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open Rise of the Stars roleplay (1x1 with CatponeCerberus)


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@Catpone Cerberus

"Hybrids. We don't have many. We have them, just not many. Dragons here don't usually leave their lands. We tend to stay with our own kind. Though, we do have a low number of hybrid dragons. So, there were other dragons?"


"You're from Dragonlands then? Were you part of the war?"


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"Yes, too many to list, some with so little differences that I question the need to separate them as different species, it seems the nation was less a nation and more a collection of countless tribes unified together." "Some were more magical while others were physically strong, some were flightless while some barely touched the ground." "Those implied to be the ancestors of my bloodline make mostly sense, one species was known for brutality, one for stealth, one had impenetrable scales, and one healed from almost any injury." "But there is one that rises few questions..." she showed Quasi one of the hides with writing on it "...Black-hearts, as it roughly translates to, known for their black horns, they were a magical species, mainly dealing with dark forms of magic, death, shadows...anything that corrupts, terrifies or is otherwise unpleasant, they mastered, they got their name from their seeming lack of any emotion." "While the obvious connection is the horns, I wonder if I share any of that magical side, and the possible implications of that." she hadn't found the little magic she did especially challenging, it was actually quite easy when you considered she started from nothing, so such connection was possible, but her interest had peaked at mention of dark magic, could she master something like that? could she weaponize such horrors? "If this all is true, it would also mean that based on the timeline I am aware of, the elder that visited us, would be one of the first of my variation of our kind, possibly the mother of all black horns."


"Were from the Dragonlands, am not anymore, haven't been for a long time, I'm from nowhere, I have no home, no nation, no one species." Cinder corrected "And no, didn't take part in their war, I have no loyalty to them or anyone else." "But I was there, watching, didn't want to miss the action, it's so rare to see a good fight nowadays." as she spoke, Cinder created a poker chip sized disk with her magic and started flipping it like a coin. 


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@Catpone Cerberus

"Their downfall, I suspect these powerful creatures made that happen, since they want things to be the way they are now. But why is that? I want to know their intentions. If we meet one, I'd like to read their mind. Assuming that's possible. Even if they won't destroy our nation, the fact someone is capable of doing so bothers me."


"The war had some good fights. Many were one-sided, dragons weren't prepared to face advanced technology. Some weren't, an attack on American soil left over a million dead before they were pushed back. It wasn't much of an invasion but more of a how many could they kill sort of thing. Nomadikos, an island the size of Britain was attacked, has a few nations on it. Mostly medieval equipment with a few innovations. Defeated some jackal terrorists despite the technology gap. Nomadikans are skilled warriors, known for great strategy. We tend to stay out of the rest of the world's affairs, focus on our stuff and keep our culture alive."

"On the final battle on Nomadikan soil during the war, Dasonian soldiers would run straight into the gunfire, many dropping dead and yet the ones that lived never stopped the attack even when wounded. Eventually too many jackals were killed to put up a proper fight and they surrendered. The living were put on wooden ships and taken to the closest nation fighting the war. Our nations simply weren't equipped to hold all the jackals."


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"While I haven't found anything solid on them yet, I don't think they are behind it, the texts mention Homelands as this lush and pleasant place to live, something it certainly isn't, it's also implied it changed at some point of time, slowly turning into what it is now, driving the dragons into smaller and smaller area, causing greed over territory." "There's interesting detail in the wording, I checked it several times to make sure I didn't read it wrong, where it tells about the species that are the ancestors of current day dragons there, it speaks of those who stayed, not those who survived, or those who were left, those who stayed, implying the others left." "Where did they go?" "The ancestors of my kind's different variations and our eastern relatives' make less than half the mentioned species." "The missing species were all highly magical, this is just speculation, but what if these unnamed powerful forces are those dragons, or at least their offspring?" "It has been many millennia since then, if part of the civilization continued somewhere else, who knows what kind of magical powers or technology they may have created." 
Ruby explained, it was probably weird to see her this...analytical, but then again, her interest in books was not a secret, she had been carrying a small library with her every time she moved homes, she had many times referenced things she had read, hay, she had self-taught herself to read, learned a new language, and created spells from scratch. "Equestrian magic and Earth technology could be primitive compared to them, maybe they are not gods, but just very advanced civilization." 


