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private Adventure awaits, so get me out of here~! (1x1 with Pastel Heart)

Samurai Equine

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@Firefighter Equine

"There will be plenty of time for a beach episode! At an actual beach~!" She winked and stuck out her tongue. Neightona would be a great place for that, she thought.

The mountain instantly sprung images of things like Death Mountain and Mt. Doom to her mind. Much less intimidating though. "This is so cool! Sucks it's not a volcano, we could totally get our tan on~" she says confidently as if you can definitely get a tan from a volcano.

She was just joking earlier about random encounters, but low and behold, a mountain tiger! Oh crap. She wasnt equipped for this! She sees Trilby ready to fight this tiger with... possibly the most unweapony things ever. Yikes. She definitely didn't want Trilby to get hurt. Maybe...

Pastel puts on her fearless face and steps up from behind Trilby. "Relax, I got this~ my charisma stat is through the roof!"

She stepped forward, either really bravely or stupidly, and proceeded to...

...Put her legs together, eyes looking beadier than usual as she put her hoof to her mouth, giving the tiger the side glance. Oh no.

"Mister tiger, please don't look at me so scary like that!~ I'm just a little filly lost on a trip with her friend in the mountains... You're a really big handsome strong tiger, but you wouldn't hurt me... right...?"

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@Pastel Heart

This can't end well. It won't end. Nothing with an angry tiger ends well!!

But then the tiger sees Pastel begging, and suddenly doesn't look so angry. If anything, he looks sympathetic. "That worked?!" Trilby thinks to himself. His jaw is on the floor before he realizes... They have an opening! "Cheese to the face!!" Trilby says before shooting spray cheese into the tiger's face! Naturally, the lion roars with anger! He licks it off to clear his face, and then... The tiger's eyes light up with interest. Suddenly, he sits down and starts begging, meowing like a cat. "...You LIKE it? You want more?" Trilby asks, and the tiger nods. "Uhh... Okay! Lay down. Good kitty. Lay down for the spray cheese." The tiger does as he is told, and Trilby gives him a big old mouth full of spray cheese. After the tiger devours his snack, he gets and rubs against Trilby and Pastel, purring like an actual kitten.

Trilby's eyes are as wide as saucers as he pets the tiger. "This is happening? Uh, okay, this is happening! Didn't think we'd be making friends with tiger today, did ya Pastel?" Trilby says, starting to enjoy this sudden turn of events.


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel was surprised herself by this turn of events! It was scary when Trilby suddenly attacked, but looks like they were a-okay!

"That was a total crapshoot but looks like it worked out~! You were awesome, and we recruited a new party member it looks like!" She happily petted the tiger, which was a funny sight considering it's bigger than she is. "Cheese! Their name should totally be Cheese~" she seems to have decided this herself...

Edited by Pastel Heart
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@Pastel Heart

"Heh. I couldn't have done it with out. You dropped the tiger's guard long enough to recruit him, I guess." Trilby says. He thinks about that name, "Cheese... Why does that remind me of somepony famous? Hmm..." Trilby thinks out loud.
As he looks up, he notices there is still a ways to go. "Shall we carry on?" Trilby asks.

The tiger is more than happy to let Pastel ride his back up the mountain path. Trilby leads the way, humming. After about 3-5 rotations around the mountain, Trilby feels a soft rumbling for a split second. "...Heh. Must be the wind. We're almost at the top!" Trilby announces. Then the rumbling again. As Trilby cranes his head to the side... A gigantic, orb-shaped boulder comes rolling down the path! "AAHH!! Crystal Skull!! Raiders!! Run for it!!" Trilby turn around and runs down the path with his friends, desperately trying to escape the Indiana Pones-like trap. However, just as they're about to run half a rotation down, Trilby stops screaming and remembers something. "...Oh. Right. Unicorn. I can teleport." Trilby grabs the tiger and Pastel, and teleports. They appear on the opposite end of the boulder and watch it roll down the path, no longer in danger of getting crushed. "I feel bad for whatever's at the bottom of the mountain."

Edited by Firefighter Equine


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel thought about it for a bit. Oh yeah. That IS familiar. "Hm... Oh well!" She shrugged off the thought. Whoever they're talking about probably sneezed, wherever he is. "You lead the way! But I get to lead later~" she poked at him playfully as they continued on.

