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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "Thanks hon, and I can guess that it is a rather draining spell, as it is one you'd have to maintain some mental power for, am I right?" she asks as she shakily sits up and begins to get out of her pajamas and into her every day clothes. She then looks at him "think you could carry me downstairs dear?" she asks with a smile, "I still feel a bit shaky, oh and you'll have to bring my laptop down as well, so unless you use your magic to levitate it, that's two trips" she nuzzles his cheek.


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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nods with a smile at her thanks and explanation. "You're welcome and it's no problem, sweetheart. Also, it can be a bit of a draining spell. It mostly depends on if you use other spells along with the duplication spell." He says as he found his choice of outfit. A dark colored Naruto Shirt, with dark blue pants. After quickly getting changed, he soon turned around to see Broken was in her everyday clothes. "Hmm..I think I can definitely carry you downstairs." He smiles as he walked over to her. At the mention of making two trips, he chuckled and nods, while picking Broken up bridal style. "I think making two trips would be worth it. I can carry the the laptop with a levitation spell. Although, I'd rather make sure to bring you to the living room first. I wouldn't want to drop you or the laptop." He returns the nuzzle as he kisses her forehead, before carrying her out of the room and down the steps towards the living room. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nuzzles Dynamo as she is lifted into his arms "That makes sense to me, a laptop can be replaced, but my new leg and arm, well...maybe not so much" she says as she nuzzles into his chest lovingly "Though, maybe the music can wait, still got a lot to discuss with Vinyl" she says and closes her eyes "Hopefully though, I can start to get back to moving around tomorrow" she says softly.


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As they walked down the steps, Dynamo smiles as she nuzzled him lovingly. "That's true. I was going to say that I wouldn't want to break your laptop. They can be replaced, but the data you saved and worked on might not. That is, unless you have a flash drive to have a backup." He says as they reached the bottom step. He looked around the room to see Dusk was cuddling his plushies on the chair. He moved over to the couch and placed Broken into a sitting position. "If you want to lay down, then let me know. I shall be right back." He says, hurrying up the stairs, before returning moments later with her laptop. "There we go. One laptop for a great mare such as yourself. Also, there were no damages when walking down the steps." He chuckles, kissing her cheek and nods about the discussion with Vinyl. "What do you have to discuss with Vinyl about? I'm guessing it's got something to do with the current recovery of your arm and leg?" He says, nodding with a reassuring smile. "I don't just think it. I know it'll happen. The surgery and recovery went quicker than normal recoveries. So, the walking process might be the same amount of time. I guess it all depends on how much you've rested up." He says, moving over to Dusk and picked up the young colt in his arms. "What do you say, Dusky? Ready to help your old man with some breakfast?" He asks, leaning closely to the young colt's ear. "Don't worry. I'll make sure you get to taste the food first." He winks with a chuckle, while walking into the kitchen with his son in his arms. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Flash drive and cloud drive as well, so nothing will get lost" she nods and smiles "and honestly, a rest would be great right now, thank you honey" she says as she lays down on the sofa, slowly closing her eyes, as it would seem that the events of the previous night had made her still rather tired and sleepy.

Dusk looked up at his father and nods, nuzzling into the embrace "I-I want to make something special for mommy, t-to show her that we truly care.." he then grins "Maybe we could make or get her some fresh mango juice, it's her favorite"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo sighed with a smile as he heard Broken mentioning some backup files. "That's good to hear. One can never be too careful, in my opinion. I also could never figure out the whole cloud drive. I remember seeing a cloud save feature for one of my gaming consoles, However, I never really looked into using it. I always leaned more towards using memory cards." He says, nodding as he saw Broken lay down on the sofa and closed her eyes. He didn't blame her as he remembered the nightmare from last night. Hopefully, she could get some rest, while he and Dusk prepared a lovely breakfast for her.

