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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Etched Daydream

"Hmm...that may be true. Considering he spends a lot of time with you and I. So, the more time he spends with us, then the more he'll take after one and/or the other. Although, I know he'll take a bit after his old dad as his soul is within him." He smiles softly with a nod, while Gentle felt she could understand. "I hope everything is okay. I'm guessing something happened long ago to your original husband, right?" She asks, not expecting an answer as it could have been pretty personal. She only knew this because even she could relate. She breathed a sigh of relief as Broken went to a different topic. "Princess Luna, or game related, huh? Are there any game consoles that you might not have had previously? I can sort of work a collaboration with Dynamo, if that's the case." She says, smiling proudly with a nod. "Oh, stop that, you two. If you both talk any sweeter to each other, then I'm going to get a cavity from too much candy." She giggled from her joke, but it only caused Dynamo to chuckle along, as well. "Thanks mom and I just try my best. It only helps that I have an amazing girlfriend in Broken. I couldn't ask for anyone better to be by my side. Along with my little buddy, Dusky." At the mention of free games, a thought had suddenly occurred to the gaming unicorn. "Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. Since you said that you might be working at the arcade with us, then you'll be able to play some free games every now and then. So, I guess it all works out for the both of us." He smiled with another chuckle.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken thinks for a moment "Well there is the latest console that is coming out soon, I think it actually comes out tomorrow, hmmm.. ooh, I know, if you can maybe work with Dynamo to get the console and have the faceplates for it have something to do with Luna, I'm sure Dusky would absolutely love that" she says "otherwise, he always enjoys getting new plushies" she states and looks to Dynamo "Well I mean if you and Button will still have me working there, then yeah it would work out."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

As Broken worked out a plan for the mother and son to work together, Gentle's eyes lit up with anticipation. "That's perfect! I'm all for the plan, but what is the latest console coming out? I'm not a big fan of video games, but I don't mind watching someone play. I know Dynamo's old teacher can make the faceplates. So, I can pick up the console and then rush the console over to Mr. Pinball. He can have everything done within a few days." Dynamo grinned as he nodded in agreement. "I was going to ask Mr. Pinball if he can make a special controller, but that works just as well. I can transfer the money over to you and everything will be taken care of. Do you mind asking Mr. Pinball if he can make that special controller?" Dynamo asks as Gentle nodded. "Thank you and of course I can. I'll make a call to him tonight, or first thing in the morning." She thought for a moment, before shaking her head. "I think I'll leave the plushie gathering for you, Broken. We at least need to get Dusky something from each of us." She giggled as Dynamo looked over to his girlfriend. "Are you kidding me? Of course your dad and I will still have you working there. It wouldn't be the same without you. Plus, we'll all be able to spend time together as a family. That is, whenever Dusky is off from school on the weekends, of course."

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@Etched Daydream

"Splendid! I think I've heard about that console being advertised on TV." Gentle mentioned, while Dynamo nodded in confirmation. "It was announced on TV because of the E3 game show that was on recently. It's a week long event that announces future consoles, games, projects that might become video games and new handheld devices to go along with other consoles. The Xbox Project Scarlett was one of the consoles mentioned to be released this week during the event." While Gentle didn't understand the whole video game concept, she nodded as Dynamo confirmed about the console. "I'll make sure to get the console tomorrow and have it sent to Mr. Pinball right after." Dynamo nodded as that was all he needed to know. "Thanks mom and I'll make the transfer first thing after we're done calling. That way, the money will have time to transfer and it'll be there for when you go and get the console." He smiles looking over to Broken with a nod. "It's a good idea to have a job to lean back on. It's what I do when there are tournaments that I might not be able to travel to because they are either far away, or it's last minute notice. I can imagine it's sort of the same way when it involves being a DJ, but I could be wrong on that."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "DJ work can be slow at times, so having the fallback for wok is always a good thing" she says, grabbing her phone and answer it as it had been ringing "aaw, love you too sweetie, hold on I'll put you on speaker" she says, putting the phone on speaker and then Dusk's little voice could be heard and it was clear enough for Gentle to hear his adorable little voice "Daddy?" Dusk asks


