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private The Good King


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"Thats ok, there's nothing we can do about it now."


At the castle, the dead ponies was cleaned up now. Sule couldn't imagine how bad it was for the coroners who picked up after Midnight's mess. Despite their differences, Midnight was still very influential despite his new position. Sule needed him on his side.


"Indigo, you served with midnight before, right? Was he always so... ruthless?"


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midnight shut his eyes for a moment, before opening them again, "Midnight."

he shook his head, "damnit, i don't want to go through this.....not again."

but in vain he fell into the memory.


midnight looked around, the smoke was thick, as flames licked the small home he was in, grabbing the only things he could, his sword, and bow, running outside,"MIDNIGHT."

her voice, the mare he loved, "CHRYS...." he yelled, as panicked ponies ran by him, he ran the oppisite way, looking around, he swore he had heard her voice coming from this direction, 2 pegasai landed in front of him smirking and drawing their weapons, but in an instant one was dead, the other cried out in pain, a wooden shaft sticking out of his knee.


midnight continued to run, passing alley after burned alley, home affter destroyed home, fighting off pegasai left and right, it was all a blur till he came to the outskirts of the town, and found her laying there, a cut across the throat.


midnight jolted awake, breathing hard, "damnit." he pulled out a small bottle of alcohol he used to numb this pain he usually felt, but couldnt even get the top off and just sat there, his head on his desk.

chrys had been the only mare that cared to get to know him, and they had been the closest couple, but after she had been killed midnight just....flew into a rage, something he believed he was still partially in.


he reached into his desk drawer and pulled small picture he kept of her, smiling, as if her life hadnt ended "you would be dissappointed about what ive done, and have been doing, i know it, but what else can i do if its all i know?" he muttered softly

Edited by Midnight Moon
  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Sule went to a Guard and told him, "The Pegasi ambassador will be coming soon. I want you and a small detachment stand guard at the city gates. When she arrives, greet her with respect and escort her to the castle. I know the ponies in the city won't agree with this, so protect her well. Get some spicy spay to use if someone attacks. With all the weapons on the street, who knows what will happen?"


The guard nodded and flew off.


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Storm Comet was late to arrive in the city. When she realized this, she shot up and flew as fast as she possibly could. She was going to be a Pegasi Ambassador, and she couldn't wait! Her mother had warned her not to be as enthusiastic as normal when she met the Malumai. But what was wrong with being bubbly? Storm was contemplating this as she flew to the city, and

when she got there, she was exhausted. When she saw the two guards there, she snapped out of it and said in a bright voice "Hi! I'm Storm Comet, the Pegasi Ambassador!" She giggled,





((She's definitely not one of the serious characters, think of her like Pinkie Pie sort of :D))

  • Brohoof 1

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After Sule gave orders to the guards, Indigo spoke up. "To answer your question, yeah. I only served with him on a mission once, but Midnight was always a fan of excessive force. From what I hear, your predecessor even gave him a commendation for his ...'peacekeeping' methods."


---Later that day---


The two guards looked at Storm Comet suspiciously, there was no way this bubbly creature could've been the ambassador. The two guards shared a tired look at each other, before coming to a decision: Whatever. It's 3:00 PM, so it'd be best to just take to the castle so they could then get some sleep.


"Very well, Miss Comet. Follow us to the castle, the Archon's expecting you." said one of the guards, before rising into the air.

Edited by Jadefire
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midnight looked up as the recruits entered, sighing and putting the bottle in the lowest drawer and at the fursthest corner of his mind, today wasnt the day to do this "Sal, is this who youve chosen?"

the grey malumai nodded, "yes sir."

midnight frowned, "theres only three, the king wanted a group of four."


sal smiled, "he said you couldnt be in charge, but he never said anything about you coming along, you have more experience then us, and i feel an old general like you wouldnt mind coming along."

midnight shook his head, "as much as i would like too, i have to admit, i use too much force, something ive tried not doing, but it happens anyway."


sal shook his head, "sir, with all due respect, im in charge of this, you put me in charge and i want you to come along, we have use of you."

midnight frowned at this statement, "what do you mean?"


sal smiled, "everypony knows of your disliking of the new king, correct?"

midnight looked at the picture of chrys, "we dont see eye to eye thats true, but i wouldnt go as far as hate."

sal smirked, "whoever gave these ponies weapons, hates the king enough to give them weapons..."


