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open The Island Of Doom

Scare Effect

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The E.S.S Mariana was a large Steam Ship that held three hundred ponies on board from lower class families seeking a new start to Upper class individuals like Magicka Dust who are coming home from a business trip. Magicka looked out the window thinking about what she learned during her expedition into the Zebrica ruins, she sighed as she turns away from the window and looks at her room which is too big for one pony. "I don't understand why the company would be so adamant about me being in first class anyway. I would happily give this room to one of those many families below deck," She says to herself as she grabs a dusty old tome she found in the ruins and walked out of her room and went to the deck to do some reading in the sun.

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added ship type and changed name


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Onboard the E.S.S Marina was a lean, brown Earth Pony with a messy tan mane. This particular Earth Pony was named Mike McGuffin. He was standing in the cargo hold next a few crates. He was hired to guard them on the trip back, as they were ancient artifacts, such as pottery and jewels. “I sure hope that I could get to examine these when we get back to shore.” He said, to nobody in particular, as he was the only one in there. Mike couldn’t resist the allure of what mysteries could be solved from these artifacts, so (after a breif look around to see if any crew were in the cargo hold with him.)he took a peek into one of the crates.

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In the crate Mike opened was an amulet with a shadow of a mysterious animal that began to glow.


On the deck sat Magicka who was enjoying reading the tome that apparently was a collection of olden folk lore and legends, a typical find but still an enjoyable read. then she felt something like a cold chill running up her back,What in the wide world of magic was that? She asks herself looking around she then noticed pitch black storm clouds forming over the ship and the ocean around the ship started to bubble. Not wanting the tome to get ruined by the rain or ocean water so she cast a simple waterproofing spell on the book to preserve it, that is when the ship began to shake violently.

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@Scare Effect

Mike looked at the amulet that he removed from the crate. It had a silloutette of a monstrous... thing. As he wiped some dirt off of the face of the amulet, it started glowing. As the ship started to shake violently Mike noticed the storm clouds outside. “Oh, $&@!”  He yelled as boxes rained down, blocking the stairs to the deck. Mike drew his sword, Jennifer, and started hacking away at the boxes. “Hopefully that wasn’t anybody’s valuable belongs.” He thought to himself as he climbed up the stairs. On the deck, it was chaos. Lots of pony families from all classes were heading towards the already crowded lifeboats.  Suddenly, a massive tremor shook the boat, and knocked a lot of the ponies down, Mike included. As Mike ragained focus, he saw a massive scaled appendage rise from the water...

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Magicka froze in terror at the sight of a massive tail rising from the water and started wrapping around the bow and held the ship in place while two massive claws rose from the Ocean and latched onto the sides and ripped the ship in two. Magicka was flung into the air and landed in the cold sea, her ancient tome thrown from her grasp she surfaced surrounded by several ponies all screaming and splashing. Magicka started to panic she's read enough about the ocean to know what the screaming and splashing might attract. suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her leg as something bit her and dragged her under the surface she struggled against what ever had its jaws on her legs was massive and fast the water was starting to get colder she knew that if she didn't do anything she would be dead in seconds so thinking quickly she used a blinding flash spell it startled the creature enough for it to release it's grip on her. Quickly she rushed to the surface but before she reached the surface her vision started to fade. before she lost consciousness she felt some pony pull her to the surface of the water.


taking a few breathes she looked around for the pony who helped her only to see ocean and a wooden door floating around. using her magic she grabbed the door and pulled it towards herself, climbed onto the door and passed out from exhaustion.

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@Scare Effect

Mike awoke from unconscious on a gravely shore of an island. His head really hurt. He probably had a concussion. Wreckage and driftwood was strewn all over the place. “Where am I?” He thought to himself as he recollected his thoughts. He remembered the creature snapping the ship in half as if it were a strand of spaghetti. As he was flung from the deck into the oddly icy water, there was suddenly a  bright flash. Diving below the water, Mike found a black Unicorn struggling to get to the surface as a large reptilian maw was descending. Mike gave the Unicorn a big push to get her above. Mike resurfaced a few metres away and heard an explosion. He heard something whistling toward him and everything went black.

