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private Surviving The Competition (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Ragland Tiger

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@Ragland Tiger

Giving a hesitant nod, Dynamo had felt it was best to explain himself. "Y-Yes, actually. You see, I met Bluebell at the arcade today. Something happened with a bully stirring up trouble and claimed that she cheated at one of the games. The earth stallion had proceeded to grip Bluebell's foreleg and caused it to bruise and swell. I managed to break it up and stood up to the bully. The owner of the arcade had said that she needed a doctor, so I helped her to the Canterlot Hospital." As he talked, he had a better look at the three who had previously entered the building. Putting two and two together, he gasped softly as realization dawned upon him. "W-Wait a second. You're Princess Luna and you're Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike. It's an honor to meet you." He bowed before the three to show both respect and to be polite, before standing up from his bow. "I hope it's okay to ask, but how do you know Bluebell?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Ragland Tiger

At the mention that Bluebell had been abandoned, Dynamo gasped in shock. "I never knew she was abandoned. I mean, we had a bit of small talk on the way to the hospital and she told me that her home was in Canterlot. I just don't get how someone could abandon her like that?" His heart ached at the information that was known, but he could understand if she didn't tell him right away or at all. Given with how personal that information could be. "I'm thankful that you took her in and adopted. I know I just met her today, but she's a really kind mare, in my opinion." He gave Twilight a thankful smile, before the smile faded with a look of worry and nodded towards Spike. "I hope so, as well, Spike. I defeated the bully at his own game with a battle of video games, but he just left after he was stopped. I just hope he learns his lesson as why hurt an innocent mare over a video game? My teacher taught me to never use violence as an answer and to solve certain issues over a battle in video games. He even said that one should show respect to gamer's. Whether they have a gaming cutie mark or not as anyone can enjoy video games. I guess not everyone can share in the same philosophy as what my teacher tried to teach." He shook his head as he couldn't make heads or tails over the bully's kind of logic.

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  • 4 months later...

"Here you go," said the receptionist, handing them each a pass to the emergency ward.  "She will be in number five on the right." 

"Please, come along," Luna said to Dynamo as they all made their way to Bluebell's bed.




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@Ragland Tiger

Upon being presented a pass, Dynamo took his in a levitation spell. With the spell dissipating, he held the pass close to his chest as he hoped that Bluebell would be okay. "Number five on the right. Got it and thank you so much." He repeated as he gave his thanks to the receptionist with a nod. Upon hearing Luna's voice, Dynamo's ears perked as he looked towards the regal princess of the night. "Y-Yes, Princess Luna." He responded nervously as he walked in step with the others towards Bluebell's room.

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When they arrived at Bluebell' bedside, Spike climbed onto the bed, and gave Bluebell a hug, which she affectionately returned.  "How are you doing?", asked Twilight.

"The doc-doctor says a f-few weeks of-of healing and s-s-s-some physical therapy, and I'll be fit as a fi-fi-fiddle," said Bluebell.




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@Ragland Tiger

As they walked towards the desired destination, Dynamo waited with bated breath in hopes that Bluebell was safe and sound. Given that they were at a hospital, it was a given, but he still worried about her well being. With what that bully had done to her, anyone would have been felt the same concern as he did. Once the group had arrived and entered, Dynamo had let out the breath he had been holding upon seeing the mare in question. "B-Bluebell...you're okay!" He exclaimed with an inside voice as they were still in a hospital. He smiled as Spike climbed onto the bed, before giving the bespectacled mare a hug. Walking over, he made his way to one side of the bed, while noticing Twilight and Luna had taken the other side. "I'm glad to hear that you'll be okay in a couple of weeks. H-How are you feeling?" He knew it was probably a silly question as it was perhaps similar to Twilight's question, but he still felt it was necessary to ask.

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  • 1 month later...

@Dynamo Pad

"I'll b-be fi-fine," said Bluebell.  "Shining Armour and Cadence will be here soon," said Twilight.   "Oh m-m-my!" Bluebell said.  "When he f-f-finds out wh-what happened, He's go-going to want to hi-hide me in the k-k-keep and never let-let me out!"  "Don't you think you're overstating it a little?" said Spike.  "W-well I wouldn't put it pa-pa-past him," Bluebell answered.

