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3 minutes ago, Rising Dusk said:

Wee bit tired.  Did work all weekend.

Boy, that sure sounds awful. "Wee bit tired" is a massive understatement. :sealed: I hope you're getting your time to rest now, you really have to take some rest after something as tedious as that. :please:

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1 minute ago, Twilight Luna said:

Hey, how’s it going? Not too bad here. A lazy and relaxing Sunday. Though I could do without the heat. It feels like it’s in the 90s here. :scoots:

It's going.  Take our rain, it should cool you off. 

Calling all WPCC pegasi!  We need weather transfer! :ph3ar:

4 minutes ago, The Recherche said:

Yes, I am~! I'm just doing everything I can to push forward now! :grin:

Since we're here, would you like a coffee, as per usual~?

Yes, please.  I need... all the coffee. :sealed:

Just now, Sliding Bolt said:

Busy. I'm actually sitting in a burger joint right now with a friend about to go fix a car. I see you're tired but Recherche's lounge coffee should remedy that. :mlp_smug:

Yes, always order from @The Recherche's Fabulous side of the menu. :nom:

Just now, Wannabrony said:

Boy, that sure sounds awful. "Wee bit tired" is a massive understatement. :sealed: I hope you're getting your time to rest now, you really have to take some rest after something as tedious as that. :please:

Nah little purple friend.  Now the normal work week starts.

Image result for mlp pat gif

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Just now, Sliding Bolt said:

I see you're tired but Recherche's lounge coffee should remedy that. :mlp_smug:

1 minute ago, Rising Dusk said:

Yes, please.  I need... all the coffee. :sealed:

I see that the signature in-house coffee here in the Lounge seems to be very popular, and it even works as a fatigue-reliever? :confused: What's the secret ingredient that's in it? :P 

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2 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

Yes, please.  I need... all the coffee. :sealed:

2 hours ago, Sliding Bolt said:

Busy. I'm actually sitting in a burger joint right now with a friend about to go fix a car. I see you're tired but Recherche's lounge coffee should remedy that. :mlp_smug:

Two signature Lounge Coffees coming up~! :proud:


  • Brohoof 1
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2 minutes ago, Wannabrony said:

I see that the signature in-house coffee here in the Lounge seems to be very popular, and it even works as a fatigue-reliever? :confused: What's the secret ingredient that's in it? :P 

I think it’s Luna’s secret blend. She’ll send us to the moon if we tell anyone. :lie:

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4 minutes ago, Rising Dusk said:

Nah little purple friend.  Now the normal work week starts.

 Image result for mlp pat gif

That sounds like the bitter icing on top of the already terrible cake. :scoots: Or the rotten cherry on the melted sundae. :wacko:

What I'm trying to say is... that's awful. I would have lost my sanity, I hope you actually get to take a small break soon. :kindness: 

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Just now, Twilight Luna said:

I think it’s Luna’s secret blend. She’ll send us to the moon if we tell anyone. :lie:

Wait, so, everyone here in the Lounge knows the recipe but me? :blink: Must be some fancy-secret-magic-spices of sorts. :P 

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1 minute ago, Wannabrony said:

That sounds like the bitter icing on top of the already terrible cake. :scoots: Or the rotten cherry on the melted sundae. :wacko:

What I'm trying to say is... that's awful. I would have lost my sanity, I hope you actually get to take a small break soon. :kindness: 

I had to have sanity to lose to begin with.

Image result for mlp crazy

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21 minutes ago, Rising Dusk said:

I had to have sanity to lose to begin with.

Image result for mlp crazy


Oh goodness, you might want to do a quick top-off on your sanity gauge, you seem tense. :adorkable:

21 minutes ago, The Recherche said:

Hush, guys and gals; @Alexshy might overhear us! :please:

So I am the only one who doesn't know... :sunny: 

  • Pfft. That's not possible, why would she do that? I'm part of the Lounge family too! Right?
  • How could she do such a thing to me?! This is insane. Are you kidding me right now?!
  • Just give me the recipe, please? Just quickly tell me what it is. I'll give you anything in return...
  • *sigh* I never get anything I want... I'm always late for everything, that's the reason I didn't get the recipe in the first place. It's like that, always...
  • Oh well, I'll be fine without the recipe.
Props to you if you got the reference
15 minutes ago, Rising Dusk said:

Then she'd actually have to come to the Lounge.  Risk Reward. :D

I must ask for the recipe and see if she'll let me on it if she comes around. :please: 

Edited by Wannabrony
Exaggerated anger and the other stages a bit more.
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6 minutes ago, Wannabrony said:

Oh goodness, you might want to do a quick top-off on your sanity gauge, you seem tense. :adorkable:

That's why I come here to hang out with you awesome ponies.

Image result for mlp trixie boop

3 minutes ago, Twilight Luna said:

Her Luna sense will be activated. :toldya:

This is why we repair for @Alexshy's arrival at all times.  Never know when she might stumble in. :proud:

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4 minutes ago, Rising Dusk said:

That's why I come here to hang out with you awesome ponies.

This is why we repair for @Alexshy's arrival at all times.  Never know when she might stumble in. :proud:

We thought it was to get a snuggle with your favorite purple pony. :mlp_smug:

Its important be prepared for the night princess’s arrival at all times. :D

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Just now, Twilight Luna said:

We thought it was to get a snuggle with your favorite purple pony. :mlp_smug:

Its important be prepared for the night princess’s arrival at all times. :D

Snuggles are always awesome. :wub:

Well I'm off to work.  All you amazing ponies for a great evening. 

Image result for mlp hug life

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9 minutes ago, Twilight Luna said:

We thought it was to get a snuggle with your favorite purple pony. :mlp_smug:


Is it not? :pout: 


7 minutes ago, Rising Dusk said:

Well I'm off to work.  All you amazing ponies for a great evening. 

Alrighty then, hopefully I'll see you soon again! :squee: 

3 minutes ago, Cash In said:

Morning lads. 


How are you? 


Heya Cash In! ^_^ I'm doing pretty well right now, my schedule is starting to get filled up again though. :please: 

How about you? :) 

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