The gears in midnights mind started turning, then he smiled "so they could have use of me, and once im in i could get you the location of their supplier then bobtails your uncle we have them."

he then frowned, "but, its a double edged sword, if something goes wrong, more innocent blood will be on my hooves...."


sal nodded, "are you prepared for that?"


midnight looked him in the eyes, "in all honesty no, but, i can only hope things go right, sal, do you knowhow to get this ball rolling?"

sal smiled "yes, i do."

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Sule was pacing back and forth in the Great Hall, inspecting everything. It needed to perfect. He was afraid that the ambassador wouldn't look to kindly on the fact that the fact that the Malumai live in squalor in the city, compared to the majesty that was Cloudsdale. He need the Great Hall to look as beautiful as possible, honoring the grand ambassador. Her decision will determine the fate of his ponies. Equestria was their future, and he needed everypony to see that.


Sule also beefed up the number of Guards at the castle. He couldn't risk another group of protesters getting through.


The ambassador arrived at around 3:30 pm. Everypony was in the castle was very sleepy, but Sule wanted the ambassador to feel welcome by having the summit on her time. Just as the doors opened, Sule motioned for the Trumpeters to start their fanfare. A small green Pegasus walked in with her escorts. She was giggling like crazy.


"Oh, great," Sule thought, "Our future rests on her shoulders ."

Edited by Anony-Brony


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midnight looked around in the dark, "hope your contact shows sal,"

he looked up and noticed three ponies approaching in the darkness, "ahhh, you must be archangel."

midnight frowned, he recognized this voice, "captian shade, i was wondering where you dissappeared off too."


shade stepped into the moonlight, "general moon, it is just shade now." he saluted out of respect, "im surprised sule let you stay in the army."

midnight shrugged, "someone needs to keep the recruits in line."


shade shook his head, "from general to instructor, im sure you didnt take that well?"


midnight sighed, "i took it like a soldier, like i should have, i wish to still be a general, but the ponies im training are good soldiers, and have been trained well."


shade smirked, "so i saw at the protest, you hate the king, yet you defend him, why?"


midnight looked him in the eye, "i was defending the castle, any occupants inside were none of my concern."


shade smirked, "well, our....employer, has a propisition for archangel, and since your him, i believe he will be very pleased if you accept."


midnight frowned, "what is it?"


shade nodded, "straight to the point, just like you general, you see, my benifactor wants a diffrent king in power, one who wants to wage war, and we have been riling up the worst off citizens, giving them anger."

midnight shook his head "what do you need me for?"


shade smiled, "to train them, teach them how to use the weapons theyve been given, overthrow sule, so, are you in?"

midnight sighed, "no going back now," and nodded, "yes, lets get this started."

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Storm walked into the castle, staring at everything and commenting on everything else. "This is so cool!" she squealed. As she walked through the doors, she saw a large group of ponies and one standing in the middle. "Hi!" she said happily. She bounced over. "My name's Storm Comet, and it's great to meet you!"

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"Uhhh..." Sule was shocked that the Pegasi would send such a... jubilant person to negotiate the peace that will effect every tribe. Nontheless, he had no choice.


"Uhh... Welcome to our...humble city. I am truly graced with your presence." Sule didn't really know how to deal with this situation. So he decided to make it Indigo's problem while he...rethought how the summit should go.


"I am Archon Sule, leader of the Malumai," Sule bowed, "This is my... advisor, Indigo. Indigo, why don't you give Ms Comet a five-bit tour of the castle while we prepare?"


Indigo gave a dirty look at him, Sule knew that happy ponies weren't his type.


