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open Rise of the Stars roleplay (1x1 with CatponeCerberus)


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"And what then?" Ruby asked in slightly insulting manner "You march home and are celebrated as heroes of you kind?" "For harming innocents and starting a war with more advanced nation?" she let out a single insulting laugh "You think Nightwings would just give up everything and return to being your inferior after you kill their rulers?" "You think your Queen would reward you for starting a war and causing pointless death for territory she herself gave away willingly?" "And what about the more likely result of you failing? Your kind will get unnecessary suffering for your actions, those nothing to do with you will get mistreated because you chose unnecessary violence? We will try to mitigate it but we don't control the minds of others" 

"And for what? We aren't stopping you from travelling between the nations, we didn't take your homes, we didn't take your resources, the only thing you lost was the ability to mistreat others without consequences." she put one of her claws under the speaking dragons chin, not harming her, but moving her face to meet hers and smiling in very annoying way "And you even brought Earthlings into it, how nice, I'm always happy to kill more of them." her smile wouldn't fade even if the dragon spit at her or did anything similar, though after a moment of saying that she would rise her head back up and let go of the dragon, after which she returned to her normal expression. "You think you're the heroes of this story, but you're wrong, you're the villain, and the day your pathetic little rebellion falls will be a day of celebration for all, a day of peace and joy." she then muttered in her native language "*Ew, that sounded almost too much like something a pony would say.*" before continuing "But before peace there's always war, and you don't want to start a war with me, as my name is Queen Bekisnhlekil, the first Deathwing, and I let you know, the name is literal." somehow Ruby managed to make what in the end was surprisingly morally good speech to sound like a villain monologue, though that was only a demonstration of her nature as a creature. When she said the last part, she gestured to the dragon to look around and see the very death inspired decoration around them. 


Cinder disappeared for a moment when they approached the airship, but would appear again when they were boarded, hanging around some distance from them as previously, though this time she wasn't as obvious about it, still obvious, but not as obvious.

Ember didn't comment on the story about Ace, just slightly shook her head to herself, she didn't want to say anything as she knew the emotional weight, but she personally didn't find it a positive story like Sky and Arrow most likely did, such blind loyalty to a nation wasn't a good thing in her eyes.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

"I don't suspect a war will start, it isn't the Russian government attack us, we're dealing with a private military contractor. If you mean the rebels, they won't be able to fight a traditional war, they'd probably going to attempt to resist and make us give up. Won't work in this case I don't think, unless of course they manage to kill us but, we don't die easy."

"And we will, these mercenaries have advanced technology. This is OUR home! A long war was fought in these lands."

Soon explosions and gunshots sounded. The guard Quasi ordered returned.

"The Russian government was cooperative, they gave us information on the attackers, we confirm they aren't from the actual military, we suspect the Russians had knowledge and chose not to warn us, I suspect they only told us the information we asked for to avoid war with the Equestrians. The soldiers are fighting the best they can to keep them from advancing but the line may break. A fallback line has been formed with Nightwings forming a shield wall with shields made of artificial deathwing scales. The problem is that in order to attack through traditional means with our spears and teeth and talons, we have to get close and they don't."

"Perhaps we'll have to modernize our infantry after this. Where are the civilians?"

"They're moved to a secure part of the city. The attackers aren't in the city yet as they don't know the terrain and their gps things don't work here."

"Lack of satellites. Drop bombs from above, I don't hear any jets, so we should have air superiority. Those bombs can destroy entire rooms made for us dragons, it should do some serious damage, focus the bombs on their vehicles and use fire attacks with those with boots on the ground."

"Isn't fire against the geneva convention?"

"The fire? Maybe but, we didn't sign or agree to that, so we aren't subject tell the general to give the order."

Quasi looked at the Ruby while the guard went to the general.

"Execute the prisoners but do so humanely and get ready to fight, fighting in the battlefield will make a strong point. Our enemies will see us as fearless and our citizens as strong. Nightwings like strong leaders."


