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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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Dynamo chuckles along with Broken and smiles softly at her. "I always try my best to be charming to you, m'lady." He nods at her remark as he felt Broken nuzzle into his chest. "There's no need to apologize, Broken. It's always important to tuck Dusk in every night. You're the first one he sees when he wakes up and the last thing he sees when he falls asleep. Besides, I understand because I'll be right there with you when we tuck him in. He'll soon have a father figure in his life, so he'll know that we're the last he sees when he sleeps." He held onto her tight, so he would make sure to not let her go. "I love you too, sweetheart." He says as they made their way out of the forest, while their home was coming into view.

Button returns the nuzzle from Night and nods. "I don't blame him for being excited from the events of today. So much has happened, but it all worked out, in the end." He nods sadly, but smiles in reassurance. "Well, he won't have to worry about that anymore. He'll finally have a father and grandfather to help be there for him in his life." He leans over and kisses Night's cheek. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she nuzzles into his chest again "I am very happy to hear that, my love" she says and looks up at him "It has been difficult raising him on my own. I mean, I am very grateful for mom's help, but she's been super busy with her own work at times, but now..I think I'd be more free to do more music and gigs" she says and kisses him on the lips "And you are right, it is important for him to have us as the last he sees when he closes his eyes and the first when he opens them" she smiles "Soo, I know though we hadn't even gone on our first date yet, but, it's quite clear to me that we both love each other and are meant for each other...do you want to..I don't know...move in with me?"

Night smiles and kisses him back "Nope, no more worries" she says, gently stroking  her hand through Dusk's mane and smiling softly "and I'm sure Broken and Dynamo will be back very soon to tuck him in." she says and looks down at her sleeping grandson "He is such a precious little colt"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo frowned, but understood how difficult Broken's life had been from everything that had happened. "I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad how everything has worked out. Night is a really great mom to help take care of Dusk." He smiles as Broken was happy at being able to do her job of music and gigs. "I'm really happy for you, sweetheart. Now you can continue to do the things that make you happy. It sounds like music and gigs are really important." He was surprised as she placed a kiss upon his lips, but he smiles and returns the kiss. "I'm glad you and I can agree on many different things. I know things will continue to get better for all of us very soon." He says as they soon arrived at Broken's home. As he gently placed her back on her feet, he hummed at the mention of moving in with Broken. "I know it will be confusing on how to keep Pinball's old house, but I think we'll figure it out together." He chuckled as he basically gave her the answer, but he still wanted to make sure his answer was clear. "We haven't gone on a date yet, but I know we care each other a lot. So, my answer is yes. I would love to move in with you, Broken." He pulls her into a hug, while giving her a soft, yet heartfelt kiss.

Button smiled and nods in agreement. "You're right about that. They wouldn't want to miss tucking in Dusk. That, and I know they don't want to be tired on their date tomorrow." He chuckled softly, before looking down to Dusk and nodding at Night's remark. "He really is precious. I know he'll be a great pony in the future. Whether that be for games, music, or anything else. He has a great family to help him be on the right path."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nuzzles him "Maybe we could keep it and have it like a holiday house?" she says "Or, Dusk and I move in there, and we just visit mom often?" she says "Yes, that works better, what do you think sweetie?" she asks as she hugs and kiss him back.

Night smiles and nods, gently stroking Dusk's mane some mare "Yes, he has a wonderful father and grandfather now" she says and kisses Button just as Dynamo and Broken walks through the door "Just in time you two, Dusk just fell asleep in Button's lap" she says, motioning to the sleeping colt who was very happy right then.

Broken smiles wide "That is really precious, and you know what Button? It means he likes you, as well as trusting and loving you, so I guess, I get to call you dad from now on?" she asks as she gently picks the sleeping Dusk up into her arms "Come on sweetie, bed time, and who knows, maybe auntie Luna will pay you a visit in your dreams" she says as Dusk soon opens his eyes "M-mama? O-okay" he says as he curls up in her arms.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo thought for a moment at the idea of his home being a holiday house. "I can see that working out. I guess it would be a home away from home. Maybe during the summer holidays, or something along those lines." He stopped his train of thought at the mention of Broken's next suggestion. He smiled as he liked the idea of her and Dusk staying with him. "I agree. I think that sounds like an even better idea." He nods without a second thought. He nuzzled her back as he returned the hug.

