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open Into Limbo: Worlds Colliding ( OC Lifeverse.)

Evil Pink One

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Their situation was grim, they are both desperate but it was their only solution to face this danger and stop from harming anyone. Silver may not like it, let alone the plan itself, but he knew not only he had no choice, but plans can work if carefully arranged. Shallow sounded unsure but he did not question her “Sure, I can do that,“ he poked his out, when he saw nothing of the creature, he speaks to Shallow again, saying, “Just give me a signal; make sure to give me or tell me at the right moment at the righr time, and at a right position so we can defeat the monster without loosing one of us, got it? good, good, good; for now, we remain silent and stay vigilant, you should another place to hide while i stay here so its attention won't shift to you when I come out.”


Stormlight smiled  “It's alright. I am a more pleased you helped me get a job. It's not bad to try out new things and opportunities.” This was not her first time seeing Derpy get into trouble. In fact, she had heard news of Derpy from her world unintentionally causing trouble. She always blames the mare's eye condition, being the most obvious obstacle in Derpy's life till to the end of her life. Ponies like Derpy Hooves are those Stormlight avoided in order to become involved with their brush in with chaos but she did not hate them.

Remembering Thought Sender's request, how can she handle a trouble-magnet Derpy Hooves?

“Besides, we have a work to do. We got to move, I'll go and get my uniform and my saddlebags!” the first step is to fit in. “We are going to have a wonderful time working together as one, Derpy!” she chirped with enthusiasm.


Thunder immediately retracted hee hoof as soon as Sweetie Drops told her about the collars “Right, I forgot about this 'security pre-caution'- Pfft! ugh, hey!” she found herself temporary stunned by water thrown at the face. She blinked the water out of her eyes.

Thunder nodded at Sweetie Drops before wiping ber face with her hooves. After successfully drying her safe, a smile formed in her lips.


the rest of their day was nothing but surprisingly casual despite that both of them now 'served' for one faction that will not hesitate about discarding them if they were to disobey. Buckshot tasted her first privelege of eating proper food, much to Thunder's amusement as the raider Sweetie everyday she's introduced to a food she is not familiar of. It reminded her of her early lives back in Cloudhaven, those distant memories bringing sadness in her heart knowing those pleasant fragments of her life with friends will never be repeated.

The trio would engage in occasional idle talks; Thunder was not much of a talker and did not want to reveal much about her personal life, Buckshot only made a few jokes with most of them being dark humor. Thunder found only a few of them funny. Apparently, majority of raider jokes are funny if you were a raider.

Of course, that did not wane Thunder's anticipation of cleaning her teeth which desperately needs to be brush ever since leaving Cloudhaven.


Thunder's peaceful and dreamless nap when a voice perceived through her unconscious brain, she visibly winced but did not woke up. However, her body being shaken caused her to finally snatch her from her sleep. She stretched out her body and yawns, licking her lips before looking at the source of the disturbance.

At the exact time, Buckshot kicked out her hind legs weak to cause no damage but enough to give Sweetie a message that she did not like anyone interrupting her nap. This has become somewhat a routine as one member of her group occasionally would poke fun of her. She would eventualy open her eyes, both narrowed at the agent. Their annoyance were immediately forgotten when Sweetie Drops told them they were having visitors. Both mares frowned, curious and concerned at this sudden turn of event. They did not say anything, and began following Sweetie Drops.


Glory and Iffy are led to the cafeteria. Glory looks curiosity at the chairs and tables occupying most of the area, and at students of different species eatimg breakfast. Unlike Glory, Iffy knew where to get food here and its to approach the counter and order. Meanwhile, Glory turned to the guard and spoke “This reminds me of the taverns.” before following Iffy, who was already speaking to the pony at the counter.

“Mmm...anything sweet. Oh, maybe five sweetrolls. They were so popular in Stable 55!” the stable dweller chirped with a smile so bright Glory swore the mare would shine like the sun in the day sky, and the moon in the night sky.

Glory stepped forward and offered the pony behind the counter a smile of her own “Anything that is meat. My kind does not eat food of herbivores.” earlier, she saw a few students eating meat which pleased her knowing this country where herbivores make up the majority has a room for meat-eaters.


Power of friendship. Heh. Pan smirked at that thought. It was indeed one of the most powerful elements in the world, but not always effective. If friendship could have saved millions of lives lost in his country's war...maybe here friendship is indeed powerful in Equestria, but apparently not in  the Thestral Kingdom.

Pan glances at his clothing in response to Apple Bloom's question. He frowned “I could see an outline of my wings, but they do not look too obvious unless your close. This should be fine.”


Nimbus lowered his eyebrows as soon after he raised them. Of course, why Cozy Glow would brought in a friend without revealing his real identity if they were here to help him? He is led out of the hospital with the help of the duo. He did not say a word, only chuckling when Cozy boasts about making friends with an alicorn, who scorned her in response.

Nimbus would pause alongside his helpers after Cozy found herself bumping into a earth pony mare accompanied by a stallion who wore clothing complete with a hat. “Are you okay?” he asked with concern for the mare.

Before the mare could reply, Cozy and the alicorn suddenly called out to the mare, Apple Bloom, in unison, slightly surprising the stallion. Nimbus, on the hoof, was not too bothered as ponies living in villages and small towns tend to know each other. Not a few seconds after that the mares started conversing while two stallions kept quiet, both curious. The conversation became interested as it progresses; it turns out Apple Bloom was a teacher, who's favorite student happens to be Cozy Glow, had previously vanished from town. Cozy and Flurry did not seem to be aware of the other stallion's presence until Cozy became aware of him and started to inquire if he is Apple Bloom's lover. A sudden look panic engulf the earth pony's face, she chastised Cozy before looking at the stallion for help. The stallion handled the question better than her as he did not show any surprise of a flush of embarrassment.

“Coltfriend? I'm just a distant cousin of hers.” stated the stallion.

Apple Bloom would look at Nimbus' group and found her eyes' gaze pausing at him. She asked Cozy about him, mirroring the earlier inquiry when Cozy first questioned her teacher.

“I'm not her coltfriend, just a friend of hers.” said Nimbus.

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@Windy Breeze


"Ahhhh, what a drag this situation we're in." Shallow smiled at him.

"As soon as we see the giant, you charge at him. And as soon as it seems you I'll lounge at his back from the shadows absorbing it magic."

And as if queued, the giant appears.

" Here goes nothing!"

And like clock work the giant would spot Silver, while Shallow was able to pounce at the giant bear's back and bite it.

Shallow Shades eye's would Glow purple and start to emanate purple mist from her eyes.

At first the mare is paralyzed at the back.  Then a burst of purple exhaust would blast out from Shallow. Making the giant look like it's in pain. 

At that moment the bear would try to yank the pony out from it's back. 

Not only that, but smaller purple creatures starts to go near the giant as if attracted to the purple exhaust emanating from Shallow Shade. 



Idle chatter between the 2 mare would occur as they fly towards Canterlot for the special delivery.

As they reach their destination.

They'd see that Canterlot was surrounded by a large dome and only has one entrance.

They were both forced to go there since that was the only way in.

" I Don't recall Canterlot being inside a large fishbowl? Let's go ask the guard over there."

As they head towards the guard, they were greeted with hostility.

" Hault! State your business stranger!"


~buckshot and thunder~

 Sweetie Drops was a nice pony but is a strict one.

She would then smack both ponies for head.

" Hey! Don't abuse my kindness..." She stared at both of them.

As they went out to meet Alpha she worries and warn them.

" As much as possible stay silent. As this pony is no normal pegasi. And please... Put your best attitude when Infront of her.

As you enter her tent you see a red maned pegasi with an orange fur. Her wings are abnormally large for a pegasi, one might say it rivals an adult alicorn.

Alpha would initiate the conversation.

" What took you so long Agent Sweetie Drops? I remember you thought us diligence and here you are, letting your superior wait. " She then piercly looked at Buckshot and Thunder.

" I see you've brought the ODT, and I've heard you reqruited them.... Why? You know it's best to cage them."

She sternly scolded Sweetie Drop.

She could only look down and scowl at her.

" Disobedience?" Alpha pointed out.

