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@Pr0m4NV14 @Battenberg

Summer awoke with a jolt when the voice over the speakers made an announcement: "All dinning cars will be closing in ten minutes. Please make your way to the overnight accommodations. Thank you."

"Oh sweet Celestia, how long was I in here?" Summer exclaimed to herself. She gathered her trash and headed back to where Mike and Victoria had been sitting. 


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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"Hmm?" Victoria was distracted, looking out of the window at Equestria shooting past remembering all the travels she'd been on with her father, seeing all the roads she had walked.

"Oh, I think she went to get something to eat."

@Pr0m4NV14 @SummerHaven

Seeing Summer return Victoria smiled,

"You've been gone a while, had something nice to eat?"




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@Battenberg @SummerHaven

Mike grinned at the arrival of their Unicorn friend. Hey, summer. I found the sleeper car.” With that, Mike picked up his bags and walked down the isle. “It’s not that far. Follow me!” He said. Outside, the sun set as the train sped down the rails towards the range known as the Crystal Mountains.

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@Pr0m4NV14 @Battenberg

"Sorry guys...I got a little uh distracted..." Said Summer, Embarrassed to admit she fell asleep. 

"But yes! I found the dinning car. Also I grabbed you guys a snack as well." She said reaching into her bag and pulling out a couple of muffins. "I hope you like blueberry!" She floated the muffins over to her two new friends. 

She then gathered her bags and followed Mike down the hallway. 


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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@Battenberg @SummerHaven

At the sleeper car, there were only a few compartments that were not taken. Four, to be exact.  Mike looked back at his two compatriots. “Well, I guess I will see you in the morning.0 He said, yawning before walking in and setting his bags under the bed. Soon Mike was drifting off to sleep, dreaming about pies.

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Thump. Thump.

Mike awoke with a start. The train wasn’t moving at all. Had they arrived already? He heard a compartment door close, and the sound of hoof steps near his door. When the sound went by, he peeked through a crack in the doorway. Outside was a Pony clad in a dark cloak with a bandana on it’s face. The unknown pony was slowly opening he door to what Mike thought to be Victoria’s room. Another cloaked pony carrying a large empty sack joined the first. “What are bandits doing here?” Mike thought to himself as he dug out Jennifer from one of his bags.

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@Pr0m4NV14 @Battenberg

Summer’s eyes shot open. She felt the cold metal floor of the train on her back; she must have rolled off the bed in her sleep. What she saw was what appeared to be an upside down view of Mike with his sword unsheathed. She could barely make out the silhouette in the darkness.

Summer yawned and rolled back onto her feet. “What’s going on?” She said at a standard audible volume, completely unaware of the situation.


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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Mike had to sheath Jennifer before he could answer. “Shh.” And in a low whisper. Mike continued. “I’m pretty sure the train has been captured. There are a couple of bandits out there.” Mike suddenly stopped talking. Somepony was right outside the compartment door. Whoever was out there was trying to get in past the crude barricade made from one of the conpartment’s desk chairs. The door banged. Whoever was out there was not going to give up, so Mimi’s said to Summer. “Follow me.” Before charging at the window and breaking through it to the outside of the car.

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Summer gasped at the news and then quickly covered her mouth with her hooves. As someone on the other side of the door started pounding to break in, she grabbed her pet in defense and crept to end of the bed in a pathetic attempt to hide. 

Mike signaled for her to follow, and he broke the the window with a loud shatter. The other ponies in their car awoke at the sudden commotion.

“They will certainly be after us now...” she thought, but she didn’t have a better idea herself.

She grabbed her saddle bag and tiptoed past the broken glass that surrounded Mike’s bed. The unicorn peaked out the window to see that the train had been stopped in its tracks. She didn’t recognize the land, so they must have made it past her hometown of Vanhoover. When she peared down, she saw that Mike was looking up at the window, waiting her to jump down. She gently lifted her pet with her magic through the opening and set him down outside next to her friend. 

”Well here goes.” Summer braced herself and lept through the hole in the window.


