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private A Cultural Exchange (1x1 with Courageous Thunder Dash)

Illiad Easle

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

The sun had always been harsh on Snipe's eyes, which is why he was grateful both for the nocturnal nature of Troy, which aligned nicely with his thestral heritage, and that he had been issued a pair of adapting sunglasses with his kit in the Academy. The Academy didn't coddle it's charges in any sense, but making reasonable accommodations to ensure that all their students performed at their best? It would be against the Academy's founding principles to deny them.

Even so, the sunglasses didn't help the heat. His instructor's idea of a good lesson for the final day had been a full lap of the city at sunset. But at last, it was over, and he had a few months break before his real training began. Which wasn't to say that his summer would be empty, the Academy had signed him up to participate in the Cultural Exchange. "A true Spartration is a warrior at heart, and a true warrior knows that their culture is their most important weapon."

Snipes sighed, he understood that, and he was at least curious about the fellow hybrid that he had been paired with, maybe they could share stories of the troubles growing up mixed in a pure environment? He returned to his empty barrack, his bunkmate already having moved out, and it would remain empty for the summer, just him by himself. He smiled as he listened to the silence, he had missed it.

His reindeer horns lit up a she grabbed some paper, a pen, and the letter he'd received to let him know he'd been accepted, and set out to write his letter of introduction.


Good Evening Miss Chelsea,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Midnight Ice, and I've been selected to be your partner in the Cultural Exchange. To tell you about myself, I am a thestral-reindeer hybrid buck, my dam is a reindeer and my sire a thestral. Technically, as I don't have all the hallmarks of a thestral the correct term is a batpony-reindeer hybrid, but batponies are already thestral-pony hybrids, so whatever, you can call me a batdeer if that's easier to remember. I currently live in Spartrot, Troy, but I was born in Cervidas near where my dam and sire first met. I am training to be part of the Trojan Guard, with the hopes of one day becoming a Dragon Commando. That's actually why I'm doing this exchange, Troy wants their Best Of The Best to be well-rounded citizens, so experience in culture rounds out physical and mental training.

I look forward to getting to know more about you and your culture, and I patiently await your response.

With great respect,

~Midnight Ice


Snipes felt awkward writing it, it felt too formal for his liking, hopefully Chelsea wouldn't be as uptight as some of the griffon instructors here were, then their subsequent letters could be less formal. Nonetheless, he sent off the letter, and hoped for the best.



Chelsea would receive a notification from the Cultural Exchange program stating her acceptance and informing her that she had been paired with Midnight Ice, a young adult Thestral-Reindeer hybrid buck living in Spartrot, Troy, a recent ally of the Griffon Kingdoms. It would instruct her to watch for a letter from him and to respond in kind when it arrives. She would receive receive Midnight's letter three days later.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Chelsea was glad that she signed up for this Cultural Exchange program. After what she went through, she refused to stay closed up in stereotypes. After all, she was a griffon-pony hybrid herself, and this was an opportunity to show her true nature. 

Three days passed. 


Chelsea had woken up that day and planned to hang out at the beach and maybe perhaps visit the seapony queen. After eating her breakfast, she went out to her mailbox. Upon checking, she received a letter from that Cultural Exchange program that she had signed up for. She was of course hesitant about it due to her past, but slowly and surely, she was working hard to develop her present day career and future. This letter seemed to be from the creature that she was paired up with. She gathered some water energy and focused hard on where the creature was located. "Hmmm, so a warrior type..." Chelsea thought to herself. She then went back inside and sat down 

Good Morning Ice, 

It is nice to hear from you. It's amazing that you're a hybrid just like me. I'm a griffon pony...with quite the hard past. It's been tough. I'm not one for war. I'm all about making peace with whoever I meet. Yes, Griffons are savage in nature but put a pony in the mix and...well...you have...me. I want to be a biologist, specifically a marine biologist. After some childhood events...I gained...something special, or rather...someone saw the good in me and unlocked something special in me...you'd have to see it to believe it...but...I'll just give you a little taste with this


A couple stray tears had fallen onto the paper. Chelsea gathered some water energy and made an image of animated underwater scene appear on the paper. This image was of various species of fish and other sea creatures swimming. She sent the letter off wondering how her paired partner would react. b

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@Courageous Thunder Dash


That's how Snipes would describe his days as he waited, he never thought he would miss the daily drills and training, and though he was still maintaining his daily exercise regimen it did little to fill his time. He almost wished an instructor would come by and give him something to do.

