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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles as he heard Broken's and Dusk's approval of his mother. "I'm glad to hear that you like my mom. I feel that meeting family is a two way deal, or something along those lines. It feels nice to be on good terms in both a relationship, while it's good to find understanding, care and kindness to the family. Since everyone would be a part of that family in the future." He smiled sheepishly at Broken's comment, before continuing. "Oh, trust me. You're right about that, but she can snap pretty quickly if you get on her bad side. Sometimes, it's because of a disagreement or if someone she knows is being hurt." He says, grinning at his son's approval of the gaming marathon. "Awesome! I remember you telling me you wanted to play video games together. Maybe tonight we can have a family gaming marathon. The three of us can get through the rest of those dungeons." He says, nodding at Dusk's question. He then returns Broken's hug, before placing a comforting hand upon her shoulder. "Hopefully, we'll see if this doctor can help us with mommy's arm and leg. Regardless of the answer, I still love and accept her for who she is." He says, leaning over and kissing Broken's cheek. He leans back, puts the rest of the dried dishes away and nods to Broken. "That went by pretty quickly. When we work as a team, then no task seems impossible. Also, indeed we shall." He says, picking up Dusk and sat the young colt down on the gaming unicorn's shoulders.

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk smiles as he held onto his dad tightly and looked around him, just as Broken's phone rings "Oh just a moment dear" She says as she answers it and goes into the other room. A short time later, she returns with a smile "That was mom and Button, I told them earlier about the appointment, they say they'll help with the operation if we are finding it hard to pay for it" she nuzzles him "That's if the operation is able to be done" she says, opening the door and locking it behind them before leading them to her car "Also, a family night with games and movies sounds awesome, well come on then, off to nana and pops"


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@Scarlet Rose

As the group was about to make their way to the car, Dynamo could hear Broken's phone had begun to ring. He nods as he holds onto Dusk, while the young colt sat on his shoulders. He saw Broken head into another room to answer the call, but soon returns with a smile. As he listened to what was going on, he returns the smile as they walked into the living room. "That's great news. I'm guessing you talked about this with Night a couple of times in the past. However, the decision on this appointment had finally reached a decision now. Afterwards, she and Button are going to help. They don't have to do that, but I really appreciate the help." He says, taking her hand into his own. "There's no 'if' when it comes to this operation. You can only say that it will be done." He says, giving her a look of reassurance. As Broken locked the door behind them, he smiles as she approved of the family night. "Did you hear that, buddy? The three of us can play games and watch the classic cartoons together! It sounds like this marathon will be awesome!" He glances to Dusk with a grin, before lifting the young colt off of his shoulders and placing him gently back on his feet. He then opened the back door to the car and placed Dusk in his seat, before buckling him in. He then closed the door as he entered the drivers seat. "What do you say, you two? Ready to get everything taken care of and have a nice day?" He says, putting the keys into the ignition and starting up the car.

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk smiles as he looks out the window "I can't wait daddy" he says as he then looks to his parents and hugs his new Luna plush along with his other one. Broken smiles, gently putting her hand on his knee "I can't wait, hopefully the operations can be done soon" she says, flicking her ears somewhat as they begun the drive to Night and Button's house. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckles at Dusk's remark, looking at the rear view mirror to see that his son was safe. He then looks to Broken, who had gently placed a hand upon his knee. He then placed his hand upon hers and nods, while giving his girlfriend a soft smile. "It sounds like we're all ready to have a great day as a family. I also hope the operation can be done soon. Whatever they say and if it's possible, then we'll all do our very best." He says, before taking his hand off her own and placing both hands on the steering wheel. He started the car up and began their drive to Night and Button's house. He rolled down the windows as it was relatively nice day. He sighed as a nice breeze flew into the car. After some time, the group finally pulled up to Night and Button's house as Dynamo turned off the car. "Here we are gang! We finally made it back to nana and pops house." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "I know baby, I'm just super nervous" she says and kisses his cheek, looking to the back of the car to see Dusk had fallen asleep again. She then smiles as they arrive at Night and Button's house. "Wake up sweetie, we're here" she says and gently smiles as Dusk just rolls over "Guess he's still kind of tired" she picks him up and cradles him in her arms "Come on love, lets get Dusk into his bed and then make our way to Pinkie's" she says with a smile, gently running a hand through Dusk''s mane while carrying him past the threshold and into the house.