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Midnight was led to the furthest part of the city, "cant be too careful," shade chuckled, "you know how it is general,with everything going on we have had to get more secrative."

midnight nodded, "i understand,"


shade nodded and moved into the forest, midnight memorized every twist and turn they made


"welcome, to the grove, we can train here, make plans, and do anything we need, undisturbed."


midnight looked around the clearing, then noticed a large tent in the center, that was their destination, shade threw open the flap and smiled, "shiri we have a unexpected, but welcome guest."


the pony wore a cloak that covered his/hers body, "ahhh, general,"

"definitely a mare."


midnight blinked, "you have me at a disadvantage....miss?"


she pulled back her hood and smiled, "my real name isnt important, but you may call me shiri," she held out her hoof, and midnight shook it, "cant say you'd recognize me, but the malumai aren't the only ones to have heard of your....talents." she gave a grin that would have made a lesser pony shudder.


midnight nodded, he had caught on, "you must be this, "benifactor" that i keep hearing about?"


shiri nodded, "yes, i supply this, militia of sorts, with the weapons it needs, and a few little extras." she grinned again, "in any case, it is a welcome sight to have you here midnight, will you be staying?"


midnight shook his head, "no, i still have a position at the castle, a postion which could be....benificial to you?"


shiris grin got wider, "yes, this could be just the ticket we need shade, supply the general with all he needs, im sure he needs to head back before hes missed," shade nodded and trotted off, "ill see you tommorrow night general," she smiled, "then the fun can begin."


(uggh im terrible at this XD)

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC: Grrr...)


"Uh, right. Well." Indigo watched her bounce up and down. She had way too much energy for this godsforsaken hour. Indigo shook his head, he'd never understand these diurnal ponies.


Indigo approached her as Sule left. "Hello, Ms Comet. I'm Indigo, ancient to our Archon" He held out his hoof. "It's a pleasure meeting you."

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Sule galloped back into the Great Hall, panicking of sorts. He had to make the summit more appealing to the Miss Comet. How was he supposed to do that?


Once he got in there. He started yelling orders to the cooks and waiters.


"Get rid of the truffles, make cookies!"

"We need those to be pink!"

"Cake! Cake! Somepony start on that!"

"Get the wine out of those glasses and put in some soda!"

"Where are those cheese dishes? Replace it with Ice cream!"

"Classical music? No, NO! Put on some of that hip, new stuff!"


Everypony was running around in a hurry. I took them at least 12 hours to set this up and they had 30 minutes at most to completely redo it. How in Epona was this going to work?

Edited by Anony-Brony


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midnight trotted through the streets back to the barracks, this shiri wasnt a malumai, he knew that, and she wasnt a unicorn, unless they knew some kind of magic that could hide their horn, so it narrowed it down to a pegasai or earth pony.

he shook his head and walked into the barracks, past the guards, and into the main building, noticing sal and the others were gone, he shrugged, probibly at the castle.


He shook his head, he never liked formalities, but espically with his hatred for the pegasai and what they did, he would probibly only make things worse.

In any case he set set everything he had recieved on the table, then went to his desk, one of the items intreagued him, it was a locket of some kind, but it gave off a kind of energy he had never seen or felt before, and he needed to open it.

Edited by Midnight Moon
  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC: Grrr...)


"Uh, right. Well." Indigo watched her bounce up and down. She had way too much energy for this godsforsaken hour. Indigo shook his head, he'd never understand these diurnal ponies.


Indigo approached her as Sule left. "Hello, Ms Comet. I'm Indigo, ancient to our Archon" He held out his hoof. "It's a pleasure meeting you."


"You too!" she said, shaking his hoof with lots of energy. "I can't wait to see the castle! It's...going...to...be...so....fun!" She bounced with every word. Storm wasn't normally this energetic, she was just really excited!



((I just realized, she's a replica of me when I have any sugar at all, or caffeine xD))

  • Brohoof 1

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They were just about done with the new banquet for Storm Comet. There were sweets, cakes, ice creams, sodas, and pinkish furnishings everywhere. Sule expected there was enough sugar on the table keep everypony awake for 3 nights straight. The music went from Neightoven to some stuff kept making thump thump noises and ponies singing their lungs out. He asked all the more older Distinguished guests to leave and brought in some that were younger and more to Miss Comet's personality type (It is REALLY hard to find these ponies, since most Malumai barely smile). He hoped he made this more to what the ambassador wanted.


