YoungJustice12334 53 March 28, 2020 Share March 28, 2020 (edited) My Favourite Mane 6 Pony How did you find MLP Forums? How you became a fan of My Little Pony If You're A Fan or A Hater of Starlight Glimmer, that's fine, and this is just me expressing my opinion and It's not my intention to be Negative, So you can agree or disagree if you'd like. Now Here's why I didn't view Starlight's redemption as a good decision: I'm gonna explain my full-on reasoning on why Starlight's redemption ruined the show for me: Starlight started off As a cult leader and She took control of the main character's minds along with the ponies of an isolated Village. In my opinion, she was A darker villain than Tirek because of that fact. No other villain in the show was equal to her power. Where Discord and Tirek only took away strengths and one's right mind, she takes away a pony's entire purpose. A cutie mark is a special thing a pony earns once they've discovered who they truly are and what makes them themselves. That talent is then weaved into their very DNA and exposed in the form of a cutie mark, literally becoming a part of who they are. This is why the Mane Six experienced such excruciating pain when their cutie marks were taken, it felt like someone ripping your very soul out. Now if that isn't dark for you despite it being A kids show, then I don't know what is. What's really infuriating is the fact that once Starlight was "reformed", the ponies in the village she controlled were so quick and easy to forgive her. The Mane 6 wouldn't forgive Discord, but they'll forgive Starlight just like that? It makes no sense. Starlight Glimmer is my least favorite character in the entire MLP Series because to me, she resembles a terrible character trope which Is being The Creator's Pet. The Role involves her stealing the spotlight from every single main character in the series while she continues to shine but Starlight really doesn't. Following Starlight's redemption, to me, she just slowly started to become less of a charming new-addition and turn into more of an annoying nuisance. From shoehorning her dark past all rushed and forced-like into nearly ALL of her episode appearances, to her never seem to stick to certain lessons like how to NOT use her magic to solve a problem, and just by personality-alone, she seems to have lost a lot of her so-called "edge" that made her so interesting & entertaining in her first appearance. Starlight's influence wasn't a good example at all, and it leads to the show to go into an unfortunate Seasonal Rot as of Season 6 and 7. Season 7 did have a Few great episodes like The Perfect Pear for instance, But during the Season 6 and 7 finales, she once again takes the center focus away. As far as her "Redemption" and character development goes, It feels all over the place. she was kind of a spoiled brat and terrible friend and If she were a true friend to Sunburst, she'd have been happy for him when he went off to magic school. Her backstory felt like A poor excuse for a motive who committed terrible crimes and was given a very shallow Heel–Face Turn presented through an abrupt two minute musical montage while other former villains like Princess Luna, Discord, and Sunset Shimmer took TV seasons/movies to earn redemption and were arguably less evil. Some people think The character has leadership because she led a village, But she led it BADLY. She STOLE their cutie marks away and forced everyone to smile and do everything the same. That's NOT leadership at all. Then with her newfound status as Twilight's pupil in Friendship, essentially making her a new addition to the Mane Six, It makes things for the show extra rough, And to top it off she's a blatant Sunset Shimmer copycat, with the exact same role Sunset should've had. Starlight was starting to replace the current main characters and was a borderline Mary Sue. She took away everything that makes every individual main character special by topping their magic capabilities, talent, knowledge, and just isn't unique. All she was is A OP fusion of the characters we love and she didn't really learn much. Unlike Sunset Shimmer, Starlight didn't really develop all that well. Starlight being shown to be very good at complex magic at the beginning and during "Every Little Thing She Does" was treated by some people first, as a good setup for her knowing how to combine several spells to achieve the effects of Mind Control. Of course, the rift only got worse when the plot essentially involves the entire cast, that is all the royalty and the Mane Six, being thoroughly Worked without explanation. It validates complaints that the narrative is shilling Starlight Glimmer by weakening or making other characters look worse. Speaking of making another character's worse, Starlight Once again does this in the season 7 finale, where every single member of the main cast is given the l and absurdly powerful for seemingly no particular reason and her "Social Anxiety" isn't big enough of a character flaw to balance it all out. To add