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private Deep Science 1x1 with Blitz Boom

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

(Gonna switch the perspective on this to Void)

55 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

It was an almost perfectly straight line back to where they began the day, with few additional things of note, They passed through two security checkpoints, as well as a pair of large gates that said Tesla Gate, though they seemed deactivated. They also could see, if they were paying attention, a plaque next to a closed door, C-12, Euclid, Cognitohazard. It had a picture of what looked like sheet music next to it.

So the road back to their cell had not been as confusing as it had to get to the cafeteria in the first place. Why had they just pushed them around like that then? To test them? To show them that were were no escape?

The security gates certainly made it seem like that, and the Tesla Gate... Void had never seen one active, but she had gotten a glimpse of them when Null and her had passed the oddly quiet town of Center Zero in Equestria, on their way towards Ponyville. It seemed to be under investigation from both the Night and Solar guards, though their presence at the time were only seen through the posters hanging around about it being an active crime scene.

There had been something akin to this Tesla construction around the walls of the strange town, though they too had been inactive. Considering the town had seemed abandoned and they were tired, Void had asked if they couldn't rest there for a little bit, but Null had been stubborn and said no. She didn't trust that no guards were there, and didn't want to risk the first exposure to them to be during the crime of trespassing.

A tinge of fear began to creep up her spine as she wondered whatever that town had been related to this place in one way or another. It wasn't a pleasant thought, but it could be how they had found the siblings after all these years. Found, and trapped them...

Void's ears slumped and she felt her heart sink at the thought.

They were prisoners again, in a country that claimed to be better than those around them, yet had done nothing but take from the two of them. First her eye, when the infection she had gotten wasn't treated right, then later Null's wing crushed beneath a heavy chunk of decaying wall that had fallen upon them during Void's attempt to rescue her sister from getting her feathers cut, which had to be amputated, along with Void's leg, which had gotten caught beneath the same rubble as she tried to push her sister to safety.

She knew that this wasn't Null's fault, and she kept saying that to her sister, but she knew that Null always blamed herself for this. It was why she were so obsessed with making Void as good a replica as possible, to try and replace what she thought she had once taken. It didn't matter if Void kept telling her big sister that if she had not pushed the smaller pegasi aside, she would have gotten completely crushed either. Null just started mumbling something and look away from Void, thinking that her younger sister shouldn't have to know what she thought of this.

Yet, Void knew her sister well enough to venture that she replied with something along the lines of *Better all of me, than some of you*. A thought that pained Void greatly, though she never told her sister that she knew this, nor about all the other clues there were towards Null's tough act being a facade. She always assumed that Null needed this to feel in control of things, but she were a very emotional pegasi, and Void couldn't help but know some things when the two of them spent nearly every moment together. It just felt better to not poke to her about this, at least until they had found stability.

Twenty years of that thought, and it had finally happened. They had found a good place, things were calming, and Void had tried to think of a way to talk to Null about her lack of self-worth... And then Troy had returned to take away what little they had finally gained again.

Void looked over at Null, who had halted slightly to read a door carrying some numbers and a description of something called C-12. Another number just like they had now been reduced to. She wondered what kind of thing was behind that door, if it were alive or a construct like the golem were, but there weren't much time to think of it before they neared their own cell. Whatever were in the room though, she hoped it weren't alive. No living creature should have to go through this hell.

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

Soon enough they were back in their room, and could notice, if they cared enough to look, that they too had a plaque, C-2113, Euclid, Anti-Magic(P). It had a depiction of their marks, it looked like both at the same time, depending on how one looked at it.

The dogs waited without until Null and Void had entered their chamber, then the door shut.

The look of their own number and how they were cataloged, made Void feel even more defeated, whilst Null literally spat on the plaque. Sometimes Void wished she had the ability to just be angry like her sister were. It made things easier, instead of falling into despair and hopelessness. It might be that Null had told her that they would get out, but after seeing everything today, and how the security here were made, her own hope were starting to dwindle already. How could they do anything, even with the coin? They'd just lock it down, and then punish or potentially kill the two of them. Perhaps it would be the best even... This wasn't a life that was worth living in the long run.

The two of them didn't do much before resting. They took another shower, brushed their teeth, and this time, Null took off Void's leg to properly clean it, shouting up into the ceiling that *The stump needs a wash too* followed by some rather nasty profanities about whoever might be watching in. It was uncomfortable to think that they were watched, even in the shower, but what were she to do? Complain? Who would listen to her, beyond her big sister?

That thought lingered in her mind before the two of them went to bed, though not separately. Though it were a little uncomfortable, Null made sure to come over and hold Void until the both of them rested, to try and give her little sister a little comfort going into her sleep. It wasn't much, but... It helped to know that Null were there with her. Void didn't know what she'd do without her sister having the strength to carry the two of them mentally, even if Null were being crushed by the pressure.

The two would eventually drift off, and find themselves in the last real where their cruel captors could not reach them: The land of dreams. Sadly, Princess Luna likely did not wander into them, since this were outside of Equestria, yet that did not mean that they couldn't have some degree of peace.

Void's dream were as simple as could be. A house, a big lawn, and her sitting on the veranda and looking at the two of them run around, until an older version of Null tackled them out of nowhere and caused the foals to have a pretend ruffle with their aunt. The rascals went after a wing each on Null that had somehow regrown what she had lost, and Void would hear herself laugh, before feeling a warm hoof on her own.

The stallion next to her never had a face, but she knew his role as her husband in this dream, and she felt loved, even if he had no face or eyes to show emotions with.

Like so many other times, Void leaned towards him to give him a kiss, when suddenly everything seemed to freeze.

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

Each were suddenly aware of being in a dream, and that dream now featured someone new. Whatever had been happening, if they were dreaming at all, paused, frozen in place, so that the new arrival could become, forcibly, the center of attention to each of them. They couldn't move, their voices seemed muted, they could only look.

Somepony stood behind the still image of her blank slate of a husband, and though she might try, her eyes could not leave him. Her body were no longer in control, and she could only watch on as he got more into view, and the realization that this were but a happy dream were more or less forced upon her, leaving her with a feeling of being tainted.

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

He was a tallish earth pony stallion, thin but well built, dressed almost like an investigator from Manehatten. He beckoned, and they followed, not having control in this dream, through a small opening. They found themselves all three together, the two sisters seated on a park bench with an excellent view of Cloudsdale, the strange pony stood before them, the shadow of his hat hiding his eyes, except that those eyes seemed to glow.

Before she knew it, this controlling presence of a pony who dressed in strange garbs she had not seen before, led Void into another setting, but they were not alone. Void followed, also paralyzed and forced to wander away from whatever dream she had at the time, not suddenly sitting next to Void as their faces were turned towards a cloud in the skies. Which place it were, they did not know, but it may well be that Cloudsdale town they had heard talk about since entering Equestria. It were apparently a rather famous, large pegasi town, which Null despised, but they hadn't been in the area where this place may be, so if this were it, Void at least could not say for sure.

The *pony* that had brought them here were also in view, but she did not know what to do there, as she could not move, talk, or respond in any other way. She were merely forced to look at him, as much as the flying city, and wonder what the glowing-eyed being wanted with them.

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

"The end is coming, but at the same time has also passed. Them stealing you has started a chain of events that could end catastrophically."

As if to emphasize his point a loud roaring sound, like a firework being launched but a thousand times louder. A flaming tube passed over them, revealed to be the source of the sound, guided by a pair of large smooth planks extending from either side. In a moment it shrank into the distance, getting closer and closer to Cloudsdale until they could almost not hear it anymore, then it went silent, replaced with a large sickly purple sphere expanding to encompass almost all of Cloudsdale, causing the city to dissipate almost entirely.

Void had been thinking what this stranger were speaking off, when the catastrophe unfolded above them, and though this were merely a dream, she felt a churning of horror in her stomach over seeing an entire city of beings just decimated out of nowhere, by a kind of explosion she had never seen.

Who would do such a despicable thing?

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

"This is what will happen if they continue their research into your gifts."

This... This would happen because of them? Because of their curse, this entire town full of innocent ponies might end up... D-Dear Celestia, what were they going to do?

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

He looked directly at Null, "And this is how you will stop them. Cause them a problem, and they will stop their research on you, make it big. You only have one shot, make it count. If you do it right, neither of you will be harmed, you're both too valuable to Him to let you come to harm."

"And if you get the chance, tell Dr Bunsen that 990 sent you. Preferably over his dead body."

Then the dream ended suddenly.

Before Void could even begin to think about what she had seen, and what this stranger had told them, the two of them were suddenly awake in their cell, as if somepony had snapped their fingers and reset the clock to before they dozed off.

She tried to say something to Null, but her big sister held a hoof to her muzzle and vaguely shook her head. There were potentially ears in this room, and Null did not want the two of them exposed by speaking up about something that had clearly not been a dream, no matter how badly Void wished that it were.

Instead, Null leaned in so that she may whisper something to her sister. Nothing large, just two, short words, barely audible on her moist breath.

"First chance."

More didn't need to be said, Void knew what the plan were before this dream, considering the one cursed item they had left in their possession, though when had been a mystery for her. Not anymore, and though it pained her to think about using the entity and letting it loose, she had to agree on this. They couldn't linger and look for an opening anymore. First chance they had to spread the influence widely here, and they had to take it, then deal with the consequences afterwards. Whatever it took to stop the horrible omen they had seen from coming to pass.

