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Ask Gallus and Silverstream [CLOSED]


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Look, Gallus, another question just for you!

*sigh* I hope it's not "Gallus, are you a wonderbolt?"

On 3/21/2019 at 12:23 PM, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Gallus, why are you claustrophobic?"


My guess is Silver Stream hugs too tight. :blink:


This causes you to feel claustrophobic & have panic attacks. :BornAgainBrony:




you don't have the heart to tell Silver Stream how you feel because you know it would hurt her feelings. :sunny:


Is that close?

Wow, uh... I never thought any creature would ask me that. And no, Silver's hugs don't trigger my claustrophobia... mostly. My claustrophobia stems from a traumatic event I experienced over six years ago. Silver, you should go grab a box of tissues because this will be heart-wrenching.

*grabs a tissue box* Ready! 

*takes a deep breath* For most of my young life in Griffonstone, I lived in an overcrowded orphanage. And before I lived there, I was a lone hatchling in an alleyway likely abandoned by my parents. I don't really remember how long I was in the alleyway, but eventually, Gabby found me and brought me to the orphanage. I really owe my life to Gabby otherwise I would've starved to death. Anyways, life at the orphanage was rough. Sure there was some food and at least a roof over my head, but practically all the orphans ridiculed me for being blue. I lived there for nine long years... that is until the day the Earth shook.

You mean... like an earthquake?

Exactly, Silver. That day started like any other day, then suddenly, the ground began shaking. Griffonstone often has earthquakes, but they were very small and only lasted for like a minute. Not this one. With this earthquake, the shaking was more intense and lasted much longer. Every orphan began panicking and trying to escape. I remember trying to fly out the window, only to be struck by a piece of stone and being completely knocked out.

*gasps with shock*

It didn't take long for the entire building to collapse. Then, everything went dark. I was out cold for who knows how long. I thought I was dead until I started feeling my head throbbing. I was alive. Then I opened my eyes and I found myself trapped in a space barely bigger than my nine-year old self. I tried to move, but I couldn't. My wings were pinned under the rubble. I was alive, but I was trapped with no way out.

How did you get out?

I didn't know how long I was trapped down there. Hours? Days? There was no way to track time down there. During that time, I decided that I would just close my eyes and sleep until I was either rescued or dead. Suddenly, I felt the rubble on my wings being lifted. Then I felt a talon poke my chest a couple times. I opened my eyes and I saw the night sky. I was finally free. However, instead of thanking whoever freed me, I ran away. Surprisingly, my legs weren't broken after being crushed for so long. I just kept running, running, until I found the alleyway where I was abandoned, crawled into a ball, and cried. I have never experienced so much pain in my life.

*sobbing uncontrollably* That's the saddest story ever!

*embraces Silver as she continues to cry, even shedding a few tears himself* I told you it was a heart wrencher. You wanna know the saddest part? Out of all the orphans and caretakers, I was the only survivor. Ever since that day, I always wondered why I was spared.

*wipes away tears* So... where did you live afterwards?

*sighs heavily* After the ordeal, I mainly lived in the alleyway for next few years. Occasionally, somegriff would let me live with them... only to kick me out after some time. It wasn't long until I decided I wanted to leave Griffonstone once and for all, but didn't have any money for a train ticket. Then Twilight opened up the School of Friendship and I finally had that opportunity.

Gallus... do my hugs... trigger you?

*long pause * No, Silver, I love your hugs. Unlike being trapped under rubble, your hugs make me feel warmth and comfort. *hugs Silver*

*sheds a tear of joy* Thanks, Gallus. How do you feel now?

I feel even more weight being lifted off of me. Anyways, goodnight Silver. *kisses her* I love you.

I love you, too. Goodnight.

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Woohoo! Weekend time!

Yeah, great... except most of our friends will be out of town. 

Hey, you still have me... and probably a bunch of questions to answer. Speaking of which...

23 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Do either of you ever wish that you were a different species?" 

Don't have to. I can change into a seapony whenever I like.

I think you might have misunderstood the question a little, Silver. Do you wish you were, say, a pony? Or a changeling? Or a dragon? Me personally, I'd like to be a pony. Preferably a pegasus.