He had been reading a book, the latest Daring Do novel, it wasn't as good as the earlier ones, when Chelsea's letter was pushed under his door. He, perhaps too eagerly, nabbed the letter with his magic before it could stop moving, setting the book aside, forgotten, as he opened the letter and read it, already planning a response when his attention was grabbed by the faint drawing on the paper. As Spartrot was in the San Palomino desert, the paper had long since dried before it got to him, still though, he could feel the faint magic inert on the page. He turned as he thought about it, accidentally knocking over a cup and splashing some water on the page, reanimating the small portion that got wet, "Fascinating..." He concentrated, summoning an icicle with his reindeer magic, and holding it above the letter, letting it melt and drip on the rest of the image so that he could see the whole thing. He set the rest of the icicle in the cup so it could finish melting as he set out to write a response.


Evening Chelsea,

I must say I was quite fascinated by the image you included in your letter, how did you manage that? Is your pony half a unicorn? I almost didn't see it, the desert heat dried it up before it got to me, but I was able to get it going again with some of my own magic.

Anyway, please, call me Midnight, not Ice, or even better, you can call me Snipes, that's what everyone around here calls me. It's good that you prefer peace, every good warrior does, only a fool hopes for conflict. As they say here, "Work for Peace, Prepare for War." I'm surprised you think of griffon nature as savage, while it is certainly different from pony culture, I wouldn't say any of the griffons I've met are any less civilized than anyone else here. But maybe it's different in the Kingdoms compared to here? I can relate to growing up as a hybrid being hard. It wasn't exactly a bound through the meadow for me either, though it's been easier here in Troy compared to when I lived in Cervidas.

So, a marine biologist? What does that entail? Is that something you're passionate about, like you got your mark in it? Do you even have a mark? My hindquarters are fully cervine so I don't have a mark, I don't honestly know if I'd prefer having one myself. I do enjoy having both horns and wings, so best to not wish for a different arrangement, lest I lose what I like about myself.

Sorry for going off on a tangent like that, I'm not usually so verbose. I look forward to hearing back from you soon!

~Midnight 'Snipes' Ice

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Chelsea went about her days, swimming in the beach and ended up taking a few great pictures with some of her favorite sea creatures including this giant manta ray that allowed her to rest on its back. Chelsea shook herself off after getting out the water and headed back home with her camera. She saw a letter in her mailbox, which was from that "Snipes" creature she was paired up with. She read the letter and then wrote her reply. 


It's great to hear from you again. To answer your question, yes. I am extremely passionate about marine biology. I'm sending you some pics to prove that. Hope you like them! I actually do have a cutie mark. I'll send a pic of that one too. Yea, sadly, when the old griffon king was in rule over the kingdom, he heavily promoted the savage nature of griffons. When he was overthrown, we were given the freedom to show our soft and compassionate loyal sides. We griffons won't fight unless we absolutely have to...but I refuse to fight...it's just not...a part of my nature, but if I have to...for the sake of my friends...I'd join a cause. And actually, well...you'll see what I look like in the pics I'm sending.  Hope you like them and can't wait to hear from ya!


Chelsea put the pics in the envelope along with the letter and sent them off. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Snipes was out on the shooting range, practicing his ice projectiles, when Chelsea's next letter was delivered to him, so he cut his training short to head back to write a response, reading it as he walked. He was impressed by the pictures she had sent him, especially the ones that had clearly been taken underwater.


