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private 1x1 w/ Jedishy


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Winter Bolt grinned. He knew this new pony never raced a pegasus before and had no chance of high speed running in pace with a long range flyer. But he sorta wanted the race.

" If I can make one request... I have heard a lot about the place called Sugar Cube Corner and Apple Farms and would love to grab some baked goods from them before we set off. Well whatever I can get for under 10 bits that is. "

He checked his left saddlebag revealing a journal and a blanket along with his money pouch. He looked in the pouch and grinned to see that he actually had 15 bits which was five more than he thought he had.

" I also need to get a letter out between here and wherever we go. The family might start to worry if they don't get my two letters a year.  " 

Flipping his bag closed he looked around wondering if he would see any of the other famed ponies of Ponyville. He had in truth headed here hoping to run into somepony that he could talk to. Too long in the skies and on the road left him a bit socially awkward and he figured if he could learn to make friends well Ponyville had to be the place to do it. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Twilight grins. “Why of course we can go there! In fact, one of my friends helps to run Sugarcube Corner and I have another friend at the Apple Farm too if you want to see them. Also, I’ve got plenty of empty paper you can write a letter with.”

I’ve started to get lost in thought. I say nothing and stare at the ground.

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With a crack like a whip and a happy whinny, Winter Boly snapped his tail and bucked a little. 

" Well, then lets get a move on!

He looked around excitedly hoping to spot some stores and what have you to visit later. He needed to trade in a few books and look for new ones if he could. Living out of only what you could carry was a bit of a chore. But no home means no storage. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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We all go to Sugarcube Corner, which wasn’t too far away. We are immediately greeted by Pinkie Pie.

”Hiya Twilight!! Ooh who are these?” Twilight replies “This is Winter Bolt and this is Vincent.” I wave.

”Coolio! So, how can I help ya today?” Pinkie asks. 

“Do you have anything under 10 bits?” asks Twilight.

”Yup! You can get two cupcakes for 8 bits!”

Twlight turns to Winter. “What do you think?”

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Winter frowned a bit and he really hated to do this as he heard rumors that Pinkie made great cupcakes. 

" Umm I don't want to hurt any feelings but the frosting on cupcakes is too sweet. Do you have anything more like a slice of pie or apple fritter in that range? "

He looked around the shop marveling at all the baked goods and his stomach rumbling at the amazing scents from the various treats. Suddenly he spots a young Pegasus trying to reach for a jar on a high shelf. 

" Hey, little guy you are gonna want to be careful that jar looks about ready to fall...."

As the words trail off Winter Bolt lives up to the bolt part of his name and darts forward in a blur. He catches both foal and jar mid-air hovering a bit as the foals lips start to quiver with the hint of a fit of tears to come. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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I saw what had happened. I’m quite impressed at the save. I’d clap for him, but I don’t know how so I just compliment him. “Nice save there, Winter!” I say.

Pinkie is also impressed. “Great job! Thanks for that. Here, I do have a slice of cherry pie for 10 bits.” she says.

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Winter sets down the foal and gives him a stern look that seems to freeze the threatened tantrum. He flies up and sets the jar firmly on the shelf it was toppled from. Landing he spoke directly to the foal. 

" Well, young man you are brave and flying early eh? Maybe be careful before ya get hurt. "

With a chuckle, he ruffles the foals hair and turns to face the group. Nodding he prances his hooves a bit on the floor making a clopping sound in his excitement. 

" That sounds great Mrs. Pie. Vincent do you want to split the piece?"


May the Friendship be with you. 


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I shake my head. “Nah, it’s all yours. You need it more than I do, heh.” Pinkie places the pie onto the counter. “Here ya go! Hey Twilight, do you want anything?” Twilight replies “No, thanks though. I only recently ate.”

I look to Winter, who looked pretty excited. “Hey, I can tell you’re the competitive type. Wanna race someday?”