"I know what you're thinking but, know it wasn't about the country but protecting the people within it."

"I can understand that."


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Ruby rolled her eyes "How hard is it to keep an eye on one portal? It's a single point in middle of open ocean, how did they get here unnoticed?" it was less a targeted statement and more thinking out loud, and she sounded indifferent about it. She was pleased that Quasi actually pointed out they hadn't signed anything, and would be quite worried of the state of mind of anyone who even offered such agreement to them, because why in the name of whatever one believes in would a nation full off fire breathing creatures agree to not use fire? And to make sure such would never be agreed was exactly why she had insisted to make decisions like that to require the input of all levels of decision making, she could block such moronic agreements. 

"Humanely? I don't recognize that word, from sounds of it it's something Earthlings use." Being a word that came from word human, it wasn't part of her kind's or ponies' vocabulary, until of course ponies already adopted it from Earthlings after the portal thing, so she had no idea what it meant, though she had a guess. "But don't worry, they're not worthy of entertaining me." If there was nothing else, Ruby would proceed to the execution, starting from the assumed leader, and her exact actions for each would be, grab them by the neck, lock eyes, ask for last words, actually give time for last words, snap neck, move to next prisoner. Any insults, threats or other attempts to be tough would be ignored, Ruby looked almost like she was doing a chore, not giving the rebels even enough respect to give any real effort in killing them.

The last thing she would do would be to drag the bodies out of her room on the hallway and close the doors when everyone was out, after that she would start heading out, there was nothing she needed to get ready for a fight, she was always ready. 


"So they all say..." Ember started, and before anyone could say anything "...and don't bother even starting, you should know me well enough to know that you will just end up arguing in circles with me if you try to convince me otherwise." "You like militaries and what they do, I don't, period, end of story, agree to disagree." 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

A guard would ask if they made peace with their God and they would give an answer before they were killed. Quasi would go to his personal armory and grab a spear and put on some armor before returning to Ruby.

When Ruby was ready he'd head out to the frontlines. When they got there, dead existed on both sides though, the nightwings held their own well, but they were stuck in some sort of stalemate. The attacks would fire at Quasi, though the bullets would do nothing due to the upgrades he made when he went to Ruby's land. However, explosives could easily kill him if he was hit so he'd have to be careful.

Quasi would rip a barrel off a tank and throw it through another. This would terrify a few of the humans though, the braver ones would keep up the fight. He'd then go back to command his soldiers.

"I want that unit over there to fly and flank them. If we can get them encircles, we can destroy them, take some prisoners if possible, I want to know how they got here!"


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@Catpone Cerberus

A guard would ask if they made peace with their God and they would give an answer before they were killed. Quasi would go to his personal armory and grab a spear and put on some armor before returning to Ruby.

When Ruby was ready he'd head out to the frontlines. When they got there, dead existed on both sides though, the nightwings held their own well, but they were stuck in some sort of stalemate. The attacks would fire at Quasi, though the bullets would do nothing due to the upgrades he made when he went to Ruby's land. However, explosives could easily kill him if he was hit so he'd have to be careful.

Quasi would rip a barrel off a tank and throw it through another. This would terrify a few of the humans though, the braver ones would keep up the fight. He'd then go back to command his soldiers.

"I want that unit over there to fly and flank them. If we can get them encircles, we can destroy them, take some prisoners if possible, I want to know how they got here!"


"Not everyone will agree with everything."

"Will Dasonia communicate with the other worlds?"

"No, we only have Equestria and other nations protecting us from interference. We don't usually interact. Soldiers left the land during the war due the threat we faced."


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Before arriving to the battlefield, Ruby said two things to Quasi, "You can handle commanding this time" "And if there already isn't somebody, make sure you choose someone to go to the city in case the rebels try something while we are here." besides that she said nothing.

