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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles and thinks for a moment "Hmm..could be Crystal Skies..was she tall, with beach blonde hair and blue eyes?" she asks "If so, then that's good for her, while the Night Guard pay is great, having a day job is pretty useful as well" she says "And her son is a sweet colt, bit clumsy though" she smiles at him "also, I ordered the pizzas just after you got off the phone earlier."

Broken smiles "Ah, well at least you know you can trust her to be a good employee" she says and nods "I just can't wait to finally be able to be at full capacity again" she says "I'm really happy for you though Dusky"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

As Night had given the description of what the mare looked like. Button could only nod in confirmation towards Night's statement. "Yup and you're exactly right. So, her name is Crystal Skies, huh? Thanks for letting me know, hon. I agree that it's nice to have a day job, but she shouldn't overwork herself. Seeing that getting some sleep is just as important as having a job, in my opinion." He says, chuckling at the mention of getting pizza. "Oh, so you ordered just in case when we got back, huh? So, that's how you thought I was acting like Jasper. Very clever, Night." He kisses Night's cheek, before taking a bite out of his pizza slice.

Dynamo smiles and nods in agreement to Broken's remark. "That's true, but it's always good to have more employees. Just in case, so we'll have plenty of assistance if we ever need help on the arcade machines." He says, turning to Night and nodding about the description of Crystal's son. "You can say that again, Night. He was a little clumsy and knocked Dusk's food and soda and caused a mess. However, the mess was easily fixable and we got more food for the two of them. Everything worked out well and Dusky made himself a new friend." He playfully ruffled Dusk's mane, before taking a bite out of his food. "I know what you mean, sweetheart." He turns back towards Broken, before continuing. "The doctor did say that you should be back to full capacity by tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow we can try and see if your arm and leg are doing. That way, we can see if you have any difficulty in walking. What do you think, my dear?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles "Crystal is a good mare, her husband is a royal guard, but is off duty for a while, due to a bad injury" she says, eating a slice and nods "Well yeah, the prank kind of gave me the idea to do so" she says "And you know, I couldn't help but prank Jasper as well" she giggles and offers him a slice.

Broken smiles "I remember, and hopefully my joints won't feel all stiff" she says with a giggle.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Button listened as Night explained more about Crystal. "That's good to know. I know I wouldn't want any employee to be a slacker, or to not put any effort into their job. Also, that's pretty interesting that her husband is part of the royal guard. I guess he works in the day time and Crystal works in the nighttime." He says, wincing as he heard about the bad injury. "Is he okay? I'm afraid to ask what had happened." He says, taking the slice Night had offered him. "It sounds to me that you're the type of pony, who likes pranks and jokes from time to time. I like that, but I need to be careful. I have a sense of humor, but I don't want to be too gullible." He chuckled, raising an eyebrow as his jaw almost dropped at her remark. "You played a prank on Jasper Pie? How did you do that? It's just that he doesn't seem like the type of pony to be fooled."

Dynamo smiled and nodded with a chuckle. "That's good to know, sweetheart. I would say that the joints in your new arm and leg might be a little stiff. I think that's what happens when you get a cast off an arm and leg if said arm and leg were broken. However, I think everything will be okay. It will take a bit of time, but you'll be back to normal in no time, whatsoever." He says, taking another bite of his slice. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles and nods "Oh, he's really funny when you prank him, but you got to know the right way to do it" she says and nuzzles him lovingly "Anyway, eat up dear, lest your pizza gets cold" she says and then looks to the others then back to Button "I'm glad you're thinking of getting more employees for the arcade, that way it will be able to stay open when you need or want to be home with us" she says, kissing his nose.