" No ma'am, it's just their ability is a help to us is all."

" Or it might endanger us all. You know that ODT activity has increased and danger to our world is near. "


" I'm telling you their important. "

"I say we cage them!"

As the room starts to heat up 

A pony came out of the shadows of Sweetie Drops.

It was a unicorn with green fur and mane with white strip.

"Agent Lyra... Present."

"Tsk... You may leave for now..." Alpha seems to have given up just by the sight of the shadow master pony.

As they left Alpha's tent, 

" Why is it when I face her I get kicked around, while you Lyra would get a pass no questions asked?"


" Must be my charm? That's how I got you remember?"

Sweetie Drops could only look away and blush at her rebuke.

Lyra would then look at both Thunder and Buckshot, intrigued.

" Hello! My name is Lyra Heartstrings a partner of Sweetie Drops. It's nice to meet you." 


~iffy and glory~

The cafeteria mare would serve Glory a grilled Fish, since she request no herbivore meals.

And would point out to keep moving, so the line would not get clogged. 

Your stallion escort guard would then approach you and guide you the way and how the procedure worked in the cafeteria.

" Ma'am let me guide you."



~Nimbus and Pan~


Flurry Heart would then break the awkward silence that  both mares caused upon each other.

" ANYWAY... you seemed to be in a hurry Miss Apple Bloom. Where are you headed?

" Oh me? I'm just going to the School of Friendship." 


Flurry Heart would immediately interrupt her, because of her excitement.

" You're going back to the School again!? That's great news! Come, let us inform Head mare Starlight Glimmer, post haste!"

" Wait ! I'm! Uhhh. A shoot won't you let me finish what I'ma gonna say to you?"

Flurry Heart would then Grab Apple Bloom and drag her to the School.

Cozy Glow would just hoof palm her face and invite the two stallion to join.

" Come on colts, we better follow them, or else we'll lose sight of them.

As they entered the entrance of the school, it seems that Chaos is a foot.

"What's going on?"

Flurry Heart questioned.






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Silver was already out of his hiding place just after Shallow left, bringing air into his nostrils in one single inhale before releasing them. his eyes narrowed with determination, the magical grip on his sword tightened as if seemingly holding onto dear life. “Hey big guy, over here!” he yelled, catching his attention. Silver's voice sounded forces but he did not back down, “be ready because this food over here is going to swallow you first!”

Driven by its undead instinct to taste fresh meat or offended by the taunting of its food, the gigantic bear rushed at Silver with a beastly roar. Silver readied himself despite knowing about the plan; he was only preparing himself of the outcome goes awry. Fortunately, his and Shallow's plan worked. Shallow emerged out and tackle from behind. The situation becomes strange after that. Do small woodland ceeatures normally stumble into a noisy battle in big groups? he notices the ugly purple smoke coming from Shallow. He stepped back. Magic cam sometimes be messy and he did not want to be among that 'mess'.


The sight of Equestria's capital city protected by a huge dome was not few to Stormlight. She has seen it happen once during the wedding of Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor shortly before the city was attacked by changelings, she watched the event from afar when she was on duty for a weather management schedule; however, two of her friends was in the city with both returning home along with a few others to tell everyone what transpired in the city. The invasion drove Ire paranoid for months.

Was there an invasion? is an invasion expected to occur once again in Canterlot? Stormlight nor Derpy know; nonetheless, they still have to keep forward, even as Stormlight felt tingling in her stomach.

“I think it's a magical barrier.” she told Derpy.

There was only one available entrance that can allow them entry to the city, it was guarded by guards. One of them would stop them and question them.

“We're from Ponyville Post Office, good sir. We are here to deliver mails to ponies here in Canterlot” Stormlight replies calmly.


Thunder and Buckshot were not stupid even if Buckshot but she knew where the boundary between intimidation and suicide meets. They decided to act stoic as they can.

Entering a tent, what Thunder first saw of the Alpha is her adnormally large wings, but looking at her face brought the feeling of standing before a general like the one she would feel when in being in the same room with General Autumn Leaf. The face of Alpha spelled danger for both her and Buckshot. Thunder winced when Alpha glanced at them as she and Sweetie Drops are having a one-sided argument. Thankfully, another steps into scene, stopping the argument from escalating. This agent whose name is Lyra would speak to Sweetie Drops casually before cheerfuly greeting and introducing herself to Thunder and Buckshot as if nothing happened a few seconds earlier.

“Nice meeting you, Agent Lyra Heartstrings, I'm Private Thunder Light of the Grand Pegasus Enclave, and this–” she nudged Buckshot on one of her forelegs, “-is the mare who shall stab you on the back in your sleep.”

“I'd gladly bite out your throat in your sleep, ****!” Buckshot glared at the Enclave soldier before looking at Lyra, “Everypony, including myself, calls me Buckshot. I was once a caravan guard.”


If everyone were to observe the two mares, they would see Glory politely eating her meal while Iffy ate like a violent wild predator, eating all of her sweetrolls in less than a few seconds, a feat which can only be done by Pinkie Pie. The mare burped and spoke “...Oooh, this sweetrolls are much more delicious than those in Stable 55!”

Glory would finish her breakfast soon after, thanking their escort politely “I thank you for your service.” she said, smiling with gratitude, both for leading them and telling her about the procedure earlier.


Nimbus and Pan would silently follow the mares into the school with both of them amazed by the architecture. Nimbus has never seen a building this tall before except for the Shorebreeze Academy back home.

Edited by Windy Breeze
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@Windy Breeze

~ silver ~

Silver's cowardice might have cost him a friend, as the purple mist coming out of Shadow starts to violently burst out of her body. One things for sure, it looked painful.

None the less the small purple creatures that Silver did not mind, started to climb the giant's back. As soon as they made contact with Shallow it started to absorb the purple mist coming out of her.

The creatures started to grow and mutate. Some grew wings while others changed into something else. The reaction between the creature and Shallow was very reactive it caused a big explosion.

You see Shallow Shade crashed from the distance. While the abomination of purple creatures started to flee from every direction.

It seems that you have doomed this world.



" Only VIPs and personnel involved in this project are allowed her, so leave! " The guard shouted.

Derpy was not amused by the guards attitude.

" Whats with the attitude!?" Derpy replied.

The guard was a bit intimidated by Derpy but soon collects himself and returned to being aggressive.

"Errr... Again! Only VIPs and personnel of this project can enter!"

The Guards started to circle around the two delivery mare, pointing their spears at them, as if they pose a threat.


~thunder and buckshot~

Sweetie Drop would be angry at the two and would proceed to scold them.

" Hey! Behave! Learn to get along you two. Wether you like it or not both of you are working together for your freedom."

Lyra would instantly cling to both Thunder and Buckshot, hugging them and snuggling them. 

" Are they our newly adopted foals? They'd be a nice big sister to Blu and Dusk! Those are our adopted Foals as well so I'd like you to take care of them like family okay?" The bubbly Lyra gleefully said.

Sweetie Drops could barely interrupt Lyra's excitement and could only apologize to the both of them.

" Once she's this excited no one can stop her.... Please bare with her." She apologetically said to both of them.

She then tries to calm down Lyra but to no avail.

" You ponies are part of my family now, so you older ones should set a good example to the young ones okay. Or mother Lyra would be forced to discipline you." Lyra told to her new foals.

Sweetie Drops could only gulp.



~ Glory and Iffy~

" It was a pleasure ma'am. " their escort replied.


One of the windows from the cafeteria broke and the shards went inside. Chaos ran rampant as some students where injured. But what's worse is at the center of it all, a big purple griffon like creature is standing there with a student between it's mouth which seems to be sucking the magic out of the poor student. As the light from that students eyes vanished, it would be soon replaced by a purple hew and it's color would start to change into purple as well.

" SOUND THE ALARM! WE ARE BEING ATTACKED!" Your escort yelled and begins to put himself Infront of you ready to protect.

" Honoured guest it would be best that you return to your quarters...."



~Pan and Nimbus~

Their adoration to the school is short lived as smoke and noise started to appear. Students running away from the school, and purple weird creatures pouncing and attacking the students.