Null would likely take the coin out during their next morning bath, when she could get it out without anypony noticing, even if they were filming, and hide it in her wing, then wait for the right time. That being basically whenever they next got sent towards the community area, and led down the halls of varied creatures that would be as good a place as any to begin. Provided there were many guards too of course. Otherwise, they'd have to wait for the cafeteria itself, or some other area where there were plenty of bodies for the hivemind.

Now, it was just to wait for such a time, and then comply somewhat with the experiments until then to *earn* another visit like that. Null would take things from there, and hopefully, the entity wouldn't have a separately controlled body that wasn't in control of the coin itself, decapitate them.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom

(Sorry about the delay)

It wasn't too long later, though still at least a few hours, before they heard an even tone, not entirely unlike a bell, sound throughout their room. It seemed their wake-up call was upon them.

There was no instruction given though.

(Unless they remain in the bed, not moving.)

"Good morning, testing will begin shortly, breakfast has already been delivered to the front room."

Should they go check, there would in fact be another pair of covered trays like the day before, if they were to open them, they'd find a standard spread of breakfast items.

(Once they're ready, or about an hour after the voice/tone)

Another tone sounded, this one a little lower. "Testing will now begin, please proceed out of the chamber, the guards will escort you to testing."

(If they don't spring their trap right then)

The guards each passed a paper to the sisters, before leading them to the test area.


Item #: C-1162

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1162 is currently contained in a standard 5x5x5 meter chamber at XXXXX. SCP-1162 must be activated at least once weekly to prevent a containment breach; if it is not activated, it randomly shifts location, as detailed below.

Description: SCP-1162 is, currently, a hole in the cinderblock wall of Containment Chamber X at XXXXX. It measures approximately 14.5 centimeters across, and has a variable depth which changes based on the current user. A portion of cinderblock is currently visible through the hole; however, no light source has been able to illuminate any portion of the interior beyond that, the hole always appears to be dark.

SCP-1162 is activated when a sentient being reaches into the hole to the depth that the girth of their limb allows, at which point they touch a solid surface similar in feel to the current location of SCP-1162, and they discover an item small enough to fit through the hole below their hooftip (Or similar limb). These items have universally been recognized as something that the user has lost, or was searching for at some point during their life. However, upon retrieval of the item, another item will vanish from the person of the subject. In addition, any object placed into SCP-1162 will disappear as soon as it is no longer in contact with a person.

If SCP-1162 is not activated at least once every 168 hours, it will randomly shift location to another stone, concrete, or brick wall or floor within a radius not yet shown to exceed 2000 kilometers. The previous hole remains, but shows no abnormal properties. Attempts to destroy SCP-1162 or view it from behind have caused an immediate shift in location, regardless of the time since the last shift.


Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

13 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Good morning, testing will begin shortly, breakfast has already been delivered to the front room."

"D-Don't worry sis, I got it."

It had been impossible for the two of them to get any real sleep after the dream they had shared, so they were both up and getting on with the day before the wake-up call came in.

Null had been in the middle of her own shower, after helping Void cleaning her leg whilst the larger earth pony had handled washing her stump, and when they were done, Void would get her leg reattached before going out of the shower to dry herself off and polish her glass eye, now one cursed coin lighter, whilst Null had hidden it in her wing. It should be impossible to have seen her do so, or even retrieve it in the first place, unless they had a camera directly inside her eyeball, so now it were just to get herself cleaned up and hide it whilst waiting for the right time to use it.

23 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Should they go check, there would in fact be another pair of covered trays like the day before, if they were to open them, they'd find a standard spread of breakfast items.

It was a better selection than what Void assumed were last morning, and she did feel hungry, but she didn't eat anything before Null were in the room again, and they could get through this. They didn't speak about anything in particular, but Null tried to do a little small talk about whatever her Void's eye were still sitting well, and if she felt any pain in her stump. Small things like that. Overall though, they kept quiet and just prepared themselves for what were to come. The tests, as well as their plan.

47 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Another tone sounded, this one a little lower. "Testing will now begin, please proceed out of the chamber, the guards will escort you to testing."

The hour went by at a snails pace, but finally it passed, and the sister got up and proceeded towards the exit, where the guards would be waiting for them.

58 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

The guards each passed a paper to the sisters, before leading them to the test area.

They got surprised by then being given a bunch of papers of all things, describing the next thing they were going in to test out.

They would read through it quickly as they went on, and then exchange looks, where Void were looking to see what her sister would be thinking about this magical hole that may give them an item, but due to their aura, may also accidentally cut off a limb instead, when they were halfway through and it would just stop working. A high risk thing, and not one that Void for one wanted to have any part in. She had already lost an eye and a leg. She didn't want to know what else she could end up losing if the situation arose.

As for Null, the only thing she had on her were the coin, and that was it. What little they used to own had gotten lost on their travels or traded in a long, long time ago, and if she stuck her hoof in, and it worked, it could be anything from a bit lost somewhere, or the necklace that held the solitary picture of them and their parents together that they lost somewhere around Neighpon, where they had to run like the wind from the tricky Kitsune, who were not too thrilled to have their bountiful magic negated in the way that the siblings did.

And what were they going to lose in return? The only weapon that they had to use to fight back with. Much as the necklace for one would be great to have back, it wasn't worth the only thing they had to fight with right now.

As such, Null would wait for just the right point, where there were plenty of other cells/guards near them, before she'd lean against a wall and stretch out. And in case the guards would look on, she'd give them a typical reply. At least typical by her standards.

"Hey, the beds here are garbage, alright? I just need a minute to get my limbs working again. Especially since you folks apparently want me to put a hoof through some stupid wall."

No matter what they'd answer or do, she'd keep on, and even if she were grabbed, her wing would still eventually stretch, and the coin would fall on the floor. If she had not been lifted up, she'd kick it towards the guards to get it out of her aura, and most definitely into theirs.

Soon as she'd see sign of the entity taking control, she'd confront it on the spot and quickly half-whisper something to the prime vessel - that being the one who held the coin and would likely pocket it afterwards - , before it got any funny idea about trying to wrangle her neck.

"There's a myriad of  different hosts with information far better than you have ever had before around here. Take them, leave us alone, and we won't negate you again."

Null tensed up, along with Void, just in case the entity didn't care and would attempt to have secondary vessels tear them apart, though Null suspected that it would want a few more bodies than just two before trying that, which would give them some time to try and escape.

And as a bonus, even if the personnel here somehow managed to get this under control, rather than all falling to its influence, the chaos should also last long enough so that this hole in the wall would vanish from this place, and appear out of their control. They rightly deserved it, along with any casualties that were going to happen now. As for the sisters, they'd have to find a way out of here, because this was not going to go down calmly, even though perhaps the entity would play along for a little bit as to not expose itself. The guards memories would be devoured nearly instantaneous, so it should know what were going to happen if protocols and appearances weren't followed.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom

(Here we go.)

From when they exited their chamber, they hadn't seen much activity. Just like the first time they were let out there were guards at every T and no scientists to be seen. Until they entered a certain chamber, the lead guard said they were almost there. The chamber they entered overlooked, to the left, a sort of office area, and two scientists were below discussing something or other.

She definitely didn't want to miss her chance, and counting on the other guards they had just passed to also be caught by the influence, made her move there.

The lead guard looked annoyed at the delay caused by Null's stretching, but the rear guard just rolled his eyes, commenting how he knew the feeling. It was right at the end of that comment when he caught sight of the coin, as it fell to the ground. It was clear in his eyes that he recognized the value of the money, then as it left her aura, the look in his eyes went vacant, as something cold and dark entered into him.

Both of the guards collapsed as they tried to fight the entity, they put up quite the fight, but at this range they were no match for it.

The scientists below looked like they had headaches, their gaze continually looking towards the coin they couldn't see, trying to figure out what was happening before deciding to climb the stairs up to the overlook as they too were drawn in by the coin's power.

The rear dog then stood up, collecting the coin from the floor and placing it within his armor, an evil look on his face.

(I'm going to take a large liberty on this, how the entity acts and all that, I hope you don't mind.)

The entity snarled at them, bearing his sharp dog teeth for them to see. "We will kill thee and thine later."

It was then that the second guard stood, moving to bring the scientists closer as they too collapsed under the power of the entity.

Then they could hear the alarms go off.

"Euclid level Containment Breach, Light containment zone. Light containment zone lock-down Initiated."

Literally only a second later, "Keter level containment breach, Heavy containment zone, Full sight lock-down initiated."

If they wanted to get out of here they would need to move fast before they got caught up in the lock-down.

They could either go back the way they came, or proceed forward in the direction they had been traveling. It also looked like there were some items to their left in a storage area that might be useful.

(If they go for the items they will find a clipboard, a paper on S-1048 and S-1048a, a gas mask, and two 9 volt batteries)

(If they continue forward they will reach a corner going left, a scientist and guard will ignore them and move into the room they left. There is also an access on the left wall to C-1162, the door is open.)

(If they go back the way they came it is a hallway with a door to their left labeled Light Testing area. The door is open and a scientist passes them to go to the entity. A guard is also coming down the hallway that doesn't seem as affected.)

(And to give you some dread, S-106 has broken containment)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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18 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

The entity snarled at them, bearing his sharp dog teeth for them to see. "We will kill thee and thine later."

It was then that the second guard stood, moving to bring the scientists closer as they too collapsed under the power of the entity.

