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private The Mental Rehabilitation Center


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Getting bored of toiling with Aaron, Misha rushed out of his room, leaving Aaron stunned.

These fools aren't even worth my time.

Maybe he could mess with that nurse Flo. Her petty attempts at comforting those freaks always amused him. Approaching her, he let out a slight grin. But she turned away, having other things to do.

"That stupid... BITCH!" Misha yelled, angered. He stormed back to his room, slamming the door. Telling that weakling Aaron to leave, Misha boiled with anger as he sat on his bed, thinking about that nurse.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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john had finally accepted his fate, for now, he was in a mental home and there was nothing he could do about it, he looked around, the cafeteria was empty now, he still didnt know what to do or where to go, he took a step forward, he looked down on of the hall ways, looking for room 4, he would find it before the other people staying there did

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Eventually Zach became beyond bored, as he easily anticipated, and left his room to walk slowly to the rec room.

Edited by LightningWolf

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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john watched as some one left a room and walked out, join was careful to avoid this person, upon reaching the room the person left, he realized it was the room he was looking for, nervously he opened the door, the room was empty, he slowly walked in, he found a chair and sat

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Michelle giggled softly at John response. Nurse Flo shook her head at Michelle. Michelle smiled and approached the new John in his room. "Your name is John too? We already have a John, so I think you're going need to change your name. It causes confusion."


Nurse Flo was discussing whether the boys would bathe first, or not. "I think we'll have bath for the girls first today, you should bring the boys outside soon-" "That stupid... bitch!" Misha ran off in anger to his room. Nurse Flo sighed and turned to Nurse Jackie, "bring the girls to the bath, the male nurses will bring the boys outside."

Nurse Jackie lead Andrea, Emma, April, Katie and Michelle to the bath. "Where's Skylar?" Michelle asked. Nurse Jackie shook her head, she didn't know.

The male nurses lead the male patients to their outside time. The ones who resisted were sedated and left to sit out in the sunlight. The boys were given a single soft ball to play with, as they were surrounded by a 6 meter high, pointed fences. It was if they were in jail.

Nurse Jackie took the clothing from the girls as the got into the communal bath. Michelle had scars all over her body, she caught the new girl starring. "They're victory scars." April looked away embarrassed. "You don't have any friends here yet, right? I can be your friend." Michelle smiled as she helped April wash her back. All the other girls seemed fairly fond of Michelle, excluding Skylar. Although Skylar wasn't in bath time at the moment. The male nurse in the hall had sedated her and left her in solitary, until Flo had time to deal with her.

Nurse Flo went into Misha's room, his face was red with anger and he appeared to be strangling his pillow. Aaron was sobbing quietly on his bed. "Aaron what's wrong?" Flo asked. "Mi-Misha! He's picking on me again." Flo shook her head, "well why don't you go play outside with the other boys? I'll talk to Misha." Aaron left and closed the door behind him. "Misha, what's going on?" Nurse Flo sat down on Misha's bed and rubbed his back.

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john looked up at the girl who entered his room


"wh...who are you? wha...what do you want?"


the girl left and he sighed, if this was just one person, how would the other 2 people hes sharing a room with react to him


he was then led to an out side area, he made sure that he was by him self, one thing was on his mind...escape



(i need to read better XD)

Edited by Skullbusta Rymes

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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As he and all (or at least most) of the other patients were lead outside into the courtyard, Charles just leaned against the wall. He watched a softball get tossed into the middle of the place. However, no one was really interested.

He looked at the ground. A, mostly asphalt, ground with some sand tossed here and there as well as weeds poking up through the cracks in the mix. It all left a depressing mood. Most likely because of the large fences, making them feel imprisoned. His emotions changed to depression, as he stared off into space, breathing painfully.

Breathing was always slightly painful because of the two rounds he took in his chest, in the army.

Every now and then he had thoughts of suicide.

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After being led outside, Zach just stood, leaning against the fence, feeling a bit more bored than usual today. He eventually just sat down in front of the fence, feeling imprisoned to no surprise. He sighed and simply hit the ground with his fist, wishing he was outta the place. He eyed the ball just sitting there for a second, wondering if he should go and pick it up out of boredom. He usually didn't really do anything other than sit and think or argue with some other retarded patient occasionally, but of course he was just, well... really bored. So he slowly stood up and and tip-toed over to the ball, picked it up and walked back to where he was sitting before. He then simply rolled it back and forth between his two hands, occasionally flinging it a few inches above his fingers, just staring at a wall in boredom.

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Sylvester frowned at the thought of going outside so soon. There were many things he'd like to do first, such as put his pictures away, or get his beanie, or even bring out his fantastic green puppet, but the last time he argued with one of the male nurses he got in trouble and got a very stern talking too. Which involved yelling...


He complied however and put on his hood since his head was feeling cold. With the area being quite uncared for and ever so boring, this prompted Sylvester to walk around the fencing as usual. Spending time with other people wasn't something he'd like to do, ever, let alone talk to them. He didn't mind since he was at least getting fresh air, which was the whole point of outside time.


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john looked at the fence, the first thing he thought was climb, hes climbed fences before, but the fences he climbed never had barbed wire on the top, but he feared if he tried he would get gunned down by security, maybe he cut a hole in the fence, but he again feared being gunned down,he still felt the need to escape,he was in a facility filled with phycos, but john knew he wasnt a phyco, there was nothing wrong with him, he had to get out

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Who do you think I am?" Misha asked Flo. "Another one of them? Those... FREAKS... that are sent here because they have no use for society? Because everyone around them hated them, and without you people they'd shrivel up and die? I am not one of them. I'll never be one of them..." Who does she think she is? She's nothing!