Button looked down at the sleeping form of Dusk, before gently stroking the top of Dusk's head. "You're right about that, Night. He has some really good male role models to look up to now." His ears perked as he heard the creak of the door. Signalling that Dynamo and Broken had returned home. He strained his head as he didn't want to move and wake up the sleeping colt. "That's what I call perfect timing. He just fell asleep as soon as you two stepped into the house."

Dynamo chuckled and smiled at the idea of Button being Broken's dad. He raised an eyebrow as an idea came to mind. "If you're going to be Broken's dad, then if Broken and I eventually got married. Would that mean I would call you dad, too?" He shrugged his shoulders as he honestly didn't have a clue. He would probably figure it out later on in the future. Right now, he was happy with everything that was going on in the present. Button could only chuckle and shrugged his shoulders, as well. "I guess that's true, but it's like you said. We'll figure it out in the future. To answer your question, Broken. That would be a yes. I guess you can call me dad from now on, too." Dynamo looked to Dusk, who was scooped up in Broken's arms and was starting to wake up. He ruffled his mane gently and smiles at the young colt. "Hey there, kiddo. It's time for bed. Did you have fun spending time with uncle Button?" He asks as the trio made their way towards Dusk's room.

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk looks up as he sees Dynamo "I-I call him grandpa Button now" he says with a giggle as he curls up more in Broken's arms before she lays him down onto his bed and tucks him in, giving him his favorite plushie of Luna. "I'm really proud of you sweetie" Broken says to Dusk "Going to sleep like that, without fuss, and in Button's lap like that, I am sure that it meant quite a lot to him" she kisses his nose "Sleep well baby boy, big day tomorrow" she says and Dusk nods as he cuddles his stuffie "N-nini mommy, nini daddy" he would say before yawning cutely and falling asleep.

Night smiles and nuzzles Button as she then sees Dynamo and Broken walk down the stairs. "Mom, Dynamo and I have been talking and well.." she smiles as she holds Dynamo's hand "Dusk and I will move into his house, so that he won't lost his mentor's old house" she says "But don't worry, we will visit as often as possible and of course, you are more than welcome to visit us as well"

Night smiles and nods "I understand dear, I am going to miss you two, but I am assuming that Pinball's old house has sentimental value to Dynamo, and I'm proud of you for thinking of Dynamo first" she says as Broken smiles, "I know mom, besides, as much I love being here and having your help with raising Dusk, I think it is time for me to move out, give you some space again." Night nods "I understand dear, would you  two care to join us for some wine?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo looked down to Dusk and chuckles in agreement. "You've got that right, Dusk. He'll be your new grandpa now. Just like how I'll be your new dad." He says as Broken placed Dusk on his bed and was tucked in. He leans down and ruffles his mane, before kissing the top of his head. "Goodnight, my son. Sweet dreams and we'll see you in the morning. It's just like what your mommy said. Very big day tomorrow." He says as Dusk yawned cutely, before falling asleep.

As Dynamo and Broken walked down the stairs, Button smiled at the two as they explained what the plan was. "I think that would be okay. I agree with what Night had said about the house being a sentimental value. He wanted Dynamo to have that house when he wanted to move down to Ponyville. I think that works out for all of us when you think about it. Night wanted to know if I could move in with her, so I say yes. If we have to, then we can find someone or have myself or Dynamo watch Dusk." he says as he nuzzles Night. Dynamo smiled as he felt Broken take his hand into her own. "I thank you for allowing Broken and Dusk to live with me, Night. I promise to take care of them and always be there for the both of them." He says after getting the okay by Night. Dynamo thought about the offer and nods once. "I think that would be okay. This is a perfect time for a celebration. We have a lot to celebrate for with everything that happened today." He says as he hugs Broken and kisses her cheek. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she takes the wine glass "Thanks mom, and yeah, I thought about it, plus having both Dynamo and Button here with you, me and Dusky on a steady basis would make things a bit cramped" she says with a chuckle, sitting down and sipping on her wine. "Besides, I think there's probably gonna be some things at Dynamo's that Dusk will absolutely love, other than just Dynamo and myself"

