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Samuel snagged the the ball. He turned and faced Michelle.

"Today I learned some people are incapable of upholding routine," his eyes narrowed slightly. "I also was pleasantly surprised by an individual's background knowledge of the human body."


Samuel kept his eyes focused on Michelle. He tossed the ball.

"Care to add your two cents, Michelle?"

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Michelle grabbed the sack without even flinching. "'Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can't, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it' Robert Frost. I think it's cute that only three people have had the balls to say anything, but if my head was that empty; I probably would stay silent too. Katie; we all have disorders. Samuel; it took you all the way until today to learn that? Misha; get us to it. Finally I'd like to say, I'm horny. Who wants to have sex?"

And with that Michelle tossed the pink sack to John Gale.

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I don't get it... Vester thought, keeping his eyes on Michelle. How could anyone be so blunt and yet so complex at the same time? It's just not right! She's clearly fucking with us, and with that last comment, she really doesn't care.


"Considering that you know what's wrong with us, don't you think you know what the answer to that is gonna be?" Sylvester spoke, keeping his eye on Michelle. "You are asking socially-deemed crazy people to have sex with you. For what purpose?"

Edited by NeverNeverland


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John regained control after the game, not knowing about all that happened during so soon ut was time for group therapy.


John caught the sack and rolled it in his hands for a moment. He sighed then looked at everyone, "I guess what Michelle says is right... Those who have a story to tell, they stay silent. But I think I learned why they do so. It's because were scared. Our world is different from what others see, and no one could ever come close to understanding it. Not even ourselves. We all have scars, some so deep we dont know if they'll ever heal, we feel alone, like we can't trust anyone, when all we really need is someone to reach out to." he looked at the ground, his eyes deep pools of emotion, "we all have our defences. Whether we speak phsycotically of murderous ways, make ourselves outcasts and speak to no one, act as if were the perfect being, or pretending we are something were not. Its a barrier that we put up... and it won't easily be put down." he gave the bag to nurse Flo, not knowing who's turn it was. He looked back at Michelle, an eyebrow raised, "Sorry Michelle, I'm not all in the mood at the moment" he said with dry sarcasm, not entirely sure where it came from, perhaps Nick made him come up with it.


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Samuel scoffed at Michelle's dismissive attitude. Dismembering someone for enjoyment is far different than performing a live autopsy. He wondered how deep Michelle's knowledge on the subject was. There was definitely reason to be wary of a manipulative psycho -- especially one who had experienced death and embraced it. Samuel was not phased, however. He decided to take the enriching route and observe Michelle's future behavior patterns more closely.


Samuel grinned slightly. As humans, we are all equal. As individual beings, we are all unique. Let's see where you draw the line between reality and your world. He pondered upon how that could sound badass before making any snide remarks. He quickly gave up -- it didn't make complete sense. Samuel didn't have the greatest way with words, and his brain often cross-examined itself, constantly trying to view both sides of a logical discussion. When dealing with lunatics, however, it wasn't entirely plausible to tell what another person may be thinking. Samuel stayed silent but acknowledged Michelle's comment with a slight nod. Quis est vestri intentio? ((What is your aim?))

Edited by Guest
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Michelle turned to smile at Vester. She pressed her pointer finger against her crimson lips and hushed him. Michelle used her other hand to point at the pink sack in Nurse Flo's hands and winked playfully at Vester.


Nurse Flo smiled, "thank you John. That was very insightful, we all appreciate you sharing. Today has been an exciting day. We got two new patients, John Tyler and April. Now we have two Johns, I don't know how I'll keep up." Nurse Flo laughed to herself, "breakfast was quite the ordeal. I guess I'll remember to not have scrambled eggs served again. You may have noticed Skylar isn't with us. She was put in solitary for the night for trying to escape. I also want to thank everyone who decided to share." Nurse Flo smiled, "and remember, no talking without the sack." Nurse Flo eyed Vester as she tossed the sack to Aaron.


Aaron frowned at the ball and quickly passed it to Charlie.

Edited by Shankveld

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Charlie caught the sack and thought about what to say. Other people had shared their deep opinions, and he wanted, too.

He rolled the hacky sack along his palms and looked up while in a sort of hunched but relaxed position. He started by saying, "In the military, where I spent two years, I learned lots of things. Things that I appreciated because you never knew if a landmine might catch your legs. However, this was before my only friends at the time died. After said incident, is when all of my disorders developed. When I was dismissed of service, I was practically a madman. Luckily, I found new friends, which helped me become sane," he continued, "I constantly shift from home to hospital on my own will; no one forces me. In particular, I enjoyed this hospital the most; mostly because of the people here."

He looked around, and continued once more, "Not that I'd love living with you guys every single day. I actually hate a few people here. Maybe more than jut a few. But I feel that we learn more from each other than we do in these group therapy lessons. For example, someone with OCD could be roommates with someone sloppy, making things more evened out. But I do think I learn more every day from the patients here more than I do the staff. Some people are cocky, some play with other people's minds, some are just playful, and maybe one or two of us are pretty normal, despite our disorders. Just wanted to get that off my chest."

