Mac and Pear Butter marry, the latter refusing to move out with her father. 

7. The main six are born.  

8. Twilight Sparkle becomes infatuated with Celestia when she sees at a Summer Sun Celebration. She plans to become great at magic like her, and starts studying. 

9. The younger siblings of the mane six are born. 

10. Applejack's parent's die from unknown causes. 

11. Sunburst gets his cutie mark, leaving Starlight Glimmer all alone. Her ideas about friendship grow twisted over time. 

12. Rainbow Dash performs her sonic Rainboom on the day of Twilight's entrance exam, leading to the mane six getting their cutie marks and Spike the dragon to be born.  

13. Celestia notices Twilight's power and chooses her to be her personal protege who will one day defeat Nightmare Moon. Celestia and Twilight raise Spike.  

14. All the mane six moves to Ponyville except Twilight. Celestia holds onto her because she worries she will miss her after growing attached.  

15. Twilight Sparkle's brother Shining Armor becomes captain of the Royal Guard. 

16. On the year Nightmare Moon is prophesied to return, Celestia chooses Ponyville as location of the Summer Sun Celebration so she can send Twilight there to preside over the event, placing her in the right place to gather the elements and defeat Nightmare Moon. 

17. On the Eve of the Summer Sun Celebration, she does exactly that. She also tells Twilight she needs to make friends as Celestia knows other ponies are needed to wield the elements, not just Twilight. 

18. Nightmare Moon returns, defeats and imprisons Celestia, and crashes the Summer Sun Celebration, promising the night will last forever. 

19. Twilight and five other ponies she met go off into the Everfree Forest to find the Elements of Harmony and defeat Nightmare Moon. 

20. Despite Nightmare Moons attempts, they succeed in finding the elements of harmony and using even after she attempted to destroy them,  and Nightmare Moon is turned back into Luna. Celestia is freed and the sisters are reunited. 

21. Celestia instructs Twilight to stay in Ponyville and study friendship. She is grooming her to complete one of Star Swirl the Bearded's spells, which will turn her into an alicorn, and she knows Twilight must master friendship in order to complete the spell. 

22. Twilight learns about friendship through numerous adventures, writing weekly letters to Celestia via Spike. Notable events include humiliating Trixie and attending the Grand Galloping Gala.  

23. The Cutie Mark Crusaders form. 

24. The tree of harmony has weakened enough for the bonds on Discord's to loosen. The trigger for him being set free is the Cutie Mark Crusader's bickering in front of him. 

25. Discord slowly but surely wrecks havoc on Equestria. Ponies start to notice his hijinks. 

26. Celestia gathers the mane six in Canterlot so they can use the elements of harmony to defeat Discord one again. 

27. Discord reveals himself, and also reveals he stole the Elements of Harmony. He challenges the Mane Six to a game in a hedge maze. 

28. The mane six accept the game, but all that ends up happening is Discord breaks their spirits while they are in there and causes them to forsake their elements and ruin their friendship. The game ends in their loss after Rainbow Dash breaks rules by leaving. 

29. The mane six return to Ponyville, which Discord has converted to the kingdom of his liking. The find the elements of harmony, but are unable to use them, breaking Twilight, who has lost faith in friendship. 

30. A broken Twilight packs her bags to leave Ponyville, but after reading her letters that Celestia desperately sent back via Spike she remembers the importance of friendship. 

31. Twilight finds and purifies all her friends. 

32. They use the elements to turn a cocky Discord back to stone. 

33. After a mental breakdown and her friends lackluster response, Twilight is no longer required to write weekly letters, while her friends are also encouraged to do so. 

34. Cerebus temporary leaves his post at Tartarus for unknown reasons before Fluttershy convinces him to return, resulting in the formation of a stable time loop and in Tirek being freed. 

35. Twilight's brother gets engaged to the alicorn Cadence, who used to be Twilight's foal sitter, and Twilight and her friends are invited to their wedding. 