Ruby's approach was more direct than Quasi's, she too went after a tank first, landing directly on top of it, she then ripped a hole into it like it was a tuna-can and filled it with fire, she then calmly rose her head and looked towards the enemy lines, grinning. Small arms did absolutely nothing to her, even the noise didn't bother her since she had taught herself the spell to protect her ears from it, and while explosives and other bigger anti-armor weaponry could harm her, it would need to be a direct hit, and hitting her wasn't easy, because while she was big, she was also fast and unpredictable. 

Trying to sneak up on her didn't really work either, because any weapon powerful enough to do real damage had metals in it, and she could sense those independent of her other senses, meaning that she could be blind, deaf and unable to smell anything, and she could still tell exactly where those weapons were. She moved from vehicle to vehicle, destroying them one by one, sometimes burning the insides, sometimes pulling the crew out and crushing or slicing them, but while she doing that, she was also heading towards the back of the enemy line. If any infantry happened on her way as she did this, they were either burned or slashed, her way of fighting definitely wasn't 'humane' as Quasi had put it. 

This wasn't just her being reckless, it was actually very well calculated decision, not only were she pulling the fire towards herself, allowing the others to do whatever, it was also for morale, her calm way of doing it signaled that this was easy to her, telling her own side how strong fighter she was, and showing the enemy just how terrifying she was, or in other word, rise of morale in her side, and lower morale on the enemy side. It also wasted ammo, which was always good.

And honestly, she was having bit of fun too, it was amusing to wait until anti-armor weaponry was aimed at her only to jump out of the way just as they pulled the trigger, her knowledge on when to time it was again a show of her ability to adapt, she had seen these weapons used at least once, and that was all she needed to avoid them quite well.

"You came to the wrong nation Earthlings!" 


Ember, not really being interested in the topic, looked towards Cinder, maybe she could humor the other hybrid at some point, sure she was bit doubtful about her still, but even if it would turn out she was a liar, it would be interesting to have a chat, because however true the words coming out of her were or weren't, she couldn't deny that they had lot common, certain details in appearance, them both being hybrids, and the fact they both were followed by army of specific animal type, quite a coincidence if there was no connection. 

Cinder noticed that she was being watched, and just flashed the smug grin that was already so familiar at Ember before continuing to toss a coin shaped crystal she had been flipping for a while now. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

A unit would flank the attackers. Once the attackers were surrounded, things started to move. The attackers fought desperately but, the nightwing numbers and the attacks on the vehicles gave the vehicles a difficult time using any viable strategy, the nightwings were very skilled warriors, the only reason they lost to the rainwings was because the island they were at was going to be destroyed by a volcano and they didn't expect the rainwings to attack. In this situation, the nightwings were able to adapt, having done military exercises to handle an Earthling attack. That, combined with Quasi's ability to lead with his training under the wing of Mira. Also, this wasn't a true military force by a private military contractor that was facing a professional army of Nightwings.

Once many of their guys were killed and things looked bad, anyone that couldn't run would surrender or die in a hopeless desperate fight.

Quasi looked at Ruby.

"Wanna help interrogate prisoners? You tend to have good attention to detail. The way this battle turned out will boost moral in building this nation and in the event of future war."


"So, Arrow, you plan on celebrating Christmas right?"

"Yeah, never celebrated this holiday, it's pretty similar to Hearth's Warming, just celebrated for different reasons."

"Yeah, we celebrate a festival of Harvest in November before Christmas in our land. Very similar to thanksgiving in America, they seem to like the thanksgiving dishes I've introduced to see if they'd like it for the actual Harvest Festival. I try not to introduce things that would interfere with the Nomadikan culture, which given how the culture works isn't a difficult problem. During Christmas we don't believe in a Santa, in fact it has been said by many in our land that Santa takes from the purpose of the holiday. We exchange gifts, feast, and sing hymns on that day in our land it'll be the first time I've celebrated there."