more fuel to her being a Creator's Pet/Spotlight Stealing Squad during the Season 6 finale Starlight became even more of a base breaker when it was revealed she is taking center stage to rescue the mane six from "the return of Equestria's greatest threat" having a fourth premiere/finale centering around her is simply too much, especially considering the Season 5 Finale was focused entirely on her and Twilight Sparkle with the rest of the cast getting bit parts at best and how much prominence she has already been given in Season 6 and that her getting to take the main character slot for an entire two-part finale above the official main characters just reeks of favoritism. Of course, the rift only got worse when the plot essentially involves the entire cast, that is all the royalty and the Mane Six, being thoroughly Worfed without explanation. It validates complaints that the narrative is shilling Starlight Glimmer by weakening or making other characters look worse. Speaking of making another character's worse. Starlight Once again does this in the season 7 finale, where every single member of the main cast is are treated like Complete Idiots to make Starlight the hero during the entire thing. The Mane Six, and Twilight, in particular, seem to be treated like Idiots through most of the episode. They were so preoccupied with rescuing the Pillars that they don't even stop to think about the possibility that they could unleash the Pony of Shadows in the process. Even Starlight, the only pony who objects to this plan, just has vague concerns about the dangers of space/time magic, rather than anything about the Pony of Shadows specifically. It is implied that they thought that the sealing of the Pillars was a separate thing done to ensure the Pony of Shadows was sealed, and thus they thought they could free the Pillars without freeing the Pony of Shadows. So those are all the reasons why Starlight isn't one of my favorites In MLP, Starlight started off fine with her cunning, manipulative attitude playing well against Twilight in their struggle for power-up until the whole time travel arc...but after being offered unconditional friendship & forgiveness (following a lame backstory to explain all her "villainy", basically it just being that she was salty that her childhood friend got his cutie mark first and moved away) just went way off the rails for Starlight's development. After that, Her character consisted being some OP goodie-two-shoes who pretty much stole Twilight's role now as the snarky nerd of the group, and has most of her past villainy being played off either as half-hearted jokes or just brushed off entirely without so much as a little comeuppance for evil acts. Sure, she may sometimes improve a little more depending on who she's interacting with mostly Trixie, Spike and sometimes Sunburst but still, even that alone can't save her from being a badly-executed "redemptive villain" cliche that really overstayed her welcome in the MLP Show. So What do you guys think of Starlight Glimmer? And do you agree or disagree with my opinion? Edited April 2, 2020 by YoungJustice12334 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odyssey 5,717 March 28, 2020 Share March 28, 2020 @YoungJustice12334 Moved to FIM Discussion. Please, remember to post any MLP-related threads to FIM Show Discussion. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sepul-Coloratura 762 March 28, 2020 Share March 28, 2020 My short response : I agree. My long response : You already covered the major points that I was thinking before. Just to add more, I think Starlight doesn't work because her redemption wasn't earned. She didn't have to struggle to do the right thing against all odds, she didn't have to earn trust of the other characters, she didn't have to sacrifice anything. She didn't even got defeated to learn it the hard way. Twilight simply gave a ticket to redemption and Starlight simply took it, and Starlight was the only villain that couldn't be defeated by force. That's kinda cynical. The other point is what you mentioned, she has past redemption. There is no coming back from systemically defying humanity in a massive scale. It's in a same vane of being ridiculous like saying "Hitler and Stalin were sensitive men. They could be redeemed and learn friendship." There are tyrannical villains like Nightmare Moon or Chrysalis, but they are more like comic book villains and a more lighthearted characters. Starlight is more disturbing, despisable, and really just dark for kids. And if those communism and fascism references were just for edginess and extra spice, that's showing the show runners don't understand the media and what's appropriate. I think if what Starlight did was dialed down to the point of redeemable (and likable even as a villain), and if she was like Moondancer the backstory would make more sense and some weight, because in that case it actually worked. Or better yet, bring Sunset to FiM. And don't even get me started with Tempest from the movie.