Indigo wasn't back yet. Sule guessed he was doing the long tour to buy him more time. Since he had time, he decided to see how the mission to find the illegal weapon supplier was going. He saw Sal guarding the bathroom and decided to ask him.


"I like your post there, very important to keep track of." Sule joked. Sal didn't laugh.


"Ok then, How is search for the weapons going?"

"We have got a pony on the inside to help us out"

"Really? Who?"


Sal shifted in his post a little.


"Uhh.. I couldn't tell you that, sir. I could jeperdize the mission."

"Alright, if you instist."


Sule didn't want to look too much into it, he had to focus on the summint with the ambassador.


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midnight frowned and growled at himself "dang i know i keep my knife in here somewhere....." he smiled as he found it, "perfect."

he held the locket in front of him and started to work at the lock, its one of the other things he was good at besides a bow and arrow.

But this lock was a bit older and it was almost impossible to open, and after an hour of trying he shook his head, and set it around his neck before turning to his saddlebag and checking everything else out, a map, some kind of arm band identification, that sort of thing, then at the bottom of his bag he couldnt help but chuckle was the key, and a note.



if you wish to see what were really doing, open the locket, dont worry everything will become clear.

see you soon, shiri"


midnight blinked "i dont remember her putting a note in my saddlebag," he shrugged and took the key, something told him not to open it, but he was too curious.


(DUN DUN DUN X3 i dont know, first thing that came to mind XP)

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC: I'll just take the lazy way out. x3)


Two hours later...


Oh gods do we really have to look at every single thing somepony just kill her already so I can go home- "And lastly, we have the diplomatic meeting room, where you'll be having the summit with Archon Sule." Indigo said smoothly, wrapping up the tour. Indigo looked inside and noted the change in decor. "And it's pink in here for some reason. W-why is it pink?"

Edited by Jadefire
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"Hello Miss Comet!" said Sule, "Welcome to the...uhh... Party!"


Storm Comet jumped up in glee and started to dance with the other Malumai.


Indigo looked at Sule with the 'What-the-hell-is-this-are-you-bucking-crazy?' look.


"Hey, I don't want her to have the boring impression of us. If she thinks we are stuffy snobs then we may never be allowed in Equestria. Just stay awake a little longer."


Sule looked at his awesome work in the Great hall. What could possible go wrong?


(DUN DUN DUN, maybe...)


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The tour had been going on for two hours, and Storm Comet was enjoying every minute. They'd looked in every room, and she had been making sure to ask questions about absolutely everything. When they went into the final room, Storm was sad that the tour was over. That is, until she saw the decor. It was perfect - pink, cupcakes, candy, and everything she loved! Storm squealed, bouncing up and down and ran into the room.

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"Miss Comet, are you ready to begin the Summit?" Sule asked


She was too busy having fun to even hear him


"Ok...we can wait"


Sule went to the bathroom to see Sal. He had fallen asleep standing. Sule stomped his hooves and Sal was jolted awake.


"I think the bathroom really doesn't need guarding" Sule Said, "Go and work on the investigation"


Sal Nodded and Left


(The Awesome One, you should jump in around here...)

(To everyone else, just keep going)

Edited by Anony-Brony


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Storm didn't think she'd had that much fun in a long time. An entire hour later, she was full of cupcakes, sugar, and other party foods, and said in a bright voice "I'm ready to begin now!"

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Sule had the music turned off (his ears were still throbbing) and had the guests leave.


Storm Comet, Indigo, and Sule all sat down at the table. She was still eating cookies, while Indigo was still in shock from the pink room.


"Alright then, lets get down to business. I understand that all the 3 tribes are now going to Equestria, a land where all ponies can live in harmony. My scientists tell me that Malumai are actually Pegasi in an evolutionary standpoint." Sule heard Indigo grunt in the background, he did not approve.


"For this reason," Sule went on, "we were wondering if we would be able to come to Equestria with the Pegasi. I understand that you have nothing to lose in this deal, so how about it?"


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Storm Comet paused and thought about it. "I don't know," she said uncertainly. She wanted to agree - after all, these ponies were her friends now after all. She remembered what her mother said - to not just think about her. "I think the other ponies are still pretty mad," was all she said.

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