Broken nods "Indeed, they already feel stiff, but i have been doing the exercises that I was given to do"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

"Huh. It sounds like he's related to Pinkie Pie, but I thought Pinkie only had three sisters. That, as well as the whole being related to the Apple family." He placed a hoof to his chin, before chuckling at the mention of pranks. "I guess it's about catching him off guard as he seems pretty clever. Thanks for the advice. I hope we'll be able to meet him. He sounds friendly and maybe a prank is a good first impression in his book." He says as he returns the nuzzle. "I've had cold pizza before and it's not too bad. Although, the same can't be said for the crust. That's why it's always good to have warm to hot pizza." He says, taking another bite of his lunch. "You can say that again. It's also the same way when it comes to employees, who call out for not feeling well. If there is nobody working at the arcade, then it will only cause bad business. I'm thinking of maybe hiring one to two more employees. That way, we can work out a schedule and rotate everyone accordingly." He wrinkled his nose as Night had kissed said nose.

"I remember the surgeon said to start slowly on the exercises. As you start to regain feeling in your arm and leg, then you can increase the exercises every so often. It's good to hear the progress has been going well. What do you plan to do when you are completely recuperated, sweetheart?" Dynamo asks, taking her hand into his own and kissing the back of her hand.

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles and giggles "I had asked him that once, and all he would say is that it was complicated" she says and then listens to him and nods "Indeed, but you shouldn't just settle with one new employee dear, you will also need someone to be a manager for whenever neither of you can work" she mentions.

Broken thinks for a moment and smiles "Honestly, I'm not sure, I mean, other than work on my music and start doing gigs and concerts again" she says "I'm really not sure, I might even apply to join the team at the arcade"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

"Why must things be difficult when it involves being a Pie? I've lived in Ponyville longer than Dynamo and some other ponies. What I didn't know was who Pinkie was. I guess she and her friends had missions and other things going on that I didn't get to meet her. Although, there was that whole party introduction to Ponyville. It was only when Dynamo brought treats back to the arcade was how he mentioned to never question the pink, party pony. I asked and all he told me was that there was no logic. Nothing more and nothing less. I almost couldn't sleep for a week because of those words." He says, snapping his fingers as he listened to her remark. "Darn it. Here I was going to have Dynamo become the manager and then I could take off whenever I wanted."

"I heard that, Button! I thought you said you would give me some more time off from time to time." Dynamo pouted as he heard Button's statement. "You didn't hear me say that." The purple Pegasus narrowed his eyes, while Dynamo rolled his eyes with a smile. "Whatever you say, boss. Whatever you say." He chuckles, turning back to Broken and smiling at her plans. "Even still, I can imagine Vinyl and any other DJ you've collaborated with will be surprised and glad to see the operation was a success. I also think it would be great to have you work at the arcade with us. That way, one of us can take Dusk with us for him to play games, That, or we can watch Dusky at home in case he's not feeling well, or something along those lines."

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles and laughs "Those words are true, not even Jasper Pie would question what she does or says" she says "And Jasper is almost as bad as she is with his randomness and silliness" she laughs once more and sighs, "Also, that wouldn't be very fair on Dynamo and Broken, not to mention little Dusky" she says but smiles "Even though I knew that was a joke" she gently jostles him with a smile.

Broken smiles and nods "I'm sure Vinyl and Neon would be delighted" she says "Oh yes, they're definitely coming to the you know what" she says with a wink


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

"You know it's bad and/or shocking when Jasper doesn't even question anything. Although, he does all the things he does in style. I think I heard him muttering something about hating being involved in prank calls. I thought it was better to just not ask and avoid wondering the idea." He says, snickering at Night's comment. "Can you imagine Jasper and Pinkie teaming up to cause all sorts of shenanigans with their randomness? I don't think Ponyville would be able to handle all of the chaos." He smiled sheepishly as she gentle jostles the purple Pegasus. "I know and I was just kidding. Everyone deserves a day off when they are done working for the day. No need to worry about a thing, my dear. The three of them will have time off and spend time as a family."

Dynamo chuckles and nods. "The moment they hear the news, then they'll want to hurry over to visit you. I know they'll want to have a party like no other to celebrate a full recovery." He says, nodding at the wink and comment. "Oh, that's right. I remember you told me they were going to show up at a gig. One that would have you and them working together. I don't think I've ever seen three DJ's working together, but it sounds cool. That would make for a legendary gig."

