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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Etched Daydream

As Dynamo pulled his phone out of his pocket, he scrolled through his phone until he found the contact for his mother. Right before he started writing out a message, he looked over to see Dusk had bowled Broken over in a hug. Dynamo snickered as he tried to hold back a laugh. Seeing the interaction was absolutely cute, while he could tell Dusk had missed both him and Broken. He soon looked back at his phone and began furiously typing out a message, before being discovered by his son. "Hey, mom. I just wanted to ask if you are busy today. Broken thought it would be a good idea to come see you early today. That way, Dusk would be able to see his grandmother early, while not getting overexcited from everything that will happen on his birthday party. What do you think?" After sending the message, Dynamo placed the phone in his lap and hoped for a quick response. Not too long after sending the message, he received a reply from Gentle. "Hey, honey. I think that would be wonderful. I have the day off today as I managed to get the okay from my students of me being away to see my grandson. The other reason is that I still have to talk to Pinball about the whole gift. This actually works out as the three of you are visiting. So, then we'll figure out the whole birthday gifts and spend some time with family." After reading through the message, Dynamo smiled as the plan was still set to go. He made a quick reply of the group seeing her soon, before placing the phone back in his pocket.

He was thankful as both Broken and Dusk had made their way back to the car at just the right time. He waved to Crystal and Onyx as he smiled from Broken kissing his cheek. "So, I checked and I think I should be off for the weekend. I thought I should let you know, sweetheart." He winked to be nonchalant about Broken's hidden plan, before turning towards Dusk, who was buckled up in his seat at the back of the car. "Hey there, little buddy. How was the sleepover last night? Did you have a lot of fun?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Wonderful to hear, it'll be nice to spend the weekend as a family" she would say, buckling up her seat belt. Dusk beamed "I had a great time daddy, mr Thunder helped us to make spaghetti last night,we played lots of board and video games and then he read us a bed time story about Princess Celestia after he tucked us in" he would smile and play with his plushie.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"I couldn't agree more. So, is there anything that we should do for the day? Maybe we should go on a little day trip for a sort of family vacation. What do you think, hon?" He glanced to Broken, before turning back to his son. "Oh, wow. It sounds like you had an amazing time last night. I could imagine Mr. Thunder made sure to add Auntie Luna into the story. Seeing how she's really close to the family." He chuckled as he watched Dusk playing together with his plushie. "So, what do you think, little buddy? I can only guess that you'll be spending more and more time with Onyx? From what you told me, it sounds like you and he have become best friends after your first meeting together." Dynamo mentioned, facing forward in his seat as they were about to drive away.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken would smile "A day trip sounds perfect" she would say as Dusk smiled up at Dynamo and nods "Mhm, I honestly can't wait" he says, still playing with his plush "and mr Thunder did tell us one of miss Lulu" he'd smile more. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

Dynamo grinned as the plan was all set for the family of three. “Is there anywhere you’d like to visit in particular, sweetheart? If so, then you can always keep the trip destination in surprise.” He chuckled, glancing back to Dusk with a smile. “I can only imagine. I’m really glad that you were able to find and make a friend. Especially your first friend. Something tells me that the two of you are going to be best friends for a very long time. I also had a feeling that Auntie Luna would be mentioned in one of the stories. She is your auntie, after all.”

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@Etched Daydream

"The zoo, huh?" Dynamo pondered, while pretending to contemplate on the choices. "While I think the arcade is the most important choice, I think the zoo sounds like a lot of fun. We can see all kinds of animals and even a petting exhibit." He pointed out, before his eyes widened slightly in worry. "Oh, but just make sure it isn't an exhibit to pet spiders. I remember hearing about that and I just made my way towards the exit. Not the best idea when you have that kind of fear." He chuckled sheepishly, before shaking as he felt a shiver run up and down his spine. "What do you think, Dusky? Do you got any animals that you'd like to see at the zoo?" He asks his son, while trying to keep the surprise of the family to see his mother a secret.

