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Night Flash quickly turned to the directions from where the arrows had been shot at him. He spotted spotted a Super-Soldier running up to him while being flanked by normal units. The Equestrian army by now had attacked the rebels and were raining down arrows of their own upon the ground but were careful not to his Night Flash or the rest of his troops, who were currently tied up like chickens.


Night Flash turned to face the incoming enemy units, ''Gentlecolts, we can do this the easy way...or the HARD way!''


The soldiers just laughed and pointed their weapons at him.


''I guess it's the hard way...''


Night Flash barely managed to get out of the way of the Super-Soldier's huge battle-axe.He watched as it swung by, only about half a metre from his face. Night Flash got out of the way and quickly recognized his weakness as speed judging by his body and started performing hit and run tactics in him. After a few wild swings, the mutated pony was down on the ground. He had no trouble dispatching the remaining units and no more attacked him because they were too busy trying to save their flanks from the arrows. Night Flash took this valuable time to free his fellow soldiers.


Night Flash raised his sword in the air, ''Alright boys, let's kick some ass..Equestrian style.''


The commander then charged again, leading the counter attack with a massive army behind his back.

Edited by The Awesome Invader



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midnight frowned, disregarding the stunned indigo and pulled indigos sword out of its sheath and put it to shiris neck, "what is SHE doing here?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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midnight growled, "no, im not," he pulled his own sword as his hooves lit up in flames, "i was hoping i wouldnt have to see you again, and if i did, id kill you outright."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Indigo stepped between the two of them. "Enough, you two. Midnight, believe it or not she's on our side now."


Shiri chuckled on seeing Midnight stunned. "Well, you could say I had a bit of a change of heart."

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looks at indigo and growls, "i dont believe a word of it.....if you want my help, she leaves, now....if you dont, then fine ill do my part of the plan myself, but i will not work with that bitch."

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Indigo raised his voice. "Midnight, I don't give a flying fuck what Shiri did to you! We're at war here, and there's no time for this."


Shiri spoke. "Midnight, Tyrannus has been given unspeakable power. We need your help to take him down. Besides, you yourself released me from Nova's control; and what can I honestly do at this point to screw you over? If I was going to attack you, I would've done it already."

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midnight shook his head, narrowing his eyes at shiri, "no, i still dont believe you, and im not NEEDED." frowning he turned and walked down the hallway, looking down each of the corridors then sheathing his sword, his large cut bleeding heavilly, but paying no mind he turned around, "but ill deal with it, for now." looking down the hallways again "in any case, the most direct route to the highest tower is down this hall."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"You two, Stop acting like little foals! Don't we have a world to save or something?"


Shiri and Midnight Glared at each other for a while.


"I will take that as a yes. Deal with each other right now. We have a mad stallion to overthrow!"


"Yes sire..." Mumbled Midnight, who did not apreciate the belittling from the Archon. Shiri simply giggled.


As they headed down the hall, Sule told Midnight, "It's good to have you back..."


On their way to the Tower, Sule saw the Throne Room door. "Wait! Tyrannus said Clover is here!"


"It must be a trap"


"Tyrannus doesn't think ahead that much... does he?" asked Sule


The four of them stared at the door, deciding to go through it or not...


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midnight shook his head, "i rescued her like 10 minuites ago, if you wish to go in sire, then go in, but if you wish to let me end this curse, we need to get up to that tower, and quickly, or you and indigo and the female unit could go in, and i could get to the tower myself, i think i can handle it."

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Shiri spoke up. "That's no good. Nova has been augmenting Tyrannus's abilities, and we might need your abilities to nullify them if we want to take him down. Otherwise, he might kill us."


Midnight offered a counter-argument. "But if we get ourselves killed, than what was the point of launching this attack anyway? The path to the tower is in the back of the throne room, I can make a beeline there and cut the mind control. Then he'll be as good as dead anyway.


"Not necessarily. Tyrannus is powerful, and apparently magic too. He might get away, and if he does he and Nova'll just raise another army." Indigo turned to Sule. "It's your decision sir. But..." Indigo regarded Shiri for a moment sadly, before reluctantly speaking up again. "Shiri, we'll need you to stand guard outside, back here." Indigo muttered.


Shiri looked at him. "What? Why?"