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"Exactly. Plus, it would mean that the whole family would be pretty much working together. Granted, we all won't have the same shift and Dusky will be starting school. However, it'll be nice for all of us to spend time together with one another as a family." He smiled with a nod. "It's nice to hear the two of you working together and looking on the optimistic side of things. I think it'll be nice for the two of you to be working together. It would help strengthen the bond between you and spending time with Dusky. Not only that, but you'll be working at somewhere that you love." Gentle says, both she and Dynamo taking notice of the phone ringing in the background. As the blue unicorn listened to Broken talking on the phone, he wondered who had called and hoped that everything was okay. His questions were answered as he smiled from hearing his son's voice. "Hey there, little buddy. Is everything okay? Are you having fun spending time with Onyx?" Upon hearing the name Dusky and the adorable voice on Broken's phone, Gentle could only grin happily. "So, that's what Dusky sounds like. Oh, he sounds so precious." She says with a giggle. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk giggles "Yes daddy, his daddy is very nice and we all made spaghetti together" he says, "then we played board games and then some video games" he says, "it's bed time now though, I love you and mummy, goodnight daddy" he would say "Goodnight mummy" he would then finish before hanging up after Broken and Dynamo said their goodnights. Broken would then smile over at the phone which Gentle was still on "Yep, and he is precious, he's our little angel"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

Dynamo smiled and chuckled as he could hear how happy Dusk was. "I'm glad to hear that Onyx's daddy is really nice. Also, that's wonderful, buddy. I hope there wasn't too much of a mess with tomato sauce." He chuckled as he could imagine a small mess in the kitchen. "I'm guessing you and Onyx went on a marathon when it comes to playing video games and board games. Hope your kicking some butt at games, but mostly having fun. Your mommy and I miss you very much, Dusk." He says, nodding in understanding that it was bed time for his son. "Okay and thank you for calling us, Dusky. Mommy and I love you very much. Good night and sweet dreams, my son. May Luna watch over you in your dreams." He says, handing the phone back to Broken as Dusk wished his mother a goodnight. After hanging up the phone, Gentle held a hand over her heart as she watched the display from her side of the phone. "That was adorable, you two. You've both done a great job at raising Dusky, so far. He's definitely a precious little angel. He's also my little angel once I finally get to meet him. I wonder if he was able to hear his grandmother as he was calling the two of you."

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@Dynamo Pad

"I am sure he will have questions about who he heard if he did hear you" Broken says with a smile "And I bet he will love meeting you on the weekend" Broken would say to Gentle, sighing just a little but smiling "Well mom, it's getting late, and I'm still kind of recovering from my operation" she would say, covering a yawn "It was great to finally get to meet you, but I think Dusk has the right idea" she says with a smile


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"Knowing Dusky, he'll have a million and one questions when he gets home tomorrow. It's too bad that we'll keep him in suspense, until you show up this weekend, of course." He winked with a chuckle, while Gentle giggled at the antics. "Don't leave him guessing too much. Maybe you can drop a hint, or at least let him know that I called you both. I think it would be nice to hear that his grandma is checking up on him." She says, raising an eyebrow slightly at the mention of operation. "An operation? Are you okay? Did something happen?" She asks, Dynamo shaking his head with a soft smile for reassurance. "No, it's nothing like that. Broken had a metallic arm and leg and went into surgery the other day. She was able to get the metallic limbs removed in replace for real limbs. She should be okay to walk around more tomorrow, but physical therapy training might be an option." He says, placing a hand over his mouth to cover up a yawn.

Gentle nodded as she could see that the couple was beginning to grow tired. "Okay and I completely understand. It was great to get to meet you too and I hope to see you this weekend. I'll send a message to let you know about that video game console. Just take it easy and don't overexert yourself. Take good care of her, Dynamo and I love you. Goodnight." Dynamo nodded as he gave his mom a thumbs up. "You've got it mom and no problem. Talk to you soon and I love you too. Goodnight." He says, before the two hit the call end button to end the FaceTime chat.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "He has a healthy sense of curiosity" she would say as she stretches after hanging up on Gentle and looking to Dynamo "Hey babe, think I'm ready to head to bed" she would say, nuzzling him gently "NO doubt we've got a lot to do tomorrow to help Pinkie and Cheese with setting up for the party on the weekend" she would say and smiling "come on, lets go get ready for bed, who knows, maybe Luna will visit you and Dusky in your dreams again tonight"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"Now that is something I can say that Dusky takes after me. I can't help in being curious whenever someone has something to tell me. That, or I can be curious when someone tells me something, but then I become easily confused." Dynamo chuckled, turning towards Broken as he frowned slightly. "Aww. Here I thought we could have had one more dance." He shrugged his shoulders with a smile. "Oh, well. I guess we can have that dance another time. Plus, there will always be plenty of dancing in the future." He says, pulling Broken into a hug and returning the nuzzle. "You've got that right, sweetheart. We have a couple of days until Dusk's birthday. So, we'll have to make sure to help Pinkie and Cheese get the party all prepared for the days ahead." He nods, standing up as he offered his arm for her to take. "I think that would be nice. I guess I shouldn't be surprised as Luna might have some things planned for training. I hope that she can visit you, as well. The three of us, as well as everyone else should have peaceful dreams. Speaking of which, would you like me to carry you to bed, my dear?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken would nod "I cannot wait, it'll be so nice to see Dusk happy" she would say as she carried the dishes to the kitchen and begins to clean them "I prefer dishes be done before I go to bed" she would say "It means I don't have to see them as soon as I go out of the bedroom" she chuckles and shakes her head "Think you could help a little, please babe?" she would ask then nod "And yes, I think we ought to drop into the bakery to see if we can help with anything before picking Dusk up"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"Seeing Dusk happy is one of the greatest gifts of all." Dynamo nodded in agreement as Broken carried the dishes into the kitchen. "That's exactly what my mom says when it involves dishes. At least you and her share the same ideology when it involves a clean house, or something like that." He chuckled, nodding once more as he followed Broken into the living room. "Now, how could I turn down a request from my special someony. I would love to help you out with the dishes, babe. Would you rather me wash or dry the dishes? One of us can take the one job, while the other takes the other job. It makes things go by that much quicker. Plus, I still get to be next to you as we work." He says as he kisses her cheek. "Okay and that's perfectly fine. We'll try and call the house tomorrow to make sure if they are dropping Dusk back at our house, or if we can pick our son up. At least this way, we'll be able to let Pinkie and Cheese know of the small change in plans." He says with a nod.