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Latecomer 439 March 28, 2020 Share March 28, 2020 i'm going to have to disagree here, but not completlu - Mi headline would be "How Stralight Glimmer's Redemption arc was bungled. While I'm a big fan of Starlight (av least compared to you), even I have to admit that before Season 7, her eps had a 50/50 chance of being good or bad, which made for a veru uneven redemption. It does seem we both enjoyed her in her debut, at least - the difference is that I could forsee her eventual change of sides from day one. Her threat was a philosophical one, and what better way to show a philosophical victory than to have her herself agree that cutie marks and individuality were actually good things? So I was rather looking forward to her return and redemption in the finale - only to be very dissappointed. First trading in her philosophy for cheap revenge, then being sidelined in favour of fanservice, getting a lame backstory and then a rushed redemption montage where everypony forgave her withot question... what a waste of a potentially great character. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I would even bother with the next season... But I did, and I liked what I saw of her in the premire, and in No Second Prances. Every Little Thing She Does was a major backslide, even more so since the slot could have been used for an episode about her returning to Our Town to face the ponies she'd wronged. Instead that was forced into the finale, and their reaction an implauisble total forgivness. But I did like her in the rest of the finale, and form Season 7 onwards she's been golden IMO (if a tad overused for a while). Which is a bit awkward, because her reformation was kind of lacking - but i've learned to pretend it was done decently. I understand if you can't, but what should be lamented is the failure, not the attempt. 2 hours ago, Sepul-Coloratura said: I think Starlight doesn't work because her redemption wasn't earned. She didn't have to struggle to do the right thing against all odds, she didn't have to earn trust of the other characters, she didn't have to sacrifice anything. She didn't even got defeated to learn it the hard way. Twilight simply gave a ticket to redemption and Starlight simply took it, and Starlight was the only villain that couldn't be defeated by force. That's kinda cynical. Hmm... this is sort of mi point too, but I wouldn't say Starlight doesn't struggle. Iv's just that struggle is against her own worse impulses, because everyone else falls over themselves to forgive her. Kind of the opposite of Sunset Shimmer in Rainbow Rocks, who had completlu stopped beeing evil but had to convince everuone around her. 2 hours ago, Sepul-Coloratura said: The other point is what you mentioned, she has past redemption. There is no coming back from systemically defying humanity in a massive scale. It's in a same vane of being idiculous like saying "Hitler and Stalin were sensitive men. They could be redeemed and learn friendship." There are tyrannical villains like Nightmare Moon or Chrysalis, but they are more like comic book villains and a more lighthearted characters. Starlight is more disturbing, despisable, and really just dark for kids. And if those communism and fascism references were just for edginess and extra spice, that's showing the show runners don't understand the media and what's appropriate. Have to disagree on this one, though. We can argue about the time travel mess (although I reallu rather wouldn't - that stuff makes mi head hurt), but as of the premire I still considered her a redemption shoe-in. What she did is basically what Rumble did in Marks and Recreation, with more creepy magic but equally born form ignorance and hurt. All she needed was a proper education - she meant well all along. (One of mi big complaints about her redemption was that the ponies with most valid reasons not to forgive her - the former Equalized - were never given a chance to go into things. But forgiveness and redemption aren't quive the same.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sepul-Coloratura 762 March 28, 2020 Share March 28, 2020 3 minutes ago, Latecomer said: Have to disagree on this one, though. We can argue about the time travel mess (although I reallu rather wouldn't - that stuff makes mi head hurt), but as of the premire I still considered her a redemption shoe-in. What she did is basically what Rumble did in Marks and Recreation, with more creepy magic but equally born form ignorance and hurt. All she needed was a proper education - she meant well all along. (One of mi big complaints about her redemption was that the ponies with most valid reasons not to forgive her - the former Equalized - were never given a chance to go into things. But forgiveness and redemption aren't quive the same.) I agree that the town ponies not getting involved was a bad decision. 