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private A Cultural Exchange (1x1 with Skylight Scintillate)

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx grumbled as he fired off more beams of magic. "What type of magic is this creature's weakness? I've tried ground, water, fire, air, and electricity and none of them seem to be working..." He thought out loud. By then, quite a large crowd of changelings had gathered to watch was going on, including Thorax and Antenna.

"Come on, we'll need every ling to try to help fight this thing if we want to defeat it," Thorax exclaimed. Antenna gave all the other changelings an annoyed look.

"Oh, sure, we could all stay here, not help Pharynx, and he won't bother us anymore. It's your choice. But remember when we didn't have a choice! When we were forced to obey Chrysalis! We might have been unstoppable, but we weren't free to choose! And now we are because of Thorax! Look, even Siren, who's a visitor, is fighting, and now it's our chance to prove we're just as strong embracing love as we were feeding on it! Now is our chance to show what changelings can really be! Not because we have to, but because we choose to!" Antenna rallied before flying up to punch the maulwurf in the face

The changelings looked at each other hesitantly before joining Antenna and the others in their fight. The group held back at first, but as the maulwurf fought back, they grew increasingly determined to defeat the creature. Unfortunately, the group could seem to find a tactic to defeat the creature, from punching it in its face to trying to trip it and pin it down, to throwing a boulder at it. Ultimately, they were only able to defeat the maulwurf by tricking it into attacking itself.

Once the maulwurf buried itself and the dust had settled, the changelings glanced around. Thorax and Pharynx had landed and were conversing. Pharynx was expressing his frustrations with the hive when one of the other changelings approached him.

"Hey, um, you do have a place here. We admit, we've been wrong. Um, the hive might be a gentler place, but that doesn't mean we won't have to defend ourselves. And you have shown how hard it is to defend the hive in this fight," That changeling said.

"And who better to help us do that than the only changeling who never stopped protecting us?" Thorax asked.

"You all want me to stay?"

"Unless you want to leave the hive"

"Why would I want that? I love this hive!"

With that remark, a blinding white light surrounded Pharynx before releasing and revealing a reformed Pharynx. Changelings oohed and aahed.



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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren had not gotten out of the fight unscathed, but the cuts and bruises were all from tripping on the uneven terrain as she wasn't exactly watching where she was going while trying to keep the monster's attention. Still, she would need some healing.

That being said, she was still annoyed at the hive for having delayed in helping to fight, and was preparing for an opening to express her disappointment when...

8 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Unless you want to leave the hive"

"Why would I want that? I love this hive!"

With that remark, a blinding white light surrounded Pharynx before releasing and revealing a reformed Pharynx. Changelings oohed and aahed.

She stood shocked at the sudden transformation, once again the only traditional changeling for miles. She had hoped that this experience would have helped the hive to see that there was nothing wrong with the way changelings were before, that traditional changelings didn't need to "reform" in order to be accepted. But it seemed that the opposite lesson was portrayed, that Pharynx was the one that needed to change in order to fit in, rather than the hive accepting that he was fine the way he was.

Now the reformed hive was free to continue their rhetoric of unreformed changelings being different, evil, and manipulative.

She didn't rightly know how to react, but her expression indicated that she wasn't happy with how it had turned out. She stayed undisguised though, she wasn't afraid of what she was, and she no longer cared if it made anyone uncomfortable. She simply made her way back inside the hive, trying her best to find her way back to Larynx's room.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Pharynx was quick to notice Siren leaving. "Hold up, we weren't finished talking from before the fight. I don't know why they say I just reformed, because I was never evil. And it's not like I'm suddenly going to start caring about feelings forums or something. In fact, I feel like I could fight that maulwurf again," Pharynx said, stopping Siren and walking up to her.

"Yeah calling it reforming makes it sound like we were evil beforehoof. I think the problem is that this change happened at the exact same time the hive switched rulers from Chrysalis to Throax, and we thought the transformation meant that we went from being evil to not. Although from what I remember from when Chrysalis ruled, we weren't really evil and manipulative, we kind of just followed her orders, so we are saying she's the one being evil and manipulative..." Larynx thought out loud. 

"So if being, uh, transformed doesn't mean turning from evil to not, or turning into a pacifist, what does it mean? Also, I'd like to add that fighting that maulwurf has given us insight into what Pharynx puts up with. Now we understand how he fits into the hive as himself," a changeling next to Larynx spoke up. 

"Maybe something like rejecting Chrysalis's control and understanding that we don't need to do things her way anymore? Or maybe something along the lines of understanding individuality and how we fit into the hive?" Thorax suggested, only to suddenly realize something. "Not trying to suggest that you aren't that..." Thorax addressed to Siren, blushing.

"Well? What do you think? You seem to be really upset and offended about us changelings being transformed and such."

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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren stopped when Pharynx asked her to, but did not appreciate that the other changelings took it as an opportunity to share their own opinions when Pharynx had clearly indicated that he wanted to talk to her.

She felt somewhat overwhelmed with all the reformed changelings around her sharing their opinions, trying to justify themselves to her. And that was the worst part for her, not ONE of them apologized for their mistake. What, did they think an 'oh, we'll accept you now because we understand now, but of course it wasn't our fault that we didn't understand before because we made no effort to and nearly drove you out by all but calling you evil to your face.' was going to cut it?

But she was simultaneously conflicted. To be honest, it wasn't her who had been slighted, and it seemed like Pharynx was willing to forgive them now that he had reformed, so was it really her place to be angry on his behalf for their mistreatment of him for who knows how long? And who was to say that he was the only one who had been hurt? Maybe there had been others like him who had been driven out. Not knowing about other hives they may not have been as lucky as Doc had been.

She realized she had been silent for a long time, her conflicted expressions no doubt on display for all those gathered to see. "I..." she sighed, dropping her head, more so that she didn't have to look at all of them staring at her. "I just don't understand how someling can have such love for a hive that not one hour ago was demanding he be banished."

On 2023-04-23 at 2:01 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"I don't feel safe with him around!"

"I'd feel safer if he were gone!"