Indigo looked at her. "We can't have any reinforcements barging in on us while we confront him. And if this is a trap, well..." Indigo looked away. "...I don't want you caught in it."


Shiri looked at him and smirked. "Heh. Didn't know you were the romantic type." Shiri teased.


Indigo looked back at her. "If we're all get captured, that's the end of our quest. We'll need somepony on the outside to break us back out or otherwise stop Tyrannus."


Shiri stared at him for a few seconds, before suddenly clocking him in the side of the head. "I liked it more when you were romantic."


Indigo rubbed his head. "S-sorry...?"


Shiri shook her head. "Now go, you big idiot. I'll slow down anypony who tries to get to you." She smirked. "You can count on me. I don't really want to see Sic Semper anymore, anyway."


"Thank you." With that, Indigo regarded her a bit more, regretfully, before steeling himself and pushing open the door to the throne room.

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midnight rolled his eyes and facehooved, oi


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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The doors slowly opened a crack. Indigo looked through and reported what he saw.


"Ok, this doesn't look good. There are at least three Super Soldiers... make that four... make that five... Tyrannus looks like he his on a couch... with a mare..." There was an awkward silence around the team "...who seems to be feeding him grapes." Sigh of relief. Indigo rolled his eyes at the immaturity of his company.


"I don't think that we can barge in there like we planned." Sule said, "We need to go through the throne room to get to the tower... Midnight, do you think you can break the Super Soldiers mind control?"


"Allow me." Midnight opened the door and waltzed right. The rest of the team was still hiding. "Sire, how have you been doing?"


"Quite well actually. I believe that I am well satisfied at this point." he shooed away the grape mare and gave a wink. "I hear that Sule has attempted a feeble attack on the city. How is that going?"


"Depends on which side you're on."


Midnight stomped his hoof on the ground. His hoofs turned green and a green flame erupted from them. He through the fires at The Super Soldier, which after a couple of insane moments, fell down still. Midnight smiled expecting to see Tyrannus in fear, but when he looked at him, Tyrannus just laughed.


"Midnight, don't play games with me..."


All of a sudden, a red bolt of lightning shot out of Tyrannus' eyes. Midnight was thrown back several feet and hit the wall. Midnight twitched a bit, but did not get up. Tyrannus just laughed again.


"Mr. Archon? Are you there? Why don't you come out and play with the big boys?"


Sule hid some more, but all of a sudden he lost control of his body. He found himself waking towards Tyrannus against his will. Shiri and Indigo tried to hold him back, but the curse was too strong.


Sule found himself standing in front for Tyrannus, "Gah! Let...me... GO!" Sule said futily


"Awww, where would the fun be in that? Who needs those Alicorns when I have ME! The ULTIMATE WEAPON!" the lightning flashed again.


Indigo had had enough and started to charge in with his spear. Tryannus simply looked at him and Indigo was stopped in his tracks.


Shiri needed to do something, but what?





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(pfft, you put it in my head)


Midnight slowly got to his hooves, "p-perfect?"


tyrannus growled, "that attack should have kept you down."


midnight laughed, which caught tyrannus off guard "you should know by now sic,i have ALOT more will then you realize."

he shook his head, "even perfection has its problems," he smirked.


tyrannus threw sule against the wall, keeping him pinned focusing all his attention on midnight, "what do you mean?"


midnight knew his distraction was working, "what i mean is, have you ever met ALL the families whos lives youve ruined, by killing their loved ones?" midnight took a step closer, "what about, the people youve personally killed...?"


tyrannus frowned, "no, and i dont care about them, they meant nothing."


midnight smirked his hooves lighting up with a ghostly white, as the entire room filled with dead families, and dead soldiers, he knew tyrannus had a weakness, he disliked and feared the supernatural.


tyrannus blinked and started to back away, trying to attack them, but the attacks just went straight through, "s-stay away."


midnight looked over the group then noticed indigos family, and he lowered his head, but hoped indigo noticed them, they seemed to be aware of where they were, and exactly what they were doing, then he looked at the leader of the group, and smiled, chrys.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Shiri peeked into the throne room, and was quickly blinded by the light display of Midnight summoning the ghosts. After she blinked the stars out of her eyes, her attention was caught by the sounds of hoofsteps behind her. She whirled around to see a crowd of soldiers rush into the hallway. Uh oh. Shiri quickly scanned the soldiers as they rushed towards her, and quickly found a weakness: their legs. Shiri rolled her eyes; their stances were terrible, did nopony in Chiroptera's military receive proper martial arts training? This should be simple enough.