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@Dynamo Pad

She would smile as she finished washing the dishes "Thanks hon, and you're right we'll call Onyx's parents tomorrow before heading to the bakery" she would say, kissing his cheek and making her way to the bathroom "I'm gonna shower and get ready for bed, join me when ever you want" she would say, going to take her shower, but then decided to take a nice, relaxing bath.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

After he finished drying and put the dishes away, Dynamo smiled as he turned his attention towards Broken. "You're welcome and it's no problem, sweetheart. You're my girlfriend and I always love to help you out. We're a team, after all." He felt the kiss upon his cheek as he returned the affection. At the mention of her plans, Dynamo nodded as he stretched his arms. "I like the sound of the plan. That way, it won't seem like a hassle for Dusky, Onyx and/or his parents. Also, that sounds good to me, babe. Just take your time and no need to rush. I'll see you soon." He says as Broken left for the bathroom. After taking one last look around the kitchen and living room, Dynamo began walking up the steps towards their room. Upon reaching his destination, Dynamo got out his sleepwear and got changed. He still wore the shirt he was wearing before, but changed into a pair of black sweatpants. After throwing his clothes into a laundry basket, he plopped on the bed as he felt the rocky water from the water bed. He attempted to stay awake, while waiting patiently for Broken to appear in their room.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken would smile as she would then soak herself in the tub, and as she would hear Dynamo open the door to their bedroom, she would call out "Think you could do me a favor babe?" he would ask "It would seem my arm is a bit more tired than I thought, think you could please ya know, wash my hair for me?" she would ask through the door that separated the bathroom from their bedroom.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

As he was waiting patiently for Broken to return, Dynamo's ears perked as he thought he heard Broken's voice. He quickly got out of bed and started making his way towards the bathroom. He stopped at the door and knocked to let Broken know that he was there. "Is everything okay, babe? What kind of favor did you need?" He asks as he soon listened to her explanation. "A-Are you sure, sweetheart? I-I mean, I don't mind in helping. I just wanted to make sure that you're okay with me helping in washing your hair." He explained with a slight blush upon his cheeks.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "It's fine love, we're a couple" she would say and smile up at him "The sooner I'm clean, the sooner I can get in bed and snuggle with you" she would say to him with a smile "Then the sooner we sleep, the sooner we can wake up and go to the bakery and then to pick our little Dusky up"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

After giving the okay by Broken, Dynamo nodded as he slowly opened the door to the rest room. "Okay and thanks for letting me know. I know we are a couple, but I always want to respect you, sweetheart." He says as he began to help in washing her hair. "I can't ever say no to snuggles and cuddle with my special somepony." He chuckled as he returned the smile. "Also, you're right. We have a bit of a big day ahead of us tomorrow. We need to see our favorite party couple and then pick up our good boy, Dusky."

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@Etched Daydream

After Dynamo helped Broken in washing her hair, Dynamo excused himself from the restroom and walked back towards their room. It had only been a few minutes, but Dynamo smiled as he saw Broken appearing in her sleepwear. He wrapped his arms around his girlfriend as he returned the snuggle. "Goodnight to you, as well, my love. May Luna, the Princess of the night watch over your dreams and keep you safe." He sealed that promise with a kiss upon Broken's forehead, before closing his eyes and slowly drifting off into the world of dreams.

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@Etched Daydream

During the night, Dynamo had opened his eyes slightly as he felt Broken cuddling even closer to him. He unconsciously wrapped his arms around her and cuddled close to Broken. He smiled softly as he closed his eyes once more with a sigh. Smiling softly as he fell back to sleep with the love of his life in his arms. 

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