"How would your land even know of this stuff if you're isolated?"

"Our land was visited by missionaries long ago. Years later Romans discovered the land too and attacked, but were pushed out. The Romans weren't as friendly at the friendly ones."


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As things calmed down, Ruby nonchalantly made her way back to the others, a body dragging after her seemingly stuck to her back leg, she shook the body off like it was piece of dirt and didn't pay any attention to it. She stared down those that had surrendered, her lack of respect towards them being obvious from her cold expression, to her they were less than animals, because at least she could eat the animals. 

"I'll oversee it, but you do most of the talking, you know how I feel about these creatures." while her feelings towards them was truthful, she also had a small act to keep up, she wanted to hammer into the heads of Earthlings just how unimpressive they were, she could be equally cruel psychologically as she was physically.


Again, there wasn't really anything for Ember to say, she wasn't going to celebrate Earth holidays, mostly because they held no meaning to her, and if something had no personal meaning, what was the point? if she wanted to celebrate for sake of celebrating, she could make her own reasons, there was plenty of things in her life for that, no need to take from other cultures in other worlds.



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

Quasi and some soldiers would take all captured people to a prison, meant for prisoners of war. He did account for the fact that humans were smaller than dragons, so there were no bars mostly except for bars behind a glass window, seemingly a strong glass made by Equestrian ponies. The prison cells were made of super strong concrete, courtesy of Equestrian unicorns. Some would be interrogated one at a time, some would refuse to speak and in that case, there would be negotiation attempts, some requests were outlandish, others like wanting to contact family were considered reasonable and would be granted had they choose to speak.

Some were intimidated by the dragons naturally and would speak immediately.

Others wouldn't speak at all, it was no loss though, others would speak up. Torture wasn't an option even for foreign attackers.

"Did the Russian government give you direct permission to attack?"

"No, we didn't ask for permission, they were aware of it though, they just let us do our jobs."

"Alright, and your friends also admitted that a group of sandwings called the 'Wings of Revolution' were what paid you."

"Bekisnhlekil! What should we do? Should we try and get the Russian government to shut these guys down? We'll cut off a little bit of trade, if they refuse to shut them down, we'll cut off all ties."

The nightwing general would come in.

"Queen Bekisnhlekil, King Quasi. We've gotten reports thats the multiple nations have condemned the attacks on our land, Equestria offered to help with relief efforts and sanction the Russian government."

"Good, I'll send a message of thanks to the Equestrians. We'll have to show restraint, we can't declare war since it wasn't their government that actually ordered an attack. We should include in our message to them that we demolished the attackers and that any act of aggression from their government will result in strong retaliation. Anyway, that was the last one for today, we can leave the rest to our guards."


After some time, they'd be flying to the City of Night where the battle happened.

"This is their capital it seems. Why are there dead huma- oh hey, I fought those guys before, it was a few days before Ace took down a bunch of fighter jets in a WWII plane, he actually gave that to me in his will, it's in Dasonia being kept in proper condition by some coyotes I taught and hired to take care of it."

"I did hear there was a bit of a rebellion happening here, not an all out war but, I think a resistance group hired them. It would only make sense."

"I see some destroy tanks, torn apart, looks like the work of Quasi and Ruby."


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Ruby yawned few times and that was pretty much all of her participation in the interrogations themselves, besides the unbroken cold stare she gave to everyone, she wasn't really fan of the friendly way they went about it, sure she had promised to leave torture out of these things, but that didn't mean they had to be nice, she could cause suffering without technically torturing anyone.

"Shutting them down does nothing, they'll just come back with different name." She pointed out "But do that, and make sure it's known that we don't tolerate this kind of nonsense, we are well aware of Earthling tactic of secretly funding wars and other similar things, and any such manipulation we have no patience for." "A message should be sent to whoever has the responsibility of watching over the portal too, to let them now that if they are so incompetent that a small army managed to get past them unnoticed, they better improve or there will be ramifications. And if they saw them but never informed us....they are on thin ice" it had to be made clear that they didn't need earth, and any negative event will be more negative to Earth than them.