Having collected himself, Mike noticed a book laying open. The book looked really old, and was strangely not ruined by the seawater. The words, however, were in a strange language. Mike sighed and put the book into his saddlebag. Perhaps someone who survived could read it. As Mike started off along the shore to find another survivor, he felt the lack of the familiar weight on his left side. Jennifer was gone.

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Magicka awoke the sound of waves crashing against a large rock off the shore she washed up on. getting up off the door she was laying on proved difficult, then she winced when she applied pressure to her right hind leg. Looking at her leg she noticed a several deep gashes in her leg and from the looks of the wounds whatever bit her was reptilian in nature and big but not nearly as big as whatever tore the boat in two. Looking around the beach she noticed several items from the wreck scattered across the beach, and her eyes landed on a very familiar saddle bag it was dark purple like her coat with her duality cutie mark printed on it, igniting her horn she brought the bag over to where she was and opened it up, Inside she found a sealed bottle of ink, her Expedition journal which is soaking wet, a few quills, a scarf and a very expensive set of medical supplies she's never had to use before.

Looking through the medical supplies she pulls out a small roll of gauss bandages in a plastic bag, disinfectant spray, a bottle of a glowing liquid and a syringe. using her magic she spayed her wounds with disinfectant and wrapped it with gauss. next came her least favorite part to say she had a fear of needles is an understatement, she removed the cap from the bottle and filled the syringe with the healing liquid about one third of the way up then injected herself with it. The pain from her wound disappeared completely as the medicine kicked in. Now able to stand she looked around noting that her bag may have been the only thing worth salvaging then she something gleaming in the water caught her eye, looking out to the ocean she spotted a sword with a blue and gold scabbard stuck on an out cropping of the large rock off the shore. Noting that a blade could prove useful but before she went to go retrieve it a large scaly head popped up out of he water its eyes just visible, She sighed and put the saddle on her back, she then used her magic to pull out her soaked Expedition Journal and used the Good as New restoration spell she learned from her mother. one the book was magically restored to an empty journal she pulled out a quill and her sealed bottle of ink and quick sketched the area she was in on the front page and wrote down Sword Rock on that section of her makeshift map.

Once done she put everything away and started wandering the beach looking for survivors.

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missing a word


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@Scare Effect 

The driftwood was surprisingly dry. Mike sat in front of the fire he made out of some planks and bits of a chair. He was hoping to send some smoke signals to whoever else was stranded on that darned island. He would’ve scavenged the deeper waters for supplies, but if he want far enough, those creatures from that earlier moment with the Unicorn would start slithering towards him. He was very disturbed to find that they had a second, smaller mouth inside the main one, which was lined with teeth on all sides, not unlike the common  lamphery eel. Mike came to the brilliant conclusion that the first, outer mouth was for trapping prey, and the second, inner mouth was for the consumption of said prey. Mike McGuffin sighed, and looked longingly at a tree of bananas. As he went to get a closer look, he heard a buzzing sound, and found that a particularly large species of orange wasp had burrowed into the fruit and was eating it from the outside. He knew he had to find food somewhere...

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 Magicka couldn't believe how quickly the sun set as she started walking through the dark, she would be using her horn but she knows from several expeditions that in an unknown landscape try avoid attracting unwanted attention to yourself so she walked silently walked through the darkness until she spotted the silhouette of a pony walking along the tree line Magicka was gonna keep walking when she noticed something in the trees following the pony. She quickly ran towards the pony who was unaware of their stalker, as she drew closer the pony turned toward the sound of her hoof steps and in that second the creature attack only to be blinded by Magicka's Flash bang spell that illuminated the creature revealing it to be some kind of mongoose with huge fangs and claws, then A loud bang sounded scaring the hunter off. She turned to the pony who turned out to be a light brown earth pony stallion who she may have accidentally temporarily blinded during her so called rescue.

