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private Life in Ponyville.


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(For anyone who doesn't know, I remember being accepted into the RP and I'm playing as Fluttershy and I, uh... you know, think I might, like, post next time I'm on? Perhaps in the morning? Eh... I sneak onto the computer at midnight most of the time. Anyhow... hope to RP soon!)


Alexandrite walked up to the restaurant and took a seat, he ordered a dandelion sandwich and waited.

(School, the amount of RP's you make me miss Is starting to get irritating.)


(I know this is useless to say 'cause it's not related to the RP but I'm gonna say it anyhow. I'm homeschooled, so I don't have to go to school, and get more time on the glorious INTERNET!!!)
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``I suppose we should head out before nighttime``Said Streak, Eagerly. ``I don`t think the hole in the roof will help Sky`s condition any.``


((OOC: Edited Character Info, Nothing Game Changing, Just made him older for more situations (Ships and whatnot. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/platinum-streak-r628)

Edited by Platinum_Streak
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"I guess I'l just stay here and keep the roof weather proof until you ponies get back." Said Twilight sitting down and starting to read a book.


(OOC Platinum use the ' key instead of ` its next to enter use shift + ' for the double like this ".)

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(Oookay, I think I'll RP now.)

"No, no, try again." Fluttershy was trying to help a blue jay sing/tweet. (I didn't know which to put.) The blue jay, for some reason, hadn't ever sung/tweeted before. "Good... you're doing it.... nononono. Wait, I know what will work." Fluttershy went into her cottage. When she came back into the backyard, she had a whistle shaped slightly like a bird. "I hope this works." Fluttershy blew the whistle, and it made a blue jay sound. The blue jay copied. "Good job!" The blue jay copied the whistle perfectly!


(Just for you guys to know, if you want me to post on the RP, you might have to quote me.)

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"Were almost at my place, Starstream. we just have to pass by fluttershy's house." Said Streak with a grin as he and Twilight walked by the everfree forest.

Edited by Platinum_Streak
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"Were almost at my place, Ms.sparkle. we just have to pass by fluttershy's house." Said Streak with a grin as he and Twilight walked by the everfree forest.


(OOC I'm in Starstream's house shielding the hole in the ceiling.) Edited by Mal (Starbolt)
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"Okay, one more time..." Fluttershy said, blowing the whistle once more. The bird copied loudly. Loud enough that Fluttershy slightly got blown backwards. "Aaah!" Fluttershy tried to keep her wings open, but one of them shut. She managed to get straight, and landed.

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"Wow i've caused so much trouble for Starstream and i've only just met him" Sky said feeling guilty

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Fluttershy spoke to the bird. "Uh... Could you please try to be the teeniest bit quieter next time? Now, just one more time...." Fluttershy blew the whistle for the last time that day, and the bird copied. A little quieter. "Good!" Fluttershy said, going inside the house to put away the whistle.

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Fluttershy put away the whistle, then went back outside to tell the blue jay sing/tweet training was done. The second she got outside, she looked at the sun/moon (I don't know the time in the setting of the RP...) and could faintly see... a shadow of Discord? (you know who...) "Huh?" she whispered, in fright. She walked over to the blue jay. "Okay, you can go back to what you were doing now." She went back inside to.... she had no idea what she would do.

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Fluttershy was staring at the moon/sun through the window when she realized someone was knocking. She went to the door and looked out the window. "I have less than no idea who you are." she said, "at least I think I don't know you." she finished saying, starting to open the door.

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