36. Changeling Queen Chrysalis takes the engagement as an opportunity to finally conquer Equestria. She manages to kidnap Cadence and assume her place so she can undermine Equestria's security by feeding off of Shining Armor's love. 

37. The day of the wedding comes. Twilight grows suspicious of "Cadence" and tries to out her as evil, Chrysalis imprisons her in the crystal caves underneath Canterlot with the real Cadence in response. 

38. Twilight and Cadence manage to escape in time for the wedding, where they out Chrysalis. Chrysalis reveals herself, defeats Celestia using Shining Armor's love, and starts the invasion of Canterlot when her subjects break Shining Armor's shield. 

39. After a brief battle Canterlot is taken by the changelings and all the leaders are captured, including the mane six who failed to grab the elements of harmony. 

40. Twilight manages to free Cadence, whose love restores Shining Armor. He manages to restore the shield spell and repel all the changelings. 

41. The Crystal Empire reappears. Celestia is alerted by one her guards, who then fetches the mane six to deal with it.  

42. Sombra attempts to takeover the Crystal Empire again, but he is killed for real this time when the Crystal Heart that he hid is restored by the efforts Twilight, Spike, and Cadence. 

43. Cadence is crowned Queen of the Crystal Empire, (which isn't really an empire any more, but just a state of the actual empire of Equestria) due to both her heroism and semblance to their previous queen, and Spike is regarded as a national hero. 

44. After this Celestia and Luna finally decide it's time for Twilight to receive Starswirl's spell, but they still put it off for awhile. 

45. After being humilated by Twilight, Trixie's career was ruined, and she is forced to work on a rock farm. She finds the alicorn amulet at a shop, and uses it to boost her power so she get her revenge Twilight. 

46. Trixie succeeds in besting Twilight by using the amulet. After besting her, Trixie exiles Twilight from Ponyville. The amulet also causes Trixie to go mad and she takes over the whole town. 

47. Twilight receives help from her friends and Zecora and challenges Trixie to a rematch. 

48. Twilight succeeds in tricking Trixie into removing the amulet, causing her to return to normal. 

49. Trixie apologies and assists Twilight with her show for the Saddle Arabian Delegates before fleeing once again. 

50. Knowing that he could prove to a valuable ally against Tirek or whatever, and that he's probably going to just break free again anyway, Celestia decides to reform Discord and tasks Fluttershy with doing so.

51. Celestia unpetrifies Discord while the mane six have their elements at the ready in order to keep him in check. Discord still manages to out smart them all and get away with causing as much chaos as possible, eventually manipulating Fluttershy into abandoning her element. 

52. Despite this, Fluttershy still somehow manages to befriend Discord, and after learning loosing his only friend friend is greater threat than being turned to stone he reigns himself in. 

53. Instead of conquering Equestria, Discord moves to Chaosville, occasionally coming to Ponyville to visit his friendship Fluttershy or to mess with Twilight in whatever manner he can without being judged too harshly. 

54. The Crystal Empire is chosen for the Equestrian Games. 

55. Celestia finally sends Twilight the spellbook which contains the unfinished spell. 

56. Twilight's first attempt at the spell drastically botches it and does...something. This something is described as her friend's cutie marks switching, though it's effects are apparently more extensive than that. 

57. Twilight mopes for a bit, then swaps her friends cutie marks back and all is good as new. 

58. She attempts the spell again, but this time she completes it correctly and has her friends and the Elements of Harmony assist her. The effect is apparently that it exploded her, but the ultimate result is that she becomes an alicorn. 

59. Twilight ends up in some weird limbo space with Celestia who explains this was her plan all along and then she grows wings and somehow returns to Equestria. 

60. Celestia crowns Twilight Sparkle as the Princess of Friendship, while everyone else is utterly confused. Being a princess now, Twilight no longer needs to write letters. 

61. The plunderseeds finally over take the tree of harmony and become superpowered. 

62. The superpowered plunderseeds kidnap Celestia and Luna. 

63. The main six somehow learn about the history of the elements of harmony from Zecora through potions. Discord is also there, but he does little to help. 