Shiri glanced back at the throne room door and sighed. She could only hope the others could handle themselves without her. With that, she rushed into a full sprint at the group of soldiers charging at her, and at the last mind dropped into a prone position and slid into them; the soldiers were not expecting that and quickly found themselves tossed forward on their faces as Shiri's body knocked their legs out from under them.




Indigo found himself released from Tyrannus's control. Quickly looking around, he found his shield at the feet of a glistening white spirit of a female maluma. Indigo grabbed the spear and looked up at the spirit who drew his attention to it, only to stop, stunned. "Violet!" Indigo blurted in shock.

Indigo's sister said nothing, instead looking at him in irritation and pointed to Tyrannus. Indigo looked at Tyrannus. "Oh, right." Indigo said as he readied his shield and rushed to the dictator.

Edited by Jadefire
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midnight looked at indigo, as he tried to come up from behind, and midnight kept tyrannusus attention, "sic, these are the people whos lives youve ruined," and he smirked, interrupting the tyrant "if you think this isnt alot, there are hundreds of thousands of maluma, pegasai, unicorns, and earth ponies that would love to say hello."


sic smiled, "but you were the one that killed them."

midnight looked at him, "yes......i did, but you gave the order to do so without a second thought, and i have come to terms with what i have done, and begged for forgiveness, and they." he swept his hoof over the mass of spirits."have forgiven me." he then grinned "as long as i give them you."

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Urk..." Sule struggled to get back up. He had been thrown against the wall hard, and was surprised he wasn't knocked out. He heard a lot of talking from midnight and Tyrannus, but couldn't focus on what they were saying. He opened his eyes and begun to think he hit his head way to hard. Around the room, there were dozens, if not hundreds of white, ghostly ponies. He kept blinking, but they were still there. The ponies were all glaring at Tyrannus, except for a small group of them, which were looking at Sule.


Sule struggled to his feet and was able to look at those ponies. When he got up, he nearly began to cry, as they were the ghosts of the factory workers who raised him.


"No..." he struggled to say, "You can't be dead! Tyrannus..." Despite him fighting back tears, the workers just smiled. One of the big workers gave Sule a salute. None of them spoke, but they all somehow gave Sule a message.


"We are so proud of you..."


Sule nearly fell to his knees in sorrow. One of the female workers tried to comfort him just like when he was a little colt. After a second, she rejoined the group and they all looked at Tyrannus.


Tyrannus was beginning to look a little scared and started to back away. The Ghosts were surrounding him. Finally, the ghost of Chrys came up to him. She stood there for a second, and then jumped into him. Tyrannus yelled in agony as all the ghosts followed suit. When all the Ghosts were in him, he fell to the ground and was shaking as of he was struck by lightning. Suddenly, there was a flash of light as the Ghosts exited his body. However, a new pony was with them. It was Sal, Tyrannus' host. When he saw Midnight, he promptly gave a salute, which Midnight returned. With that, all the Ghosts flew out the window as a white wind.


Tyrannus was remained still on the ground. Shiri walked in and looked a the dead Alicorn soldiers and the seemingly dead Tyrannus.


"Well, it seems like you didn't need me after all." She laughed. The team was still in shock at what just happened. Indigo and Sule were speechless, while Midnight bowed.


"Was that it?" Sule said, "It really over..."




Tyrannus slowly got back up. He was very weak now, barely being ably to balance himself. "Y-you think you've won? Those dumb spirits only took the kid's soul from his body, which means I have full control of his body now!... " Tyrannus tried to use his magic, but nothing happened. Shiri walked up to him and looked him close in the eyes with a mock smile.


"That's not all they seem to have taken, is it Sic?" Tyrannus had a genuine look of fear on his face "Hi, you remember me? Here's a little reminder..." Shiri gave Tyrannus a quick peck, then proceeded to throw him across the room. He landed next to Indigo, who raised his spear to finish him.


