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private Meeting of the Minds (1x1 RP with Jedishy)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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"If you two are going to roughhouse again, do it outside" Tranquil would say "I would hate to see such a nice house ruined by your rough play" she would say and sit down to chat with Soft and Swift Feather. "It must be painful for you, knowing your son will only be able to rarely visit and you can't really keep in touch" she would say "I-I know how it feels, when I was cursed, I-I couldn't face my parents, last I spoke to or saw them, was..some few years ago"


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"Ara Ara"

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Iron Feather was already headed to a small door at the back of the room between two ornate bookshelves. If you didn't know it was there it looked like a decorative alcove. As he opened it a moderately sized gym could be seen including what appears to be a padded area of the flow for sparring. 

Winter stood with a sigh and headed to change. He left his suit on Iron Feathers bed. He appeared in a grey pair of sweatpants and a tank top. He looked a bit more serious then usual and turned to Tranquil and the Feathers. 

" This fight might seem serious and it will be as close to a real fight as we can manage and will involve the use of chi techniques from the temple. Please do not be overly concerned. This is an old discussion between us and a test for me.  Apparently Renpony senses the same things that we did earlier Tranquil.

As soon as Winter set hoof on the mat the old friends bowed to each other and in a flash sprang forward. Fists and hooves and wings blurred and blows were exchanged. Flurries of strikes were inter-spaced with moments of utter stillness. After the third exchange they sprang apart and sat still for what seemed for an inordinately long time. With a growl Winter shoots forward and with a movement so subtle he does not appear to move Iron snaps out a punch that send Winter out of the ring and to a wall with a sickening crunch. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil would just sigh as she watched. The mention of what they felt earlier was indeed troubling her, and she was unsure how they were going to deal with it. "Honestly, it has been on my mind...do you really think it was that relic that brought it upon us?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Winter sprang to his hooves and rushed toward Iron Feather. Again the friends clashed with a fury that was enough to make anypony question if the match was still friendly. This time it was Winters turn to land the bone shaking strikes. He faked a jab and caught Iron Feather behind the head using the grab to lever his knee into the larger pones chin with crack that caused his eyes to cross. Iron Feather barely kept his hooves as he managed to stagger back and away from his opponent. Breathing became labored and the sprang apart slowly circling their hands begin to form mudra clearly they had moved past standard fighting form. 

" I am not sure Tranquil but I doubt one item is the cause. A symptom maybe but not the source.

" I am not sure what relic you speak of but I am inclined to agree with Winter. Such magical items or cursed as the case may be might be powerful but not so powerful as to cause what we are feeling. At least none that I am aware of. " 

Both ponies hands glowed. Winters a pale blue, Iron Feathers a haze of red. They now were fighting in very different fashions. Iron Feather seemed to be a freight train of power his strikes leaving trails of heat behind him. Winter on the other hand was moving with speed and precision. One hit would not fell the much larger Pegasus but it was the combinations that would whittle him down. There was a moment where it seemed Winter had lost as Iron Feathers fist appeared to hit his face. The smell of singed hair filled the room as his coat burned away from the power of Iron Feathers Chi. 

But Winter was smiling even as his skin turned red and a blister appeared. The hit had merely grazed him. But his strike had landed home. A calculated risk some damage taken to finish the fight. Iron Feathers eyes were wide with panic and yet nothing appeared wrong.. Unless you noticed that Iron Feathers eyes were the only thing moving. Winters phenoix fist strike had landed on a nerve cluster paralyzing him with the cold chi attack behind it. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Winter let his sparing partner sweat it out a bit before landing a second strike to release the hold he had enacted. Iron Feathers falls to his knees gasping. He had been unable to draw breath for those few frozen seconds. Winter wobbled on his hooves. He was not used to using chi to enact such powerful change. 

" You are right Tranquil we should prepare. But lets not have it mar today. So Iron I believe you know what my victory means. Send Renpony my best when you get back.

He helped Iron Feather take a seat as his own hands shook with effort. 


May the Friendship be with you. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Etch Daydream

Winter chuckled and bowed slightly. 
" Oh of course thank you for the reminder. I might forget my hooves if they were not attached.

He presented the mala, journal, and chocolate to Iron Feather whose grin seemed to strech impossibly wider with each presentation. He stood and bowed deeply to each of them in turn. 

" Foals would you like a bit more coffee before the other guests arrive?

Iron Feathers mom clearly saw anypony his age as foals and fillys still. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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@Etch Daydream

Mrs Soft Feather smiles knowingly at Tranquils statement of her helping keep Winter on track as his new marefriend. While Iron Feather chuckled and playfully punched Winter on the arm. 
The coffee was poured and more snacks were offered just as other guests started to arrive. Soon the room was full but not over crowded. It appeared that the Feathers were not too out of the loop of Canterlots elite as even Sassy Saddles herself was making an appearance. Winter leaned in close to Tranquil. 