"Hey are you okay sir?" She asked the Stallion while keeping an ear out for any more of those mongoose things.


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@Scare Effect

Mike heard a loud bang behind him. There was that black Unicorn from before! Through the ringing of his ears he faintly heard the phrase “H.. are y.. ok.y si.?” Mike waited a moment for his hearing to return, which took a few seconds longer than hey expected, probably due to that concussion from earlier. “Y-yeah, I think I’m fine.” Said Mike. The Unicorn seemed well equipped with a large saddlebag, and she looked like she knew a thing or two about this place.  Mike glanced back at his small campsite and said “I set up a fire back there.  It is really warm, and by the looks of it, nightime will be upon us. Mike then gestured to the Unicorn to take the lead.

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"I guess your right," She said walking toward the smell of smoke though she still kept listening out for any signs of those monsters.


Once at the campsite the sun has completely set surrounding the two ponies in darkness save for the stallion's fire, setting her bag down and laying near the fire to warm up her horn ignited and pulled her journal out and began to add to the map she started. once finished she looked at the Stallion and wrote something down in her journal. closing it and putting it back in the bag.

"Sorry for the silence on the way here, anyway my Name is Magicka Dust," She introduced herself to the stallion. "What's your name?"


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@Scare Effect

Mike looked Magicka, then replied “Oh, my name is Mike. Mike McGuffin, if you are feeling formal.” He pushed some more wood into the fire and looked back at the black Unicorn. He took a quick glance at her cutie mark, and with a slight flush of jealousy, realized how cool it looked. “I found this old book when I woke up. It seems to be written in some weird language, though. Do you think you could take a peek at it?” Suggested Mike, removing the book from his plain, brown saddlebag and offering it to Majicka.

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With a gasp she grabbed the book from Mike with her magic and smiled down at the book  then looking up at Mike. "of course I can translate it, which is what I was doing before that thing attacked the ship." she explains before opening the book and read the title aloud. "The Legend of The Shadow Isle and The Gate Keepers," She paused  then looked at Mike. "Umm I think this tome maybe talking about this Island," She suggested to Mike before she read more of the tome then she looked to Mike. "Here is gonna be a weird question but how good are you with a sword?"


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@Scare Effect

Mike quizzically  looked at Magicka Dust “That's quite specific, but I am good with anything up to the size of an average broadsword.” Mike yawned slightly before saying “It’s best to hit the hay till’ morning. I have some dried food in my bag, if you are feeling hungry” Mike then laid down next to the fire and began to doze off...

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Magicka looked at the sleeping stallion for a little bit before she flipped to an entry she read earlier, Shadow ward the page read it was a magic ward that made you invisible to monsters of the night, using a piece of drift wood she made a Zebrish magic circle around the camp site speaking quickly in a strange dialect before a light purple magic field surrounded them. Letting out a yawn she closed her eyes and went to sleep.




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@Scare Effect

Mike awoke with a start. On a rock in front of him was a small crab sunning itself. Mike wondered if he could eat it, but he dismissed the thought.  Mike glanced at Magicka, who was still sleeping. Magicka’s saddlebag was open, with a sort of map on it. Mike took the map and his heart almost skipped a beat. There was a drawing of a rock, with a sword stuck in it. It was labeled “Sword rock” Making sure the fire still had plenty of fuel, he set off.

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Magicka woke with a start, looking around she realized she was alone seeing that her bag was open and her map was on sloppily put back. noting her companion said he was good with a sword and the fact there are only two locations on her map she grabbed her bag and ran toward sword rock hopeful he is not dumb enough to try to get it with one of those carnivorous reptiles guarding it.


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@Scare Effect

Mike walked to the area that Majicka’s map said a sword was.  There Jennifer was, lodged inbetween two boulders a bit away from the shore. “Here goes nothing.” He  muttered to himself, and jumped on bits of rubble, caring not to touch the water, lest that thing with the two mouths he in there. Finally he made it, and he tried pulling Jennifer out. “HRGNNG!” Mike couldn’t pull it out, it was stuck to firmly. If only he had something to use as a lever.

