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Reality's Art Gallery

Reality Check

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OK, so I'm gonna be posting art here every now and then, though most drawings are likely going to be about my OC as it's kinda what I'm best at, but I digress.

This is just something I wanted to do for fun. I wanted to try drawing my OC in a species other than a unicorn and I decided on a kirin, so I drew Reality as a one.

(P.S. I was actually hesitant to post this at first, but my parents convinced me to share this anyways, so... yeah)




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  • The title was changed to My Art Gallery

Nightmare Night / Halloween is around and I wanted to make a Halloween costume for my OC to commemorate

So I went with a character I liked from a show I liked. In this case, Mysterion from South Park. I didn't copy everything about the costume, but I imagine this is what his costume would be like if he made one




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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2021-09-24 at 5:03 PM, Reality Check said:

OK, so I'm gonna be posting art here every now and then, though most drawings are likely going to be about my OC as it's kinda what I'm best at, but I digress.

This is just something I wanted to do for fun. I wanted to try drawing my OC in a species other than a unicorn and I decided on a kirin, so I drew Reality as a one.

(P.S. I was actually hesitant to post this at first, but my parents convinced me to share this anyways, so... yeah)

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I know what you are talking about, I also had hesitation to post my art attempts at first :>

I think you're art is awesome. Please continue and share it :> I'm looking forward to see it :>

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21 hours ago, Astral Soul said:

I know what you are talking about, I also had hesitation to post my art attempts at first :>

I think you're art is awesome. Please continue and share it :> I'm looking forward to see it :>

Good to know that I'm not alone on that. Also, I'm glad to hear that you enjoy my artwork and don't worry, I don't plan to stop posting artwork here. Though I likely won't be posting often, maybe once every few months

(Just to let you know, I'm most likely going to post artwork here during holidays, like Christmas and Halloween)

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Figured I may as well post this, better than leaving in on shelf for who know how long.

So I had an idea to try and make my OC, Reality Check, into different species, this changeling design being one of them. The reason for that is about the same as for when I drew him as a kirin, just for fun.

I planned to do other species as well, so yeah, might wanna expect that sooner or later.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I kinda had this idea one day that Reality is able to pull out and do animation with his own drawings with his cutie mark being a drawing tablet.

The main reason why I thought about this was because I figured since I set my OC in G4, a time where drawing tablets are likely not a thing yet, so it wouldn't really make sense. So I wanted to give his cutie mark a bit more meaning other than just digital art.

(I have no experience in drawing birds, so I looked up some references of birds that in MLP FiM, just wanna clear that out)




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  • 1 month later...

So... yeah, this was a little something I wanted to do to celebrate Christmas this year.

I'll admit, I was on a bit of a funk about what I could do with the costume for this one. I just thought of what my OC could wear as for the holidays, maybe a bit about what he wears during the winter as well, so I just thought about having him wear a santa hat and a scarf. It's a bit simple, but it was kinda the best I could think of.




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  • The title was changed to Reality's Art Gallery

A little something I wanted to for a while now

I wanted to try my hand at drawing pokemon. I figured I'd start out with Turtwig, mostly 'cause he's my favorite starter. Who knows? Maybe I might trying drawing other pokemon as well for fun.




(Edit: I didn't realize that I got Turtwig's eyes' wrong until I took a closer look, so I went ahead and fixed it)



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  • 5 weeks later...

I got bored and ambitious, that's all I'll say

I kinda got the idea to feature an artwork of my OCs in my 'about me' page. (Which I'm planning on filling out) I just finished one for Reality, so I'm gonna go do Dusky next




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Welp, time to bring back an old OC of mine. Mostly 'cause I said I would

So yeah, I made one for Dusky Wings. I think it's been maybe over a year since I last did something about him. P.S. I think the hardest part for me is finding a way to show his talent and magic




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  • 2 weeks later...

Aight, time to put the new OC I adopted to good use

This was one I wanted to make as soon as I got her. And I think went pretty well. I think I might also think about her character a bit in the future. P.S. This is the first time I've used a background by someone else

(Background by 90Sigma: https://www.deviantart.com/90sigma/art/Background-Everfree-Forest-Clearing-450655666)




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Figured I'd expand on Reality's ability a bit more, so I made this

Also, BOY was the roc hard to sketch out at first, especially how I had to draw a small one from scratch. As for why, that's because I thought if he spawn a large one, it'd look like that size doesn't matter in that case. Plus it saves me the trouble of having to a size comparison between the two




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Finally! Finished the character art for my new OC. Man was it harder than I thought

I figured that since Phantom Skies is a bat pony, why not draw her hanging upside down on a tree just like Flutterbat? (Which honestly was a bit more of a challenge than I thought. Both drawing the tree and her upside down) Also, I decided to have her eyes glow yellow when she's using night vision



(Edit: I kinda realised that I might've accidentally made her look a little more menacing than I thought. That wasn't intentional, I swear)




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I got the idea to change my avatar, so I made this. (That and I got a bit bored)

I wanted to feature my OC in some way in my avatar, which is kinda the main reason why I wanted the redesign the whole thing. I'm still a bit insecure about the whole thing, so I'm gonna leave this on and see how it goes from there. Who knows, I might switch back the the cutie mark and cap avatar I had before.

(If it looks a bit blurry, that's because I had to decrease the size before I can use it as an avatar.)




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thunderlane and Rumble flying, 'cause why not?

Anyways, I wanted to step away from just making art of my own OCs and try my hand on canon characters. So I chose these two first, can't exactly guarantee that I'd do it again though. Also, I tried to make a background of the sky for this art piece, but it ended up looking like a kid's drawing, so I excluded it




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Boy had I not been here as much as I used to... Now for where I've been these past few days...

About a week ago, I joined a place called the rift cafe, a place where brony content creators, such as analysts and artists get together in an inter-stellar cafe. I knew about this place for a while and decided to join the server when I saw their latest video. I got there without any problems. Reality however... let's just say he came in with several marks and bruises and possibly a coma




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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, I'll just come out and say it, I'm a yu-gi-oh duelist

For those who don't know, yu-gi-oh, or duel monsters, is a children's card game by Konami where people duel against one another with monsters, spells, and traps. It was an interest I picked up from being part of the rift and played with others, and boy did I have a fun time duelling others




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