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@Ragland Tiger

Hearing that she would be fine caused the gaming pony to breathe a reassuring sigh. "That's a relief. I'd hate for anything bad to happen to you, Bluebell. I know we just met and everything, but I'm just glad I was able to help you and get you here in time." He understood that she had a long road to recovery, but he hoped he could help in any way that he could. "Shining Armor and Cadence? As in Princess Cadence from the Crystal Empire?" He asks, raising a curious eyebrow at the mention of the names. It took him a moment, but Dynamo soon remembered that Shining Armor and Cadence were related to Twilight and as such, Bluebell, as well. Upon hearing Bluebell's fears, Dynamo felt a sense of worry and dread build in the pit of his stomach. "I-I mean, to be fair, s-she's not wrong. What if he does find out what happened? I-I know I stopped the bully, but he managed to get away. If I only managed to stop him, t-then he would have to answer for his crimes. Now he's out there and who knows where he is now." He shook slightly as he felt this was his fault.

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"I d-d-doubt there was any-anything any pony cou-could have done abou-abou-about that, d-Dynamo," Bluebell said.  "I'm j-just grateful that you were arou-around to st-st-stand up for m-me, and to take me h-h-here."

"Be fair to Shining," said Princess Luna.  "It's because he cares."

"I n-know, and I l-l-love th-them both d-d-dearly, but I do-don't want to li-li-li-live my life being sc-scared anymore.  I've had enough of th-th-that!"





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@Ragland Tiger

Turning towards Bluebell, Dynamo had an expression of concern as if he wanted to say something, but slowly nodded as she made a good point. "I-I know and when you put it that way, what you said make sense. I guess it would have been better if he was stopped so he wouldn't do what he did to you or anyone else in the future. I guess it's probably wishful thinking, but I guess I'm just trying to be optimistic." He would say, his expression soon turning into a soft smile. "I'm glad I was able to stand up for you and get you here. Nobody deserves to be bullied by someone like him. To me, I didn't see you as someone who was cheating. I see a really good gamer when I watch and you were amazing at that game. If I was able to, then I would have asked if we could have played some games together." He knew that he was nervous around those that he didn't know all that well. However, he knew that he would try to work up the courage if given an opportunity.

Blinking in surprise at Luna's addition to the conversation, Dynamo had looked from Bluebell to Luna to back to Bluebell again. As he had begun to learn more of Shining's and Cadence's roles in Bluebell's life. "I think it's really sweet that he cares about you as a little sister. I've never had any siblings growing up, but it sounds like Shining Armor and Princess Cadence really care a lot about you." He would say, nodding in admiration to the bespectacled mare's feelings. "In a way, I can understand how you feel and I find that really admiring about you, Bluebell. There are times now where I have something in life where I feel scared. Whether it be with bullies in the past, the bully we faced today or anything else in general. I know there will be times that feeling scared or having a fear will always be there. However, I know I want to try and build up the courage and confidence to not always be afraid. If I can be honest, then I know that you'll be able to find the confidence to not live life being afraid. You have my vote in confidence."

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  • 11 months later...

@Dynamo Pad

Just then, Bluebell heard a soft knock.  She looked to see Cadence and Shining Armor entering the room.  "Hey, b-Bro," Bluebell said.  "Hey Bluey," replied Shining as they gave each other a hoof bump.  Shining noticed the bandages and bruises on her other foreleg.  "Aw, Bluey!   Who did this to you?"

"S-s-some bu-bully I ran in-into at-at the arcade," Bluebell replied.

Shining Armor became anxious and concerned.  "That's not a safe place for you to be.  You know that."

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On 2023-09-24 at 10:33 AM, Ragland Tiger said:

@Dynamo Pad

Just then, Bluebell heard a soft knock.  She looked to see Cadence and Shining Armor entering the room.  "Hey, b-Bro," Bluebell said.  "Hey Bluey," replied Shining as they gave each other a hoof bump.  Shining noticed the bandages and bruises on her other foreleg.  "Aw, Bluey!   Who did this to you?"

"S-s-some bu-bully I ran in-into at-at the arcade," Bluebell replied.

Shining Armor became anxious and concerned.  "That's not a safe place for you to be.  You know that."

As a knock on the door could be heard, Dynamo's ears perked as he heard the creak of the door being opened. Turning towards the presence of Cadence and Shining Armor, who had both made their way into the room. "Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. It's a honor to meet you." He would say, bowing towards the two to give his respect to the royal couple. Slowly getting up from his bow, a visible wince could be seen from Shining's outburst. With the exchange between the Bluebell and Shining could be heard, Dynamo felt a pang in his heart. "Um...I-I hope it's okay to ask, but why would you say that, sir?" He asks, blinking slightly in realization as to what he had just said.