"Well that didn't take long." Ember remarked "Told you Earthlings were trouble." this didn't exactly disprove that point, sure it had been hired militia, but Earthlings none the less. 

Cinder looked at the destroyed tanks a shine of admiration in her eyes "So you are telling me that this Ruby you talk about did that!?" it didn't really matter if she got an answer or not, in fact, she didn't even check if she was as much as acknowledged, she just muttered to herself "I need to meet that Dragoness."  if it hadn't been clear already, she may have been slightly insane.



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

Quasi Nix pointed to the nearby general.

"Tell them to shutdown that group or we will cease all trade. Also tell them that if they allow this again, their nation will be invaded."

Quasi knew something about the Earthlings, they were very afraid to start a war with the other worlds as they didn't know their full ability.

It turns out from what the attackers said, they came in disguised as a trader ship, he pointed out to a member of the council walking by.

"I want you to sign a law stating that all ships that enter are to be searched immediately, let that include airships, jets, and planes."

Quasi looked out the window and noticed an airship land.

"Speaking of airships, some of our guests arrived. We'll be giving the quarters in the castle. Seems Myra and Sky are here to, brought a baby with them, glad they decided to show up."


When they landed, Sky looked around.

"Think they got food at the wedding? We got the invitation but, weren't originally going to go. But, it seems we're going given the current issues."


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Ruby cut in before the general would have time to leave "Let's reword that, we don't want to invite war on our door, don't say we'll invade, say that, if something like this happens again, it will be considered a hostile action, and thus the response will be hostile." "Inaction is also an action." Ruby may have not been interested in taking part in the politics side of things, but that didn't mean she was ignorant about them. 

She looked, as to be expected, unenthusiastic about the guests, though she was slightly surprised Ember bothered to come, she looked at Cinder suspiciously for a moment but didn't say anything about her, it wasn't anything she saw per say, to her she just looked like weird distant cousin to Ember, but her extra sense picked up something that made her curious. "It seems most of the guests I actually know have arrived then." 


"You really think there wouldn't be?" Ember questioned "We are talking about wedding between dragons, creatures of greed and gluttony." Honestly, she didn't think Ruby would be there if there was no food, in fact, what she had learned about her, if it weren't for Quasi, she would have expected to see one of each guest's species roasted on the table. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

The guards would let the guests into the castle.

"Woah this place is big, though we weren't originally going to go to the wedding, we've got an issue, we got news of a threat in your land Ruby, these things capable of destroying my world are kind of an issue. Maybe you could... like use that animus magic to go to war with them?"

"That poses an issue," Quasi cut in. "While animus magic is strong, I don't know what these creatures can do. I don't know if they can surpass animus magic or not. And the people, they might not take a liking to going to war for someone else. We can't just loan you our magic either, it's simply too powerful to give to someone else, about as powerful as Discord if I was to guess."

"What about the elements of harmony?"

"You could do that but, they might find out in advance and strike first. Assuming these... elements of harmony will work on the creatures."

"You could threaten them."

"That could work but it could also provoke an attack."

"Anyway we'll deal with that later. Ruby, is there anything else you want to add?"


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"We will not take part in the wars of others, especially not against the Homelands." Ruby stated, this was something she wouldn't negotiate about "Besides, while I have no idea what this threat could be, if it's anything like my kind, the fact you have gotten far enough to get a warning means you are doing something very annoying, my guess being attempts to force yourself into our lands, in which case the solution is simple..." she changed her tone to annoyingly clear one, the kind one would use when speaking to a child or an idiot "...Stop doing it."

she was thinking about the possible cause of this threat if it was actually real, but she would need to study her books to get anything solid, all she knew was it couldn't be her kind, partly because they weren't exactly capable of destroying worlds, cause mass death and destruction? yes, but to destroy a whole world? that was magical power, something her kind didn't possess in large enough amount, their eastern cousins could theoretically have the potential, but those lizards were not only disgustingly peaceful, making even ponies look like violent maniacs, they also lived in literal bubble of magic that no amount of force or technology would be able to penetrate, so if they were even aware of the earthlings was unknown. 