Aaand theres the trap. It had to come eventually. It was just like that one Daring Do book! Pastel looked rather excited to be running away from it rather than terrified, she was fast too. And then... she stopped. "Wait, I know how this works! Watch! My voice gives me super strength!!!" It was a good thing that Trilby remembered how to teleport when he did, as she was winding up to punch the boulder before being grabbed and teleported.

She blinked. Woah. She never thought being teleported was so... instant! "Holy moley! I was there, and then I wasn't!" She waved at the boulder. "Byebye! Don't block any important paths on the way down~! That was super sweet!" She giggled. She jumped around Trilby and their tiger friend happily, totally cool with the fact they almost got crushed... Green around the gills is definitely a word for it.

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@Pastel Heart

After a quick sigh of relief, Trilby enjoys seeing Pastel so happy. "Heh. You've a braver one that I am, Gunga Dock. Just becareful where you jump, these pathways aren't too wide." Trilby says. The tiger just sits there, licking it paw.

Minutes later after clearing a few more rotations, our trio manages to make it to the top of the mountain. The tiger licks Pastel's face before leaving back down the trail. This must be as far as the tiger goes. Trilby stretches, takes a deep breath, and cries out. "AH!!! What a trip! Fresh air, and look at this view!! It's like we can see the entire forest from up here! And best of all, there is more than enough room up here that we can set up camp, if we want to." Trilby looks around. "The the river over there. That darker section over there must be mystery valley. That canyon over there must Gelding's Gorge. And that... is a billboard for Hotel Trotsylvania. Huh... Wasn't that movie released years ago?" Trilby says, pointing out sights. The billboard is a little sun-faded.

Edited by Firefighter Equine


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@Firefighter Equine

"Ganga what?" Seems this reference passed over Pastels head. She shook it off and saluted. "Aiy! Only jump if needed! I'll be as precise as a platformer!~"

Pastel follows along merrily, giggling and waving to the tiger as it licks her and leaves. "Later, Cheese! May we reunite before the final boss~!" And so they were a duo again. Oh well! That's all you needed for a paper story.

Unlike Trilby, Pastel is still plenty energetic when she reaches the top, she skips and does a pose on the rock in the center. "I claim this mountain in the name of... Uhh, us! Wish I had a flag or something." She joins Trilby in taking in the view. Even Manehattans skyscrapers didn't have views quite like this! Her eyes were practically sparkling. "This so super sweet!! I never thought I'd be standing at the top of a mountain like this!" She hopped on his back and put a hoof over her eyes. It really was a ways from home. She couldn't wait to see just how far they could go. She couldn't help but giggle at that silly billboard. "What is a movie!? A miserable pile of film roles! But enough talk--" she hops off and drops her forced deep accent. "Let's set up camp~ I've never been camping before!"

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@Pastel Heart

"Hehehe~! Hay, I can't see~!" Trilby laughs, enjoying Pastel's energy, even if she is covering up his eyes with her hooves. Oh well, it's all in good fun. Eventually she does hop off, though. "Pile of films? Sounds like something your grandfather would say." Trilby comments.

He walks over to the center of the mountain plane and pulls something out of his backpack. It is big and wide, but it's flat. Once he puts it down on the ground, Trilby pulls on a chord, and the item pops up and turns into a big, luxury camping tent! All Trilby has to do is take out his tiny hammer and nail in the four support rods, and he does so! This big, fancy tent won't be gong anywhere. "Tada!" Trilby does a pose when the tent is up. "Thank you, you're too kind, thank you. But hold onto your hooves, fillies and gentlecolts! THERE'S MORE! If you call now, we'll throw in a camp fire and a smores kit for free! That's three luxury items for the price of one~! Operators are standing by."


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@Firefighter Equine

"Oh, If it were grandpa there would be at least one F-bomb in there!" Pastel giggled she followed him. She watched intently as he set the camp up--like an actual camp! This city filly was needless to say impressed. She squeed and collapsed at his, assumably so, master work of setting up camp! She waved her hoof flailingy like a convincing audience member.

