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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad

Pinkie giggles and hugs Dynamo "Of course you can get a hug, it's just I hadn't seen Broken in ages" she says as she then giggles at her husband's enthusiasm before hugging her back "It is always nice to make new friends and see them happy" she says and then looks to the two "And don't you two worry about a thing" she smiles "We've already begun the preparations, but there is one thing we are missing, the theme" she says, with a giggle and bouncing around.

Broken smiles as she hugs Dynamo "Oh that will be easy, there are two things that our Dusky loves. Video Games and the Nighttime" she says and then notices a young filly hiding behind Cheese "Oh hello there, and who might you be?" she asks, kneeling down to be the filly's age.

The filly Cupcake by name, peeks out from around her hiding spot of being behind Cheese's legs "I-I'm Cupcake" she says shyly.

Broken smiles "Well aren't you a cutie, and you're about Dusky's age too" she smiles as Cupcake smiles a little, Broken stands up once more "It'll be good for Dusk to have someone his age around" she says and then looks to Pinkie and Cheese  "If you can incorporate a video game with Luna for the theme of the cake, that would be awesome"

Pinkie beams and looks to Cheese "Oh it'll be wonderful for Cupcake to make a friend, as for the cake, I believe we can do that, right Cheese, honey?"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled and nodded in understanding. "It's okay and no need to worry, Pinkie. I can understand because Broken is your friend. That, and you must have met each other, before I moved to Ponyville." He says, feeling the life being squeezed out of him from the hug, but returned the hug nonetheless. As the hug ended, he noticed the hug Pinkie and Cheese shared, while trying to regain his breath from the bone crushing hug. Noticing this, Cheese simple chuckled. "I'm guessing you may be wondering, but yes. Pinkie and I are happily married. We honestly couldn't be any happier." He says, Dynamo raising an eyebrow in surprise. "I've known Pinkie for a little while, but I didn't think she was married." Cheese chuckled once more with a grin. "Pinkie is full of surprises. It's one of the many reasons why I love her and happy to have her in my life. It also seems that you two are pretty close yourselves." Dynamo smiles as he returns Broken's hug. "You can say that again. We're rival gamer's turned lovers. She's been there for me just like I've been there for her and Dusk. I'm honestly happy with what I have now in my life." He says as Broken went over the details of the party with Pinkie.

As Broken had noticed a little filly hiding behind Cheese's legs, said pony had smiled to look down at his daughter. "It's okay, sweetie. There's no need to be shy. These are our friends." He says, Dynamo noticing the filly, as well. "Aw, she's adorable. The resemblance between you two and Cupcake is uncanny." He smiles, nodding in agreement to Broken's remark about Dusk. "I think it would be nice for Dusk to have a friend. It's never too early to have a friend at such a young age."

As Broken mentioned how the cake could look, Dynamo knew there was something else to be added. "Oh, by the way. Would it be okay if we can add the theme of music to the party? It's just that Dusk takes a lot after Broken and myself. I love video games and Broken love music. I feel that the theme should incorporate something from his mother and father." Cheese had a neutral expression on his face, before it turned into a look of glee. "That is simply perfect! I can tell that this party will be extra special. The love of a mother and father and the lives they live. The care they have for their son in one, special party. I love it!" He exclaims, nodding at Pinkie's guarantee with the cake. "You're sure as sugar we can make the cake like that. We'll make sure to send a picture of the cake when it's ready. That way, we'll get your opinions if anything needs to be changed."

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

Pinkie giggles as she picks Cucpake up and hugs her "Cheese is right, this party is going to be amazing and perfect!" she squeals happily, "Cupcake here has some trouble making friends, so if she can become friends with Dusk, that would make things  even more amazing." she says, putting Cupcake back down onto the floor, so she could go and play, "Hey Dynamo, you want me to invite the other girls? I'm sure you'd want Starlight there, but what about Twilight and the others?" she asks happily.

