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private Adventure awaits, so get me out of here~! (1x1 with Pastel Heart)

Samurai Equine

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@Pastel Heart

For most, it seems like a normal day in Manehattan.

The Mare Statue of Harmony is still torch and book, standing strong for all the ponies to see.
The top of the Crystaller Building is still adorned with a golden horse head.
And most of all... Ponies are just too busy to have time for each other.

With so many businesses, so many sights and wonders to behold, and with so many dark underbellies to get lost in, it's easy to turn a blind eye to what's in front of you. Smaller shops often suffer, and there is a lack of genuine kindness and generosity...


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@Oni Equine

...And all that aside, at least one pony still adored this city and all its chaos. One filly, at least.

A small pink earth pony sang to herself as she passed by the Mare Statue of Harmony, giving it a smile as she walked along.

"I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly, I'll do what it takes til I touch the sky~"

While her singing voice was notable, it was lost in the crowd, not that she minded--a good part of a city like this is while no one really acknowledged you, if you were weird you people would ignore that too. It was the weekend, so she didn't have to even worry about school, just finding things to do in this seemingly endless town. The arcade was fun, but samey--today she wanted more of a challenge. Maybe she'd even run into someone suspicious! Or part of a gang! Or a beautiful princess! Her imagination raced--

And she forced herself to stop. Red light. It was time for the cabs to pass.

Pastel loved Manehattan but, but she was always looking for an opportunity to be the kind of heroine she wanted to be. Maybe, today would be that day...

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@Pastel Heart

"I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change; and breakaway~ Out of the darkness and into the sun... ?"

Somewhere, somepony is singing the same song to himself. It's an older pony, a young adult that is dressed nice but not too fancy, and sporting a spiffy hat with a large feather in it. He is singing that song to himself, but he can't quite sing the next line. "Eh, what friends? Maybe some day, I hope... I mean, I KNOW! I definitely know. Just gotta keep tugging on." The sharp dressed pony tries to be his own motivational speaker as he puts a sign on his shop.

Closed Until Further Notice.

This day, Trilby Hatter has a backpack full of supplies, a map, and a checklist. As he walks down the sidewalk, he looks through his list. "Got that. Got that. Got two of those. Three of those... I think I'm ready; just wish I wasn't doing this alone." As he puts away the checklist and rounds the corner, as if on cue, Trilby bumps into Pastel and falls on his flank. "Oh! I'm so sorry~! I was thinking about my trip, and I should have looked where I was going, and..." Trilby sees who he is talking to. "...A pretty pink earth filly?" Trilby asks, tilting his head.


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@Oni Equine

"Wanna feel the w- OOF!"

 Making a sound akin to a high pitch Link getting batted over, Pastel is cut off and toppled over by a big bump. Her whole body wobbles as she lands, as if she shared the same physics as a Chao. She blinks twice. Despite being the smaller pony and getting the worst of that exchange she seems okay; more surprised that anything. With so many ponies walking in this city it was bound to happen eventually!

She shakes her head and looks up. Woah. He totally looks like a the main hero of an adventure series! So cool! Her eyes sparkled. Upon being called pretty she giggled into her hoof with a little blush and sprung herself back up.

"That's me~! Pretty in pink! I would say one and only but that's probably not true." she giggled. She was able to get a better look at him now. "You're not so bad yourself, big guy~ you're not from around here are ya? You some kind event character?" She asked in a confusing way. Yep. Trilby found a weirdo.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby giggles into his hoof. "You're too kind. Not sure what the event is; just hope it's not a quick time event." He picks himself as well. "My name is Trilby Hatter! I make hats for a living; but right now, I'm about to go for a hike in the woods. It's funny you should say that actually. I moved to town over a year ago, and yet I still feel out of place here. And what's your name? I guess I should at least know who I'm bumping into." He offers a hoof.


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@Oni Equine

"I'm Pastel Heart! First of my name, and probably the last!" She smiled and shook his hoof. Her hoof was a lot smaller than his, with a hard enough shake he might shake her like a racket.

"A year? I've been here all my life! This place grows on you. Eventually." She giggled. "A walk in the woods though? Isn't that dangerous for a simple hat merchant? I think you need the escort of a dashing heroine!" She beat her chest with her hoof in an over the top way.