Night looks up from her cooking "Hello you three, Dusk asleep?" she asks and then smiles "Well then, put him to bed and don't worry about a thing," she says with a smile, watching as Broken continues to carry Dusk up to his old room and tucks him in, "Mummy and daddy will only be a phone call away sweetie" she kisses his nose and puts his two Luna pluhises in his arms, before turning to Dynamo "Come on love, lets go organize things, unless you want to say goodnight to him as well"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles as he returns the kiss. "I understand sweetheart, but I know we'll be okay. You have Night, Button, Luna, Dusk and myself with you. No matter what happens, we'll always be here with you, my love." He says, before noticing that Dusk was asleep in the back of the car. He chuckled at how cute he was being. He watched as Broken tried to wake their son up, but it was to no avail. "It seems like he takes after me when it comes to falling asleep. I can easily fall asleep in a car ride if I'm in the passenger seat. I think I have a bad habit of falling asleep in the most random of places." He chuckled softly as Broken picked up and cradled the young colt. He nods with a smile as they crossed the threshold and into the house.

Button's ears perked as he could hear the front door being opened to the house. He turned back from helping Night with cooking to see Dynamo and Broken, who carried in a sleeping Dusk. "It's nice to see you guys. I'm guessing Dusk was still sleeping when you arrived. I can't say that I'm surprised. He and I went through a crazy video game marathon last night. I'm surprised he's not up yet." Dynamo chuckled and shook his head at his friend. "No. It's not like that. Dusky was tired from the car ride, so he decided to take a little nap." He says, nodding at Night's suggestion, while he and Broken caried Dusk to his old room. As she tucked Dusk into his old bed, Dynamo smiled, before placing a kiss upon the young colt's forehead. "We'll be gone for just a little while, but we promise to be right back. It's just like mommy had just said. We're only a phone call away. We love you so much and we'll see you soon, Dusk." He says, turning to Broken with a nod as he took her hand into his own, before they quietly made their way out of the room. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk curled up with his plushies as his mom and dad tucked him in. Broken smiles as she held Dynamo's hand and they made their way down to the living room. Night smiles as she looks up and sees them "Good morning you two, there's some fresh coffee in the pot if you'd like any" she says "Oh and yes, Broken, this came in the mail for you" she says, handing her a parcel, Broken smiles and takes it "Thanks mom" she says and opens it "YES!" she squeals in excitement "The complete Little Witch Academia collection!" She spins around happily and giggling like a little filly on her first day of Magic School.

Night just giggles "She loves her anime and manga" she says and then smiles at Dynamo "Surely you two have some time for coffee and biscuits before you two head off"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiled softly as Dusk curled up with his plushies. He then looked to his girlfriend, who smiled and took his hand into her own. As the two made their way down the stairs and into the living room, they had reached the kitchen to see Button and Night. "Good morning to you too, Night and Button. That's really kind of you to offer. I think I might take a cup of fresh coffee." He says, Button raising an eyebrow and smirking. "That's a first to hear you say that. Usually, you don't ever take a cup of coffee." Dynamo rolled his eyes and shook his head. All the while returning the smirk. "Well, my mom always liked the french vanilla coffee from the store. It's something I have from time to time. Although, it does give me an upset stomach. So, I try not to have coffee from time to time." He says, tilting his head at the parcel that Broken had received from Night. As he saw that she got a complete manga collection, Dynamo could only whistle in surprise. "Wow. That's a pretty awesome manga collection you've got there. I'm really happy for you, sweetheart." He smiles, hugging Broken as he looked at the cover to the manga collection.

