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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nodded at the surgeons instructions, before making his way back into the operating room. He made his way over to Broken, who had placed her mechanical limbs to the side. "The surgeon had told me that he'd be right back. He had to get his nurse and surgeons, before they could start." He says, his ears perked as he heard the door open behind them. He smiled as he saw both the surgeon had returned with two other assistants. As the surgeon explained the effects of the anesthesia, Dynamo held Broken's hand tightly in his own hand. "Everything will be okay, sweetheart. No matter what happens, I promise that I'll be right here. I won't ever let go, honey. I'll see you when you wake up." He kissed her cheek, before the surgeon placed the face mask over her muzzle. He watched as Broken breathed deeply and closed her eyes, while she had fallen into a numbed sleep. 

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@Dynamo Pad

The doctor smiles as Broken falls asleep under the anesthesia and sleep gas "Magic is a wonderful thing" he says to Dynamo, "So is modern medicine, but there are some things that modern medicine cannot do right now" he says as an aura surrounded the stumps where Broken's original limbs were. "With magic, we can help ponies who have lost limbs, regrow them, with all their nerves, muscles, bones etc attached and working" he explains "Which is why the anesthesia and sleeping gas is a marvel here, otherwise, miss Record would likely scream the place down from the pain she would be feeling"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles as he listened to the doctor's explanation of magic and medicine. "I know what you mean. Using magic to play video games in a different way is pretty awesome. It's interesting to see how magic can be used for many different tasks and/or ways." He raised an eyebrow as an aura of magic surrounded the stumps where Broken's arm and leg were. He watched as the doctor was able to recreate the limbs that were missing. He was both amazed at the magic being performed, before wincing and turning away slightly. "That's understandable. I would be the same when it comes to Broken. Just seeing the operation being performed, I guess I can get a little bit sick. Something along the lines of passing out when you feel too sick or experienced too much pain?" He wondered about the magic and medicine the doctor was talking about, before concluding that he'd ask the doctor about something later. For right now, he didn't want to disturb the doctor's work on helping Broken.

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@Dynamo Pad

Some time later, the operation was done and with complete success. The surgeon wipes the sweat from his brow "And done, but I must say, her DNA is..something different.. It's equine like you and me, but..it's not the same strand" he says "which is why it took a bit longer than expected..oh, she's coming to" he says as Broken begins to groggily open her eyes "Easy now, you won't be able to walk on or your new leg or use your new arm for at least two days, and you may feel a sharp pain at some point, but that is alright as that will just be the finalization of everything setting into place"

Broken smiles as she slowly opens her eyes and winces in some pain "A-argh, o-okay doc, you're a real life saver you know" she smiles accepting a crutch from one of the nurses "S-so how do we pay?" she asks and the surgeon smiles "Your mother's already called and paid over the phone" he explains, "Wonderful, s-so we can go home?" she ask as the surgeon nods and leads them back to the entrance "If you do have anything other than the sharp pains, please call" he says.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

After some time had passed, the surgeon had announced that the operation was complete. Dynamo smiled as he looked at the peaceful look on Broken's face. He looked up to the surgeon, raising his eyebrows at the mention of her DNA. "Really? I guess that's pretty rare. Maybe that part of her DNA is from some other place in Equestria. I've heard about hippogriff's on Mount Aris and other creatures in far away areas of the world." He says, trying not to give any information about where Broken was actually from. He nodded in understanding as to why the operation took longer than expected. As Broken was waking up, Dynamo pushed her back on the bed gently as she tried to sit up.

As the doctor had explained what would happen over the next few days, Dynamo nodded and smiled at how everything worked out. "Thank again, doctor. We really appreciate all that you've done." He says, while a nurse had given Broken a crutch to walk. At the mention of being able to go home, Dynamo nodded as an idea had come to mind. "Would it be okay if we got a wheelchair to help her to the car. I wouldn't want her to overuse her energy to walk. Seeing how she just got out of surgery." He says, making sure to take care of Broken's well being. "Also, doctor? I was wondering something when you were talking about medicine and magic. You see, when I was born. My doctor's had told me that my horn wasn't like a regular unicorn horn. They said that I would be unable to use magic. However, over the years, I was able to find my cutie mark and magic. I'm not asking to have my unicorn horn fixed. However, is there an explanation, or way of being able to have better control of magic?" He asks as the doctor had explained how the payments were taken care of. 

