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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

romance Princess Celestia earth vacation


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Special Agent Marco Hernandez was leaving for the day when his boss called him to the executive meeting office.  When he walked  into large room two things are very clear, there is a seven foot tall white alicorn sitting next to Deputy Chief of Staff of the homeland security which is very bad and the chief looked not happy.  His boss points to a chair and he takes a seat.  “Special Agent Marco Hernandez you have hosted ponies from the Inter-species Cultural Exchange program before and from all reports you’re a good host. Well her majesty Princess Celestia has picked you as her host for her vacation.  I want to make it clear this is the most important thing you will do in your career.  You’re going to be her body guard and you will do anything she asks and Diplomatic Security and the Texas Rangers will be shadowing you for extra security. Do you have any question agent?”  The Deputy Chief of Staff asks him.  “No sir. It’s a great honor and I will not let you down Sir.” He says with a look of worrier as it sinks in who that alicorn is.   “I know,  everyone is watching.  Now, go home and take a shower and she will meet you there” the Deputy Chief of Staff said and waves for him to leave fast.


        He was waiting by the  door when the VIP armor sprinter van pulled up and she gets out.  She looks around the area, his home and last walks up and stops in front of him making eye contract.  “Your highness welcome to my home.  Your room is ready and if I had known you were coming I would have cleaned up more.  My home and myself are at you service.” Marco said and gives a deep bow.  She uses her magic to make him stand up and walks pass him into the living room and then look back at him.  Marco unsure of what to do or say just go inside locking the front door behind him and go stands beside her.  “I got you a gift” she said and pulls a pink backpack with the sun emblem from her saddle bag “it’s a forever back pack, you can put as much as you want in it and it will never get full” she said. He takes the pack and she walks off checking out his house.  Anime merchandise, weapons, a futon and a cat tree are around 55 inch TV with a gaming setup in the living  and other then a large table with 2 cat beds under it  in the dining room most of the home is very Spartan.   She comes back to where Marco is still standing at attention and starts staring him down.  “Uh… I am very sorry your highness about my home smelling like metal, male, and cat and the mess but , I did not get time to clean up. Are you disappointed or upset because I can...” she cuts him off by laughing at his nervousness and smiles at his confusion. “I am thousands of years old! I know what a young male room looks like and your home is cleaner then my sister’s room.  Now calm down Mr.  Special Agent Marco Hernandez, I am here for fun” she said with a kind smile.  “Ok your majesty…” she holds her hoof up cutting him off. “Don’t call me that, ever pony always so scary of me. Just call me celess, that what discord calls me.”  She said.  “Ok celess what do you want to do on your vacation?” he ask. “Well to start I want to see what you humans call a mall, shoot some firearms and maybe see a movie.  Oh yeah, I also want to play some video games too.” She said with lots of  excitement in her voice. “Ok, I have to make some calls and feed my cats, is there anything else you need to night?” he said. “No, I am going too retried to my room. I will see you in the morning” she said.  He gives her a bow as she walks away and she smiles as two cats run pass her.


 Princess Celestia was first up at sun up and she found Marco asleep on the futon shirtless and a gaming headset on.  She thought it was funny seeing anyone like that but then she sees the deep scars on his chest from a timber wolf attack.  She touches his chest very softly with her hoof and feels his surprising soft scars tissue.  She was about to sit down next to him when he wakes up. “Good morning your majesty, I mean celess.  I forgot you get up with the sun.  Let me get dress, make you breakfast and we can start this day of fun we’re going to have.” He said seemly uncaring about why she was touching him.  As he starts make her breakfast  still shirtless she keep giving a sad look and he smiles back at her as his cats run into the kitchen. “I see you see my scars. When I first started, all they give us were 9mm rifles or shotguns. Well I took a 9mm rifle and they don’t work well on a wolf made out of wood and I got maul.   You ponies have good health care because I only got these cool scars from it. But don’t be sad, humans get injured all the time and it’s no big deal” he said setting her food out.  She ate still upset about what happen to him and then they both go to get dress. When she came back to the living room dress like a wonder bolt Marco is in full tactical armor at the table with all kinds of guns covering it. She shakes her head looking at him “No, this is not going to work. I want low profile.”   He stands to face her “you highness it’s my JOB  to protect you and I need my gear and guns in case someone tries to attack you.  If you were to get shot it on all of us” he said crossing his arms in defiance.  She smiles at his defiance stance “look I understand you have a job to do but there is nothing a human could carry that will harm an alicorn. I am on vacation and I wanted to feel like I am just a normal pony having a good time with her human friend.  Now please go change and if you don’t know what to wear, dress like if this was a date.” She said.  He go changed and comes back wearing a kawaii kitty hat, Springfield armory XD winter jacket, tactical dress pants, and air Jordan’s. “I hope this is ok? I am still carrying my plain clothes cop gear.” He said. She walks around him checking him out and give a nod of approval.