Flurry Heart and Cozy was stunned at the site of the events that are unfolding.

They could see their fellow students and friends being bitten by this purple Creatures and turning into one of them.

Flurry could only cry and stutter, while Cozy Glow could only hold back Flurry Heart.

" No princess... Your safety is top priority!"

Apple Bloom on the other hand readies herself.

"Cozy, Pan, and you(nimbus) return to Ponyville and warn the others, put a defensive fort on the castle, that will be our base and sanctuary. Now go!" Apple Bloom then Leaps thought the gates and started to attack the Purple Creatures.

While Cozy Glow, quickly drags the shattered Princess to her castle.

( Will you obey Apple Bloom's orders and defend the Princess or would you disobey and assist on the rescue?)




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Silver's concern for his safety quickly turned to Shallow, his eyes widening upon the revelation the 'woodland creatures' are actually not curious critters, and judging by their looks he assumed dark magic is at play. Their disgusting grotesque bodies begin turning and twisting into shapes, each diverse, some familiar; he swore he saw one that took form of a pegasus.

Wishful thinking is more easy than turning into action as it proved that fear can take control of you no matter how you tried. Silver only manage to yell out to Shallow and take one step before pausing. He shook his head. no, it's his duty to protect the good from evil, he can't accept watching it all happen! He began his futile attempts at yelling at the creatures to scare them away to no avail. The consequences of his decision to stay out from what he feared to be an incoming magic explosion eventually show its ugly head; Shallow was thrown a few distance away from where she had been. Panicking, Silver tried to get to her, blasting a few of the silhouette-like purple abominations who dared to attack him or glance at Shallow's prone body. He would avoid the huge bear dead or not.

If he succeded approaching Shallow, he would say her name repeatedly; if he did not get any kind of response he'll let out one equestrian profanity before saying “We got to get out here, we are not safe in this forest if you are out cold!” he spoke to Shallow, “You can later scream at me for my incomenpetence but we have to get to safety first!”


Iffy was confused despite seeing the horrifying event played out, but Glory immediately comprehend what she had saw. As much as she wants to obey their escort's orders and save their hides from the threat, she couldn't accept leaving several students to fwll into the enemy's control. Students are the future of every kingdom and society, losing even one can change entire history. Glory's eyes narrowed with determination. Taking the nearest item she can carry, she threw it at the the creature attacked and infected the student a few seconds earlier. Hearing a gasp, she turned and spoke to Iffy with great urgency “If you remember the way to our sleeping quarters, go hide under the bed, you are safe there!”

Iffy raised an eyebrow “Can we first go and scold the thing who broke the window? a glass pane is an expensive material and make him pa-”

“I swear to Grogar's grave, you are twice worst than a pony who can't read or write!” Glory growled with frustration, “We are under attack, do you understand that!?” Iffy's eyes widened with understanding and finally recognizing their situation. There is no time argue, they're wasting time, “If you do not remember, follow me!”

She turned to their escort “I know you are trained to protect others, but try to watch out for yourself. You will be unable to protect if you allow yourself to be caught surprised by the enemy!”

As they were about to leave the cafeteria, Glory begin yelling to students in the area, urging them to follow her and Iffy “Come follow me, I know somewhere you all be safe. Hurry!” she told them.


Both Nimbus and Pan are caught off guard and terrified, but it was Nimbus who is able to shake off his fear, he did not not even bother to glance at Pan, only as he unfurled his wings “Cozy, you and Apple Bloom's friend may go and escape with the alicorn, I will go and help your teacher with the evac of this school!” he did not gave them even one second to protest, flying at a speed that will make Rainbow Dash sweat, he landed a punch at one of the creatures who attempted to tackle a student. It was his duty and purpose as a soldier, and commander of the Shorebreeze to stop harm from reaching innocent lives.

Pan, on the other hand, was incompetent and incapable of self-defense thanks to his dislike of his status and desire to live a life of a normal Bloodthirst. His reaction is just like of anyone partially succumb to fear and that is to shake like a tree in a hurricane and whimper. However, he is not completely paralyzed.

“They're right. Come on, we have ro warn everypony.” He told Cozy and Flurry.


Stormlight immediately submitted to her fear. She hid her face behind her wings and back close to Derpy for protection “S-Sirs, we mean no harm we are just here deliver mail....what if one of the mails turn out to be important for this p-project you mentioned?” she was genuinely concerned for both parties.

Oblivious to Derpy and the guards, something is stirring inside Stormlight. It is not happy about its host being threatened for no clear reason.


Thunder starts to tap Lyra's foreleg that wrapped around her next “I appreciate the hug and all, but we would not be able to do what you told us when you are in the process of suffocating us!” Buckshot said nothing. Maybe because she was in a much more dangerous position than Thunder.

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@Windy Breeze

~Silver's predicament~ 

Silver's call for Shallow was of not, for the pony he holds in his arms does not reply.

He noticed that a purple glow of mist still emanates in her eyes And is still in a Trans. What's weird is that she is very light, at a point that she is floating in air.

Luckily he was able to exit the forest and find a cottage, naturally Silver would try to find refuge inside. It was already in the middle of the night but it seems no pony answered his plea for help. His knock on the door also opened it showing that there IS no one home. A good place to rest for the night.

(Exploration, preparation event)

The next day, Silver won't be awoken by the rooster's call, but a siren emanating from what seems to be Ponyville.


~ Iffy and Glory's escape~

A few of the ponies who escaped started to follow Glory. It seems her natural talent for leadership made it easy to follow her commands.

Their escort was glad to have accompanied them even though if it was just for a short while.

" May you be blessed by Celestia." His parting words as he charges at the creature.

Before leaving the cafeteria, you where able to see the guards enter and attack the creature. Some of the creature when hit, burst into purple smoke. While others do, but return back into its original form. Some turn back into woodland creatures, while the other infected students returned back to normal. 

This was a sign that a fighting chance is still present.

Now that they've exited from the cafeteria and into the halls with some students on her tail. They'll soon find out that the invasion is not only happening in the cafeteria, but a whole invasion of the school itself. As they try to head for their quarters some purple hazed creatures would block their path, some are bird like creatures while some resembled other students, which strikes fear on the other students.


~Nimbus the brave~

His strike with his speed knocked the purple creature to kingdom come. The creature would puff into purple smoke and reveal a fainted student.

" You, Pegasi! You disobeyed my orders. You'll be punished by me later, but for now I see you're capable for combat."

As they beat more creatures and return the infected back to their side. They'd noticed that the purple Haze is curable, as long as their host is knocked out.

" We have a fighting chance! But there is more in the school, stay with me Pegasi! As we charge for more combat!"

Apple Bloom leaps into action and charges toward the School, heading inside.



~Pan the Coward~

As they retreat towards the castle of friendship

They'd be saluted by the guards.

Cozy Glow would hurry and drop off Flurry to the Guards and say,

" Hurry! The village is in danger! Sound the alarm! It's a code red!"

One of the guards would shove Cozy Glow to the ground and demanded.

" You what have you done to the princess! Why is she in a state like this!? I knew you weren't deserving to be her personal guard..."

Cozy could only cry and stare at the guard, stunned and scared to reply.


~Stormlight the scared~

The Guard paused and thought about what Stormlight said.

" Fine we will confiscate your belongings, and you will be detained, for further questioning and interrogation."

The Guards who circled you starts to get close one, took your belongings while the others escorted you inside a building, where presumably be held captive.


~thunder and Buckshot~

Their fun times would be interrupted as Alpha also exited her camp.

" Agent Lyra, Agent Sweetie Drops. An attack at Ponyville has occured. And our worst fear has happened.

"A wide spread invasion of ODT. 

" Multiple agents have been deployed and heading there as we speak. We don't want a repeat in Canterlot now do we? 

I will be heading there first, your team should follow and support back up and evacuation. Dismissed! "

As soon as she gave her orders, she quickly leaped high through the air and burst forth, giving a sonic rain boom in an instant. 

Lyra and Sweetie Drops looked at each other with worry.

" We must hurry!"

They quickly packed their things and took some equipment to give buckshot and Thunder.

( They'd be handed back their weapons. If thunder has none, she would be given a spear for now.)