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@Dynamo Pad

The doctor thinks for a moment as Dynamo asks his question "I am unsure about that. I think, that maybe if you want to know more, you should probably ask perhaps Princess Twilight Sparkle, or even Princess Celestia or Princess Luna" the doctor says "My expertise is only in medicinal magic, I'm sorry" he apologizes. as a nurse then helps Broken into a wheelchair "There you go sweetie" the nurse says as she then looks to Dynamo "Make sure she also gets plenty of hydration"

Broken smiles "Thank you ma'am" she says as she is helped into the wheelchair and wheeled to the car, she looks up to Dynamo "Looks like you're driving for the next couple days love, hope you know the way"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo frowned at first, but he soon smiled and didn't blame him. "That's okay and thank you for letting me know. I might look into asking one of the princesses in the future." He says, holding back a chuckle about his comment on the princesses. 'Oh, you have no idea. I am meeting Princess Luna tonight for training. So, it's ironic by what you said, doc.' He thought as a nurse had brought a wheelchair for Broken. He looked to the nurse, who had given him instructions on helping Broken to feel better. "Okay and thank you, ma'am. I'll make sure she gets lot of water and rest. If she's still in pain, then I'll bring her right back to the emergency room." He says, waving at the others, before pushing Broken out of the surgeon's office.

As they exited the building, Dynamo located the vehicle, while wheeled Broken to the car. As he made it to the car, he opened the door, before helping his girlfriend into the passenger's seat. He buckled her up, while making sure not to hurt her healed arm and leg. As he closed the door behind him, he brought the wheelchair back to the building, before returning to the car. As he buckled up, he chuckled with a smile and nods. "I don't mind driving, sweetheart. It gives me time to drive you and Dusk around town and enjoy the sights. I have GPS, so I'll be okay on knowing where to go. Should we call the others to let them know that we're on our way back?" He asks, before putting the keys in the ignition to start the car.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as Dynamo helps her into the car "Thank you sweetie, and that's good to know" she says as she looks out of the window "Yes, I believe letting the others know that we will be on our way back is  a good idea" she says, getting out her mobile phone and struggles a little, as she was still somewhat under the effects of the anesthesia. "Uhm, ma bye it's best if you call them sweetheart, I might end up dropping the phone" she says with a chuckle. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nods with a smile at her remark. "You're welcome sweetheart and it's no problem." He says, nodding once more as Broken had grabbed her mobile phone. His ears perked as he thought he heard the phone had dropped to the floor. He chuckled and smiled as he couldn't blame her. She was still under the effects of the anesthesia, so she was still a little groggy. "No problem and it will only take a second." He took the phone and began to dial for Night and Button. He had kept the car in park and waited, before smiling as he got a response. "Hey, Button and Night? This is Dynamo. I just wanted to let you know that the operation was a success and we'll be on our way home." Button had picked up the phone and smiled as he heard the good news. "That's perfect. It sounds like everything had turned out well. Just make sure that you both drive safely, okay?" Dynamo chuckled and nodded at Button's concern. "You've got it, my friend. Also, don't worry because I'll be driving. She's still a little tired from the anesthesia. We'll let you know when we are on our way home. Talk to you guys soon. Tell Dusky that mommy and daddy said hi and we love and miss him." Button nods with a smile at Dynamo's remark. "Of course. We'll make sure to tell him and see you both soon." He says, before hanging up the phone.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she leans the passenger seat back and rests a bit "You're too good to me hon" she says with a chuckle "Oh, we should probably stop by Sugarcube Corner as well, we're out of treats and the milkshakes, plus, I am certain that Pinkie and Cheese will be delighted to see and hear that my operation went well" she says with a smile and closes her eyes "I just want to be home, snuggled in bed with you and our little baby boy and watching some good cartoons and junk food to snack on" she says "Honey, I'm going to take a nap, wake me when we get to the bakery, thanks babe" she says, fully closing her eyes and falling asleep.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As Dynamo ended the call, he placed the phone in the cup holder. He knew that Broken was tired, so he thought he could put the phone somewhere for safe keeping. He smiles as he turns his attention to Broken, who leaned the passenger seat back. "I try my best. You went through a lot and you deserve a good rest. I wouldn't want you to overdo anything and miss any opportunity of messing up your DJ job." He says, thinking about her well being to heart. He chuckles and nods at the quick stop to Sugarcube Corner. "I think we can arrange that. Besides, the treats were good and it was a long drive home." He says, chuckling at the mention of Pinkie and Cheese. "Of course. They should be the first ones to know. I guess second or third, since we told Night and Button about the operation." He shrugged as he couldn't figure out the right answer. "At any rate, they'll want to add onto the party of the operation being a success. Plus, we can see if they've made any progress on the party." 