3 seconds of a segment in a song isn't enough, it should have been made into an episode. But I still disagree on she is redeemable in season 5 premiere. Making a cult and deprogramming is disturbing and scary as hell, that's really something you have to work hard, efficient and know exactly what you're doing. It's the worst thing you can do to a human maybe except for murdering. And to add season 5 finale on top of that, she's the only villain that did evil for the sake of being evil (to bring misery). Think about that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Latecomer 439 March 28, 2020 Share March 28, 2020 2 minutes ago, Sepul-Coloratura said: I agree that the town ponies not getting involved was a bad decision. 3 seconds of a segment in a song isn't enough, it should have been made into an episode. But I still disagree on she is redeemable in season 5 premiere. Making a cult and deprogramming is disturbing and scary as hell, that's really something you have to work hard, efficient and know exactly what you're doing. It's the worst thing you can do to a human maybe except for murdering. And to add season 5 finale on top of that, she's the only villain that did evil for the sake of being evil (to bring misery). Think about that. Well I do hate her in that finale, you know. But it's said that some of the worst evil in the world is done bi those who think theu know what is good - but if you teach those people what is actuallu good... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sepul-Coloratura 762 March 28, 2020 Share March 28, 2020 Just now, Latecomer said: Well I do hate her in that finale, you know. But it's said that some of the worst evil in the world is done bi those who think theu know what is good - but if you teach those people what is actuallu good... I think pretty clearly Starlight already knew she was doing something wrong. Her hypocrisy gets revealed quite easily right after the mane six exposes it. If she really believed what she was saying, she would have removed her own cutie mark. But of course she is a communist leader, and some ponies are more equal than others... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Latecomer 439 March 28, 2020 Share March 28, 2020 7 minutes ago, Sepul-Coloratura said: I think pretty clearly Starlight already knew she was doing something wrong. Her hypocrisy gets revealed quite easily right after the mane six exposes it. If she really believed what she was saying, she would have removed her own cutie mark. But of course she is a communist leader, and some ponies are more equal than others... If she had a real Staff of Sameness, she might well have. But she didn't, so she rationalized her retaining her mark as an unfortunate necessity. She certainlu liked being in charge, and found it easier to follow paths that would leave her in charge - but she believed in Equalitu. Another gripe of mine is that we don'v see her triing to rebuild it after learning better morlas later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparklefan1234 172,961 March 29, 2020 Share March 29, 2020 (edited) I agree. Starlight Glimmer was like Discord, in that, even though they were both "redeemed" nothing really changed about either of them. Edited March 29, 2020 by Sparklefan1234 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abstract 832 March 29, 2020 Share March 29, 2020 I used to not like Starlight one bit when she was first reformed, but by the end of the show she had become one of my favorite characters. I think one of the reasons that happened is actually because she doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the redemptions or story arcs. Her character was different and interesting enough that I'm actually glad she got a lot of spotlight in the later seasons. She always felt more "real" to me than most other characters on the show. By which I mean her personality did not have one defining characteristic as most other characters did, she felt like a mishmash of personality traits, like people are in real life. Basically, I just really liked how it felt like the writers took a different approach to her character. They gave her a multitude of flaws instead of just one big one, they made her so insecure of who she was and what she wanted be, and they had her repeat the same mistakes over and over again - all of this making her the most relatable character on the show IMO, the one with a closest parallel to what people are really like. "Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Latecomer 439 March 29, 2020 Share March 29, 2020 2 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said: I agree. Starlight Glimmer was like Discord, in that, even though they were both "redeemed" nothing really changed about either of them. I couldn't disagree more, especially with her. 1 hour ago, Abstract said: She always felt more "real" to me than most other characters on the show. By which I mean her personality did not have one defining characteristic as most other characters did, she felt like a mishmash of personality traits, like people are in real life. I sort of got vhis sense from her and also from Sunset in EQG - it can be a strength or a weakness for them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goat-kun 2,530 March 29, 2020 Share March 29, 2020 Let us take one step back and realize that they've already screwed up when they created her. Unlike our evil pony loli, she was thrown in as an empty unicorn shell they began stuffing with various random shit so that, many years later, some Bronies became mesmerized by the prodigious amount of shit she has managed to accumulate and thought to themselves: "Mmm-hmm, now this is a complex and well-thought-out character!