Cinder let out an amused exhale, "A good fight is any fight with proper violence, I don't care who's the good guy or the bad guy, the one who wins wins, winners write the history, and the writers are always the good guys." the snake around Cinder raised its head and Cinder petted it with the hand she was not using to flip the 'coin' "In fact, I enjoyed the first defeats of the dragons, it was good someone finally pulled their heads out of their own backsides." "I wonder what the dear dragonlord would think if she knew I cheered for her defeat." her expression showed that she enjoyed the thought, she liked to make others mad, especially if they thought they had control over her.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"I see, so maybe they want to maintain an advantage over the dragons of your land. Or they want something else. I find it weird that they care about what happens there. Any ideas on weaknesses?"

"War probably won't happen but if it does, we should be ready. They don't seem interested in attacking us though, they seem to want to be left alone."


"Would they even care? They won in the end right? The Fironians weren't all that great, Fironia would've won had they not attacked the Equestrians. Then they attacked an American aircraft carrier and brought all of NATO into the war. Had they left everyone alone and only fought the dragonlands, Fironia would've won. Their leader made poor choices."

"Gladia's intention was to use the chaos of the nations attacking her capitol to gain power. Had she only attacked Equestria she would've succeeded in gaining this power. Though, she made many poor choices leading to her fall. She almost got nuked, and given her weakened state, that would've killed her. Ruby got to her first though, ripped the draconequus to pieces the Americans are studying the pieces, nothing they can use so far from what I've heard."


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"Nothing yet, though I doubt there will be anything that could be used against them, someone capable of hiding themselves this well wouldn't be stupid enough to share their weaknesses just like that, as the elder put it, we'll probably know only what we need to know." she looked behind herself towards the box with rest of the books still in there "And seeing what kind of books they sent, if I didn't know better, I'd think they want me to become more powerful."
she turned back towards Quasi "I just don't get what makes me so special in their eyes, not only did they sent an elder to bring a gift for me, said elder couldn't shut up about how proud they were of me, even insulting my mother while at it." 

"You underestimate how far a grudge can go for dragons, and dragons hate nothing more than their authority being challenged by those they see as inferior, like myself." Cinder stated, catching the 'coin' and making it disappear "And I heard about the whole draconequus mess, I expected her to lose, those obsessed with power tend to, they always either take on too big of an challenge or let it blind them from obvious tricks." "And while I love what Ruby did, tricking everyone on both sides, it was very idiotic from Gladia to hire someone who had just betrayed their old side, they always think they are the ones that can keep them loyal." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Could be a trick but, I don't know a reason why they'd want to try that. If they wanted you dead, you'd be dead. You're certainly a special dragon but, what do they want with you? It wouldn't surprise me if they had some sort of agenda. Didn't you say that long ago there was a prophecy that dragons in your land would rule over everything? Could that prophecy have come from them? I don't enjoy the feeling of uncertainty If even the elder doesn't know much, wouldn't that mean there is something to hide?"


"These powerful beings are probably why the Americans launched satellites into orbit in your world. Probably for nukes because their genuinely afraid of what comes from Equus. That's why so many nations on Earth want an alliance with Equestria. So if something goes wrong, they can come in and save the day."


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"Of course they have agenda, everyone does." Ruby mentioned "And yes, I mentioned a prophecy, but even though I have learned more about our kind since then, I still don't fully believe it's real, and I don't mean I don't think it comes true, I don't, but that's not the point, I'm not sure if I believe there really is a prophecy in the first place, because, I have no idea where or from whom it originally came from, all mention of it have been in form of someone telling there's one, not single mention has mentioned the origin." 

"But putting aside me not believing in prophecies, even if we were to say it was real, now knowing that my kind is relatively new, it's unlikely it has anything to do with me. Also, if we were to assume my theory correct, it would stand possible that the prophecy already came true, the Elder mentioned the 'forces' are from yet another different world, so, if we are to say they are the offspring of the ancient dragons from the Homelands, and add the fact that it is very possible, that they are ruling the world they are in, the prophecy, not mentioning a specific world, would have come true." 

"And lastly, of course there's something to hide, we are talking about creatures or beings who have hid their existence for who knows how long," They didn't even know for sure what they were, that certainly was something that was being hidden. 