...No matter how you looked at it though, she didn't seem very reliable. Definitely has the spirit though.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby makes sure to be careful shaking her hoof. "Dashing? Hmm... Maybe I do! I've always wanted to share a journey like this with a friend. We'll brave the wild unknown together!" Trilby strikes a dynamic hero pose!

... Then he realizes something.
"Umm... Should I be asking your parents about this before you join me? I have plenty of supplies, and I can buy more, but I don't want any pony thinking I just foalnapped my first friend." Trilby says, joking slightly.


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@Oni Equine

The pair were probably getting weird looks from passerbys, but they were having fun so who cares!

Pastel stopped in her tracks, as if someone stopped the jazz music in the room when the whole parents subject came up. It was funny a little, telling everypony the same thing over and over.

"Oh, uh, I don't have any parents!" She said matter of factly. But before images of a tragic backstory could be conjured up... "...sorta. I live with my grandpa! Telling him would probably be a good idea, nyaha. Don't want him to think I've been foalnapped by a handsome pirate~ grandpa is super understanding, so when I tell him you're my friend he'll totally approve!" She jumped up and booped his nose with a big smile. She made it sound so easy. Did her guardian trust her that much? Maybe he was a little cuckoo.

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@Pastel Heart

"Ooh~" Trilby rubs his nose. "Pirate? Well, I've never stepped hoof on a ship before, but there was this one time I received a shipment of eye patches by mistake. Sold them for half the retail price. Hehehe~ A grandpa you say? Oh wow, we're actually doing this! Okay, let's see... Shirt is one straight and pressed. Breath is still minty fresh. Eye of the tiger? Check. Thrill of the hunt? Check. Okay then, I think I'm ready to meet the grandpa! Lead the way, oh brave Pastel." Trilby checks himself before letting Pastel lead him to her grandfather. If he's super understanding, then how hard could this be?


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"So there ARE pirates! Oh yeah! We're doin this~!" And lead the way she did. She tried to grab him by the hoof and pull him in the right direction, but that only works in the movies--she couldn't run the three legged race, so she just smiled awkwardly and led him the normal way.

North Manehattan was a clash of lifestyles. The poshness of the rich ponies who live in the skyscrapers, and the smaller apartments for the working class ponies, they were still pretty tall but less maintained. It's in this neighborhood where the gritty Manehattan noir look mixed up with the bright neon signs of Time Square. Small stores, bars, and corner stores that turned into dance clubs and other shiny places at night--and them next to the apartments that show their 20+ year old age with alleys, convenience stores and small parks. It only made sense that Pastel lived next to this world, where these two worlds collided. Pastel led Trilby to a small neighborhood of Little Japone, which resembled a mini Coltokicho Street. A certain pony from another timeline would like this place. In the corner of this little neighborhood was a large apartment. It was well maintained but carried a retro look. On the fifth floor of the apartment, Pastel led Trilby to a door, a little rustier looking than the others.

"I can't wait for you to meet him! He's SO COOL!~" Pastel grinned as she knocked on the door. She waited for what seemed like 5 seconds before the door flew open.

"MY FILLY!" A loud, booming voice from an even larger earth pony! No mane to speak of, a big bushy mustache, large belly, built like a brick house basically despite his age. THIS was HER grandpa?

"Hi Grandpa!!" Pastel hugged his leg, indeed indicating so. "This is my new friend Trilby Hatter! He's totally awesome! He's taking me on an adventure!~" she says with no pretense.

This earned him a glare from the old pony. Oh no. He approached him and leaned over him rather menacingly. "ADVENTURE, HE SAYS? BUT IS HE THE REAL, OR THE JABRONI?"

Pastel had a concerned look on her face. This wasn't how it was supposed to go...

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby was willing to hold hooves through the town, if that's what Pastel wanted.

Yes indeed, Manehattan is a big city, and it welcomes all kinds. From the fancies of elites, to the lowest of lowbrow. They say if you don't like one specific part of Manehattan, walk around in any direction long enough, and you'll find something different. And to Trilby's surprise, he soon finds himself in a smaller neighborhood, though still with plenty of its own sights to see. "Oh boy, I can hardly wait! I wonder if I should have brought a cake or something..." Trilby says to himself.

But his expectations of a kind old pony were quickly shattered when he sees an earth pony that could pass for a professional wrestler. Trilby's eyes go wide and his pupils shrink to specks. Trilby isn't sure if he shrunk a few feet in height or if he's standing before a titan. It's only natural he would start sweating a few bullets.

