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Samurai Equine

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@Samurai Equine

“Yes, I appreciate how welcoming everypony has been since I arrived. It’s a refreshing change for sure. Anyway, good night, my friend.” He says as he heads off with one of Samurai’s kurokos. He’s shown a bedroom which is simply appointed, but he didn’t need much else other than a place to sleep. He thanks the kuroko before setting his things down at the end of the bed. He lays down on the bed and uses his magic to close the partition door before happily drifting off to sleep.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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The next day, Samurai rises with the dawn. On top of doing some meditation and some spiritual cleansing, Samurai actually helps his kuroko staff prepare for the next day. He does chores and labors around the house. He even helps prepare breakfast for when Silver awakens.


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@Samurai Equine

It’s a very nice feeling when you don’t have to sleep with one eye open all night. Having been away from home for quite a while now, it’s a reality that Silver just had to put up with as an adventurer, so it was a welcome change being able to sleep without worry here at Samurai’s place. He was normally a early riser, but today he felt like sleeping in just a little bit.

“Oh hey, good morning. my friend.” Silver says a bit sleepily as he wanders into the kitchen. “Sorry for getting up late, I’m not usually like that. Just had a long journey and it’s nice to have someplace safe for a change.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Samurai Equine

“Sure! Thanks a bunch!” He exclaims before grabbing a plate and making his way over to the food. He takes a little bit of everything offered before sitting down. “You gonna join?” He asks, motioning for him to sit down next to him.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Samurai Equine

Silver nodded silently in response, taking a seat beside his friend. “Oh? What sort of things?” He asks in between bites. “You know me, I don’t really have any plans in mind. Being here wasn’t exactly on my agenda, not that I mind, been quite enjoying my time here with you.” He smiled.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Well, I'd love to spar with you sometime, see what you can do. Might even teach you some things, if you like. You mentioned wanting to Asahi again; so I'll have to send an official request correspondence her way. We could just go and see her in the district she protects, but it's a little rude for another samurai to show up unannounced. I've been meaning to practice my art and calligraphy; you could always join me for that. Or maybe you'd enjoy having your own traditional Japonies suit." Samurai lists the various things he can think of.


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@Samurai Equine

Silver frowned a bit. “I’m not much of a fighter. We’re not a particularly violent bunch, I just defend myself when I must. I can’t really do a whole lot if I’m being completely honest. But, it might be worth trying if you wouldn’t mind teaching me a few things. But that’s completely up to you. I thought it’d be a nice thing to go visit her since she offered, but if it’s gonna be a lot of work for you to put together then it’s not necessary. I’m always down for art practice, though. Never owned a suit in my life to be honest, if nothing else it might be interesting to go just for the experience. I don’t know if any of that is helpful at all…” He says with a small grin.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Samurai Equine

“Ok then.” Silver replies. “As long as it’s not much work for you then let’s head on our way there, and like you said I’m sure there’s plenty of other things to see and do in the area, as well. Unless you’d like to do some art practice first, we don’t have to go anywhere to do that.” He suggests.  


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai takes a moment to finish his breakfast. He gets the last sips of tea and the last bites of food. "I'll be right back. Feel free to entertain yourself for a while." Samurai steps away, motioning for a kuroko to follow him.

In his private study, Samurai composes a letter while his kuroko writes it for him. When it's done, Samurai uses his magic to send it off (similar to how Spike sends letters). Moments later, Samurai magically receives a response.

It's only been 5 minutes since Samurai stepped away. He returns and finds Silver. "Good news! We've been approved. We can go visit Asahi ASAP. How would you like to travel in style?"


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@Samurai Equine

Silver smiles and nods silently, letting Samurai head off to do whatever it is that he needed to do.

Being alone for a few minuets gives the kirin some time to think about the previous day’s events. While he missed his family and friends back home, he was also enjoying his time here seeing a new part of the world with a new friend. He thought it might be a good idea to write a letter to his village to let them how things were going.

His thoughts are interrupted when Samurai returns. “In style?” He asks. “I’m not sure what you mean exactly, but sure? I guess? Why not.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai claps his hooves and some of his kuroko leave. "I'll show you. This way, please."