" Im not used to such crowds anymore. If I start putting my hoof in my mouth please nudge me.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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@Etched Daydream

Winter gave Tranquil a swift hug as the crowd began to grow. Soon the house is full but not uncomfortably so. The guests appear to be from all strata of Equestrian society.  There room is buzzing with greetings and news being swapped. Iron Feather is greeting each guest warmly and flitting about the room to ensure that no one is left out. His parents seem to be holding court  from their seats. Ponies came to them and it was apparent they had some substantial level of respect as many a rich pony came forward to greet them warmly in a fashion usually reserved for their social betters. 

Soon the crowd was separating into their various cliques. As he looked around the room and swore with such violence that a few well to do mares near him blushed. His eyes narrowed and he slowly backed deeper into the crowd. He hissed out his reasons in Tranquils ear as he passed. 

" Heavy Bags is here. If that brick wall masquerading as a pony tries to push things please keep me from dumping him on his head.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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  • 3 weeks later...


"Heavy Bags?" She would ask, looking in the direction then squeezes his hand "Lets go out to the backyard for some fresh air" she says, squeezing his hand one more "I'm sure Iron won't mind, especially if he knows about your history with these ponies"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Etched Daydream


Winter hugged her and leaned close to her ear. 

" Things like this are exactly why I love you.

He swiftly started moving towards the terrace at the side of the building where a few ponies where out enjoying a light evening breeze. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles and cheek nuzzles him "You're welcome dear" she would say as she looked out to the horizon from the view of the terrace "We have a bright future ahead of us, how-ever, we also need to prepare for whatever this..event is" she says "If Father Sunrise and even your old mentor could feel it, then we need to be really prepared"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream


Winter nodded with a sigh. 

" We might need some more training and a few supplies. But mostly I think we will need information. And for that we will need libraries and a bit of luck "

A pony came through offering pastries off of a platter and a behind him a mare had a carafe of coffee and another of tea to go with the food.  

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nodded "Father Sunrise might be able to get us into the restricted section of the Royal Canterlot Library" she would say "If not..I don't know, maybe he could get in himself" she'd rub the back of her neck "He is a Priest of the Order of the Sun after all"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" I might send Iron Feather back with a message for Renpony. He might be able to help as well. So we can train while we get our requests for information out. Is there anything else you can think of that we might wish to do?


The party buzzed on around them as the friends and family of Iron Feather were oblivious to the concerns of these to ponies in their midst. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil would nod and hug him "I think that might be a good idea, we need all the information and help we can get" she would say, still hugging him "I might have some books on what the energy could be, but for us to find out, you would need to do your training, I'm not ready yet"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...


Winter nodded and shrugged. 

" I expect it will take some time to train you and get myself back up to speed. Which should allow us time to gather information. " 

He gestured towards the doors back inside it was clear that ponies were gathering for something 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She would kiss him "Lets just focus on what's going on now then" she would say "We don't even know what it is we will be facing" she'd then take his hand in hers and smile "Shall we, seems something big is happening"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Winter lead them inside. Iron Feather was waiting at the center of the room. A pair of mane clippers and razor sat on a silver tray. Alongside it a basion of water and a small container of shaving cream with brush. 

Wordlessly Winter squeezed Tranquils' hand and moved into the circle. The two ponies bowed to each other and each removed their shirt. Iron feather was of a massive build his body like iron. Winter contrasted him with a slimmer frame his muscles like cords. Both bore the scars of a hard life and hours of training clearly visible on all across their bodies. 

Iron Feather knelt before Winter. With a nod Winter picked up the clippers and shaved down the larger ponies mane until very little of it was left. When the clippers could do no more he lathered his friends head with the cream and proceeded with the razor. Slowly but surely the large Pegasus lost any trace of his mane. With the job done Winter cleaned the traces of shaving cream away with a dampened towel. The two exchanged their mala beads and embraced each other in a brotherly hug. 

" Congratulations brother. And be sure you send my thoughts to Renpony.


" Of course but Winter you must be sure to visit us. The monastery is more silent without you.

With a cheer Winter raises Iron Feathers fist to the applause of the crowd. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil would smile as she watched what was going on, and when they were done and Winter raised Iron's fist into the air, she applauded with the rest of them. She'd then start to mingle a little, having noticed a few of her former clients, some of whom she actually got along with and were catching up with them, asking how they had been doing and if there was anything she could do if things had gotten back to the ways they were before she had cleansed the house/s.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 3 months later...


As Iron Feathers parents cleaned the floor of the mane hair that was strewn about Iron Feather was besieged by throngs of ponies wishing him well. His mother beamed at her son clearly proud of him. 
Winter was lost in thought buffeted about by the crowd. Slowly he was pushed to the corner of the room as he wandered about. He seemed not to notice a thing and simply stood there staring out the window blankly 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil gave Iron Feather her congratulations before she moved over to Winter. hugging him from behind and resting her chin on his shoulder, she'd look out of the window "Something on your mind love? Are you thinking about what Father Sunshine said?" she queries, nuzzling him lovingly and gently. While she was enjoying the party, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of fear well inside of her.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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