As they walked into the kitchen, Dynamo placed Dusk down as he pulled out a chair for him to sit in. As he placed Dusk on the chair, the blue unicorn smiles as he returned the nuzzle. "I think that's a great idea, son. What did you have in mind?" He asks, before listening to what Dusk's plan to surprise Broken. "A mango juice, huh? I think I have some mango's in the fridge. Just wait for one second." He says, moving over to the fridge and opens the door. He looked on each shelf, until he stumbled upon the mango they needed. "Aha! I knew we had a mango. I guess your grandma Night gave us some food to prepare for some special meals." He smiles as he took the mango, as well as the other ingredients that Broken had asked for breakfast.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "A lot of people do that, but I found that using the cloud is a good backup in case your first backup is either corrupted or lost" she says and smiles before falling asleep and snoring softly.

Dusk looks at him "Goody, mummy loves mango juice, but not as much as nana does" he giggles and watches as Dynamo searched for the fabled sweet fruit and found it "Aaw yea! Daddy has found the fabled sweet fruit of the dungeon known as the kitchen! Daddy gets a level up and a big hug from Dusk" he giggles and hugs him lovingly.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nods with a smile as he learned something new from Broken. "That's good to know and thank you for telling me. I guess I always worried that someone could get the files from the cloud backup system. I think there was a movie that involved the Cloud backup system, but in the movie, everything went wrong. Granted, it was more of a comedic movie." He says, chuckling slightly as he heard his girlfriend was snoring softly.

Dynamo grinned and nods at Dusk's remark. "That's good to hear. I think I had a bit of mango when I was in high school. I believe it was during a cooking class. Although, I remember eating star fruit a little more. The fruit is indeed shaped like a star and it's very delicious." As Dynamo had placed the mango on the table, he chuckled at Dusk's level up rewards. He clenched his fists and threw his arms into the air in a victories pose. "Huzzah!" He cheered softly. "I shall be ready to take on Ganon when the time is right." He says, while returning the hug. "If I have been leveled up, then you deserve a level up. You go from an awesome son to the best son in the world. A very fitting title for you, little buddy." He says, kissing the top of his head as he ruffled his mane playfully.

As time went on, Dynamo and Dusk worked together to prepare the breakfast for them and Broken. They had made some mistakes, but they worked hard and corrected the slip ups. Dynamo was always patient with Dusk and chuckled along with him as they had fun making food. "You're pretty good cook, Dusk. I can see mommy and nana teach you some small tasks from time to time." He says, placing the breakfast and mango juice on a tray for Broken. Afterwards, he finished making the breakfast for him and Dusk, before placing the food on their plates. He made sure that he and Dusk had coasters under them, so they wouldn't get burned from the heat. "Thank you for all of your help, Dusky. I couldn't have done this without you. You did an excellent job. Now, are you ready to give mommy a wonderful breakfast surprise?" He asks, picking up the tray and carefully bringing said tray out to the living room.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken had woken to the smell of the cooking and had just turned her laptop on, as she had heard Dynamo's question "Music, gigs, that sort of thing" she says to him from the living room, "But, it would seem she still hasn't gotten out of bed or is busy, either way, she needs to get off that lazy but sexy flank of hers and get online" she says with a chuckle and turns on a game, which just happened to be Magic Arena. 

Dusk smiled as he got the level up and new title, his smile only widens once Dynamo kisses his forehead and ruffles his mane. He beams even more at the praise "I always love to help mommy or nana cook" he says as Broken smiles and says "I honestly think you could get your cutie mark in cooking dear" she says but he frowns "I wanna be a guard, I wanna help protect those I love and care for" he says.

Broken looks over to them "Well, we will see, you've still got plenty of time" she says, returning to her game.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As the two made their way into the living room with their breakfast, Dynamo smiled as he heard Broken's remark. "I see and that makes sense. I guess there's always a time to meet up and discuss that with one another." He says, placing the tray down next to Broken on the couch. "There you go, sweetheart. A giant breakfast for you to enjoy, as well as a mango juice. Made by both Dusky and I." He says, frowning slightly at how she talked about Vinyl. "Uh...is there something I don't know about? I also guess that she's tired because she seems more of a night pony, than a day pony." He says trying not to sound jealous.