(it's spot on)

This was about as well as things could have gotten, considering this entity had been locked into it's meager, tiny little vessel for ten years because of the two sisters. It was nearly impossible that anything but their deaths would satisfy it's want for vengeance, but it at least saw some degree of point in waiting to slaughter them, until it had built its strength. By then, hopefully both Null and Void had left, and this place would become a war zone of infighting between the captured objects and beings in here. That was the plan at least. To make their escape, but at the same time, create as much chaos as possible, and with some luck, cause the entire thing to just end with the beings in here killing off one another, leaving no traces, and a heap of dead bodies. It may be that Null didn't trust the dream entity that had spoken to them, but even the chance that what they saw were true, were enough to warrant them needing to sow chaos here. Equestria had been good to them. They couldn't repay that by becoming the base ingredients for city-erasing bombs.

20 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Then they could hear the alarms go off.

"Euclid level Containment Breach, Light containment zone. Light containment zone lock-down Initiated."

Literally only a second later, "Keter level containment breach, Heavy containment zone, Full sight lock-down initiated."

"Come one, we need to go!"

Null grabbed hold of Void before she could protest, or voice any of her fear about the entity ending their lives later, and followed her sister as Null rushed towards a... Storage area? Why did she-

"Grab everything you can see, and let's get out of here."

What were her plan in this? Void still had no idea, but she grabbed some papers and a clip board that came into sight, whilst Null found some batteries and - if it were within sight - a gas mask. They wouldn't be in there for more than around 15 seconds, so it may be that they missed a lot, but the batteries in particular seemed to interest Void, though Void wasn't sure why. Nothing right now made much sense. It was just chaotic, and she was following her sister's panicked rush through the place, whilst something called a *Keter* apparently were going astray. Were that the entity they released? Did Keter refer to that? The two of them were seen as Euclid apparently, so... Perhaps?

Not like there were time to think about it, as Null dragged them on down a hall.

21 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

(If they continue forward they will reach a corner going left, a scientist and guard will ignore them and move into the room they left. There is also an access on the left wall to C-1162, the door is open.)

Void finally understood it when they got to the room with the hole they had been supposed to explore. It seemed like Null wanted to get something out of this, but what? One of the dozen or so small cursed items they had lost over the years? The amulet with their parents? Well, whatever it were going to be, Null took all the things she had just grabbed and hoofed them over to Void, before taking one of the files they had found under her wing, and then stuck a hoof in. With some luck, this were going to get them something back, and also deprive this place of one of their files, whatever it said. The two of them didn't care about it, that was for sure.

(In case it works, decide what it will be. The necklace with the picture of their parents, or a cursed item. You also decide the effect of said item if it is. Null will keep doing this with both files though, hoping to get both an item and the necklace, exchanging whatever she holds with Void so that she only holds 1 item on her. If it does not work, she will lead them out of the room, and towards the opposite direction of where they came from, aiming to open as many doors as possible and try to release what is in sight, if it can be done within 10 seconds.)


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom

(The hole very rarely gives them something good on the first go.)

The room they had entered, purportedly the testing chamber of 1163, they found another copy of the document they had been given by the guards.

Hole attempts:

1st attempt, retrieves a cursed dart. lost a document on 1048.

2nd attempt, retrieves a primary feather, which she might recognize as the one that the Dr. took from her the other day. Lost a document on 1048-a

3rd attempt, retrieves a mostly decayed wing. Lost a document on 1163 (One of three)

(I can understand if she wouldn't keep trying or if she switched for Void)

(4th try, if she does it, would retrieve the amulet they seek. I'm not heartless. Lost 2nd document on 1163)

(However if Void tries, she will find first another dart. Then the amulet if Null has not retrieved it. Lost 2nd and third document on 1163)

(I considered her retrieving an eye, but I highly doubt the eye would have been recognizable at this point.)

It seemed as though the entity was moving away from them, as when they entered the next room, moving away from where they came from, they came across a security checkpoint that still had a guard managing the post, though he looked like he was suffering from quite the headache. They could likely slip past him without notice of they tried to be sneaky.

But before they could really consider the notion, a golom entered the checkpoint from the other side of the guard station. This one looked different from the other two types they had met, it seemed to have crossbows built into it's arms. But as it moves it seemed clear it did not consider the sisters a threat. They could let it get past them too if they liked, or try to destroy it before it could slow the progress of the entity.

Their choice.

(With the dart or darts, they could easily dispatch the golom and or the guard. If they continue forward, they will find another hallway that has a door on the far side, as well as one on the left side, through which a concerned looking unicorn mare, a researcher, is watching the commotion. Behind her, in the room that seems to be her office, is a pair of doors, one marked P-500, the other C-1499)

(As to the darts, given most all of the SCPs are behind locked doors, they can use the darts to break through these doors, but they only have two, so you better ration them out.)

"Be advised S-106 is loose in the Heavy Containment area, scans reveal a direct course for the Light Containment Area."

"Unknown entity in Light Containment Area, extreme cognitohazard evaluated. All guards and scientists are encouraged to avoid at all cost. Remember your conditioning."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

15 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

1st attempt, retrieves a cursed dart. lost a document on 1048.

Hey, she remembered this. How fortunate, though these things were 1 use only. Null had to keep it safe, or she'd just waste it like most of the others she once had of those had been, by the previous owners.

15 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

2nd attempt, retrieves a primary feather, which she might recognize as the one that the Dr. took from her the other day. Lost a document on 1048-a

Well, not something she could really use right now, but it satisfied Null to see that this little piece of her wasn't going to be in the hooves of that smug monster anymore.

15 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

3rd attempt, retrieves a mostly decayed wing. Lost a document on 1163

She felt like getting whipped as the third thing came out of the hole. There was barely any of it left, but she knew exactly what it were, and the sight alone made her relive the whole experience again. She could even see on the wing where the rocks had landed, and the part where the sharpest of them had almost cut it clean off her back. Yet sadly, she recalled vividly that it had not been clean enough... To feel those last few sinews rip, and knowing what it meant to her life, were one of the most painful memories she had, or ever would have.

Void nearly had to take over, but Null fought through it, not wanting Void to try and potentially loose either her leg or her eye to this thing.

15 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

4th try, if she does it, would retrieve the amulet they seek.

And here came a memory of the second of her most painful memories. A reminder of their parents, yet this time she wasn't going to lose it again. And neither were Void, who promptly put it into her false leg, where it would rattle around some, but it were either that, or risk it being dropped again, and this were the only memento they had left of their parents. They couldn't lose it again.

They could have stopped here, yet they still had a piece of paper to go, so they might as well clean this out and see what came from it.

Void did so before she had the chance though, holding the paper and the feather and hoping for the best, which gave them another dart, for the cost of the paper. Thankfully the odds had been with them.

"Alright, it's time to get out of here."

15 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

It seemed as though the entity was moving away from them, as when they entered the next room, moving away from where they came from, they came across a security checkpoint that still had a guard managing the post, though he looked like he was suffering from quite the headache. They could likely slip past him without notice of they tried to be sneaky.

But before they could really consider the notion, a golom entered the checkpoint from the other side of the guard station. This one looked different from the other two types they had met, it seemed to have crossbows built into it's arms. But as it moves it seemed clear it did not consider the sisters a threat. They could let it get past them too if they liked, or try to destroy it before it could slow the progress of the entity.

Their choice.

(With the dart or darts, they could easily dispatch the golom and or the guard. If they continue forward, they will find another hallway that has a door on the far side, as well as one on the left side, through which a concerned looking unicorn mare, a researcher, is watching the commotion. Behind her, in the room that seems to be her office, is a pair of doors, one marked P-500, the other C-1499)

(As to the darts, given most all of the SCPs are behind locked doors, they can use the darts to break through these doors, but they only have two, so you better ration them out.)

"Be advised S-106 is loose in the Heavy Containment area, scans reveal a direct course for the Light Containment Area."

"Unknown entity in Light Containment Area, extreme cognitohazard evaluated. All guards and scientists are encouraged to avoid at all cost. Remember your conditioning."

Okay, a guard were not an issue, but the golem were. It looked quite ready for a fight, and the entity were only as strong as its victims. It was doubtful that any of those were able to deal with this, but if they were to take care of that... They would be down a weapon.

Yet, as the sound came through, Null didn't hesitate, and she threw one of the darts at the golem, then snuck past it and the guard as it would have a reaction from the cursed item. (or in case of it pulverizing things, they's sneak past first, then throw it) They were better off if the entity had the chance to spread before this thing distracted it, and the others had the chance to get out of its radius. The more it took, the better for them. Hopefully it would soon find a creature that were not a simple pony, minotaur or the like, that could break down some walls. Then they'd have some proper mayhem.

What happened next were going to depend on whatever the door to the researcher were locked or not. If it were, they would run towards the other door and flee through that, not giving the researcher or the doors behind her much of a thought, though if it were unlocked, Null would break in, throw the loose feather to give them a bit of momentum in negating the magical energy of the mare, then strike at the unicorn's knee's with the intent of getting her down to her level, and then get her in a headlock. Void would look outside, not wanting to see what were going to happen, whilst Null - through gritted teeth - would talk into the unicorns ear, rage clearly sitting on Null's tongue.

"Tell us where to find the most dangerous being in this place, or a way out if it's closer, or you're never going home again."