Samurai leads the way outside. When they get there, Silver sees a fancy box/cart of some kind with an extra long pole mounted on top of it. Kuroko move to front and back sides, ready to lift the box up by the pole. (Reference pics are here, here, and here) "This is a norimono. It's a... a..." Samurai mumbles to himself in Japonies, trying to find the right translation. "...Palanquin? I think that's the right word. Palanquin. It's not very big inside. Just big enough for the both of us. Back in the feudal era, regular citizens never got to ride in palanquins this fancy." Samurai explains.


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@Samurai Equine

Silver follows Samurai outside and stops in his tracks when he sees what his friend has in mind for them. “We’re going to ride around in a small box while other ponies carry us to wherever we want to go?” He asks in disbelief, turning to his friend. “You sure you’re not royalty? The kirin eyes him with a mock suspicious look.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Silver's remark makes Samurai laugh. He slides the door open and gets in the box. There are seats for two, with a side desk for beverages or whatever Silver wants to do. "What you're looking at is the palanquin made for samurai warriors and those of great power or influence. There is a much more luxurious model made for royals, divinity, and any creature close to them. There is also a model that was made for common citizens, but it looked more like a hammock on a pole." Samurai explains before taking his seat. "Transportation like this was discontinued a long time ago. It's mostly used for ceremonial and historical purposes these days."


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@Samurai Equine

Silver hops in and the palanquin starts moving towards their destination. “Why was it discontinued?” He asks before producing a piece of paper from his saddlebag, and then begins to idly draw on it with his own coloured pencils while talking with his friend. Might as well get art practice in at the same time.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Samurai Equine

Duh. Silver thought to himself. “Ah, ok, well that makes sense then.” He comments before returning his attention to his drawing. “Oh, I’m drawing my marefriend, Vesperr.” He responds as he fills in a bright pink mane. “I’m not the greatest at drawing ponies or pony-like races but I’m trying to get better. What do you prefer to draw?”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai looks at the drawing and smiles. "I hope I meet her some day." Samurai says. "Mostly landscapes and nature. Script art. And whatever my imagination comes up with."

Some time later, they have arrived in one of the prefectures that Asahi protects. Today, she is wearing a brilliant pink kimono with a large bow on the back. She also have some kind of ceremonial staff. "Samurai!! Silver!!" She waves as she sees the palanquin pull up to her half of Japone. However, as it comes to a stop and as the two of them exit, a bunch of other armored ponies arrive, as if to block Samurai and Silver from going any further.

Arriving on a tumbling hunk of metal that looks like a tank, wearing grey armor, is a male unicorn. He looks rather grizzly.
Arriving on a dense cloud pushed forward by a strong wind, wearing purple armor, in a male pegasus. He looks like he could be a model.
Arriving on wave of water, wearing blue armor, is a female unicorn. With some kind of headband covering one of her eyes, she looks less feminine than Asashi.
Arriving on the sudden strike of a thunderbolt is a unicorn in orange armor, who Silver recognizes as Denki. He looks the most formal/official of them all.
Arriving on an open platform carried by wild animals, wearing green armor, is a very muscular earth pony. Hard to describe his looks since his head is covered by a straw hat of some kind.

Asashi and Samurai are both surprised to see them all. It's clear their arrival was unexpected. "The Seven Samurai Warriors of Japone. Seems we're all here." Samurai observes. 


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@Samurai Equine

Silver gets out of the palanquin and is about to greet Asahi back when suddenly, several other ponies arrive in front of them, blocking the way. “Uhhh, what’s going on here, Samurai? Seven warriors… so you know these ponies, then?” He asks while surveying the new arrivals. Silver hoped that they were just here to talk, because adventurer or not, there was no way he was getting out of this one alive. Clearly all of the ponies present were very skilled in combat and well, he had only learned a thing or three here and there for when things went south, nothing that would hold up against skilled soldiers.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai nods. "With the inclusion of Asahi and myself, you are looking at the 7 samurai that protect all of Japone." Samurai walks up to them. "What I want to know is why you are all here."

Denki smirks. "Isn't it obvious? You should know word travels fast, Samurai. They all wanted to see him, the kirin." Denki says, pointing at Silver. "All right, samurai warriors! Let's introduce ourselves, so that the kirin knows who he faces." Denki says.