"We want him banished!" the group of changelings shouted.

"And now that he's 'reformed' they don't want him to leave, because they've finally realized that they'd be destroyed without him."

She raised her head up, there was a fire and disappointment in her eyes now, "None of you deserve Pharynx. Because he somehow managed to love those who despised him. He put his life on the line for a hive who wanted him banished. He..."

She lost her fire there, looking back down, "He's far more deserving of your love than I am, and it hurts me deeply to see someone who deserves so much more, getting so much less, with no one on their side. But he's stronger than me, he doesn't need me to fight his battles for him."

She shook her head, turning toward the road back to the train station. "I'll go, I see I'm just causing trouble trying to help in matters I don't understand."


  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Illiad Easle 

"I think it's best we try to work out this conflict with Siren here while it's still fresh on our minds," Thorax said to the changeling crowd. While he didn't call out individual names, he did gaze at a few individual changelings, making it clear who he was referring to. Those changelings stepped up nervously as they faced the glare of Pharynx. 

"Ok um, demanding you be banished might have been a bit rash, but I felt uncomfortable with how you growled and started arguments with other changelings and how you taught younglings to growl and fight..." One of the changelings spoke up.

"And I don't like how you all talk about me behind my back while leaving me as the only changeling to defend this hive," Pharynx replied. 

"Well, I think that both sides need to make accommodations to each other for this to work. For one, I need you all to treat each other with decency because conflict just breeds more conflict. And second, we need to acknowledge that this hive needs to be defended. I think that we can reach an agreement about how this should be done. Maybe agreeing that Pharynx teach certain changelings, but make sure the changelings understand that they have to be nice to each other?" Thorax thought.

 "Look, it seems like you're uncomfortable because these reformed changelings seem so different from you. However, I think that we are quite similar. Think back to when I was visiting your hive in Manhatten. While my biology might be different, think about how I balanced independence with dependence, how I worked with others while being myself and such. That is what I think," Larynx said. He tried to give Siren a comforting look while offering a bit of love.

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@Skylight Scintillate

19 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"I think it's best we try to work out this conflict with Siren here while it's still fresh on our minds,"

Siren paused, curious to see what they meant,

19 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Ok um, demanding you be banished might have been a bit rash, but

She nodded, mostly to herself, it was performative, nothing more. They were apologizing for her benefit, they weren't actually sorry.

She didn't bother to listen to the rest of what she presumed would be more BUT appended non-apologies. And, in fact, it wasn't even an apology, it was an outright justification for their actions.

She resumed her trek out of the area. If they were wrongly doing it for her benefit, it wouldn't work if she left.

20 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Look, it seems like you're uncomfortable because these reformed changelings seem so different from you. However, I think that we are quite similar. Think back to when I was visiting your hive in Manhatten. While my biology might be different, think about how I balanced independence with dependence, how I worked with others while being myself and such. That is what I think," Larynx said. He tried to give Siren a comforting look while offering a bit of love.

(Assuming that Larynx goes after her to say this)

She would slow her pace, but not stop when Larynx came after her. She sighed, "I'm not uncomfortable for any reason so petty as race or species. I'm uncomfortable that your hive thinks its alright to treat Pharynx the way they have. That it took an outsider calling you out and the hive being threatened to even get you all to this point. A point that, may I remind you, still hasn't resulted in a single apology. Just more efforts to justify their treatment of him. For that reason I refuse to believe our hives are similar. NO changeling from my hive would allow another changeling to be treated as abhorrently as your hive has treated Pharynx."

She stopped moving then, starting to cry, "Do you know how few changeling survive being banished? Maybe it's different for your hive, but for most changelings? Being banished is nothing short of a death sentence. What's worse, no one will collect your ashes when you die, you won't have a candle in the rememberance, and your name will never be passed down."

She sat down, "I see Pharynx's mistreatment as a grave, barbaric, injustice. And all for what? For not adapting as fast as the rest? Doc did all that and worse when he came into my hive, and we never once considered throwing him out. Did Pharynx really deserve to have death wished on him for that? And for your hive to only now consider accepting him now that he's 'reformed' says all I need to know about the real reason they wanted him gone."

She wiped her eyes and stood back up, "And as I fall unashamedly into that same bucket, I'll spare you all the bother of banishing me, I'll just go."

She wasn't about to bargain to stay, she wanted this hive to change for the better, but if that change was going to mean anything it couldn't be predicated on her. If they did it for her, it wouldn't last. She would only consider staying if Pharynx asked her to, or if the hive started showing some genuine remorse for how they had treated him. Maybe Larynx could convince her to give them another chance, explain that banishment meant something very different to this hive, that it really had been a misunderstanding on her part.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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As Larynx followed Siren as she walked away, he heard a loud groan from Thorax and a face-hoof as Larynx realized(, and assumed Thorax also realized) what upset Siren. "Stop fake apologizing that doesn't actually apologize!" Thorax groaned, which caused the rest of the changelings to go silent. Considering that the changelings said all this until Thorax stopped them, even as Larynx and Siren walked away, it seemed that they either believed that what they said was actually an apology or they were taking this apology non-apology very seriously. 

5 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

She would slow her pace, but not stop when Larynx came after her. She sighed, "I'm not uncomfortable for any reason so petty as race or species. I'm uncomfortable that your hive thinks its alright to treat Pharynx the way they have. That it took an outsider calling you out and the hive being threatened to even get you all to this point. A point that, may I remind you, still hasn't resulted in a single apology. Just more efforts to justify their treatment of him. For that reason I refuse to believe our hives are similar. NO changeling from my hive would allow another changeling to be treated as abhorrently as your hive has treated Pharynx."

"Ok um, that was poorly worded. I'm sorry... I shouldn't have generalized to all reformed changelings the way I did... Especially given how they can be extremely different from each other... It's like, the more I think about it, the more confused I get.... Like... reformed changelings are supposed to value individualism, being unique, and being kind to others... yet we have these changelings complaining about Pharynx who represent the exact opposite of these values... On the other hoof, we have the doc from your hive, or you, who represent these values quite well..." Larynx struggled to explain his thoughts.