Me too.

Actually, since you're royalty, you would be an alicorn.

Oh, you're right! I'd be Silverstream, princess of... uh...


*gasps* How did you know?!

Eh, lucky guess? Anyways, I would also like to be a changeling, being able to change into anything. Then again, maybe not. I'd probably misuse my powers.

Being a changeling would be awesome! And kinda scary. What if I like being stairs more than I like being a hippogriff?!

*sighs and rolls his eyes* I'll see you in the morning. Love ya, Silver.

Night, Gallus!

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*takes a deep breath* Ahh, what a beautiful day.

Yeah, too beautiful to be lying around in our dorms.

I feel like a good long flight around Ponyville. But first, let me answer the question.

47 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Silverstream, when you travel to school in the morning do you prefer to swim or fly?"

Flying, I wish I could swim to class. Unless we had, like, water slides in the hallway.

That would be awesome! Too bad the professors won't approve of it. OK, maybe Pinkie might approve, but definitely not Rarity.

Professor Rarity can be quite overdramatic. *imitating Rarity* Bwah, my mane is ruined! *pretends to faint*

*laughing* That was a pretty good Rarity impression. Ready to go flying, Silver?

Yep. Last one back buys lunch! *takes off*

I didn't say it was a race! *sighs then takes off after Silver*

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Ahh, it's good to be back. Sometimes it's nice to just fly around... and not having to pay for lunch. :mlp_please:

*grumbles under breath* Yeah, it's getting late, but I think we have time for one more question.

4 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Gallus, do you think you could teach Professor Rainbow Dash's friend Scootaloo how to fly?"

Scootaloo, uh... she's the orange crusader, right?

Yep, and the only pegasus.

To answer the question... It might be a challenge, but I could try to help her.

Maybe one day, you could be teaching young fledglings how to fly. 

You really shouldn't count the eggs before they hatch, Silver. Wow, it's that late already?! G'night, Silver. *kisses her*

Night, Gallus.

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Wow, yesterday was such a lazy day.

I know. However, it was raining outside. And we didn't get a single question yesterday. :(

Maybe, every creature else was lazy too. On the plus side, we did get a lot of snuggles. :mlp_please:

Gallus, look! A question! Yaaaaay!

I think we have time for a quick one.

On 3/25/2019 at 8:11 AM, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Who is the smartest creature you know?" 

Ugh, class starts in five minutes. Should we both answer this one?

Definitely! Ready? One, two, three...



We could go on how smart Ocellus is, but we better get going to class! *flies off*

Gallus, wait for me! *flies after Gallus*

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7 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Do you like movies?" 

Yes I do. Last summer, Sandbar and I watched a whole bunch movies together. Some were good and some were bad. It's one of the many things I never experienced in Griffonstone. As for Silver and I, we still haven't seen a movie together yet. Any suggestions, Silver?

Ooh, how about this movie about a boat?

Hmm, Gigantic? I'm not so sure, Silver. It looks like every mushy romance movie.

C'mon, Gallus, pleeeease?! *sad eyes*

*sigh* Alright, does Friday work for you?


Who knows, maybe I'll like it. Maybe...

*kisses Gallus* Night, Gallus. See ya in the morning.

Night, Silver.

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Good Morning, Silver.

Morning, Gallus. Sleep well?

Mostly. However, Sandy had a really bad nightmare so I comforted him.

Aw, that's sweet. *sniffs the air* Do I smell pancakes?

It is! We better hurry before everyone else eats 'em all.

Wait, let's answer this quick question.

11 hours ago, Twilight Luna said:

Silverstream, do you have Gallus wrapped around your little claw? Figurative speaking of course.

Why be figurative when we can be literal!


Alright, question answered. Pancakes! *flies off*

Wow, he's really bubbly today. :wacko: Wait for me! *flies after Gallus*

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On 3/26/2019 at 8:31 AM, Woohoo said:

Alright, question answered. Pancakes! *flies off*


Oh, no! Headmistress Twilight put a ban on pancakes! What will you do now?! :blink:

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On 3/28/2019 at 8:24 AM, Sparklefan1234 said:


Oh, no! Headmistress Twilight put a ban on pancakes! What will you do now?! :blink:

*laughs* Twilight would never do such a thing. She loves pancakes just as much as us!