As they where about to leave and exit the dome there they'd meet Derpy and another Mail Mare.

"..... Hey you!" Sweetie Drops yelled at the guards.

" Release them! They're with me! "

The Guards saluted and released Derpy and Stormlight.

"Thank hoofness you're here Bonbon, I don't know what I would've done without you!" Derpy hugged Sweetie Drops.

Lyra would look at Derpy in the eyes and be mad, " I'm right here Derpy, lay of your hooves at my mare!"

" Oops sorry Lyra." Derpy chuckled.

" We have no time for this, we need to hurry to Ponyville!"

The group traveled back to Ponyville, not knowing the chaos that ensued. 


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Silver would awoken to long and blinding noise. He got up and went to check on Shallow, not knowing what may have happened to her while he was sleeping, she was his current primary objective, staying oblivious of the invasion happening in Ponyville.

“Shallow you have to wake up” He began shaking Shallow, trying to wake her up, “I need you, Shallow. And we have to meet with Blu.”


Nimbus was surprised by the result of his attack but quickly recovered.  He stopped a student, giving his orders “You! take them somewhere else safe!” he turned back facing the incoming enemies when he heard Apple Bloom spoke, somwthing about being punished for his disobedience. He replied defiant of his decision “A Shorebreeze, nor a Fillypino, never backs down helping others. The princess has the assistance of your student and of your relative!”


Pan was enraged by the guard's actions “idiotule! That was uncalled for. The mare you jusf harassed took the princess out of a besieged school! There is an onslaught and if you guards did nothing, soon this town will be reduced to ruins and the locals massacred!” this loud chiding attracted a attentions from those walking by the castle with some taking the mention of invasion seriously, telling others about Pan's speech and urging them to spread the word. It was slow but atleast some are now aware of the threat coming to their town. This place may not be Shadowveil but he will not let it suffer the same fate as the city.


Glory cursed to herself for not telling the gathered students to arm themselves with makeshift weapons. Their travel to the sleeping quarters won't be easy aa evident by the monstrous invaders blocking the hallway, some appearing to be ponies and other creatures who were students to this school, there is no doubt their presence strike fear to the hearts and mind of the students following her and Iffy. Glory remember the time back before the overthrow of the previous rulers, her tribe used to hide at a village tucked inside swampy forest. She and her husband make speeches to keep everyone's spirits high and have hope that someday they would be accepted to live amomgst herbivores. This explains why she's charismatic.

“Everyone who can fight must be in the front and those who can't must stay behind the defenders. Do not let their looks scatter you. Stick close and fight; Together, we can defeat these monsters and free those fallen to them from their control!”


Stormlight nearly panicked by the guard's decleration; fortunately, she realized she and Derpy are taken away for questioning only, and not arrested; they are neither guilty nor free. Nonetheless, it still left her extremely shaken. Their detainment subsequently took somewhere indoors in an unknown location, it did nothing to quell her growing anxiety. And the voice didn't help either.

I can smell the aroma of war nearby. It moaned, making Stormlight wince as it spoke both warning and arousal, Be ready, I cannot help you until no one's keeping an eye on us.


Thunder was surprised by the news the Alpha had given them. An invasion!? This is not good given that she and Buckshot are apparently ODTs and the fact that this is a ODT invasion, meaning the invaders are not from this world. She's surprised the Alpha did not think of caging her and Buckshot. in a windowless cell.

What is even surprising is Alpha managing to do the Sonic Rainboom, something which only the Ministry Mare Rainbow Dash is only capable of performing.

Surprisingly, despite the risk of being demoted or outright losing her job in this company or worse, Agent Sweetie Drops made the decision to return Buckshot and Thunder's confiscated items back to their rightful owners, much to one's joy and dismay of the other. Thunder grumbled, looking at Buckshot who got her shotgun back still in one piece. Thanks to Sweetie Drop's mastery of cutting through armor, her power armor, one of the few Grand Pegasus Enclave tech that went with her to this world, was broken and unusable unless repaired, she doubted anypony from this world have the knowledge of how to repair power armor, chances of meeting a power armor specialist is fully zero. Meanwhile, her weapon (either simply called Magical Energy Rifle or Plasma Caster) are designed mounted on built-in battle saddles of power armors, making it just as useless as her power armor unless modified for non-built-in battle saddles. Then again, she needed a battle saddle, this world has none. With a depressed and frustrated sigh, Thunder explained this information to Agent Sweetie Drops. There was no time making repairs so she was given a spear.

As they were leaving the base (Thunder have assumed they are in some kind of secret military base.), they came across two pegasus mares being lead by some guards. They appeared to be wearing uniforms of pre-war mail couriers, and judging from their faces, they are taken here against their will.

Meanwhile, Stormlight was relieved to get a quick release with her friend without needing to be interrogated.

Edited by Windy Breeze
  • Brohoof 1



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@Windy BreezeBreezeBreezeBreezeBreezeBreezeaQqWAaqa


Shallow Shade gave no response, she is still in a possessed state, with floating body and glowing purple eyes and all that.



As they enter the school, they'd see the gruesome aftermath of the events that took place here. Crawling purple creatures everywhere, purple blood stains, and students fending for their lives.



The guard has no experience of his language but was sure it was cursed upon him.

"I don't know who you are, but you better respect the uniform, also! I could arrest you for making up lies and causing panic in this village!" But the guard would be interrupted by a siren being ranged from the School of Friendship.


The Guards scurried and went on to their roles.

The Guards who where left to guard the Castle assisted everyone inside.

Cozy Glow would limp by the princess side and comfort the shocked pony.

" Wake up Flurry Heart. We need your focus and help now more than ever. Lead us."

Princess still shaken, would try to wobble back to her throne room.


~Glory and Iffy~

Luckily there are armored ponies in display on the halls with spears and swords, some janitorial equipments like brooms and mops, and broken equipments that can be used as a makeshift weapon.

As Glory commanded, her experience and aura she radiated caused the ones following her to bid her command.

And with her signal, they would march into battle.

Not long after that the battle would look one sided. Her army of students dwindled to more than half.

But luckily a loud BANG of the front Doors of the school would erupt.

There they'd see an Earth Pony and a Pegasi rushing in ready to fight.


~ Stormlight, Thunder and Buckshot~

Their mode of transportation would be by train heading back to Ponyville. As they wait for their arrival, Sweetie Drops became curious of Derpy's presence at Canterlot.

" Hey Derpy, so you're back at delivering I see? Didn't you quit just a week ago, to be with your husband?"


Derpy would clumsily look at BonBon and reply.

" Well yeah, but this mare who came out of nowhere puffed into my room and saying a bunch of weird stuff about her being a resident of Ponyville and what not... So I ended up helping her find a job and here we are. " She smiled after.

Bonbon was a bit shocked and confused as her stories didn't add up to her and made no sense.

".... Yeah, but you didn't have to go back to work there as well...right? And Thought Sender was okay with it?"

"I'm working right now, am i?" She replied.

Bonbon could only facehoof and accept what has happened.

" I'm guessing Thought Sender just went along with it and didn't bother wasting his time... Anyway it was nice seeing you again, wished it wasn't always at a time like this, where Equestria is always in trouble."

" What!? In trouble again!? We should go call Princess Twilight!" Derpy's answer.

" Not gonna happen, you've seen us in Canterlot correct? There's no princess there to save us. Not even the Guardians of Harmony. All of our heroes have gone missing. And what better timing for an invasion." Lyra intruded.

(Questions or idle chatter can be inserted.if not they would enter Ponyville: Ground Zero)



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The lack of response and Shallow's current state made Silver uneasy, if not already concerned ever since the attack in the Everfree Forest. If the cottage is furnished, he would take a glass of water and pour it on Shallow's face. He wasn't sure if its going to work but teachings from his teacher when he was a foal, and his captain during a briefing, told him big problems can sometimes be solved with small and simple solutions. It was worth a try whether if it works in this issue or not.


Pan would silently accompany Flurry and Cozy to the castle, walking very close to them as if he were a butler or one of the princess' personal guard.


