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private A Cultural Exchange (1x1 with Skylight Scintillate)

Illiad Easle

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@Skylight Scintillate

Salty practically stuck his head in the bucket to get a good look at the fish, "Looks like a salmon, maybe a catfish if you were out in the reeds. Again, these eyes aren't what they used to be. I take them alive to the market and they tell me what they are and pay me is all."

He chuckled at that, "I used to be real good at this, fishing that is, had a whole crew and a few boats, but once my eyes started to go I figured it was time to retire and let someone else take over."

He cast another line out, Siren meanwhile was spread out sunbathing on the bow if the ship, the gentle movement of the ship would likely rock her to sleep if Larynx didn't go over to talk to her.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

"Oh," Larynx replied, glancing at the fish in the bucket one more time, still not sure what it was.

Larynx cast his line out again, but after waiting a few moments, he decided to go over and talk to Siren. "So, are you into sunbathing or something? To be honest, I don't really think I'm into fishing. There's a lot of waiting and it's kind of boring," Larynx whispered to Siren. "So, what do you like to do in your spare time? My hive has just discovered what spare time is, so we are trying to find out how to best use it. Interestingly, some changelings are also doing this sunbathing thing, except it's more like steambathing. Its like, they lay down near the hot springs under our hive and enjoy the heat and humidity. Some changelings have even brought over beach chairs to use but other changelings have complained that it's not changeling culture to use beach chairs or something like that. You see, our hive is a mess," Larynx sighed. It seemed like whatever he talked about cycled back to how the culture at his hive was a mess. He checked his line, but there was nothing, so he turned back to Siren.

"Anyways, what about you? Does your hive have a particular culture that is different from the ponies? Are there certain things that you are required or banned from doing? Also, you talk about how the hive makes sure ponies don't find out about this, but it seems like there is the possibility that ponies just stumble..." Larynx asked. He was interrupted by a tug on his line. "...into this?" Larynx finished as he pulled in what was on the line. He had a better idea of how hard to pull and he dropped the fish in the bucket. Only, when he went in for a closer look, it wasn't a fish.

"How in Equestria did I catch that?" Larynx asked.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate


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@Skylight Scintillate

(Well, I can't exactly react to what you caught without you telling me what it was, but I'm inclined to say you caught a boot.)


Siren stirred back to wakefulness as Larynx spoke to her, a faint hum about her as her invisible wings fluttered for a bit, "Well, fishing's not for everyone I guess, but I do enjoy laying out in the sun yes, I like feeling warm like that where the water is cool, not at all like being near a steam vent though, that's just hot and wet and I don't like that."

She giggled at Larynx's comment of chairs not being changeling culture, "I'll tell you what's really not changeling culture, refusing to adapt! Our whole essence is about blending in, becoming part of what surrounds us, we're like water in a fancy vase or a cup. Only perhaps we're more like a river flowing through a valley. Sure, we are shaped by the valley, but over time, almost imperceptably in the short term, we shape the valley."

In terms of Larynx's other questions she thought a bit more deeply, "Well, I suppose we have a bit more respect for the dead than ponies do. You know how when a changeling dies their body is reduced to ash right? And how that ash is very flammable? Well, we do our best to gather up as much of that ask as we can and use it to make candles, and we give those candles to all those who were close to the changeling as well as keeping one in the hall of remembrance. That way we remember them and have them near us for a time. These candles also last for a long time, and when the candle in the hall burns out then the changeling's name can be used again, the new changeling taking that name also taking on the previous changeling's legacy to build upon it."

"As to things we aren't supposed to do, well, we're not supposed to compete directly with other changelings, like opening a competing business in the same area or something like that, nor is infighting allowed, but other than that we follow all the same laws that the ponies here do."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx scratched his head, a bit confused about how he could have caught a boot. He cast his rod out again to see if he could catch anything else as he turned his attention to Siren. 

"Huh, I guess you make a good point about changeling culture. I mean, we are literally called changelings, right?" Larynx laughed nervously. "Part of me now wonders if the older ponies are just being stubborn or afraid of change and are using changeling culture as an excuse not to change. I should probably write a letter to Thorax mentioning this. I mean, everyling changed when they all reformed, so these other changes shouldn't be too extreme," Larynx said out loud while he wrote this down on a letter. He folded the letter up once he finished. "But on the other hoof, if we completely adapt to pony culture, won't we loose the changeling part of ourselves, whatever that is?" Larynx asked.

"This analogy certainly is intriguing. Like, from what you said during your tour, it seems like changelings had a major role in building the Manehatten we see today. Though the turning dead changelings to candles part is new to me. Chrysalis had a complicated relationship with changelings dying," Larynx said, phrasing the last sentence carefully and wincing slightly as he mentioned Chrysalis. "And she didn't exactly respect pony rules either. The only rules that existed in her eyes were her orders..." He sighed.

