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open The Island Of Doom

Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

Mike quickly said “Well, we do eat eggs in our baked goods! Besides desperate times call for desperate- oh never mind.”  Mike decided that it was no use arguing with the mare. Mike wondered how she knew so much about that book. “Say, why were you on that boat?” Asked Mike as he sheathed Jennifer.

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"Well I was returning home after an expedition into a newly uncovered section of jungle in Zebrica," Magicka explained as she put away her map and the compass. "we can talk more when we have a shelter and I suggest we make it near a water source," Magicka suggested as she looked inland taking note of the several mountain capped in ice. "I know a few basic building spells but other than that I guess we have a long walk ahead of us huh."


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@Scare Effect

Mike Looked around, and saw a large river running through the beach in the distance. "Do you reckon that river over there would be a good water source? It's flowing into the sea, so it ought to be freshwater." Mike also knew that the dried food in his pack was not enough to sustain them both indefinitely. "Besides, I have got Jennifer now, I could cut down some trees for shelter." Mike said, gesturing to his trusty sword, which was a bit chipped from attacking the creature's hard scales and years of other work. Mike's leg was still sore, but he was not going to complain out loud, lest he would get chastised again. "I wonder if unicorns could read thoughts..." He mumbled quietly to himself.

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Magicka looked at the stallion and sighed when he pointed out the tree cutting thing. "I suggest against cutting down trees at the moment, They might house more creatures and I would hate to attract more attention of predators," She explained before she closed her eyes to think before she said aloud. "I need stone," She said to Mike, "I can use a basic spell to form a house of stone which is safer than a house of wood," She turned to the stallion to hear his thoughts on the stone house.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Gale gave a light groan as she woke on a stretch of beach of some random island. slowly standing as a way of testing whether or not she had any internal injuries. Thankfully, that was not the case, though she doubted that there was any land that she could fly to in her current state. The dragoness would have to make due with what she could find on the island, and with that in mind, she slowly walked along the shore, appreciating the warm sand under her paws.

. As for how she had gotten here, that was a story in of itself. It essentially boiled down to her wanting a vacation and a chance to see the world, so she had acquired tickets to the Mariana. Unfortunately, she had been in her room when the storm had come and had been subjected to the ocean when the vessel went down. How she had gotten to the island, she didn't know, but she was alive.

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@Scare Effect

Mike looked doubtfully at the few large rocks on the beach. “All right. I’ll make a sled and go gather some rocks.” Mike found a large slab of wreckage, possibly the end of a table, and gouged two holes to tie a rope through. “I need a rope. Hmm” He muttered to himself. As Mike was looking around for rope, he saw a figure far away. It didn’t look like a pony so he called out to Magicka. “I think we have company!”

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Magicka looked in the direction Mike pointed in and what she saw was a thin reptile like creature sitting in the sand it was dressed in bones and atop it's head was two fins that reached it's back and in it's left claw was a spear. "Um Mike I think we should run," Magicka said to the stallion as three more joined the first.


@Drago Ryder

Unknown to the Dragoness she was being watched by eight of the smaller reptiles who were hidden in the trees.


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@Scare Effect

Mike tried to keep up with Magicka, but it was very hard to do so. He was slightly amazed at how fast the Unicorn ran. Behind them, a large party of the lizard creatures were chasing them. “Magicka!  Look out!” In front of the Unicorn was another lizard creature. Mike sprinted in front of Magicka and drew Jennifer. In a flash, the lizard creature was headless. Mike tried is best to wipe the bodily fluids from his face. “Well, would you look at that. They’re leaving!” Exclaimed Mike. Indeed, the Lizard folk were running away, screaming. “Hey, they are like lizard tribesmen. Why not call them the Lizal Tribe?” He said to Magicka Dust, with a grin.

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Gale thought she heard something move within the brush of the forest to her left, but she figured that it was just some wild animal looking for food. Having said that, she could easily defend herself should it prove to be hostile. The dragoness then looked out to the sea and felt her stomach churn from hunger. She hadn't exactly eaten anything, and there was no telling how long she was unconscious. "Food first, then I can find something to drink." With that in mind, the dragoness walked into the water and began to look for the telltale shadows of fish.

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with a sigh of relief with the lizard tribe gone, that quickly brought to mind something she read in the book. An isle of darkness illuminated by a thousand eyes, "Um mike I think we might want to keep moving more might be on their way," She said nervously looking at the stallion.


@Drago Ryder 

while Gale was looking for fish, the eight hunters watched curious about the strange creature they never seen before. Their curiousness was changed to fear as something emerged from the brush wearing a cloak of leaves was another lizard it was smaller than the others about a meter tall, it's eyes were white and it's face covered by a mask of wood. it sat down on the warm sand and watched the dragoness hunt for fish.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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After a few minutes, Gale could see a faint shadow in the shallows and dove forward, water spraying into the air. When she resurfaced, she had a moderately sized fish within her jaws and quickly bit it in two, one half sliding down her throat while the other fell into the sea. Not wanting it to go to waste, the dragoness finished her relatively small meal and turned back to shore. What she wasn't expecting was to see a figure on the sand watching her. Knowing that they could've attacked her wasn't exactly appealing, but now she was a bit curious about the island.. "I guess they probably live here.