The scene is truly disturbing, it was a real depiction of tumult and combat and not unlike the ones shown in outdoor theater plays...and the sudden shaking of his town that left it in disarray and the citizen confused, afraid, and in turmoil. Seeing blood was not new to Nimbus but it did left some effect on him. Still, the instinct in him to help those in need of assistance kept him moving.


The guards were a sight for sore eyes for Glory and her group, sans Iffy whom was among those who stepped back from the fight. One of the students saw her and apparently dragged her back with the others, much to the latter's displeasure.

After impaling one of creatures with a shard of a vase the students had used, she spoke, announcing the presence of the guards to the students “The guards are here to give us assistance. Let us, alongside our noble guards, hold back the monsters till we free every soul they took and wipe them all!”


So this is what transportation used to be before the war Thunder has never ridden a train before. She has seen one of these trains once but as a rotting old relic of the pre-war history. The only one time she had seen a functional train was during a history class of the Great War, the event that led to the ultimate downfall both of Equestria and the accursed zebra nation that caused the whole destruction of the land, if not the entire world. She gave a stealthy stare at Buckshot, the mare appeared both fascinated and wary; it is apparent the raider has never seen a working train. Thunder wondered what's circling inside the raider's head.

The Enclave soldier's would hear the conversation between Agent Sweetie Drops, also known as Bonbon, and the grey pegasus mare Derpy. Thunder frowned, she can obviously see where the latter got this name but it is offensive to call them with a name that mocks them for their disability.

The first piece of the conversation gave Thunder a suspicion that the other pegasus with a dark blue mane—who appeared to be young—is an ODT if Derpy is telling the truth and not making up a ridiculous tale for not quiting her job. Looking at the Derpy's companion, Thunder noticed the mare's eyes slightly clenched and her body tensed. She can understand being mentioned can be uncomfortable for some if they did want to be in the topic of someone's conversation, but it might also be a confirmation Derpy's reason may be true.

Thunder continues listening to the conversation and will soon caught another interesting mention. Here, Twilight Sparkle, Ministry Mare of Arcane Science, is the princess or ascended to become one of the princesses of Equestria.

“Um, can I ask a question if you all don't mind.” Stormlight shyly spoke, “Is there a Wonderbolt named Windy Breeze or pegasus mare who works at the Ponyville Theater known as Ire Heaven?“



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@Windy Breeze


A response has shown from the splash of water. Shallow's head would tilt and face you, very ominously as you gaze into her purple misted eyes she slowly goes near you and bite you at the neck.

If you let her, you would only feel a gentle tap from her fangs, and would not pierce through his skin. She would slowly drain your magical stamina. Slowly but surely her energy would come back to her, but at the same time she starts to enjoy the Draining and she starts to suck your energy more fast and vigorously, as if she hasn't eaten for days.


as they've reached Flurry Heart's Throne Room, she would sit down and exhausted to the bone from the stress she is having. 

Cozy would try to talk to Flurry to snap her out in her daze, but she would just stare at her. Flurry would stare at Pan and through her Daze she sees Glory for some reason.

"Glory?... GLORY!!" She yelped as she woke from her daze.

" Cozy Glow! Call in the Captain of the Guards! We need to quickly quell the situation in the school! A royalty is in there and is in trouble! It would give shame to pony kind if we let her get in harm's way!"

Cozy would be a bit happy to see that Flurry has snapped out of the daze, and yet sad that she wasn't worried about her a bit.

" Oh... I'm fine thanks for not worrying." She sarcastically said to Flurry heart as she limps away to call the Captains.

"What?" Flurry confusingly asked.

" Oh nothing!... It's... It's nothing, focus on the rescue, princess."

She would exit the room and live both Flurry and Pan alone in the throne room.

" Seriously.... What's with the attitude Cozy... The world is in Chaos now and I don't need you to act up on me like this..." She mumbled as she writes down on a paper.


~Glory, Iffy and Nimbus. ~

Glory's hope would soon shatter, as her expectation for a rescue was quite... Lacking... She was expecting dozens or hundreds of Guards would aid in their rescue but... It was just an Earth Pony and a Pegasi. They weren't even in uniform and they're fighting the creatures bare hoofed, which was quite impressive to say the least!

" Quickly join me to the Head mare's office! That would be the safest place to be!" The Earth Pony mare yelled towards the survivors.

One of the students at the back of the group would tell glee of joy to see the mare and say.

"We are saved! Miss Apple Bloom has returned to school for us! Some would rush towards Her to join and follow her lead towards the Head mare's office, while the rest would still stick with you.

Would you follow the earth pony or still head to your chamber's?


~thunder, Stormlight, and Buckshot. ~

Derpy would think quite hard. "I think I've heard of that name before, but can't put my hoof on it. Maybe if we ask Pinkie Pie, surely she'd know about her. " She smiled and proudly said.

" Again Derpy, the guardians of Harmony are MIA... Missing in action. They can't be found. " Bonbon replied.

" Oh!... So that's what it meant... "

" Anyway, Windy breeze is a weather pony here in Ponyville... If you are from a different Dimension... Don't expect her to know you." Bonbon replied.

" Oh the one who gave me Blueberry muffins!... She's very nice to me." Derpy intruded.


The train would stop and looking out the window, they weren't even in Ponyville, yet the village can be seen from afar, in smoke and chaos.

" Okay ladies the train stops here. Now we gallop!" Bonbon would jump of the train and charge towards the burning village. Lyra would follow her from the back and so to would Derpy.

" Quickly!" Derpy said to Stormlight.

" We have to save Doc! He's not much of a fighter."


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Silver's jaw gaped slightly at the sudden movement. He did not had enough time react other than let out a tiny gasp before he felt teeth bury into neck, breaking through fur and skin into the flesh; his scream was out of surprise and less from pain. He ceased his struggle as he did not want to hurt Shallow but he was still afraid the after effects of being bitten by a dark magic-tainted sharp-pony. He began speaking to Shallow, hopefully reaching her ears and getting her attention “Shallow your biting me, please let go.”


Pan's eyes widened after the name reached his ears. There's no way. Could this be a coincidence? There's no way his mother is inside the school. But if its really just a coincidence, how can he explain this Glory being a member of royalty? Maybe it's a bigger coincidence. There's no way. There is no way his mother is...is...


Glory immediately abandoned her dismay began helping out a few students who are falling behind and those who are stuck defending themselves from the shadow enemies. “Hurry, don't fall behind!”

Meanwhile, amid the chaos, the confused Iffy decided to follow the remaining group of students, approaching one to ask them a question, the answer already obvious “Uh, I can't make heads of tails of what's going on. Do you mind giving me an explantion?”


Thunder glanced away from Stormlight to nearest window upon hearing Sweetie Drop's orders; not far away from the station she can see several pillars of black smoke rising a few distance away from their location. She  breathed, this was going to be her first time in combat using a traditional weapon instead of her beloved Plasma Caster. She, Buckshot, Derpy, Stormlight, and the agents storm out of the passenger car of the train and off they go to Ponyville.



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@Windy Breeze 

~Silver, The Dark Knight~

He would feel his energy drained, slowly leaving him to a weakened state. But he would then feel a surge of unknown magic through his veins, he would see his breath is starting to become visible. It's turning into color purple. The purple mist is starting to cloud his mind and started to whisper loudly in his mind, trying to control him. But before the infection could fully control him.

Shallow Shade woke from her possessed state as it seems she has gained some energy from silver.

As soon as she have seen what she has done, she would quickly release her bite to Silver.

" No!... Nonono.... I'm so sorry Silver!" She would then try to heal Silver, but she'd notice that the bite she made starts to turn purple and quickly spreading through Silver's neck, and her magic also leaves a purple mist, witch agitates the purple wound. 

"What the hell is going on!? Did I do this too?... Aaaa!!!" A sudden pain in her head would surge, she too hears the whisper of the purple mist.

Shallow Shade then created a Black shard choker from her mist and attached it to Silver's head.

"Sorry, Silver. This is the only thing I could do to save you."

( The choker is made of Changeling Gems, which absorbs none changeling magic.)

Shallow Shade would then proceed to hug Silver. " I'm so sorry for what I did... And thank you for saving me."