She returned to her normal tone "Even putting that aside, what exactly you think we could do? I may be strong but even I'm not crazy enough to go fight a god just because they threaten a world I don't care about." which this threat basically was, since it would take god-like power to destroy a world. "If there truly is someone capable of destroying a world or worlds, they can probably turn us to ash by just looking at us." she was a fearless fighter, and would take on an army of gods if it came to that, but she wasn't stupid, there was no point in starting fights you knew were pointless.

Ember didn't comment as she had said everything she wanted about this topic earlier, Cinder also didn't comment, as she was busy staring at Ruby in awe, this was probably the first time she was seen without some kind of smugness on her face.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"My concern is that these creatures are willing to destroy all civilization just for being annoyed, who is to say they won't get bored and destroy you too? I tried to tell the Americans to leave them alone, they won't listen to me. And you have animus magic, you could take Discord with that if you wanted."

"Animus magic is not to be used lightly."

"How about this, you warn the Americans of the threat, have the Equestrians back you up on this. Better yet, maybe you can declare it as a colony and close it off to everyone, the land is technically unclaimed."

"What if we talked to the creatures and tried to find out what they wanted? These things people think are gods probably can be negotiated with."

Quasi would point out a general greeting the guests.

"Call the Americans and tell them to cease operations on that land, tell them there's... some rights of natives being violated by their actions and that Starlania is... protecting it. We don't want to start a war by telling them the nature of the issue. Don't tell them that part."

"From now on, this is talked about behind closed doors. This should temporarily neutralize the threat until we can figure out what to do."

Quasi had no plans to start a war but, he did recognize there was a threat so, he wanted to act cautiously.


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"If they were the kind to do something like that out of boredom, they would have done so already." "And talking is not an option in the Homelands." Ruby pointed out, and as a conclusion shared her opinion "I must second Sky's last suggestion, it would probably be best to declare it as our land, nobody should be able to stop that for the simple fact that I'm currently the only one outside that land with any chance to communicate with anyone there." granted that chance was very much nonexistent at the moment, but if her kind ever calmed down enough to not kill everything that moved, it would be their own kind they would speak to, not some hairless apes threatening them with machines and weapons. "Though they are of course welcome to try and fail to take it from me by force." 

"That aside for now, where did you even hear about this threat?" Sky wouldn't have time to respond as Cinder raised her hand and spoke "From me your grandeur, I met one of them once, getting their machines destroyed wasn't enough of a repellent to earthlings, so they send out messengers." Ruby looked at Cinder in her usual cold manner "Don't go too far whoever you are, I'd like to speak to you privately at some point." while some may have felt fear, Cinder looked quite happy that Ruby had invited her to talk.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"You know we don't actually have people talk to us like that, right? Not most of us at least."

"The Storm King was like that."

"And Ruby likes to be called great one when people cannot pronounce her new name I've heard from some nightwing on the way to the coffee shop."

"Fair idea, it's not claimed and Ruby's claim may hold some weight. Perhaps some of them will be willing to be soldiers. Then again, your kind is a little... unpredictable, wouldn't wanna end up like that draconequus you killed."

"You may want to make your kind listen to you if you wish to rule directly. Unless you wish to give them their own autonomy. However, either way, the claim is meaningless if they don't recognize your rule."

"Perhaps a show of force will do. Give our military the best deathwing bone spears and scale armor, though the council had us make fake bone and scale due to... ethical reasons, they still simulate the exact qualities of the real thing due to magic stuff. We can probably force the deathwings to except our rule."