"I'll take eight~! Wait... Do you actually have a smores kit!?" She looked up at him, wide eyed both metaphorically and literally. This city filly spoiled on city food and TV dinners was really excited over a roasted (potentially burnt) marshmallow.

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@Pastel Heart

"Of course! Satisfaction is guaranteed, or your money back. And no camping experience is complete without the smores experience!" Trilby reaches into his bag and pulls out a few smores kits, complete with metal rods to roast the marshmallows on. "Of course, I'll have to set up the fire first. ...Did you want to do that now? It's still the middle of the day, but if you're that excited..." Trilby is such a crowd pleaser.


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@Firefighter Equine

"Hmm... I want my first time to be at night! That's what they always do in the stories right!? Everypony roasts marshmallows on the fire, sings pony folk songs, shares stories... And then a masked machete wielding psychopath jumps out of the bushes and starts slicing the campers to pieces one limb at a time!!!!"


"...Okay, all that without the psycho! I'll gather wood ahead of time though!" She scampered about the mountain looking for anything burnable.

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@Pastel Heart

"...You got it! No crazies, save the sweets." Trilby say, putting the smores kits away. He looks inside his backpack again and pulls out a rather glamorous-looking axe. "...You know, I just realized I've never cut down a tree before. But how hard can it be?" Trilby says.

He waits for Pastel to grab on, and then he teleports them both back down the mountain to where the trees and wilderness is. "Now the trick is to find a tree that doesn't have any animals living in it. Some ponies figure it out by bucking a tree. If no animals come scurrying out, then it's safe to chop." Trilby goes to a tree, readies himself, and kicks a tree. "!! ...Oww~" Trilby shakes his hoof. Also, the tree didn't budge. Nothing would have been afraid of that.


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel looked at the axe and pointed at it dramatically. "You were the killer all along! I should have known~" she grinned and teased.

She seemed confused about what he was trying to do at first, so she just wore a adorable look of puzzlement on her face before wrapping a hoof around his leg.

And then she was teleported again. Woo, she needed to get used to that! She shook her head. "Sweet! Fast travel!" She hopped behind him, watching him intently as he bucks a tree... It went as well as she expected. She giggled.

"No worries, Trilly~ watch how an earth pony works her magic!" Well, they were known for their strength and maneuverability. She gets into position like a cat stalking a mouse, jumps forward and bucks back as hard as she could, like her grandpa showed her.

...Despite being a young filly she had some muscle, as the whole tree shook. A twig falls down, as well as a single squirrel, which plops down on Trilbys head, looking at him like it's his fault.

Pastel grins and gives a gesture akin to a thumbs up.

Edited by Pastel Heart
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@Pastel Heart

Trilby watches Pastel do it. He had some doubts, but she did it! She made that tree shake like a twig, and soon he has a woodland critter on his head. Trilby just smiles nervously at the squirrel. "Oh, hello there little one. I, uh... I didn't realize this tree was Ocupado. Heheh~ We'll get another one. You wouldn't happen to know which ones are vacant , would you?" Trilby says. Hopefully that should be enough to make the squirrel happy.

He also turns to Pastel. "Hey, wait a second... You called me Trilly! I've never had a nickname before! I guess I should come up with one for you." He thinks about it. "Pasty? No, you're not pasty... Pastel Heart... Love? Should I call you Love? Not sure if I'm that fancy, though... Telly? No, that's taken... P-Tel? Pinkster? Princess floof? Hmm... I guess I'm not really good at nicknames." Trilby says, trying too hard to find the right nickname.


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@Firefighter Equine

The squirrel just shrugged. Instead of pointing to any tree in particular, it ran back up the tree, grabbed a nut and took off. Seemed like it had no attachment to this tree and was just passing by. Which was fortunate for the sake of time! Pastel poses as if she wanted fanfare.

Pastel giggled at his reaction, she didn't think about it too hard, just kinda came out. She didn't look too happy at 'Pasty', shaking her head as if she just heard the sound toothpaste makes. 'Love' earned a blush from her, and she seemed flustered as she hid her face. You could practically hear the 'hauu~' escape from her. As the names got sillier, she just peeked up at him giggling. He was gonna be here awhile it seemed. She playfully bumped his leg with her hoof, smiling up at him. "Pastel is fine for now~ you get me those smores and you can call me whatever you want though!" She grinned happily.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby sighs with relief when the squirrel scurries off. The tree is theirs!