5 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

She stopped moving then, starting to cry, "Do you know how few changeling survive being banished? Maybe it's different for your hive, but for most changelings? Being banished is nothing short of a death sentence. What's worse, no one will collect your ashes when you die, you won't have a candle in the rememberance, and your name will never be passed down."

She sat down, "I see Pharynx's mistreatment as a grave, barbaric, injustice. And all for what? For not adapting as fast as the rest? Doc did all that and worse when he came into my hive, and we never once considered throwing him out. Did Pharynx really deserve to have death wished on him for that? And for your hive to only now consider accepting him now that he's 'reformed' says all I need to know about the real reason they wanted him gone."

Larynx's ears dropped as he realized what that meant. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry about having you here on this exchange when this hive is such a mess. And I'm sorry that there are changelings here in this hive that can't deal with those that are different from them and that we had to deal with them. Pharynx didn't deserve to have death wished on him like that. I just feel awful about this whole thing... " Larynx cried.

5 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

She wasn't about to bargain to stay, she wanted this hive to change for the better, but if that change was going to mean anything it couldn't be predicated on her. If they did it for her, it wouldn't last. She would only consider staying if Pharynx asked her to, or if the hive started showing some genuine remorse for how they had treated him. Maybe Larynx could convince her to give them another chance, explain that banishment meant something very different to this hive, that it really had been a misunderstanding on her part.

"I don't think I can stay either, knowing that there are changelings like this here. At least, not while they are like this. Welp, here's my apartment. Both of us can grab our bags and leave immediately. If you still consider me your friend, maybe we could go somewhere together," Larynx sighed as he opened the door to the apartment.

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@Skylight Scintillate

On 2023-06-06 at 4:26 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"I don't think I can stay either, knowing that there are changelings like this here. At least, not while they are like this. Welp, here's my apartment. Both of us can grab our bags and leave immediately. If you still consider me your friend, maybe we could go somewhere together," Larynx sighed as he opened the door to the apartment.

Siren calmed considerably as she listened to Larynx's apologies, and she smiled as she heard that he was still making an effort to make her comfortable. "I'm glad you're still willing to be my friend, even if I seem to have made a mess of your hive... You're always welcome in hive Sleipnir, you can stay with me as long as you want."


It wouldn't take long for her to gather her stuff, as she hadn't brought much with her, and she would elect to teleport to the train station after disguising, rather than risk having to see all the other reformed changelings again. She'd only get a few steps towards the station before she was stopped by another unicorn dressed more officially than her, "Siren? Heading back already? Is everything alright?"

Siren looked startled, "Mimir!? W-What are you doing here?"

Mimir smiled, "Well, our mother thought you might need some help bridging the cultural gap. And if you didn't, it would still help to get a second pair of eyes on them before sending in the instructors."

Siren looked conflicted, but shook her head and looked down, "I'm sorry, I tried to help but I just ended up causing problems. They had a changeling like us there, the only defender of the hive, and they wanted to banish him!"

Mimir looked concerned at that, "That is something to be concerned about. Maybe there was a misunderstanding? Maybe banishment has a different meaning to this hive than it does for ours?"

Siren stayed quiet there, but shrugged.

Mimir nodded, "Why don't we go back, and let me talk to them. Give them another chance to prove themselves, I'm sure not all of them are as bad as you say, right? can you handle that?"

She nodded, there had, after all, been some among them that seemed genuinely sorrowful when she had spoken up to teach them. Maybe it was just a few bad apples in the hive.


If Larynx had teleported with Siren, Mimir would then turn to him, "You're Larynx right? I am Mimir, Queen Sleipnir's advisor. Would it be possible for me to speak with King Thorax in order to try and bring our hives closer together?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Larynx had flown down to the main atrium and was preparing for the teleportation spell when the pair ran into Mimir. Packing his stuff was relatively quick too, considering he barely had any time to unpack. 

On 2023-06-11 at 5:05 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Mimir looked concerned at that, "That is something to be concerned about. Maybe there was a misunderstanding? Maybe banishment has a different meaning to this hive than it does for ours?"

Larynx looked quite nervous again. "Umm, to be honest, I don't really know what banishment means. I haven't heard of any changeling that has been banished since Thorax took over the hive. Though, honestly, I don't really know what banishment meant when Chrysalis ruled either..." Larynx explained. Suddenly, Thorax rushed over.

"Siren! There you are! Look, I'm so sorry about the whole banishment thing. Honestly, I don't want to banish him, either, given that I think he has a valid role in the hive. I'm sorry for the hive being such a mess. Being a leader of this hive has been so hard, trying to balance the demands of every changeling here. Somedays I feel like I'm just winging things, and now it feels like it's all falling apart. If only there were a guide for changeling leaders..." Thorax trailed off before noticing Mimir. "Oh! I didn't notice you there..."

On 2023-06-11 at 5:05 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Mimir nodded, "Why don't we go back, and let me talk to them. Give them another chance to prove themselves, I'm sure not all of them are as bad as you say, right? can you handle that?"

Thorax sighed. "Alright, let's try this one last time..." he waved over the changelings that were trying their hardest to avoid looking like they were eavesdropping on the conversation that was happening. They walked over with their legs shaking nervously, and they refused to make eye contact with any of the other changelings.

"Oh, uh, Siren, we're sorry for suggesting, I mean, demanding that Pharynx be banished. After reflecting on the fight, we understand how Pharynx has an important role in this hive... and that we should be aware of the effects of banishment on Pharynx..." the changelings struggled to piece the words together.  

Larynx covered his face with his hoof as he felt his second-hoof embarrassment intensify to match the group of changelings' embarrassment.

On 2023-06-11 at 5:05 PM, Illiad Easle said:

She nodded, there had, after all, been some among them that seemed genuinely sorrowful when she had spoken up to teach them. Maybe it was just a few bad apples in the hive.

