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Codax's eyebrows raised at the harsh words that spewed from Cloud's mouth. "Easy, easy!" He said, trying to calm her down, if possible. "I came because I heard your argument with Chancy, and recognized your voice."


He lifted his hoof up to the window and began to brush off the remaining glass shards on the windowsill. "And how exactly have I 'ruined' your life? I was the one that carried you here and kept you from bleeding out, remember?"


Well, I did stab her in the first place, but that's only because she was being a nuisance. I did help her afterwards, I mean, doesn't that count? He thought to himself, removing the last piece of glass from the now empty window.


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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[OOC: I guess you made a certain mare pretty angry... She's a girl so don't worry, they get everything wrong]


Storm lost control, she jumped off the bed screaming and running at the window. When the cord tensed the bed was pulled several inches towards the window and Storm came to a sudden halt. After another few attempts at breaking the cord the yelling was soon replaced by heavy sobs.


She looked into his eyes, her sight blurry. She swiped her eyes with a hoof to clear the tears from her reddened eyes only to have them replaced instants later. As soon as she had caught her breath she resumed the yelling, being now able to find the words she needed.


"You stupid son of a breeding mare! You don't see a train coming when you're standing on the tracks, do you?" she took a few deep breaths and continued "Not only you stabbed me and kidnapped me! You also called the guards on me. Do you even have an idea of what that means?"


Her expression hardened "Well, you dumbcolt, I'll explain it for you" she pointed her free hoof at him "Even if you would let me go I'd probably be greeted by a total mess at my farm and several guards interrogating me about how I knew you and where I brought you. And whenever I'm back at my farm all the chores will have been stopped for two weeks because of a royal search warrant. Everything will be rotten!"


She continued, sarcasm clearly audible "You know what's the problem about rotten fruits and vegetables? They bring not a single bit. Do you know what happens when honest ponies do not earn money? They can't pay mortgages and are kicked out of their farms and end up being homeless!"


Storm's voice was now merely a whisper "But hey! Don't feel bad, you didn't ruin my life enough." She resumed the yelling "Maybe you and your friends should have raped sanity out of my head, finish stabbing me to death and fed the rest to the wolves in the everfree forest!"


The fear of realizing that nothing guaranteed that what she said wasn't about to become true overtook her and made her go limp. She let herself fall on the wooden floor. Curled up among the shards, only extending the hoof attached to the cord, now tainted with red blood, and whispering to comfort herself.


[OOC: Good she doesn't know you've actually hidden stuff in the farm.]

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Codax stared at the mare, letting her anger whittle down a bit, slight shock in his eyes from the outburst. "Okay, yes, I did do all those things to you, but only because you were thickheaded enough to chase me."


He could feel Storm's anger rise again, and quickly added. "Now, don't get mad again, just give me a chance to explain myself and how to fix everything."

Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"Thickheaded you say?!" she said before he interrupted her again. "You're going to fix what? I don't know why you think I want your help. Well, I do - not!"


She crawled up onto the bed, looking into his eyes. "It's all about you isn't it? You have to explain, you have to fix, you have to everything! I will tell you something, I do not want your help or anything you can give so leave me alone!"


Storm laid down onto the bed, covering herself with the sheets. She wished somepony to hug her and comfort her.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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((Wouldn't kidnap turn into coltnap or fillynap upon being ponified?))


"First off," Codax continued, knowing that Storm's words were only being said because of her anger. "yes, I did stab you, but I took you here so you could heal, NOT to fillynap you. If I had left you to bleed, you probably would not have lasted thirty minutes with the amount of blood loss you were suffering. As for the guards, you could easily tell them that you were helping to chase me, a wanted criminal, and that bounty hunter, what's his name? Lockarch or something? Well, he could easily vouch for you on that."


Codax shifted his position, putting both his forelegs over the windowsill, and shifting his gaze upward. "As for your ruined crops, I could easily repay your damages in full, with a little extra." He looked back at Storm, letting a slight smile find it's way to his face, and he jokingly said "And if you really don't need my help, I'll be glad to let Chancy run you out of town, free of charge."


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Storm was confused, he seemed to be trying to sound casual or something and trying to make up for her as if he had accidentally spilled a drink in her lunch. It was so tempting to accept his offer and forget about everything.


There wasn't even the slightest hint of mockery or sarcasm in her voice as she asked calmly "How can you even think you can repay for my crops with money that isn't yours? You aren't a honest pony, why are you trying to be fair towards me?"