Trilby knocks it off with the nicknames. "Heh. All right then. Let's complete the task at hoof, Pastel Love. Now, check this out~ And also, stand back a little." Trilby flips the axe in the air and catches it by the handle before taking aim and saying...

Using his making, he makes the axe fly up the tree in a zig-zag pattern. When the axe comes back to his hoof, the tree starts to fall into many different pieces! But Trilby catches them all with his magic and neatly begins to put them in a perfect pile. "The sky with stars so bright~ The colors feel so right~! Just take my hoof, we're gonna reach for the stars, tonight~!" Trilby sings a little tune while he does it all, then strikes a pose when he's done. "Tada! Trilby brand firewood. Burns cleaner and is available in five colors: Cedar, Spruce, Drift Wood, Birch, and Sandalwood! And coming soon for a limited time only, Oak and Mahogany."


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel sits back and smiles, clapping at the end with a happy giggle. Looks like she wasn't the only one with a musical side! "Wooo~! Trilly is so super special awesome!"

She hops up, looking at the various woods. Not bad for somepony who's not exactly a lumberjack. Her eyes settled on something as he said it though.

"Maaaaahogoney~" she growls out as if she's referencing some anime. "...Is what I would say but probably doesn't burn well~ cedar is what they use in the Heartswarming plays right? Let's make one all the way up the sky! Fire fire!" Pastel was unleashing her inner pyromaniac as she scooted a piece of cedar wood on her back and dropped it in the center of the campsite for later.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby has to laugh a little. "You know your woods better than I thought."

He makes sure all the wood is collected, then he thinks to himself. "Let's see... We traveled here, hiked the mountain, and made fire wood. We still have time for one more thing before evening rolls around. What do you want to do? Go to the beach? Explore some mystery caves? A third option?" He asks as he pulls out the map again.


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel giggled and blushed, side to side. She soaked up praise like a sponge. "Sometimes I pay attention in school... I usually don't though~" she winked and followed him as he talked.

Her ears perked up at the mention of a beach. "Like, are we close enough for that? A real beach? Not a bathtub!? I wanna go! I wanna go!!" She ran around him in excitement, those huge eyes were practically sparkling like neon city lights staring up at her companion.

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@Pastel Heart

"Absolutely, we are!! This way~!" Trilby points the way. If Pastel wants to lead, he'll let her.

It doesn't take too long a hike. Once they've gotten off the beaten path and gone through some trees and what not, they find a sandy beach overlooking a large river. The water sparkles in the sun. "Welcome to Refulgent Beach. It's not a tourist location, so... I imagine we have the beach all to ourselves!" Trilby explains.


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel slowly approached the water, her hooves being soaked by the water. She ran a hoof through her mane, and closed her eyes breathing in the ocean air. If she had a hat she'd totally look like a girl from one of those Sega CD visual novels.

"It's nice... It's totally different from Manehattans beach which is so crowded~ kinda a shame it's not though! Cos I feel... Beach Vibes~"


Lots of ponies were gathered here. The sun shined high. She wore the most cutest frilly one-piece she could imagine, a ocean blue contrasting her pink coat; and a band behind her as she was on stage! Pastel sang into her microphone, with Trilby was one of many ponies watching.

"Such a happy feeling, the way I look at you!

Because you gleam with sunshine in all the things you do~!

I'd like to be with you ever hour of the day,

Cos I get such a happy feeling, love to be this way,"

A wave crashed over her, making her mane wet and shiny, but unaffecting the instruments.

"Happy feeling, looking in your eyes,

Happy feeling, you're a blessing in disguise!"

...And as the three minute futurefunk set faded out, ponies cheering...


...Pastel realized this was all just a fantasy. No crowd, swimsuit, noon sun or band, she was just singing in front of Trilby by herself the whole time. She smiles goofily and giggles in embarrassment.

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@Pastel Heart

In the time it took for Pastel to have that extended fantasy sequence, Trilby changed clothes. His backpack is on the ground, his fedora is replaced with a straw hat, and he is now only wearing dark grey swim trunks with a red racing stripe on the sides. Trilby claps his hooves, even if she wasn't singing with a band. "Woo hoo! Encore! Encore! That's better than I could have done. I doubt you'd want to hear my silly singing." Trilby waves off the idea. ...Unless? Would Pastel want to hear him sing anyways?