"Or we could send our navy out if the U.S. refuses to leave and use military force if they still refuse. But I don't want to start a war with the most powerful nation out of all our worlds. And then there's starting a war with NATO nations including Equestria."

He'd point to the general he pointed to before.

"Tell them we lay claim to Ruby's homeland and that they are violating the rights of our citizens. Tell Equestria the actual situation, they know world ending threats all too well, they will recognize our claim."


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"I simply call those greater than myself as they deserve to be called." Cinder simply remarked

Ruby was so used to being talked about like she wasn't standing right there at this point that she just didn't care that it happened "They won't recognize anyone's rule, they live in anarchy, and they don't need to, because they are primitive tribe that shouldn't be disturbed." Ruby stated, lot of these words didn't really mean anything to her, but she had heard enough to have learned enough to use the terms for her own gain, or in this case her kind's gain. "How is it that the one time I actually think of the good of others, nobody listens to me?" "I have said it many times and say it again, the last thing anyone wants is for my kind to cooperate, either my kind is left alone to live isolated in the Homelands killing each other, or they join together to kill everyone else, there's no diplomatic solutions, as they don't negotiate, show of force won't help, because they will take it as a challenge , the safest solution is to leave them alone." "Even without this new threat Earthlings are playing with fire, my kind may not be able to destroy everyone else, but the casualties will be beyond all the mass deaths any of the three worlds have seen before, combined." she also addressed the general "Tell me if they don't listen, I'll meet them personally if they don't." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"If you meet the American leaders, please don't attack them."

"Do you wish for me to send our navy to the island also?"

"Yes but make it clear this isn't an act of aggression but just sending people to enforce our rule. Tell them however, that we won't tolerate this attack on the rights of our citizens."

A shot would be heard and a sandwing along with a spear would fall to the ground.

"Where'd the firearms come from?"

A nightwing would yell out.

"Gift from Britain! Not enough for entire army yet but enough for a few units, general ordered us to distribute some. Also, he ordered more to be made in some of the unused factories Equestria made for us. Also, that sandwing tried to assassinate you."

"Right, good work soldier! Guards! Take the wounded sandwing to get medical treatment, once they're stabilized, have them interrogated and put on trial, ensure their right to an attorney as per law."

"Your people have rights?"

"Yep, right to a trial, free speech, right to keep and bear weapons. This nation was made for the freedom of my people, not for the oppression of them."


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"I'm violent, not an idiot." Ruby remarked, she barely acknowledged the sandwing, she had sensed them and didn't see them as a threat enough to react, it was in a way slightly boring to know that someone would  protect you. 

"Not only your 'people'" She pointed out to Quasi "This nation is a sanctuary for those who don't have other places to go, be it oppression from military might, physical fault, mental problem, political opinion, or moral disagreement, the reason why other nations aren't a choice for them doesn't matter, as long as they follow the few rules we have, they are welcome here." "I am curious what exactly made you think I would be a tyrant, I think I've made it pretty clear that I am believer of total freedom." Granted Sky didn't mention her, but it was quite obvious the question came from place of doubting her, since Quasi was so annoyingly good hearted that only idiot would think he'd become a tyrant.


Suddenly, Ruby shuddered, very unusual reaction from her, then she looked towards the entrance, muttering in her native language "*What..?..*" for now there was nothing to see. 





“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Well yeah, everyone's welcome but the main intention in starting the nation for me was to free the nightwings from the rainwings."

Sky would do something that surprised Quasi.

"*You do hate everyone that isn't you. That's one reason why. I could easily just say that in my language but I'm not here to make your citizens hate you. You need to learn morals and to actually care for others if you're going to run a nation.*"

"You know the language."

"It's from a game I play. Quite a coincidence."