Button chuckled along with Night, while nodding in agreement. "I remember you telling me about that this morning. Plus, that's something the two of them have in common. Dynamo loves to collect anime and manga. It's the same when he collects figurines at conventions." He says, Dynamo nodding in agreement to the statement. "It's true. I have a couple of shelves reserved for figures, anime and manga. I've only collected some Naruto manga. Although, I'm working on My Hero Academia at the moment. I've caught up with the anime and I'm interested to see what happens next." Button smiles as he took a bite of his biscuit. "That's what all the anime watchers can ever say. They'll never know the true spoilers, unless they read the manga themselves." Dynamo shook his head and chose to Button's witty comment. He smiles as he took a cup of coffee and a biscuit. "I don't see why not. We should have enough time. It depends on Broken, to be honest. I know we have to meet with a friend and an appointment. Although, she might want to check out her manga collection first." He chuckled as he couldn't blame his girlfriend's love for anime and video games.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "It's not just the manga, but also the complete anime series! I've watched it on Netflix so many times, but I just love owning physical copies" she smiles "Plus it comes with the movie too, and some collectible cards as well" she giggles and hugs Dynamo before nodding to have some coffee and biscuits "I think Dynamo is right, we should have enough time for at least one mug of coffee" she says, letting go of Dynamo, placing her new manga and anime into her bag before going to make the two their coffee.

A moment later, she would return with two mugs of coffee, handing one to Dynamo "Here you go hon, and I like to collect things as well, like the collectible cards and figurines. I've been searching online for Little Witch Academia and Negima: Magister Negi Sprinfrield figurines, but other than some custom ones and cheaply made ones, I haven' been able to find any, which is kind of annoying."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo had a look of awe as Broken was correct. "Now that's what I call a complete collection. The whole anime, manga, cards and a movie? All one giant collection in one set? You can't go wrong in an amazing deal like that." He chuckles, smiling as he was truly happy for his girlfriend. "Where did you find that kind of collection? A collection like that seems somewhat rare to find nowadays." He says, returning the hug as she placed the manga and anime into her bag. 

After a little bit of time had passed, Dynamo smiled as she handed him a mug of coffee. "Thank you sweetheart. I really appreciate that." He says, before taking a sip of his drink. He hummed at the delicious taste of the coffee. "I guess you're into playing card games from time to time, huh?" He asks, his eyes widened in surprise at the anime she mentioned. "You know of Negima? I've only heard of the name, but that's a classic. It's rare to find someone, who can appreciate the originals. True, there's Dragon Ball and other old anime. Although, nobody never mentions Voltron or some Gundam series." He says, nodding in agreement at her frustration. "I don't blame you for saying that, my love. There are those who try to sell cheap knockoffs to make a quick bit. Even the figures at conventions are prices a little too high for my liking. Even though I can understand that the merchandise is extremely rare."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "It was a special pre-order, one of those limited timed ones" she says "I knew it was going to be announced, so I was online the moment it was announced, having already lined up and immediately ordered it" she states then nods "Yeah, Negima is one of my favorite anime series" she says "along with Card Captor: Sakura" she smiles and sips on her coffee "But you are right about the figures. They're either cheap knock-offs or very expensive" she says "Which is why I prefer to go to the store or convention to look at the figurines and statues, to see what kind of make they have" she smiles "I'm also actually working on a Little Witch Academia cosplay, just not sure if I want to go as Professor Ursula, Shiny Chariot or Amanda" she giggles and kisses his cheek.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles as he took a bite of his biscuit. He listened to her remark and nods with a chuckle. "I would do something like that when it comes to ordering a figurine or video game online. The moment I hear that it's announced, I have to make sure i can get what I'm ordering. Otherwise, everything will be gone and you'd have to wait for a chance to order. That's not even adding to the fact if everything is restocked." He says, placing his hand upon hers. "This is one of the many reasons on why I love you. You know that, right? I love watching Card Captor: Sakura. I remember watching that anime when it premiered on Toonami. I haven't had a chance to watch the Clear Card arc, but it's on my list of shows to watch." He says, taking another sip of his drink. "Sometimes I try to get a rare kind of merchandise during a charity auction at the convention. I know the plush or figurine may become expensive, but I think it's worth it. You'd be surprised at the rare items that get put up for auction. Whether it's a figurine, a one of a kind plush, or even a guitar." He says, smiling at the mention of her interest in cosplay. He chuckles as he returns the kiss. "Hmm...I don't exactly know the characters. However, I wouldn't mind helping out on narrowing the choices. I know I'm working on a Deku cosplay from My Hero Academia." He says, a thought soon occurring to the blue unicorn. "Would you like to do a group cosplay? One where we can cosplay together, as well as Dusk? It does depend on what the decision of anime." He says, placing a hand under his chin as he was deep in thought. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and hugs him "I love you too babe" she says and then gets out her phone, showing him the photos of the three characters she wanted to choose to cosplay as. "see, I can't decide because well Ursula is adorable, her alter ego Shiny Chariot is also pretty adorable, while Amanda is just such a dark horse and a bit of a bad ass" she chuckles and hugs him some more, "As for a family cosplay involving Dusky? I would love that, but you are right, we would have to decide on the anime to cosplay as" she smiles "I sometimes try to bid in an auction, but if the price gets a little too high for me, I don't go further..unless it is something I really, really want or something for Dusk" she then sips on her coffee and finishes it.