Broken smiles and nuzzles Dynamo, "Being able to make a new friend on his birthday would be amazing for Dusk, he has the same problem, and as for inviting the others, well.." she smiles at Dynamo "I personally think he'd love that, there's no reason not to invite Luna and Celestia, seeing as they are practically family to us, and well it would only make sense to invite the others, but I'll leave that up to you love" she says, nuzzling Dynamo.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Cheese smiles at Pinkie and Cupcake, while agreeing with Pinkie's statement. "Cupcake is such a sweetie, but she's just terribly shy. It's why it's somewhat difficult for her to make some friends." Dynamo frowned and nodded in understanding. "It sounds like she is the complete opposite of you and Pinkie in personality." He says, Cheese nodding in agreement. "It's true, but you don't know the half of it. She can be hyperactive and spontaneous. It's just that she's afraid to be herself. Not a lot of ponies don't like the way that Pinkie and I act. When it comes to behavior of our personality, that is." Dynamo listened, nodding as he could see where Cheese and Pinkie were coming from. "While Dusk may not be my biological son, I think he takes his shyness from me. I have social anxiety at times and I'm afraid I'll make a fool of myself in front of others. However, I always try to be goofy and be true to myself. Dusk is shy, but he has a kind heart. I know the two of them will become great friends when they meet. I think making a new friend will be another special gift in his list of birthday presents."

At Pinkie's question, the blue unicorn had to think for a moment. He knew it would be nice to invite others, but he knew this was a party for Dusk. His ears perked as Broken brought up her thoughts on the question. He smiled as he returned the nuzzle and nodded. "I think it would be nice to have Starlight and the others to join the party. Seeing how you and Pinkie are friends, then I could imagine you being friends with the others. I also think Celestria and Luna should also join as Luna is Dusk's auntie. Plus, I think it would make sense because it's a party for all of us. A birthday for Dusk and a celebration of you and I becoming a couple." He says, kissing Broken's cheek as he had a cheerful smile upon his face. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Pinkie giggles "I think there's no better gift to receive on your birthday than to spend it with family and friends, and of course to make new friends. Yeppers, no better gift than to make new friends" she says and writes down everything they will need "Okie Dokie Lokie, I'll certainly invite the girls, I am sure Starlight will love to get to meet Broken and Dusk, Dynamo" she giggles "Ooooh perfect idea, how about we get Trixie to do her tricks for the party as well?" she asks with a giggle.

Broken smiles "Ooh that would be absolutely perfect, I'm sure Dusk would love to have Trixie perform at his party" she says and then there's a rainbow blur rushing past them and Rainbow skids to a halt "Heya Dashie" Broken says with a smile

"Hey B, Hey Dynamo, since when did you two get together?" she asks with a chuckle.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles and nods in agreement with Pinkie's statement. "Thank you so much, Pinkie and Cheese. I know Dusk will definitely look forward to having his birthday party soon." At the mention of inviting Trixie, Dynamo nodded with a smile. "I think that would be okay. I know that she and Starlight work together when it comes to doing magic shows on stage. I would say that it's up to Broken, though. What do you think of the idea, sweetheart?" He asks, getting his answer as he saw Broken smile. "I guess that this party is going to be truly epic on ultimate proportions." He says, his mane whipped in the air as a rainbow blur rushed past them. As the blur skidded to a halt, he saw that it was Rainbow Dash flying in to say hi. The blue unicorn smiled with a wave to the newcomer. "Hey Rainbow! It's good to see you. Have you been keeping up on practicing some video games?" He asks with a playful smirk, before smiling at Rainbow's question.

"We actually became a couple two days ago. I helped save her from some bully and we talked. We found out that we liked each other and became a couple." He says, pulling Broken into a hug and kissing her cheek. Cheese Sandwich grinned as Rainbow had made perfect timing. "Speaking of the party. Hey, Rainbow? Remember when Pinkie and I threw the most ultimate birthday bash for you? Tell Dynamo and Broken how that was. My reason for asking is that Pinkie and I are throwing a huge party for their son, Dusk." He says, holding Cupcake in his arms and he kissed the top of her head. "By the way, what are you doing here, Rainbow? It's nice to see you and all, but this is out of the blue. Is everything okay?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Rainbow laughs "Well ya know, you and Pinkie aren't the only ones who can be random" she says and then slaps him on the back "Well, I heard tale of a birthday party, and yeah you two threw the most awesome party for my birthday, you're in good hands, Dynamo and Broken" she says then looks to Dynamo "Yep, though training with the Wonderbolts takes a lot of time, that and naps" she says and then looks to them "Say, want me to see if I can get the Wonderbolts to perform?"