As she closed her eyes, Dynamo smiled softly and nodded at her statement. "Just rest and we'll be home soon, my love. After we get home, you, Dusk and I can enjoy a night of cartoons and games together. Afterwards, we'll have a nice rest and all of us snuggled up together." He nods, leaning over and kissing her softly on the cheek. "Have a good rest and I love you sweetheart." He says, making his way out of the driveway and back onto the road.

-Time Skip-

The drive was quiet as Dynamo had paid attention to the road, while occassionally looking to Broken to see if she was okay. He kept a track of what the GPS had said to make sure he was going the right way. After an hour and a half of driving, the couple had finally made their return to the town of Ponyville. The blue unicorn had sighed in relief as he was thankful on making it back to town with no trouble. He slowed down as he was making his way up to Sugarcube Corner. He pulled into the dessert establishment and found a place to park the car. He made sure to park and turn off the car, before gently placing a hand upon Broken's shoulder. "Broken? Sweetheart? You need to wake up, my love. We're at Sugarcube Corner." He says with a smile, while trying to gently shake his girlfriend awake. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken stirs a little as she is gently woken up by her boyfriend "Mm already? Wow, well I must say I slept like a log" she says with a chuckle, and tries to sit up "Oof, did they let us keep the wheelchair?" she asks "Not sure I can walk just yet" she asks with a giggle.

Pinkie was looking out the window and squees "Cheese doodle, honey!" she calls to Cheese Sandwich, "Broken and Dynamo are back!"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As he noticed Broken waking up, Dynamo chuckled at his girlfriend's remark. "You were asleep for about an hour and a half. I guess you were out like a light." His ears fell as she asked about the wheelchair. "Uh...I gave the wheelchair back to the nurse. I didn't think we would need the wheelchair. I'm really sorry, sweetheart." He says, making a mental note that they would need to get a wheelchair around the house. "Hmm...since we don't have a wheelchair, then I can be your mode of transportation." He says, making his way out of the vehicle, before going over to the passenger side. "Now, how would you like me to carry you? Would you like to be held like a princess, or be given a piggy back ride?" He asks as he opened the passenger door to help Broken out of the car.

As Cheese had put Cupcake down for a nap, he looked up to hear Pinkie squee in excitement. "Mommy and I will seen you soon, honey." He says, kissing the top of Cupcake's head, before quietly making his way out of the room. As he gently closed the door behind him, he smiled as he heard that their friends have returned. "Dynamo and Broken are back!? I'll be right there!" He exclaimed, before swiftly making his way down the steps and back to the front desk. "They're back so soon, my favorite cotton candy? I wonder if the surgery had gone well."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and giggles "Well...seeing as you put it that way.." she says, looking up at him and raising her arms "Like a princess, you know I love it when you carry me like that, and now I won't weigh as much as there's no metal to weigh me down" she giggles and nuzzles into his chest after she is picked up and held in his arms. 

Pinkie smiles and giggles at the nickname, she still remembered how Capper would call her that, but now Cheese Sandwich started calling her Cotton Candy. "Yep, and looks like the operation was a success"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles with a nod, before picking her up bridal style. "Then the princess carrying style it shall be. After all, you'll always be my princess, sweetheart." He chuckles, while nuzzling her. "Also, there's no need to worry. Even with the metal limbs, you honestly didn't seem heavy to me. You were as light as a leaf." He smiles, holding her close as he closed the door behind him. The couple soon started to make their way towards the shop. As they reached the door, he knocked with his foot, before opening the door with his magic. "Pinkie? Cheese? Are you guys here? We wanted to tell you the good news."