Misha brushed Flo's hand of his back, and turned away from the nurse.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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John was led outside where he sat at a bench on his own. <this sucks> echoed Rons voice, <why can't they make this place better? And bigger while they're at it!>


"Shut up Ron" said John silently, Ron replied with a simple <whatever> and went silent. John sighed, Ron had told him that he told Flo about his nightmares, and now he was mad at his brother. He looked around at the other guys, he never socialized much, mainly because most of the guys were too paranoid to talk. He kept to himself, hoping someone would be brave enough to speak to him.


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After quite a few minutes Zach just gave up on trying to overcome boredom with the ball. He dropped it and headed over to some guy sitting on a bench, who, if he remembered, was the guy with some disorder involving multiple personalities. He didn't quite remember his name though. He usually remembered a lot of names, but he never bothers trying to memorize everyone's names when he almost never talks to them. He sat next to the guy on the bench and sighed. "Hey."

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Charles stood up straight, feeling energetic and motivated, instead of depressed. He decided he'd make conversation. This was strange for Charlie; he had a hard time trusting new people. The only guy here he could come close to trusting was his roommate, because of familiarity. He started walking to one of the closest people next to him. The guy who freaked out and spilled his eggs in the cafeteria. Apparently his name was John, however, he calmed himself Ron at the time.

He stood in front of him, swallowed, and with a curious face, he said, "Hello. My name's Charles, what's yours?"

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Aaron smiled brightly as he watched the soft ball be released from Zach's hands. Aaron ran over and grabbed it, as if the others were after it. Aaron curled his body around the ball, trying to balance on it. Sylvester let out a sigh of annoyance, he was closer to Aaron than Aaron had thought. Aaron was startled and throw the soft ball at Vester's face. "Get away from me!!" ​aaron began to hyperventilate.


Michelle and the other girls were having fun in the bath time. despite being 'crazy' herself, she knew how to calm the other girls and make them feel normal. Michelle made the girls laugh by mimicking the weird behavior of some of the other patients and the nurses. Michelle then took the bar of soap and rubbed it in her hands enough to create a lot of bubbles. She blew the bubbles at the other girls as the laughed and popped them. Nurse Jackie watched in silence, sometimes it was hard to believe Michelle was such a heartless murderer.


"I don't think that about you at all Misha. You're one of the smartest young men I have ever met." Flo smiled. "In fact, I'm very grateful we have you here. The others need a strong and smart leader such as yourself." Nurse Flo held Misha's hand tightly, "Lord knows I wouldn't be able to watch everyone by myself."

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Before he knew it, two of the guys approached John, he gave a small smile to the two and gave a nod in greeting, "Hey. I'm John." he said. He looked around, guessing now was the time to be social, "So... whats up?" he asked the two.

Edited by Strong Hooves


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After being hit in the face with a ball, despite its softness, Sylvester wiped his face clean as if he had made a mess all over it. He picked up the ball and started to toss it in the air whilst walking. "I'm never gonna understand the paranoids..." he muttered as he continued on. He took notice of three guys at a bench, just sitting around. Hell, he didn't really need the ball, but a group could put it to better use than one person could.


Sylvester called out to the three at the bench. "Heads up!" he said as he tossed the ball.

Edited by NeverNeverland


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"Heads up!" said a voice, John looked up to see the ball heading in their direction, instinctively, he got up and caught it. He looked at it with a small smile, it brought back old memories. It reminded him of his mothers yoga ball, the one he would play with all the time, he began to bounce it as he looked to the other two.


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Aaron looked horrified. That was his ball. I can't believe he would try a sneak attack, when I was vulnerable! And now he steals my ball! He's worse than Misha. Aaron began to tear up again and he threw a minor tantrum on the ground. Kicking and flailing his arms, Aaron's whining was impossible to understand. Aaron got up and glared at Vester, whipping tears from his now puffy eyes.

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"Hey." Zach said again, still pretty bored. "I'm Zach." Being outside kinda reminded him of when he was years younger, outside at recess walking around being bored, occasionally going up to somebody he knew and talking to them randomly, just out of boredom and need for attention. Now he wished he could still talk and be at least a little less bored again.

Zach looked up after hearing a bit of a commotion where he had sat a minute before. He saw some guy who's name he was pretty sure was Aaron, not remembering exactly what disorder his was...

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Sylvester was now reaching a certain limit of boredom, to the point where he was getting amusement through pulling at his "Devil Horned" goatee, something he named up after realizing his beard looked like devil horns. He smiled at the pulling, but immediately dispersed of it when confronted by his assailant from before - Aaron, but this time he looked very unhappy. "Not him again..."


It looked as if he was crying, which made Vester uncomfortable. "Something... you want?"

Edited by NeverNeverland


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John kept bouncing the ball, "So... what are you guys here for?" he asked out of curiosity. He noticed Aaron throwing a tantrum, what was with him? He Wasn't sure what his disorder was, but it didn't seem good.


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Misha let out a slight chuckle. He couldn't deny what Flo said. His need for self-appreciation satisfied, he got up from his room to see what was happening elsewhere. Walking outside, he stumbled upon Aaron.

Behavior like this is expected from a guy like him.

"What's going on here?" he asked all the on lookers, looking to see what exactly Aaron was so upset over.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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Turning to find Misha, one of the most detestable people in the whole facility, appear was like herbal medicine - bitter. Sylvester frowned at his presence and turned back to Aaron. "Aaron threw a ball at me, I tossed it to some others, and now he's not happy." He glared back at Misha. "Why do you care?"


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"No reason..." Misha replied, a lie obvious to anybody who knew who he was. Misha just hoped no one would think anything of it, and just go back to their business. Thoughts formulated in his head on how he could turn these people against each other, on how he could show his pure dominance over each and every one of them.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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