Larynx laid down next to Siren, not really sure what to say next. He decided to enjoy the sea breeze while letting his line drift slightly.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren thought for a few moments before responding, "Hmm... I think, if you really broke it down, that changeling culture is somewhat agrarian. We do what we do to inspire particular emotions in the ponies around us, build up societies and constructs where they can fully express themselves because it nourishes us. But at the same time, it's more than that. We don't just inspire the emotions we want out of a need to feed ourselves, that would be like a chef only making food to satisfy nutritional needs, sparing no thought for the flavor. We instead inspire ponies because we like to see them inspired, and they in turn can inspire us to greater pursuits than just seeking food, like art and song. If anything, losing changeling culture would mean you no longer seek to inspire others, that you isolate yourself from your abilities, or that you would use your abilities not as an inward reflection of yourself."

She shrugged, "I've never really put much thought into how the culture of ponies and changelings differ, we've been so mutually evolved that perhaps there's no more difference between a changeling and a pony than between the different kinds of ponies. And giving that thought, maybe that's not a bad thing?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx thought a bit before responding. Siren seemed to provide pretty deep insight about how she saw changeling culture. It seemed to make sense, but Larynx thought it might be helpful to get some other changeling's opinions on it later. He added this to the letter though. "Yeah that kind of makes sense. I don't think any changeling is really helping themselves by being a bunch of recluses and only staying in the hive. Though they seem pretty afraid to go out though. Maybe there is some way to convince them otherwise. I suppose using the same logic means that we need to love ponies in order for them to love us back... This seems to really go against Chrysalis' culture though," Larynx pondered out loud. 

He noticed a fish swimming by and was half tempted to jump in and catch the fish with his mouth like a bear, but the air and water were just a little bit too cold to do that today. Instead, he let his rod drift slowly over to hook onto the fish. Then, he tossed the fish in the bucket with the others. "Welp, I'm bored and I'm ready to head back. Plus, I'm thinking about sending some letters to Thorax," Larynx whispered to Siren.


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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren nodded, "Sounds good. Hey Salty! We're ready to head back now."

Salty stirred from the nap he had drifted into, "Huh? Already? The sun's still out." He chuckled, "Jus' foolin'. I'll get us back to the dock and then we can prepare the fish we caught, see how you like it fresh as can be."

Salty set to work getting the boat moving again, setting course back to the dock that they had set sail from, then bringing the bucket with him as he started to head off the dock, "You coming?" he'd call back to them, causing Siren to turn to Larynx, "Up to you, he won't care either way, but if you don't want to try his food, what would you rather do?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx enjoyed the sea breeze on his face as the boat sailed back towards the dock. Once they arrived back at the dock, Larynx got up and was about to follow Salty when Siren called out and he stopped. He turned to face Siren. 

"Oh, I was thinking we follow him just to see how he reacts to the boot in the bucket. But I wouldn't know if I would be interested in his food if I don't know what it is. Like I said, I can handle fresh fish just fine," Larynx whispered to Siren, giggling slightly at the mention of the boot. "What about you? Do you like fresh fish?" Larynx asked.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren shrugged, "I don't not like it, I just prefer my fish a bit warmer, and breaded, and in stick form. But I don't mind a sushi roll every now and again."

She'd help them catch back up to Salty, who had reached the end of the dock by then and started heading towards a well maintained little house tucked away by the shoreline away from the bustle of the wharf. Salty smiled once they got close enough, "Figured you'd want to come along." He pointed to the house, "This didn't used to be so close to the city, or rather the city didn't used to be so big. My grandfather built this house when he was about your age, back when the city was smaller. They want me to sell the land so they can develop it, but they can wait till I'm dead."

Inside the house it was just as well maintained as the outside, it was cozy and warm, sheltering them from the chilly breeze coming off the ocean, Salty headed over to the kitchen and started dealing with the fish, pausing when he got to the boot. "Now, my eyes may not be what they used to be, but this is either a brand new type of fish, or a boot. It'll taste a bit weird in a roll when we've got these fresh fish, but if that's what you reformed changelings eat who am I to judge? I hear the goats like to eat things like this."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

"Yeah I like my fish many different ways. I'm still trying to figure out which way I like the best though," Larynx replied, following Siren towards Salty's house. Larynx found it really striking that there was a small house in the middle of the city when there were plenty of really tall buildings just a few blocks away. 

When Salty suggested actually serving the boot, Larynx gasped. "Oh, I caught a boot somehow, and I didn't know when to throw it out. Don't serve it with the fish because I don't like it. In fact, none of the reformed changelings like it. Don't ask how we know what a boot tastes like," Larynx replied, pulling the boot out and throwing it in the trashcan.

"Does he actually think reformed changelings eat boots or something? What other misconceptions or stereotypes to ponies and your changeling hive have about reformed changelings? Maybe I can help clarify some of them," Larynx asked, whispering to Siren.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Salty chuckled at Larynx's response to the boot, "I was just teasin', mostly. I'll remember that for next time."