Night smiles and kisses Button, "Mm you are right there, as much as we'd love having you here, I think its time for you to move out and have your own space" she sips on her own wine "and I bet you are right, from what Button told me about Pinball, I'm sure there's plenty of things he has there that Dusky will love"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles as he takes the offered wine glass from Night. "Thank you Night. I think it would be for the best on how the living arrangements would work out. I can agree that the living conditions would be a little cramped, but at least we would all be one big happy family." He chuckled and shook his head at his terrible joke. "I'm sorry about that. I do have a couple of old arcade machines that I know Dusk would enjoy playing." He sips a bit of his drink and nods at Broken's remark.

Button returns Night's kiss, before taking a sip of his own wine. "It's true. There are a couple of pinball machines in Dynamo's room that Pinball owned. He also has a game room for when he invited some friends over for the weekend. It was always a summer home, but Pinball planned to move to Las Pegasus soon. So, he decided to give Dynamo the home as Dynamo was moving down to Ponyville." He chuckled at Dynamo's joke, but nods. "I just hope the three of you live happily and peacefully. It seems as if everything is going on the right path. You both found someone special and Dusk has us to add to his own family. Plus, I have a special somepony that I love very much." He says as he nuzzles Night. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she hugs Dynamo close "And we can always being all my gaming equipment" she suggests "Just one big collection. We'll be spoiled for choice on what to play, and of course, Dusk will be too, but with guidance" she says as she sips some more on her drink "Gonna start packing and the moving process, oh and dear, is there space for a studio? Like for my music stuff?" she asks.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles as he returns the hug and nods. "That sounds like a great idea. With all the games that I have and yours, then it'll be a giant library for a gamer. I guess you, Dusk and I would be spoiled on all the video games we have. With Button and I, Dusk will have plenty of guidance when it comes to games." He chuckled, but stopped as a thought came to mind. "I guess we shouldn't forget about Princess Luna. Given how she is a gamer, then one could imagine how many games she has. A library would pale in comparison to her collection in video games." He took another sip of his drink, while finishing what was left in the glass. He put the glass on the counter as he didn't plan on having another drink. "With the four of us, then the packing and moving process shouldn't take that long. I also think there's space for your music and a studio. There's many rooms in the house for something like that. There is a guest room or two, but those can be renovated. One guest room can be for your studio, while the other can be Dusk's room. That would be right next door to my room, so in case he is having a nightmare and wants to find us." Button nods happily at the suggestion. "I think that's a great idea. We don't really get many guests to stay over. I've stayed over once or twice when it came to having a gaming marathon. It's better than letting the rooms going to waste. Plus, Dynamo and Broken can share a room together." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she finishes her glass of wine "Sounds good to me" she then covers a yawn "Well, I think it is time we went to bed, we've got a big day tomorrow, not just the moving, but Dynamo's and my date. And then the next night his training begins" she smiles and hugs Dynamo "Thanks for the wine mom and dad" she then holds Dynamo's hand "Come dear, let us go to bed" she then leads him to her bedroom, before closing the door behind them and getting undressed and ready for bed.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo chuckled slightly at how cute Broken sounded when she yawned. However, her yawn had caused him to yawn as well. He rubbed his eyes as he looked to the clock on the wall to see it was late. He nodded at her plan with a smile. "I think going to bed is a good idea. We wouldn't want to be tired tomorrow. There's a lot to do, but so much to look forward too." He says as he returns the hug. "Thank you for the drinks and everything tonight. Good night, Night and Button. We'll see you all in the morning." He nods and takes Broken's hand into his own. He followed Broken as she lead him to her bedroom. Once he walked into her room, she closed the door. "Is it okay if I can stay in your room tonight, Broken?" He asks as he sat down on her bed. He knew they were boyfriend and girlfriend now, but he didn't want to take advantage of their hospitality. 

