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open The Island Of Doom

Scare Effect

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As Gale entered the cave, she turned to glance at the sunset and the stars that were revealed. “I wonder how long it’ll be until someone notices we’re gone. The ship sinking will probably be noted, and somepony will probbaly find this island.” The thought helped to ease the dragoness’ nerves, and she began to breathe a stead stream of fire on the stone under her. It would act as a bed while also keeping her warm, and it wasn’t long before the dragon curled into a ball, tired from the days activites. The last thing she saw was the black sky above.

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Mike awoke with a start. It was still dark out, but it was strangely dry.  His leg throbbed, as there was a large wound on his leg, which was bleeding. “How did that get there?” Mike pondered. He did a double-take “Oh crap!” Mike was going to bleed out. Using his scarf, he tied it around his leg. It was clean enough, and would work as a bandage. Mike pulled it tight and let the scarf out of his mouth. There was a scuttling noise, and suddenly a large mongoose-like creature attacked him. It’s large eyes gleamed in the dim light of his dieing fire. Mike tried to get Jennifer out, but the creature was on top of him. With a quick kick, the monster slammed against the wall and Mike advanced , armed with Jennifer. With a quick SWICK! the mongoose creature lie dead in two pieces. Mike pulled Jennifer away from the dead monster only for two more to jump at him from behind. Mike swung his trusty blade and lopped of the head of the first, and with a STAB!, the monster was impaled. Mike removed his sword with a !BATS and sheathed her. Mike was covered in the mobster’s blood. He would have to find a spring or something to wash up in, but he would also need to be easy on his leg for a while. Mike grabbed one of the still burning wood peices for a light, and set off.

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at the cave opening where Gale slept four pairs of eyes looked at the dragoness as she slept. after what appears to be hours one stepped closer hesitant to approach the dragon, this unlucky creature was slimmer and smaller than the others it seemed to be a different gender than the ones seen before. the female Lizal looked over Gale with curiosity, though jumping back every time the bigger creature moved.


Magicka slept in the cave surrounded by her invisibility ward she drawn in the dirty cave floor.


Temptra watched Mike as he ran off with a smile before vanishing with the wind.


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Gale might’ve shifted somewhat in her sleep, but she didn’t wake up. She was happily dreaming of flying through a clear sky above sprawling grasslands, unaware of the fact that she was being watched by things that could potentially kill her.

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@Drago Ryder

The lizal backed away from the dragoness and spoke something to the other three who moved away from the entrance and stood guard outside. the one in the cave looked at the dragoness one last time before walking out and joining the others.


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The scent of the lizal, at least for Gale, was enough to make the dragoness sneeze slightly. As a result, she slowly woke up and tried to stand. The darkness that consumed her temporary lodgings indicated that the sun had yet to rise, but that didn’t mean that something else wasn’t in the cave with her. “Who’s there?” 

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Mike wandered through the thick forest. He had to keep going slowly, as his leg started to hurt. It was a good thing that he had bandaged it while he could. His torch was almost out, only giving a very faint light, just enough to see a couple of metres in front of him. In the distance, Mike heard what sounded like a waterfall. Heading towards the noise, off the stony path, mike failed to notice the members of the Lizal Tribe following him.

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the lizals followed the stallion closely but not too close they knew well enough to avoid getting too close for they have orders to keep him alive until sunrise.


the female Lizal heard the dragoness callout whose there, She was tempted to say something but a firm claw grabbed her and threw her into the cave  where she landed on the dragoness before the a loud bang that started a cave in that blocked the entrance.


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Gale’s eyes widened when she found herself pinned by a rather large weight, and the sound of the cave mouth collapsing echoed through the chamber. “Can I just have a simple vacation?” The dragoness then pushed the thought to the back of her mind as she turned to glance to what had fallen on her, and was surprised when she found a large lizard on top of her. “Ummm, hi.”

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hearing the dragoness the Lizal got off of the dragon quickly before trying to run off deeper into the cave to only find it didn't lead anywhere except to a dead end. Now trapped the lizal turned to look at the dragon with fear. 


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Gale tilted her head and felt her ear plates fatten against her head. She wasn’t exactly trying to scare the poor thing, but it seemed that she had that effect on them. “I’m not going to eat you. You don’t have to be afraid of me.” Her voice was gentle, much like that of a mother’s. At the very least, she was hoping to calm the other occupant of the cave before she used uo the oxygen they had. The dragoness then turned her attention to the cave mouth and tried to find a way to break it down without having the rocks collapse onto her. “I wonder if whoever closed this off will come back.”

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Mike reached the source of the running water. It was indeed, a waterfall, that was at the top of. The water also seemed to come out of an underground spring, so it was no use washing up. Mike sighed. “If only I knew where Magicka went, they could regroup and make a better shelter. Suddenly, Mike’s leg flared up in agony! Was the mongoose creature venomous? Unable to get back up, Mike writhed on the ground, calling out. “Any pony? Arg! Hello?” What a predicament he was in.