Broken looks at her "Oh, he would love that, he really loves the Wonderbolts" she smiles happily.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Cheese laughed and nodded in agreement to Rainbow's claims. "I can't ague with that. You and Pinkie are considered the prank war champions, after all." Dynamo smiled as Rainbow went on to explain how awesome the party was. "I remember hearing some ponies mentioning the birth-iversary. Apparently it's known as the party of legends. So, I have no doubt that Pinkie and Cheese will make an amazing party for Dusk." Dynamo chuckled and nodded and understanding. "Naps are always important. Especially when you're training with the Wonderbolts. That, and you're also helping out Twilight in the School of Friendship. It must be stressful to try and get time to relax."

At the request of trying to get the Wonderbolts to perform, he smiled and nodded. "If they can make it, then I think that would be great. They should know my dad as the Wonderbolts stopped by the track he worked at in Fillydelphia. They'd all race from time to time, so I think they'll remember." He says, before turning his attention over to Broken. "So, what do you think, sweetheart? Think it's time for us to get going? We wouldn't want to be late when for your doctor's appointment."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Well it would seem that everything is set, how much do we owe you?" she asks Pinkie and Cheese, making Pinkie giggle "Are you kidding us? It's on us, right honey?" she asks Cheese Sandwich as she nuzzles him, "We'll send you updates on everything, now go on you too, shoo, get on to your appointment" she says as she shoos the couple out of Sugarcube Corner, with Rainbow following close behind. "So, what's this appointment? You're not sick are ya?" she asks.

Broken smiles and laughs just a little "Oh no, no, no" she says and hugs Dynamo close as they walk to the car "I'm just gonna see if I can finally get my limbs replaced with well proper limbs, all natural, no metal, no plastic" she smiles at Rainbow.

Rainbow raises an eyebrow "Ah cool, I bet those metal limbs can be a hindrance" she chuckles "they'd totally slow me down when flying" she smiles "Well I gotta jet, see ya guys at the party" she says and flies off.

Broken smiles a bit more "Always a good time when Rainbow's around, come on dear, let's g.." she then facepalms "Oh right, uhm dear, could you go back in and get our orders?" she giggles.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Cheese could only chuckle and nod in agreement with Pinkie. "Of course. We've been friends for so long. Plus, seeing the others happy is more than enough of a reward for us." He says, returning Pinkie's nuzzle. Dynamo nods at the other couple with a kind and grateful smile. "Thank you so much, Pinkie and Cheese. We really do appreciate what you guys are doing. We really look forward to seeing how Dusk's party will turn out." He says, returning the hug as they walked to the car. They soon stopped as Rainbow had asked them about the appointment. "Broken had decided to try and see if the doctor's can replace her metal arm and leg. We're going to see what's possible and then we'll discuss it with each other. I'm just hoping that there is a possibility of this working out for everyone." He says, nodding as he listened to Rainbow's remark.

"That makes sense when you put it that way. It would probably be the same thing if it involved your wings. I guess the wings could be aerodynamic if they were metal, but it's not a good replacement for true wings." He smiled and waved as the Rainbow maned Pegasus flew away. He chuckled and nodded in agreement to Broken's comment. "You can say that again. She definitely knows how to make an entrance. That's for sure." He raised an eyebrow as Broken facepalms. As she explained what was wrong, he smiled softly and simply nodded. "Of course, my love. I'll be right back with the orders in just a moment." He says, heading back into Sugarcube Corner. As he entered the store, he saw Pinkie and Cheese were still discussing the plans for the party. "Hey, Pinkie? Broken and I forgot that we wanted to order some treats. Can we get some strawberry fudge, one box of a dozen donuts, a couple of cupcakes and some milkshakes, please?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Pinkie giggles as she takes out the snacks and drinks "I had a feeling you might, so I had them ready for you" she says as she gives them over to him "That's 15 bits please" she says with a  big smile. After Dynamo pays for the treats, Pinkie smiles and waves to him, going back to the planning of the party with Cheese Sandwich "Tell Broken we say best of luck!" she calls out, watching as Dynamo leaves.