64. The main six return the elements to the tree, restoring it's strength and destroying the plunder seeds. The tree creates a box so they are able to harness it's power without the elements, but they need to unlock it using magic friendship keys first. 

65. Now that the tree is restored, the Everfree Forest is much safer. The main six take this opportunity to explore the old castle, and find the Princesses old diary. This inspires them to write their own. 

66. By spreading friendship to others, the main six all acquire tokens of gratitude except for Twilight. 

67. Maud Pie starts perusing her Rockerate. 

68. I'm guessing Starlight starts her village around now, which she has been planning for most of her life. Before long she manages to fully implement her idea for an equality village by storing ponies cutie marks in crystal after receiving advice from Maud Pie. 

69. The Equestrian Games happen. Spike both messes everything up and fixes everything. 

70. Tirek finally becomes powerful enough to start draining magic from ponies. Aftewards his power increases exponentially. 

71. Celestia has a bad dream about Tirek. She sends Discord to deal with him. She also informs the main six about what's going on. 

72. The main six act independently and attempt to open the box of harmony. The tokens transform into keys, but one key is still missing, so their attempt fails. 

73. Discord ends up teaming up with Tirek when he promises both friendship and glory when they rule Equestria together. They wreck havoc. 

74. The princesses realize that they dungoofed and give all the alicorn magic to Twilight in an attempt to prevent Tirek from getting any of it. 

75. Tirek makes it to the princesses, but discovers he has been tricked. 

76. With Discord's assistance, he sets up a trap for Twilight by capturing her friends. Discord betrays the main six, including Fluttershy, putting them in a cage so Tirek can drain them. 

77. After draining the main six, Tirek betrays Discord and drains him as well. He gives him Scorpan's amulet as a symbol his lack of faith in friendship and loyalty. 

78. Tirek finds Twilight and attacks her while she tries to avoid him. In the process Twilight's home is destroyed, causing her to attack him in return and they battle. 

79. They reach a stalemate. Tirek offers to trade Twilight's powers for her friends, including Discord, and she accepts. 

80. Discord gives Twilight Scorpan's amulet as a sign that he's repentant. She uses it as the final key to unlock the box. 

81. The unleashed power transforms the mane six, giving them the power of the elements of harmony they need to defeat Tirek and restore the power. The power of the tree also creates a new home for Twilight, a castle made of crystal with a magical map that sends ponies to places where friendship problems of dire significant exist. 

82. The first place they are sent is to Starlight's village. Starlight is initially welcoming, but ends up imprisoning removing their cutie marks by force.

83. The mane six manage to convince the town ponies that cutie marks aren't bad and they escape from prison. After Fluttershy reveals that Starlight Glimmer kept her own cutie mark the towns people turn on her and she flees into a cave system. 

84. The cutie mark crusaders finally gain their cutie mark in cutie marks. 

85. Cadence gets pregnant. 

86. Starlight Glimmer enacts revenge on Twilight by taking her back in time and destroying her friends from the start. This leads to a chain reaction in the future where the world wasn't saved at one time or another. 

87. Twilight convinces Starlight to stop by showing her what her magic is doing, learning her back story, and convincing her that there is another way. 

88. Starlight surrenders herself and is held in Twilight's castle while she awaits her fate. Twilight decides to take her in as her own protege and teach her friendship. 

89. Starlight Glimmer apologizes to her former village. 

90. Cadence gives birth to an alicorn. It breaks the crystal heart, but Sunburst helps fix it. Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst are reunited. 

91. A borderline suicidal Trixie returns to Ponyville, planning on doing a more extreme, potentially lethal act for her apology tour. 