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@Drago Ryder

The Lizal calmed down a little noticing the bigger dragon seemed to not have any ill intentions toward the reptile. Curious about what happened she walked toward the rocks covering the exit. she tried to move one but it wouldn't budge, letting out a defeated chirp.



Magicka awoke with a start. did I hear Mike yelling? The dark purple unicorn thought hopping to her hooves she ran out of her cave and nearly ran into three Lizal who seemed different. confused by this the three reptiles who waved for Magicka to follow


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Gale looked at the smaller reptile and felt a slight frown cross her lips. “It’ll be fine. We just need to work from the top down.” The dragoness then glanced at the top of the pile of stone and could feel her flame begin to build in her chest. It would use up oxygen, but it was the best bet at clearing away the rubble if there wasn’t an alternate path.

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Mike awoke with a sudden jolt of pain. “Argh!” He moaned, as the intense throbbing in his leg seemed to be getting worse. Had he blacked out? He was’nt sure where he was, or what the time was. It was still dark. Mike tried looking around. A sudden wave of nausea and pain washed over him. His makeshift bangle was soaked through with a purple-ish substance, and his leg was swollen. There was no way he was getting up. He still had Jennifer, and it was just as drenched with Mongoose-Monster blood as the rest of him. He called out again. “Hello? Is anypony out- Argh!” His call was cut short by a gasp of pain, before Mike slipped back into unconsciousness.

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Magicka followed the Lizals, curious of where their leading her but she heard what sounded like mike yelling again so she ran towards the sound of yelling until she found mike near a waterfall where he lay bleeding.


The female Lizal watched the dragoness curious of what she was doing.


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The fireball that was launched out of Gale’s mouth struck the stones higher up on the pile, causing some to fall to the ground. The dragoness then let out a lepight sigh as she felt cold air brush over her scales from the outside environment. The hole itself was just large enough for the lizali spto slip through, but the dragoness didn’t know if she could move the stones on the lower levels with just fire.

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Mike found himself on the deck of the E.S.S. Mariana. Was he dreaming? There were plenty of ponies looking out of the water. Suddenly, there was a rumbling. To his left, the port hatch burst open, and out  stumbled... Himself? As he watched the past him run out to the deck, he felt a slight nudging, before coming back to consciousnesses with a pained gasp.

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the lizal saw the opening and quickly climbed the rocks only to stop at the opening. looking at the dragoness once more before crawling through the opening disappearing from sigh only for a second before she ran back into the cave looking scared followed by a large paw reaching into the cave trying to grab the lizard.


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Mike was awake now, but he hurt... A lot. “H-hello?” He called? He could see movement out the corner of his eye. Was there another pack those mongoose creatures after him? Mike struggled upright and shakily drew Jennifer. He was going to survive. Even though his leg burned again with he venom coursing though him, he slowly advanced forewords. His vision was blurry and his ears were ringing, but he moved towards the movement. Mike took another step, and his legs buckled, and he dropped Jennifer “Crap...” Mike muttered painfully as whatever was in the bushes came closer...

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Gale’s eyes widened as she moved in front if the lizal and swiped at the paw with her own, depsite the rather noticeable size difference. The last thing she needed was to fight anything in such a small space. The fact that they only had one exit wasn’t exactly helping things either. For now, she would have to be careful not to be taken instead of the smaller reptile.

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Magicka noticed mike seemed to be delirious so she approached slowly, "Mike easy it's just me Magicka you seemed to have been poisoned." she said using her magic to pull out her medical supplies from her bag.


The Lizal noticed the dragoness swiping at the large paw that tried to grab her now seeing that she reached into her bone armor and pulled out a knife made of graphite. She then jumped onto the dragoness's back and lunged at the paw slashing at it with her knife causing the owner to screech and pull it's paw free loosening more boulders.


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Through his blurred vision, mike noticed that the figure in front of him was not a mongoose creature. The familiar looking figure in front of him was saying something, but he couldn’t exactly make it out. He could just make out a few snipits of sound though his ringing ears. It was then he noticed the glow of Unicorn magic. “Magicka? Is that you?” Mike asked though gritted teeth.

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Gale’s body became tense when the smaller reptile jumped on top of her, but that didn’t last long when said reptile struck at the larger paw. As soon as the mass retracted, the dragoness ran out of the hole to the cave, being careful to not throw her passenger off. Hopefully, whatever was trying to kill them was too distracted with its injuries to see them.

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"Yes it's me Mike just tell me what happened to you," Magicka said to the stallion.


The lizal was surprised when the dragon ran through the opening with her still on the dragoness's back. looking behind them she saw a massive bear with red fur following close behind she gave an urgent squeak.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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