As Dynamo and Broken left to go to Broken's room, Button finished his drink and placed his glass on the counter. He then moved to Night and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "I guess we should follow their lead and head off for bed ourselves. How does that sound, dear?" He nuzzled her cheek and places a kiss on said cheek. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "Of course babe, make yourself comfortable" she says, leaning over to kiss him before sitting down on the bed, removing her metal leg and arm "Makes things a bit more difficult, but boy are those girls uncomfortable when I try to sleep" she chuckles before wriggling under the covers and sighs happily. She wraps her natural arm around Dynamo as she feels him lay down beside her "Goodnight sweetheart, hopefully Dusky will also have a goodnight sleep"

Night nods "Sure, lets check in on our grandcolt first" she says, taking the empty wine glasses to the kitchen and the bottle back into the fridge "And of course, you're in my bed tonight, darling" she says before stretching and leading the way to Dusk's room.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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At Broken's remark, he nods and made himself comfortable. As Broken sat down on her bed, the blue unicorn returned the kiss and noticed Broken removing her metal arm and leg. He was surprised at first, but he could understand. To him, Broken was still herself with or with no metal limbs. "I could imagine. Especially if you toss and turn in bed." He chuckled as she wriggled under the covers. He laid his head down on the pillow and felt Broken wrap her natural arm around him. He wrapped his arm around her and felt her head upon his chest. "Goodnight, my love. With Dusk having a dad and a grandpa here, I know he'll sleep soundly tonight." He said as he felt his eyelids becoming heavy. He soon closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Button nodded in approval to the plan. "That sounds good to me. Hopefully our grandcolt is having lovely dreams, while spending time with his auntie Luna." He waited for Night as she placed the bottle back into the fridge and lead the way. "I wouldn't have it any other way, honey." He chuckled as he followed Night towards Dusk's room. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles as she slowly opens Dusk's bedroom door and her smile grew "Shh, he's fast asleep"  she says as she goes to the side of his bed and gently runs her hand through his mane and rubs his little ears "Sleep well little one, nana and grandpa love you so very much" she says and waits to see what Button will do, while still rubbing his ears and stroking his hair.


In the dreamworld, Luna was waiting for Dynamo.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Button smiled softly with a nod as Night quietly opened the door to Dusk's room. He tiptoed over to Dusk's bed as Night gently ran a hand through his mane. He leaned down and gently placed a kiss upon his forehead. "It's just like your nana had said. She and I love you so very much, Dusk. Just like your mother and father love you so very much. Grandpa and nana will always be with you, little one. Pleasant dreams and may the stars watch and guide you." He whispered softly as he noticed Night was rubbing Dusk's ears.


Dynamo had slowly awoken as he noticed he was floating in a sort of dark void. "W-Where...am I? Is this...a dream?" He slowly sat up as he begun looking around on every side.

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles, also kissing Dusk on the forehead before leading Button out of the room and sighing happily "I think this is the first time he hasn't had any troubles sleeping in  a long time" she says, holding Button's hand, then leading him to their room and closing the door behind them, but not locking it. She smiles at him "Mind if I slip into something more comfortable?" she asks, getting behind a screen and slipping into her nightie before going to the bed and slipping under the covers.

Luna smiles as she walks up to him "I figured I might speak to you privately in your dreams  before showing you something special" she explains, "Please, follow me"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Button looked behind him one, last time to make sure that Dusk was sound asleep. As Night had lead him out of the room, He smiles and nods. "I guess that after all this time, he finally has a family again. Plus, having him see his mother and aunt happy must have made him feel at ease." He felt her hand in his as Night lead him to their room. "By all means. I don't mind, honey." He says as he sat down on the bed. As she got changed and walked around the screen, he lied down in bed as she slipped under the covers. "I think I'm going to enjoy living here. I know I'll have to close down my original house, but I don't think that's a problem. I love you, Night." He says, before pulling her close and giving her a kiss.

Dynamo's ears perked as he heard the echoing of footsteps all around him. He turned around to see that it was Princess Luna, who stood before him. "Hey, Princess Luna, or should I say Master Luna?" He chuckled slightly, while running a hand through his mane. "I'm guessing that either title will do." He stayed quiet as she needed to talk to him. "What is it that you'd like to talk to me about, master?" At the mention of something special, Dynamo raised a curious eyebrow, before following the retreating princess of the night. 