"Uh, how do I explain this? This is trying to be as objective as possible, but even though only few changelings are vocal about it, the thing is that quite a lot of the hive doesn't feel comfortable with Pharynx. And given that Pharynx can taste these emotions, he internalizes this discomfort and distance even when the other changelings don't say anything. However, the other changelings can't read Pharynx's emotions, so it makes it harder for them to understand," Thorax winced as he explained this, hoping that he hadn't offended Siren with this. 

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@Skylight Scintillate

On 2023-06-12 at 9:51 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

when the pair ran into Mimir.

On 2023-06-11 at 3:05 PM, Illiad Easle said:

She'd only get a few steps towards the station

(I tried to indicate that they had already teleported when they ran into Mimir, let's compromise and say that they walked outside the hive in order to shorten and simplify the teleport and ran into Mimir outside the hive before they could teleport. That way they're still close enough for the other changelings to approach.)

On 2023-06-12 at 9:51 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

If only there were a guide for changeling leaders..." Thorax trailed off before noticing Mimir. "Oh! I didn't notice you there..."

Mimir smiled at that, "Well, typically a new queen spends several years shadowing her mother before forming her own hive, and can continue to look to her mother for advice, but yours is a special case, hence why my queen has elected to reach out and offer support."

He bowed politely to Thorax, "I am Mimir, chief advisor to Queen Sleipnir of the Manehatten hive, at your service. You are King Thorax I presume?"


On 2023-06-12 at 9:51 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Oh, uh, Siren, we're sorry for suggesting, I mean, demanding that Pharynx be banished. After reflecting on the fight, we understand how Pharynx has an important role in this hive... and that we should be aware of the effects of banishment on Pharynx..." the changelings struggled to piece the words together.  

Mimir looked confused at the apology, and Siren also didn't look too impressed, "Again, I'm not the one that needs apologizing to. All the offence I took was with respect to your treatment of Pharynx, HE's the one you should be apologizing to, and if he has forgiven you, than so have I. Until then, there's nothing to be gained by speaking to me about it."

On 2023-06-12 at 9:51 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Uh, how do I explain this? This is trying to be as objective as possible, but even though only few changelings are vocal about it, the thing is that quite a lot of the hive doesn't feel comfortable with Pharynx. And given that Pharynx can taste these emotions, he internalizes this discomfort and distance even when the other changelings don't say anything. However, the other changelings can't read Pharynx's emotions, so it makes it harder for them to understand," Thorax winced as he explained this, hoping that he hadn't offended Siren with this. 

Siren didn't look too happy with that explanation, especially coming from Thorax. "Don't make excuses, be better."

Mimir took that moment to step in, "Now now Siren, there's nothing to be gained with such barbs. You can tell as well as I that they are, at least presently, remorseful. I think that it's fair to say that, given their hive's previous disposition, they hadn't been taught any better. So long as they are willing to learn..." he looked over the gathered reformed changelings, "Then I see no reason why we can't forgive this misstep and move forward."

Siren sighed, but nodded at Mimir's council, "I... I guess that's alright." She turned to Larynx, "I'd like to check on Pharynx at least, see how he's feeling, if that'd be alright?"

Mimir turned his attention to Thorax, "While they do that, perhaps we could go somewhere private to talk? I understand you likely have many questions for me, and I am especially interested in helping you make sure that something like this doesn't happen again. I've heard that many other scattered changelings from this hive are making their way back, it wouldn't do for them to receive the same treatment as Pharynx would it?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

On 2023-06-15 at 3:46 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Mimir smiled at that, "Well, typically a new queen spends several years shadowing her mother before forming her own hive, and can continue to look to her mother for advice, but yours is a special case, hence why my queen has elected to reach out and offer support."

He bowed politely to Thorax, "I am Mimir, chief advisor to Queen Sleipnir of the Manehatten hive, at your service. You are King Thorax I presume?"

"Just Thorax is fine. Still trying to get used to the fact that every ling looks towards me for the answers around here..." Thorax replied, trying not to draw attention. "However, I'm thankful that you would offer your support."

On 2023-06-15 at 3:46 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Siren didn't look too happy with that explanation, especially coming from Thorax. "Don't make excuses, be better."

Both Thorax and Larynx winced. Thorax looked torn about trying to explain himself, but the others continued before he could decide. 

On 2023-06-15 at 3:46 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Siren sighed, but nodded at Mimir's council, "I... I guess that's alright." She turned to Larynx, "I'd like to check on Pharynx at least, see how he's feeling, if that'd be alright?"

"Yeah. You can find Pharynx in the atrium with the other changelings," Thorax said. Larynx led Siren back into the hive, where they saw a crowd of changelings surrounding Pharynx. Like Thorax, Pharynx was slightly taller than the other changelings, so he was pretty easy to spot, and the crowd seemed to be listening to him intently. He seemed to be going off about some story from his childhood. "...every changeling wanted to be a fighter, except for- Oh hey Siren, you came here for story time?" Pharynx said.

"Uuh, well, no..." Larynx said. He nudged Siren to explain why they were really here.

On 2023-06-15 at 3:46 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Mimir turned his attention to Thorax, "While they do that, perhaps we could go somewhere private to talk? I understand you likely have many questions for me, and I am especially interested in helping you make sure that something like this doesn't happen again. I've heard that many other scattered changelings from this hive are making their way back, it wouldn't do for them to receive the same treatment as Pharynx would it?"

"Oh yes, that would be a great idea. I've got an office where we can talk," Thorax said, relieved once it was just the pair of them as he led Mimir towards his office. As soon as the pair entered, Thorax immediately spilled everything out. "Oh my gosh, where do I even begin? I feel like I don't know what I'm doing. And I thought every changeling was really nice, but it turns out some of them are not so nice... and every changeling looks towards me for the answers. We should definitely make sure this disaster doesn't happen again."

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@Skylight Scintillate

On 2023-06-20 at 9:28 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

He seemed to be going off about some story from his childhood. "...every changeling wanted to be a fighter, except for- Oh hey Siren, you came here for story time?" Pharynx said.

"Uuh, well, no..." Larynx said. He nudged Siren to explain why they were really here.