That said Salty went to work preparing the food for them while Siren talked quietly with Larynx, "Well, I think it's too early for there to be misconceptions, we simply don't know much about reformed changelings, so while Salty was mostly kidding when he suggested eating the boot, he did leave the option open in case you did actually want to eat it. I guess right now we're working off of the assumption that you're not too different from a regular changeling, and we're looking to find out what differences might exist. It would have been nice if you were more familiar with a 'normal' changeling, as maybe there are differences that we might not think to ask about. Still, I'm glad that you're open to answering, and that you don't take misconceptions too hard. It would be best, to prevent misconceptions from forming as we go forward, if you did clarify like you did here."

Salty worked quick, apparently having the rice already prepared before they left, despite his waning eyesight he was a professional with a knife and soon had the fresh sushi rolls prepared and brought over to them, "Here you are, fresh as can be, let me know what you think!"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

"I don't know if I should find the fact that he actually left that option open considerate or disgusting," Larynx whispered back to Siren, laughing nervously. "Though what you said about comparing changeling cultures keeps intriguing me. The one thing that keeps standing out to me is that all changelings can detect feelings from other creatures, but it seems that only reformed changelings can also radiate these feelings," Larynx explained to Siren.

"Oh, the sushi is ready?" Larynx asked as he tried a piece. "Wow, they are good. And the freshness is quite obvious," Larynx said as he grabbed another piece and savored it. "Are you going to try some?" he asked Siren.


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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren looked thoughtful when Larynx mentioned reformed changelings radiating emotion, "Yeah, I was wondering about that, because for a normal changeling we consume emotional energy because we don't produce enough to sustain ourselves, in that everything we produce gets consumed to keep us from combusting. If you'd be okay with it, maybe we could have one of the smarter changelings take a look at you and see why that is?"

In regards to the sushi, Siren had grabbed some just after Larynx did, and was eating it while Larynx asked, so she simply responded with a good natured snort.

Salty would also eat with them, "I told ya fresh was best, glad to see you agree."

Once the sushi was all gone, everyone having gotten enough, Salty let out a yawn, "Well, I best be getting to bed, you two have fun now ya hear? And stay safe out there."

Siren nodded, "Of course, thanks again Salty, see you later!"


Once outside Siren looked about, while Salty was going to bed there was still plenty of daylight left, "So, you mentioned wanting to send some letters, you want to do that first? Or is there something else you want to do?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

"Oh my, it's almost evening already?" Larynx remarked, glancing at the clock and outside the window. "Wow. This city just keeps blowing my mind away... Well then, goodbye Salty," Larynx said as he followed Siren out of Salty's house and back into the hustle and bustle of the city. 

"So, from my observations as a reformed changeling, I found that I definitely still consume emotional energy to be converted into the changeling magic for use, but we also produce it too. We definitely produce a lot more emotional energy, but I'm not sure if we consume less emotional energy. Whichever way you measure it, there's definitely a surplus. I think the best way this can be seen is the way all a lot of changelings (especially the younger ones, but quite a few older ones too) are super clingy of Thorax. The changelings definitely still need love, hence the clinginess, but what's most interesting is Thorax. I've felt (using my emotional sense) the way Thorax cares for his subjects. It's almost as though he produces this love like a pony, which I find very intriguing. Because of this, the hive is self sufficient in a way. However, when you add on the fact that these reformed changelings seem to be afraid of ponies now, it also makes us a bunch of recluses, which is why I'm writing this letter. I want Thorax to encourage other changelings to go out and take a look at other pony cultures," Larynx whispered to Siren, explaining as he folded his letter and some photos in an envelope. He then sealed it, addressed it, stamped it, and placed it in a big blue mail bin to be delivered.

"Let's see, what should we do? Hmm, well it seems a bit too late to go sightseeing; not saying there aren't interesting sights to see here, it's just that I don't think we have enough time to give the sights a proper amount of time to really understand and appreciate them. I think we should head back to the hive and you show me around the place some more while we discuss the similarities and differences between our hives," Larynx suggested, whispering to Siren. 

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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren nodded at all of Larynx's comments as they leisurely made their way back towards Hay tower, "Sounds good, I mean, there's plenty to see once the sun goes down, lots of pretty lights, but we can save that for tomorrow, you're probably exhausted from all the traveling and things you've seen today. Got to spread things out somehow. Oh! if you want to save on stamps, you can always send your mail through Hermes, they'll take care of everything for you, especially since I don't know if the local mail system will even be able to get mail back to your home."

She shrugged, "It might almost be faster if you just carried it with you. Anyway, we can go back home. I'm a bit tired myself anyway."

They entered the lobby of the tower without issue, heading over to the elevator. Once inside she dropped her disguise again, her shell seemed especially shiny now after the sunbathing she had done. "So, any particular part of the hive you wanted to see? Or maybe a better way to ask is, do you have a question about how we do things here that I could show you?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

"Oh my gosh, the Manehatten night life completely slipped my mind. 'Go to a Broadway musical; go to lots of Broadway musicals,' they said. 'Experience the night life, do everything that you would do during the day, but at night in the city that never sleeps...' they said. For a bunch of changelings that refuse to leave the hive, they seem to know a lot about Manehatten," Larynx remarked sarcastically. "I'm going to have to remember that. I'm actually genuinely interested in seeing the night life here, but I'm tired after traveling and experiencing the city for the first time," Larynx said as they walked back towards the hive.