      Outside the sprinter van is waiting for them with an undercover Security team.  Marco starts going to the van when Princess Celestia stops him. “On earth humans ride horse; well I am horse so ride me.” She gives him a shy look as everyone looks at her. “I always wanted to feel want it like to have a human ride me and I dressed for it.  If you worried you will fall off, my magic will keep you on.  Spike rides on twilight sparkle all the time and he never falls off but if you don’t want to do it I understand” she said turning red with embarrassment.   “No it's problem but how do I get up there?” he said looking at her back.  Princess Celestia just picks him up with her magic and sits him on her back like he weights nothing.  He gets a good hold around her neck and after testing her wings a few times she jumps into the air and takes off like a jet.  She didn’t lie, even flying at somewhere close to two hundred mile per hour he didn’t fall off.


    When they landed at the mall, Marco had to sit down to keep from getting sick. “For future reference humans can’t take high speeds like that. Try flying about as fast as a bird please” he said with his down between his legs.  After a few minutes he got up and showed her what a mall is. Most of the stores were equestrian accommodating and other then a few people taking pictures of Celestia walking with him, she was having loads of fun.  She tries on everything and made Marco try on cloths at just about every store and bought him all the cloths that she said “looks cute on you”.   They were talking to a group of school children when a group of earth ponies started making a scene when they saw there Princess.  As more people and ponies started coming over there, the Security team moves in clearing the crowd and Marco takes Celestia to a private restaurant for lunch.


The Black Flame is one of the best Asian themed restaurants in the area and is one of the few VIP and equestrian accommodating restaurant.  When they walked in, there was a table ready for them and DHS agents were  all over the restaurant. Marco was forced to remove his jacket and when they sat down and started ordering their food Celestia took a good look at his gear. “I hate it when that happens. You know I can’t just go shopping without that happening. Anyways” she said and moveing to sit right next to him “Tell me more about yourself Marco.  Do you have girlfriend, tell me about your job and gear?”  He turns off his radio and gives her his full attention “Well I am 3rd generation tex mex, single, loves anime, guns and gameing.  I have worked for the DHS Office of Inter-species Cultural Exchange for eight years and my job is mostly like a social worker for the ponies and host families in the Inter-species Cultural Exchange program and some cop work.  DHS Office of Inter-species Cultural Exchange makes us buy most of our own gear from an approved list and I carry a Springfield armory XD as my duty gun in a desantis speed scabbard holster. The Office of Inter-species Cultural Exchange is the easiest law enforcement job to get but hard to keep what with the six months deployments to your world we have. ” He said.  This was not the answer she was looking for but,she drops it.  When the food came she made Marco feed her and blushed when he said “he always wanted to hand feed a pretty girl”. After they also had a big dessert, Celestia flies  them home at a slower speed as it starts to snow.


    When they got in Celestia just lays down on the floor tired. “celess are you ok?” Marco asks worried. “I am, I am just not used to both walking and flying that much.” She said. “Well go take a bath and I will give you a massage and before you said no, I had to give Ms. Rarity one every day she was living here.” He said.  She got up and did what he said and when she got out of her bath he was set up and waiting.  She lies down on her bed and he climbs on her back and starts working the neck muscles before moving to her wings and back.  Having fingers Marco could use varying pressure and she had never felt anything like that before. After finishing with all the muscles groups he stops and sits down before her. “I am now going to work on your hoofs and that might be a little ticklish.  If you want me stop, just say so” he said picking up a front hoof.  It felt heavenly as he massage the very soft hoof pads and when he finished, she felt more relaxed then she had ever been.  “Well celess I see you’re feeling better and it’s late and we have a big day tomorrow so, good night.” He said pick up everything to leave.   “Uh, wait. It not right you have to sleep out there on that futon.  There is lots of room in my bed so why not sleep here?”  She asks him. “Princess Celestia you’re larger then me and royalty. I don’t want to break any bones or rules” he said in his cop voice.  He was about to walk out when she stops him with her magic. “Please, I am scared of all odd sounds on this world and.”  She starts crying and looks away from him “I will not harm you!”   He walks up to her and kisses her on the cheek and she looks him in the eye. “Let me shower and put on my pajamas” he said in a very soft voice.  When he comes back he is wearing anime rabbit pajamas and she laughs and clears out a spot next to her.   He lies down and she puts her wing over him like a blanket.  She has a smell like happiness and was as warm as space heater and he fell asleep quickly next to her.  She pulled him closer and just watches him sleep all night.