Siren looked surprised at the scene they walked into. Not only were there dozens of changelings willingly spending time with Pharynx, Pharynx seemed to genuinely enjoy their company and the attention that they were giving him. "Oh, um, we just thought we'd check on you, see how you're doing and all." She gestured vaguely to all those gathered, "It seems like your 'reformation' has had quite the effect on the rest of the hive. What... what are your thoughts about it?"


On 2023-06-20 at 9:28 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Oh my gosh, where do I even begin? I feel like I don't know what I'm doing. And I thought every changeling was really nice, but it turns out some of them are not so nice... and every changeling looks towards me for the answers. We should definitely make sure this disaster doesn't happen again."

Mimir was surprised by Thorax suddenly opening up like he did. "Well, I'll say this will be easier than I expected. I was anticipating at least a little bit of your mother's pride getting in the way, but it seems like that is a problem only some of the changelings here face."

He would move to take a seat wherever was available, preferably across a table from Thorax, as he pulled out some documents. "You're likely aware of this already, but most changelings tend to take after their queen and their mentors, depending on how much exposure they had to each. With a new queen, the new changelings are almost exclusively raised by the Queen herself, and so learn how to deal with issues by how their Queen dealt with them. You have the unique issue of taking already grown changelings and redirecting their energies towards productive outcomes, some of which they may never have tried before. I think step one is to be a bit more dominant. I could see as I approached that many of the changelings here don't respect you as they should a leader. You say they look to you for answers, but I'd say they look to you for solutions. They want you to solve their problems so that they don't have to. While that would be acceptable when dealing with young changelings and for certain matters that affect many changelings, it wont do for fully grown changelings and their personal squabbles."

He passed some blank sheets over to Thorax and a pen so he could take notes if he wanted, "Now, have you even punished a changeling in your hive? I'm sure your Queen did in her time, what were her punishments like?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

On 2023-06-22 at 2:11 PM, Illiad Easle said:


Siren looked surprised at the scene they walked into. Not only were there dozens of changelings willingly spending time with Pharynx, Pharynx seemed to genuinely enjoy their company and the attention that they were giving him. "Oh, um, we just thought we'd check on you, see how you're doing and all." She gestured vaguely to all those gathered, "It seems like your 'reformation' has had quite the effect on the rest of the hive. What... what are your thoughts about it?"

"What do you mean? I feel like I fit in, and that I could fight that maulwurf all over again," Pharynx looked at Siren, a bit confused what she meant by this. 

On 2023-06-22 at 2:11 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Mimir was surprised by Thorax suddenly opening up like he did. "Well, I'll say this will be easier than I expected. I was anticipating at least a little bit of your mother's pride getting in the way, but it seems like that is a problem only some of the changelings here face."

"Oh me? Why would you think I'd be like her? We got rid of her," Thorax smirked slightly. 

On 2023-06-22 at 2:11 PM, Illiad Easle said:

He would move to take a seat wherever was available, preferably across a table from Thorax, as he pulled out some documents. "You're likely aware of this already, but most changelings tend to take after their queen and their mentors, depending on how much exposure they had to each. With a new queen, the new changelings are almost exclusively raised by the Queen herself, and so learn how to deal with issues by how their Queen dealt with them. You have the unique issue of taking already grown changelings and redirecting their energies towards productive outcomes, some of which they may never have tried before. I think step one is to be a bit more dominant. I could see as I approached that many of the changelings here don't respect you as they should a leader. You say they look to you for answers, but I'd say they look to you for solutions. They want you to solve their problems so that they don't have to. While that would be acceptable when dealing with young changelings and for certain matters that affect many changelings, it wont do for fully grown changelings and their personal squabbles."

"Well, I don't want to rule like how Chrysalis ruled. I mean like, I want to be friendly and helpful to the changelings here... And teaching changelings how to deal with personal squabbles sounds like a great idea because to be honest, I don't really know how to deal with it either. These recent squabbles have been exhausting and I want every ling to get along, but it's so difficult, you know, especially with how different every changeling is now, and how much they hold onto the past..."

On 2023-06-22 at 2:11 PM, Illiad Easle said:

He passed some blank sheets over to Thorax and a pen so he could take notes if he wanted, "Now, have you even punished a changeling in your hive? I'm sure your Queen did in her time, what were her punishments like?"

Thorax thought for a minute. "Well, not really. I'm mostly still trying to figure that out. Like, some changelings kept suggesting banishment of other changelings, but I'm not really a fan of that. Chrysalis... Well her punishments were pretty barbaric. She liked to banish changelings, or throw them in a dungeon, or banish them and then throw them in a dungeon in the place that she banished them to..." Thorax trailed off and rubbing one leg with a hoof nervously,. It was clear Chrysalis' punishments were a touchy subject.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Skylight Scintillate


Siren's expression was hard to read, but she looked conflicted, "I..." She closed her mouth, shook her head, and forced a small smile, "I'm glad that you're able to feel accepted now that you fit in."

She turned away from the gathered crowd and started heading for Thorax's apartment, "I need some time to think, to be alone."

She wouldn't respond to questions, and if someone tried to physically stop her she'd teleport away, and would simply sit in silence in Thorax's apartment for a bit.



On 2023-06-29 at 1:31 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Oh me? Why would you think I'd be like her? We got rid of her," Thorax smirked slightly. 

Mimir raised an eyebrow, "Yet, I've heard that a few of the changelings here aren't all that different. Better to prepare for the more difficult scenario, than to hope that things will be easy."

On 2023-06-29 at 1:31 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Thorax thought for a minute. "Well, not really. I'm mostly still trying to figure that out. Like, some changelings kept suggesting banishment of other changelings, but I'm not really a fan of that. Chrysalis... Well her punishments were pretty barbaric. She liked to banish changelings, or throw them in a dungeon, or banish them and then throw them in a dungeon in the place that she banished them to..." Thorax trailed off and rubbing one leg with a hoof nervously,. It was clear Chrysalis' punishments were a touchy subject.