He then turned to Dusk and smiled at his remark. "I think that's really sweet, Dusky. It shows that you really love to help and that you have something that you enjoy." He says, nodding at Broken's comment, but noticing the frown. "I agree with what mommy says, my son. You're still very young, so you have all the time in the world. While I do think you could get a cutie mark in cooking, I still think that you can do anything that you want. Your mommy and I will always love you for who you are, no matter what." He says, going back into the kitchen and returns with two more plate and trays for his and Dusk's breakfast. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken chuckles "No, no, it's okay sweetie. Vinyl and I tease each other a lot." she says as she nods a little "Yeah, she stays up all night writing music and partying..something I gave up to have our little one" she says with a smile and begins to eat her breakfast "This is wonderful, and fresh made mango juice? You two spoil me, thank you so much" she says and continues on her breakfast.

Dusk smiles as he begins to eat his own breakast.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo sighed in relief as Broken had explained what had happened. "That's good to hear and I'm sorry, hon. I didn't know that was meant to be as teasing." He chuckled, before he came to a realization. "Now that I think about it. I believe Vinyl was going out with either Octavia Melody or Neon Lights. I know she has some relation to them both, but I've only heard rumors." He shrugged his shoulders, but smiles at Broken's statement. "It sounds to me like she's hard working, but likes to party from time to time. I'm glad to hear that you gave up partying when you had Dusk. Although, I think Pinkie's parties are still something one can never give up on." He chuckled as he began to eat his own breakfast. He hummed in delight and smiles at Broken's thoughts. "We're glad that you liked it. The two of us did our best and we think we did a great job. You're welcome sweetheart and we can't help it. We spoil you because we love you. Just like how we spoil Dusky, or how you spoil me." He says with a chuckle as he turns towards the young colt. "How's breakfast going for you, Dusk?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "You'll get used to it babe, don't worry" she says in response to him not knowing that she was making teasing remarks about Vinyl "I think she is with Octavia, as she and Neon are like the best of friends" she says with a chuckle and returns to her breakfast "I have to be responsible now, I am a mother after all, and while it's all good and fun to party like there's no tomorrow when you have little to no responsibilities, but when you become a parent, well you can kiss those days goodbye" she says with a chuckle, sipping on her mango juice.

Dusk smiles "It's really good daddy, are we gonna spend the day together today?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles with a nod at Broken's remark. "That's good to know. I know how you like to joke around. I guess I have a lot to learn when it comes to joking around in that sense. Even though I tend to make bad puns and joke around." He chuckled, before having a look of awe at what Broken had told him. "I thought as much. I guess you can say opposites attract. I think they have two separate halves to one full house. I guess that's so they can have their different tastes in music, while still making it feel like a home. I can see Vinyl and Neon as best friends. They have an interesting flow that they know how to follow up in their music." He says, taking another bit of his breakfast. "I can see what you mean. I only party when it comes to Pinkie's party. That, and only when Pinkie says to go all out and enjoy said party. Even though I'm still going to tournaments, I still have to realize that I have my responsibilities to take care of now. Seeing how Dusk in my son, I want to do my best to be a great father for him." He says, turning to Broken as she took a sip of her mango juice. "Would you mind if I took a sip of the juice, sweetheart? Dusky told me how good it was, so I want to see what he's talking about."

His ears perked as he turned towards Dusk and grinned with a nod. "I'm glad that you're enjoying breakfast, my son. We both made it and I think we did a great job. Also, I think that can be arranged. I believe that Nana and grandpa are going to stop by and visit. I'm not sure if nana and grandpa will be stopping by. If grandpa does have work, then I have an idea for us to spend the day together."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Well, in all honesty, the teasing was mostly just some playfulness between the two of us before i met you, I probably ought to tone it down a bit now though" she says with a smile and nods "Well, gaming tournaments are still fun, and it's not like you're going to a rave where there's going to be lots of loud music, alcohol, drugs etc.." she says "Besides, when tournaments are outside of Ponyville, we can incorporate family holidays into going to the town that is holding the tournament" she explains to Dynamo.