"Wait, so you used Hermes to mail me? Huh. Did I just bring a bunch of stamps for nothing? Hopefully Thorax actually gets the letter. You know, this whole letter thing makes me wonder something. You don't actually know the person you sent the letter to actually got the letter until you receive their reply, and since letters could get lost going either way, you could write letters back and forth indefinitely confirming that you got each other's letters," Larynx pondered. "Gosh, I'm too tired to be thinking about these problems..."

Once Larynx entered the tower elevator, he dropped his disguise too. "Yeah there are a few parts of the hive I'm interested in. How do they teach the young changelings here? It sounds like the changelings here actually get an education. The changelings in my hive don't exactly get one. The only thing they need to know is how to follow Chrysalis' orders."

"And also, if a changeling gets sick or injured, they go to a changeling hospital somewhere here, right? I would assume that due to the different biology changelings have from ponies, they wouldn't be able to go to a pony hospital right? When Chrysalis ruled, changelings that were injured or sick aren't usually heard from again. Oh, and you said that you wanted a changeling nurse to examine me to see the biological difference between a reformed changeling and a regular changeling."

"Also, you did mention that we could try to meet Queen Sleipnir and her advisers sometime. Also, I want to see how you interact with your coworkers or neighbors or friends, whichever is the right terminology for it. Gosh, it seems like the more I think about it, the more there is to be discovered about this hive and city and the more my mind is blown away. I suppose we should try to find some of the teachers while they aren't teaching, and if we can't do that, we try to find Queen Sleipnir," Larynx suggested.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren raised an eyebrow at all the things that Larynx listed off, "Wow, well that's enough to take care of several days here. But lets see..."

On 2022-09-01 at 8:40 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"I'm going to have to remember that. I'm actually genuinely interested in seeing the night life here, but I'm tired after traveling and experiencing the city for the first time,"

"We'll definitely have time for that, I was hoping to have you come to one of my performances before you went, but we can also go to some of the other shows as well. It has been a while since I was last in the audience."

On 2022-09-01 at 8:40 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Wait, so you used Hermes to mail me? Huh. Did I just bring a bunch of stamps for nothing? Hopefully Thorax actually gets the letter. You know, this whole letter thing makes me wonder something. You don't actually know the person you sent the letter to actually got the letter until you receive their reply, and since letters could get lost going either way, you could write letters back and forth indefinitely confirming that you got each other's letters,"

She nodded, "Yeah, that's part of why I couldn't talk about being a changeling in the letters, I couldn't guarantee that you would be the one getting them or that you'd be the only one reading them. Now that I think about it, I was able to get your original letter through the exchange program, so I think it's probable that your letters would be getting back home, it just might take a bit longer. I'll let Hermes know you sent a letter so they can look out for it and speed it along, just in case. We actually have an official mail room here in the tower that can help you going forward, and if you drop off your letters in the mail box right in from that will also work."

On 2022-09-01 at 8:40 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Yeah there are a few parts of the hive I'm interested in. How do they teach the young changelings here? It sounds like the changelings here actually get an education. The changelings in my hive don't exactly get one. The only thing they need to know is how to follow Chrysalis' orders."

"That's a good place to start, I could get you to sit in on some of the classes tomorrow to show you what it's like. It should be an enlightening experience for you. But in summary, from as soon as we're old enough to talk they teach us how to be good changelings according to our predispositions, what the world is like outside and how to stay safe. They don't teach much about things like history or math or other school subjects, as typically a changeling's first disguise will be as a filly or colt attending school to get used to interacting with ponies as well as receiving that more traditional education."

On 2022-09-01 at 8:40 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"And also, if a changeling gets sick or injured, they go to a changeling hospital somewhere here, right? I would assume that due to the different biology changelings have from ponies, they wouldn't be able to go to a pony hospital right? When Chrysalis ruled, changelings that were injured or sick aren't usually heard from again.

She cringed on hearing that Chrysalis didn't have much care for the injured, "That depends. Most physical injuries can be treated the same as pony injuries, like cuts or bruises and such. Even broken limbs can be healed with typical casts and splints, but for more serious injuries... we have some changelings stationed inside the hospital to divert them to special care areas to be treated. We're very robust when it comes to injury, so it's rare that a changeling would actually need to be taken to the emergency room without dying before then. That is to say, most injuries aren't severe enough against a changeling that they wouldn't be able to book their own appointment for treatment."

On 2022-09-01 at 8:40 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Oh, and you said that you wanted a changeling nurse to examine me to see the biological difference between a reformed changeling and a regular changeling.

"Probably more like a scientist or Doctor, but yeah, they'd be better able to explain how injuries are treated than I would. I've been lucky enough to avoid injury thusfar."

On 2022-09-01 at 8:40 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Also, you did mention that we could try to meet Queen Sleipnir and her advisers sometime.