When he tries to speak, this is all that comes out...



But, turning his head to clear his throat, Trilby tries again.

"Hello Hatter, I'm sir Trilby, it's meet to nice you. I MEAN--!! Hello sir, I'm Twiffle Haggar, erh, Twooty Haspy, ugh... TRILBY HATTER! I'm Trilby Hatter. It's nice to meet you~?" Trilby finally spits it out and puts on his bravest smile, trying not to make himself look so nervous. Then her grandfather asks a strange question. "Uhh, well, I'm not sure what a jabroni is... But my quest is VERY real! I'm going to journey through rough lands, face off against dangerous beasts, conquer the unforgiving wilderness, eat popcorn WITHOUT butter or salt, and uh... Play harmonica while I'm there?" Trilby answers, striking a brave pose before running out stuff to say.


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The old stallions glare only intensified. It was hard to tell what he was thinking. Pastel had half a mind to step in at this point... However, just is she was ready to swoop in--

The old stallion bursted into laughter.

"HAHAHA! IRON SHOAL LIKES YOU, TINY STALLION! YOU'RE FUNNY! I see why my filly likes you!" He laughed heartily, his thick accent showing patted him hard enough on the head to knock him down. Was he a goron in disguise? Pastel sighed in relief, giving Trilby a sympathetic look.

"I am Iron Shoal! You may have heard the name! If not, greetings all the same!" From seemingly out of nowhere, he pulled out a bottle of cool, fizzy looking liquid. "Cold beer?"

Pastel was watching this play out quietly. Seemed this was how he acted normally...

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@Pastel Heart

With a heavy sigh of relief, Trilby is able to relax now that Pastel's grandfather accepts him. "Well, that is a cool name, and it does sound somewhat familiar. Are you famous, sir?" Trilby asks. Could it be he is in the presence of a celebrity?

But then the stronger stallion makes him an offer, and Trilby practically wants to sweat bullets again!

In his head, Trilby's thoughts are racing a million miles a minute. "ABORT! ABORT! You live a non-alcoholic life style! You've never touched the stuff before! Are you trying to make yourself sick?! Do you want to wake up in a gutter somewhere?! It's not worth it!! Don't do it!!" His inner thoughts were SCREAMING at him! But he has to impress this stallion! He has to if he wants to earn his trust and make a good first impression, right? It's the only way to make a friend, right?

"Ah, well, umm... You see, I-- I don't normally-- That is, what I mean to say is... Sure? Why not?" Trilby tries to reject the offer nicely, but soon accepts his fate with nervous laughter.
He takes the beer offered to him and magically opens it up. He hesitates, smiling wide again. "Heh. Heh. Ehh~ Bottoms up, right?" He gives them both a final glance before chugging a big swig. The second he tastes it, Trilby looks green around the gills, and every part of him wants to spit it out. But he fights the feeling and forces himself to swallow. He turns his head to cough and wheeze a little, before smiling at Iron Shoal again. "Yep~ Nothing like a nice cold one to tie one off." Trilby says, trying his best to sound like a pony that has had alcohol before.


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"Why, I was at one point 30 odd years ago the World Heavyweight Champion of the Equestrian Wrestling Federation! But THE EVERYPONY UPSTAIRS SAW THAT GIANT JABRONI MOTHER OF WOOD CHUCKS COLT COGAN AS THE BIG STAR TO SELL TICKETS! But now Shoal lives the retired life with this filly who needed warm food."

Pastel smiled proudly as if she were the most Important pony in all of Manehattan. "Yeah! THE COLT COGAN IS THE GIANT--" A swift look from her grandpa shut that sentence down. She smiled awkwardly.

As Iron Shoal watched Trilbys adventure down the path of trying to force down alcohol, he seems more surprised than anything that he's going so far despite the agony he was in. Pastel just looked on in concern. She had a weak stomach. If he hurled she totally would too.

Iron Shoal burst out laughing by the end. "HAHAHA! NEVER HAS IRON SHOAL SEEN SUCH A LIGHTWEIGHT! You have guts though, Hatter of the Trilby! You have the heart and endurance of a Shoal class wrestler! Come in!"

With that, Iron Shoal went inside, motioning for the pair to follow. Pastel gave a smile and head motion akin to the most awkward of thumbs ups.

A bitter battle was won today... or so they have to tell themselves.