Suddenly, the Team was again thrown against the wall. They were held there with a green magic glow. When they looked around to see who was behind it, they saw none other than Nova walk in with a Super Soldier. The Soldier was holding them back against the wall.


Tyrannus weakly got up on his feet. "Ah, Nova... Perfect timing..."


"Not for you" In one swift movement, Nova produced a knife and stabbed Tyrannus. Nova stayed in that position as Tyrannus barely held on to life.


"...w-what are you doing..." Tyrannus struggled to say.


"I'm afraid this was inevitable." said Nova in a calm voice, twisting the knife more, "You've reached the end of my use for you. It seems those Ghosts took out the extra spirit in your body, so you can't take a new host."


"How.... How do you know about...."


"I know a lot more about the world than any pony could imagine. I know the past... and the future."


"...I should have known you would pull this..."


"Yes, it was obvious. I will be honest, you never stuck me as the 'bright' type." Nova pulled the knife out of Tyrannus. He fell to the ground, bleeding out. Nova's face did not change his expression during this assassination, He took out a cloth and wiped the blood off his hoofs. During this, he jerked his head at the window. The Super Soldier nodded, picked up Tyrannus with his mouth, and tossed him out the window, letting him fall to his end...


Nova turned to the team, as they were still stuck on the wall. "Midnight. I admit, I am not surprised at your decision to change sides. I am sorry for the way your life turned out, but don't take it personally. That's life." Midnight tried to say something, but the bonds holding them prevented them from moving. He looked at the rest of the team. "I suppose this goes for all of you. Don't try to stop me."


Nova turned around to leave, but the Super Soldier spoke. "Awaiting Orders... What shall I do with them sir?"


Nova was quiet for a second. "Leave them. We have more important things to do" The Super Soldier nodded, and let go of his bond on the team. Midnight quickly got up to kill the them, but the Super Soldier teleported himself and Nova both out of the room before he got the chance"


"DAMMIT!" Midnight yelled a the empty room, "Nova, I will have your head!"


"Midnight, we have other priorities." Sule pointed up at the Tower.


The Team rushed up there as fast as they could. At the top, Midnight flew higher. In a large green flash, a giant dome of green magic spread across the city and the two fighting armies.

Edited by AnonyZiod


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Indigo rushed to the window and looked out over the balcony down at Tyrannus's body, which had just hit the ground. "Well, that simplifies matters..." Indigo complimented.


Shiri came up behind him. "Oh, I'm sorry, did you want to kill him?"


Indigo mumbled. "...a little bit, yes."


"Oh you." Shiri teased.


There was a pounding at the throne room door, and Indigo and Shiri turned to see a group of soldiers burst into the room.


"Oh hell, there's the cavalry." Shiri said quickly, as she and Indigo rushed back into the room. Indigo, Sule, Midnight, and Shiri rushed out of the throne room and towards the tower as quickly as they could. At the top, Midnight flew higher. In a large green flash, a giant dome of green magic spread across the city and the two fighting armies.

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midnight smiled and watched sal leave, "i will see you after this silly thing is over my old friend." he smiled then turned, hearing the pounding, "come on, lets go." they ran up to the tower, and midnight flew higher and higher till everypony in their small team was a little speck on the tower.

"i need all my energy to do this......." he sighed, "i may not survive, so i hope it works." he looked over, and noticed one ghost remained, one that only he could see,

his mate, chrys and she smiled brightly, "if you dont, we will be there to meet you love...."

midnight paused for a moment, "w-we?"


two pegasai appeared, and he recognized them, even if he hadnt seen them in years, "mom......dad...." they nodded, "do it."

midnight shut his eyes as his hooves lit up with a green glow, and the shield like bubble surrounded the whole city, then began to glow even brighter he could feel all the malumas minds, as he broke novas control, all they could think about at first was to fight for nova, and their subconsious couldnt understand why, but as each mare, stallion and foal began to regain contol, the fighting started to slow, then eventually stop.


midnight kept it up for as long as he could, until everything started to fade away, his vision fading as the bubble began to flicker then dissappear, and midnight hit the floor of the tower, everyponys voices seemed to fade away as he fell unconsious, his breathing began to slow down a smile on his face.