Cheese had looked out the window to see Dynamo carrying Broken like a princess. However, what caught his eye was that there were no metal limbs. "Great galloping gumdrops! It looks like the surgery they had told us went perfectly. I guess we'll have to add a success to an operation to the party. Do you know what this means, baby? Time for us to bring out the Big Bertha party canon!" He says, grinning like a foal in a toy store.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

Pinkie giggles "Oooh goodie! I've wanted to get her out again!" she squeals happily, and goes to hug the two as they walk into the bakery "We see that the operation was a success, my Broken, you look like a new mare!" she giggles and hugs her once more "and Cheese doodle and I were just discussing about adding your successful operation to the party, what do ya think?"

Broken stifles a giggles "Cheese doodle? How fitting" she says and just giggles "Sorry Cheese, but it's so fitting for you" she says and looks to them "and I think that Dynamo was right, he mentioned he thought you two would want to ad it to the party" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled as Pinkie hugged Dynamo and Broken, while Dynamo was still carrying Broken bridal style. "It's nice to see you again, Pinkie." He says, pulling back from the hug as he placed Broken in an available chair. "You can say that again about the operation was a complete success. Everything was taken care of in just the span of a day. It was surprising at first, but I can't complain. I'm honestly really happy for Broken right now." He says, snickering slightly at the name Pinkie had given Cheese Sandwich. "Cheese Doodle?" He asks, before giving Cheese an apologetic look. "I don't mean to laugh, Cheese. It's just the nickname was right out of left field."

Cheese smiled and shook his head with a chuckle. "It's okay and no problem. I was making a sketch of a party theme, while eating an using cheese doodles as the drawing utensil. What we got was a real cheesy party. However, it was the best cheesy party anyone could ever ask for." He says, looking from left to right as he leaned close to the others. "The tricky part was getting Pinkie to talk things over with Princess Twilight. She told me about Twilight's fear of quesadillas. Something about how they are so cheesy, or something like that." He winked with a grin, before smiling in surprise at Broken's remark. "Well, I'll be. It looks like Dynamo was able to read our mind for once." Dynamo shrugged his shoulders with a chuckle. "Well, I guess I got lucky. I don't have a sixth sense for parties, but I do have a sixth sense for TV. I sometimes think of a moment from a TV show or a movie. The next day, that movie or specific TV episode is on the air. I don't know how, but that just happens."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken just cracks up laughing at Cheese's response "And it is so totally perfect!" she exclaims, and then calms down a little "Ah, you two are always good for a good laugh" she says and shakes her head "Anyway,  we thought we'd drop by to let you two know that the operation was a success and maybe pick up a horde of snacks and treats. Tonight is going to be family night, with myself, Dynamo and Dusky snuggled in bed, snacking on the delicious treats you will give us and watching some good old fashioned cartoons"

Pinkie giggles and nods "oooh sounds like fun, I think it's time we did something like that with Cupcake, wouldn't you say Cheese honey?" she asks as she gets the snacks ready.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As Cheese explained the nickname Pinkie gave him, Dynamo broke down into a laughing fit. He had to grip the table, so he wouldn't fall to the ground. "Oh, that's the best story ever. Plus, I can see you doing something like that, Cheese." He says, while Cheese Sandwich chuckled along. "I'm glad to see that you both liked that story. That happened around a month or two ago. I'm glad that we are able to give you both a good laugh." He says, Dynamo nodded in agreement. "It's true. You both can make the simplest of jokes sound utterly hilarious." He says, nodding at the plan that he, Broken and Dusk were planning to have. "Maybe after watching a bit of cartoons, Dusk and I will play some video games."