"Yeah, their solution for powerful beings not liking when they send themselves and their toys to places they don't belong, is to send more just in case." Cinder remarked "I truly wonder how they have survived this long." she created the shape of a human skull with her magic and looked it over like she was examining it "Where's that all mighty god of theirs? Honestly, if it can't protect them from few breakers of reality, what good is it for? I wouldn't worship something that claims to be so great yet has nothing to show for it." she crushed the 'skull' in her hand like it was made of glass, the pieces then disappeared "I'm more fan of their old gods, they were more honest type, they were, as earthlings say, more human." she pushed her tongue out in disgust "Bleh, imagine making your own species into an adjective, it's like me saying, How freak of nature of you...hmm, that doesn't sound half bad actually." 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"We should keep an eye on the situation, don't be too quick to trust the guys. For all we know, they could be afraid of our animus magic and want to wipe us out for it. It's pretty powerful magic. Could wipe out everything, pretty crazy how no one has done it. Though now they never will since I took away animus magic from everyone else. Though, a draconequus could maybe give it back or make someone an animus. Or make them a draconequus."


"Nomadikan society and culture is much about the God you don't like. Of course, not everyone on Earth believes in the same God. There's the Norse god's people are starting to believe in those guys again, I think some people believe in those egyptian gods again. Then there's those who aren't sure. Oh and the ones who believe in no gods. I think there's one with like a million gods? Not sure how they keep count though. They must be good at math."

"People believe a lot of things."


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Ruby kinda just blinked at the first statement 'don't be too quick to trust', she? trust? she wouldn't even trust herself if she met herself, of course she didn't trust anyone involved in this. 
"Nobody has used it it wipe out everything because that would be stupid." Ruby stated, walking back into her room, turning her back to Quasi "You can't have power if there's nothing to rule over, what's the point of being the most powerful thing if you are the only thing around?"

"But that reminds me, there's something I'd like your input on." she took out more hide scrolls, two to be exact "I'm interested in visiting Earth to see what it actually looks like in there, but like with Equestria, it hasn't been build my size in mind, so I have been designing a new form for myself, a combination of Earthling and Equestrian dragon, a combination of protection and convenience..." she opened the hides, revealing very anatomical drawings of both a human and an Equestrian dragon, every anatomical detail was in there both from inside and outside "...but what do you think, for the chest area, should I go more for the human look or stay with the dragon look?" 


"And that's the difference between us, I don't 'believe in' anything, I've met gods, and seen the work of gods, I don't need to believe in them, as I know they exist, a god that you need to believe in, is either made up, or very ineffective, and either case, I'd refuse to worship such gods." Cinder stated, this was her honest opinion, but she also liked to rile up others "And I know what you're gonna say, 'but they are not gods.', they are, a powerful being, worshiped by lesser creatures, many time beyond the full understanding of the said worshiping creatures, that is, by definition, a god, the fact that you believe in certain god, does not mean, other gods are any less gods, less powerful gods sure, but gods nonetheless." "In fact,I'm sure if you were to ask this snake here..." she pointed at the snake around her "...I'm a god, and who are you to tell it that its believes are wrong? Because from its point of view, I am a being capable of great feats beyond its understanding, someone it asks for help from and gets helped by"  


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"I'm thinking more of the dragon look personally. Where on Earth would you want to go? There's many places with many cultures. I'd like to also say this would also be good for diplomatic reasons. They will probably adjust to accommodate bigger creatures but, it will take time. I've took Earth into consideration of course, I can turn into multiple creatures I've spoken with the changelings and Equestrians, they were able to use their magic to give me a spell. The spell might be given to diplomats in the future."


"I'll continue to believe what I believe. What you do, that's not my choice."

"In other news, I've realized something. Ruby is very similar to the dragons that may be found in a game I play, what's up with that? She even speaks the same language. Why do our worlds have some sort of similarity?"


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Ruby let out thoughtful hmm and rolled the hides, putting them away "At the moment I just want to see the planet, plants, animals, things like that, I want to know what kind of place it is." "I also want to see how humans tick, I know a lot already but certain things you can only see yourself, and culture has no effect on that, as all species have certain things that are true in every individual." she was ultimately a predator, so even if her intentions were peaceful, she approached it like a hunt. "Though, that isn't relevant for a while yet, since I still need to make the spell after finishing the design, and that will take time."