"That will also likely need to wait until tomorrow, you can't exactly see the Queen unannounced unless it's a real emergency, but we should be able to find some time tomorrow, especially with all the time we'll be spending in the hive."

On 2022-09-01 at 8:40 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Also, I want to see how you interact with your coworkers or neighbors or friends, whichever is the right terminology for it.

She chuckled, "Well those are all correct words for it. I have coworkers, neighbors, and friends. My coworkers being fellow performers and such, my friends being a mix of changelings and ponies, and my neighbors just being changelings since I live here."

The elevator stopped at Siren's floor, the doors opening to reveal a deep blue unicorn mare followed by another unicorn stallion, Siren looked very surprised while the unicorn mare looked amused, "Miss Blue, I... I didn't expect to see you here."

The mare chuckled, motioning for them to leave the elevator, "I just wanted to meet the visitor personally. I left a note on your door that you can ignore now." She turned to Larynx, "I assume this is he?"

"Yes, um, Miss Blue, maybe if we went inside?"

She shook her head as she got in the elevator with the other unicorn, "No need to rush things, get yourselves cleaned up and come down when you're ready, just don't take too long."

The doors shut behind them as Siren recomposed herself, "Well, um, looks like you'll be meeting my queen sooner, rather than later. That was her by the way."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

7 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Siren raised an eyebrow at all the things that Larynx listed off, "Wow, well that's enough to take care of several days here. But lets see..."

"Yeah actually, I did some research about Manehatten in between your letters and I actually have a bucket list for things I want to see here. I left the list in your room though and I can only remember a few things off of the top of my head," Larynx, replied, laughing nervously at Siren's reaction.

7 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"We'll definitely have time for that, I was hoping to have you come to one of my performances before you went, but we can also go to some of the other shows as well. It has been a while since I was last in the audience."

"Oh yeah, I heard Hinny of the Hills is all the rage right now. Like, even the changelings at my hive are talking about it and they are a bunch of recluses! Although I also heard it's really hard to get tickets because of how fast hey sell out. However, I am also interested in seeing one of your performances. Just wondering, do you sing solo or in a group? And if it's in a group, are the others changelings too?" Larynx asked.

7 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"I could get you to sit in on some of the classes tomorrow to show you what it's like. It should be an enlightening experience for you."

"Yeah I suppose that could work. Though there would be like a test or something to figure out which class I would be in, right? And being older than the rest of the class isn't going to be too awkward, right?" Larynx asked as he nervously rubbed one of his legs with another. "I feel like after I 'reformed', I started to feel really conscious about myself and being older than the rest of the class feels... weird. I mean, I can always appear and act like a reformed changeling but their age, right?"

7 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"But in summary, from as soon as we're old enough to talk they teach us how to be good changelings according to our predispositions, what the world is like outside and how to stay safe. They don't teach much about things like history or math or other school subjects, as typically a changeling's first disguise will be as a filly or colt attending school to get used to interacting with ponies as well as receiving that more traditional education."

"Huh, so they encourage the young changelings to go out into the world from a young age. I suppose that makes sense. However, if they are going to both schools, than how much time do they spend in the changeling school? It can't be that much, right? And what happens when a young changeling messes up and their pony classmates find out?" Larynx asked.

7 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Probably more like a scientist or Doctor, but yeah, they'd be better able to explain how injuries are treated than I would. I've been lucky enough to avoid injury thusfar."

"Oh, I suppose that makes sense. So they have doctors here in the hive but no hospitals? Do they work at the pony hospitals then? And when should we see them then?" Larynx asked.

"And from what I have seen so far, I get the impression that this hive doesn't have that services or amenities given that most changelings simply get it from the pony world that they interact with. I guess this is strange given that my hive is further from pony settlements and the changelings that really like pony culture want the hive to provide all of the pony services and amenities. Am I missing anything important in this hive other than the place where the emotional gel is made, the school and the throne room/royal court? And if so, can we go there?"

When the elevator neared Siren's floor, Larynx put on his Lyric disguise again. He was quite surprised to see a pair of ponies waiting when the doors opened. He barely had time to comprehend what was happening before he found himself standing outside the elevator and the pair inside as the doors closed. "Wait... What? That was the queen? What?" Larynx stammered, still not fully comprehending what just happened. When Siren and Larynx entered Siren's apartment, Larynx would read the note while talking to Siren. "So that was the queen? And she visits individual changelings? And she goes by Miss Blue? I still can't seem to wrap my mind around this..." Larynx said.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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@Skylight Scintillate

On 2022-09-03 at 3:09 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Just wondering, do you sing solo or in a group?

"Oh I just sing by myself, usually wherever I'm singing takes care of providing the band if one is needed. Maybe one day I'll have an official band, but for now it's whatever."

On 2022-09-03 at 3:09 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

I mean, I can always appear and act like a reformed changeling but their age, right?"

She shrugged, "You could, but I think they'll understand that you're just there to observe. So we won't need to test you or anything, but that could be a good way to see what knowledge you're missing and what you already know."

