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private Life in Ponyville.


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"Uh... I think we should move. Now." Streak said, as the two celestial figures began to duel.

"We won't last long if these two are fighting." "I might be in our best interest to figure something out in safety, before we uh... Die."

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Fluttershy flew above the group, with something on her wing. It was... Fluttershy looked at it. "Huh?" she wondered. "I thought I only had one Discord book..." she said, closing up her wing and sighing in confusion.

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Ice wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but she was all in favor of running and hiding while the two masses of power fought in the sky. Applejack said that her barn was a good place to hid and Ice wasn't one to complain. Ice turned to look back at the celestial beings struggling for control, and took her eye off of where she was running and her hooves got tangled up in themselves and it sent her tumbling into the side of the barn. With the adrenaline built up she was able to push herself up and into the bark, but her left front leg gave out soon after.
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"I think we should wait and see what goes down." Streak said. "There's no need to head into a fight with Celestia here"

"But, just in case, we should make a plan, in case... Celestia.... Heh. Messes up."

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"Alright everypony calm down, I'm pretty sure that Celestia can handle this." Said Twilight trying to calm everypony down.
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"Well, not to be rude, but, for all we know, Ponyville could be destroyed right now, its not a good time for calm" Streak said, obviously angry for no apparent reason.

"Now, I suggest we make a plan. Figure out why Discord is back, before we lose the entire town"

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