"To think this is the same guy who threatened my sister with a gun." 

"It makes sense that worlds similar to each other would connect instead of totally different ones." Cinder stated "Though is that really the weirdest part? I mean, I know plenty of old stories that fit perfectly with things from Earth and whatever this place is called." "In my personal opinion, which naturally is the only correct one..." she grinned "...this is lot weirder, we can talk to each other, you see, what are the odds, that three different worlds that get connected through what I assume to be random chance, all have the same exact language as the dominant language, be it called, ponyish, common, English, whatever, besides some slight wording differences, it is the exact same language." 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Plants are mostly the same from what I know, except they don't seem to have magical properties. this... poison joke I've heard of I don't think exists there either. There are ponies, horses, deer, and other things but they aren't sapient like they are in your world. Their typically used as livestock and beasts of burden. They've been ridden on in war in the past, Nomadikans still ride them in war. They seem to only have what would be described as earth ponies. Pegasi and Unicorns or even what you call alicorns were only known to exist in myth and legend. I think unicorns in certain religious texts are suspected to have described rhinos, possibly a translation thing."

"Dragons are also in Earthling myths and legends. There are games and movies centered around dragons. Some Earthlings think dragons are cute for some reason. I find that weird because we aren't cats, we're ferocious beasts that could kill them easily. I've seen some tourists look at us like we're in a zoo. But I guess that's to be expected, for a long time we had no idea scavengers were sapient."

At the point, it was pretty clear that scavenger was a word for human in Quasi's world.


"Yeah, looking back now that wasn't a good idea, I did get reprimanded for that, I had to take a few classes on gun safety, anger management, and proper protocol."

"I find that weird too. I know that in Quasi's world, it's some sort of magic translating the words, I'm not sure if Quasi even knows English. No... I think I've seen him write in English, so I think he used that magic paper to learn it. Perhaps for diplomatic reasons. The writing in Quasi's language is mostly weird markings I don't understand. It's called dragonspeak.

"We have some of the same animals too. I find that interesting. This opening of portals started with war, and that doesn't help with the anxieties of the people in all three worlds. Nuclear weapons were almost brought in and it is highly viable that I would've been one of the people dropping the nukes on that draconequus, all of the jets assigned to me and my team were set up for the worst. The fact we were scared enough to use nukes to take on one creature shows how the worlds are taking this. Whatever is true, I'm glad the nuclear option wasn't used, I don't think I could get over that."


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"I am aware of the basics, but like I said, some things I have to see myself, I notice things many others don't." Ruby simply stated, she had had her own projects while Quasi had done his things, and one of those things has been study of earth, hay, she had an anatomical picture of humans more detailed than most humans saw in their lives, not that it should have been a surprise that she did her homework, after all, she had infiltrated pony kind in the past, one didn't do such a thing without studying a bit first. "And you're one to talk, you somehow find me cute, I also would argue that cats too could kill an earthling easily if they wanted to." "And since you mentioned zoos..., be it known that I oppose such practice, instinctual creatures are meant to be free, not to be caged for the entertainment of self-righteous weaklings." for someone who saw no worth in life, Ruby seemed and sounded surprisingly genuine about her words, almost like there was actually some kind of morality in there, very messed up morality, but morality nonetheless. "If even a single dragon ends up in one of their zoos, I'll personally rip the whole place apart." 


"You and your nukes." Cinder said, creating a surprisingly accurate depiction of a nuke with her magic "For a world claiming to be the moral authority, Earth really does like to almost blow up things with nukes." she recreated a nuclear explosion with her magic "Quite similar to how the nations claiming to be the most good tend to have the most dirt to find, interesting isn't it?" "Though it is a shame nothing happened, I was curious to see how radioactivity would affect highly magical things." "It would have also been interesting to see if bunch of other beings would have joined together to Destroy earth for doing something like that, I don't think the other draconequuses would have appreciated you nuking one of them, no matter how morally good you'd claim it to be." Like Sky always seemed to end up in the topic of weapons, Cinder tended to push it towards death, destruction and the fact that she didn't like nations or such, while her sister at least recognized the necessity of some kind of government, Cinder was full on individualistic anarchist, even beyond someone like Ruby, who was also a believer of full freedom, but even Ruby recognized the use for some rules, for Cinder, life was too short to worry about morals, laws, or any other kind of rules, in her eyes, one should only focus on enjoying life, even if it was in expense of others. 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"I find you cute from the standards of a dragon. Earthlings are like us in the sense that they kill each other, and different in the sense they are creative doing so. It's only a matter of time they make weapons to handle specific magical creatures. It's what they do."