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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The first thing that Mike realized was that it was cold. He wished he had taken out some of his extreme weather gear. The Crystal mountains loomed over the stooped train. As Summer dropped to the ground by him. He heard the door break open. “This way!” He said, dashing towards the engine. Some yelling could be heard from the compartment. Mike hoped he could find the engineer and start up the train again. It would buy them some time.

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@Pr0m4NV14 @Battenberg

Immediately after Summer landed, Mike took off running alongside the train. She chased after him hoping he had some sort of plan.

”Where IS everypony? The train staff. If the train is stopped they must know what’s going on right?” She said as they were running.

Summer was terrified they would be captured by the bandits, but what worried her most was not knowing WHO was attacking them. She tried to put on her brave face, despite the knot that was forming in her stomach.

They galloped to the end of the train where the engine car was. Summer looked up at the daunting locomotive. She thought she could hear voices inside. 

Summer turned to Mike. “How are we going to get in without them noticing us?” 

Edited by SummerHaven


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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Mike thought for a second. “If we could... say, make a form of distraction, perhaps whoever is in there could leave?” He looked at summer with a hope-full look. back the sleeping compartment, a few cloaked bandits were conversing. They had most of the passengers tied up. Mike glanced back and quietly said to Summer. “You think Victoria is in there?” 

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“I sure hope not!” Summer said trying not to panic. “But if this plan works we will be able to get her out of there.” Summer stared at Mike for a moment until she realized SHE was supposed to be the distraction.

”Oh goodness, I hope they aren’t very smart.” She muttered awhile looking around. 

She spotted a large stick in the snow and snatched it up with her magic. 

“Ok tell me when you’re ready.” 


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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Mike leaned by the entrance door, so that when it opened, he would be hidden behind it. As he peeked into the window, he could see the engineer tied up. One of the bandits was in there interrogating her. The cloaked pony seemed to have something sharp in it’s mouth. With Jennifer untheathed, he gestured at Summer to do her thing.

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Summer trotted along to the back of the train, so that when they ran out it would give Mike an opening to enter. She then took the stick and started hitting the side of the train with it. The noise echoed against the metal causing a loud commotion. One of the figures walked over and opened the window. He stuck his head out and looked around to see where the noise was coming. 

The bandit immediately spotted Summer, who made no attempt to hide. 

"What is going on out here!" The bandit growled. Summer swallowed her fear, and throw the stick at the pony, hitting him in the face. 

"Why you little!" The angry pony huffed. "You fools let one escape! Get her! Now!" The said the pony who appeared to be in charge. 

@Pr0m4NV14 ( I'll leave it up to you if they all follow Summer or not) 



My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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@Battenberg @SummerHaven

A loud banging could be The Bandit burst through the locomotive door. "Now who the hell-The bandit fell to the floor as Mike sheathed his trusty blade. He was only knocked out, though. In the locomotive, the Engineer lay bound and gagged. "Alright... I'm here to rescue you." Mike said, working on the simple knot that tied the pegasus. It was a good thing that the bandit who he just knocked out was an Earth Pony as well. After freeing the engineer, Mike whispered in her ear, then started towards the rear of the train.


"You fools let one escape! Get her! Now!" Said the leader of the bandits. A group of the cloaked ponies flooded out of the car door towards summer.  Several of them were carrying blades.  Suddenly, the train's whistle blew, and the cars were moving slowly. 

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@Pr0m4NV14 @Battenberg

Summer took off running down the length of the train and lead the group away from where Mike would be entering. She hoped none of them were Pegasi, as one could easily outfly her running speed. She peeked over her shoulder to see how close they were. They were a good distance back, but she knew she couldn’t keep this up forever. She scanned the area for possible escape routes, and spotted a ladder leading to the top of the train. She looked back again to see the group were catching up. Summer waited until they were a bit closer and kicked some snow into their eyes to buy herself some time. She then raced over to the ladder and climbed up to the top of the train. She tried to duck down out of sight and gave herself a moment to catch her breath, which didn’t last long. She heard  the tapping of hooves against the metal and realized they were climbing up as well. 