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" Im always up for a race. But I didnt get the name Winter Bolt for nothing. No pony outta Manehatten can out fly me and my lightening bolt is well earned"

Downing the pie in a few bites he sighs with relief and places the bits on the counter not even caring he almost had no bits left. It was good to have a real meal for the first time today. He then turned so his flank faced Vincent to show off his cutie mark. It was a grey cloud with a lightning bolt made of snowflakes coming from it. 

" The only ponies faster than me are on the Wonder Bolts. Aint no way an earth pony is gonna outspeed me. I spend days most days in the sky. 

The young Pegasus grins clearly proud of his flying abilites. It was the one thing he had to take pride in as he really did nothing else but fly and drift from city to city across Equestria. He had given up everything to fly and help with the weather every winter. 


May the Friendship be with you. 


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“Do you really think so? I may not be a Pegasus, but boy am I fast! But to be honest, I don’t know how fast I can run in MPH... heh. Anyway, we should make a start and a finish point. What do you think would be great points, princess?”

Twilight thinks for a moment. “How about you guys do the Running of the Leaves? The race is tomorrow.”

”I think that sounds good. What about you, Winter?”

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" Hmm Well are we running or flying? Because I won't lie that I can be beaten on the ground. But I have never done a running of the leaves so I might be game for it anyway. " 

Looking outside to see the lowering sun he wondered where he would be staying for the evening. He had seen some empty fields on the edge of the town that he could likely set up camp on. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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“I’ll run and you can fly. How’s that?” I say. Twilight nods.

I yawn. I’m starting to get kinda sleepy. “I’m getting a little tired... I’m gonna find somewhere to sleep...”

”You can sleep at my castle for the night if you two want to. I’ve got plenty of guest rooms.” Twilight offers.

”Oh really? Thank you, princess.” I reply.

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" Oh wow thank you, Princess. That would be great. I have not had a roof over my head since before apple bucking season. I flew here by way of Appleoosa after the last basket of apples was bucked. But that took a while and I got a bit sidetracked in Los Pegasus and then I visited Couldsdale. Then on to Ponyville just this morning.

As he finished he clapped a hoof to his forehead with a force that ought to knock over an apple cart. 

" Oh crabapples! I almost forgot I have a letter for the Apple family from their cousins out in Appleoosa. They are the ones that put me up for the season while I helped on their back orchards.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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“I can help you with that, Winter. Cmon, let’s go to the castle. Vincent is starting to look a little sluggish.” she says while facing me. Meanwhile I’m just standing there with my eyes half closed already. I say nothing, as I am occupied by thoughts again.

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Winter Bolt cleared his throat gently to get Vincents' attention. 

" Of course Princess. Let's get a move on. It seems like our friend could use a rest.

He placed the empty pie plate on the counter and nodded in thanks to Pinkie Pie while securing the straps on his saddlebags. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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I jump slightly as Winter has gotten my attention. I follow Twilight to her castle. When we arrive, I can’t beleive my eyes. It’s all so pretty! It’s so beautiful, I have no words. I just gaze at this magnificent citadel with open eyes. Twilight pokes me in the midst of my gaze, startling me. I jump back and nearly scream, but I hold back. I laugh at myself and Twilight laughs along.

We enter her castle and she shows us our rooms. Once again, everything very neat and just beautiful.

”Thanks again for everything, princess.” I yawn again. “G’night.” Twilight smiles and says “Good night, Vincent and Winter.” She goes to her room to sleep.

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Winter watches his companion go to their room. He sits in the room offered to him unsure what to do. He was so used to being alone. Flying and camping between jobs. Heck, he did not even stay in any one place for more than a job or two unless its winter or apple buck season as those are longer term jobs. 

" What am I doing here? I never settle in anywhere. Maybe I need to consider this is a hint that I need to find a friend?