"And challenge Discord? Go up against the elements of harmony that turned Discord into stone? They haven't fought Ruby. Probably because Quasi is there and would declare war on them if they even scratched Ruby. Quasi is stronger than he let's on."


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"There's a difference between not being creative and not using that creativity." Ruby pointed out "I could create powerful weapons and spells easily, I just decide not to do so." "And while yes they will try to counter every being, they cannot do anything against those capable of breaking reality, their weapons are based on reality, all someone like discord would need to do is to change the laws of physics a bit and their nukes would no longer work." nukes were only one example, but since they liked to brag about them so much, she chose them. 


"Was that an attempt to defend Earth?" Cinder questioned, Sky's wording didn't fully make sense "You really think Discord would support someone mass murdering for sake of killing one of his kind, he's a spirit of chaos, not a killer, or the ponies? you think they would support nuking in any situation? And Ruby, she clearly hates the Earth, why would she fight on their side in such situation?" 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"That leaves them at the most risk. They'll probably utilize magic to improve their power. Whether that will work or not, I'm not sure."

A guard would walk in with two prisoners, they were both anthropomorphic foxes. One blue, the other white. The blue one wore leather armor while the other wore tribal clothing. 

"Our navy has spotted a wooden boat on our coast. When we searched them, we found these two, they put up a fight but we managed to capture them."

"We have names, I'm Corin and that's Enola."

"What are your intentions?"

"We're mercenaries. She's my wife. We're here because a group of bandits entered through your portal and sailed in the direction of your land. I come from the Kingdom of Vulpine."

Quasi would look at Corin and then at Ruby.

"He plans on cutting the ropes free using one of the guard's claws without them noticing. He didn't take my mind reading into account. But what he says is true. Should we consider his actions as self-defense in ignorance of authority?"


"Luna might be willing but, I have doubts on Celestia."


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Ruby looked at Quasi "*Why are we using ropes and not chains?*" she rolled her eyes, maybe she should have been bit more active with these things, she was the only one with a brain,"Since they haven't caused any real trouble, I don't see a reason to waste time and resources making this a big deal, so let's do as you said, though..."
she turned towards the prisoners "...since you and these 'bandits' are in our territory, before you are let go, you will tell us the details, who exactly you're after and why, and if this is official business, that way we can determine our actions relating to it, after all, can't let all random foreigners just freely chase and kill their enemies here." she turned towards Quasi again "*We need a contact with this 'Kingdom of Vulpine', let them know that we are in high alert and won't take responsibility if one of theirs gets killed for coming armed into our land without any communication.*" 


"You know, the whole thing about Celestia being foolishly kind is nonsense." Cinder claimed "You think she held 1000 years of peace without Luna and the elements by being nice?" "Sure she started the Royal guard, but everyone knows they were laughably useless." "Some think she just sent everyone to Tartarus, but there's only like two villains there plus wild creatures." "The only difference between the princesses is that Celestia has 1000 years more experience."  


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Well, they are soldiers of the Lupain Empire, a nation that fights using a legion system. They use a sword called a gladius and some of their soldiers have a helmet with a brush on the top.."

"Like the Roman Empire then."

"The what?"

"Don't worry about it."

"So, during the Coyonian war. They lost faith in their country after me and some people took back the city of Coya by pretending to gift them a giant wooden wyvern. Once night fell we captured the city. They've caused some trouble recently, we almost caught them but they got on some sort of boat and sailed in the direction of your land."

"Great One, we can also tell you that there was an empty boat. a few miles away from Corin's boat. There are reports of wyverns unlike the ones on Equus heading towards our land, some saw wolf-like creatures riding them. We suspect they may be hiding close."

"Do they intend to attack out lands?"

"Not on a large scale, no. Probably kill a few locals for food and supplies."