She would proceed to stand up and offer a hoof to Silver.

" Can you stand up Brave knight?"




Flurry would then be distracted at Pan's presence.

" Um... You... Why are you with us? aren't you with Apple Bloom? And where's Nimbus? Oh Celestia where is he!? Why isn't he with us!? What ... Why..." She would break down and slump. She could only put her hooves on her face and sob over it.

" I'm never gonna be a good ruler of Equestria. I will be the one who'd and our family's legacy... FLURRY THE FAILURE..." She said to herself scolding.




She would lead the few students to safety, to her quarters. As they where able to reach the room, they where able to rest and make a head count or block the entrance.

She would see that half of the students she saved remained, and Iffy is missing.

Then after a very loud explosion could be heard.



~Nimbus and Iffy~

(You will be moving to @Illiad Easle story with Blu.)



~Thunder, Stormlight, and Buckshot.~ 

As they've reached Ponyville, the village was in a mess.

Purple Creatures started to attack the village and is infecting everypony they bite at.

" Well Girls, time to Show me what you got!" Bonbon yelled.

She would proceed to shoot her Slingshot and would instantly knock 3 creatures with one bullet.

The targets would the puff into purple smoke and leave the creatures fainted and uninfected.

" Everyone! Knocking them out is the solution!" She informed the rest.

Lyra would then proceed to sink into her shadow and proceed to create shadow tentacles, wrapping and knocking it's victims to the ground. 

While Derpy bumps into them and living both her and the purple mist dazed.

" I Don't think my plan is working..." Derpy derped.

Because of this she would be easily surrounded by the creatures.

" Would you like some muffins?" She worriedly asked. 









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Silver, the batman (just kidding XD)

Silver started panicking as he feel his energy and magic being taken, struggling in Shallow's grip to no avail. Tireness began to grew when felt something enter into his body. Whatever it was, it obviously came from Shallow. It must be the dark magic that infected her, and now its infecting him. Unfortunately, every efforts he made to disconnect from Shallow ended with failure and further drained of his energy. As he pant, he noticed his breath has turned purple.

Soon, he started hearing voices, they were indiscernible which he was glad as he was sure whatever the voices are throwing lies and taunting him; he did not want to know what the voices are saying, although it left a nagging pain in his head.

Luckily for Silver, Shallow woke up and became aware of the situation and quickly let go of him. However, it was neither too late and timely. Large amounts of dark magic had been transfered to him but he still has full control of his body. The experience left him disoriented; Silver was caught off guard by Shallow's warm and welcoming embrace. He nodded when she gladly thanked him for assistance, and when she asked him whether he can stand. Even with his own efforts, he accept her hoof of support.

“...That left me a drained but I'm alright for the most part,” he groaned, “How are you feeling?”


Pan's shock was forgotten when Flurry took notice of him “He stayed behind to assist Applebloom” he spoke, looking at Flurry with shame and pity, “I am more knowledgeable with cooking than fighting, as such, I am but an incompentent fighter.”


Glory and some students were forced to head to her sleeping quarters, having been seperated from the main group when monsters blocked the hallway where the others had retreated to. It took a few more encounters with the horrid creatures before they are able to find reach their destination.

Iffy. She was with the main group. Glory hoped the mare would escape this invasion alive. Her main concern now is that she and the students that followed her are now trapped inside her room. Sure, they made sure to block all possible entrances the monsters might use, but now they're stuck inside until rescue comes.

Glory turned to the students, speaking in hushed tone, “Is everypony okay? no one in need of healing?” she asked.

Her ears caught the noise of an explosion from somewhere. It caught her attention but only for a while.


There was sharp and loud bang followed by one of the creatures disappear into a mist of purple hue. The source turned out to be Buckshot and her weapon, a faint wisp of smoke coming out from the shotgun's muzzle. The owner was not amused by Derpy's attempt “That was incredibly dumb of you” scowled Buckshot, pumping out bullets at another purple creature, “The answer to stop this whatever-magical-hellspawn-ghouls is kill them!”

Luckily for Buckshot, the monsters Buckshot had dealt with are pure and not infected townsponies, but Thunder is still not happy with the raider's disobedience. That and also her frustration about having to use a primative weapon “The agent says we incapitate them, not kill them!” There was no time to fight, they has a town to save and they have to build a good impression.Buckshot knew this too, only muttering a vulgar swear in response to the former GRE soldier's critisism before pointing it at another purple monster, “conserve. Don't waste too much ammo; this world likely doesn't have any ammunition. And remember, we have to stick together.”

Edited by Windy Breeze
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~Silver and Shallow~

"Ahhh, please... Your kindness towards me pains me, as I'm at fault to our situation, and I'm the one who should be asking that question."

He would look at silver in the eyes then check his temperature by putting her hooves to his forehead, after that she'd give another hug to silver.

"Brave knight, I offer you my life for saving me, and for the damage that I have done to you." She said to him, as she bows down.


~Flurry and Pan. ~

Flurry in her miserable state, would just look at Pan, and be depressed at the village's state.

"At least you're good at something." She sadly said.

Their exchange would end as one of the guards enters the chamber.

" You're majesty, you called?"


" I have and it's an emergency! One of our royal visitors is at the School of friendship, and it would sully the name of all pony kind to have a royal endangered in our care! Send out all our troops and rescue her. She is a bat pony, accompanied by an Earth Pony named Iffy, quickly now! " She commanded.

The guard would salute and quickly leave the room. 

" Now... Now we wait... Wait, where's Cozy Glow? Why wasn't she with the guard?" She questioned.

" Anyway... Since we can only wait... You can tell me more about yourself." The princess asked Pan.




The ponies with her were scared and exhausted. Some couldn't react, while some are crying at the corner.

A lot would question on what is going on, but others did not forget to thank you for saving them.

One young pegasi mare would come up and hug you and thank you in person for saving them.

" Thank you so much ma'am!"

But the pony would see Glory up close and would be shocked to see a pony with fangs and a bats wings. The pegasi would jolt away from you, but quickly see her error and disrespect, and apologies.

" I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to avoid you... I was shocked that a  pony of your kind still exist. Usually ponies like you can only be seen serving under Princess Luna." The pegasi would bow down and apologize once more for her rudeness.

But now others would notice about you for having a different race, and would be alarmed for a bit.



~Buckshot,Thunder and Stormlight~

Buckshot would feel something really hard hit her at the back of her head.

As she turns around to see who done it, she'd see Bonbon staring at her, her look towards Buckshot sent a signal of a warning to her. The stare down would only take a few seconds, but to buckshot, the way Bonbon stared at her felt like forever.

The exchange of glare would soon end as they see more smoke further down the village.

 Lyra would appear out of the shadows and inform everyone, " that smoke is coming from The School of Friendship. We better hurry if we don't want an international crisis in our pony hooves. "



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“I am no hero. I was just concerned what after effects had that dark magic left on you, besides, i'm just a town guard.” Of course it was her fault, but he allowed her to be infected in the first place, so he is still partly responsible, “You have been out for a while. I have already eaten, are you hungry? I can come out and get some fishes out of the nearby stream or prepare a nice and warm stone soup.”


Pan turns at her with a 'are you serious?' stare. He was weirded out by her willingness to hear a tale of his life despite the invasion just happening outside the castle. If she was his mom, she would have ordered him or any nearby guard to alert the others, mobilize every soldiers and royal guards to defend both the castle and their citizens, secure the perimeter in the castle grounds, and evacuate the servants. Considering there was no servant to be seen, the last is justified.

“If you're sure you have don't have anything to do, then I will start telling you my story, starting my life in the city where I was born, to living in the royal castle in the capital.”


It is obvious Glory is not any ordinary thestral/ bat pony anypony would see serving Princess Luna, as the bloodthirst thestral's eye sclera are red instead of white. She looked down at the winged pegasus bowing infront of her, staring specifically at her wingfeathers with inconspicuous fascination “You may rise” she turned to the other students, “and there is no need to be alarmed. Is a lone creature lone creature like me terrifying than the army of hideous creatures lurking out in the halls?” her amused smirk dropped, “They proved to be powerful and stronger, and with just one bite they can spread their plague to others. Waiting for this invasion may seem foalish and selfish, but that is the only logical path we have to make as we are trapped in this room in the midst of the fight. Let us hope this will end in our favor.”