Dusk smiles and hugs him "We did, we make an awesome team" he says and then his ears flicker cutely at the mention of his nana and grandpa visiting "oh yay! I can't wait!" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles and chuckles at Broken's statement. "That makes sense and I can understand that. I wonder how Vinyl will react in knowing that you have a boyfriend. Has she ever teased you about finding a special someone?" He says, nodding as she made a point about the tournaments. "I guess that's true. I know that some gamer's go out and celebrate after a successful win. However, I just like to sit back, relax and reflect on how I did. I think it would be pretty cool to go on a family vacation from time to time. Who knows? Maybe you'll get more inspiration for your music. Not only that, but maybe there will be places to have your music gigs. So it's a win/win/win for all of us." He chuckled as he looked forward to the idea of a family vacation. "I guess we'll talk more about it later. Seeing how I have no idea where we could go and what each place has to offer."

The blue unicorn smiled as he returned the hug from Dusk. "You can say that again, little buddy. We make a great team in video games and breakfast. It's because we are the unstoppable dynamic duo, Dusky." He chuckles, before nodding in agreement. "I don't blame you, my son. We usually stop by to visit nana and grandpa. I thought we could give them a break, while they can visit our home sometimes. Also, grandpa has been here before, so he can show nana the way to our place."

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk smiles as he finishes his breakfast, then takes the dishes to the kitchen, loading them into the dishwasher once he's washed them "Mommy, daddy, I'm gonna go get ready for when nana and grandpa get here" he calls to them and runs off to his room. Broken smiles "He's growing into a fine young colt, so well behaved and well mannered" she says to Dynamo "You can leave the dishes for now dear, come over here and give me snuggles" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As Dynamo finished his breakfast, he turns towards Dusk, who finished his breakfast and placed the dishes in the kitchen. "Thank you for the help, Dusky. No need to worry about watching the dishes. I'll make sure to get to them in a bit. If you want to help dry, then that's perfectly fine." He says, smiling as he saw Dusk return and nods at his plans. "Okay and take your time, my son. Nana and grandpa will call us, or they'll knock on the door. When that happens, you will definitely be the first to know." He says, while Dusk had run up the steps to his room. He nods at Broken's remark as he looked towards the stairs for a brief moment. "He really is. He's had a great mother to help raise him well." He turns towards Broken with a nod as he picked up their dishes and walked to the kitchen. After placing the dishes in the kitchen sink, he made his way back towards the living room. "So, I heard that someone wanted to have some snuggled?" He smiles as he sat down on the couch, before wrapping an arm around Broken's shoulder as nuzzles her.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "And now he has a wonderful father to help raise him well" she says, leaning up to kiss him "And yes, snuggles are required" she giggles and snuggles up to him and rests her head on his chest while they wait for Dusk to return from getting ready, and for Night and Button to arrive. "I think a day with you will do him some good, even if he does go with you to work" she nuzzles him lovingly as Dusk returns.

"Mommy, daddy, I'm ready" he says, walking down the stairs, cuddling his two Luna plushies, and Broken smiles and whispers to Dynamo "He really loves those plushies, just wait until he gets his birthday gifts" she giggles a little "You look nice sweetie, but your mane is a bit of a mess, why not ask daddy to help you brush it?"

Dusk smiles and goes over to Dynamo, holding a brush "Can you help, daddy, please?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nods with a smile as he returns the kiss. "I'm glad he sees me as a father figure. I know I'll do my best to keep raising him to be a wonderful son." He says, chuckling at her remark. "Snuggles are always required. If not, then one must question the unquestionable." He holds her close as she rests her head upon his chest. "I think that's a good idea, but what about you, hon? Should I do what I did before and leave a clone? If not, then do you think Night will be here to keep you company?" He asks as he returns the nuzzle, before seeing Dusk had returned.

"You're looking very handsome, son. You hoping to impress some of the ladies?" He chuckled with a grin, before nodding at her whisper. "If he loves those pluhies, then he'll have a field day with what we got for his birthday. I hope he'll like the gift I got him." He whispers back, while Dusk had walked up to the gaming unicorn. "Of course I can help out, Dusky. I want my son to look awesome for nana and grandpa." He smiles as he took the brush and began to brush Dusk's mane. He smirked as he began to brush his mane up, until it looked like a mohawk. He was about to ask what Dusk and Broken thought, but stopped as he heard a knock on the door. As Dynamo got up from the couch, he walked over to the door and looked through the door viewer. He smiles as he saw that it was Night and Button, before opening the door for them to enter. "Hey, you guys. Glad to see that you made it. Come on in."  

