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How does this Bronie community respond to masculinity, since there are some pretty bad stereotypes from the outside world about masculinity in the Bronie community. I'm just curious for the answer. Post something if you want to share something!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As with all fandoms, this one generally has a strong variety in terms of these things. You'll find people who identify as more masculine and you'll find people who identify as more feminine. Stereotypes don't always dictate the nature of the vast majority.

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I think we see the fandom following the same trend as society as a whole. Men are becoming less manly. Ponies have nothing to do with it. If you find yourself unable to lift 50 pounds, concerned about how your make-up looks on your smooth, beardless, scarless face; then you might be contributing to the lack of masculinity in society. If you were mildly offended or triggered by that statement you just inadvertently proved my point.

There is no lack of masculinity in the fandom, there is a lack across society.

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I can really care less if someone views me as masculine or not. I like ponies and that is how it is.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well masculinity is a pretty wiggly topic, as are most social structures. They shift and evolve constantly and what defines "manliness" one day could be irrelevant the next. It's actually a topic the show addresses through spike and dragon/pony interactions. The ponies represent a more feminine view, while the dragons a more masculine one (I would argue that they also represent toxic masculinity but we wont poke that hornet nest today) and spike represents guys with more "feminine interests". The show uses this to demonstrate how one doesn't have to be one or the other, Spike is a dragon, but he prefers pony things over dragon traditions, and Smolder who is very much a rough and tumble dragon who is able to enjoy cute, feminine things as well. 

That said, the show at its core is a very feminine show and I feel like the fan base mirrors it. I'm sure what exactly you were referring to with "bad stereotypes", but I think we do a pretty good job of accepting more masculine fans. 

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Masculinity is what each individual considers masculine. It means different things to different people. Being a Brony has no particular bearing on masculinity; people are what they are regardless of whether or not they appreciate an awesome TV show. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Masculinity is such a subjective thing, and sort of based on the perceptions of the observer, or the person in question pending on context.


I personally consider myself fairly feminine for being of the male sex, though somebody from the outside might see me as something different, as an example.

Edited by Dusklicious
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  • 1 year later...

Thing has changed through the years. Early on we were a bunch of masculine dudes who were sick of pretending we hated every single feminine thing. We embraced ponies and most were pretty sure of who they were and that liking girly things doesn't make you any less of a man.

However, as time has passed, I've noticed masculinity is not all that common around anymore. There's less cisgender masculine men on the fandom everyday, which is rather ironic given the background and irony portrayed by the fandom due being mostly manly males who loved pastel horses and made a life style out of it.

The fandom has stopped being masculine (which was on itself an ironic trait). Guess we could argue the brony fandom is no more and this is a newer thing.

  • Brohoof 1
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