"Release them and give them back their weapons their minds show no intent to attack."

Corin would be given a sword and a couple daggers, they were made of steel, something expected from a mercenary. Enola would be given a spear, bow, arrows, and a hatchet. Her weapons we primitive, made of wood , string from some plant, and stone. Enola would speak.

"I come from what is called the Chula Tribe. I left with Corin to aid him in the war after bringing him back to health after he was wounded. I went on to marry him. You've spared us, the Chula tribe never forgets a debt."


"Yes true, Princess Celestia is willing to fight in a war, Princess Twilight convinced her that fighting herself was a bad idea she needed to lead the country. However, I question the power of the alicorns since when nightmare moon was separated from Luna, that or recreated with Gladia's power, I managed to blow up Nightmare Moon's head with a grenade. Seems their power is more in offense than defense. They can do damage but are still made with flesh and blood."

"Now that I think about it, Luna was chill for someone who saw the head of another version of herself get blown to pieces. Ruby's feat was more impressive honestly, a draconequus is more hard to kill I imagine. I think Quasi brought the head home with him but that's merely hearsay."

Myra would speak."So you're a mage. Some Americans scientists have made some breakthroughs on Equestrian magic, turns out it's magic in terms of look but not in actuality. Some sort of undiscovered energy originating from something in Canterlot, in their castle actually how it's powered is unknown. The energy is detectable though. It concerns us because that gives Equestria a weakness, should anything happen to their magic, it would be a disaster for Equus. They say hadn't Starlania come along, Equestria's fall and division would've been guaranteed in the far distance future, some say even past the alicorn lifespans. A chilling thought it's suspected Starlanian intervention prevents this timeline from happening."


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Ruby seemed bored about the whole thing,seemingly  dismissing most what had been said, only focusing on the important part, she then spoke more generally, she addressed to the two mercenaries "I personally don't care about the politics between other nations, so while you will be let to do whatever you're here to do, in case you want them alive, you better hurry, because the moment they harm our citizens, they'll lose their heads, metaphorically of course." In some cases literally. She then addressed the guards "Can you handle this one or do we need to get involved?" she didn't really want to have to deal with every little thing herself, sure she would happily kill anyone trying to attack the nation, but what good was an army if they couldn't deal with even the smallest of threats without her. 


"Nightmare moon used Luna's power, but when separated, she was just another evil force, not that powerful without actual alicorn host, she was also and idiot." Cinder stated "I don't like the princesses, but you clearly don't know anything about them." "And of course Luna was unfazed, she was the embodiment of Nightmares for a millennia, I'd imagine nothing faces her anymore." she created a round shape and kinda just spun it in the air "I also wouldn't call myself a mage, I like to get close and personal." she patted the weapon on her back "Magic is simply another weapon among others for me." "Though if we are to use terms from that one game, I would probably be a Warlock." she gave a sly grin

"And while I agree that Equestria is too dependent on magic, you clearly don't understand the whole picture." "Whatever earthlings may or may have spotted is only a one thing among many, pony magic is only one kind of countless magics, and magic is lot older than Canterlot, friendship, the princesses or even the pony kind." "Most of it is also unusable for earthlings, as earth and everything living on it lack the natural capabilities to control and generate magic." "Not that I ultimately care, my magic isn't bound to Equestria, and I couldn't care less if all three worlds got destroyed." 




“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"We can handle the issue. We'll let them do their job but we will keep an eye on them."

"Good. See to it that it is done."

When they left Quasi turned to Ruby.

"We've got much business to attend to, I've signed something where we are to allow citizens to have an audience with us. We'll be hearing their ideas for their nation along with grievances. It's meant to show that we take our leadership in good faith. It will take place in the throne room. If we are to truly give our people freedom, we must know what they want. We should also reward the militia that fought along side our army in that battle with the Earthlings the idea that even the civilians stand ready to fight says good things about our nation."


"I typically play a rogue though, I'd probably be a paladin, I suspect the same with Arrow. Ruby, not sure as she wouldn't even be a playable race. Personally, she reminds me of a chromatic dragon. Evil, greedy, immoral, just all around not good. Not sure what Quasi sees in her personally."

"Life isn't a game, she probably has some sort of morals."


