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private The Good King


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"Oh dear," Sule said to Storm, "Are you ok? You hurt? Where were you?"


The battle was over, luckily, with no deaths. The Spicy Spray he made really did the trick. But why did the Rebels give up? They were winning most of the fight. They wouldn't have given up if they were so close.


Then something occurred to Sule. What if they go what they came for? What if they were looking for something...somepony.


"Tyrannus!" yelled Sule, "We need to find indigo!"


Sule and Storm galloped around the castle. He finally saw him at the end of one hall.


"Indigo!" Sule yelled, he was still running to the end of the hall, "Do you still have Tyrannus?"


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midnight got up, he couldnt do any more damage that probibly what had already been done, ignoring indigo, but growling back, he spread his wings and started to leave for the barracks, joined by his recruits "all of you...t-take the rest of the day for yourselves, visit family." he nodded, "i dont care if its offical or not, just do it, and thats an order, be back in the field at noon tommorrow."


They all nodded and flew off to their homes and families making sure they were alright, as soon as midnight landed he said the same to the younger recruits, then gathered his instructors, "you two, do the same, be back here tommorrow at noon, i fear something big might happen soon, and you all need to get at least a day of rest from military life and visit your families."


he turned and noticed sal, "sal, i thought you left already."

sal shook his head, "no sir, i dont have a family to go too, so im staying here, by the way, what did you learn?"


midnight shook his head, "alot more then you would believe, but its going to take more then 4 soldiers to take this entire thing down,"


sal's expression got serious "what would it take?"


midnight looked down "an army."

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Yes, I put him in my-" Indigo looked down and his blood ran cold. "...bag..." His saddlebag was gone. A rebel must've stolen it after Indigo hit the lamp post. Indigo looked at Sule apologetically. "S-sire, I..." Edited by Jadefire
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"It's OK..." Sule said, more to himself than to Indigo, "It's ok...it's ok..."


Everypony was looking at him weirdly. Sule pulled himself together. "I mean, it's ok. As far as i know, I am the only pony who knows how to restore him to his fullself, but..."


Sule told them that there was a catch. There was a way for the King to be restored, just not as himself. The pony who gave him the Orb said that if somepony broke it, the king would be able to take over the body of another pony in close proximity. He would only have this ability for a second, then his soul will dissipate into nothingness.


Hopefully that wasn't the rebel's plan.

Edited by Anony-Brony


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sal nodded, "what else did you learn?"

midnight frowned in thought, "their leader is a mare, but shes not malumai...at leas i don't think....." he swallowed, and was about to say something else, but his head started to hurt, "nngg, i-i need to go tonight," he looked up at sal, "whatever is going on , keep sule safe, who knows what this mare has planned."


midnight got up and picked up his saddlebag and headed out, looking back once before heading through the streets and into the forest, his locket glowed as he got closer, and his eyes went a sickly green.


"ahh, midnight, i was wondering when youd finally get here, hope you werent hurt in the attack?" shiri grinned,

midnight shook his head, "no, i was not."


midnight noticed an orb sitting on a pedestal and everypony was gathered around it, as shiri smirked, "midnight, you have a purpose that many others want to see, and this could give it too you." she smirked as her eyes sparkled their natural green color, " come up here midnight, now."


midnight made his way through the crowd, as he approached the pedistal and the orb itself, his inner mind where he actually was, was intrigued as to what was there, but, he also wanted out, he tried to get away, but his body wasn't responding.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Indigo was in a slump. Though Sule didn't fault him at all, Indigo knew one thing all to well: he failed the Archon. Badly. And it may have cost them the kingdom. Not that the kingdom was able to be saved, now that the peace treaty with the Pegasai almost certainly wasn't going to happen thanks to the attack, but Indigo now knew that he was personally responsible for dooming it this time, thanks to idiotically not watching where he was going.


But Indigo momentarily snapped out of his self-depracation when Sule's explanation about the orb reminded him of something: "Sire, I just remembered something. During the battle something strange happened. When you threatened to kill the Old King, all the rebels stopped. But when they looked at you, they did it in unison, and the way they moved didn't seem natural." Indigo rubbed his temple, trying to remember, "And the weren't actually looking at you. They were facing you, but they were glazed over, like they had turned into zomponies. Then, an instant later, they snapped back to normal."

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"Thats weird, I thought it was strange, too. Like they all noticed it at the same time."


Sule knew that they needed to find Tyrannus, or he might be reincarnated.


"Indigo, start a search pattern with as may soldiers as you can find of the surrounding forests! They cannot hide an Army of that side without leaving some traces."


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Midnight managed to break from the control, or wahtever, shiri had over him, he tried to bolt but many of the rebels blocked his path, and they were alot larger, and better armed then he was, his eyes widened, and he started to back away till his flank hit shiri.

she just smiled, "midnight," she shut her eyes for a few moments, then opened them again "you would like to see chrys again....would'nt you?"


midnight swallowed, "h-ho..."

she smirked, "yes or no would be fine."

midnight nodded, "i-i would..."

she grinned, "well, i....we can give her back too you." she waved her hoof at the orb, "alive an well."


midnight swallowed, he didnt want to trust her, a part of him told him to run, take his chances, he WAS a trained fighter after all, but another part would love to see chrys again....


it was this moment that shiri took her chance and hit midnight with enough power to overturn even the kings own will, it sent midnight onto his back where he layed, dazed for a full minuite or so, then he slowly got up.