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Magicka Spotted mike crossing the water way unknown to him after each rubble he touched and leapt off of it was immediately dragged under by those aquatic nightmares and made a muffled crunch as the wreckage was crushed by the twin jaws of the monster. Magicka approached the beach and used her magic to grab the book from her bag, she began flipping through it looking for any mention of the creature, Nothing so it seems she needs to get rid of this monster somehow for Mike to get back. she tried to think of something that is when she heard a light hum sound followed by high pitch clicks. Looking around her for the noise maybe it was another monster, she didn't want to save mike only to put him in more danger.

She realized the sound was coming underneath her when she felt something slimy touch her right foreleg looking down she was greeted by a small transparent pink blob with manta ray wings latched onto her. "AAAHHH!!!" She screamed as she tried shaking the thing off this only tightened it's grip, then in desperation to be free from the creature she pulled it with her magic only for it to stretch with her magic with a sigh of defeat she let go of the stubborn blob of goo. I returned my attention to trying to getting that beast away from Mike, great so there are three now circling the rock.


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@Scare Effect

Mike wrenched Jennifer from the rocks, and one of the bolders fell of the the rock, making a platform to shore, unfortunately, that’s when the Two-motuthed cretures started climbing up the rocks on their stubby, clawed feet. Mike strapped the sword in it’s scabbard to his belt, and drew it. With a loud SHWICK! One of the creatures fell off the rock flailing. Mike jumped on to the new platform only to have his leg caught by one of the unharmed creatures. The inner mouth was biting at his leg repeatedly. With a sword quick glance to the shore, he saw Magicka Dust staring at him.

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Magicka ran to the water's edge without thinking she knew that if creature drags him into the water he would most certainly die. When she put her right foreleg into the salty water the pink blob began to grow and grow until it filled in the gap between the shore and the rock, then it let out a bright flash of light that stunned the monsters attacking Mike and forced the one holding his leg to let go before it followed it's brethren back into the sea. Magicka looked at the now large pink blob who dimmed its lights on the surface, She touched the large creature and was surprised to feel it firm up for her to walk. Seeing this she ran across the creature's back to the rock where she found Mike with a bleeding leg with several bite marks similar to what she had. deciding it would be best to take the stallion to shore before patching him up after struggling to lift the stallion up she decided using her magic would be the best bet. She once again crossed the strangely helpful blob to the shore once her hooves touched the sand she felt something squishy on her back. not caring about it she started pulling out her medical supplies to patch up his wounds.


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@Scare Effect

Mike was free! He felt like he had his leg shoved through a cider-maker. He looked at Magicka Dust, who was pulling medical supplies out of her saddlebag. Mike decided to let her wrap up his leg, but then he noticed a syringe full of a glowy substance. “You’re not going to stick that... stuff in me, are you?” Mike really didn’t trust healing magic that much.

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"Hey don't be a baby Mike," Magicka took the Disinfectant and sprayed the wound, then she took the Gauss bandages and wrapped it up, then she grabbed the Syringe. "Don't worry I it is only a natural healing potion that I learned how to make from a Zebra Shaman okay, nothing dangerous," Magicka said sticking Mike with the needle and injecting it. "There was that so bad?"


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@Pr0m4NV14 @Scare Effect

Mike felt a harsh sting, then a warmth as the potion started to take effect. “I got Jennifer back, so we can start making a shelter if it starts to rain.” Mike though a bit then added “I’m not sure about the food though. I saw a crab when I woke up. Do you think we could eat crab?” Then, on a whim,Mike took out a compass from his saddlebag. “Here. It might help with your map.”

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Magicka grabbed the compass from Mike before giving him a very angry look. "Next time you want to go some where don't go alone okay that is survival 101," She stated angrily before using her magic to grab the pink blob that hopped onto her back and put him in her bag. "And no we cannot eat crabs we're herbivores meaning we can't eat meat," she explained to the stallion before taking out her map and looked at the compass and jotted down the coordinates of Sword Rock.


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