Charlie looked up at everyone, all of them seemed unamused. "Oh," he said, "I also hate turnips."

He gripped the sack and said, "Emma, here." as he tossed it to her.

Edited by Pilot (Croaks)
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Misha grew tired of this group therapy. Why were they doing this? "What is the point of this stupid activity?!" he yelled at everyone "What comfort does bitching about our problems bring to any of us?! Your worthless lives aren't going to improve just because you said one stupid thing to someone! All of you, just kill yourselves!" Misha was teeming with rage, his hands clenched in a fist. He approached the door to the group therapy roomed, and opened it as he stormed down the hallways.

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On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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John went into a trance, and when he came to, Nick was out, he gave a sneering smile and chuckled evily, "Heh, coming from the one who's throwing the hissy fit" he called out so Misha could hear.


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Misha could not tolerate this. Who did this punk think he was? Misha ran into the room, in a bee line for John. He grabbed John's shirt, and stared coldly into his eyes.

"Listen here, you dumb ass. Your whole family is dead. Every last one of them. The only reason why you can "hear them" is because your too stupid to distinguish them from reality. You disgust me." Misha spat on John's face, to show his superiority. Soon, everyone stood up and glanced at the altercation that grew between Misha and John.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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John merely gave a sickening smile, clenching a fist and ramming it into Mishas stomach. He then grabbed Mishas hair and yanked him to the ground, where he began clawing and punching him, chuckling the whole time. "Oh poor little John isn't here right now" he said calmly as he stood up and wiped the spit. "You just pissed me off, so I decided to come out and teach you a little lesson" he then began to violently kick misha in the stomach.


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Misha took the beating. He was never a man of prowess, only convincing himself that he was. Tears running down his face, Misha succumbed to John's attack.

This man... he will learn better. I'll teach him myself...


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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Mentally, John was screaming, trying to regain control. Nick was the only one that he could see what he saw, and it was impossible to take control from his until he finished his business. Nick lifted Misha, and threw him into an empty chair which he promptly fell over. He then lifted the chair and brought it down hard multiple times on Misha.


<NICK!!! STOP!!!> begged John. Nick only laughed "I'm not stopping John, this punk needs to be taught that he isn't as great as he thought! And class is in session!!" he laughed crazily, "Scream all you want John!! You cant stop me!!"


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<NICK!!! STOP!!!> begged John. Nick only laughed "I'm not stopping John, this punk needs to be taught that he isn't as great as he thought! And class is in session!!" he laughed crazily, "Scream all you want John!! You cant stop me!!"


And that's when Vester decided enough was enough. He rose from his seat and tackled John to the ground, overpowering him by pinning his arms down as he looked straight into his eyes and remaining emotionless. "Listen, I need you to listen right now. I need you to focus on me, and me only, and I want you to stop. He's not worth the trouble, you beating him is gonna make things worse for yourself, and when John comes back, he will not be happy with what will happen to him. I need you to listen. Alright?"


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Zach saw everything unfold, Misha whining and stomping off, John making a fuss, and the vicious beating of Misha in front of him. He was about to act when Vester tackled him, talking to him and trying to hold him down. Zach got up and tried to help in restraining him.

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Nick only laughed maniacally, "John is weak!!! He needs someone to protect him around the clock!!! If i don't do anything to make others back off, he will be walked all over!!"


"But there is a limit to protecting a person you care about... sir." Sylvester said, still remaining emotionless. "When you pass the limit of protecting a person, it starts to backfire and it could hurt the person you're trying to protect in the first place. This is very prominent with you and John. Now, I'm gonna let go. Can I trust you to not hurt Misha anymore than you already have?"


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Nick merely smiled and clicked his tongue, "Oh I can never be trusted... but..." he looked at the bleeding misha, "He seems to have learned his lesson."


"Then that's close enough." Sylvester said, slowly letting his grasp on Nick go, as he returned to his seat. He could feel the other patients eyeing him as his efforts in saving Misha were somewhat useless. He looked around to find the other John, cowering in the corner, and decided to make his way towards him. "Tyler... we need you to come back. Do you want to get in trouble with the Nurse?"


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Nick stood up and turned to his seat, but not before placing one final kick in Mishas stomach. He smiled smugly at Vester and went back to his seat, not caring about the looks he was given by the patients.


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john looked up at sylvester "n...no, but how do i know he wont attack me, how do i know you dont have a weapon on you?" john was terrified


"Because he doesn't care about us." Sylvester said sternly, as he took out his Ziltoid puppet. "Protective John will only be a nusciance if you try to bother, hurt or disrespect him for no reason. I don't have any weapons on me, or else I would've had them confiscated and I would've been in trouble. This is the only thing I have."


He offered his hand to John very slowly. "I know your terrified, and I know you don't wanna trust me, but this is me telling everything I know so far. If you don't want to get in trouble with Flo, take my hand and come back to your seat."

Edited by NeverNeverland


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this was the nicest any ones ever been to john, he hesitated for a moment then slowly extended his hand and grabbed sylvesters and helped him self up, he then walked back to his seat and sat down

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