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@Dynamo Pad

(awesome signature by  the way)

Night smiles and nods, snuggling up to him "I bet, seeing both his mother and nana happy, happier than he has seen either of us in a long time" she says, kissing his cheek and rests her head on his chest "Sleep well love, tomorrow we will be helping them move" she nuzzles into his chest a little and closes her eyes, murring softly and flicking her ears cutely in her sleep.

Luna chuckles "Just Luna will do, my dear student" she says as she leads him to what her game room would look like "First and foremost, I want to thank you and Button, for being there for Night and Broken" she says "Especially Night, as she is one of my best guards, but she has been so lonely"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Button smiles as Night had snuggled up to him. "We'll all make one, big happy family. A family that will stick together for a long time." He felt the kiss upon his cheek as she rested her head upon his chest. "Good night, dear. That sounds perfect to me. We'll help them move and get ready for some dates. Then the next day, we'll get everything ready for when I move into your home, as well." Button noticed Night's ears flicking cutely in her sleep. He chuckled at how adorable she was being. Button held Night close as he slowly began to fall asleep.

Dynamo chuckles and smiles as Luna cleared up on what to address her as. "Fair enough, Luna." He continued to follow her as she lead him into what her game room would look like. As he entered the gaming room, Dynamo stared and looked around in awe at how amazing the room looked. The mountain of games, the many TV's and consoles. It was as if he was in a gaming paradise. The fascination in his eyes faded away as Luna had addressed him. He looks to her and smiles kindly with a nod. "You don't have to thank us, Luna. We were in the right place at the right time. That and we worked hard to keep those we care about safe." He nods, before continuing. "I can tell you that Button is a kind pony. He was feeling lonely, as well and wanted to find the one. I know he'll treat Night with the utmost of love and respect. Just like how I'll treat Broken with love and respect. As well as take great care of Dusk and be there for him as a father." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Luna smiles and nods "Well regardless, this is where most of your training will look like" she says, letting him look around "As you can see, I have every console there is, as well as every game, but your training won't just include gaming, I feel you have the potential to help me with other dreams as well" she states, siting down with a soda and sipping on it "When you're done looking around and familiarizing yourself with the area and everything, there is something very special I want to show and teach you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose 

Dynamo nods in understanding to the idea of the training. "I guess that does make a lot of sense. Seeing how I might not be able to make it to the castle on some days. So, I'd be training in the dream realm. I could imagine that one would still get stronger since they are retaining the information." He whistled in surprise at the mention of having every game ever made, as well as every gaming console. "That must be a very rare collection. You must be an avid collector in the video game community." After looking around and familiarizing the games, console and area. The blue unicorn made his way over to Luna, who was sitting on a couch, while sipping on a soda. As he reached the coach, he sat down on the furniture and leaned against the arm of the chair. "What is it that you want to teach and show me, Luna? I remember that you said that I would help you with the dreams of others. However, I thought only you had the magic to do things like that. Granted, I know a pony can still use magic in a dream, but still." He says as he recalled what Starlight had told him about her past, while she lived in Ponyville. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Luna smiles "Well that will be a part of your training, dream magic. How you can enter dreams, and how to help others" she says, taking him by the hand "And tonight we shall start with someone close to you" she says and then takes him into a dream, said dream was by Dusk. In the dream, was Dusk and Broken, how-ever Dynamo wasn't in the picture, instead was a shadowy shape of what could be Dynamo. Luna sees and nudges him "Now tell me, what could your absence but that shadowy shape represent in your son's dream?" she queries.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo's eyes widened in surprise at the mention of what he would be learning. "I'm going to learn how to use dream magic like you, Luna? I thought you were the only one to have such an ability?" He asks as she took him by the hand. He walked along with her as she lead him to Dusk's dream. He noticed that Dusk and Broken were spending time together, but he noticed a third figure being among them. He furrowed his eyebrows as he was confused by the shadowy shape. As he heard Luna's remark, the blue unicorn tried to figure out the meaning of her words. He soon noticed that the shadowy figure looked similarly like him. "I think my absence is the representation of him not having a father for such a long time? That my shadowy figure is that I'm there, but in this dream it doesn't seem like a reality yet for him?" He asks as he looked up to the Princess of the night.  

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