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Loyal Defender

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(Actually, do you want to know what that letter Loy sent REALLY said? You might need to correct it a bit, but I assure you, it's really sweet. Kind of my fault for not clarifying what it said.)



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(No, no, it's entirely my fault. I didn't realize the letter would get a response so soon. XD But trust me, this letter is just...it's kind of sweet.)


As I read the letter, I remembered why this was possibly sent to me.


*flashback to my letter being written*


“To my dearest Princess Luna,

I’m writing because I wanted to say something. I read all about you in the history books, how you felt like, as Twilight put it, diced apples, how you felt overlooked and unappreciated. Well, I was little before and couldn’t completely write that well, but I wanted to tell you that I’ve always loved the moon, the stars, and pointing out constellations. I remember when I would count the stars, imagining one of them was you, and it was a challenging game of hide and seek. As you can imagine, you won every single time. When I first heard about you, I was bedazzled, fascinated by how beautiful the stars would seem, especially someone who has her mane and tail full of them, tee hee! I’d always wanted to photograph the moon, but even still, I only have a telescope but no camera. But that’ll change soon. Anyway, I appreciate your work and skill in bringing in the nighttime for ponies to rest and dream. Somehow, unless I don’t recall, I’ve never actually had you in my dreams before, but hopefully now we’ll get a chance to. Keep being amazing, and hopefully, again, we meet soon!


Delightfully yours,

Loyal Defender”.



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(That was great! :()

Dear, Loyal Defender,


How art thou?


It appears We were a bit overzelous with our response to our Last letter & We would like to say that We were *deeply* moved  


by the way in which thou hath compared thyself to us.


It fills us with a feeling of great pride to know that ponies such as thyself were affected by our time in exile in such a


good & positive way. :orly:


Our hope is that one night soon, 


We shall meet in your dreams & We shall fly together with you through The Dream Realm bringing peace to the ponies of Equestria.


Sincerely, Princess Luna

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(Please don’t cry, I’m gonna feel bad XD)

“Ahh, it feels good to make others happy. I sent a letter to Luna telling her that I had always loved and admired her work with the nighttime. I don’t know if many ponies tell her, but it’s pleasing to be able to appreciate what goes by so fast.”



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(I'm ok. I just thought it was a really nice letter. :adorkable:)


Princess Luna gets *tons* of E-(questria) Mail every night & you should feel incredibly honored to have recieved a response from her. :twi:


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(When Spike gets mail, it's considered D-Mail. Dragon-Mail.)

“Trust me, I am. Nothing feels better than appreciating those who do so much for us, even if we think it’s so very little. Similar to how at first it seemed like you were just a friend. Now, it’s more than that. You’re like a lifetime companion, and it’s a wonderful thing to have.”


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(That makes a lot more sense. :))


 We're Best Friends. Loyal until the end of time & beyond. :adorkable: *BIG HUG*


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(I see what you did there... :3)


*big hug back* “That’ll never change in a googolplex.” Look at me, using big words. Heh, that’s what my mom used to tell me when I learned the definitions of words. I sound smarter now thinking about it. But nothing to brag about. Everypony’s smart in some way.



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That is *very* true. ^_^

I could *never* farm as well as Applejack or fly with as much speed & grace as Rainbow Dash

Books & education are where my intelligence is at its strongest.

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“And even with strong magic, bragging about it only makes somepony rely on you less if they know you’ll just show it off. Which isn’t even modest. It’s more conceited.”



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“Anyway, I assume you have plenty planned for today?” I asked, grabbing an apple, and slicing it in half with magic, and biting into it.



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Oh, yes!

We're going to have a tea party with Fluttershy, an improv class with Pinkie Pie & a push-up contest with Rainbow Dash.


(This will all take place off-screen.)

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(Ooh, sounds neat!)

(God, listening to this Sonic Unleashed final boss theme (And DTL final boss theme) gives me so many ideas. Like, there could be a villain for this RP waaay later on – Loy’s old self, who hasn’t quite been dimished. The old self could try being evil by trying to force Loy into believing friends aren’t worth their time if life doesn’t last forever. And Loy’s too convinced and proud to have friends to accept it. And yes, his old form would have a physical form. Mostly dark, depressing matter. That’ll be for way later on tho)


“Hmm. A push-up contest, eh? Well, we’ll need to see who has good muscle.”

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(I admire your incredibly creative mind, My Friend. :))

(You're ok with that stuff being off-screen, right? That's a *lot* of writing for five ponies, IMO. :scoots:


Rainbow Dash has a *lot* of stamina, are you sure you can keep up with her? :twi:

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(I understand. :P It IS a lotta work.)

“Psh, we’ll just have to see. We’ll learn a lot about each other from exercise. How interesting!”




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C'mon we'd better get going or we won't get to see everypony today! 

*Twillight & Loyal leave the Castle of Friendship for a fun filled time with Twilight's friends*


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(We’ll still be able to throw in a kind of party for Loy in in the Golden Oak Library eventually tho, right? Y’know, cuz new pone :3)



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(A'ight. I can just say it happenened and PInkie Pie was more energetic than a pony experiencing a sugar rush. Alright, so who's gonna be describing the events, then, if we're doing them off screen? Or what do I say?)


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(I'll do the set-ups & you respond.)


What a *great* day! :D


I can't believe how well you did for your first time doing improvisational skits & the way you left Rainbow Dash in your dust during


that impromptu race was hilarious. ^_^


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“Welll...y’know, beginner’s luck. Plus I once had a treadmill accident that left me with a bruise on my shoulder, so I got up and kept treading to see if it would happen again...I was very….dumb at that time. But it did help with my speed.”



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We all do dumb things when we're young.

I once jumped off of my roof because I wanted to fly like Wendy from Peter Pan. :P

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“Ah, like the play. Pft, I’ve done worse.


*muttering* like accidentally drinking vegtable oil thinking it was apple juice...”

(True story, that happened. I had food mistakes a total of five times.)



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