"Ryugane, the metal samurai." The gruff one in grey speaks up first in a hushed manner, as he descending from his metal tank. He has a piece of metal in one hoof, and he is idly crushing it while looking at Silver.
"I'm Fukami, the samurai of the wind. Forgive the sudden intrusion, but we just had to see this for ourselves." The one in purple speaks up while brushing part of his mane away from his face. His voice is calming and friendly, He also has a bit of a smile on his face.
"Call me Gotaro. I'm the samurai of nature. If you have come to seek infinite mercy, I shall grant it!" This one has a deep voice, but he's loud and boisterous, and his animal critters seem to chirp and make various happy noises.
"EASY! We're not here for that!" Denki panics and corrects Gotaro. He clears his throat. "Of course you all ready know me, Denki, the electric samurai." Denki addresses Silver. His voice is kind of young sounding, like a teenager.
"The name's Mizuko, samurai of water." The one in blue says, sounding displeased. She sits in a squatting position and points at Silver. "And if I find you're here to harm Japone in any way, I'll extinguish you myself." She adds.

Samurai waves off that last part while looking at Silver. "Don't mind her. She said the same thing to me once." Samurai says before turning to his fellow samurai again. "If word travels fast, then why the ominous arrival? You must know that his citizenship has been approved by now." Samurai says. "We want to see what this kirin is made of for ourselves. If he's not a threat to Japone, he has nothing to fear." Ryugane says with those piercing, judging eyes. "This could be a most splendid show indeed! SPLENDID!!" Gotaro says, his various bead necklaces clattering against his armor as he speaks with excitement. "Even you agree with this, Fukami? I haven't seen you in ages!" Samurai says. "Heh. Yeah, sorry my friend. I didn't mean to be a stranger all this time. Promise, this is just a routine check for our own purposes. I hope we can still hang out later." The smooth talker seems to be on friendly terms with Samurai. "...So. What can you do?" Mizuko asks Silver directly.


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@Samurai Equine

“I see.” Silver remarks, turning his attention to the group as they introduce themselves.

So, these ponies came all this way just because of me? Silver thought to himself. Well, seems they want some answers, let’s get right to it, then.

“I will be completely honest with you all, just as I have been with Samurai here. I am not the same beast that you all have heard stories of in the past. Yes, it’s true, I can use fire magic. But we are peaceful folk, we live in small villages in the middle of a jungle and keep to ourselves. We are ostracized by Equestrian society in general and all we wish to do is live our lives just like anypony else. We mean no harm to anypony here and I have not come here with any malicious intent.” The kirin addresses the group solemnly.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"!! You're a fire type, like Samurai?" Mizuko says, standing up right. She looks like she is ready to start a fight! "But it's emotion-based, correct? And you heard the kirin, he is PEACEFUL! He doesn't want to fight!" Gotaro says, ever loud. "Hey, come on, all of you! I invited him for a peaceful event, not for fighting or anything." Asahi pouts, trying to get her comrades to stop. "Hmpf. Only in battle does one reveal their true colors." Ryugane says, looking away in disappointment. Fukami just shrugs before leaping up, opening his wings, and gently gliding around Silver. "Well if you aren't going to show us your fire magic, isn't there anything else you got? Juggling, singing, gourmet cooking? I'd be okay with any talent, to be honest." Fukami says, rolling over and putting his hooves behind his head. "I insist on shadowing you for the day. If your claims of peace are true, then I'd like to see it for myself." Denki says formally with a nod.

Samurai shakes his head. "I get the feeling that my comrades won't leave so easily, but if push comes to shove, I'll support you." Samurai says to Silver, fully intending to take his side. "...Come to think of it, there is a MUCH EASIER way to prove if he is as peaceful as he says!" Gotaro says, which causes many of the other Samurai to look his way in surprise. "Gotaro has a suggestion? That's rare." Denki says.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@Samurai Equine

“Yes, Mizuko, what you say is true.” Silver replies with a nod. “I can use fire magic, but it is emotion-based.” Meanwhile, Fukami starts gliding around Silver and asking him questions. “I mean, yea, of course I can do other things. I like to consider myself a bit of a writer, I draw sometimes, I do carpentry work back home at my village, and yea I can cook, too. I also enjoy adventuring and have explored many different parts of Equestria.” He then turns to Denki. “I suppose if you really want to follow me around all day, I’m not going to stop you. Samurai’s just been showing me around your lovely country.” Silver then waits to hear what Gotaro’s suggestion is… not that he really has much choice in the matter. He is rather outnumbered here, after all.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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