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk looked up excitedly at the idea of going to the zoo "I really wanna see some foxes, maybe some bunnies and..a wolf" he'd smile at his parents "Maybe..I do want to see some snow leopards as well, I want to take some photos for Onyx"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

Dynamo hummed in thought with a smile, while listening to Dusk listing off the different animals he would like to see. "Hmm...I think I remember seeing foxes and bunnies at the zoo. I don't think I've seen any wolves or snow leopards before, but the zoo is always full of different variety of animals. So, I think it'll be fun to explore and check every exhibit out. I also think that would be nice to get some photos taken for Onyx. It's sort of like giving him some souvenir pictures and having stories to tell him. Just in case he ever goes to the zoo, or something like that."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods, rather excited for meeting Dynamo's mother in person, as well as giving the surprise to Dusky of meeting his other grandma. She looks to Dynamo with a loving smile, holding his hand, "I agree Dusky, it's really nice of you to think of Onyx and wanting to take photos at the zoo"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

Dynamo looked over to Broken and smiled as she took his hand into her own. "It goes to show that we raised our son really well. It's nice to think about others. Especially when they are your friends." He says, before a thought had come to mind. "Oh, speaking of which. If we are heading out of town, then I should give you the directions. It's been a while, but I have a good idea on how to get to where the zoo is." He gave Broken a wink as he started putting the directions to the zoo into the phone/GPS. However, the directions he was putting in were the directions to get to the house he used to live in Fillydelphia. "There we go. It will take us some time, but we should be there pretty soon. So, what do you say? You both ready to have a nice family day out?" He asks, turning his attention to both Broken and Dusk.

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@Dynamo Pad

Both Broken and Dusk nod, Broken, of course knowing the truth of where they were going first. She looks at the GPS and begins to drive "I sure am, it'll be a nice time for all of us to bond, right hon?" she'd ask as Dusk looked up from playing with his plushie and nods.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

Not being too sure if Broken had directed the question to him or their son. Dynamo decided to nod in agreement with a smile. "You can say that again, sweetheart. It's nice to get out town every now and then. Especially if we went on vacation." He responded, while an idea began to form in his mind. "I've got it. What do you think about going on a vacation sometime. Not a vacation to the zoo, but somewhere else. We can have Night and Button join us. Maybe even go to the shore one day with Thunder, Crystal, Onyx, Pinkie, Cheese and Cupcake. What do you think, you guys?" He wondered as he noticed that the trip would take about two hours. He was a little surprised on the distance, but he soon realized it shouldn't be a surprise. He remembered taking a train on his first arrival to Ponyville, after all.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "A family vacation sounds great, maybe we could go to.." she thinks for a moment "Do you think Las Pegasus is foal friendly?" she would ask him, driving towards the exit of the highway, and down towards the train station.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

At the mention of Las Pegasus, Dynamo closed his eyes to think. "Hmm...I suppose it would be okay." He opened his eyes, turning to Broken with a curious expression upon his face. "Maybe we could message Night and/or Button when we get to the zoo. On second thought, maybe just Night. Considering how Button would probably answer and his reaction would probably be all nonchalant." He laughed, wiping a tear from his eye at his terrible joke. "I'm just kidding, but I'd still check. I know there's an arcade, a place that has a rollercoaster and a circus type of show. I guess it all depends on what activities we would want to do during the trip." He says as the group exited the highway and down to where the train station would be.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken would laugh and nod "Either that or freak out" she would say "I can imagine him saying "Whaat?! Go to the biggest 'arcade' in Equestria!? You bet I won't miss out on that!"" she giggles "I swear, he can be as much of a dork as you can be, my lovable dork.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"There's always the third option that Button would act like both. Although, I can imagine him freaking out. I actually wonder if Las Pegasus has the biggest arcade in Equestria. I remember Las Pegasus has a sort of convention that has the biggest gaming tournament in Equestria. I think it's called EVO, which is basically the tournament to end all tournaments. You win there, then you're known as the absolute best in the world. At least for the rest of the year." He chuckled, before rolling his eyes playfully. "Oh, please. If anyone is the bigger dork between us, then that would be me." He stopped momentarily as he gave a deadpanned expression. "You know something? That actually sounded a lot better in my mind when you think about it."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken would smile and nod "Well we will just have to wait and see, when we call them up" she would say and continue to drive. Broken hummed a little as they finally arrived at Gentle's house. "Well, first stop, here we are" she would say