Meanwhile, Broken watched out the window and saw Dynamo return to the car with the treats "Ah thank you sweetheart, I can't believe I nearly forgot about our treats" she says and giggles as she takes the drinks and places them in the car's cupholders and then places the treats on the console and smiles, "Okay, time to see if I can become whole"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo raised an eyebrow, while his eyes widened at Pinkie prepared the order he and Broken wanted. "I would ask if you read our mind or something like that. However, I'm just going to say that it involves your Pinkie sense." He chuckled with a smile and shook his head. He knew better than to ask question to the super duper party pony. "You can say that it was her pinkie sense. I would say it's more along the lines of a dessert sense. A baker's senses are keen and more powerful when they are in their environment. That's how we know what treats will be popular for the day, but you didn't hear that from us." He winked, while Dynamo nodded in understanding. Placing a finger over his lips as a means of not telling the secret to anyone, but Broken. The blue unicorn handed the amount of bits over to Pinkie, before taking the boxes in his hands and levitating the drinks in a levitation spell. "Thanks again for the desserts Pinkie and I will. We'll let you and the others know what's going on later." He waved to them once more, before exiting the building and heading back to the car.

As he made his way back to the car, Dynamo opened the door and carefully sat down in the passenger's seat. He made sure not to drop or sit on anything, while Broken took the drinks out of his magical grasp. "You're welcome, my love. Also, I can believe that we forgot about the treats. We lost track of what was going on because we were catching up with old friends. Some of the friends had just appeared out of nowhere." He chuckled as she placed the drinks in the car's cupholders, while he placed the treats on the console. He looked to her as he buckled up and nodded at her comment. "Now it is time. Let us see if these doctor's are capable of making this happen." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods as she starts the car again, taking a sip from her milkshake and starts to continue the drive to the doctors. "Yes, let us get to our appointment and see if the surgeon can hopefully do something to give me natural limbs" she says, as she pulls out of the carpark and looked out of the window. "I've lived so long with these things, they do feel like they are natural, in a way, but it will be really nice to have actually natural limbs."


After a bit of a nap, Dusk finally wakes up and looks around to see that he is in his old room at Night and Button's room. Rubbing his eyes gently, he gets up, picks up his stuffies and makes his way down the stairs "Nana? Papa?" he asks softly, looking around for them "Nana? Papa?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo took a sip from his milkshake as Broken had started up the car once more. "I have a feeling that everything will be okay. Hopefully, it won't be too complicated for the procedure to happen." He says, feeling a little nervous, but would remain strong for his girlfriend. As they left the parking lot, he noticed Broken staring out the window. "I guess the metal limbs feel natural because you've been used to the limbs for so long. I have no doubt that you'll feel a lot better with the real deal." He smiles softly, placing a comforting hand on her knee.

As Button was helping Night in cleaning up the kitchen table, his ears perked as he heard Dusk was calling for the two of them. He quickly made his way into the living room to see Dusk, who was holding his Luna plush in his arms. "Is everything okay, Dusk? We're sorry about not arriving right away. Nana and I were just clearing up the kitchen table from breakfast." He says, making his way over to the young colt. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken nods as she continues to drive "I just cannot wait" she says "hopefully things will go back to normal for me once my limbs are replaced with natural ones" she says as they drove for over half an hour and finally arriving at the surgeon's office. She parks in the parking lot and sighs softly "Well Dynamo dear, here we are" she says softly and smiles softly at him.

Dusk, still hugging his two Luna plushies, went over to Button and hugged him, nodding "Yes grandpa, I was just wondering where everyone was. I remember hearing mommy and daddy, but then, it was all quiet"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled softly at her remark, but he nodded as he couldn't blame her. "I can't wait either, sweetheart. I'm feeling nervous for you, but at the same time, I'm feeling psyched for any good news." He says, giving her a smile of reassurance from her statement. "I have no doubt that everything will go back to normal. For me, life is perfect right here and now. However, I know that this is something that you truly want and desire. So, I'm with you and backing you up, no matter what, my love." He says, the couple driving for an hour and a half, before finally arriving at the surgeon's office. As the car came to a park in the parking lot, he turned to her as she turned the car off and sighed. "You can say that again, Broken honey. Now it's time for the moment of truth." He exited his side of the car, before making his way over to the driver's seat. He opened the door for her, before taking her hand into his own. "No matter what happens, I won't ever leave you or Dusk. Are you ready to do this, Broken?" He says, smiling softly at her, while giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