"how do you feel, general?"


midnight smirked, "what do you need me to do." his eyes had changed from a lava orange to a sickly orange green, his will was shiris now, she could control everything he does.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Indigo had left to find the rebels and hopefully Tyrannus as an orb.


Sule then went to talk to Strom.


"I feel that your Experience to Chiroptera wasn't what you hoped for, I'm so sorry for that. You could have nearly died. I take it your going to tell the Pegasi that we shouldn't come to Equestria. I understand. I think that there is an inn nearby, you can stay there and think it over before you leave to Cloudsdale tomorrow. I will put many guards protecting you, so you should be fine."


The guards escorted her out of the castle. She was somehow still smiling. How could she? His ponies' future is ruined. If not by the civil war, then by the crime and hatred that will surely rip the Malumai apart.


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Indigo nodded. "Aye aye", and took off.


Indigo gathered up several guards and relayed Sule's orders. After spending twenty minutes getting prepared, Indigo led the team outside and took off to the western forest, where dusk was fast approaching. As they flew over the arid landscape, Indigo quietly regarded the small settlements that dotted the ground, where subsistence farmers tried, often in vain, to nurture crops out of the ground. Indigo frowned to himself. The populace would be waking up right about now, provided the fight back in the city hadn't woken everypony up already. He was definately not looking forward to reading the paper later. It's times like this that made him think he should've advised Sule to retain government control over the recently-created press.

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midnight looked at shiri, as she pulled him into the large tent, the entire place was covered by trees, she had no fear, "midnight, general, whichever you prefer, me and....well, lets just say theres another pony involved in all of this," she grinned, "and its been you that must take tyrannus's soul, and give this kingdom what it really needs, war is all the malumai know, its all theyve known for hundreds of years, and sule cant seem to understand that."


she smiled and playfully brushed his chin with her tail, "you could be powerful enough to bring chrys back, and i know how much you want that."


midnight nodded, "what.....do i have to do?"

she smiled "all you have to do is break the orb, break tyrannus out of his prison, and let him take over."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Night had fallen, when Indigo and his team swept low over the forest. It didn't take long after the first stars had started to appear in the sky when they spotted a column of smoke emerging from the canopy. "That must be their camp"


"Good thing they're not the most stealthy bunch." Indigo replied in a hushed tone "Alright everypony, hang low, through the trees, be quiet. And don't hit anything." Indigo noted, silently glad nopony realized the hypocrasy of the last order.


Deftly, the group zigzagged through the trees and encircled around the outside of the camp. Indigo noted that these guards were handling it quite well. A few scruffs with some twigs, but they didn't make a sound that wouldn't be attributed to anything more than just birds. Were these the cadets that Midnight trained? If so, he trained them well.


Sure enough they quickly identified this as a rebel camp, with the armed guards walking on the ground. Indigo and several of his team. Indigo and several of his teammates landed behind the largest tent, which was setup to the back of the camp.


"These ponies aren't real smart about camp layout. No one'll see us if we come up behind the main tent." Sal spoke up. He had joined with Indigo's search team.


"They're just civilians. They don't know proper military protocol." Indigo said as they snuck up behind the tent. "Wait, do you hear that?"


"-and I know how much you want that." came a voice from inside.


"What ...do I have to do?" came another voice. 'Midnight!? What the hell is he doing here?'


"All you have to do is break the orb, break Tyrannus out of his prison, and let him take over."


'Oh crap.'


"Was that Midnight Moon's voice?" Sal asked in a whispered voice.


"Sounded like it. Alright, everypony, here's the plan. We break in, beat up everypony inside, and Sal will grab the orb. On the count of three. Ready? Three." Indigo ordered, before tearing through the canvas with his spear, and the six ponies tore into the tent. "That's far enough!" Indigo barked, and glared at Midnight and Shira, who had turned to face him. "Midnight, you traitorous bastard."

Edited by Jadefire
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Midnight dropped the orb. Sal leaped forward. Too late, and the orb shattered. The dark energy flowed out, and shot towards the nearest pony, this case Sal.


Shocked, Sal shrieked in pain. It was like a thousand hot needles piercing his hide. He collapsed, and convulsed on the ground for what seemed like minutes. Nopony said a word. Suddenly, he leapt up, yawned,and said...


"Well, what an absolutely wonderful way to be woken up."


Shiri yelped, suprised at this turn of events, and Midnight was broken from the trance.


[OOC] I don't have much to go on with Tyran's char other than sarcasm, and pervy.

  • Brohoof 1

Swoop said:
If something does happen to go horribly wrong, please, blame Zoop.

Frenzyhero: Lurking extraordinaire, brony impersonator.

Have a question? Mail me at frenzymlp@hotmail.com! It's just for you guys!