This wasn't a hardened old timer like many of the others perhaps, but she worked here, so the unicorn were as guilty as the rest of them in running this slave camp. Null wasn't going to feel saddened if one less of them would end up being around.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom

Given the corrosive nature of the dart the golom collapsed quickly after it was hit, in the doorway as it passed them, meaning it would be a while before anyone was going through that door.

They were down to only one dart though.

The unicorn mare they had captured was not exactly a pillar of strength, immediately crying at the violence against her. Amongst the blubbering and pleading for her life they learned the following pieces of information.

Her name was Ross and had level 2 clearance, which they surmised was not very high at all. They took her badge from her, or rather she practically forced them to take it in part of her pleadings to be let go.

She clearly didn't know much about the layout of the facility, she was apparently new here and still got lost on occasion, but pointed to a map on her desk which showed how to get to one of the exits.

She was not informed that there were any dangerous Anomolies at the facility, pointing out that she only dealt with the two in her room, one of which wasn't even present as it was far too valuable for her to research directly. (She called it a miracle pill, in reference to P-500)

Her card would open the door to C-1499, she mentioned it made those who wore it invisible while they wore it, but it did things to them. Both seemed rather harmless.

She clarified about 106 saying she had heard rumors that it could steal creatures away, and they would only ever come back as broken and mutilated corpses.

Whether assistant researcher Ross would be of any more help to them was debatable. But the map could be a big help.

Ross's Map


From Gate A to Office.

Right out of the gate, Left at the end of the hall, Left after the security checkpoint in the four way with C-895, second right through the guard station(The one after C-035), left after the T-Gate, Right at the end of the hall, through the security checkpoint, then the office will be on the right.

Looks like they'll have to follow those backwards, though two security checkpoints to go through?


Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

15 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Her name was Ross and had level 2 clearance, which they surmised was not very high at all. They took her badge from her, or rather she practically forced them to take it in part of her pleadings to be let go.

Perhaps the approach and violence were going a little too far here. Void thought so at least, as she saw the crying mare pleading and blubbering on like there were no tomorrow, slinging basically everything out at them and handing them a card of all things. Might be something they could use to get out here, or into an area where something good were, even though the mare were clear to say that it wasn't a high clearance.

If it had been other situations, Void may have asked Null to stop this, and beg her to not scare the mare more, but... This wasn't their usual scene. This were a hostage situation, in a hellhole in Troy, and as much as Void wanted to avoid confrontations - especially those who made youngsters like this cry - this place had not given them many other options than to be forceful. So much as it saddened her, she didn't make a move to get Null to stop, but simply looked away, as more information were poured out of their captors muzzle.

16 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

She clearly didn't know much about the layout of the facility, she was apparently new here and still got lost on occasion, but pointed to a map on her desk which showed how to get to one of the exits.

She was not informed that there were any dangerous Anomolies at the facility, pointing out that she only dealt with the two in her room, one of which wasn't even present as it was far too valuable for her to research directly. (She called it a miracle pill, in reference to P-500)

Her card would open the door to C-1499, she mentioned it made those who wore it invisible while they wore it, but it did things to them. Both seemed rather harmless.

She clarified about 106 saying she had heard rumors that it could steal creatures away, and they would only ever come back as broken and mutilated corpses.

Whether assistant researcher Ross would be of any more help to them was debatable. But the map could be a big help.

Void went over and used the card to get the helmet, figuring that perhaps they weren't able to use it themselves, or even wanted to, in case something happened, but they might have a use for it somewhere else. If nothing else, then perhaps they could destroy it, or give it to something that could cause more mayhem around here.

Whilst she were focused on that, and trying her best not to comment on 106, which creeped her out just hearing about, Null kept her grip around the mare's neck until she were finally done speaking, then sent a glance towards the desk were a map apparently were, before refocusing completely on the mare again.

"If you survive this, you better quit. Because we won't be the last to escape, and the next won't be so kind as to let you live."

Null would then... Well, let it be said that the mare were certainly unconscious, but very much alive. She'd be sore if nothing ate or mutilated her while this whole thing went over, but Null wasn't directly the cause of her demise if it were. Ross had talked, so the threat of a snapped neck wasn't really fair anymore. yet at the same time, they couldn't exactly drag her around, or have her talk, so knocking her out was the only fair option for them all, though Ross would likely not enjoy the pain it if she eventually woke up.

Null went up and snatched the map, then looked at it and gritted her teeth.

"This isn't gonna be easy when there's 2 security gates. Though, each of them seems to be at one of these things they keep trapped... Whatever this *035* is might be useful."

If the researcher wore a lab coat or something like that, Null would ask Void to grab it before they went on. Perhaps if she looked like she might work here, they could get the jump on the guard station. Especially if other things kept them busy. If not... They'd see what they had to work with when they got there. Perhaps this gas mask could be used to beat the tar out of somepony, as an example.

And speaking of which, they had gotten a gas mask from the first room as well... A regular one too.

As they'd approach the first guard station, Null would have tried going with subterfuge, which meant her laying on top of c-1499 on Void's back and pretend to be passed out, whilst her younger sister would approach the gate in as much a researcher getup as possible, pass on the ready and the regular gas mask on. They were gonna try passing themselves off as a researcher and somepony else that were trying to evacuate, and then hope that things might work for them.

"I-It's horrible. Everyone is getting p-possessed or taken by 106... W-We couldn't get to the rest b-before it was too l-late."

Hopefully the muzzled voice from the mask, as well as her voice being warped, could help some in passing Void off as a nervous researcher fleeing for her life, rather than a stuttering mare attempting to play this off.

Of course, if the guards here had seen the sisters before, or knew all the researchers who worked here, this was so not going to work, but what choice did they have but to try? They'd have to give it a shot, and if not, Null could throw the strange gas mask at them and see if something happened. Perhaps distract them enough to be given a hit. Or if they were faced with weapons, they may have to turn on the spot and find another route. The guard station would determine how well this went, though Null had a plan to cause some havoc by getting to this *035* thing if she could. If a whole guard station were at it, it had to be powerful.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom

As they were approaching the guard station they were met by a group of guards that were escorting a group of scientists of mixed races down a hallway to the sister's right (head of them was the guard outpost)

The guards just signaled to them that they should follow, "This way to the evacuation shelter, keep up, we have orders to eliminate any who fall influence to this creature's control."

The group kept moving, they'd have to get moving if they wanted to get to whatever this evacuation shelter was, if they were lucky enough they could get evacuated along with the others.

(If they go to the evacuation shelter)

The shelter was actually very close by, like, the next room over, their group seemed to be the first to arrive. About two dozen researchers and guards combined, though the room seemed to have space, and supplies, for many more.

The door closed behind the group. They could overhear one scientist reassuring another that the room was protected by a special metal that protected against memetic effects. They would be safe here.

(If they don't go with the guard group, they'll have to keep moving. The guard station ahead of them is locked down, with no guards present.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

5 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

As they were approaching the guard station they were met by a group of guards that were escorting a group of scientists of mixed races down a hallway to the sister's right (head of them was the guard outpost)

Awh rats, this wasn't good.

Null saw the guards as they approached the closed down guard station, through a barely opened eye, and she wasn't feeling this was good.

Certainly, the evacuation part was a good deal of relief, as were them not being taken down as imposters right away and this might provide them with a way out, but shelter? They were not going to have it easy breaking out of there without causing all kinds of problems, though what choice dis they have right now? Refuse or run and they looked taken over, agree and they might have a sliver of a chance to escape. Considering the guard station seemed to also be shut down completely, and they'd have to get past one more to get anywhere, with only 1 dart, things didn't look good.

And talking about said dart...

Null sent a ahort glance towards the very sealed door of this *035* character, or item, thinking about whatever or not to use their final dart on it, yet... It was their last lifeline, and if something went wrong in the shelter, they might desperately need it. They also didn't know if 035 was even useful, or violent, but had only been able to guess. It may be something as generally useless as this anomalous gasmask Null were laying on top off currently, and then what'd happen? They wouldn't have a way out, and they were almost guaranteed to be exposed to this group.

So she kept down, and let Void take over what were going to happen, which went about as could be expected.

6 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"This way to the evacuation shelter, keep up, we have orders to eliminate any who fall influence to this creature's control."

Void nodded and scurried along with the group towards the shelter. This were going to become a trying episode, but perhaps they could end up getting away if they were lucky.

6 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

The shelter was actually very close by, like, the next room over, their group seemed to be the first to arrive. About two dozen researchers and guards combined, though the room seemed to have space, and supplies, for many more.

The door closed behind the group. They could overhear one scientist reassuring another that the room was protected by a special metal that protected against memetic effects. They would be safe here.

Please don't talk to me. Please don't talk to me...

This thought wandered through Void's head as the door closed behind them, and the two of them were locked in here with the real beings working here.

Null were still laying on her larger sister's back, playing unconscious, which left Void as the primary one that others would talk to, in case they wanted to chatter, though so far at least they seemed to entertain one another instead, leaving Void to sit in a corner, rear facing the back, and hoping that her wooden leg wouldn't be noticed, as it might give her away too easily. It fit her color well, so at a glance, it wouldn't be that easy, but getting close enough would make a good eye catch on. Hopefully if that happened, nopony here even knew about the two of them.

There was one thing here that Void couldn't ignore or hope eould go away though, and that was the notion that this room were protected from the entity. Considering Null and hers effect, that effect might not be active at all, and if the entity then got in here, in this closed room, with the two beings it hated more than anything...