Button had smiled softly as he returned Dusk's hug, before lifting him up and holding the young colt in his arms. "Oh, it's okay, little buddy. You're mommy and daddy had to go to a doctor's office. They needed to make sure that everything was okay and will be back soon. They saw that you were tired and wanted to let you rest for a while. You seemed completely exhausted when you three arrived here." He says, chuckling, while ruffling Dusk's mane playfully. "I'm guessing you're not used to the new home yet? If so, then no need to worry. You'll get used to it, before you know it. Also, just think. In a little while, you'll enjoy that gaming marathon with your daddy. Doesn't that sound like the best?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods as she and Dynamo went into the doctor's office and talked with the surgeon.

Dusk hugs him once more "It does, I cannot wait for mommy and daddy to get home, so I can spend the rest of the day with them" he says with a big smile, seeing his nana and going over to hug her "Nana!" he hugs her tightly, well as tightly as a small colt can hug a full grown mare.

Night chuckles and hugs him back, picking him up and cuddling him in her arms "Hey Dusky, I've missed you" she nuzzles him lovingly "And do not worry, your mommy and daddy shouldn't be too much longer"

-Some time later-

The Doctor smiles "Alright miss Record, the tests all show that you are ready for the operation, would you like some time to think it over or to get it done now?" he asks.

Broken looks to Dynamo then to  the doctor "I can actually get it done now? Then now it is, the sooner I am all natural again, the better"

The doctor smiles "Alright then, Mr Pad, will you be joining us in the operation room, or waiting in the waiting room?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Button smiles at the energetic, little ball of energy. "I can tell that marathon will very fun. I was told that it would be video games and cartoons from the good old days. In the meantime, you can spend some quality time with us. Seeing how the arcade is closed for the day." He says, chuckling as he saw the look of surprise on Dusk's face. "I wouldn't be surprised, little pal. Even video games need a break ever now and then." He says, chuckling once more as Dusk ran up to Night and hugged her tightly.

-Some time later-

As Dynamo and Broken entered the surgeon's office, they checked Broken in, before taking a seat in some available chairs in the waiting room. Dynamo had bounced his leg, while trying to stay calm about everything. The only sounds that could be heard was the ticking of the clock on the wall and the typing of the keyboard from the front desk. As the doctor called them in, they entered a room and took a seat across from the Doctor. As the surgeon had explained about the procedure, Dynamo's eyes widened as they told her the operation could be done immediately. "That's really good to hear, but I'm surprised. I thought she would need time to prepare for the surgery." He says, but he was on board with Broken's decision to get this done and over with now. "How long would you say that this operation is going to take? Also, will she be okay to walk, or will she need to be carried home?" He asks, wanting to take precaution about before and after the surgery. At the option of waiting or joining Broken in the operation room, Dynamo nods with a smile. "If I can, then I would love to be there with Broken in the room. She and I are nervous, so I think it would be nice to stay by her side." He says, taking Broken's hand into his own, before glancing to her with a soft smile.

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@Dynamo Pad

The surgeon smiles at them "Normally that would be the case, but all her test results show she is ready. It is quite a phenomenon, but I'm not one to question things like this" he says "There is also no sign of alcohol, drugs or anything else that would cause a cause for concern. So we can start immediately" he says, standing up "There are of course the insurance forms and such that need to be signed" he says, giving him the forms "Once those are signed,  we can start, as for walking, she will need bedrest for at least a day or two, depending on how she takes to the anesthesia and the surgery" 

Broken smiles as she gets the forms and carefully reads through everything "Okay, I understand everything" she signs her name, giving it to Dynamo to sign as well.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo's eyes widened at the news, before smiling back at the doctor. 'I guess it's because she's not just a unicorn, but from the Sonic Universe. I guess that means she's more fit for the surgery now, instead of a later time.' He thought as the doctor went through the other details. As he brought up the mention of insurance, Dynamo nodded in understand as he was handed a couple of forms. "We'll have to call our relatives as they said they'd help us out." He says, nodding at the mention of how much time she'd need for bed rest. "I guess it also depends on if she needs to stay here for observation. To make sure that her arm and leg will be fully functional, of course. That, and she might need to go through physical therapy to make sure that everything will be okay." He says, going over every possible outcome that would occur after the surgery. It sounded like a lot of work, but he knew that, for Broken, this would all be worth it for her, in the end.