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@Scare Effect

Mike glanced around. “So, do you think anyone else survived?” He questioned the Unicorn. The tide was coming in, and that meant that they could not stay on the beach for long, lest the Chomp-Bites, (a name given to the two-mouthed creatures  by Magicka Dust) Attack them. Mike also wondered where the Lizal Tribe was situated, so he could make sure that people stayed the hell away. The blood on his face dried and caked his coat, which annoyed him. “Hey, look!” Mike suddenly explaimed, trotting towards a fruit tree. “Food! And the wasps haven’t gotten to them yet!”

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"There is a strong possibility there might be others who survived," Magicka Answered his question before using her magic to remove the blood from mike's coat once he was cleaned. "the blood will act as a homing beacon for predators," She explained to the stallion while grabbing two banana's giving one to mike and she ate the other.


@Drago Ryder

the small cloaked lizard hopped to it's hind claws and ran off down the beach it stopped then looked at gale and gestured for the dragoness to follow. it stood there waiting for the dragoness it's white eyes scanning her waiting for a reaction


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Gale tilted her head out of curiosity as she watched the figure run down the beach, noticing that they wanted her to follow suit. Against her better judgement, the dragoness moved out of the ocean and onto the beach, water sliding off midnight black scales as she did so. Gale then moved towards the figure, not wanting to possibly anger them.

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@Scare Effect

The Banans were very delcisous, sweeter than a banana that he could get back at home. “Oh, man! These are so good!” He said with his mouth full. After wolfing down the rest of his banana, he noticed that Magicka’s saddlebag was ajar slightly.  “What’s that gooey thing?” Mike asked.

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She stopped eating her banana and grabbed the pink blob from her bag and gave it the rest of her banana which it ate with a happy hum. "I don't know what it is but it seems attached to me for whatever reason,"  she answers Mike as she looked at the pink blob who finished the banana. "But since I don't know what it is, I suggest we call it a Tularay jelly," she suggested before something dressed in leaves ran passed Sword rock and into the forest. "um I think there maybe something following us in the woods,"


@Drago Ryder

Noting the dragon was following it the cloaked reptile ran down the beach some more and waited only to run off again. it repeated the process until it was by Sword rock where it ran into the trees and vanished without a trace.


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Gale had been following the lizard for the last few miles when she had seen it go into the forest by some stone formation. The dragoness had also noticed two ponies by said monument. Now, while she didn’t exactly have the best experiences when it came to ponies, she figured that it would be worth a shot to actually try to communicate with them. What she was not expecting, however, was to have a sword at her throat. “Easy. I’m not going to kill you.” 

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@Pr0m4NV14@Drago Ryder

Magicka face hoofed then used her magic to pick mike up and moved him away from the dragon before he decided to get aggressive. "Hello there my name is Magicka Dust and my jumpy friend here is named Mike," She introduced herself and mike to the dragoness though she was curious about the dragon she was also worried that the thing cloaked in leaves was but she didn't say anything about it. "So how did you find us?" she asked curious.



(Okay I think we need to talk in the ooc to fix somethings that are getting off track okay before we continue)

Edited by Scare Effect


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Gale simply gave a light shrug. “I guess I got lucky. I just remember waking up here about half an hour ago and I sort of kept wandering around.” The dragoness figured it’d be best to not tell them the whole truth, not really knowing if she could trust them. “My name is Gale, by the way.”

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Mike felt a little guilty about almost killing possibly the only other survivor of the shipwreck, he stayed silent and tried to hide himself behind Magicka Dust. He looked in his bag for something to use as an apology, and he pulled out the Tularay Jelly. “Oh.” He mumbled.

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@Drago Ryder@Pr0m4NV14

Magicka sighed before smiling. "well it's nice to meet you Gale," she said before turning to Mike who was holding the little pink ball of goo. she pulled the little creature off of mike and put it back in her bag and closed it.

in the trees the Cloaked Lizard smiled before disappearing with the breeze.


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Gale gave a slight nod and smile. “It’s nice to meet you too. I’m glad I’m not the only one here.” The dragoness had noticed the creature that Magika had out in her bag, but figured that it was nothing important. “I assume you two haven’t found anything of interest?”

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@Scare Effect @Drago Ryder

Mike suddenly perked up. “I found a book! Magicka has it in her bag.” Mike looked around and added (In a low voice.) “There is also a very hostile tribe of lizard-creatures.”  Mike sheathed Jennifer, and looked at the newcomer. “Were you on that boat too?”

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@Pr0m4NV14  @Drago Ryder

Magicka decided to inform the dragoness of some of the things they have found, "Well the Island is surrounded by Crunch Bites, a really big two mouthed reptile and there are some kind of nocturnal predator in the forest and just as mike says there is an aggressive tribe on the island," She finished her explanation and used her magic to bring her journal out to jot down something then she returned the journal back to her bag.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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