C-Celestia have mercy upon them, and bring them home safely.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom

It felt like hours, and it may well have been, them all trapped together in the evacuation shelter. The main group had long since divided and subdivided into groups of two to four, each grouping predominantly by whatever it was they had been doing before the breach, the hushed talk among the scientists referred to whatever tests they had been about to run on something or another. In the end, they all left Null and Void alone, undisturbed, for as long as they were in there.

Suddenly a voice came over the speakers, booming in comparison to the relative quite that had dominated the shelter. "Attention all Facility Personnel, The Keter level breaches have been contained, and the lock-down will be lifted shortly."

There was a collective sigh of relief from those gathered in the room as many moved to stand up and stretch a bit before gathering whatever personal items they had with them.

"Please be advised that there are still a number of Euclid level anomalies uncontained, as such each evacuation shelter will be checked by a mobile task force before the lock down will be lifted."

The guards in the room began lining up the scientists and forming them into groups by clearance level and research, presumably to facilitate a quick inspection when the mobile task force would arrive.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

On 10/28/2018 at 6:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Suddenly a voice came over the speakers, booming in comparison to the relative quite that had dominated the shelter. "Attention all Facility Personnel, The Keter level breaches have been contained, and the lock-down will be lifted shortly."

The amount of swearwords that ran through Null's head at that message were staggering.

She had hoped that this woulod have done something massive, especially since there were apparently two of these Keter things running around, but no. They had still ended up containing both, and the place was still standing. While the two of them were still in this annoying place too. This wasn't good, but perhaps they could sneak out and take a detour? It wasn't as if anypony in here had so far really taken notice of-

On 10/28/2018 at 6:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Please be advised that there are still a number of Euclid level anomalies uncontained, as such each evacuation shelter will be checked by a mobile task force before the lock down will be lifted."

Okay. Now the list of swearwords running through her head were staggering, and included some phrases that even the most foulmouthed would even consider saying without getting a blush.

Any chance of them being able to mingle and sneak out were gone now. The security personnel were going to look everywhere, and soon as the two of them were found, they'd know. There wasn't any hiding from that.

"Grrr... Buck this place!"

Her voice rose up as she sprung into action, and threw the last dart at the closed door. As it crumbled away, Void would run out, Null still on her back, as she were pretty sure that this were the thing that her big sister wanted them to do as their last ditch effort to make it out. She for once had been mortified behind the gas mask as the second message had been said at least, and were about ready to cry, but there wasn't any time for that. It were just to throw the mask away, and run, whilst Null yelled a comment about her hoping that everypony in this place would melt, slowly and painfully. Thankfully they hadn't been far from the door as Null had set her plans into motion, or this may have ended poorly for them.

Panic began settling again as Void just went the first direction she were faced and ran, praying that perhaps they could still find an exit that wasn't guarded, or could overpower whoever were in the way. Yet she felt the hopelessness follow her, and reaching out with its cold embrace, wanting to grasp her in its hold. It just made her run faster, as Null tried to direct her as best she could, and keep an eye out for things that could go wrong.

Soon though, somepony were bound to try and intercept them, and they might have to find someplace to hide. What could they do against a full on armed guard after all? All they had were their aura, and 1499, that Null were still on top of.

How were they ever going to get out of here?

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom

The shouts of the guards they ran past as they left the evacuation shelter fell behind quickly as they made their escape. It seemed that the guards were not interested in pursuing them. Whether it was for fear of themselves being caught out of their assigned location and terminated, or potentially encountering another loose Euclid level, the sisters might never know.

Given, it seemed, that most of the facility was still in evacuation shelters, the hallways were very quiet, almost eerily so. It seemed to augment the violence that had passed though there recently. All the hallways and rooms they passed through in their search for an exit had at least two dead bodies, or at least mostly dead as some still seemed to be twitching, breathing, but lacking something sentient to move them. A number of larger rooms had mangled and broken goloms, covered in the battered remains of similarly dead or mostly dead creatures. Clearly the coin had amassed quite a number of followers in the relatively short time-frame.

As they moved further they found a shift in the scene, they entered a room, it seemed like a heavy guard checkpoint, but the doors had been battered down, the dents clearly made by hooves, but instead of more dead bodies the other half of the room seemed to be covered with a corrosion not entirely unlike the corrosion caused by their cursed darts.

And sitting in the center of the corrosion, seemingly unaffected by it, was a very familiar coin.

The soon realized that the room was not entirely devoid of bodies as a heavily corroded bone fell in front of them. Were they to look up at where it had come from they would see a number of corroded and decayed corpses stuck to corrosion on the ceiling, while a certain diamond dog corpse was hanging by its neck, an outstretched paw exactly over the coin on the floor.

They had a feeling that they should not get too close to the center of the corrosion, but it seemed they could easily pick a path around the edge to move on into the next sector of the facility.

(My 106 doesn't mess around, and is all about making a very lasting impression.) 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

On 10/30/2018 at 5:43 AM, Illiad Easle said:

As they moved further they found a shift in the scene, they entered a room, it seemed like a heavy guard checkpoint, but the doors had been battered down, the dents clearly made by hooves, but instead of more dead bodies the other half of the room seemed to be covered with a corrosion not entirely unlike the corrosion caused by their cursed darts.

And sitting in the center of the corrosion, seemingly unaffected by it, was a very familiar coin.

The soon realized that the room was not entirely devoid of bodies as a heavily corroded bone fell in front of them. Were they to look up at where it had come from they would see a number of corroded and decayed corpses stuck to corrosion on the ceiling, while a certain diamond dog corpse was hanging by its neck, an outstretched paw exactly over the coin on the floor.

Void would have screeched at the sight of the corroded bones, if Null hadn't firmly held both hooves in front of her muzzle. Even though they had seen quite a few things on their travels, including death, Void were still queasy about it  and a scene like this wasn't exactly helping the mare.

The only thing that made Null wary about the setup were how destructive the thing that had killed off the carriers of the coin were. The prime carrier were not a creature that you just got to with no effort, and the coin could quickly change hands, so actually defeating the entity in a battle that didn't involve nullifying magic were quite a feat, and a reason for concern.

She considered briefly snatching it up for future use, but this whole scene reeked of a setup, so she wasn't going to try. She'd just hope that whatever 106 were - her guess as to who had done this - it would keep the coin, and in case of boredom, drop it on some unsuspecting fool here to hunt on. A far better outcome than this place getting control over it in her mind, though she doubted that they actually could. The heaps of corpses and mind-erased former vessels they had passed were speaking a clear language about how little control this place really had when push came to shove.

Whoever that 900 being were, he shouldn't have anything to complain about when it came to their results. The body count spoke for itself frankly.

Grizzly thoughts aside, they had to get moving, so Null jumped down and led Void past this center of decay they were faced with,  making sure to not touch anything that didn't look like a solid surface, and once past, she'd jump up on her little sisters back again and started to keep an eye out, whilst Void would continue running. 1499 was now held beneath her right front hoof to make sure it didn't rattle away, and were ready in case she found a use for this somehow. Likely by shoving it over the head of some annoying idiot that got in the way.

There had to be an exit somewhere, but their window of opportunity here were going to get smaller and smaller the more they lingered. They had to find the path, and quickly.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom

(Sorry for the delay)

As they crossed out of the guard station they would notice that the hallways took on a much darker appearance, instead of the tall white halls they had grown accustomed to, these hallways were shorter, tube-like, and dark.

On the other hoof, there were no more dead bodies, though it was debateable as to whether they would consider this a good thing, though there also didn't seem to be any guards, or anyone for that matter.

As they walked, they found themselves in a hallway with a door in the wall marked with a plaque much like their own, in the distance they could see a three way hall going to the right and straight.

Should they inspect the wall panel they would see the picture of a familiar looking deer, with the key difference that half of her face was missing, replaced by segmented panels, through the cracks of which a wiry mess could be seen. The affected eye seemed to be glowing in the picture.

C-1997, Euclid, Sentient, No Classification

Soon enough they could hear a pair of voices coming from ahead of them to the right.

"I am disappointed in you." The voice was deep, yet very refined. "They never should have come here."

"Bbbut the research... The opportunities!.. We could win the war!" It sounded familiar, but they couldn't quite place it.

"Enough." Though the voice wasn't loud, it felt like it had weight. "Forget about all that, I'm in enough trouble as it is because of your idiocy. Take care of them... before I have you taken care of. Do I make myself clear Clave." It wsa clear by the tone that it was not a question.

"Yes Director.. They will be taken care of." They could then recognize the voice as the one that captured them the first time.

"Good" The voice seemed to be getting further away, "When that's done I will need you to greet the new site manager, your replacement."

It was only then that the sisters were made aware of someone sneaking up behind them, by the strike of a dart to the back of Null's neck by the hoof of a very familiar deer.

The tranquilizer in the dart was especially potent, as Null succumbed almost instantly. "I'm sorry" The deer said, as she readied another dart. "I just need a little more time," The door to her own containment opened as she approached, revealing at a glance a number of complex scientific instruments, including a pair of metal tubes big enough to hold entire ponies, "I can't have you two getting caught now..." She seemed to know that Void wouldn't go down as easily as Null, as she assumed a fighting stance, "Or we'll never be free of this place."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

On 11/2/2018 at 1:58 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Should they inspect the wall panel they would see the picture of a familiar looking deer, with the key difference that half of her face was missing, replaced by segmented panels, through the cracks of which a wiry mess could be seen. The affected eye seemed to be glowing in the picture.