On 2022-09-03 at 3:09 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

I suppose that makes sense. However, if they are going to both schools, than how much time do they spend in the changeling school?

"They complete their changeling education before they go to pony school, after all they need to be fully trained on how to disguise and remain hidden before leaving the hive. A lot of it is instinctual though, so the training doesn't take all that long."

On 2022-09-03 at 3:09 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

And what happens when a young changeling messes up and their pony classmates find out?

She looked puzzled, "I... don't know... I'm pretty sure it hasn't happened before. I mean, they are well trained before leaving on how to maintain their disguise so it's not like they'd get revealed that way, and while young ponies are curious they don't typically have the wherewithal to corner a changeling with words. Plus we have several teachers on staff to redirect prodding questions before they can get too deep."

On 2022-09-03 at 3:09 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Oh, I suppose that makes sense. So they have doctors here in the hive but no hospitals? Do they work at the pony hospitals then? And when should we see them then?" Larynx asked.

"Well, we do have a clinic here in the hive, but most of the time they are just treated by the staff changelings in pony hospitals. We'll have you looked at here tomorrow, maybe in the afternoon after the school? We'll see how it shakes down, we're not in a rush after all."

On 2022-09-03 at 3:09 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Am I missing anything important in this hive other than the place where the emotional gel is made, the school and the throne room/royal court? And if so, can we go there?"

She looked thoughtful for a moment, "Hmm... Ah! There's the nursery, where the new foallings are formed, there's the Remembrance, and I think that's it. There's also a concert hall, but that's typically only used when big announcements are made or when a changeling musical group is coming to town. They play privately for us to ensure that a maximum of ponies attend the public concert in order to maximize the energy collected from the event."


On 2022-09-03 at 3:09 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"So that was the queen? And she visits individual changelings? And she goes by Miss Blue? I still can't seem to wrap my mind around this..." Larynx said.

It took Siren a bit to fully recompose herself, seemingly intimidated by her Queen's presence, "Yes, that was my Queen, she typically doesn't meet with us individually, but I assume it's due to you that I received such an honor. She probably wants to make sure that you get the best possible reception here. She only goes by Miss Blue, or Indigo Blue, when she's disguised. Otherwise she is only referred to as Queen Sleipnir. She probably won't be disguised when we go down to meet her."

Siren seemed nervous as she walked quickly to her apartment, "You can wash up first, make yourself presentable and all, I can wait until you're done. Then we'll go down together."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

"Oh," Larynx blushed as his ears drooped, embarrassed how he completely misunderstood how the hive's education system worked. He knew that he wasn't exactly expected to know how it worked, but he couldn't help but to feel embarrassed anyways. He wondered how well Siren would pick up on this embarrassment and whether she would say anything about it.

"Well I think we should also take a look at the nursery and the Remembrance too then," Larynx replied. 

Larynx entered the bathroom and glanced at the mirror. The hive didn't exactly have that many reflective surfaces, so Larynx still found his reformed form a bit unfamiliar. He let it sink in that this was the form that this was the form that Siren saw and that this was the form that he would be presenting himself to the Queen with. After staring at the mirror for a bit longer, he stepped in the shower and washed himself off before heading back out to meet Siren.

"Ok then, let's go," he said once Siren was ready. He felt wave of emotions wash through him during this. He felt nervous, but also excited at the same time. He wasn't sure what to expect, but he tried his best not to assume that Queen Sleipnir would be like Chrysalis. Larynx once again glanced over to Siren to see if she would notice this wave of emotions flowing through him.


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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren still looked nervous once she was done cleaning herself, the shine her plates had seemingly redoubled, maybe she'd done something special? She simply nodded at Larynx's words, taking the lead back to the elevator and sending it down to the large central area they had first seen when they arrived through the tunnels, just as before they attracted attention from the other changelings in the area.

They made their way to a large set of doors with guards on either side dressed in what looked like the historical guard armor for Manehatten back when it was just a shipping port. They simply nodded and let them pass. The throne room itself was an exquisite work of stone and marble, a number of comfortable and decorative pillows scattered about. Toward the back of the room sat the Queen behind a desk, quietly discussing something with a changeling at her side while looking through some papers. Larynx could see that this Queen, differing from Chrysalis, had two horns that curved backwards slightly on the top of her head, one above each eye.

She looked up as they approached, and smiled softly as she straightened her posture, "That's enough for now Mimir, we have guests."

The changeling at her side nodded and turned their attention to Siren and Larynx, Siren bowed once they got close enough, "My Queen, you summoned us, we are at your service."

The Queen nodded, and spared a quick glance around the room, "That is right my daughter. Come, let us move somewhere more comfortable." The queen stretched as she stood up, revealing her four wings and eight legs as she did before gracefully turning motioning for them to go ahead of her through a door in the back which led to a cozy office. Once inside the Queen sat in a large chair that had been designed with her unique anatomy in mind, Siren and Larynx were each able to take their own seats on the other side of the desk. "So, you are the one called Larynx yes? Originally of hive Chrysalis, my cousin? It has been a long time since any of her hive was last in contact with us. I would like to personally welcome you to my hive, I hope you enjoy your time here."