Reaching into the backpack, he pulls out two foldable beach chairs and an umbrella. "Beach lesson #1. Before going into the water, always apply sunscreen first and wait 30 seconds." Trilby pulls out the sunscreen and begins to put some on himself. He brought enough for the both of them to share.

Trilby begins to wonder what Pastel would look like in a bikini.

Edited by Firefighter Equine


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@Firefighter Equine

Well, cat was out of the bag now! She giggled with a bounce off of the sand stage she made for herself in that sequence. "I heard you before! Remember? Lumbertrilly? Go nuts by all means!" She nudged him teasingly.

She saw Trilby pour the sunscreen all over himself like it was body lotion and tried to keep herself from bursting out laughing. "I dont think that's how that works~ leave it to me! I've seen this like a thousand times!"

She spun around him like a tornado. Here, there, DEFINITELY there, and...

One shiny new sunscreened Trilby! "Fine work if I do say so myself! But..." She looked at his conveniently prepared attire and puffed out her cheeks. "It seems I have come unprepared..." she pouts with a bad Dagoth Ur impression. She looked around... Target located.

She raided the unsuspecting beach house. Good thing nopony was home. All sorts of wacky noises came from the inside of it, like she was going through a whole Banjo world in there. What was she doing?

Luckily, she does return in less time it takes to do that, sporting a sunhat and a red frilly bikini straight out of a 90s anime. "Tadaaa~! Pastel-chan has evolved into a class A mermaid!" She flipped her mane. NOW she was ready for sunscreen. You had to do this in the proper order, she thought.

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@Pastel Heart

Tornado warning! Before Trilby could say with anything, he was hit with pink tornado of energy, and properly covered from head to food in sunscreen lotion! Trillby blinks, standing perfectly still as he sparkles in the sun. "I'm not sure what to be more impressed by. The fact that actually worked, or the fact that there is no gigantic mess to clean up." Trilby says.

As he relaxes, he takes off his hat and sees Pastel run to a local beach house. Did he really forget to by her a swim suit? He could have sworn... Oh well. While she is changing, Trilby pulls out a few more things from his supplies.

By the time Pastel comes out, Trilby whistles. "Looking good, Love! But check it out." Trilby is now wearing sunglasses, also he has a boombox out. "You asked for this." He presses the play button, and hip hop instrumentals play.



As the music starts, Trilby start to strut down the beach like he's in a music video, imagining he's in some kind of fancy music video. And yes, he begins to rap.

Here I am in the place where I come let go
Refulgent, the bass, and the sunset low
Everyday like a marathon, everypony party all day
No work, all play, okay
So we sip a little something, lay to rest the spill
Me and Pastel hanging out, runnin' up a high bill
Nothin' less than ill, when I dress to kill
Every time the fillies pass, they be like "Hi Tril!"
Can y'all feel me? All ages and races
Real sweet faces, every different nation
Unicorn, Earth pony, Pegasus, Dragon
Alicorn, Griff, Seapony, Changeling
I only came for two days of playing
But every time I come, I always wind up stayin'
This the type of place I could spend a few days in
Refulgent, the beach that keeps the roof blazin'!

Party in the city where the heat is on
All night, on the beach till the break of dawn
"Welcome to Refulgent"
"Bienvenidos a Refulgent"
Bouncin' in the club where the heat is on
All night, on the beach till the break of dawn
I'm goin to Refulgent
"Welcome to Refulgent"

Trilby stops the music. "Heh. That's probably enough. The song is a bit much... Race you to the water!!" Now that he's made himself look like an even bigger dork, Trilby runs to water to swim it off.

Edited by Firefighter Equine


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel giggled, Trilby wasn't winning any academy awards but she happily skipped alongside him grooving to the beat.

Seeing him stop, she just smiled mischievously and chased him the second he took off.

"Oh no you don't! I demand an encore! Don't keep your public waiting Trilly~!" She waits until he hits water and finally pounces him with all her might! Trilby better be a good catch or this was gonna be a big splash.

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