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

As they continued to drive, Dynamo would nod with a smile. "That's true. Considering I still have to message Button and let him know that I won't be in today. I know he would understand, but it's better for him to know ahead of time, instead of not at all. I can't imagine the multiple questions he'd ask on why I didn't show up. Even though I know he would understand that I'd be looking after you, sweetheart." He responded, while remembering that Broken was starting to feel better. "Know Button, he'd be playing twenty questions on where I am and what is going on." He chuckled as they had finally arrived at Dynamo's old home. "This doesn't seem like a bad place to take a bit of a break. When we passed by the train station, I honestly thought we'd have to park and take a train. Granted, I wasn't sure if there was going to be a lot of traffic, you know?" He asks, trying to hide a smirk at the possible reaction from Dusk would have.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Dusky sweetie, please put your toys away, we're going to be taking a break" she says as Dusk nods and puts his toys in his night bag before looking at the house "Mama? Where are we? Why are we at this house?" he would ask, curiously.

Broken smiles "You'll see soon enough sweetie"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

As they parked near the side of the sidewalk, Dynamo turned the car off momentarily as the group was, indeed, taking a break from driving. He glanced behind him to see that Dusk was putting his toys away in his night bag. He then turned his attention over to Broken, who was smiling and responding to their son. "It seems like our son wants to know why are we at what is supposedly a random house. So, should we go up to the door, or would it be better if I let our guest know of our arrival?" He chuckled and gave his girlfriend a wink and a smile.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken would smile "I think we should let our host know of our arrival" she would say, holding Dusk's hand. She'd smile even more as they would approach the door "One way to do so, is to knock on the door" she would say, then proceeding to knock on the door.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

As he listened to Broken's reply, Dynamo nodded as the group exited the vehicle. "That's true, but I guess I didn't really explain myself very well. When I meant to let our guest know of our arrival. I was meaning of sending them a text message, so they could step outside to greet us. I guess it's a change in plans, then." He chuckled as Broken proceeded to knock on the door. It had been quiet for a few minutes as nobody had opened the door quite yet. Dynamo raised an eyebrow in both confusion and concern. "That's weird. I know it's still early in the day, so they should still be home. I hope everything was okay." He was about to take his phone out of his pocket, but stopped as he heard the front door being opened. A periwinkle unicorn, wearing a dark green shirt and black pants had made their presence known. "Dynamo? Well, this is a surprise. I didn't expect to see you so soon. I don't mind, of course. What's the occasion?" Gentle asked as Dynamo smiled and waved. "Hey, mom. Sorry about dropping by unannounced, but Broken and I were in the neighborhood and thought we should visit you. Plus, we were hoping for you to meet someone. Broken?" He grinned, nudging her shoulder slightly as he waited to see how Dusk would react.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Don't be shy sweetie, this is Gentle Step, Dynamo's mother and your other nana" she would say, gently nudging Dusky forward. Dusk would look at her and then run to her and hug her "nana!" he'd exclaim, hugging her. Broken would smile "Sorry for the sudden drop by Gentle" she would say "But as we were passing by, we thought why not"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

At the sight of seeing the young bat colt, Gentle gasped with a smile. "Is this the Dusky I've heard so much about?" She giggled as she saw Dusk had ran up to her to give her a hug. The periwinkle mare scooped Dusk up into her arms, before proceeding to give her grandson a hug. "Oh, it's so good to see you. I've been waiting to meet you ever since I talked to your mommy and daddy." She smiled as she held the young bat pony tightly in her arms. "Yeah. Sorry about that mom. We told Dusky that we were going to the zoo. It was a half truth, but we thought it would also be nice if we got to take him to see his nana." Gentle smiled and nodded at the explanations. "Oh, no need to apologize, dearies. It's always nice to see you both. It's also great to see my grandson, as well as Broken too." At the mention of the zoo, Gentle hummed at the idea. "A trip to the zoo, huh? I think that sounds absolutely lovely. I hope you all don't mind if I could join you on the visit." She wondered as it would be a good excuse to go and figure out the plan to get the gaming console for Dusk.

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