92. Twilight has Starlight go make a friend for a dinner with Celestia. 

93. Starlight Glimmer bumps into Trixie at a spa and they connect over their dark pasts. 

94. Starlight Glimmer plans on assisting Trixie with her risky trick. 

95. Starlight Glimmer brings Trixe as her friend, Twilight objects, Trixie gloats, they all fight. 

96. They make up and Starlight Glimmer saves Trixie's life when she goes through with the suicidal act anyway. 

97. Torch sends out a call for the new dragon lord, Spike reluctantly accepts the task. 

98. By teaming up with Torche's daughter Ember Spike manages to win the task, and then forfeits the position of dragon lord to Ember. 

99. A disloyal changeling visits the Crystal Empire and befriends Spike. 

100. Spike somehow convinced the royalty there than Thorax doesn't want to be eat their baby. 

101. Starlight is invited to return to the village for a festival. 

102. She goes there Trixie as her friend for support, but freaks out when they offer her leadership positions and heads back home.  

103. The changelings execute their second plan for conquering Equestria, this time kidnapping all their high level enemies instead of just Cadence. 

104. Trixie and Starlight Glimmer arrive back home and encounter changelings posing as Starlight's friends. 

105. They meet up with Discord and Thorax and make a rescue plan. 

106. They successfully infiltrate the changeling hive, but are all captured before they can break Chrysalis's throne. 

107. Chrysalis attempts to drain Thorax's love. Starlight Glimmer convinces him to share it instead, which causes a chain reaction that transforms him and many of the other changelings, the energy destroying the hive and the throne. 

108. The dethroned Chrysalis swears revenge against Starlight Glimmer before flying off into the desert. 

109. Twilight has Starlight Glimmer graduate from friendship studies, but nothing apparently happens. 

110. Maud Pie receives her Rockerate. 

111. Maud Pie moves to Ponyville in order to study rocks and make a friend. She befriends Starlight Glimmer and moves into a cave. 

112: Twilight Sparkle publishes the friendship journal.  

113. The Cutie Mark Crusaders start a cutie mark day camp.

114. While visiting Starlight Glimmer in Ponyville, Sunburst buys an antique set which includes Star Swirl's journal. 

115. Sunburst reads the journal and learns about the Pony of Shadows and the fate of Pillars of Equestra.

116. They activate the time cast at Ponehenge.

117. Twilight foolishly decides to bring them back out of Limbo and studies how to do so. 

118. The mane six succeed in gathering all six artifacts.

119. They bring them to Ponehenge and unleash them and the Pony of Shadows.

120. The weakened Pony of Shadows is driven off by Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer's combined magic. 

121. They attempt to track him down using the cutie map and plot on how to defeat him. 

122. After removing the elements from the tree once again, they find him in that glade place, where he takes them to the Well of Shadows. 

123. The elements are successful. They separate Stygian from the Pony of Shadows and banish it to Limbo on it's own. 

124. Twilight plans on starting a friendship school, possibly with assistance from the Pillars of Equestria, but in the meantime they are seeing how the world has changed.  

125. Twilight plans a festival of friendship in Canterlot. 

126. The festival is interrupted by the Storm King's troops, who had previously conquered lands to the south of Equestria. 

127. The Storm King's commander Tempest Shadow, a unicorn with a broken, petrifies the princesses except for Twilight Sparkle and technically Flurry Heart after they refuse to surrendor. 

128. Twilight flees and searches for the Queen of the Hippos with her friends. 

129. Tempest Shadow telecommutes with the Storm King, who tells her he needs all the princesses with the promise of restoring Tempest's horn. She sets off after them. 

131. Twilight's band arrive in Kludgetown, where they meet Capper the Cat who guides them through the city. 

132. At Capper's house, they learn the hippogriffs live on Mount Aris, and Rarity fixes Capper's sleeve. 

133. Capper attempts to sell the ponies into slavery in attempt to pay off his debt to Verko. 

134. Tempest attempts to capture the ponies at the same time, allowing them to escape. 

134. They stowaway on one of the Storm King's freight ships which is manned by parrots who were formerly treasure hunters. 