"I-I mean, don't get me wrong. I-I'm someone that likes to play video games and I like to go to the arcade. Anyone and everyone is allowed to play video games. I just wouldn't go and call the arcade unsafe." He understood that Shining Armor wasn't referring to him, but the words still had hurt, in a way.

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@Dynamo Pad

Shining Armor looked over at Dynamo, and raised an eyebrow.  Cadence nudged him.  "Shining, be nice," she said.  Bluebell fidgeted uncomfortably.  "Um - Shining, Cadence, th-th-this is d-Dynamo Pad.  He rescued m-m-m-me from the b-bully, and-and brought m-me here."

"Oh, he did, did he?" said Shining.  "Tell me, what are your intentions with my baby sister?"

Edited by Ragland Tiger
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On 2023-09-26 at 7:19 PM, Ragland Tiger said:

@Dynamo Pad

Shining Armor looked over at Dynamo, and raised an eyebrow.  Cadence nudged him.  "Shining, be nice," she said.  Bluebell fidgeted uncomfortably.  "Um - Shining, Cadence, th-th-this is d-Dynamo Pad.  He rescued m-m-m-me from the b-bully, and-and brought m-me here."

"Oh, he did, did he?" said Shining.  "Tell me, what are your intentions with my baby sister?"

@Ragland Tiger

As he felt a pair of eyes watching over him, Dynamo had tried to suppress a shudder from how Shining Armor looked at him. It was like he was in trouble for something, even though he didn't do anything wrong in particular. As his name was mentioned, he tried to stand tall and look presentable and confident. He gave a shaky wave as he was still nervous in the presence of the two. "H-Hi. J-Just like what Blubell had said, m-my name is Dynamo Pad. My friends call me Dynamo and it's an honor to meet you." He bowed to show his respect to those in attendance, before slowly standing up to give a nod in approval. "W-What Bluebell had said is true. I saw that Bluebell was in trouble and I stepped in to defend her and put a stop to the bully." He explained, his cheeks blushing slightly upon Shining's question. 

"I...well, I..." He started off mumbling as he was feeling anxious and worried. He didn't know why he was feeling nervous, but he chalked it up due to a fear in the back of his mind. Taking a breath breath, Dynamo released a sigh as he tried to stay calm. "I-I just know that I wanted to do the r-right thing and defend someone from a bully. I was scared, but I'd still do my best for anyone t-that needed help. As for my intentions, I-I know I wanted to get to know Bluebell as she sounds like a really great friend." He wasn't sure if there was anything beyond friendship, but to Dynamo? He knew he wanted to get to know her as she sounded nice, kind, caring and many more strong points. He just hoped that Bluebell felt the same, as well as wondering what everyone else had thought.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Shining, please!" said Bluebell  There's no reason to think that-...

"How do you know? He's a total stranger," Shining Armor fired back.

"Well, how do you n-know I d-don't know?"

"I just know!"

"No! Y-You don't! You just don't w-w-want to know!"

"You're the one who ought to know!!"

"You ought to n-know b-better!"

Spike's eyes darted back and forth between the two squabbling siblings, struggling  to figure out what they were arguing about.  Shining Armor guffawed, disgusted.  "I just don't know anymore," he said, storming out of the room.  "Shining!" Cadence said, chasing after him.

"That's the f-f-first thing you've said in this con-conversation that makes any s-sense!" Bluebell yelled.  She then noticed that the others were looking at her in stunned silence.  She lowered her head, embarrassed.  "I'm sorry."  she looked over at Dynamo.  M-M-My brother is - um - protective.







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@Ragland Tiger

As Bluebell tried to get Shining to see reason, Dynamo's neck twisted to turn towards Shining. The latter of whom had decided to argue right back at the Crystal Empire Prince/Head Guard. Dynamo's eyes looked towards both sibling as the argument was deflected rapidly like a ball in a tennis match. The gaming unicorn's expression was filled with concern as Shining began to storm right out of the room. He wanted to call out to Shining to help explain his side of things, but he was stunned into silence. He wondered if it was something he had said, or if he had caused such trouble. The silence was deafening, before it was disappeared at the sound of Bluebell's voice. Perking his ears at her words, he slowly looked over to her as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I-It's okay and you don't have to apologize. I-If anything, I-I feel as if I owe you an apology. With everything that's happened, I feel like I caused trouble and made Shining Armor to leave, or act in such a way. I'm really sorry, Bluebell, everyone." He would say, while feeling his heart rate quicken slightly in nervousness.