Cheese smiled at the plan, while looking over to Pinkie and nods at her question. "Hmm...I couldn't agree more, my Cotton Candy. Perhaps we can have this kind of event tonight or tomorrow. Instead of games, we can have snacks upon snacks, while watching funny classics. This way, we'd be up all night laughing and be full of sugary energy." He says, while he went over to help Pinkie in getting the snacks ready. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "I think spending some time with your own little one would be a wonderful idea" she says "just try not to get too hyped up on sugar" she chuckles "Don't want you three to get sick or anything" she says and sees them getting the snacks "Thanks a bunch you guys, I really want to spoil little Dusky"

Pinkie giggles "Oh don't worry, we won't get sick, we may go overboard, but we know when to stop" she says as she brings the boxes and boxes of treats and snacks for them. "Here you go, this should suffice for tonight" she says with a big smile.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled and nodded in agreement. "That does sound like a great idea. However, I don't know how you guys can sleep after eating so much sugary treats." Cheese grinned and nods at the remark. "Oh, it's no big deal. I remember eating a whole giant bag of sugar. I was hyper and full of energy from eating sugar. After some time, I instantly fell asleep. So, there's no worries on all of us going overboard with sugar." He says, Dynamo grinning at the boxes of treats being prepared. "It sounds like Pinkie and Cheese want to spoil you, myself and Dusky. These desserts look delicious."

Cheese winked as he helped Pinkie in preparing the boxes. "They won't just look amazing. They'll taste amazing, as well. Also, I wouldn't think of this as spoiling you guys. Think of it as an early celebration to Broken's recovery. Seeing how we haven't completed the party." He says, Dynamo chuckling with a nod. "I guess that makes a lot of sense. So, this is an early idea of what the party might be like. I like the sound of that and I'm looking forward to the party." He says, grabbing the boxes of treats with a levitation spell. "Thank you again for the dessert boxes, Pinkie and Cheese. How much will it be for the desserts?" He asks as he was getting his wallet out of his pocket.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken grins "You guys are true gems, thank you so much" she says "Though we may need a bit of help carrying them to the car" she says as she looks at the treats. Pinkie just giggles and nods "Of course no worries guys" she says then at the question of how much all of the treats cost, she looks to Cheese who just nods "No need to pay, it's on the house. Consider it a congratulations gift from us to you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Cheese grinned and shook his head. "You're welcome and it's no problem, really. We're just honestly happy to make our friends and other ponies and creatures smile. Making others happy and smile helps make the world go round." At the mention of carrying the food out to the car, Dynamo chuckled and nods. "I guess that will be a bit of a challenge. Hmm...I've got it. Pinkie and Cheese will each take a box, while I'll carry my sweetheart to the car." Cheese nods at the idea, before taking one of the boxes. "That's a great idea. Plus, I think you mentioned the idea because you like to hold Broken." He smirked as Dynamo blushed, but didn't say anything at first. "I can't argue or complain as I like to hold Broken in my arms. Both she and Dusky have made me the happiest and luckiest stallion in Equestria." He says, once again picking up Broken bridal style. "Also, I can imagine Broken would want me to spoil her. So, I hope she gets used to me carrying her for a few days." He chuckled, nuzzling his girlfriend as he smiled softly at Pinkie's statement. "Thanks, you guys, but you don't have to do that. This is really sweet and thoughtful of you both." He says, Cheese waving a hoof to the couple. "Think nothing of it. Just be prepared when it's time for the party to begin. I can't wait to see the looks on all of your faces." He smiles as he started taking a box of treats out to the car.

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@Dynamo Pad

Some time later, they would arrive back at their house and Broken had been laid down in bed with strict orders from Dynamo to stay put while he went to pick Dusk up from Night and Button's house. Broken giggles "Are you sure you can handle Dusk all on your own?" she asks teasingly as she settles into bed and rests.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Some time later, the two returned to their home as Dynamo carried Broken to the house. As they stepped into their home, he carefully brought Broken into their room and placed her gently on the bed. "Now I need you to stay here and to just rest up and relax. I'll go over to Night's and Button's house to pick Dusk up." He nods at the plan, before chuckling at Broken's teasing comment. "This is a difficult search and rescue missions, but I believe I'm the one capable of handling the job." He laughed and shook his head at his terrible joke. "I'm sorry, but in all seriousness I think I'll be okay. I'm also worried about you. I don't want to leave you all by your lonesome." He thought for a moment, before snapping his fingers at a bright idea. He closed his eyes to concentrate as his horn began to spark with magic. After a few moments, another Dynamo had split between the original. "I believe I can leave another of me to keep you company." He says, before the clone took a turn to speak. "You see, my dear Broken. This spell is called similo duplexes. If you combine certain spells correctly, then you can literally be in two places at once. So, I watch over you and the original picks up Dusk. It's a win/win situation."

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