His hoof brushed the saddle bag that contained the journal of friendship as he snorted derisively. If his parents couldnt stand him what were the odds anypony else could. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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I’ve only been asleep for a few minutes, and then I wake up... In the office? Was it all a dream? What if I’m in a dream now? It can’t be dream; it all feels so real. I get off if the floor and check the time. My watch isnt working for some reason. According to the lights though, it’s night shift so I stay in the office. I pick up the monitor and... everything’s static. How long have I been out? What’s going on?

Meanwhile, Twilight has heard some things from my room. She walks to my room and checks it out. When she enters, she sees me standing on my hind legs holding nothing but air in my front hooves. I’m still asleep apparently.

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Winter Bolt sat silently in his room reading for the umpteenth time his copy of the Journal of friendship. The pages and binding were well worn and they needed to be rebound soon if it was to hold together. If he wanted to do that he needed to ensure that he earned a few more bits and took a few more jobs than normal recently. He was in awe of his current situation. He was here with the ponies that he spent his foalhood reading about. He was accepted into the home of the Princess of friendship and she remembered him. She didn't even hold his first winter weather work mishap against him. He had backed up the main road of Manehatten for blocks with his exuberance. Sure it was the winter he earned his cutie mark. but it was also the winter the sealed the relationship between himself and his parents. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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It’s very quiet tonight. I don’t hear anything. Suddenly, I feel as if Fredbear were to be right behind me. I turn around and see Fredbear, who looked very angry. “William, I have recently realized why you put me on stage long ago... So I could kill those children...” I’m confused. “What do you mean?” I ask.

Twilight looks at me in confusion. “I didn’t say anything to you, Vincent.” I don’t reply directly to her. It’s like I’m talking to a ghost. “No really! I never intended for that to happen! Not ever!” I say, voice escalating a bit in fear.

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Hearing the noise from just down the hall roused Winter Bolt out of his thoughts. He got to his hooves leaving behind his saddlebags and headed towards the commotion. He walked into the room where he heard voices and stood there looking at Twilight confused. 

" Princess, what is going on? Is everything ok?

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Twilight looks at Winter. “I’m not sure what is going on, but it looks like Vincent is... sleepwalking. Based on what he’s said so far, he may be having a nightmare of some sort...”

I look at Fredbear with frightened eyes. “B-Besides, that happened so long ago...” Fredbear is still angry. “That doesn’t matter... I can tell you still want to kill.” I’m shocked. “No I don’t! When was the last time I ever killed!?!”

Twilight is confused. What was I talking about?

I back up into a corner and turn white in fear. “Wh-What are you doing?? Stop this instant!!”

Edited by Kitty_Cat
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Winter moved towards his new found companion unsure what else to do he called his name softly. Thinking on his hooved he took to the air a bit and used his wings to rapidly fan air towards him hoping a cool breeze might wake him out of whatever nightmare held him. With his usually over enthusiasm what was supposed to be a gentle breeze turned into a fairly gusting wind ruffling the bedding and manes of everyone in the room. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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That doesn’t seem to help. At all.

I feel cold. This sudden animosity that Fredbear feels for me is overwhelming. He lowers his mechanical jaw and walks to me. I don’t know what to do. “Stop it! Stop it now!! Master’s orders!!!”

He grabs me and I can’t struggle free. “I don’t care about your stupid orders! I’m going to show you what that kid felt like when he was bitten!!” I shout “I know the Bite of ‘87 was bad but it was all an accident!! We don’t need another one!! Especially if this one is on purpose!!!”

He locks his jaw on my head. “No!” I say. “Nonono! NO!!! STOP!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!” He bites. Black.

In the real world, I fall over and stop moving. Twilight runs to me. “Vincent?! Are you ok?!” I dont respond.

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Worried about Vincent Winter rushed outside. Grabbing a cloud and bringing it down into the castle he hovered the could over the passed out pony. Jumping up and down he emptied the contents soaking Vincent hoping the chilly water would bring him around. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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