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Sule wasn't accustomed to sitting around the castle with nothing to do. All he could do is reflect on how bad the last day has been.


First, 20 protesters killed by his army

Second, The obviously failed diplomacy

Third, The Castle siege

Forth, Midnight nearly killing him

Fifth, Tyrannus possibly coming back


And to top it off, there was nothing he could do about it. The orb was going to be broken, he knew it. It was so stupid of him to take it out of the dungeon.


He just wanted some sleep...NO. He was the Archon. He can't just let his nation fall apart, not when they are this close to going to Equestria!


He needed to understand why the rebels became "zomponies" for a second. He needed to understand why Midnight tried to kill him and stopped. He needed to understand how to stop Tyrannus.


All the things he was thinking of all had the same answer. Magic.


He needed the help of his unicorn friend, Clover the Clever.


With that thought, he was off.


(OOC yes, Clover the Clever is from Hearts Warming Eve)


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Oh crap. Indigo recognized that voice. Sure he didn't look like him, but that voice. "Sic...Semper...Tyrannus...", was all Indigo could mutter, before his voice returned in ferocity. Indigo turned his head to one of his team members, who just deployed a pepper-spray gas bomb at the tent's door to stop anypony from getting in. "You! Get back to the Archon! Tell him the Old King is back!" The teammate saluted, and he and another teammate tore the tent's ceiling and flew off, leaving two teammates and Indigo in the tent.


Indigo turned to face Tyrannus, threw his weight so his shield shifted to the front of his shoulder and drew his spear with his right foreleg.

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Storm Comet was sitting in the inn, bored out of her mind. There was nopony to talk to here, and so the only thing she had been doing for the past half hour was filling herself with sugary food. She wondered if it were possible to bust out, so she headed towards the window, and saw Sule fly by. "Wait up!" she called, flying out of the window alongside him.

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Before Sule went far, it occurred to him that he actually didn't know where exactly Equestria was. What was he going to do? Then he heard Storm Comet.


"Wait, she knows were it is!"


"Miss Comet, could you come as a guide for me? I need to go to Equestria!"


She nodded and Flew over. He knew that Storm was a little hyper, but he needed her.


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Oh crap. Indigo recognized that voice. Sure he didn't look like him, but that voice. "Sic...Semper...Tyrannus...", was all Indigo could mutter, before his voice returned in ferocity. Indigo turned his head to one of his team members, who just deployed a pepper-spray gas bomb at the tent's door to stop anypony from getting in. "You! Get back to the Archon! Tell him the Old King is back!" The teammate saluted, and he and another teammate tore the tent's ceiling and flew off, leaving two teammates and Indigo in the tent.


Indigo turned to face Tyrannus, threw his weight so his shield shifted to the front of his shoulder and drew his spear with his right foreleg.


Tyrannus stamped his hoof, and suddenly a score of rebels burst into the tent, spears raised. They suddenly crumpled to their ground from the effects of the gas bomb. Tyrannus faltered. Sal was attempting to regain control. Tyrannus was stuck, caught in a mental war. What was he to do?


"You wouldn't kill me," Tyrannus shouted at Indigo, "You COULDN'T kill me! I believe your friend wouldn't appreciate it very much!"


[OOC] Guys, I'll be off 'till 11 tomorrow.

Edited by frenzyhero

Swoop said:
If something does happen to go horribly wrong, please, blame Zoop.

Frenzyhero: Lurking extraordinaire, brony impersonator.

Have a question? Mail me at frenzymlp@hotmail.com! It's just for you guys!

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"Totally!" she squealed to Sule, happy to finally do something. She shot up higher into the air. Storm loved flying because it was one of the only things she could do well.


"Its this way!" she called, flying as fast as she possibly could. After a fairly long while of flying through the air, Storm came to a very abrupt stop. "We're here!" she said happily, regaining her breath.


((I'm off for the night!))

Edited by isobelthegreat

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Storm and Sule had been flying a while now. Sule decided to speak up.


"So, what are you going to tell the Pegasi? Are the Malumai still in on going to Equestria with you?"

Edited by Anony-Brony


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midnight flew in front of the spear, its blade bouncing off his armor, "pathetic." he growled and kicked indigo in the stomach, knocking him back into one of the tents supports.

shiri was outside standing next to tyrannus, smirking, "hes his old self, just a few strings attached, hes ours to control and manipulate."

she smiled her eyes blazing green the same time midnights did.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC: Tyrannus and Shira are still inside the tent, right?)


"Oof!" Indigo got back to his hooves. "Dammit, Midnight. I should've known you'd betray us." Indigo readied his shield and galloped towards Midnight, shield raised.

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(how should i know?)

midnight smirked, "hmmm, and when did you figure that out?" he sidestepped the charging indigo and drew his sword bringing it down on indigos exposed and outstreached wing.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Indigo pulled his wing out of the way and whirled around to face Midnight. "You just couldn't stand the way Sule ruled things, couldn't you?" Indigo charged into Midnight, shield-bashing him. "You just couldn't face a life without the slaughter, COULDN'T YOU!?" Indigo spouted in venom, pressing into Midnight.

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