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Asking for a commission.

Burning Dusk

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Hello Everypony, I was wondering If I could have an OC done by someone as I would love a Unicorn with a long elegant horn. I would like to have my theme like Celestia's body and Luna's and Twilight's colored body; with the hair of Luna of course. 

Concepts for a cutie-mark with this sort of deal but instead of a lightening bolt a moon instead and have the color com bination of Princess Twilight and Luna's. images.png.57ffd83070330ed2e2ae766ff5a0b340.png

I will want to know how much It costs though as I will Paypal it too you. 


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Hello, this forum has it's own Commission subforum where you can see where other members are selling artwork, such as myself. 
You can find my shop here:


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As aforementioned, this subsection isn't appropriate for commission related topics. Locking the thread

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