Thank you for the pictures, I'm impressed by their quality. I can't say I know all of the creatures that were pictured, you'll have to tell me about them some time, but I'm pretty sure I know which one was you and I agree, you don't look the type suited for combat. I'll have to get a picture of me to you, hopefully by my next letter I've have something presentable. I heard about your recently overthrown king, there was quite the debate between the griffons here as to whether it was a good or bad thing, I guess we'll just have to see how it pans out. For what it's worth, I'm glad that you are free to express yourself how you chose to, rather than being told how to act and behave.

In the mean time, is there something you want to know about me? Or about where I live? There's plenty I can tell you I just want to know what you're interested in knowing. Which reminds me of a question, your parents, how'd they come together? To answer my own question, My sire used to be part of the Equestrian guard, some sort of secret ops, and he ended up in Cervidas after that with one of his old teammates working to rebuild some deer villages. He met my dam, or rather rescued her, in one of the forests where she had been left behind by her group, and things just went along from there.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to your next letter, maybe soon we could discuss when and where we want to meet up in person?


Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Chelsea had taken a trip to visit a family of otters who were in the process of relocation. Chelsea snapped a few pictures of her with them, even a super silly one of a group of otters glomping her. When she returned home, she read the letter that Snipes sent to her and wrote her reply. 


So, the giant creature you see me resting on is called a Manta Ray. A Manta ray to me, is considered a gentle giant. I also call them the birds of the sea. You can see why I call them that, for they appear to have wings, and use a flapping motion to swim. I'm sending more pictures, this time the process I'm taking to help relocate a family of otters. But what about you? Do you have abilities like me? If so, what are they? I know this one's short, but...let's hear more about you!


Chelsea sent the letter off and went to rest for the latter part of the current day. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Snipes noticed that Chelsea hadn't responded on the topic of parentage, so he figured that was probably a touchy subject for her, he made a note, both mental as well as a little post-it for his bulletin board, to avoid the subject in the future unless she brought it up. Not everyone was so lucky as to have living, loving parents.


Thank you for sharing your knowledge of the sea, I've only ever seen the sea once, when my family moved from Cervidas to Troy, and I spent most of that trip sick below deck. Turns out cervids don't mix well with boats. I've never seen otters before, though they do look a little like diamond dogs, maybe there's a relation? Anyway, per your question, I don't have any abilities that are unique to me, I just have a unique combination of abilities that Thestrals or Reindeer would have, so I guess I could list off what I got from each side.

From my Thestral heritage I have slit pupils, which gives me excellent night vision and motion tracking, at the cost of poor sight in bright environments. I also have leathery wings, pronounced fangs, and the ability to digest meat, though I mostly prefer fish like they keep in the central oasis. I also really like juicy fruits, like grapes, oranges, and watermelon. From my Reindeer heritage I have my horns, two of them, and while I'm not as good at general magic as a unicorn would be, I'm very good at ice magic. I also am immune to cold, not that that does me much good here. I think that's all in terms of abilities. I've attached a picture of me so we're even. I hope you like it.


Attached image, courtesy of AvatarMaker:




Snipes wasn't too happy about the picture, but he also wasn't a professional photographer and he had to get the camera back to the closet before the Quartermaster noticed that he'd snuck off with it, so he was a bit more hurried than he'd liked. But he hoped that she'd appreciate it in any case.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Chelsea had begun to study for a test that she was preparing for that would put her one step closer to getting her degree in Marine Biology. After a session, she went to the mailbox and found a letter from Snipes. She smiled at the picture and went to write her reply. 

Hello Snipes, 

Wow...you look so cool! I have never seen anything like you before! I...get weary around boats too...but I don't get sick...it's just that...my past...something terrible happened on one I was on...anyway, ice magic hm? You know, I've been trying to work with ice magic, since I do have water abilities myself. Now I honestly can't wait to meet you in creature...and otters are super friendly. They love to play around and swim really fast. You won't believe just how friendly some sea creatures are...some would just swim right up to you...like this little shark I met one time...anyway...that's all I've got for now...hope to hear from you soon and can't wait to actually meet you!