She shifted her position to have a clear look at his expression, she wanted to know what was special about her and why he suddenly felt guilty for the things he did.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Codax's expression faded, and he turned his head slightly down and away, a look of guilt creeping up. Because you've been through so much already, and when you get back, you'll face so much more. He thought, remembering the Jewel he had hidden in her home.


"I... I'm not sure, really." He said, as his gaze was slowly brought back up to Storm. "It might just be the ramblings of my 'just came to from a coma' brain, so you might wanna go ahead and take the offer."


Why do I feel guilty for her? I'm a thief! We're never supposed to grow attached to our marks!


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Storm raised an eyebrow at the sudden change of expression on the colt's face. She wondered what could have caused it and was trying to read his face.


She eventually gave up and focused back on his offer. "I do not want money, I don't want anything you can give me. I just want to forget this nightmare and get away from here as soon as possible. And if you've really got a bit of a honest pony inside of you, you will send your sister away from here. She's not one of your fellows"


She looked at him, as if she was about to enter a staring contest any second. She knew he wouldn't be fine with it and was ready for a counterattack.


[OOC: She wouldn't take the money, but maybe somebody can give it to her otherwise. To make sure the guards will love her]

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Codax chuckled slightly. "I've already tried to. Several times, as a matter of fact. She's nursing the guild because she wants to, not because we're forcing her." He said, avoiding the first half of Storm's statement. "I don't want her to stay here. I know that her one true calling is medicine, and I want her to take up on that calling, and train it. The way I see it, she's got the potential to be the Princess' Royal Nurse, if she so chooses. But she won't choose. She's determined to stay here and nurse the guild."


Codax took his hooves off the windowsill. "I may not like it, but she's as stubborn as me sometimes, and I'll just have to accept it."


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"Do you think somepony can be happy stitching together people like you? She's probably here because you're her brother, but what will she do when you're not here? Do you expect her to continue this?" she finished motioning her hoof around her head in a wide circular motion.


She couldn't believe Chancy would be doing this if it wasn't for her brother, and considering his life style Storm was sure he wouldn't have that much of a life expectancy.


[OOC: Sorry for the delay!]

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Codax looked at Storm Cloud, a quizzical look plastered to his face. "Did you not listen to a word I said? I don't want her here. I don't want her to heal us. I want her to go out into the world and fulfill her true potential!" Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"Ok. If you don't want to reason with me I'll head over to the farm. Would you mind?" she said lifting her hoof putting the cord to display. She was disappointed by the lack of understanding Codax displayed and had given up on helping Chancy, she was exhausted and wanted to clean herself.


"If you don't mind it I'd need a bath and some saddlebags with food for the way home" her voice cold and distant. She wanted to forget about everything and get home as soon as she could.


[OOC: Well, the saddlebags are meant for you to be able to put in whatever you want ^^]

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Trying to shake the gloomy feeling of her, Ruby shook her head slightly and went to put the cup away at the same place Decan had put his teacup. "Thank you for the tea, it was really delicious" she said with a small smile towards him. "Did you want some help with the unpacking?"


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"Sure" Decan smiled." I think we should just start by taking out all the food, Which is in this box." He said as he pulled down a large box from the top of the cart. "Most of it is probably stale or moldy so just check it before putting it away." He said pulling out a moldy piece of bread.

Something something something something


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"Fine. I'll get Chancy to cut the cord, then you can head back to your farm." Codax turned from the window, and began walking to the door of the hospital. Before he could open it, however, Chancy walked out, heading towards Codax's 'home on the hill'.


"Hey, Chancy, over here!" He called out, not wanting her to get too far ahead.


She spun around, and her eyes widened at the sight of Codax standing upright. "Codax!" She yelled, in joy, and galloped towards him, wrapping him in a hug that quite nearly knocked him down.


"I'm so glad you're all right! I was so worried you wouldn't..." She trailed off, not wanting to think about it.


"It's okay, Chancy, It's okay."


"But when did you wake up?"


"Just after you last came to me."


"What were you doing over there?"


"I was talking to Ms. Cloud. She wants to be released, and I think it'd be best if she was."


Chancy shook her head. "Okay." She walked back inside, through the halls, and into Storm's room, as Codax walked back to the window.


"Your cord cutting service is here, Storm."


((Hope that didn't confuse anyone!))


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"Yeah fine, got get her!" she said, not sure if she should even believe what he said. Few minutes of staring at the ceiling later Chancy entered the room, she looked somehow happy and Storm didn't want to start a debate with her about if she should leave the guild while able to do so.


She just put her hoof on display together with the stained cord and turned her head to meet her gaze "Finally here to let me go? I guess we'd be both happy if our ways didn't cross again." she considered her last sentence and added "But if you ever feel like paying me a visit and talking, Storm Cloud's farm at Canterlot has got the best Apples in Equestria!"