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"Thank you, sir!" Trilby says with relief, once again very happy to over with the worst of it. As he enters, he turns to Pastel. "Let us never speak of that again." He whispers to her, never wanting to be reminded of the day he drank beer.

As he enters the house and follows Iron, Trilby looks around and thinks about what Iron Shoal said. "Hmm... Oh! Colt Cogan! I know him. He--!! Umm, I mean, he's a hack. He's barely HALF the stallion you are, Shoal sir." Trilby chose his words wisely.

So what could be next? At this point, Trilby is ready for any surprises! He also puts the beer down somewhere, since he won't be finishing that bottle any time soon. ...Unless he absolutely has to.


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Pastel made a motion with her hoof signifying her lips were sealed before following her new friend in.

The apartment was nothing too special. Despite the old wrestlers fame this was modest living. It tends to happen once the limelight is lost.

Pastel zipped happily around like a cat before settling on the couch. She made a quick curious vy for the beer that Trilby put down but knew better once her grandpa glared at her. Worth a shot, she thought as she lied with a mischievous smile. Iron Shoal chuckled and patted her head before sitting down.

He laughed. "HAH! INDEED! THAT JABRONI SAYS I'M WASHED UP BUT LOOK AT HIM NOW--entertaining foals in at public events..." Seems like there was either some real life bad blood or he's just reliving his character. It could be either. He opened another beer and chugged it before throwing it across the room, making it shatter against the wall and land in the trash.

"Ten points!" Pastel declared, holding up a sign. Normal family behavior.

Iron Shoal cleared his throat and looked seriously at Trilby. "You are a riot, Hatter of the Trilby! My filly doesnt have many friends, it's wonderful that she has made one shes happy to bring home and even go on an adventure with!" Iron Shoal stared at him intensely. "As it is summer I have no qualms with my filly doing as she pleases, and I am a very good judge of character--no evil in your eyes Shoal sees--but I warn you bubba, fun as you are, if something happens to her Iron Shoal will find you and break your back like he broke the Block Backhoof!"

Pastel smiled nervously. "Um... Grandpa... Don't do that please..."

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Trilby Hatter nods and listens as Iron Shoal talks, but the sudden toss and shattering of the beer bottle makes Trilby stand on end like a cat that just got spooked.



...He didn't say that, but he wanted to.

Trilby was starting to calm down again, but then Iron begins to grill him. You'd think this is where Trilby would be the most afraid. But instead, he smirks and stands his ground. "You have no need to be afraid sir... I will gladly protect and defend your granddaughter out in the wild. I may look like a simple stallion, but... I run a hat store!" Trilby strikes a strong pose. "Have you ever fought in a wrestling battle royale? Well rush hour in my shop is ALWAYS like that! Tons of stubborn, unsatisfied customers that always want something different. Angry, impatient parents that are just trying to get nice hats for their foals. HOLIDAY SHOPPERS!!! I've had to fight the most savage of shoppers from stealing my rolls of raw material. It's NOT for sale! You saw the 'Employees Only' sign on the door! If I can take on all that, then I promise you sir, no harm shall come to Pastel." Trilby says, clearly speaking from experience, but also starting to sound like a wrestling character himself.

Edited by Firefighter Equine


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@Firefighter Equine

Both grandfather and granddaughter were in awe at the display. That was a legit promo! What!? They both couldn't help but break out laughing.

"Nyahaha! What was that!? That was both the most awesome and silliest thing I've ever heard!" Pastel giggled and jumped circles around Trilby. Looks like he got his first fangirl!

Iron Shoal hits his desk to stop his own laughing fit. "HAH! YOU'RE ALRIGHT, BUBBA! YOU MADE ME BELIEVE IT! Now why don't you both get out of here before Iron Shoal starts training you for a debut, huh!? You better call though, my filly!"

Mission success! Pastel jumped up to high hoof Trilby. Looks like the real quest could start now. "Got it! The phone is my save point!~"

Edited by Pastel Heart
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@Pastel Heart

Trilby beams, proud of himself. "Thank you, Mr. Shoal. But maybe one day I'll take you up on your offer. Meeting you was a real honor!" Trilby says as he starts to head out. "Ready to go, Pastel?" Trilby asks as he adjusts his backpack.

Edited by Firefighter Equine


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel just finished gathering up her things. Her Gamecolt of course, extra batteries, a snacks, a water bottle (full of juice nonetheless) and a piece of paper with Iron Shoals number on it.