Some time passes and she looks at the time "Honey, we need to get going" she says, standing up and "Thank you for the coffee mom and dad" she says, waiting for Dynamo, before getting her back and waving to her parents and making her way to the car.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo watched as Broken had pulled out her phone to show him pictures of the characters in question. He looked to the photo of Professor Ursula, before looking back and forth between Broken and the anime characters. "I can see you as Professor Ursula. I also think the witch outfit looks awesome and pretty adorable. I guess I would have to watch the anime to get a better understanding of what the characters are like." He says, chuckling about the comment of the last character she mentioned. He smiles at her agreement, while returning the hug. "Maybe we can do a group cosplay from a popular series. That, or maybe from a series that's unique, but not well known. I guess we'll have to look through each series and see what we think." He says, chuckling at the mention of how she would bid in an auction. "I'm the exact same way. I try not to go overboard if I can't get the auction item in question. However, if it's something I truly want, then I will bid further." he says as he finished his biscuit.

As some time had gone by, he glanced to Broken, who had told him that they needed to go. He looked to the clock on the kitchen wall to see that it was indeed time to go. "It looks like you're right. We don't want to be late. You know how difficult it can be when it comes to rescheduling a meeting." He says, standing up and finishing his mug of coffee. "Thanks again for the coffee and breakfast Night and Button. We really appreciate it. We'll message you when we're all done these meetings." He says, waving to the others as Button nodded in approval. "You're welcome and it's no trouble at all. We'll make sure to watch Dusk while you guys are gone. Good luck and let us know what's going on as soon as possible." He says, waving back to the two as Dynamo walked out of the house to the car with Broken by his side.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and holds Dynamo's hand, leading to the car and then getting into the driver's seat. "It's at least an hour away to the facility, so we have some time to talk on the drive there, maybe stop off to get some snacks" she says as starts the engine after making sure they were both buckled up. As they begun the drive, she smiles "You think I could pull of a Ursula? Well then I guess it's settled, and yes the dress is adorable" she smiles and hums a little, looking out of the driver's side window as they drive.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As the couple exited the home, Dynamo smiled to Broken as he felt her take his hand into her own. He walked alongside her as she lead them to the car. He handed her the keys, before walking around the vehicle and getting into the passenger's seat. "An hour to get to the facility doesn't sound too bad. If there's a place that sells snacks along the way, then we can stop. It's better to take a break from driving instead of driving nonstop. You wouldn't want to feel tired, or your back to go numb as you drive." He says, chuckling slightly, before continuing. "I had to drive to Baltimare once and it wasn't fun. By the time I got to the hotel for the convention, my tail bone had fallen asleep." He couldn't help as his chuckle turned into a laugh. He calmed down to catch his breath as they started to drive away. "It's like I said before. I honestly don't know the personality of the character. However, you, Dusk and I can watch the show together one day and I'll be able to see what you mean." He says, gently placing a hand upon her knee. "That reminds me. I know we're heading to the facility for your appointment, but what about the meeting with Pinkie? I'm guessing that meeting is scheduled for later. Perhaps she was busy today and had to reschedule?