But what if she did... *eye twitches*

*gulps* Then she wouldn't be Twilight at all. Probably Chrysalis in disguise. :eww:

I'd rather not think about that... Oh, we better head to class! *flies off with Silver*

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8 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"What are your favorite songs?"

Wow, uh... I think this might the second hardest question we've gotten.

I know! We love sooo many songs that it's how to pick one!

Hang on, Silver. I think I've narrowed down my favorite. Believe it or not, it's "The Magic Inside" by Coloratura.

*squeals* I love that song, too!

I can't even describe how I feel about that song in words... Other than it's beautiful. *sigh* I'd give anything to hear her perform live.

Speaking of that, I actually have a surprise for you. You know what's coming next month?

Hmm. Oh, Spring Break.

Exactly. My family and I are planning on going to Las Pegasus and they were wondering if you wanted to join us.

*gasps, then squeals* Yeeeeees! *hugs Silver* Best girlfriend ever!

Wow, you get more and more bubbly every day. Soon, you will be more bubblier than me.

I doubt that. Oh, look at the time. Night, Silver. *kisses her*

Night, Gallus.

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Woohoo! It's Friday!

Yeah, we got the day over with. Plus, we have our movie date tonight.

Look, Gallus, another question just for you.

*frustrated grunt* They already know why I'm blue and why I'm claustrophobic, what more do they want to know?

7 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:


"Gallus, would you like to be a Wonderbolt someday?" :nom:

*sighs in relief* I was expecting another really personal question. Do I want to be a Wonderbolt? I don't think so.

How come? You already look like one!

*groans* Just because I look like one doesn't mean I'm qualified to be one. From what I heard from Professor Egghead, the Wonderbolts Academy is really strict, especially Spitfire. I don't think I'd last a day there. :dry:

Now that I think about it, if you were a Wonderbolt, we wouldn't be together as much. :(

That, too. So no, I don't think I want to be a Wonderbolt. Now, we better get ready for the movie tonight. 

When's the movie?

It's at 7:30.

That's enough time for some snuggling! :love:

It's been a long week. Snuggling would be nice. *snuggles with Silver*

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*sigh* Another lazy Saturday.

Tell me about it. I'm so lazy, I can't even move. Plus, we haven't been getting as many questions as we used to. Are we not popular anymore?! *frowns*

Hey, here's a question.

1 hour ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Have either of you been inside the Castle of Friendship before?" 

Yes we have many times, such as when we had Hearth's Warming dinner there the year before... after cleaning up from my infamous prank. Also, we help decorate whenever a holiday is coming up.

Remember when we decorated for Nightmare Night last year?

Yep, those stairs were terrifying. :lostit: 

Wow, what a pretty sunset. Wanna watch it from the castle balcony?

Wow, we haven't watched a sunset in a while. We better hurry. * flies up to the balcony with Silver*

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*yawns* Huh? Another question?

C'mon, Gallus, we have time for one more.

17 minutes ago, Twilight Luna said:

Do you two have nicknames that you call each other?

Well, I do call Silverstream 'Silver' most of the time. 

And Gallus is my 'Gally-Wally.'

Silver, I thought I told you to stop calling me that. *sigh* Oh, look at the time. Night, Silver.

Goodnight... Gally-Wally. :-P

*groans, then flies off* 

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2 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"How's it going, Silver Stream?"  

I hear you got put in detention for making fun of Professor Best Pony...I-I mean, Rarity. :twismile:

*grumbling incoherently with her arms folded*

She's pretty upset about it. It really hurts me to see Silver this way. Doesn't detention seem too harsh for something silly? I mean, Prof. Rainbow Dash imitated her friends when she joined the Wonderbolts. Shouldn't she get detention too? I think Prof. Rarity's claim makes no sense. Sandbar informed her? That's not possible because Sandy, along with our other friends, were out of town that day. Also, Silver did the impression while she was in my dorm, just me and her. How in Tartarus did Rarity even find out? Was she spying on us? *sigh* Don't worry, Silver, I'll clear your name. *kisses Silver on the cheek*

*still grumbling*

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