As Pastel faces him for probably the last time in awhile, he throws a hoof in the air. "SUPLEX THE UNIVERSE, MY FILLY!"

"Suplex the universe!!!" She dramatically jumped up, nearly throwing herself to the side. As weird as her grandpa was, it looked like he did genuinely care for her.

Like the ending scene of Ocarina she turns around dramatically and walks up to Trilby. "Okay, I'm ready. Adventure awaits, so get! Me! Out of here!!" She jumped up on his back and threw a hoof forward like she was captain of a pirate ship. Aaaand title drop. If this were an anime this would be OP time.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby laughs. "Yeah! Adventure awaits! I went down to the bank just to get me my pay. I'm gonna get me, outta here~!" Trilby says before going into a fun song. He doesn't mind Pastel on his back, as long as she can find room since he's also carrying a big backpack. But as he leaves the premises, he has a sudden thought. "I know I have extra, but do you have any...? Eh, you know what? I'll get you some myself." Trilby says.

They take a quick detour for a local sports supplies shop. Why? Trilby wants to by Pastel some camping supplies of her own, and a cute backpack to put it all in if she wants! She doesn't need too much supplies since Trilby is providing most of their supplies. So anything she has to carry is super light by comparison.

After that, they hitch a tram to just outside Manehattan city limits, where it is grassy and unpopulated. "Ready to do this, my fellow mountain pony?"

Edited by Firefighter Equine


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel was initially confused when Trilby brought her to a sports supplies store. To say that Pastel came unprepared as a Morrowind speedrunner though was an understatement. All she needed survival in her mind was crackers, juice and 8 bit entertainment. Thankfully this was resolved and Pastel did in fact want the cute backpack! NOW she was ready! If only she could fit as many things in it as in her games. The tram really made her feel like it was the start of something big.

Pastel looked behind her as Manehattan got smaller. "You know... This is the farthest away from home I've ever been. It's weird. But exciting~! I'm as ready as you are, comrade! Our party may be small, but that just means we'll level up faster!" She hit her chest with her hoof and posed goofily like an RPG protagonist. She was a dork.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby nods. "Yeah! I totally know what I'm doing!" Trilby might not have a buster sword, but he poses like Cloud. If only he had the victory theme too. Afterwards, he leads the way. It seems mostly fine out here. There is plenty of woods, but there are some clear dirt paths to walk down. "By the way, that story I told your grandfather, it was only half true... I've had a few rude customers, but not that often. In fact, I've been having a lot less customers lately. But that doesn't matter right now." Trilby explains.

Reaching into his backpack, Trilby pulls out a map. "Let's see. We could climb a nearby spiral mountain, or we could explore the nearest lake, or we could explore one of the many mystery caves~ What do you think, Pastel?" Trilby asks.


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel smiled as she took in the scenery. This was totally real. It was totally something she'd see in one of her games. Though hopefully nothing random pops out. She listened to the bigger pony, though she wasn't really sure what to say about that. "Business sounds complicated... " She may have had more to say, but Trilby seemed eager to drop it so she just leaned in as he pulled the map out. She put a hoof to her chin, feeling like a real adventurer now.

"Lakes are nice! I didn't pack a swimsuit though. Caves are full of neat stuff, but what if there's a high level boss in there? I bet from that mountain you can see all of Equestria... Maybe we could climb there, make camp for the most AWESOME view ever, and then we can pick from where we wanna go next! Win win win right!?" She smiled with swagger. She may have sounded kinda smart, for once?

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@Pastel Heart

"You said it." Trilby says and pets her head.

"Aww, no beach episode? Too bad, all the best shows have them. All right then... Mountain it is!" Trilby strikes a pose and stuffs the map away.
As the arrive at the foot of the mountain, big as it is, there seems to be a spiral pathway wrapped around the mountain, making it easy to travel without any mountain-climbing gear. "None shall pass the tiger's edge." Trilby says as the begin walking up the path. They complete one rotation around the mountain, and halfway through another, a random tiger appears! "Except a tiger!!" Trilby says, startled. The tiger roars, anger in it's eyes. "Back! Back, you!!" Trilby stands in front of Pastel, shielding her. "I've got camping supplies, and I know how to use them!!" Trilby reaches into his backpack and pulls out rope, a harmonica, and spray cheese!


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