135. Tempest Shadow uses Capper as an informant to where the ponies went, but he lies out of gratitude to the ponies. 

136. The ponies are discovered and are about to be thrown overboard, but are interrupted by lunch. 

137. The ponies convince the the parrots to abandon the Storm King. Rainbow Dash sets off a sonic rainboom in celebration. 

138. The sonic rainboom alerts Temper Tempest to the ponies presence, and she realizes Capper lied. 

139. The ponies escape through the bay doors and Twilight's ingenuity. 

140. Temper Tempest raids the parrot ship, leaves Capper with them, and then punishes their insubordination by sinking their ship. 

141. The ponies make it the Mount Aris, but find it to be deserted. 

142. Inside they find a seapony, who saves them from drowning in pool. 

143. The seapony, Princess Skystar, takes them to her mother, Queen Novo. There they learn the seaponies once were hippogriffs, but used their magic pearl to turn themselves into seaponies in order to flee from the Storm King and prevent the pearl from falling into his hands.

144. Queen Novo refuses to assist the ponies in their war effort, but turns them into sea ponies and offers them refuge. 

145. Pinkie Pie befriends Princess Skystar with the rest while Twilight Sparkle attempts to steal the pearl. Queen Novo nearly changes her mind and let them use it before Twilight sets the alarm off. 

146. The ponies are exiled from Sequestria and returned to pony form. Pinkie Pie is furious at Twilight, who leaves the rest of the group. 

147. Tempest Shadow captures Twilight Sparkle while she is isolated. Spike witnesses the event and tells the others. 

148. Capper, the parrots, and Princess Skystar find the ponies on the beach, and agree to help them rescue Twilight Sparkle. 

149. While transporting her to the Storm King, Tempest Shadow tells Twilight Sparkle about how she grew cynical as a result of being ostracized after her horn was broken by an Ursa Minor. 

150. The group manages to infiltrate Canterlot by sneaking in a cake, and battle the Storm King's troops. 

151. The Storm King drains the princesses of their magic, powering his staff. He uses his new found power to beat up Twilight, mess with the sun and moon. 

152. Tempest Shadow requests that the Storm Kings restores her horn. He refuses, and finding that she's outlived her usefulness and now is just a threat a threat to him he attempts to kill her. 

153. Twilight saves Tempest Shadow's life.

154. The ponies are shot from a cannon into the Storm King's storm, where they hit and knock the staff out of his grasp. The two parties race to assume control of it. 

155. Both Twilight and the Storm King get sucked into the storm with the staff, but Twilight succeeds in retrieving it. 

156. In a last ditch attempt, the Storm King attempts to take the ponies out with a petrification grenade. Tempest Shadow takes the hit though, and the Storm King is caught in the blast. 

157. The Storm King is killed when his statue is crashed against the ground. Twilight Sparkle once again saves Tempest Shadow though. 

158. Celebrations are resumed. The hippogriffs, who apparently came to rescue Skystar, crash the party. 

159. Tempest Shadow returns to the southern nations to spread news of the Storm King's death. Being his commander she probably has claim to his empire, but chose to liberate them. 

160. The map grows in response to the Storm King's defeat. 

161. Inspired by the growth of the map, Twilight decides to finally open her school, with a focus on spreading friendship to other nations. 

162. Twilight seeks Celestia's advice for starting a school, and she is directed to the Equestrian Education Agency. 

163. Twilight presents her plans to the EEA's board and the provide her with probational accreditation. 

164. The school is opened. It kinda sucks though. 

165. The accreditation is revoked when the councilor visits the school, and he condemns the school with a seal. 6 of the students went missing, mainly foreigners (a dragon, a griffon, a changeling, a yak, and a hippogriff), stressing international relations.  

166. Starlight Glimmer convinces Twilight Sparkle to create her own educational system. 

167. The mane six find the students in the Castle of the Two Sisters and rescue them from Puckwudgie.

168.  Twilight breaks the seal on the school, summoning the councilor. She tells him she doesn't need his accreditation as she is confirming to her own rulebook for a Friendship School. The Councilor warns her that her plans are sure to fail. 