As Broken had handed him the forms for him to sign, Dynamo carefully read through everything as he signed his name. "I've looked through everything and it seems what I said is the same on the forms. It looks like this office has taken care of everything and is more prepared than we thought." He chuckled slightly, signing his name and returning the forms to the doctor. "I guess we'll have to call Dusk, Night and Button. Both to let them know of the insurance and to let them know what's going on." He says, turning to Broken as he let her know of the plan.

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@Dynamo Pad

"I'll call mom" Broken says as she gets out her phone and calls Night and Button up while Dynamo read and signed the forms. A bit later, she hangs up and smiles "Alright, they say they're very happy for me that I can get this done now, and that I can use mom's insurance" she says as she takes the insurance forms and fills it out "Alright, let us get this done" she says, gently taking Dynamo's hand. "Come on love, after this, we can go home and spend the rest of the day and night with Dusky before your training with Luna"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nodded as Broken had called Night and Button, while he finished signing the forms. After handing back the forms, he looks to Broken, who had recently ended the phone call. He smiles as Night and Button had given them the okay to have this all taken care of. "I'm glad to hear that they are happy for you. You deserve this happiness, sweetheart. I know your mom said you can use her insurance. However, if there's anything I can do, then please let me know." He says as she filled out the insurance forms. He nods at her remark, before she took his hand into her own. "I'm right here with you, my love. I don't know if this will be a quick recovery, but I guess we'll wait and see." He says, smiling at their plans for the rest of the day. "I'm really looking forward to spending time with you and Dusk. Afterwards, I can begin my training with Luna." He says, before seeing the doctor bringing in a mobile hospital bed. "Hey, doc? Do you have spare hospital gowns for when I go into the operating room?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

The doctor looks at him "We have some spare gowns yes, and it being a quick recovery is all up to miss Record's body and how it takes to the operation" he says, taking the papers, reading through them and then begins to lead them through to the operation room. He then gives the two of them their hospital gowns "I'll give you two some privacy, how-ever miss Record, could you please take your arm and leg off before laying down on the operation table?" he asks, leaving the room.

Broken smiles a little as she had noticed her gown had no arms and looks to Dynamo "Well honey, today my dreams come true" she says, kissing his cheek before she gets undressed and puts on her gown before taking her mechanical leg and arm off and laying down on the operation table, "You can get the surgeon when you're done dear" she giggles.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles at the mention of spare gowns. nodded in understanding at how much time the recovery would take. He knew it wouldn't be good to push for the recovery to be quick, but he knew everything took time. All that mattered to him was that he could help take care of Broken and Dusk. "Thanks for letting us know, doctor. Also, I appreciate the spare gowns to have, so I can be with Broken. I know she'll want someone here to give her emotional support." He says, while the couple was lead down the hall and into the operation room. As they were given their gowns, the doctor left to give them time to prepare. Dynamo quickly changed into his gown and chuckled as he turned to Broken. "I look like one of the doctor's or nurses to help out. Although, I don't think I can ever be a doctor." He chuckled as he placed the hairnet over his mane.

Dynamo smiled from the kiss, before returning the affection. "I can't believe your dream is coming true today. I thought we would have to wait, but I guess good things come to those who wait." He says, while Broken had taken off her mechanical arm and leg. He nods as he left the operating room to see the doctor waiting just outside the hall. "Everything is all set and she's ready to go, doc." He says, placing the surgical mask over his muzzle.

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@Dynamo Pad

The surgeon looked up from his notes and smiles "Very well, I shall get my assistant nurse and surgeon in as well" he says, going to the front desk, making the announcement over the loud speakers and makes his way to the surgery room. He sees that at least two of his assistants were there "Ah good, we can get started" he says as he then gets out the anesthesia machine "Now miss Record, I want you to breathe this in, it is the anesthesia that will keep you under while we operate and so you don't feel anything" 

Broken smiles "I'm familiar with it dr" she says as she lets the surgeon hold the facemask over her muzzle and she breathes it in deeply, her hand holding Dynamo's as she slowly slipped under and fell  into a numb sleep.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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