Once the bandit’s head emerged into view with a dagger in his mouth, she knew she was running out of options. Below her, the train started to move which indicated that their plan was a success. This gave her a comforting feeling, which was interrupted when the bandit spoke.

”Nowhere left to run, missy!” 

She looked around helplessly and noted the distance to the next car over. She wasn’t sure she could make the jump, but the alternative didn’t exactly look appealing.

Summer psyched herself up, and much to the surprise of the bandits, leaped onto the next car over. 


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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@Pr0m4NV14 @SummerHaven

The bandits prepared to jump across in pursuit of Summer, though they were hesitant, put off by the size of the gap and the ever increasing speed of the locomotive. Before anyone could make a move the sound of galloping hoofsteps against the train's roof could be heard coming from behind them. Turning round the bandits were shocked to see Victoria charging at them, leaping from carriage to carriage effortlessly as she quickly gained on them. Leaping across the final gap she landed on top of one of the bandits pinning him to the ground. The other ponies moved towards their fallen comrade in an attempt to rescue him but as the first one reached Victoria he received a huge kick to the face, sending him flying straight off the roof of the train and into the snow below. 

The remaining bandits moved fast, wanting to avoid a similar fate, Victoria was able to kick another one off as well as knocking the one she had pinned unconscious, things seemed to be going well but before she could react two of the bandits had jumped on her back, pinning her down and preventing her from using her earth pony strength any longer. Victoria squeaked in pain as the bandits put all their weight on her and pulled at her long mane, she looked across at Summer pleadingly, requiring some assistance. 




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@Pr0m4NV14 @Battenberg

As Summer made her jump, she stumbled as she landed on the other train car and fell onto the hard metal. She braced herself, fully expected to the bandits to be on her at any moment. Instead she heard the sounds of a struggle from behind her. 

Summer turned around just in time to see Victoria kick one of the bandits over the side of the train. She was overjoyed at the sight of Victoria, but the poor mare was outnumbered nevertheless. Two of the bandit ponies had jumped on her back and pinned her down. 

Summer knew she had to do something to help her. She used her levitation magic to pull one of the ponies off of Victoria. The bandit squirmed around in surprise at what just happened. Unsure of what to do, Summer floated him over the side of the train and dropped him into the snow. She then used the last of her energy to jump back to the other car and headbutted the other pony off of Victoria. Summer’s horn jabbed into the pony’s side causing him to flinch in pain. This left an opening for Victoria to finish the job. 

Edited by SummerHaven


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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@SummerHaven @Battenberg

Mike was down below removing the bonds that were on the passengers. Several of the bandits were piled at one end of the car, unconscious. Unfortunately the leader and Victoria were nowhere to be found. As Mike untied the last of the passengers, there was a THUMP and something fell past the window. Looking back, one of the cloaked ponies was in the snowbank was getting smaller as the train sped past. In a short time, the train would make it to the Crystal Empire and the authorities could handle this. 


The bandit leader struggled to the top of the passenger car. On the far end, there was quite the scuffle. The bandit leader chuckled to himself. Those two ponies were easy prey. With a curved blade, the leader advanced as everything went dark, due to the train entering a tunnel.

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@Pr0m4NV14 @Battenberg

Summer was panting in exhaustion as their fight with the mob of bandits came to an end. 

“As much as I’d love to celebrate,” Summer looked around, “we really need to find a way down from here.” The train was picking up speed, unaware of the two ponies standing on the roof. Summer tried to anchor herself as a gust of wind nearly sent her flying off the train. 

“Thankfully Mike took care of the leader of those goons so we shouldn’t have to worry about-“

Suddenly everything went pitch black as they sped into a tunnel. Summer ignited her horn illuminating the their surroundings with a soft yellow glow.

”That should help a bit. What are you looking at?” She said unaware of the armed pony sneaking up behind her.   


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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