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@Dynamo Pad

Night giggles and kisses his cheek "good to know, and I could imagine, it'd be total and utter chaos" she says and finishes her pizza, letting out a rather long and loud belch, then grins sheepishly "Uh, excuse me" she says as even Broken looked at her mother with a look of shock on her face, but of course Dusk couldn't help but burst into fits of giggles.

Broken, after giving her mother a look of shock, grins "Challenge accepted" she says, gulping down a cherry Dr Pepper then letting an even louder and longer belch, making Dusk roll around giggling even more.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Button chuckled with a smile as he returned the kiss. "I don't think it would be bad chaos. Maybe it's more along the lines of fun and/or random shenanigans kind of chaos." He says finishing the rest of his pizza, before taking a sip of his soda. As he heard the belch from Night, Button's jaw dropped as he almost dropped the can of soda. Even Dynamo was surprised, but he smiled as he could hear Dusk had fallen into a fit of giggles. As he heard Broken's remark and belch, Dynamo smiled as he grabbed his soda can. "Oh, so it's a belching contest, huh? Okay, then. I shall take on the challenge, as well." Button smirked as he started gulping his soda beverage, as well. "Bring it on!" He exclaimed, before letting out a loud belch. "Aw, man. I thought I had it, but Broken had the better belch on that one. It's all up to Dynamo now." He says, looking over to the blue unicorn, who was trying to belch. However, closed his eyes and tried to force a belch, but soon Button had covered his nose. "Woah! Now that's not a belch. what was that!?"

Dynamo sniffed the air, before throwing his hand over his nose. "I'm sorry everyone. That was my bad." He says, giving everyone an apologetic look. "Will somebody please open a window!? I think I'm going to pass out!" He exclaims, Dynamo rolling his eyes at Button being overly dramatic. "I said I was sorry. Next time I'll..." He couldn't finish as he made a loud belch in mid sentence. He blushed, before chuckling sheepishly. "Oh, excuse me twice."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken laughs as the competition went on, and then gasps when Dynamo farted and used her magic to open a few windows "Whew, darling, I think we may need to change your diet" she says, looking over at Dusk who was just rolling around in fits of giggles and rolls her eyes "At least Dusk is enjoying the immaturity of all this" she says with a chuckle and shakes her head "oh and darling, if you even dare to try dutch oven me when we're in bed, I'll make sure you sleep outside in the dog house" she says with a glare, but it was a sort of soft glare. 

She then waited for the air to clear up before chuckling at Dynamo's belch and raises an eyebrow, "Should we disqualify you for being male?" she asks and laughs some more "We have a winner" she says "Unless you want to challenge him. dad"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Dynamo blushed in embarrassment, but chuckled as he was happy to make Dusk laugh. Button gave a nod in thanks as Broken had opened a few windows with her magic. "I think you're right, sweetheart, but I honestly don't know what I even ate. I guess I drank too much soda, or I had too much candy and junk food." He shrugged his shoulders, before nodding in agreement to her remark. He held his hands up in front of him from her warning and glare, before chuckling. "Oh, trust me. I think fart jokes are funny from time to time, but I would never do something like that. I want to be a gentleman and not a troublemaker, or something like that. I just hope you would never do the same idea to me." 

As they waited for the air to clean up, Dynamo chuckled as he shook his head at her question. "I wouldn't say disqualify, but I think I'm out of the competition for the belching contest. Seeing how I belched afterwards. So, I think you won the contest, sweetheart." He says, Button nodding in agreement. "I have no intention of challenging D-Pad to a belching contest. Besides, you made a loud belch noise and it's like I said before. I tried and I couldn't make a loud belch. So, you won the competition, dear." He says, giving Broken a congratulatory smile.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "And I, Broken Record, shall remain as the undefeated champion of the belching wars!" she cheers and smiles, picking Dusk up and hugging him close "And don't worry, I won't dutch oven you" she smiles as she then finishes her last slice of pizza "So you lot going back to the Arcade?" she asks, "Mom's gotta get ready for her shift with the Night Guards, so uhm Dynamo, do you think you could clone yourself again, please?" she asks.