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Indigo went to Midnight's body and looked him over, before leaning down and placing his head on Midnight's chest (with nopony noticing Shiri suddenly standing up straighter). After a moment Indigo lifted his head and turned to the others. "Bad news, I'm afraid...He's still alive. Though he's certainly going to need a medic."

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midnight covered his eyes, he was in a brightly lit room....or it seemed to be a room, then looked around, "h-hello?"

he blinked, then noticed his parents, then chrys who ran up and hugged him.

midnight smiled and hugged her back tightly, "chrys...." he missed her, just the way her body fit into his, "i missed you." tears started to flow from his eyes for the first time in a long time.


chrys asmiled, "midnight, you are not dead, you still have one more task to complete before that can happen."

midnight looked down and growled "nova." chrys touched his cheek, "but the gods have seen what youve done, and what youve been through and allowed us to see you one final time."

midnight nodded, "thank them for me.....will you?"

chrys nodded, "of course midnight, but right now, we have a bit of catching up to do...."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC warning, Corny post ahead)


The battle was over and Tyrannus' Army surrendered, with most of them not knowing what just happened. They were surrounded completely by the Invasion and Diversion armies, which were disarming them and taking a census. All the Alicorn Soldiers in the field were either dead or brain dead. In all, there weren't many casualties on either side, which relieved Sule a bit.


...But right now, Sule had more personal matters to deal with. In the last couple of nights, he had gotten no sleep and had been working like crazy. He walked down the Castle stairs to the court yard, where he saw the rest of the elite Infiltration team. With them were the rescued Storm Comet, and Clover the Clever. Sule was about to run to her when Colonel Glaive stepped in front of him.


"Sire, congratulations on defeating Tyrannus."


"Uhh... thanks." Sule tried to look around the Colonel at Clover, "Really, General Moon did all the work for us..."


"Yes sire. What do you want us to do with the civilians?"


"Don't let them back in the city just yet. I want a full sweep of Chiroptera, everywhere. Search for Nova and anymore Super Soldiers. I doubt you will find him, though"


"Yes sire," Glaive got out of his way to get a search team ready.


Sule immediately ran for Clover. She did the same and hugged on contact. "I am so sorry you got dragged into this, It's all all my fault. You could have been raped or killed by Tyrannus. I'm just glad you're alright..." Clover kissed Sule to shut him up.


"I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm the one who let you go, it was a mistake. I was too worried about my duties to the princess. However, we both are safe thanks to you."


"I didn't do any-" Clover shushed Sule. She cocked her head towards the Castle.


"We have some things to do. Care to join me?" she said with a smile as she walked towards the door.

Edited by AnonyZiod


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Indigo looked over the courtyard, and after a few minutes the soldiers began to leave to congregate in the castle's main hall. No doubt a celebration banquet will soon ensue. Indigo thought over the events of the last few hours: Tyrannus was now dead, Nova no longer controlled the city, Indigo and Sule will be hailed as heroes, in Sule's case for the second time, and life will now go on. Surely a great victory.


Indigo sighed miserably. Despite all this, he was still deeply unhappy, and the final confrontation with Tyrannus stirred up something in his heart. Indigo looked up at the falling sun; soon the sun will set and night will fall, and the city will start waking up. After the bulk of the crowd had left the courtyard towards the banquet hall, Indigo spread his wings and took off into the air. There was somepony he desperately needed to see.

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Midnight shook his head, "s-so," he looked between chrys and his parents, "everything ive done?.....it dosent matter?"

chrys smiled and touched his cheek "no, everything good you did counts for something, youve saved our race, dispite everything, you saved them."

midnight looked down, "i didnt do anything important, i just did what a soldier is supposed to do, nothing special, i just feel like giving up, theres no harm done right now."

chrys sighed, " hun..." she lifted his chin, looking into his eyes "no giving up now, you still have to get rid of nova, after that, THEN you can rest, give up, move on, whatever......but nova still needs to be killed, hes a threat to everypony in the world."


midnight nodded, "i know.......mabey after.....we can finally be together again?"

she smiled, "mabey.....mabey."


a doctor approached sule and clover, "sir, its about the general....we dont know what is happening at the moment, but right now his heart rate has almost completely stopped, this is just a guess, but we think he may be losing his will to live."


(drama and all that x3, dont worry he will wake up in the next post)

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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