C-1997, Euclid, Sentient, No Classification

Even though Void had done what she could to not take notice of things as they moved around, this particular panel had caught her eye as the two had slowed down. It was not the plan to do this, but Void's stump had begun to hurt some, and the sudden change in environment caused both her and Null to pause regardless, unsure as to what were with this seemingly abandoned area. Were it a trap? Did something large and flesh eating live here? The options were many, but right now, Void for one couldn't focus on it. Not as the face of Face - or well, half the face - were shown on this thing, with apparent gears just shuffling around underneath.

So not only were this nature monster working with these things, she were also one of the freaks caught in here? Then why did she help the doctors? Why would she support such horrid things to happen to others, when she was no better than any of them? Were it... Were she forced? Is that why she said she needed time to help them?

Void felt confused and unsure what to think right now, but there weren't any time to think of it, as somepony talking were heard, and Null pushed her behind a corner with her to shelter them as the voice went on.

On 11/2/2018 at 1:58 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"I am disappointed in you." The voice was deep, yet very refined. "They never should have come here."

"Bbbut the research... The opportunities!.. We could win the war!" It sounded familiar, but they couldn't quite place it.

"Enough." Though the voice wasn't loud, it felt like it had weight. "Forget about all that, I'm in enough trouble as it is because of your idiocy. Take care of them... before I have you taken care of. Do I make myself clear Clave." It wsa clear by the tone that it was not a question.

"Yes Director.. They will be taken care of." They could then recognize the voice as the one that captured them the first time.

"Good" The voice seemed to be getting further away, "When that's done I will need you to greet the new site manager, your replacement."


It had taken some time to place the voice, but there was no doubt. The unsightly gnat of a pony that had torn them from their home, chained them up like animals and gleefully rip a feather from her wing... He was here, and he was only with one other being by the sound of it. They could overpower him now, beat the mush out of his head and drag his sorry remnants around to feed to anything that might want to snack on them instead. Revenge were here, and it were going to be sweet... *thwack*

Null's thoughts were stopped abruptly as the sedative riddled her unconscious, even before she hit the floor with as much sound as a small pegasi now could when their muscles stopped working.

On 11/2/2018 at 1:58 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"I'm sorry" The deer said, as she readied another dart. "I just need a little more time," The door to her own containment opened as she approached, revealing at a glance a number of complex scientific instruments, including a pair of metal tubes big enough to hold entire ponies, "I can't have you two getting caught now..." She seemed to know that Void wouldn't go down as easily as Null, as she assumed a fighting stance, "Or we'll never be free of this place."

The response from Void to seeing her sister fall down like that were instant as well. With everything that had occurred today - escape, experiments and death - as well as the horrors of the past one or two days, her nerves were already worn thin,and it wouldn't take too much to push her over. Null prevented anything from going on since she were there to calm Void at least enough to use her panic to flee, but now that she had been knocked out, by the very deer who had already shown to work against them... Void lost it.

Much like with the golem, she turned and would begin to pounce as hard and as rapidly as she could, though Vale would likely anticipate this, and just take Void out. It might be the mare were larger than the deer, and had quite the muscles all things considered, but this were a mixture between a drunken stallion taking a swing and a rat trapped in a corner. There were no technique or precision as much as just desperately trying to get something away from her.

As for the words Vale said, Void just heard that she were speaking. The words themselves didn't register, though it would hardly have made a difference. Not after she had attacked Null.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom

Void's first strike landed a glancing blow to Vale's face, and honestly it was a pretty good hit, given it tore part of her face off. True to the picture on the wall, beneath the skin, at least on the right side, there was metal, but a metal that glowed an odd orangeish gold color. It was fain't, but enough to see against the darkness of the hallway they were in. It also seemed to be pretty painful to the deer, a bit of blood seeping out from the edges of the damaged area. (The tear's about an inch long by a half of an inch wide.)

Void's momentary advantage was true to its name though as Vale skillfully evaded her other strikes before finally sticking her with the second dart in the neck. As Void fell to the floor the deer whispered one last thing in her ear before the darkness took her. "I don't blame you."


The sisters were suddenly aware of a familiar sensation, one they had experienced just the night before, of someone bringing them into a shared mental space. Needless to say, they were groggy from the previous day's events, not having had much time to rest from the high tensions of their attempted escape.

They were aware of their surroundings, or rather, given the state of it being a shared mental space, their minds were actively part of generating their surroundings. They were sitting on the same bench as before, the cloud city from before still stood, though it seemed heavily scarred from battle.

And the same cloaked figure was there, watching them as they grew more conscious, he seemed pleased as he spoke. "Well done my puppetsssss." The hat lifted just enough to show his pointed teeth, in a smile, as he stressed the final word. "Without you in the active testing, the missile was never developed. The war lasted Much Much longer." Images flashed through their minds of fighting, bloodshed. "Much better this way, don't you think? Maybe they'll learn enough this time, will bring about a better world than they've put together."

The hat raised further, but instead of eyes there were simply bottomless pits of darkness. "There's just one thing you need to do to end the world as you know it."

He turned away from them as their surroundings shifted to a familiar lab setting, a young blue unicorn in a lab coat sat in front of a strange looking device with a face on it, before he was lead away by a pair of guards. "There's one Colonel Panic in the facility. To fulfill my plan... All you have to do..."


Their surroundings started to blur, and the creature before them chuckled. "I know you don't want to, but it's time for you to wake up..."

There was an even tone that slowly built in intensity as Null awoke.

"Warning. Breaching containment seal." The voice was cold and metallic without the slightest inflection.

The growing tone stopped as a hissing sound, like gas escaping a pipe, began. Then a heavy thunk as the metal panel before her slid slowly to the side.

It was dark outside the... box, then again, it had been dark inside it too. Though in the low light very little could be made out about her surroundings. Overall, what she could see looked to be in a horrible state of disrepair.

"Good, I see you've awaken." Another metallic, flat, voice sounded in the darkness, though for whatever reason it seemed slightly more masculine. "We've got a lot of work ahead of us if we're going to get out. I'm C-2120, also known as Colonel Panic. Your files call you C-2113, but who are you?" Despite the voice sounding nearby, their was no indication that any living thin was in the room with her.

(Hope I didn't overstep again)

Edited by Illiad Easle
Clarification and generalization, changed to indicate Null being alone.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

On 11/7/2018 at 1:25 AM, Illiad Easle said:

And the same cloaked figure was there, watching them as they grew more conscious, he seemed pleased as he spoke. "Well done my puppetsssss." The hat lifted just enough to show his pointed teeth, in a smile, as he stressed the final word. "Without you in the active testing, the missile was never developed. The war lasted Much Much longer." Images flashed through their minds of fighting, bloodshed. "Much better this way, don't you think? Maybe they'll learn enough this time, will bring about a better world than they've put together."

If Null could talk right now, she'd yell at this thing for calling them puppets. They had gone through all of this because they wanted to ultimately end the facility and stop a one-sided assault on Equestria from happening, as well as get free, not just to appease some kind of shadowy figure. And if they were, she for one didn't want to believe it. It would just make all of what they did an exercise in futility and make it seem as if they were truly just objects, like the hell hole they had been thrown into claimed. Null couldn't acknowledge that, or she'd end up losing her sanity, which frankly felt like the only thing she had left at this point.

Seeing the constant battle and bloodshed that would come from the war extending, rather than being ended by the bomb, tested that a little. However, she weren't naive. She knew that actions had consequences, and that sometimes you had to sacrifice some beings to get anywhere, though at least this way Equestria had a fighting chance. So though it were testing to actually witness some of it, she wouldn't be tormented by it later, once the initial shock had passed.

Void... *sigh* She'd have to deal with that later if it came into play. It wasn't going to be the first time Null would have to try and calm her sister through horrid situations involving death, and it was sadly not the last either. She didn't do as well with that sort of thing as Null made herself appear to do.

Things happened fast after that. 900 started more of his yappering, then showed them a lab - because That was what they longed to see more of right now - before ending in a booming voice about some sort of Panic pony not being allowed to leave. So what, they were supposed to wring his neck? And then what? How would that get the two of them out of the facility? 

Well, weren't any time for that, as they began getting pushed back into the waking world and a new, emotionless voice greeted them.

On 11/7/2018 at 1:25 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Warning. Breaching containment seal." The voice was cold and metallic without the slightest inflection.

The growing tone stopped as a hissing sound, like gas escaping a pipe, began. Then a heavy thunk as the metal panel before each of them slid slowly to the side.

It was dark outside their... boxes, then again, it had been dark inside them too. Though in the low light very little could be made out about their surroundings. Overall, what they could see looked to be in a horrible state of disrepair.

Urgh, and she thought the last time this happened were bad...

Null tried to wander forward, wanting to get out of whatever locker she had been stuffed into, but her movements felt stiff and wrong, which caused her to stumble forward and fall flat on her stomach. It was like she hadn't moved in days, which considering this place and their apparent love of knocking beings out, could very well be possible

Looking around as Null got slowly back on her hooves, it seemed like their room had been downgraded after their escapades. This place was an absolute dump, filled with more rubbish and rust than made any sort of sense, but hey, that's what killing a load of workers did, right? Got you downgraded to the dumpster area. At least what she could see at it were pretty dark here. Cheap mongrels couldn't even spare a lamp in here it seemed. Truly the bottom of an already pretty nasty barrel.