Night nods and hugs and nuzzles Button "I start work in a couple hours, Button, I have made some soup for you to reheat when you get home for dinner"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

As Dynamo finished his last slice of pizza, he clapped his hands to congratulate Broken. "I may be a gamer, but you beat me there, sweetheart. Great job and you are, without doubt, the undefeated belching war champion." He chuckled, leaning over and giving her a kiss upon the cheek. "Thank you for the reassurance. I'd hate for that to happen out of nowhere, but it would definitely be funny." He says, Button nodding at the mention of going back to the arcade. "We sure are. Business beckons, after all. Plus, we need to give Crystal a test run with her new job." Dynamo nods as he looked back to Dusk. "You want to head back to the arcade, as well? I can guess that you want to see your new friend again? Isn't that right, little buddy?" He asks, looking over to Broken as he nods at her request. "Of course I can and it's no problem, honey. All you need to do is simply ask and I'll be here to help you in any way I can." He says, unicorn horn glowing with magic as he was casting the spell. He soon created the clone of himself, while the clone had been sitting on the arm of the couch. "So, how should it go? Should I stay and keep you company, or would you like my clone to help watch over you?"

Button nods in understanding and returns the nuzzle. "It's a shame that you have to work night shift, but it's like I said before about business beckons." He says, nodding once more about Night making him dinner for when he got home. "Thank you and make sure you have something to eat, as well. Just be careful, my dear. I know I sound like I'm nagging, but I can't help, but to worry about you. I love you and I'll miss you." He says as he gave Night a kiss.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles a little as Dusk giggles and nods, she kisses his cheek then looks to Dynamo "I think this time, we'll make it your clone goes to work this time" she smiles "Switch it up every now and then" she finishes, stretching a little. She then leans back a little, "I would prefer for Dusk to be home for dinner, and in time for his bed time, alright dear?" she asks the clone with a kiss to his nose.

Night smiles at Button and nods "Work does summon, I believe tonight is just rounds around the castle, so it should be relevantly uneventful" 



Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

As Broken looked up to Dynamo and made her choice, Dynamo smiled with a nod. "Okay and I like the idea of switching everything up every now and then. Plus, it'll give Dusky time to bond with me, but it's a clone version of me." He raised and eyebrow and shrugged. "To be honest, that made a lot more sense in my mind." He says with a chuckle. The clone looked to Broken and nodded in understanding. "Okay and that won't be a problem. I'm an exact clone of the original Dynamo. Meaning that I have the same responsibilities and everything like the original. I'll make sure that Dusk will be home for dinner and in time for bed. You have my word." The Dynamo clone says, holding his arms out for Dusk to jump into a hug. "I know I may be a clone, but I am just like your daddy. So, what do you think, Dusk. Are you all set to go play more video games?" He asks, his nose wrinkling slightly from the kiss to his nose.

Button chuckles slightly, before nodding and smiles. "If only it was like a trading card game, where you can summon things like in anime. Round around the castle doesn't sound too bad. Although, I wouldn't say uneventful. If you are able to talk to Crystal, then the time should go by in a brisk like pace." He says, looking towards the clone and the young colt. "Okay, you two. Time for us to head back to the arcade. There are a lot more video games to be played and looked after." He says as he makes his way towards the front door.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "Thanks clone of Dynamo" she says with a chuckle and closes her eyes a bit with a smile. Dusk looks up at the clone and nods "I am, daddy's clone" he says with a giggle, reaching up for the clone to pick him up and carry him.

Night nods "Yeah" she says, covering her muzzle as she yawns "Well,I'll see you in the morning dear" she says and kisses Button's cheek before hugging Broken and Dusk then leaving to go to her and Button's house to get ready for work.

Dusk smiles up at Button "Okay uncle Button"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

"Oh, no need to call me clone of Dynamo. You can just shorten my name to Clone Dynamo, or even CD for short. Of course, I'm not a CD player. So, don't expect me to have and/or have a playlist of songs on standby." He chuckles, before smiling and picking up Dusk into his arms. "The same goes for you, Dusky. You can call me CD, or even DLC." He winked at the pun he had made, while Button could only roll his eyes. "Even though he is your clone, he still has a way of making bad puns like you." The original Dynamo chuckled as he held his hands up in defense. "What can I say? If I see a good or bad pun waiting to be said, then I take the opportunity."