In the morning they both woke up very refreshed and ready for a day of shooting.  Celestia made her happy face pancakes for both of them as Marco checked his phone.  It was all over the news that Princess Celestia was in town and keeping a low profile was pointless now. “Ok, celess because everyone know you’re here I am going to wear my uniform. We are going to a gun show/ machine gun shoot and it’s going to be VERY loud and so are you going to be ok?” Marco asks. “I am going to fine as longs as your there and yes I have ear plugs.” She says feeding him some pancake.  They finish eating and both go get dressed and met back in the living room.  Princess Celestia was dressed as a bolt again with saddle bags and Marco is wearing his uniformed DHS police uniform with his new pink forever backpack.  “I have to get my AR and ammo” his said.  She follows him to a room in the hall way with a reinforced door and inside is more weapons then even her royal armory had.  Under the Inter-species Cultural Exchange program the government would pay to make your home more equestrian accommodating and Marco had used some of the funds to make himself a gun room.  There are large gun safes with a jackalope sitting on one, natural disasters preparedness supplies, ammo cans, guns on hooks on the walls, and hunting gear cover the room.   He loads up ammo and puts one of the  AR-15 on and they roll out.


Because it was now an official trip now, they had police motorcade to the gun show.  When they arrived Princess Celestia was taken aback by all state, local and federal police agencies there. “Are all these people here to protect me?” she says. “No celess, it’s always like this because of all the weapons that are here.” Marco said and opens the door for her. Inside there is thousands of people and all kinds of things for sale.  Princess Celestia takes her time looking at everything and talking too many of the people in attendant there which was hard having a heavily armed Security detail around her.  Princess Celestia buys some war memorabilia, weapons and some hats for herself and a finely made gladius for Marco. “You humans sure like weapons” she says checking out a table of blades. “Wait till we go to the range and you see what some of this stuff does” Marco says with a smile.  After some more talking and shopping they head outside to the range for the machine gun shoot.


    They had waited for Princess Celestia to check out the machine guns and talk to their owners before starting the shooting.  There are machine guns, cannons, flame throwers and all things that go boom on the firing line and everyone wanted the Princess to try theirs out.  Most of the guns on the line were dealer guns with a few guns that were privately owned. Princess Celestia had just  got done firing a mini gun, when she see some of the gun posters springfield armory is handing out.  On the poster   Marco is surrounded by attacking ponies and he is pointing an AR-15 at them with the caption “when you’re under attack, you need a saint.”   She looks around and more than a few people are give her the most hateful looks she has ever seen and she understands some things now about what humans think of ponies. “Special Agent Marco I would like to go home” she yells at him over the shooting. The team clears a path for her and they go back to the sprinter van and Marco gives her a worried look. “Is everything ok celess?” he asks but she does not answer and he drops it.


After they both had taken a shower, Celestia told Marco to come to her in her room. “I have something to ask you. Do you hate me and ponies?” she asks him. Marco sits down on one of the many bean bag chairs in the room and she sits down facing him.  “Your majesty let me tell you about hate. I am American Mexican and people have told me to go back to to Mexico my hold life and I always wanted to be a cop. When I was 18 I try to be but they told me that don’t hire “you people” and I took a job as a security guard. When you open the DHS Office of Inter-species Cultural Exchange, I got my chance to be a cop.  I was in full DHS uniform working when the shootings in Dallas happen and still those cops saw an armed brown man not a fellow officer.  You are the reason my dreams have come true so hate you? I love you and I want our two species to be friends.   The only pony I hate is Trixie because she turned me into a girl for a week.” He said. “Well what about this” Celestia says and show him the poster. “When I was a security guard I carried a Springfield armory XD and when I started work for DHS I E-mailed the company looking for a deal on gear and they said if I become there spokesman I would get free guns and stuff.  I told them about the Canterlot wedding battle and they did not know what a changing looked like so, they made them unicorns in their ads.  I asked them to change it.” He says.  She still gives him a look like she does not believe him and he stands up. “Do you really think after what happen last night that I hate you? You’re the warmest,most  loving, and kindest female I have ever met and I feel at peace around. I am going to make some food and you can eat when you’re ready” his said and get up to leave.