Chelsea attached a picture of her trying to work on her ice abilities, a picture of her cuddling a few otters and a picture of her playing tag with a little shark. Her gills could be seen in the picture. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash


Well, I'd guess you'd never seen anything like me because there are no others like me. Thestrals don't often interact with Reindeer in any positive fashion, much less a romantic one, and my parents were disowned by their families for their love. Both Thestrals and Reindeer are proud of their pure bloodlines, only tolerating relations with similar species, so while a thestral and a pony or a reindeer and a deer would be tolerated, anything outside that is almost blasphemous to them.

I very much look forward to meeting you too, where would you prefer we started? Personally I would like to visit where you live first, it will give summer a bit more time to pass so the weather can be nicer for your visit, but I am okay hosting first if you insist. I'll also need to know the best way to approach. Is where you live approachable by cart or train? Or will I need to fly there?


Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Chelsea had arrived back from a presentation by a master marine biologist at the Canterlot University. She opened her mailbox and read the letter. 


Ponyville is a great place to start. Creatures of all kinds assimilate here and the atmosphere is extremely friendly. It's a shame that thestrals and reindeer don't have a postings relationship...they seem so similar. Anyway, I'm attaching a map that will lead you to Ponyville. Can't wait to see ya!


Cheosea gathered some water energy and made a map of Equestria appear. She highlighted Ponyville. She also created a mini water version of herself that would lead Snipes to her location. She sent all of this in a tiny box. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Snipes had to rehydrate the magic again once it arrived, the letter wasn't clear as to whether she would meet him in Ponyville or if that was just the nearest spot. The latter didn't seem likely as Ponyville was pretty central Equestria. He was a bit concerned about traveling to Equestria, as Equestria and Troy did not have the best relations, but he figured things would be fine if he kept his head down.

He sent a letter indicating he would leave the next morning, to give his letter time to arrive before he did, and packed up what he needed. He could take the train to Dodge JCT, change out his Trojan dollars for Equestrian bits, then another train to Ponyville.

It was early evening when he arrived in Ponyville, turning his attention to the map and mini-Chelsea, "Alright, what now?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Chelsea received the letter and continued about her day. 

The next day arrived.

Upon meeting Snipes, the water version of Chelsea led Snipes to a smaller house that was close to the body of water where the waterfalls close to Canterlot empty into. The water version of Chelsea beckoned Snipes to knock and then went through the walls and into Chelsea's house. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Snipes hoped he wasn't about to be an accessory to breaking and entering, he didn't know if the local guard would believe that he was not in control of the water creature that had entered the house, even though he had a hoof in it's animation, had brought it with him from another country, and had not tried to stop it.

He shuddered, he really hoped that this was planned, and not in the way that got him framed. He conjured an icicle and used the blunt end to knock on the door. As his hooves were, what some would call, dainty, at least compared to a pony's, they didn't tend to make much noise. Thumping the door with an icicle had yielded better results in the past anyway.

Despite the setting sun he wore his sunglasses, he was dressed almost exactly as he had in the picture he had sent, minus the blue band on his leg, in the hopes of maximizing Chelsea's ability to recognize him.

He was nervous, but the sunglasses hid that pretty well.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Chelsea heard the knock and went to open the door. She also saw her little water version. That only meant one thing: Snipes had arrived. Chelsea opened the door and there he was. "Snipes! So glad to finally meet you." Chelsea said happily, her pony ears perked all the way up. Some blue locks of her mane even showed. "How was the trip? Did my little water version of me make it easier?" Chelsea asked. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Snipes' voice was somewhat gruff, and he had something of an accent, (Think the Sniper from TF2), but there was a softness to it, "Chelsea I presume? I'm glad to meet you as well. The trip could have been better, I'm not a big fan of Equestrian trains, while I'm sure they'd be comfortable for a pony, I'm just not quite the right shape to fit those seats right, but that's hardly your fault, it's much too far to fly and a carriage would have taken too long. Your curious construct certainly didn't hinder me, and it did make getting here from the station a painless endeavor."