Button shook his head with a smirk, before turning to Night, who had yawned slightly. "I'll see you in the morning too, honey. Just make sure not to work too hard. Based on that yawn, I wouldn't want you to run yourself down with a cold." He says with concern and care in his voice. He returns the kiss upon her cheek, before waving to her as she exited the house to get ready for work. "Okay, then. Time for us to be on our way too. So, back to the yellow brick road to the greatness that is the arcade!" The clone grinned and threw an arm into the air in agreement. "You've got it boss!" He exclaims as the trio had made their exit from the home, as well. As the original Dynamo had closed the front door, he made his way back to Broken and took a seat next to her. "It looks like everyone has left. Now it's just you and me. Is there anything you want me to do for you, sweetheart?" He asks, taking her hand into his own.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she visibly relaxes and leans back some "how about some much needed attention from the stallion I love" she says "So how about it big boy, think you're up to loving on your mare and making her feel like a princess?" she asks jokingly and then kisses his cheek "I was actually thinking we play a few games together" she says "Your choice, but I don't feel like Smash Bros, I also feel like that could be one of the games that we play together with Dusky"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

At the mention of her request, Dynamo smiled softly with a nod as he kissed her cheek. "Now that is something I can definitely I can do, my dear. Plus, you're always a princess in my eyes. So, she should be treated as such." He chuckled at her joking tone, but nodded once more. "I think playing some games would be a great idea. We haven't played some video games in a little while. Smash Bros is also the perfect gaming choice. Seeing how the game is up to eight players to join in and fight. So, Dusky will be able to play and have fun battling his mommy and daddy." He says, getting up off of the couch. As he arrived at the TV, he began setting up the Nintendo Switch with the Smash Bros video game. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken giggles "I said, as long as it isn't Smash dear" she says "Can do anything like Persona, Mario 3D, anything but Smash, save that for when Dusky is home" she says, "Let us cuddle, maybe have some hot cocoa as well" she smiles over at him.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

"Oh, that's my bad. I guess I didn't hear you really well. Sorry about that, my dear." He chuckles, while rubbing the back of his neck and smiling sheepishly. "Hmm...I think Persona is a great choice. I remember you had that game on you when you and Dusk moved here." He says, looking through the game cabinet until he found the game in question. "There we go. Since Dusky can't play this game until he's older. I think it'll be okay for us to play the new Persona." He says, setting up the game console, before taking a wireless controller over to Broken. Just then, an idea had begun to form in Dynamo's mind. He smirked playfully as he picked Broken up, before he sat down and placed her in his lap. "Okay. Now we can play the game, you can continue to rest and we can still cuddle together. Did you want to play the game first, or did you want me to try Persona, sweetheart?" He asks, holding the controller up to her. He knew that she should rest, but playing a video game didn't sound risky to her recovery.


As the three had made their way back to the arcade, Button had taken the key to the building and opened the front door. After the three stepped inside the arcade, Button looked around to see everything was still in order. "It looks like everything is set to go. I'm glad i didn't turn off any of the arcade machines." He says, Clone Dynamo nodding in agreement. "It would be because of the games taking forever to start up, right? I think that was a good call since we were all going to return." Button nods with a smile. "Exactly and I hope Crystal and her son return soon. I still have to give her a test run. In the meantime Dusk. You and CD can go and play a game, while we wait for Crystal, her son and other gamer's to show up. Does that sound okay?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "Persona 5 it is then" she says as she waited for Dynamo to set up the game and then she picked up her controller, and patted the spot next to her on the sofa, for Dynamo to go and snuggle up to her while they played.

-At the arcade-

Dusk giggles and nods, taking CD's hand and taking him over to the Pacman machines, "I wanna try two player Pacman" he smiles at CD.

Just then, Crystal came in with her son "Hi, sorry if I'm late, my little one had one of those 'accidents'" she says softly. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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