On 11/7/2018 at 1:25 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Good, I see you've awaken." Another metallic, flat, voice sounded in the darkness, though for whatever reason it seemed slightly more masculine. "We've got a lot of work ahead of us if we're going to get out. I'm C-2120, also known as Colonel Panic. Your files call you C-2113, but who are you?" Despite the voice sounding nearby, their was no indication that any living thin was in the room with them.

"Another one? Seriously? Why can't you creatures just group up and kill everypony if this place is such a big deal for you?"

This was the second of these number creatures that had gotten to them, and apparently, they had to kill one for the other? Didn't everypony get the point in common enemies anymore? First destroy the place keeping you all in check, and Then solve your infighting. Not hard people, get a grip.

Bah, she was so not in the mood for this... She'd sort who to actually kill later. Only thing that mattered where getting out of here. Who of 900 and 2120 that could give them the best offer regarding that, would have the sisters support.

"We're Null and Void. Who the hay are you, and why should I care?"

She were pretty sure Void were behind her at least. She had seen... Something that looked about right as she had stumbled out, but her head was still not screwed on right. How long had she been out for?

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom

"Hold on, let me get the lights for you."

There was a hum, then a few florescent bulbs flickered on above her, before a pair of them blew out spectacularly in a flare of sparks.

 In all, the room was illuminated by a dull white glow from the lights above, allowing a better view of the surroundings.

Though it may have seemed as such in the dark, it was clearer in the light that it wasn't so much trash as it was a simple disarray of objects, though the clouds of dust stirred by their movements betrayed that it had been much longer than a few days since someone had cleaned this room.

Across from the box was a closed door. In the right corner a desk with a radio and an odd rectangular object that looked like a black mirror with a grey border. In the left corner were some open filing cabinets, the papers of which were strewn all about the room. Most of the documents seemed to be about other contained specimens like themselves. Perhaps if they looked she could find their own files.

"As I said, I am Colonel Panic, I'm going to take control of this facility from CODEX and get us all out of here. All I need is your help. I can't face CODEX myself, but you, with your special ability, and some refinement, can stop CODEX long enough for me to take control."

There was the mechanical approximation of a laugh, "Or you can stay here, try to get out on your own. But there are others here. Dangerous things. The kind this organization was meant to contain, not things like us."

The door slowly slid open, revealing a hallway. "I'll be keeping an eye on your progress."

The voice seemed to be coming from the corners of the room, which, on closer inspection, revealed boxes placed in each corner that seemed to be transmitting the sound. Colonel could be anywhere in the facility.

Edited by Illiad Easle
Changed to indicate Null being alone.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 11/8/2018 at 2:07 AM, Illiad Easle said:

There was a hum, then a few florescent bulbs flickered on above them, before a pair of them blew out spectacularly in a flare of sparks.

 In all, the room was illuminated by a dull white glow from the lights above, allowing a better view of the surroundings.

Though it may have seemed as such in the dark, it was clearer in the light that it wasn't so much trash as it was a simple disarray of objects, though the clouds of dust stirred by their movements betrayed that it had been much longer than a few days since someone had cleaned this room.

Across from their boxes was a closed door. In the right corner a desk with a radio and an odd rectangular object that looked like a black mirror with a grey border. In the left corner were some open filing cabinets, the papers of which were strewn all about the room. Most of the documents seemed to be about other contained specimens like themselves. Perhaps if they looked they could find their own files.

Once the lights got on, Null ended up with a better look of a place she frankly couldn't care less about. Stuff seemingly not working, some papers strewn across the floor, dust everywhere, all that stuff. Who cared? She had more important things to think about.

"What a dump. Are you feeling back on your legs yet, sis?"

On 11/8/2018 at 2:07 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Across from their boxes was a closed door. In the right corner a desk with a radio and an odd rectangular object that looked like a black mirror with a grey border. In the left corner were some open filing cabinets, the papers of which were strewn all about the room. Most of the documents seemed to be about other contained specimens like themselves. Perhaps if they looked they could find their own files.

Null had begun to wander over and glance through a few papers, and would take anything out that looked like it was useful for anything, but she wouldn't look for long, as the lack of a response from Void started to get to her. Sure her sister was silent many times, but not when Null were speaking to her. Were she gagged perhaps? Oh if those monsters had done anything of the sorts...

Turning around though, she got her first great, true shock of this place, and finally felt panic in her chest: Void wasn't here.

It didn't matter how much she stared in baffled horror, there was only one box here, and she had stepped out of that one. These good for nothing, future corpses had actually separated them...

The dread fell over her like a thick fog... And then, her rage erupted.

"Give her back to me! I swear I'll kill you for this! Every last one of you are going to die if I don't get my sister back Now!! Do you hear me?! I will gut you all and feed your miserable remains to 106!!!"

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom

[In another place]

There was an even tone that slowly built in intensity as Void awoke.

"Warning. Breaching containment seal." The voice was cold and metallic without the slightest inflection.

The growing tone stopped as a hissing sound, like gas escaping a pipe, began. Then a heavy thunk as the metal panel before her slid slowly to the side. Cool white light flooded the box she was in, though it was overshadowed by a pony silhouette. "Hello? Are you alright?" The voice was very soft, whispy even, like the sound of wind. There was briefly a buzzing sound. "No Seen I don't think she's dead." The voice seemed feminine.

Her surroundings came a bit more into focus, revealing what looked to be a pony, an earth pony due to the lack of horn and wings, standing between her and the source of the light, making facial features indistinguishable. Behind the silhouette the walls were visible, still the same white walls she would remember, though a bit run down since she last saw them.

The pony backed away from her box to give her more space. Which revealed that the reason she couldn't make out any features earlier was because she had no facial features. Before her seemed to be a fully animate flight suit, like the Wonderbolts wore, though with a different pattern (If she knows Wonderbolts she could recognize it as an older design). The suit had a pair of holes where the eyes would have been, and a hole for the mouth, which was turned in a pleasant smile. But above all, it was wearing a lab coat bearing a different design than those worn by the scientists earlier. the weird triangle was overlaid with the word CODEX. "Hi there!" It waved at her, "I am P-1368 dash..." it shrugged "But you can call me Pen. Now," it looked at a clipboard it was holding. "According to these papers, you are C-2113." It looked back at her as a black tendril emerged from an eye hole to flip a page on the clipboard, "But what is your name?"


"Oh, we're getting to that. You see, I was only able to get one of you out of where she was keeping you, or better said, I was only able to keep her from taking one of you away. She's somewhere in this facility, you'll have to find her. But don't worry, by the logs on your behavior it seems like you'll do nicely. But if she does notice you, I have a great distraction planned."

(I assume she dropped the papers in her rage? But I'll give you 106s document as she may have glanced over it to know to reference her.)


Description: S-106 has the appearance of an alicorn or changeling queen, with a general appearance of advanced decomposition. The exact appearance may vary, but the “rotting” quality is observed in all forms. S-106 is not exceptionally agile, and will remain motionless for days at a time, waiting for prey. S-106 is also capable of scaling any vertical surface and can remain suspended upside down indefinitely. When attacking, S-106 will attempt to incapacitate prey by damaging major organs, muscle groups, or tendons, then pull disabled prey into its pocket dimension. S-106 appears to prefer equine prey items in the 10-25 years of age bracket.

S-106 causes a “corrosion” effect in all solid matter it touches, engaging a physical breakdown in materials several seconds after contact. This is observed as rusting, rotting, and cracking of materials, and the creation of a black, mucus-like substance similar to the material coating S-106. This effect is particularly detrimental to living tissues, and is assumed to be a “pre-digestion” action. Corrosion continues for six hours after contact, after which the effect appears to “burn out”. This effect, researchers note, is very similar to the documented effect of a historical goo called "Schmooze".

S-106 is capable of passing through solid matter, leaving behind a large patch of its corrosive mucus. S-106 is able to “vanish” inside solid matter, entering what is assumed to be a form of “pocket dimension”. S-106 is then able to exit this dimension from any point connected to the initial entry point (examples: “entering” the inner wall of a room, and “exiting” the outer wall. Entering a wall, and exiting from the ceiling). It is unknown if this is the point of origin for S-106, or a simple “lair” created by S-106.

Limited observation of this “pocket dimension” has shown it to be comprised mostly of halls and rooms, with [DATA EXPUNGED] entry. This activity can continue for days, with some subjected individuals being released for the express purpose of hunting, recapture, [DATA EXPUNGED].


Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

On 11/10/2018 at 1:45 AM, Illiad Easle said:

There was an even tone that slowly built in intensity as Void awoke.

"Warning. Breaching containment seal." The voice was cold and metallic without the slightest inflection.

The growing tone stopped as a hissing sound, like gas escaping a pipe, began. Then a heavy thunk as the metal panel before her slid slowly to the side. Cool white light flooded the box she was in, though it was overshadowed by a pony silhouette. "Hello? Are you alright?" The voice was very soft, whispy even, like the sound of wind. There was briefly a buzzing sound. "No Seen I don't think she's dead." The voice seemed feminine.

"...Big sis?"

The voice that came from Void's muzzle sounded blurry, just as her vision and hearing were when the box opened.

How long has she been asleep? She had been sleeping, right? Yes, that... Thing, 900 had been there, and it came to them in their dreams. But how long had it been? She felt all stiff and groggy, as if she had been asleep for days after... What were it that happened again.