    When Celestia came to eat she found a full table of meat free Mexican food and Marco watching cartoons.  She ate and watching him and when she was done, she sat down next him. “I have been watching you for a long time. When all you humans came to our world, I had Luna check your dreams and twilight make a report on you people. You were one of the few that liked us and it’s why I chose you as my host. When I met you I thought this was just a job to you but you really want to make it work.  When your serious you have the same look shining armor has and well…..Yes, I felt something last night. Do you want to be my special sun pony? It would really help our species.” She says in a nervous voice.  Marco looked at her with the same nervous look she had and said “ok”.  “May I kiss you” she asks and he nodes and she move in to kiss him. Because she was taller than him, she knocked him over with her nose and he fell over laughing and a Padparadscha Sapphire neckless come popping out from under his shirt. “What is that?” she asks looking down at him. “I was doing some research for twilight in the dragon lands and she gave me this stone as a flame shield.  It also works somewhat on magic.” He said. As she leans in for a closer look, he kisses her and they both smile.  They spent the rest of the night with Celestia telling him her life story.


        The next day Celestia wanted to see some movies and they stayed at home spending the day wrapped up in a blanket together watching romantic comedies.  Later she wanted to see something new and pick out an anime called GATE and he tried to get her to not watch it but she really wanted to. After watching it she asked him in a playful voice “is that what you humans have planned for my world?”    “No, that was just made up… its fiction. I don’t think they would but I don’t deal with...” she stops his talking with a hoof pressed to his lips. “I was just messing with you!” she says laughing at him.  He rolls his eyes and gets up to get a drink and when he comeback she is looking at a photo by the TV. “Who is this girl, your sister?” she asks. “That is me, Trixie is always testing her magic on me and well I was a girl for a week.” He says like it no big deal. “I so sorry that happen to you but you make a very attractive woman.” She said putting the down the photo. “It’s not a big deal, I kind of liked it and I think I look like a Hispanic snow white.” He said.   Both of his cats are watching them and she tries to pet them but they run off. “What their story?” she asks him. “Well let me get them and I will tell you.”


Marco gets both cats and sits back down across from Celestia and the cats lie down in his lap loving his attention. “The black and white Persian name is nyamsus   and she is named after a cat from an anime and I have had her since I was a security guard. When I got my XD, the gun store owner daughter cat had kittens and he gave me a discount for taking one.  This cat and I have been on lots of adventures and I taught her how to swim and walk on a harness. She likes my little shadow and I guess I am like her mom.” He said tickling the cat. “The black tabby is name XD cat just like my gun and her story not so nice, last year I was coming home from work when I saw a man setting a cat on fire.  Well I stopped him and after local PD showed up I took her to the vet. Most of fur was gone because she was on fire and she was very bad off but, I nurse her back to health.  It took her a long time for her to trust people again but she loves me. When I do my deployments my cats come with me and in it’s the reason why fluttershy let me live with her when I am deployed.”  He said. “I can’t believe someone would do that! Is that why your cats don’t like me?” she asks with a look of disbelieve. “Humans are not like ponies, we can be very evil. But the reason they don’t like you is when derpy stayed with me and she was rough with my cat.  If you want them to like you just feed them and they will love you” he said and get up. “It’s almost seven and my COD team should be online, do you want be my player two? “He asks. “Yeah, but I don’t know how to play.” She answers back. “That ok, I will teach you.” He said and sits a headset and controller out for her.  She was a fast learner and in no time she was pwn noobs like pro.



The next few days were just gameing  and after playing 30 hours straight, they both needed some sun and so they walked around the neighborhood. It was nice walking in the fresh snow and him telling her about neighbors. “The government owns most of the homes around here and so there are a lot of ponies and DHS agents living here, in fact that why I could afford a home here because they keep the home prices low.” He said proudly. They spent a long time walking and talking to the neighbors and when they got back home ,  Marco smiles  and ask her “do you want to do something fun?” “Yeah what is it” she answers. “Well there is this big anime rave party I was going to but you came. If you want, we could go. It will be almost pinkie pie level of fun just 20% less crazy.” He says. She did not know want an anime party was and so he show her videos on his phone of them and she really wanted to go. “So it’s like a costume party but I don’t have anything to wear” she says sadly. “I am a cosplayer and I have many sisters, tell me what you want and I can make it” he says with pride.   After brain storming it, she wanted to have a couple theme he came up with something that she both liked and he could make in the two days before the party. He got it done a few hours before the party started and when they came into the party even his friends were impressed by his skills.