Mimir nodded, "The fact that some of the changelings here are still asking for banishment implies that, either, they don't know the severity of banishment, or they want things to remain the same as they were under Chrysalis. That is something that you'll need to deal with sooner rather than later, and with sufficient force that it does not propagate, lest you are left with an intolerant, xenophobic, hive. I'd suggest a trial banishment of these changelings who advocated for it. A short period of no more than a month where they are wholly cut off from the hive, to give them a taste of what banishment actually means. This should of course be preceded by some clear rules for the hive going forward, as well as the associated punishments, any rule that does not have a punishment is merely a suggestion after all, and these punishments should be fair and consistent. You don't have to come up with them all on your own, in fact I think it would serve to bolster hive unity if you had everyling come together to decide the rules and their punishments. That way everyling has the chance to agree to the rules."

He gave Thorax a moment to process what he said before continuing, "For example, Pharynx was badly mistreated by the hive for some time before his reformation. I'm not going to get into why this happened, but what rule could we put in place to prevent it from happening again? That's the sort of question you would pose to the hive, and if, in the future, you find that the rule or punishment is insufficient you can call the hive together to adjust it, or adjust it yourself."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

On 2023-07-10 at 1:36 PM, Illiad Easle said:


Siren's expression was hard to read, but she looked conflicted, "I..." She closed her mouth, shook her head, and forced a small smile, "I'm glad that you're able to feel accepted now that you fit in."

She turned away from the gathered crowd and started heading for Thorax's apartment, "I need some time to think, to be alone."

She wouldn't respond to questions, and if someone tried to physically stop her she'd teleport away, and would simply sit in silence in Thorax's apartment for a bit.

Larynx would also walk back to his own apartment and once he arrived, he would ponder everything that he had encountered so far. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed that what seperated the two grolups of changelings was whether they rejected Queen Chrysalis and her rule on the hive compared to Thorax's. However, did that mean that Pharynx suddenly realized this after the fight with the maulwurf? Larynx felt stuck about what to do next. He wasn't sure if he should go back to ask Pharynx about it, or talk with Siren about it, or just stay silent. He was afraid that the second option would offend Siren when she didn't feel like talking about it. However, that gave him an idea. "Soo, what should we do next?" Larynx eventually asked.

On 2023-07-10 at 1:36 PM, Illiad Easle said:


Mimir raised an eyebrow, "Yet, I've heard that a few of the changelings here aren't all that different. Better to prepare for the more difficult scenario, than to hope that things will be easy."

Mimir nodded, "The fact that some of the changelings here are still asking for banishment implies that, either, they don't know the severity of banishment, or they want things to remain the same as they were under Chrysalis. That is something that you'll need to deal with sooner rather than later, and with sufficient force that it does not propagate, lest you are left with an intolerant, xenophobic, hive. I'd suggest a trial banishment of these changelings who advocated for it. A short period of no more than a month where they are wholly cut off from the hive, to give them a taste of what banishment actually means.

Thorax gave a thoughtful look as he thought about each of Mimir's suggestions. "Yeah now that I think about it, it does seem strange that the changelings that see Chrysalis' punishments would so openly advocate it for one of their hive members. I suppose we could try it, but where would they be sent?"

On 2023-07-10 at 1:36 PM, Illiad Easle said:

This should of course be preceded by some clear rules for the hive going forward, as well as the associated punishments, any rule that does not have a punishment is merely a suggestion after all, and these punishments should be fair and consistent. You don't have to come up with them all on your own, in fact I think it would serve to bolster hive unity if you had everyling come together to decide the rules and their punishments. That way everyling has the chance to agree to the rules."

He gave Thorax a moment to process what he said before continuing, "For example, Pharynx was badly mistreated by the hive for some time before his reformation. I'm not going to get into why this happened, but what rule could we put in place to prevent it from happening again? That's the sort of question you would pose to the hive, and if, in the future, you find that the rule or punishment is insufficient you can call the hive together to adjust it, or adjust it yourself."

"And having the hive come up with the ideas sounds like a great idea. I suppose we could have the hive meet up by the main atrium this evening. As for the mistreatment of Thorax, well... I suppose I should suggest ideas at this evening's meeting if other changelings don't have any ideas. However, there is something you should know. Larynx hasn't said this to Siren because she'll probably see it an excuse, but Pharynx started a fight with Larynx to see if Larynx would be able to fight. It was a very one sided fight... So uh, while Pharynx definitely helped solve some problems in this hive, he also did start plenty of them too..." Thorax explained.

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@Skylight Scintillate


Siren had been doing some contemplation of her own, though most of her thoughts circled around how Pharynx had been treated by the hive, how he was treated now, and how his treatment had differed from her own experience here. She couldn't help but be drawn to the conclusion that these 'reformed' changelings genuinely did believe that they were evil before, and that all unreformed changelings, herself included, were not only evil, but dangerous. Pharynx hadn't helped that stigma, but from Siren's experience the guard changelings always were a bit rougher than the rest. They had to be, to keep the hive safe. She thought back to how quickly this hive had changed its tune when she expressed her displeasure, at first she had thought they were scared of disappointing her, but now she got the feeling that they were scared of her, or perhaps her queen? It made sense that they, having thrown off their own queen, would feel threatened by the revelation that their queen was comparatively small on the global scale. They might have feared that this representative of a new queen might work to subjugate them again under a much stronger rule.

The fact that Pharynx's reformation was all it took for him to be wholeheartedly accepted by the hive only seemed to confirm: This hive was scared of 'outsiders'.

She sighed, shaking her head, she concluded that she had been foolish to think she could make real friends here, with all the fear, the best she could get were those who would try to appease her. She had wanted to help, but she saw that her suggestions would be seen as mandates, and that wasn't what she wanted.

On 2023-07-15 at 8:20 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Soo, what should we do next?" Larynx eventually asked.

Siren didn't look over, "Mimir said to wait until he was done talking to Thorax, so I'm going to wait here until then, I don't..."

She shook her head, "This hive... it fears changelings like me. The worry you feel, does it stem from care? or fear?"