She smiled shyly at Chancy, she didn't like her but she somehow pitied her. Maybe she's happy and I'm stupid and think she needs my help. the thought caused her to blush slightly and turn her head away, swearing she had seen a bit of Codax's blue mane.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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"I'll think about your offer, Ms. Cloud." Chancy said, a slight spring in her step and a cheeriness in her voice, as she walked over to the cord tying the pegasus pony to the bed. Her horn began to glow, and she bent down and touched the restraint, which immediately broke in half, falling to the sides of the bed, where it began to disintegrate.


"Now, if you'll follow me, I'll get you a warm bath running so you can wash that blood off your coat. I'll bet you'd look and feel wonderful afterwards."


Codax watched from the window, and after Chancy was finished talking, said "I'll go to the kitchen and get you some food for your travels, as well."


He then began to walk away from the window, in the direction of a large, one story building with smoke coming from the chimney.


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Storm was surprised by Chancy's new way of acting towards her and after she had rubbed her paining hoof she got up to carefully pull Chancy into a hug trying to avoid to spread some of the blood on her coat too. She was having trouble biting back the tears "Thank you, that whole having a warm bath thing sounds absolutely fantastic!".


She then turned over to Codax, and bowed slightly. "Thank you too" she managed to say and started walking after Chancy who was leading their way.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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As Chancy led Storm through the halls of the hospital, she tried striking up a conversation, to pass the time. "So, what exactly do you do on that farm of yours?"



Codax walked into the kitchen, where the chefs were quite busy making food for the guild. Hay fries, lettuce and cabbage, daises and dandelions you name it, they were fixing it. A few of them looked up at Codax, calling out his name, and causing many outbursts of "Boss! You're alright!", or things similar to come from all of their mouths.


He smiled, and raised his foreleg, saying "Calm down everypony, we'll all have time to catch up at the dinner table tonight, but for now, I'll need some breads, apples, and carrots in a saddlebag. There's a guest that needs to go home today."


A couple of the chefs quickly nominated themselves for the task, going around the kitchen and pulling out the required foods, while another immediately started kneading more dough for the bread. "Give us a few minutes, Boss, and we'll have it ready!"


Codax smiled at their efficiency, and walked over to the stool by the door, sitting down.


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Ruby made a small nod towards Decan and did as he had said and started to pick up the different kind of food from the box, discarding the moldy ones and putting the other ones away. She picked up an apple which pretty much fell apart when she touched it with her hoof and made a disgusting sound when it hit the ground. "I get what you mean" she said and continued with the task.


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"It is pretty gross." he said throwing a jar of milk away that looked like pudding.


A couple hours later.


"Well it looks like that's the last of it... Except this." He said pulling out one last big box from the cart. "These are probably unfinished weapons and old pieces of metal." He opened the box. "Yea, this I will have to sort out later, Thank you for your help Ruby, If there is every anything you need, dont hesitate to ask." He said smiling at Ruby.


(OOC: so does anyone know where Artemisia and Strider Hiryu have gone ?)

Edited by Flame Dancer

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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[OOC: Sorry for the delay. Wasn't at home yesterday. Nobody has new from Strider nor Arty]


Storm Cloud trotted happily after Chancy. "Well, I usually all this boring farm stuff. I get up really early and work hard with the guys on the field all day. I don't have many spare time for friends and shopping -"


Suddenly she wondered and the question found it's way to her lips "What do you do in your spare time here? Can you leave the guild?"

Edited by rainbovv dash

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Chancy thought for a bit at the question. "Hmm... No, actually, not really. The only people that leave are the ones that go on missions, or the gatherers that pick medicinal herbs from the forest. I've only ever been with them once, and I didn't like it. But It's quite alright, you see, this guild is much, much bigger than it seems."


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"You... you do never leave this place? And do not like getting out of here?" she started thinking how one of her days looked and what she'd do if she was restricted to Canterlot itself. She didn't like the thought, even if Canterlot was probably bigger than this place.


"You've never been to a city? Never out with friends to party? What about camping, didn't you do that either? Did you-" she fell silent "Chancy, may I ask you something? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, have you ever had a special somepony?"

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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At Storm's last question, Chancy's newly found, cheery attitude dissipated, being replaced by a light blanket of depression. She turned her head from Storm, her thoughts distant, years prior. The two continued to walk, in complete silence, for a couple minutes, before Chancy was able to regain her composure enough to speak. "Sorry about that." she said, turning back to face Storm, a false smile on her face, and a single tear halfway down her cheek.


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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