    They both were dressed as characters from the anime gates with Celestia as Rory Mercury and Marco as Yoji itami. Her costume was very detailed like the anime and contrasted well with her white coat and Marco Japanese self-defense forces uniform accurate but for the holster with real gun. DJ pony 4 was playing and they spent the night dancing, talking people from all over the US, and listening to some of the best EDM from 2 worlds. When the party ended at 2am they all went to waffle house to get something to eat. “So, Princess Celestia what do you think of the earth so far?” Marco asks as there group sits down to eat. “I think the earth is a really great place and that saying something because I have been so  many places. I think I will come back here a lot more!” she says.  After they got home and cleaned up she asked to talk to him. “You know I told twilight I was always waiting on some mail but, what I was really waiting on was a male.  I really like you but I don’t want my sister to get upset that I have a stallion before her” she said. “Oh that no problem, I can date both of you if that ok with you” he says like it no big deal. “Wait, you do that on earth?” she asks in disbelief. “Well some people in other parts of this world do and it can be done with the right group. If a man has lots of love then he can share the love with more than one female.  Beside, I get along with every pony and I don’t want Luna to feel left out, she needs the love” he says. Celestia nods to herself at this idea and kisses him on the fore head. They both get into bed and Princess Celestia watches him sleep.  Twilight had told her humans were hairless ape and after looking at the history of this world she really did not think she would like them but some of them seem to be very open mined then others.  She had pick Marco over the other two agents because Luna told her a funny story about how he almost dated ember.  No pony would try that but he did. Maybe this human had what it takes to be king.


                                                    Sometime Later nightmare night

     Princess Celestia came into her room to wake-up Marco and just stop to watch him sleep. As most nights he slept shirtless and on his chest right over his heart were there sun and moon cutie marks.  She loved just watching him sleep but they had things do and so she jumps onto the bed attacking his sleep chest with kisses.  He woke up and playful fought with her before getting up to get ready. “Are you sure this will only last one night?” he asks backing away from her. She nods and points her horn at him and does the spell.  She looks up at her work and he was a girl again wearing a red Princess dress.  He looks at his self in a mirror and he looks just like Hispanic snow white.  “Well what do you think” he asks turning in a circle in front of her.  “You may be able to deal with being a girl but can you deal with…” she transforms “with day breaker! The scarier, hotter and 120% cooler Celestia.” She says with that evil voice he like.  He looks her over and then kisses her on a very ticklish spot making her laugh very hard “I know how to deal with  bad princess” he says and kissing her more. “Ok, ok, stop. You’re still on duty and we have some young ponies waiting on us” she says laughing and trying to push him away.  He stops and walks away to get his candy bag and gun.   As the is putting his Springfield armory XD-S into a leg holster under his dress he asks “the 3 of us have been dating for 8 months now and well my family, people at work, other ponies and myself would like to know where this is going?” she looks at him like and fool and answers back “My sister and I have talked it over and you’re going to marry us both and become king, were did you think this was going?”.   “What??  I am just a commoner and how is that even possible? “He said a man in shock. “Well why do you think we knighted you “Sir Marco Hernandez of the sun and moon” and we put our marks of protection on you? Those marks mark you as ours and as long as we live you will live.” She says. “No I mean you’re an alicon and I am human.” He says. “Oh that, well you remember all those test I had done on you? Well because magic been used on you so many times and the timber wolf attack there is magic in your body.  In fact twilight says your closer to a unicorn then human.  So you can marry us.” She says happily. He just stood there taking all that in looking dumbfound it. “Don’t worry about it we will get married and you will make a great king. Now come along now my knight we have discord and kids waiting on us to take them to get some candy and this is the first time both sisters will have a fun nightmare night.” She says and starts walking off.  Marco thought to himself “I am living in a real life anime whatever, pony or human it's all good.  King Marco, I like that” and catches up to her.



why do you work for Queen Chrysalis? A samurai duty is to serve his master, regardless of the kind of person she is .


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