Her expression grew more caring/concerned, "Now, I've been informed that your hive was... lacking... in many of the amenities we enjoy here, could you elaborate on that?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx followed Siren out of the elevator and into the throne room. He couldn't help but to feel nervous as he walked through the central area, though he wasn't sure if it was all the changelings staring at him, or because he was about to meet he was about to meet Queen Sleipnir. He figured it was most likely the later, but he supposed the former didn't really help. It made him feel like he didn't belong here despite the fact that he was a changeling like them.

When he entered the throne room, he couldn't help but to stare at Queen Sleipnir's two horns, though he copied Siren when she bowed. Larynx was really surprised when Queen Sleipnir got up. Larynx thought the two horns was strange enough, but it turned out that Queen Sleipnir also had four wings and eight legs. Larynx tried not to stare or think too hard about how weird it would be to have that many body parts.

Larynx sat down nervously next to Siren. The whole experience so far had been nerve-wracking and he almost doesn't comprehend when the Queen started asking him questions. "Uh yeah, my name's Larynx. Err, my hive, well before Thorax took over, well Chrysalis had a very particular way of doing things. During this time, the hive was optimized for gathering and storing love, in addition to following her orders. Anything else was considered unnecessary and a waste of time and effort. We didn't have anything like a room to call our own, in fact, we weren't really seen as individual changelings. I mean, a changeling could sleep a hole in the wall if they weren't claustrophobic, but they couldn't be sure that such hole wouldn't be claimed by another changeling the next night, or be there at all. That was when Chrysalis ruled."

"However, after Thorax started ruling, the hive faced the daunting task of trying to give each changeling their own space if they wanted it. It has been incredibly challenging. Some changelings have been opposing this change, and others have suggested some pretty radical ideas, such as building apartment buildings that would stick out of the hive, or building single unit homes in the area surrounding the hive."

"They also have pushed for adding amenities; Most notably, a spa in the basement by the hot springs where changelings could go to relax. In addition, a feelings forum, but that is mostly filled with changelings talking about their identity crises and they don't know what they should do, or how they think everypony hates them and going nowhere with either. Also, some changelings want to add all the amenities that ponies have, while others don't believe it makes sense for changelings to have such amenities."

"Also, while Thorax is a lot nicer than Chrysalis, he isn't exactly the best at leading the hive. So the hive is kind of trying to do everything simultaneously, and going nowhere," Larynx said. 

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@Skylight Scintillate

Larynx's surprise at the Queen's form did not go unnoticed, least of all by the queen herself, who stretched a bit more for Larynx to see before they went into her office, though she did not comment on it at that time, likely to spare Larynx the embarrassment. 

15 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

but they couldn't be sure that such hole wouldn't be claimed by another changeling the next night, or be there at all. That was when Chrysalis ruled."

She sighed at the end of Larynx's description, "Chrysalis was always a prideful one, we had assumed that she was struggling, especially after that Canterlot fiasco, but we did not realize the extent of the trouble."

She looked away for a moment before returning her attention to Larynx, "You're not the first one I've heard from. Well, you're the first 'reformed' changeling I've met, but not the first from Hive Chrysalis. There were a few who got left behind in Canterlot, or rather, that did not make it back to Chrysalis afterwards, but instead found themselves among other hives. One lives here, he goes by the name Doc now, and works as a medic, I believe he was known as Clypeus before, maybe you knew him?"

15 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Also, while Thorax is a lot nicer than Chrysalis, he isn't exactly the best at leading the hive. So the hive is kind of trying to do everything simultaneously, and going nowhere," Larynx said. 

She chuckled softly at that, "That's how it usually starts out with any new queen, but a new queen typically starts with experienced changelings loaned by her mother to get the first things set up. Still, hives are not meant to live apart from ponies, we've always strived to integrate ourselves into the local area, build ourselves up with the ponies around us. You don't need to build your own housing if you can just co-opt the housing projects that the ponies were already building for themselves. There are exceptions to this of course, not all hives are so closely integrated with a local community. Hive Polistae for instance is centered in the Whitetail Woods, but that gives them easy access to the surrounding villages and towns to house her changelings."

Her expression grew more direct, "It might be in your hive's best interest to scout out a new hive location, once closer to ponies, but far enough away that those who prefer their independence are not surrounded by it. I'll have Queen Polistae reach out to Thorax and offer advice. I think her style would fit your hive better than mine."

She nodded at that, then leaned back in her chair, two of her forelegs resting behind her head while the other two forelegs sat on the desk, "But I shouldn't be the one asking all the questions here, surely you have some of your own?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

“Well em, you see, the thing is that just before I came here, Thorax approved the proposal for the apartment towers just before I left. There actually is quite a lot of construction going on in the hive currently and even the changelings that are most embracing of pony culture want to stay in the hive. They just want to completely reconstruct it from the inside out to get rid of anything that could be reminiscent of Chrysalis’ rule. And others, well they want the hive rebuilt exactly as it was. Plus, the changelings like how the hive is conveniently situated above some hot springs, which produce central heating for the whole hive during the winter. I don’t think the hive is that far from Ponyville or Canterlot or Cloudsdale for that matter.”