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Oh we are still dropping off at Pinkies to chat with her, I was just saying it is a bit of a drive, so we will have time to talk about things on the way there" she states as she pulls out of the driveway and begins driving towards Sugarcube Corner. As she listens to Dynamo, she smile and nods "that's the plan, I was hoping to do a Little Witch Academia marathon tonight" she says, kissing his cheek "as for the family cosplay, I am sure there is something we can do..A Naruto one maybe?" she laughs "or perhaps..even a take on Wolf Children? Have you seen that move? oor even better Gurren Lagann"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As the vehicles pulled out of the driveway and going towards town, Dynamo nodded as Broken explained the plan. "Oh, I see now. That's what you meant by going to get some snacks along the way. Seeing how Sugarcube Corner makes the best snacks and desserts in all of Equestria." He chuckles, before continuing. "That's good to know. Besides, it's nice to talk about things. I never get bored when I'm talking to you, my love." He says, blushing with a smile. At the mention of watching Little Witch Academia, he nods with a grin. "I'm good on the plan for that anime marathon. However, is it okay if Dusk watches that anime with us? I mean, I don't know the age rating of that anime. So, I want to make sure that he doesn't have any bad influence from an anime." He says, wanting to set a good example that Broken has had on Dusk. "I can see us doing a Naruto family cosplay. It really all depends on what family we'd dress up as. There's always Naruto, Hinata and Boruto, but then we'd be missing a Himawari." He placed a hand under his chin, while deep in thought. He smiled as she kissed his cheek, before his jaw dropped at the mention of her choice in anime. "I haven't seen Wolf Children, but I have heard of that movie. I do, however, know of Gurren Lagann. That's probably one of my favorite mecha anime! What did you have in mind?" He asks, almost bouncing in his seat in anticipation at any possible cosplay ideas.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken nods "Oh, yeah Little Witch Academia is PG, he loves watching it with me" she says with a smile "There are some scary scenes, but he loves to snuggle when that happens" she smiles and looks to him as they get to a set of traffic lights "As for Wolf Children, it's a slice of life movie, it does have some sad parts" she says "Another anime movie that Dusk and I love to snuggle up and watch together" she says as she then continues to drive "But for the cosplay, your idea for Naruto could work, as for the Gurren Lagann idea, I'd be Yoko, you would be Kamina and Dusk, Simon of course"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo sighs softly as he was told the rating of the anime. "That's good to hear. I remember you told me about how he can't play mature games until he was older. I was thinking that the same could be said for some anime." He smiles, before frowning as his eyes widened. "There are some scary scenes in that anime? I mean, how bad are the scary scenes? It's just that the animation seems so cartoon like and friendly. It's almost difficult to believe that something like that anime can be scary." He wondered, but remembered that he saw some anime that looked nice, but were kind of scary in some ways. "The movie sounds like a nice anime film. I think I heard about the sad parts in a review once. Maybe we can all watch it sometime together." He says as they stopped at a set of traffic lights. He smiled as she liked his cosplay idea. However, his eyes widened as she mentioned about her cosplay idea. "I think I'd be on board with the Gurren Lagann idea a little more than Naruto. I know Naruto is mainstream, but Gurren Lagann is definitely a great anime. Plus, the outfits are pretty awesome. I think I could pull off the look of Kamina. The same can be said when it comes to you cosplaying as Yoko." He says, smiling softly, before continuing. "I can even see Dusk as a perfect fit for Simon. He may be my son, but in cosplay he'd be my little bro. Someone has to teach him to grit his teeth and to believe in the Dusk that believes in him." He grins, remembering a quote from the anime.