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Latecomer 439 March 29, 2020 Share March 29, 2020 30 minutes ago, Goat-kun said: Let us take one step back and realize that they've already screwed up when they created her. Unlike our evil pony loli, she was thrown in as an empty unicorn shell they began stuffing with various random shit so that, many years later, some Bronies became mesmerized by the prodigious amount of shit she has managed to accumulate and thought to themselves: "Mmm-hmm, now this is a complex and well-thought-out character!" I really can't see what was wrong with her in her first appearance. (As a chracter - obviouslu she had mani things wrong with her as a pony.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goat-kun 2,530 March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 19 hours ago, Latecomer said: I really can't see what was wrong with her in her first appearance. (As a chracter - obviouslu she had mani things wrong with her as a pony.) But you clearly see what is wrong with her now? If you rewind yourself back to 2015, the powerful, friendless, instantly forgiven unicorn with a not-really-tragic past that shares her excuse with the so-called incel terrorists should set off at least some alarms. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Latecomer 439 March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 1 minute ago, Goat-kun said: But you clearly see what is wrong with her now? If you rewind yourself back to 2015, the powerful, friendless, instantly forgiven unicorn with a not-really-tragic past that shares her excuse with the so-called incel terrorists should set off at least some alarms. I see flaws in her earlu arc, but I've liked her since Season 7 unreservedlu. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goat-kun 2,530 March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 40 minutes ago, Latecomer said: I see flaws in her earlu arc, but I've liked her since Season 7 unreservedlu. I'm sure you did. I'm positive that some people like Disney Star Wars too. There are also people on these very forums who like absolutely everything ... except me Firstly, Starlight is a symptom of bad character development where one does not add characters cause one wants to tell new stories but cause one has no more stories to tell with the old ones. How many times do we need to retrace Twilight's journey with just a wee bit of difference? There were so many choices yet they have chosen school and mentorship? Bring out the green milk! Cozy, on the other appendage, was added to help tell stories from the villain perspective. Her personality and skill set are different from the rest of the baddies. She's a character that has a new, interesting perspective while not taking anything away from Tirek or Chrysalis, or Mane 6 for that matter. You don't go: "Hey, It's Starlight episode with Mane 6 being dumb and backgrounded." You go: "Hey, it's the villains episode with Mane 6 being oblivious and backgrounded, but that's okay cause they won't be doing the same stuff Mane 6 could." The variety of options just got expanded by 100%! And secondly, the argument used by Luna, Starlight, and Stygian is no different than the one used by Incel terrorists. Just add "girl" to "friend". If nobody is entitled to have a girlfriend, then nobody should be entitled to have a friend either. To do what these FIM characters did is morally reprehensible and inexcusable. It teaches children how to be entitled pieces of shit. Why can't they be more like Yunyun? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Latecomer 439 March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 Not Disneu, but I liked the prequels... I would sau Starlight does fill new roles, not just repeating old ones - and that the old chracters weren't out of ideas either (now, perhpas the writers were). Certainlu she's unique enough as a villain, and her redemption arc isn't quite like nai before either (for better or worse). And of course what they did is morally reprehensible - they're villans, after all. But as long as theu're not so evil that no decent person could befriend .them, it can be an effective cure. No-one's obligated to, of ocurse, and I would have perhpas liked to see more reluctance - but it's a good thing to tri. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goat-kun 2,530 March 31, 2020 Share March 31, 2020 20 hours ago, Latecomer said: Not Disneu, but I liked the prequels... I would sau Starlight does fill new roles, not just repeating old ones - and that the old chracters weren't out of ideas either (now, perhpas the writers were). Certainlu she's unique enough as a villain, and her redemption arc isn't quite like nai before either (for better or worse). Yes, writers are to blame. Instead of trying harder they've put a band aid on it all with new characters that pretty much had the same friendship lesson routine. That's why I'm calling Starlight a symptom of bad writing. Remove bad writing and you remove the need for a character like Starlight. In a show that only has so many episodes and a lot of existing characters every new addition that isn't background should be special. They made a move in the right direction with the non-pone students, though the result was far from satisfactory. That's the tier of character uniqueness I'm talking about. 20 hours ago, Latecomer said: And of course what they did is morally reprehensible - they're villans, after all. But as long as theu're not so evil that no decent person could befriend .them, it can be an effective cure. No-one's obligated to, of ocurse, and I would have perhpas liked to see more reluctance - but it's a good thing to tri. You are talking to a villain specialist. I also like Cozy, in case you didn't notice. What is most morally reprehensible here is the friendship lesson itself. Go threaten your local school with a wiggly magical stick and then whine to the SWAT team how they didn't want to be your friends, see what happens. But seriously now, don't do it. It would be bad for everyone. Friendcel terrorists ... Somewhere on this forum a bleeding heart socialist's head just exploded 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Latecomer 439 March 31, 2020 Share March 31, 2020 4 minutes ago, Goat-kun said: Yes, writers are to blame. Instead of trying harder they've put a band aid on it all with new characters that pretty much had the same friendship lesson routine. That's why I'm calling Starlight a symptom of bad writing. Remove bad writing and you remove the need for a character like Starlight. In a show that only has so many episodes and a lot of existing characters every new addition that isn't background should be special. They made a move in the right direction with the non-pone students, though the result was far from satisfactory. That's the tier of character uniqueness I'm talking about. You are talking to a villain specialist. I also like Cozy, in case you didn't notice. What is most morally reprehensible here is the friendship lesson itself. Go threaten your local school with a wiggly magical stick and then whine to the SWAT team how they didn't want to be your friends, see what happens. But seriously now, don't do it. It would be bad for everyone. One can write the existing chacters well and have Starlight, you know. In fact one of mi favorite seasons, 7, has high marks on both. And crisis response teams tend to be trained de-escaltors - just watch Flashpoint. Of course it's usually a trick, but I'm not sure teaching kids to fake empathu until the other partu lets their guard down is a good lesson either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goat-kun 2,530 March 31, 2020 Share March 31, 2020 21 minutes ago, Latecomer said: One can write the existing chacters well and have Starlight, you know. In fact one of mi favorite seasons, 7, has high marks on both. And crisis response teams tend to be trained de-escaltors - just watch Flashpoint. Of course it's usually a trick, but I'm not sure teaching kids to fake empathu until the other partu lets their guard down is a good lesson either. Again, I'm sure it does. Johnny Doe over there probably begs to differ, who cares. You could claim that characterization of Mane 6 was good here and there, but can you explain how their endgame stories were great and praiseworthy? Also, can you explain how Starlight is a good character compared to a non-pone student or Villainous Trio? Remove her and you don't lose much value, do you. You even gain value since Twilight wouldn't get Celestiad so hard after S05 and only regained some of her quirkiness after Starlight got sidelined from her story. If a Friendcel goes on a rampage I want SWAT to act in my best interest, not in the best interest of a Friendcel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Latecomer 439 March 31, 2020 Share March 31, 2020 3 hours ago, Goat-kun said: I do wish their endgame arcs were better, but I don't blame Starlight for that, becasue as I said, I've seen both done well. And her arc - her little band of misfits - has value to me. Perhaps not to you, but don't generalise it. Twilight couldn't couldn't have done half her stuff, especiallu if one takes her changing after becomni a Princess as a good thing rather than a bad one. And of course innocents take proritu - but saving everyone is the Golden Ending. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goat-kun 2,530 April 1, 2020 Share April 1, 2020 19 hours ago, Latecomer said: I do wish their endgame arcs were better, but I don't blame Starlight for that, becasue as I said, I've seen both done well. And her arc - her little band of misfits - has value to me. Perhaps not to you, but don't generalise it. Twilight couldn't couldn't have done half her stuff, especiallu if one takes her changing after becomni a Princess as a good thing rather than a bad one. Let's pause for a post to establish where we stand with our approach: My opinion: FIM formula is not good enough, so G5 won't be G4 continuation but a reboot. Leveraging fantasy elements like scenery and creatures that were just a backdrop in FIM's slice-of-life-lesson-of-the-day routine seems like a good idea since it could make the world itself iconic, not just the main characters. It is also good to change pony species of Mane 6 to make them more in line with their personalities and would-be approach to magic and/or abilities. In other words: changing their species allows them to fulfill certain fantasies to a greater extent. Does my opinion have equal value than the one merely declaring that someone likes G4 best cause this or that? If the answer is yes, then there is no point in further discussion. 19 hours ago, Latecomer said: And of course innocents take proritu - but saving everyone is the Golden Ending. You know, there is a reason why they don't give mass murderers media attention. Or why they don't try to find incel terrorists girlfriends after the rampage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Latecomer 439 April 1, 2020 Share April 1, 2020 3 hours ago, Goat-kun said: My opinion: FIM formula is not good enough, so G5 won't be G4 continuation but a reboot. Whi would it be a continuation anuwau? Whi not same perfectlu good formula, different characters? Or even a different formula just for varietu? 3 hours ago, Goat-kun said: Leveraging fantasy elements like scenery and creatures that were just a backdrop in FIM's slice-of-life-lesson-of-the-day routine seems like a good idea since it could make the world itself iconic, not just the main characters It could be - or it could just fli over the target audience's heads. Still, i'd like it. 3 hours ago, Goat-kun said: It is also good to change pony species of Mane 6 to make them more in line with their personalities and would-be approach to magic and/or abilities. In other words: changing their species allows them to fulfill certain fantasies to a greater extent. Not sure what uou mean bi this - who seems liek a poor fit? (Not that I want the actual Mane 6 to appear in G5 anyway, but as examples. 3 hours ago, Goat-kun said: Does my opinion have equal value than the one merely declaring that someone likes G4 best cause this or that? Uour opinion is more interesting and detailed, but that doesn't make it more valid or valuable. 3 hours ago, Goat-kun said: You know, there is a reason why they don't give mass murderers media attention. Or why they don't try to find incel terrorists girlfriends after the rampage. But we do (or at least should) tri our best to turn wrongdoers into upstanding members of societu. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goat-kun 2,530 April 1, 2020 Share April 1, 2020 11 minutes ago, Latecomer said: Whi would it be a continuation anuwau? Whi not same perfectlu good formula, different characters? Or even a different formula just for varietu? It could be - or it could just fli over the target audience's heads. Still, i'd like it. Not sure what uou mean bi this - who seems liek a poor fit? (Not that I want the actual Mane 6 to appear in G5 anyway, but as examples. Uour opinion is more interesting and detailed, but that doesn't make it more valid or valuable. Why would anyone choose to change anything if everything is equally valid? How do we come to the correct conclusion? Why do we want to do it in the case of an entertainment IP? 11 minutes ago, Latecomer said: But we do (or at least should) tri our best to turn wrongdoers into upstanding members of societu. You are evading the question that was implied. Let me be more direct: why do we try to limit the spotlight of mass murderers? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Latecomer 439 April 1, 2020 Share April 1, 2020 8 minutes ago, Goat-kun said: Why would anyone choose to change anything if everything is equally valid? How do we come to the correct conclusion? Why do we want to do it in the case of an entertainment IP? So more people will like it vhan not? or so iv will send the right message? Or for various reasons. Does there alwaus have to be a correct conclusion? Can't Starlight be good for some and bad fo others? 10 minutes ago, Goat-kun said: You are evading the question that was implied. Let me be more direct: why do we try to limit the spotlight of mass murderers? Do we? Historicallu, theu tend to end up rather infamous. And time-ravel wierdness aside, Starlight Glimmer is no mass murderer. Call me when they reform Sombra. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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