”And even then, the changelings are terrified of leaving their hive now. I think reforming has made us changelings self-sustainable, but it has also made us a bunch of recluses. We are like trees now, apparently: we grow our own emotional food purely through our interactions with each other. Though apparently, Siren suggested that we have a doctor here examine me to see what the difference between reformed changelings and other changelings is.”

”In fact, no changeling left the hive after the reformation until one of my friends went to meet their friend in Japone. After they returned, they talked about how much they loved immersing themselves in different cultures and they insisted to bring a small group of changelings to the local fish market to try some fresh sushi. I was always a bit curious about what there was to discover, but after visiting the local fish market, I decided that I wanted to see the world and experience their cultures. It was pretty convenient that I saw a flyer for an exchange program in the hive somehow the next day... Hey, I think it was because of the changeling that visited Japone! Anyways, that’s how I ended up here,” Larynx explained. He raised his eyebrows as he realized he had somehow managed to go from the hive’s latest construction plans to how he ended up here. 

“Well I’m sure Thorax would appreciate any help he can get. In fact, he asked me to write letters while on exchange about how to run the hive,” Larynx explained. 

"As for questions, well I don't even know where to begin..." Larynx said. He glanced nervously at Queen Sleipnir's body features, hoping that she would get the hint since he wasn't really sure how to phrase it without being weird. But then again, all these weird glances were probably weird in their own right. "Well, you mention some other hives and Chrysalis didn't exactly talk about those, so could you elaborate on these other hives? And do you have any information on Chrysalis? the hive is worried she's compulsively plotting a take over or something. Oh, and one last thing, could you explain how you run the hive and how the hive runs in general? Thanks." Larynx asked.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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@Skylight Scintillate

Queen Sleipnir didn't seem too interested in how Larynx got here, but was intrigued when he mentioned that they were self-sustaining, returning her other two forelegs to the table as she leaned forward, "Self-sufficient? I did notice that I could feel energy coning off of you, but I thought you just had some gel on you for the trip. Yes, I think it would be good for Doc to take a look at you, since he was from your hive he'd have the best sense of comparison."

She looked thoughtful as she leaned back again, "If you are self-sufficient, then your location doesn't matter all that much. You might just end up forming a society similar to the thestral clans, isolated except for necessary interactions, and adapting the nearby cultures to fit your style and ability to replicate." She shrugged.

29 minutes ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

He glanced nervously at Queen Sleipnir's body features, hoping that she would get the hint since he wasn't really sure how to phrase it without being weird. But then again, all these weird glances were probably weird in their own right.

She smirked at Larynx's nervous glances, stretching again to give him more to look at, but still didn't comment on it.

"Well, unfortunately I don't have any information on Chrysalis, none of us have heard from her in at least a century, but we'll be sure to send any information we do find your way in the future. Per the other hives. There are several of us scattered across the continent, each with their own preferred emotions and central zones. The Queens' Council meets regularly to help us all work together and establish guidelines by which our changelings can interact and get help. Given we're usually not seeking the same emotions there's little issue with us overlapping in area. Still, some of the notable hives include Myself, my sister Permu in Troy, my daughter Mariposa in Zebrica, my aunt Nirvana in Himillama, my niece Oracle in Blackwater, my cousin Cheshire in Las Pegasus, my cousin Polistae in Whitetail, and my cousin Miasma in Everfree. There are others, some less savory then the rest, but I think these are the best ones of them."

She fluttered her wings, at which point Siren spoke up, "My Queen, far be it from me to question your motives, but could you please stop teasing my guest?" She looked quite embarrassed by her mother's antics toward Larynx.

Queen Sleipnir simply chuckled as she settled down, "It was just harmless fun, nervous embarrassment is a difficult emotion to cultivate, I simply had to take advantage of the situation." She stood up fully so Larynx could get a good look, "It's okay to look, I've had over a millennium to get used to it, and I rather enjoy the attention. My mother, Queen Gelatine, towards the end of her life was... erratic... my sister would use less favorable words, due to being abandoned by her love Rasputin Stalliongrad. Anyway, normally new queens are made at great cost and effort to the hive, and she wanted to see if the process could be made more efficient, so she tried to make two at once. She got me instead. Well, my sister got me, she killed our mother when she found out about me."

She didn't want to let that sour note settle so she kept moving, "Anyway, you asked how I run things here. I'd say the hive mostly runs itself, I've appointed managers and leaders to manage the different aspects of the hive, they create their own sets of leadership as they need with my guidance, and I simply advise when they need help or when larger issues occur. I also regularly go out as Indigo Blue, real estate mogul, influencing the city to ensure that it remains a safe and productive place for my changelings to live. I have raised my changelings such that they don't rely on me for direction, they are free to follow their own paths, inasmuch as those paths don't hurt the hive, and everyling works towards the betterment of the hive as a whole."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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