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"There's a difference between hate and despise, it also isn't a secret, I'm not cheered because I'm caring and loving leader, I'm cheered because I rip apart our enemies without morality coming in the way." "There's a reason why Quasi handles most of the actual ruling while I come in only when his peaceful ways fail." not once during the process of creating this nation had anyone claimed Ruby to be friendly and loving, the whole time she had openly showed to everyone she ruled over that her 'care' about the citizens went only as far as her title as their ruler required it, she would defend them out of principle, but she certainly did not care about them as individuals. She said this all in the language everyone understood, before speaking in her native again "*Also, your pronunciation is abysmal.*"

She didn't look away from the door at any point during this, she seemed tense.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"How am I supposed to know how to pronounce it, I studied the language through reading."

Quasi would take notice of Ruby's tension. He couldn't read Ruby's mind but perhaps is someone dangerous was there, he could read their thoughts and that's what he'd focus on.

"*Anyone you know?*"

Myra, noticing the tension too would try to see if she could smell anything out of place. Sky would try and listen for anything.


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Ruby didn't respond to Sky as she was focused to the other thing now, but if she would have responded, she would have simply pointed out that she too learned a language from text alone, after self teaching herself to read her own language.

"*Haven't felt this kind of presence since I was tiny hatchling.*" This was one of her kind's natural abilities at work, as had been mentioned at some point before, they could sense each other's presence without directly sensing each other, the strength of this sense depended on the size and age difference, bigger the dragon, stronger the feeling, and this reminded of her mother when she herself was smaller than a pony, though this couldn't be her mother, since she had grown enough for that difference to not be as huge, her mother also was never like this. 

For the others, Quasi would most likely be the first one to spot anything, there being one extra mind, though there was no sign of aggression, rather, whoever it belonged to was at worst, slightly inconvenienced "*Bothersome little dragons getting in the way*".

Next would be the smell and sound, smell being similar to Ruby's scent of blood and fire, be it quite a lot stronger and coming from the opposite direction, and first sound would be the sound of several Nightwing guards going "Ma'am, you need to stop.", and only moments after that a bunch of guards were pushed in, none of them were seriously hurt, some bruising at worst, though their egoes had probably taken quite a hit, as the new arrival didn't even visibly acknowledge them trying to stop her, there was even few spears sticking out but it wasn't certain if the newcomer even noticed them. "We tried..." a guard started, but Ruby silenced and dismissed them with a gesture "I'll handle it" causing the pile of guard to scatter.

The arrival was another dragon, Ruby's kind, in fact, she was very alike to Ruby, her scales were two shades of crimson, pattern resembling dripping blood on her back, her horns and claws were black, though notably bigger than Ruby's, and she was twice Ruby's size, though the slightly weird proportions and the general...feel of this dragon implied that this was unlikely to be it's full size, something Ruby would confirm to those who could understand "*You are hiding your true size.*" her voice was stable, but it wasn't hard to tell she was mighty uncomfortable, to call it fear would have been misleading, but she did not like to be around this dragon "*Don't want to destroy your little castle*", the dragon was also carrying a big package on her back.

There was short a pause "*Who are you and what do you want*" the new dragoness lowered her head closer to Ruby's, Ruby showed her teeth but didn't do anything more, if she would have had the physical capability, she would have probably been sweating, she was actually shaking a little, but again, this was not fear, at least not by the usual definition, she didn't fear this dragon, as she feared nothing she could do to her, but her body wanted to run as far away as it could. "*I'm merely a courier, though I also wanted to see you, such a beautiful young dragon you have became, unlike your mother, that lazy lizard is a disappointment to her bloodline." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"*We really need a protocol for this situation when one of your kind is uncooperative.*"

He'd then speak to the dragon.

"*A courier?*"

Quasi would attempt to read the dragon's mind, wanted know if the package was a bomb or not.

'"*We can have some guards check the package, make sure it's no assassination attempt.*"

"*Hey, other dragon, is my pronunciation really that bad?*"


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