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@Dynamo Pad

"i mean there's no blood or gore, and no sexual scenes" she says and smiles at him "just some dark themes and such" she then listens to him "You  are right about me shielding him from the more adult games, but that's because of the more adult themes in them, such as violence, gore, coarse language, and sexual themes and scenes" she says "As much of a fan of the fighting games I am, there are ones I will not let him play such as the Mortal Kombat ones..how-ever he and I do enjoy a good couple rounds of Smash" she smiles and then when Dynamo said the main quoteline from the anime Gurren Lagann, she couldn't help but laugh "I love that line, and honestly, I really think he sees you not just as a father, but also a big brother. So the Kamina and Simon coupling for cosplay for you two would be awesome, not to mention, that life lesson in the anime is a good life lesson for him in real life too, wouldn't you say?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nodded as Broken explained how the anime could be seen as scary. "Oh, I see. I can guess it's the same way as Madoka Magica. That anime is the same way as how you listed off Little Witch Academia, but there ware some dark themes and scary moments." He says, listening to her remark about violent and fighting video games. "Mortal Kombat is one of those games that a little kid should never play. Some of the take down scenes are a bit graphic. That, and the things that you listed are also great examples." He chuckled as she made the case for Smash Brothers. "One can never exclude that game for others to play. Sure, there's violence. However, it's a cartoon like fighting game. Also, some of the characters are pretty awesome and cute." He raised an eyebrow as a thought came to mind. "What about the Dragon Ball Z games? I know it's a fighting game, but does that count as a game that Dusk can't play? I know how the anime was like, so I wasn't entirely sure." He says, smiling as Broken laughed at the quote he made. "Kamina was a great character who could give speeches. I like how that confidence was passed down to Simon when he became the leader." He smiles softly as her remark and mention of Dusk. "Whether he sees me as a dad or a brother, I'm just happy to have both him and you by my side. While some moments were a bit over the top and a bit violent. I will agree that the anime gave great life lessons and inspiration for all anime fans."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken nods with a smile "I..I won't really let him watch the Dragonball series just yet, but the fighting games are okay, as long as he is supervised" she says as she then pulls into the parking lot of Sugarcube Corner, "Well hon, here we are, first steps into organizing a perfect surprise party for Dusk is, of course, discussing it with the party planning ponies of Equestria" she giggles "Yes, I got Cheese Sandwich involved as well" she says, parking the car and turning the ignition off.

As she got out of the car, she was almost immediately tacklehugged by blur of pink fur, but being the strong mare she is, she stood her ground and just caught Pinkie Pie in her arms, spinning her around "There's my favorite hyper-active sugar pony" she laughs and then hugs the young pink mare to her before letting her go as Pinkie just bounced and skipped around happily.

"Heya Broken, Hey Dynamo!" She greets them happily, "Ready to start planning the best party Dusky will ever have!?" she exclaims, taking them inside of Sugar Cube Corner, where Cheese Sandwich was waiting for them.

Broken smiles and waves to him "Heya Cheese"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiled and nodded in understanding. "I get what you mean. There are some graphic scenes in Dragon Ball that are a bit excessive. I can see why he'd have to be older, in order to watch that anime. Besides, it's a timeless classic. So, an anime like that won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Especially when there's Dragon Ball Super and that new Broly movie." He says as the two pulled into the parking lot of Sugarcube Corner. "You can't go wrong when it comes to going to this place. Sugarcube Corner has some of the best treats this side of Equestria." He says, looking to Broken with a raised eyebrow at her comment. "You got Cheese Sandwich too? It seems like this party is going to be legendary, if you ask me." He chuckled as they both exited the car.

As they got out of the car, Dynamo felt a gust of wind kick up out of nowhere. He thought he had seen a pink blur as Broken was tackled into a hug. He soon saw that it was the pink, party planning pony, herself. "It's never a dull moment when Pinkie Pie is here." He chuckled as he held out his arms. "What? I can't get a hug too?" He fake pouted, before chuckling and waving at the pink mare. "Hey Pinkie! It's good to see you. How have you been?" He asks, nodding with a grin at Pinkie's question. "You bet I am. I know that Dusk will have the best birthday he's ever had!"

Cheese Sandwich, along with Boneless 2 on his back, zipped over to them and took Dynamo's and Broken's hands into his own. He then shook the hands rapidly, while making the two jump up and down nonstop. "Heya Broken and I believe you're name is Dynamo Pad? It's so great to meet you. Broken and Pinkie told me so many stories about you two. I'm also happy to hear that you two have become together. So, we shall make this the greatest party Equestria has ever seen! Right Boneless!?" He grinned widely, while looking back at the rubber chicken. He soon looked back at the couple and stopped shaking their hands. This caused them to stop bouncing, while looking at the dizzy looks on their faced. "Whoops. I'm so sorry about that. It's always nice to make new friends and to see those friends smile! Isn't that right, Pinkie!?" He asks, bouncing over to the pinkie mare and giving her a tight hug.

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