Edited by Ganondox
  • Brohoof 6
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I think this is the most logical timeline. I like your idea of the origin of Ponehenge.

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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Looks good to me. The only things I have different thoughts on are Starlight’s age, I think she’s likely a couple years younger than Twilight, but a couple years doesn’t really make a difference.

The other was the founding of Starlight’s village. As we saw in the flashback with Maud, there were only a couple of houses there, and with more being built. We don’t know much about how Starlight founded her village, but with the timeframe that her village was being built sometime between season 4 ep18 and season 5 ep 1&2, I think it’s safe to say Starlight only led her village a matter of months, probably somewhere between 3-6. That would actually be one explanation for why her villagers forgave her, she wasn’t in charge very long, in fact they lived in the village together without her longer than with her.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think the founding of ponyville should have been included, and the apple family, since they were an important part of the history


other than that, it looks great!



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5 hours ago, KrazyDashie said:

I think the founding of ponyville should have been included, and the apple family, since they were an important part of the history


other than that, it looks great!

Yes, I realize I forgot to include them after I finished writing the post, but I didn't want to fix all the numbers again. :P

  • Brohoof 2
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1 hour ago, Ganondox said:

Yes, I realize I forgot to include them after I finished writing the post, but I didn't want to fix all the numbers again. :P

fair enough :P 



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12 hours ago, ShootingStar159 said:

Looks good to me. The only things I have different thoughts on are Starlight’s age, I think she’s likely a couple years younger than Twilight, but a couple years doesn’t really make a difference.

The other was the founding of Starlight’s village. As we saw in the flashback with Maud, there were only a couple of houses there, and with more being built. We don’t know much about how Starlight founded her village, but with the timeframe that her village was being built sometime between season 4 ep18 and season 5 ep 1&2, I think it’s safe to say Starlight only led her village a matter of months, probably somewhere between 3-6. That would actually be one explanation for why her villagers forgave her, she wasn’t in charge very long, in fact they lived in the village together without her longer than with her.

I’ve always considered Starlight Glimmer to be older than the mane six, but it doesn’t make much of a difference, especially as cutie marks happen whenever  

Didn’t realize Maud Pie didn’t start going for her Rocktorate until after that episode, I double checked the transcript and you appear to be right, so I’ll need to adjust it. The village just strikes me as having been around for some time, as it’s pretty established by the time the main six get there. 

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20 minutes ago, Ganondox said:

I’ve always considered Starlight Glimmer to be older than the mane six, but it doesn’t make much of a difference, especially as cutie marks happen whenever  

Didn’t realize Maud Pie didn’t start going for her Rocktorate until after that episode, I double checked the transcript and you appear to be right, so I’ll need to adjust it. The village just strikes me as having been around for some time, as it’s pretty established by the time the main six get there. 

It certainly seems that’s way, but it might have only just gotten on its feet so to speak. It was doing well enough anyways that a few of the ponies started to really miss their Cutie marks.

And, yeah, Starlight’s age isn’t really important, there is just an air of naivety about her that makes me think of someone younger. Her bitterness and isolation would have made her grow faster than she was ready to, but at the same time she still has a very youthful idealism about her.

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4 minutes ago, ShootingStar159 said:

It certainly seems that’s way, but it might have only just gotten on its feet so to speak. It was doing well enough anyways that a few of the ponies started to really miss their Cutie marks.

And, yeah, Starlight’s age isn’t really important, there is just an air of naivety about her that makes me think of someone younger. Her bitterness and isolation would have made her grow faster than she was ready to, but at the same time she still has a very youthful idealism about her.

The whole cast is naive. Starlight Glimmer is still fairly young, just not as young as the mane six as far as I can tell. 

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Updated the list with the missing information about Ponyville, Maud position and Starlight's village being moved, some other miscellaneous things, and a ton of minor spelling and grammar corrections.

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Actually "Horse Play" shows that Starswirl was still present after the foundation of Equestria which would mean that the age of the Pillars occurs after the Unification.

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