Buckshot was intimidated into submission, lowering her gun down “I guess I just have to find another way to strike a hit those ghoul freaks.” she growled.

“Then there is no time to waste!” Thunder added, readying her spear.


unbeknownst to Bonbon, Stormlight had already seperated from them when they rushed out of the train and is the first to reach the town. She hid behind the wall of a home hiding from the monsters as she spoke to her own monster “What are those creatures!?”

They are the works of magic, unknown but my assumption is they are all created by dark magic of unknown origin, they do not match my magic and I am completely foreign as to how this magic make creatures out of nothing but magic.

“You're speaking as if you are not a living and sentient being born out of nothing but dark magic.” Stormlight managed to be sarcastic, pushing her fear temporary.

I was born by the malice and malevolence of this world, for without evil there is no me. Now, have you maade your decision?

Stormlight let out deep sigh, silent until she spoke “Yes. Please take over my body and vanquish them to your heart's desire.”


The voice cackled with delight, pleased by Stormlight's resignation Excellent, you made a wise decision, Stormlight. Now, just according to your conditions, I will only kill the enemy, not the possessed, not the ponies, no living creatures except the Shadow Walkers.

That was the last thing she remembered before her vision is shrouded by darkness which oozes out of her eyes like smoke.

Feeling you submit to me sends me satisfaction, my dear Storm. Now, enjoy the spectacle!

Edited by Windy Breeze



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@Windy Breeze

~ Silver~

" Do not worry about me, I already had my fill with you remember?" She jest.

" How long was I out? I hope I wasn't heavy for you. " She blushed.



"Royal castle?" She questioned.

Shed get curious and inspect the stallion.

" Are you really one of the Apple family? Is it alright to see your teeth?" She asked.



Her speech would calm the restless.

But some would still ponder at what she said, an invasion? Another royalty? Are they involved some how, not only did she bring calm but question to herself.

Luckily the spooked pegasi gathered her courage and hugged her once more.

" I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been afraid because you were different."

Others would start to open up to Glory and stopped judging her.

"But what now? We just wait here while the rest of our friends get turned into mindless purple zombies?"

Again the room's peace was short lived.


~Stormlight, Buckshot, Thunder. ~

As the rest where busy, fighting of the rest of the Purple Critters.

Somewhere from afar released a deadly aura.

Lyra would detect the magic and warn the others.

" There's a sudden burst of magic coming straight ahead! This one feels different! Everyone! Regroup and defend!" Lyra ordered as they huddled up together protecting each other's side.

Meanwhile, depending where Stormlight's possessed body goes, she would either go further in Ponyville, where the guards are having a hard time defending the spot leading to the School, head back and meat with Derpy, Bonbon and Lyra. Or wonder of and end up going to either the Castle or the cottage near Everfree forest. 

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Silver find her first statement a bit disturbing but it was too subtle for her to notice “Only one night has passed, you just woke up today early in the morning.” he replied, “Thank Celestia it did not take you more hours or even days to wake up.”


Pan perked upon hearing her say his mistake. He would stare at her, devoid of emotions, until he let out a convincing laugh, his only flaw in this act was his attempt to not open his too much “I am just messing with you, princess! There will be no way I'm living in a prissy castle!”


Glory turned to the student who made the question difficult to answer without having to lie. She shot the students a sad look “It is up to the guards to rescue any students who needed rescue. I am sorry, for now, we can not do anything for them other than hope they are okay.” she did not like her answer as much as the students, knowing she'll get unpleasant reactions that may stir their situation out of control.


As a precaution, 'Stormlight' decided to cover Stormlight's body with dark black magic to avoid being identified. To everyone, they would see a cloudy black pony figure with wings running towards one of the purple creatures.

With a wicked smile, 'Stormlight' turned and bucks at the nearest enemy, her hooves successfully making contact thanks to her dark magic that allowed her to fight the purple creatures, the force causing her target to dissipate. There is so many of its kind here, so many to kill and satiate her thirst for blood she had been holding back for years. Now, it is time to unleash her bloodlust. She was a slightly dismayed that there limitations thanks to her pegasus body, but it was better simply being a formless mist. Channeling her magic to the hooves, legs, and wings, she spread her wings and took off with a strong flap, ready to fight.


Thunder and Buckshot felt nothing, only following Lyra's orders as splitting up from the group is a bad idea. “Lead the way!” Thunder said to Lyra.

Edited by Windy Breeze
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@Windy Breeze


"I see... We should get going though... We don't want Blu to wait on us any longer."

As they head outside, they'd see a lot of smoke coming from Ponyville.

" ahh... Hey are you sure it's just been hours since I passed out? Last time I checked, Ponyville wasn't... In this kind of state."

(Ponyville or animal sanctuary?)



As Pan continue to talk 

Flurry Heart would grab him by his snout and open his mouth wider revealing his fangs.


She'd check at his back for wings, but some garments blocking it. She would forcefully remove it too, and see that Pan has Bat pony wings.

" And your name is Pan too!? Your mother would be so happy to see you!"

Then a dread would creep into the princess's face.

" Your mother.... Your mother is in danger! Quickly we must focus on rescuing her!" She would bolt out of her room , dragging you along with her.

"Guards! Follow me! We march into battle!"



(On Hold)


would end up heading close to the School of Friendship Since she chased where there's an abundance of enemy.

 But there she would be greeted by scared guards.

"AAAAA!!!! "

Some would run away from her and some would try to throw a spear.

~ Buckshot, Thunder~

"The Sudden burst of Magic is not heading our way, but towards the School."Lyra announced.

Quickly we must chase after it, before it causes more casualties! " Bonbon replied

The Group would end up catching up with Stormlight, but with no idea who it really is.

They'd block the creatures path and prepared to engage it in combat.

" You gals ready?... Wait where's Derpy?" 

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“Of course it wasn't.” Silver replied with nervous look. There were plumes of smokes rising into the sky from Ponyville below in seperate, different areas. It was no doubt something had gone wrong and he grimly suspected it has something to do with the creatures that attacked them. “I'll go take my sword from the cottage and we'll head to town.” he was already running before he can finish his monologuing, not even waiting for her reply. He went back into the cottage, retrieving his sword before heading outside with sweat already running down on his face.


Pan winced at the sudden grab of his muzzle, releasing a muffled cry of surprise and terror, there was no way he can hide the fangs hidden mouth which was pried open by the winged-horned princess. His makeshift diguise, the clothes provided by Applebloom, were forcibly removed without him giving a struggle.

If he was.expecting the horror of being dragged into an unknown place for being an otherworldly traveler, he was met with something bigger. And he found himself dragged by Flurry Heart.

His mother is here. And he would have been glad if the settlement is not being invaded.


'Stormlight' casually caught a single spear and dodged the rest with majestic maneuvers, leaving small black-smoke like trail in her wake.

“Out of my way, doltish mortals!” she sneered at everyone who dared to interrupt her killing spree, “No magic, no blade, will pierce through me!”

Facing the nearest group, she gave a loud and heavy flap, released a black wave of magic that can blind anything hit by the black mist temporary.


The creature they had caught on heading into the school has an almost-identical black body just like the others they had encountered, but without the purple shade. This monster also has a pair of wings, and it's currently staring at them, yelling at them drammatically and at the guards nearby. Thunder knew facing an enemy head-first without plan is always a bad idea, and she felt foolish the fact thy decided to face the monstrosity without further discussion on how to deal with it. Worse, Derpy strayed too far from the group, seperating the mare from them. There is no time to look for their lost member,  they're in a situation where sticking in groups is valueble than separating.


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" Silver, Buckshot, Thunder and Stormlight." 

" let us take our leave brave knight."

They hurried towards Ponyville and saw that their suspicions were right, the purple creatures have invaded Ponyville.

But it seems that there are only a few of those creatures left in their area.

As they clean up the area, they soon see a group of ponies fighting another creature cloaked in darkness.

"Quickly Silver we must aid those ponies!"