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@Ragland Tiger

Hearing that he had nothing to apologize for caused Dynamo to blink in surprise. His hoof suddenly cascading down like a waterfall from his neck and back down towards his right forehoof. "I-I hope it's okay to say and/or ask, but you said that Shining Armor has been like that lately. Has he always acted like that to you in the past?" He asks, hoping he wasn't overstepping his boundaries with his questions. He didn't know much about Bluebell, but after the time they spent together. He knew that he wanted to get to know her more. "E-Excuse me. Princess Cadence?" Dynamo started, turning his attention over towards the Princess of the Crystal Empire. "I remember hearing about your wedding in the news across Equestria. You and Shining Armor have been together for a long time, right? Is there something wrong with him that you may have noticed?" He may not know what was going on, but he knew he wanted to help a friend in any way he could. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"I only know that when they're with each other, they have some version of the same argument," said Cadence.  "Let me go and talk to my husband."  She exited the room. 

"After I-I w-w-was adop-adopted, Twilight, Shining, s-Spike and I stuck close to ea-each other," said Bluebell.  "W-We always had each other's b-b-b-backs. It-it was a good thing f-f-for us at the time.  Now it s-seems like Shining forgot that I g-g-grew up."

 "Don't worry about Shining," said Twilight.  "We've got this."

"Just rest and focus on recovering," said Luna.  "Come everyone." then Luna led the others out of the room.





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  • 4 weeks later...

@Ragland Tiger

"So, this kind of argument has happened before?" Dynamo asks, blinking in surprise upon Cadence's remark. The gaming unicorn pondered slightly as to why that could be, but stopped upon Cadence's announcement of her departure. With a nod, Dynamo turned his attention back towards Bluebell. "I'm glad that the four of you all were close to each other. Whether it's family or friends, it's always great and sweet to have each other's backs. I'm an only child, so I can't really say I understand, but I can imagine you all were very close." He would say, looking over to Twilight and hoped that she was right. He only knew of Shining Armor by name, but he truly didn't know him that well.

As Princess Luna had signaled for everyone to leave, he looked to the others to see that he too was included. Looking from Bluebell, to the group, to Bluebell once more. Dynamo knew he didn't want to leave her, but understood that she needed rest. "I hope that you feel better soon and I'll make sure to visit again. Talk to you soon, Bluebell." He would say, following the others as Luna guided them out of the room.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Ragland Tiger

As he followed the trio out of the room, Dynamo's eyes glanced back towards the door. He knew to trust the words of the others, but he still was worried about Bluebell. As he fixed his gaze to what was behind him, he didn't realize that he was walking closer and closer towards the trio. Perking his ears as he heard a voice, he turned his gaze towards the front to see that it was Princess Luna speaking. Taking notice of how close he was in proximity of the group, the gaming unicorn jumped back slightly in worry that he was invading one's personal space. 

"Uh...y-yes, I am." He stuttered out nervously. He was about to ask why, but was soon given his answer. At the mention of being invited to play games with Princess Luna, Dynamo's jaw dropped. His expression of disbelief at the invitation presented to him. "I-I would love to be able to join you, Princess Luna. I hope you don't mind me asking, but why me? I-I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm flattered. I-I guess it just doesn't feel real, you know?" He says, feeling that there were others that were worthy to be in her presence.

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@Dynamo Pad

Luna looked back at him, perplexed at first.  "Huh?" She said, but after thinking for a few seconds, she smiled, and then broke into a hearty laugh.  "You are so adorable!  I may be royalty, but most of my friends are just regular ponies who are kind and good, like you.  I like Kind and good, and I like fun, too.  Come on over.  The girls will love you!"

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@Ragland Tiger

Dynamo had stood before the three with an expression of concern. Was it something he had said? Did he get too close in their personal space as he walked. It wasn't until he heard the Princess of the Moon's laugh, that he tilted his head in confusion. He couldn't help himself in blushing slightly at the comment of being adorable. "I-I mean...I-I'm not that adorable." He stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck with his forehoof. He hadn't really been called that before, so it was something he honestly wasn't expecting. As he listened on, the gaming unicorn had of her friends, but not who they were. Perhaps he'd learn of them when he met them. "I know what you mean as I like fun, as well. That's why video games are pretty awesome when you get to try them out. I-In that case, if it's okay, then I'd love to join you and your friends. Would the meeting place be at Canterlot Castle?" He nodded as he was in agreement to the meetup. He wondered if Bluebell was one of the friends that Princess Luna had talked about, but he knew that time would tell.

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