She slowly began to wriggle as the image of the deer returned. No, not a deer, a machine. A short memory, tainted by panic and fury came to mind of a face broken up, showing wires and gears beneath what she thought were flesh. Another monster in this place of freaks and horrible items, though this one were standing as one of the doctors. The real monsters, whilst ponies like her and Null had been trapped and treated like things. Hypocrites, just like her big sister had said.

Null... Why wasn't she responding something to her calling out? She didn't always talk then, but a touch, some help getting out of... Wherever she were. Something. Why was she just standing there against that sharp light? Wait...

Blurry colors began to fit together the more Void woke up, and as she staggered a few clumsy steps forward, she noticed something wrong. Whoever this were, didn't seem to match in size. She had to look more and longer, but things just got clearer, and her ears popped, just as the pony in front of her began talking again.

On 11/10/2018 at 1:45 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Hi there!" It waved at her, "I am P-1368 dash..." it shrugged "But you can call me Pen. Now," it looked at a clipboard it was holding. "According to these papers, you are C-2113." It looked back at her as a black tendril emerged from an eye hole to flip a page on the clipboard, "But what is your name?"

The shriek that escaped Void's muzzle as she stumbled backwards as far away from this thing as she could, would be able to wake the dead. Metaphorically speaking of course.

"G-Get away from me! W-Where's my sister? Null? Nuuuuuull? H-Help me!"

She felt either a wall, or something bolted down against her back, at which point she went down on the floor and crumbled up, head hidden beneath one hoof, whilst swinging another in front of her in a feeble attempt to hit anypony getting near her. About as threatening as a kitten playing with a cotton ball honestly, but she wasn't thinking straight right now either. Somepony was there that wasn't a pony, wearing something weird she hadn't seen before, and a lab coat. A-And Null hadn't been there to keep the cruel trapper away from her!

Something was wrong here. Where were her sister? Why were she in a room with one of those horrible, horrible doctors/monsters? H-Had they... Nonono! She refused to believe it. Her big sister couldn't be dead. No!

Meanwhile, in another part of the facility, Null were having a strong reaction of her own, though in her case it were not strong dosages of panic and fear, but pure hatred.

On 11/10/2018 at 1:45 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Oh, we're getting to that. You see, I was only able to get one of you out of where she was keeping you, or better said, I was only able to keep her from taking one of you away. She's somewhere in this facility, you'll have to find her. But don't worry, by the logs on your behavior it seems like you'll do nicely. But if she does notice you, I have a great distraction planned."

"Every. Single. Mongrel! That stands between me and her are going to die for this. Nopony steals my sister. Nopony I tell you!"

If she had the physical strength to back it up, her kick on the nearest wall would have added more effect to her words, though it wasn't that great, considering Null just didn't have the physique for it. Good strength for a pegasus, but that was like saying that you were the fastest snail in  the garden. She were still sub-par compared to whoever she'd be facing out there.

She didn't spare that a thought though, as she stormed out of the room and down the path, fuming and trying to use her rage to cover over the high dosage of worry that went over her from knowing that Void were out there somewhere, a prisoner by somepony, and likely scared out of her skull. Void wasn't used to being alone like this. She needed her big sister to be her spine, and make her feel safe.Null had to find her. Now!

She didn't take any of the papers with her, and if anything had been in there of some interest, she hadn't really noticed. The part about 106 were mostly based on what she had seen during her attempted escape, and what that researcher she had almost strangled yapped off about. Seemed like some kind of monster you could feed idiots too. Like an alligator of rot or something.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Pen took a step back, clearly surprised by Void's outburst. "Whoa! Whoa, easy there... calm down. We're not here to hurt you. The opposite in fact, we actually need to find your sister too. There's a bad thing here, C-2120, calls itself Colonel Panic. It's trying to take over the facility to release all of those contained here, even the dangerous ones, ones that could kill everyone out there if uncontained. He stole your sister away from us while we were moving the two of you to this safer space."

Pen took a seat on the ground like a normal pony would. There was a very soft glow that came from within her that seemed to illuminate her eyes a shade or two. "If you want to help us, we can make sure both of you get out safely, unless you want to join us in keeping the dangerous ones locked up, but that's up to you."


The mechanical laugh resounded in the hallway as she moved. "Now it seems we're on the same page. I too want this whole thing gone for what they did to me, and they even provided the perfect way to do it. But I can't do it if CODEX is in control. She would never instigate the Omega, that's why we need to... remove her. Then Omega will take care of the rest."

The hallway she entered seemed to betray more decay and disuse from this part of the facility, a thick layer of dust covered the floor and the occasional horizontal surface in the wall. The lighting was awful, making it hard to see much of anything. But it seemed clear that wandering around likely wouldn't result in getting her anywhere. "You know, as much fun as it is to watch you wander aimlessly, I did leave you a SatNav in that room you woke up in, it's basically a map, and with it I can tell you where your sister is."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

On 11/13/2018 at 2:19 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Pen took a step back, clearly surprised by Void's outburst. "Whoa! Whoa, easy there... calm down. We're not here to hurt you. The opposite in fact, we actually need to find your sister too. There's a bad thing here, C-2120, calls itself Colonel Panic. It's trying to take over the facility to release all of those contained here, even the dangerous ones, ones that could kill everyone out there if uncontained. He stole your sister away from us while we were moving the two of you to this safer space."

Pen took a seat on the ground like a normal pony would. There was a very soft glow that came from within her that seemed to illuminate her eyes a shade or two. "If you want to help us, we can make sure both of you get out safely, unless you want to join us in keeping the dangerous ones locked up, but that's up to you."

The words from Pen wouldn't register with Void for a few minutes, and nothing substantial changed in the mare's crouched position. The only thing really happening were that instead of waving her hoof around aimlessly, she instead gathered it above her head too, shielding herself from any incomming blow and mumbling mostly non-sensical, though the name of her sister did get through somewhat clearly a few times.


Void slowly, and very hesitantly, opened her eyes and looked at the strange, pony-shaped creature in front of her. She were still visibly trembling and looked like she expected that Pen would begin hitting her any second, but what exactly could they expect, all things considered?

Void certainly didn't think that this - for the lack of a better term - demon mare wouldn't do something like that to her. The creature were scary, with no expressions and tendrils popping out of her eyes, and... And she wanted Void to help her? Why? What kind of trap were this? Were it even one? Did the demon mare actually want to help her at all, or just use her and lock her up like the rest of them?

Null would've known what to think. Playing off her big sisters paranoia were what helped Void see things in the right light  but right now, her sister wasn't here. She had only herself to rely on...

A whimper escaped the mare as the thought of being all on her own began crushing down on her. She didn't know what to do without her sister here... What did she have to work off?

The only thing she could think of were this Colonel Panic being. Somepony that 900 had warned them against in the dream, and who had control of Null now. Her big sister were strong of will and wouldn't just be broken, but... She wasn't immortal, and her body weren't meant to be taken through whatever this Panic being could do to her.

With nothing else to go off, and a want to save her sister, Void gulped down what felt like a spiked ball, and began trying to speak.

"900 w-warned us against h-him. W-what is he g-going to do to h-her?"

The point about whatever or not she would join them in containing anything were not something Void would or could take a position on right now. She needed Null for that, though she were certain that it would be a hard no, and a stream of insults against Pen for even suggesting it.

It may be that the two of them had spend many a year gathering cursed objects, and in a sense containing them, but it wasn't the life they wanted. It were something they had been faced with as an option while they ran, because nopony else could deal with the things, and to have tools to keep themselves safe in a tight spot. If they could ensure that nopony would ever have the things, or have them cleansed somehow, they would do so in a heartbeat, now that they had a base in Equestria.

Well... If they still had that, after the days they had spend in this nightmare of a country.

On 11/13/2018 at 2:19 AM, Illiad Easle said:

The mechanical laugh resounded in the hallway as she moved. "Now it seems we're on the same page. I too want this whole thing gone for what they did to me, and they even provided the perfect way to do it. But I can't do it if CODEX is in control. She would never instigate the Omega, that's why we need to... remove her. Then Omega will take care of the rest."

The hallway she entered seemed to betray more decay and disuse from this part of the facility, a thick layer of dust covered the floor and the occasional horizontal surface in the wall. The lighting was awful, making it hard to see much of anything. But it seemed clear that wandering around likely wouldn't result in getting her anywhere. "You know, as much fun as it is to watch you wander aimlessly, I did leave you a SatNav in that room you woke up in, it's basically a map, and with it I can tell you where your sister is."

Null seethed with rage as she looked towards the speaker the voice currently came out of, then stomped back to get that SatNav that had apparently been left, and not caring about the state of the hall she were in one single bit. The map or whatever it were, were just another tool to get what she wanted, though if Panic wanted to leave her something usefull, how about a weapon? A sword, a spear, even a darn butter-knife! Just anything that she could use to actually deal with pesky fools that dared to stand in her way.

"Where is it then? And what the hay is an Omega? I'm not letting you fire off anything that hurts my sister."

Frankly it sounded like some kind of weapon, or protocol, but really, if it only hit whoever worked here and let Void and her get away, she couldn't care less. It wasn't her problem what happened to Troy in the slightest. The only thing that mattered here was getting Void, and potentially herself, back to Equestria, while making sure that there wouldn't be more who came around to steal them away again.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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