She held up a hoof, "Don't answer that, in either case you'd say care, either because it is the truth, or because you're scared of it." She sighed again, "You'd think this would be easier, since I can tell how you feel, but I can only see what you feel and not why. When I spoke up in the class, everyone there was worried, and I don't know if it was because they were disappointed in their lesson, or if they were scared. I wish it really was so simple as the changelings here want it to be, that all changelings are evil and all reformed are not, because then I wouldn't have to worry about the impact of my actions here. Still, how can you trust what someone you've declared evil will say?"

She started to cry, "I'm... I'm not evil. But I can't help but feel that the only reason I wasn't treated like Pharynx, is because you fear me."



On 2023-07-15 at 8:20 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

I suppose we could try it, but where would they be sent?"

Mimir nodded, "Well, the goal is to give them the experience of separation, without putting them in real risk. With the proper announcement, you could send them to any major city in Equestria or Troy, and the changelings there would be sure to leave them entirely alone. For further benefit, send each banished changeling somewhere different, so that they can't even rely on each other."

On 2023-07-15 at 8:20 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

However, there is something you should know. Larynx hasn't said this to Siren because she'll probably see it an excuse, but Pharynx started a fight with Larynx to see if Larynx would be able to fight. It was a very one sided fight... So uh, while Pharynx definitely helped solve some problems in this hive, he also did start plenty of them too..." Thorax explained.

Mimir nodded, "And that too should have been corrected earlier. Again, I don't have the information or the time to diagnose everything wrong with the situation. Now that we're in agreement about hive management going forward, there are a few things that will need to be agreed to before my queen will provide further aid."

He pulled out a list, which upon reading were a set of rules. "These are the rules that all changelings in the council are expected to follow. Without these, cooperation between hives would be impossible."

The rules were pretty straightforward, most of them already covered by the laws of Equestria. The only additions to that were:

  • All disguises should be unique, and not aim to replace an existing creature.
  • A changeling should always give aid to another changeling, regardless of hive, even if such aid would put their own disguise at risk.
  • No changeling should knowingly hinder another changeling's efforts to cultivate, harvest, etc.

Mimir would clarify that the third referred mostly to not compete with other changelings for resources. If one emotion was already being cultivated in a crowd another changeling shouldn't try to cultivate something else, nor should they steal energy that had already been cultivated by another hive. "But given how independent you are from needing emotional energy, that shouldn't be an issue. Any questions or concerns there?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 3 weeks later...

@Illiad Easle 

On 2023-07-17 at 4:36 PM, Illiad Easle said:

She shook her head, "This hive... it fears changelings like me. The worry you feel, does it stem from care? or fear?"

"W-what? So we're not friends? But what about all the stuff we did Manehatten together? I didn't fear you then..." Larynx started tearing up. "...And I don't fear you. I think you're quite nice..." Larynx sobbed as he flopped onto his bed and cried loudly. 

A changeling flown up to the balcony door and tapped on it. "Hey uh-oh dear", they remarked when they noticed the two changelings crying. "Umm, Thorax wants every changeling to meet in the main atrium soon because he has something important to say," the changeling messaged as he backed away awkwardly.

On 2023-07-17 at 4:36 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Mimir nodded, "Well, the goal is to give them the experience of separation, without putting them in real risk. With the proper announcement, you could send them to any major city in Equestria or Troy, and the changelings there would be sure to leave them entirely alone. For further benefit, send each banished changeling somewhere different, so that they can't even rely on each other."

"Yes, that makes sense, especially given how changelings can create love with other changelings from this hive..." Thorax remarked. 

On 2023-07-17 at 4:36 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Mimir nodded, "And that too should have been corrected earlier. Again, I don't have the information or the time to diagnose everything wrong with the situation. Now that we're in agreement about hive management going forward, there are a few things that will need to be agreed to before my queen will provide further aid."

He pulled out a list, which upon reading were a set of rules. "These are the rules that all changelings in the council are expected to follow. Without these, cooperation between hives would be impossible."

The rules were pretty straightforward, most of them already covered by the laws of Equestria. The only additions to that were:

  • All disguises should be unique, and not aim to replace an existing creature.
  • A changeling should always give aid to another changeling, regardless of hive, even if such aid would put their own disguise at risk.
  • No changeling should knowingly hinder another changeling's efforts to cultivate, harvest, etc.

Mimir would clarify that the third referred mostly to not compete with other changelings for resources. If one emotion was already being cultivated in a crowd another changeling shouldn't try to cultivate something else, nor should they steal energy that had already been cultivated by another hive. "But given how independent you are from needing emotional energy, that shouldn't be an issue. Any questions or concerns there?"

"And I agree with those too. This hive doesn't impersonate other ponies anymore, and I'd like to believe that most of this hive would do anything to help another changeling in need. I don't have any questions or concerns so far," Thorax replied. "I suppose we should figure out what we should address to my hive now?"



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@Skylight Scintillate

12 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"W-what? So we're not friends? But what about all the stuff we did Manehatten together? I didn't fear you then..." Larynx started tearing up. "...And I don't fear you. I think you're quite nice..." Larynx sobbed as he flopped onto his bed and cried loudly. 

Siren's face fell, "I... " she sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, and you're right, that wasn't fair. I was just trying to make a point that just because you know what someone is feeling, doesn't mean you know why they're feeling the way they do."

Siren visibly looked upset now, worried that her words had deeply hurt her friend unintentionally.

12 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

A changeling flown up to the balcony door and tapped on it. "Hey uh-oh dear", they remarked when they noticed the two changelings crying. "Umm, Thorax wants every changeling to meet in the main atrium soon because he has something important to say," the changeling messaged as he backed away awkwardly.

Siren took a bit to recompose herself, "Hopefully Thorax and Mimir came to an understanding. I... I can stay here if you don't want to go with me. It's probably more important for you to be there than me anyway."


12 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"And I agree with those too. This hive doesn't impersonate other ponies anymore, and I'd like to believe that most of this hive would do anything to help another changeling in need. I don't have any questions or concerns so far," Thorax replied. "I suppose we should figure out what we should address to my hive now?"