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk giggles and blushes as Broken puts in her bit as to what Dynamo had asked Dusk "Oh, he always impresses the ladies, I'm sure he's going to be a real ladies' stallion when he's older" she says, going back to her game just as the door was knocked on.

At the door, was of course Night Flight and Button. Night smiles as they were invited in and she enters the house. Upon seeing Dusk with the mohawk she chuckles "Nice manestyle you're sporting there sweetie" she hugs him as he runs to them for hugs. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled as he listened to Broken's remark. "I can imagine that. It seemed like he was fairly popular when we all went to the arcade. If that were to happen, then they'll have to pass our expectations. Seeing how I do want what's best for our son." He says with a smile, while Night and Button had entered the home.

As he entered the house, Night had smiled and gave his thanks to his old friend. "Thanks, Dynamo. It's been a long time since I've visited here. Has the place changed a lot since Broken and Dusk had moved in? I hope the video game room hasn't been taken away." He joked with a chuckle, before noticing Dusk with a mohawk styled mane. "That's actually an interesting style, Dusk. You look pretty cool, yet you can have that tough guy look. You can make those gamer's to think twice of underestimating you." Dynamo chuckled and shook his head, before closing the door and walking back over to Dusk. "Don't worry, Button. The video game room hasn't gone anywhere. Plus, the house is still the same. The only difference is that Broken and Dusk are a part of this great home." He smiles softly as he began to fix Dusk's mane to become what it was before. "While it would be cool to give Dusk a tough guy look. Nothing will ever stop him from having a kind and caring heart." He says as he finishes brushing Dusk's mane. "There you go, Dusky. You're all set and looking awesome." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken chuckles a little "Heya mom, dad" she says "Dynamo and I were just agreeing on how Dusky will be a real lady killer when he is older, come and see how I look now with all natural pieces" she says ,waving to them as they go in. Night smiles as she goes to see her daughter and smiles "Now that's more like it, how's it feel dear?" she asks "And you are right, our little Dusk is going to grow to be a lady killer alright, I can already imagine all the girls swooning over him and his smooth voice" she chuckles, noticing  how she was making the young colt blush.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Button waved to Broken as he and Night walked over and smiled. "I'm glad to see that everything turned out okay. How does your new arm and leg feel, Broken?" He asks, before chuckling as he saw Dusk had blushed at the praise. "I think you're right, hon. Dusk is going to become a kind and caring young man in the future." He says, Dynamo smiling as he ruffled Dusk's mane playfully. "It's okay, my son. There's no need to be shy, embarrassed or anything like that. Besides, I think you'll meet someone special very soon. You still have so much to look forward to, before meeting anyone you find special in your heart." He says, kissing the top of Dusk's head, before pulling the young colt into a hug. As he pulled back from the hug, he stood up and looked to Button. "So, what brings you both here? I know that you said you wanted to visit and see how Broken is doing, but is everything okay?" He asks as Button nods with a smile. "You're right on all of that, Dynamo. However, I wanted you to know that you had to work today. The arcade isn't going to work without anyone there." Dynamo chuckled and nods, before turning to his girlfriend. "So, what's the plan, sweetheart? Should I leave a clone here, or is Night going to stay here with you?" He asks, before looking down to Dusk with a smile. "Do you want to go with us to work, little buddy? We can get you some free games to play on the arcades."

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles as she hugs Dusk and fusses over him "Don't worry about Broken, dear" she says to Dynamo "I don't have work until later tonight, so you can take Dusky to work with you and Button, and I'll keep Broken company" she says, smiling, not only at Dynamo, but also at Dusk and Button "And don't worry Dusky sweetie, nana will make sure your mommy is well looked after"

Dusk nod and hugs Dynamo "I can get free games? Food too?" he asks, Broken just chuckles "I'm sure that your daddy and granpa will make sure you don't go hungry sweetie"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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