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"Finally something I can agree with, we can't trust in our reputation alone to keep others away, and we can't be everywhere at once, so it is important to make sure that our weakest link, that being the civilians, are also capable of defending themselves, we should encourage independence in defending oneself, we will of course send backup and get involved ourselves, but first step to keep attackers away is to make sure that even the weakest of our citizens are a threat to our enemies." "True collaboration comes from selfish needs, to fight for this nation is to fight for one's own freedoms." she kept a pause "And yes, of course, listening to our citizens is also important." 


"Comparisons to entertainment we consume is a good way to look at things we can't put in words otherwise." Cinder mentioned "Though I disagree on Ruby being evil, is a snake evil for eating a rat? Or a tiger for killing other animal trying to steal its food? why does intelligence suddenly make instinctively acting animal evil?" "I know a long list of individuals lot more evil than her." "Did you ever have a conversation with her? And I mean a real conversation, where you actually let her tell her point of view?" "Did you ever even ask?" "Or did you just scream how evil she is and how wrong her opinions are?" 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"The Americans do something similar to an extent, though the issue is more debated, Starlanians tend to agree on weapons, Nightwings are highly skilled fighters, it's what we do best. We were feared and respected for a long time. Though, things are very tense with Icewings. After some events with Darkstalker, the real one not the fake ones we fought, the Icewings don't trust the nightwings. The two nations started to fight out of fear of the other. I'd like to prevent another war. Even though with our advancing technology and the other nations here being left behind in that regard, our advantage is great. Warships, factories, firarms. We'll be unmatched once we fully organize. Though nations outside this world... that would be so costly, even if we do win."

"We should get to the throne room and find out what our citizens have to say. Probably some people who don't understand the need for taxes."


"Everyone has their flaws, Sky. We've all done something that can be considered evil. For example, I've started a rebellion for selfish reasons dividing a country into two. Of course, I've figured out I should not do that but I still did it. And didn't you do illegal drugs and steal all the time in the past?"

"In my defense, addiction is a difficult thing and it isn't a funny thing. But I've been out of that game for years ever since I met Ace. Or was it since I was recruited?"

"You also threatened Ember and shot Ruby, you're not supposed to do that even if you know they're bullet proof, does gun safety mean nothing to you."

"Point taken."

Arrow would speak up.

"Ruby isn't all that bad, she seems to value the freedom of her people."


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"We better then use diplomacy to avoid the war, we need to arrange a meeting with these Icewings and see what the problem is, and, if they're small minded enough to blame whole species for actions of few, then me not being a Nightwing should be enough to raise their trust a bit." "And if they don't listen friendly words, then we'll just make sure they understand how futile it would be to start a war with us." 

Ruby sealed the doors to her rooms behind them as they went "I hope our citizens are smarter than that, even I understand taxes and I'm what this language would call an anarchist."  even though she was a leader of nation herself, she still didn't like nations, she understood the need for everything, but that didn't mean she agreed with it "And no, the irony is not lost on me, I am aware of the contradiction ." 


"Ding ding ding, a point to the weird pony my sister has a crush on." Cinder declared in overly energetic manner, doing finger guns towards Arrow, before going back to her usual demeanor "Though that one isn't really that hard to figure out, Ruby clearly despises those who try to control others, and she clearly opposes authority," "Truly a dragon after my own heart." 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"They had an ice cliff, a wall that killed non-icewings. It's gone now. So if war starts, an invasion is viable."

Quasi sat down on his throne and the first dragon approached.

"King Quasi, Great One. Sandwing rebels have stolen land from local farmers for their operation our militias are fighting back, taking back land while defending it also but good dragons are dying because of this. Something must be done."

"This is a serious problem. Our people have a right to live in peace and have no fear. We are doing everything we can. Firearms are in the process of being made, we'll distribute some to your militias to fight the terrorists."

Quasi took a parchment and wrote something, then stamped the paper with the royal seal.

"I've just signed into law giving your militias the right to arrest and kill anyone in the act of terrorism along with those marked as a terrorist by the guards and/or government. I am proud to see that even our civilians stand ready to defend our land."


"Wait she has a crush on me? It's hard to tell."

"Alright, you've made your point. In other news... I've invited the president of Molossia to attend the wedding as a joke. His country isn't really a recognized country, he just says it's a country. I just thought it would be funny."


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