Mimir nodded, "If you think you're ready, I'll be by your side to assist if you need it, but that's another thing you should consider: appointing a trusted advisor to help you manage the hive, so you don't have to do it all yourself."

Mimir would follow Thorax.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

On 2023-08-02 at 12:45 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Siren's face fell, "I... " she sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, and you're right, that wasn't fair. I was just trying to make a point that just because you know what someone is feeling, doesn't mean you know why they're feeling the way they do."

Siren visibly looked upset now, worried that her words had deeply hurt her friend unintentionally.

"Oh," Larynx realized. He began to dry his tears and recompose himself. "Yeah I get that. Like, normally, I guess it's pretty straightforward to figure out why a changeling is feeling what they are feeling, but this feels so complicated. And I can see how not being able to know why they are feeling what they are feeling can lead to complications and make some changelings upset. However, this hive is complicated and diverse, which means that there is no one way to describe the entire hive. So like, some changelings here are worried because they care, and others worry because they are scared. And like, I would like to assume that most changelings here care because most changelings here are pretty nice and because I care about you," Larynx explained.

On 2023-08-02 at 12:45 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Siren took a bit to recompose herself, "Hopefully Thorax and Mimir came to an understanding. I... I can stay here if you don't want to go with me. It's probably more important for you to be there than me anyway."

"I mean, I don't mind if you go along. In fact, I think we can listen from the balcony," Larynx said as he walked onto it. Sure enough, looking down, they could see and hear Thorax standing in a makeshift stage to address the crowd. 

"In light of the recent incident here in this hive, it has become evident that new rules need to be established. For one, we cannot go around antagonizing other changelings, or start fights with them, or demand that they be banished. It is due to this that I believe it is best that those that demanded Pharynx be banished experience banishment themselves. Each changeling would be sent to a separate city for one month before being allowed to return to the hive. As for Pharynx and any other changelings that start fights, they would be required to take classes in uh, deescalation and anger management..." Thorax explained.

"We have that kind of class?" Larynx asked to himself.

"However, uh, other rules need to be established to ensure that a conflict like this doesn't happen again. Does any changeling have any suggestions?" Thorax hesitated. He looked to Mimir for help. 




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@Skylight Scintillate

On 2023-08-05 at 8:15 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

So like, some changelings here are worried because they care, and others worry because they are scared. And like, I would like to assume that most changelings here care because most changelings here are pretty nice and because I care about you," Larynx explained.

Siren smiled at that, "Thank you, I... I care about you too."

On 2023-08-05 at 8:15 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"However, uh, other rules need to be established to ensure that a conflict like this doesn't happen again. Does any changeling have any suggestions?" Thorax hesitated. He looked to Mimir for help.

Mimir nodded as he stepped forward to address everyone, "Greetings all, I am Mimir, trusted advisor to Queen Sleipnir and the Manehatten hive. I was sent to help your hive become more unified and to better coexist with the other changeling hives. In talking with your King Thorax we came to the conclusion that the best way for your hive to unify is for you all to have a say in how your hive will interact moving forward. For instance, the treatment that Pharynx suffered prior to his reformation is something that we would like to discourage moving forward, this poses the questions of: What rule should be put in place to prevent this action from occurring? And, what punishment should be assigned to this rule? From there, what other behaviors or actions do you feel are detrimental to hive unity?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

The crowd of changelings murmured as they glanced between Mimir and each other. "...Well I think Thorax's suggestion is fair..." "...I like the idea of anger management and deescalation classes, but who would run them?" "...I agree with the classes idea!" "...Wait, isn't the feelings forum supposed to solve this problem? like, get changelings together to talk and work through their issues?" "...What if we had a separate feelings forum for those that are having issues with the rules?" "...Speaking of which, what rules should we establish?" "...What about respecting each other, letting changelings be who they want to be as long as it doesn't hurt other changelings, and no impersonation?" "...I like that..." "...Also, what's going to happen to Pharynx?" 

"Woah, so many thoughts and ideas. For the classes, I have an idea of who could run them... I think separating the feelings forum would be a good idea. The way they are currently being run feels very... all over the place. It seems the current rules being mentioned focus a lot on the most recent issue, but are there any other rules that you all think this hive potentially needs? And what do you think, Mimir? Do you think these current suggestions are good?" Thorax asked

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Skylight Scintillate

Mimir nodded, "I think the best course of action would be for everyone to go and think about rules, then reconvene in a day or two once everyone has had a chance to really consider. Things will be awkward for a bit as you work things out, but I think that there is enough desire for cooperation here for everyling to come together on this."

He turned to face Thorax more directly, "Unless there's something else you need? We should discuss how best to organize the aid my hive wants to send yours. Maybe I could meet with those presently in charge of education?" (We don't have to rp this if you don't want to)


As the meeting wrapped up, Siren sighed, "Well, I guess that's better. I hope you all will be able to come up with good rules and better work out your differences with the new classes."

She looked down, "I'm sorry, I should have been more open to your differences as features, rather than flaws, as to how your hive works compared to mine."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

"Uuh yeah, meeting dismissed. I'd like you all to think and reflect on these rules, and we'll meet again tomorrow evening," Thorax announced.

The changeling crowd murmured to each other about their suggestions as they dispersed. Many changelings had many different ideas, and they were debating them with each other. The changelings that so aggressively advocated for the banishment of Pharynx now tried to slip out of the atrium as discreetly as possible. 

Once the others had dispersed, Thorax turned to Mimir. "Yes, I suppose that makes sense. It would be useful to have every changeling on the same page about the other changeling hives. However, what kind of aid is your hive thinking about sending?" (I have no idea how to RP this either, so let's pass)

Larynx gave Siren a concerned but comforting look. "Yeah, I get it. I guess that's why it's important for our hives to get to know each other better," Larynx tried to think of something else to add onto that, but couldn't think of anything, so he just sat next to Siren and appreciated the sense of relief he felt.


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