" Finally a monstrosity that can talk." Bonbon mockingly said to Chaos Stormlight.

" Tell me why aid us rather than your fellow creature?" She pointed at her.

Lyra was not pleased at Bonbon's actions of angering the creature.

" Why are you intimidating the said creature who helped us?" She scolded Bonbon.

" Please forgive my partner's rudeness."

Lyra bowed her head while also forcing Bonbon to do so aswell.

" You to children, unless you want the dark creature to be mad." Lyra looked at both Buckshot and Thunder.





As they charged outside, and head to the school with her army, they would be stopped by the events where Stormlight and Bonbon's team are having a stand off.

" A creature of Chaos.." Flurry Heart  mumbled.

" We must aid madam Bonbon and Lyra!"

The Guards would then run towards their aid and lift their shields and spear against Stormlight.

Flurry would yell to the creature, " creature of Chaos! Flee now for a Guardian of Harmony is present, less you wished to be slayned by thee!"



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“Impressive that such mortals can still stand up and have the strength to boldly demand an answer to an entity like me. You have a lot of organs in you compared to the wimpy peace-loving Wonderbolt and her brain-damaged psycho coltfriend.” Spoke 'Stormlight' with a bit of genuine wonderment, “You got talents, Bon Bon, or should I say Sweetie Drops the secret agent who works for a monster-hunting agency in Canterlot, and one who let a bugbear into Ponyville thus to Lyra's discovery of your not-so-secret-business-anymore. As for your question, I am different from them, and I am born from a different dark magic stronger compared to all the mockery that is now invading Ponyville.”

She turned to the bowing Lyra, “Partner? Then I assume you decided to go monster-hunting with your candy friend? Your connection with Bon Bon is truly impressive, Lyra Heartstrings; just as admirable how you play the lyre back when you went to Canterlot for a Grand Galloping Gala. My host loves your music and I personality find them a beauty.”

The intelligent monster was about to address Thunder and Buckshot who are both gone down to their hooves when a thunder of hooves caught her attention. She glanced. There, a small group of guards armed with spears and shields approached. Her expression fell into confusion, then of recognition. She narrowed her eyes at the alicorn whom at first is a stranger, but a close resemblance to one certain alicorn and few memories from her host gave her an idea of the alicorn's identity. “Ah, daughter of the shield and love, the first time I encountered you is when you were still a mischievous, innocent, little alicorn. Now, you grew up to look like your mother. How is the Crystal Empire, Flurry Heart? the successor to the crystal throne of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza; and Prince Shining Armor, sibling to the Magic artifact keeper, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Fiendship- Oh, I mean forced friendship.”


Chaod was what that greeted Silver and Shallow immediately as soon as they arrived in Ponyville, the creatures that attacked them in the Everfree Forest are now attacking the town! Silver felt a rise of guilt in his heart knowing that he and his companion are responsible for this. With a heavy heart, he went looking for anyone in need of help. Fortunately, there were only a few creatures here and there, and many of the locals are smart enough to avoid them. However, he would soon learn why there are only a few creatures seen in town.

Arriving at the school, he noticed more damage, more guards, and more of the creatures. It seems the invasion is centered within the School of Friendship. One of the creatures, a winged equine monster hovered infront of many of the defenders, speaking to them with voice he couldn't describe other than it was disturbing.

Shallow was going to use the opportunity, obviously planning on attacking the creatures while monologuing but he tried to stop her with a yell “Wait!”

Edited by Windy Breeze



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@Windy Breeze

"You know too much... some kind of draconicous I presume? You talk like one and you evade the questions that I ask like one too, again what's your goal here..." Bonbon replied.

While Flurry Heart was a bit displeased at what the creature has said to her aunt. " I do not know who you are creature, but I will not tolerate you sullying the name of the princess of friendship! Vile being of Chaos, I do not practice the way of violence. But for her I will make an exception for you." She stared menacingly to the creature while preparing her horn.

" Never the less, you are still a creature we can communicate and show no hostility towards us...YET. State your business as Lady Bonbon has earlier requested upon you." 



Shallow stopped as Silver commanded and looked at him. She remembered the mistakes she made and seeing Silver made her remember what he has to go through because of her.

" Right... I'll follow your lead this time." She calmly said. 

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the entity narrowed its eyes at Flurry and her glowing horn “Oh, don't even try doing that if you do not advocate for violence, my little crystal princess. Killing me requires the death of this body” it pointed at its chest, “and the young owner who resides inside with me. Killing evil is heroic, but killing an innocent pony alongside evil is murder, am I correct?”

Silver's eyes widened. Is this thing saying its possessing somepony!? This new information dropped by no doubt a monster unnerved him. He turned to Shallow “You heard that?”

The entity either did not hear him or outright ignored him as it continues and looks at Bon Bon with a sharp glare as if the earth pony had said something very offensive to the thing “I am not one of those heretics, mortal. Their definition of chaos is disgusting and mocks the image of the real chaos!” yelling with fury, the entity took a bat-like creature, that's trying to attack it from behind, with its hooves and crushing it in the entity's grip, the remains dissipating into mist. “Curse to Discord and to his ancestors. If I ever meet him again, I shall turn him into pieces of meat, burn him, and throw his ashes into a volcano!”

It did not take long for the entity to calm down. “I do not have a goal yet. I am merely participating in this party for my own pleasure and with the 'seal of approval' from my host. The creatures attacking Magic and Star's school shall be my toys and sustence for my thirst for carnage and no ponies, griffon, changeling, yak, hippogriff, and biped cats will taste my bloodlust” she turned to Flurry with a smirk, revealing sharp fangs, “Unless you gave me a reason, Flurry Heart.”

Edited by Windy Breeze
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@Windy Breeze

Another heavy burden was given to the young princess, to slay or not to slay.

She listens to what the demon says and gave her an offer. 

"You, evil who mocks me! Who says that I cannot save your host and leave you vanquished! Although you have not done any harm to us of yet, and have assisted us in this endeavor. The guardians of Harmony will consider you an ally as long as you remain peaceful and true to our cause. What say dark creature? You aren't foolish enough to fight against us?"

Flurry heart bravely confronted the Evil being.


Meanwhile as Silver listens in the conversation he would ask Shallow about it. But as soon as he asks for confirmation he would only see Shallow looking at him very intently and focused.

".... Your energy is really delicious.... Ahmm cough... Yes, Silver. I await your action, tell me what to do." Shallow said while she tried to change the conversation. She would blush and try to hide it from Silver.

" Please do not mind me as I think I still don't feel well..."


Bonbon and Lyra would then also reply to the creature.

" We side with the princess, creature of darkness. Do not underestimate our capabilities."



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Silver eyed Shallow, questioning her choice of words without saying a word. He brought back his attention the equine-shaped monster before them as it spoke.

“Then you all have to be smart enough to not understimate what I can do, does that sound a fair trade to you? I gained a title for bringing down an entire nation to its foundations and scatter its citizens to extinction.” it turned to look at Flurry with a cold gaze complete with a sly, smug smirk, “Don't make me pity you more, Flurry. I have been possessing several ancestors of my host since my succesful destruction of a whole nation, and the only reason why I even switched hosts is because of death, that goes for my last powerful host who was murdered by a so-called hero who tried to vanquish me, only for a curse to be brought down on him which he will carry even after his death as long as I live. Pfft, it would an honor to see your horror when your attempt to free my host ended up with them dead while I make my great escape that you will never see it coming.”

“As for you two” it addresses Bon Bon with Lyra, “If your Crystal Princess here decided to turn on me, I suggest you two to check for bites for everypony in little trouble-magnet hamlet Ponyville, mountain capital Canterlot and your not-so-secret base, Candy Head.”

“I would love to tease you for a few more minutes but we continues this for too long, all of the students would be subjected and taken by those creatures. You will all meet me again soon, hopefully in a more peaceful day.”

The went into the school, disappearing inside and into oblivion. It could have most likely left after the confrontation or it stayed true to its original task with the promise of leaving the students unharmed; or maybe it decided to leave the schoolgrounds and head somewhere else. 

“Looks like it finally decided to leave” Silver mused, speaking to Shallow “We should get ready if we are going into the school.”


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