He yawned deeply, giving Chelsea a clear look at his pronounced fangs and a brief glimpse of his slit pupils as he adjusted his glasses, "Have you arranged somewhere for me to stay? Of do I need to find somewhere in town? I've spent too much time sleeping on the shady side of a sand dune to be very picky."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

"I actually do have an extra room here for you Snipes. Ponyville does have a couple hotels, but sadly, they're owned by some Canterlot rich snob who tries to make ponies or other creatures pay more than what's reasonable, which is a downside of Canterlot being right next to Ponyville. I still hope you were able to get comfy on the train ride here. I'm glad my little water version helped you out. Say, are you hungry?" Chelsea asked slowly swaying her tail. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Snipes nodded along as Chelsea talked, his eyes following her tail as it swayed, a downside of being descended from hunters. "Sounds good, with any luck it'll be better than my barrack, though it would be hard to be worse, I have slept on more comfortable sand than my cot before."

His eyes darted back up to her face when she mentioned food, "I could eat, what did you have in mind? I don't know what sort of foods they have here, so I'd rather not set myself up for disappointment by guessing."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

"Here in Ponyville, they have a pretty good variety, not as good as food in Canterlot, but that's like premium stuff you'd find in big cities like Fillydelphia, Baltimare or Manehattan. What exactly are you wanting to eat?" Chelsea asked as she sat down looking at Snipes, noticing his eyes were trailing somewhere...maybe her swaying tail...

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Snipes looked curious, "You mention Canterlot a lot, that's the capital of Equestria right? Did you live there before?"

As to the food question Snipes looked thoughtful, "Well, I wouldn't mind some fish, but I understand if that's not possible here, I also like fruit, but I am not picky. I am fortunately blessed in my combination that I can eat anything a thestral or deer could eat, which covers everything ponies can eat."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

"I have travelled through Canterlot, but I wouldn't wanna live there. Yes, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna reside there now, but...as I said, those snobby rich ponies can really taint the reputation." Chelsea explained. "If you really want some great seafood, I know of a restaurant in Baltimare...but since you did all that travelling, the local cafe here does serve some fish." Chelsea added. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Snipes looked a bit intrigued by Chelsea's description of Canterlot, "Really? Here I thought snobbish wealth was a trait unique to reindeer. At least from my experience in Troy the wealthy take on the largest share of the burden for things like the community gardens and water distribution. I have heard about the Princesses before, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on them before I share what I've heard. My sources may not be the most reliable."

As to the food he nodded, "If that's more convenient, let's go then. How far away is Baltimare? Maybe we could go there one of these days?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

"Sadly, you'll see a lot of it in Canterlot, uppity ponies with their muzzles raised up looking all pompous and regal...it's annoying because you can't even carry a conversation with them, even if you simply need directions or a question about something. Fortunately, Fancy Pants is an exception. He's quite the gentleman and very humble actually. His accomplice, Fleur De Lis is a little mixed. Oof, Baltimare is quite the trip like a couple hours by train, but with an aqua jet, could cut it down to like 30 minutes..." Chelsea said. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Snipes raised an eyebrow, "Aqua jet? Dare I ask what that entails? It would have to be really good fish for me to want to spend another few hours on a train, but if it can be done in only thirty minutes..." He waved a hoof dismissively, "But not tonight though. In all honestly I'd like to just eat something, and get some sleep, we can see all the interesting things tomorrow." He turned towards the door, "You mentioned a shop in town, shall we?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

"Fair enough. We'll save the aqua jet for another day. It's a move I use to get to places quickly. You'll have to see it in action. Perhaps I'll show you tomorrow, but for now...how's about wee head to that cafe. I heard they were serving some good salmon tonight. That's one of my goto meals. Salmon with french fries..." Chelsea said licking her chops. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Snipes smiled at that, he had an idea what these french fries she mentioned might be, given they apparently accompanied fish, but wasn't curious enough to ask, no doubt he'd soon enough know for himself. He stepped aside to let Chelsea lead the way, "After you. I can't lead us there, after all, I've never been before. But, it sounds like a great place."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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