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The future of Tell Your Tale


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The future of Tell Your Tale

I know the comics aren’t official canon so I wonder with Tell Your Tale now being the one and only G5 series will they expand it and have it more adventure lore with some action in it or will we have to rely on the comics for that and TYT will remain mostly a slice of life series?

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Given our latest revelation...


The apparent finale to Make Your Mark was actually exposition for a new G5 story arc. 

There's no guarantee that Tell Your Tale will be the only G5 series going forward. It even says on the marketing slides calling it "the one and only ponable series" that plans are subject to change. 

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Comet's still best boi. <3

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1 hour ago, Misty Shadow said:

Given our latest revelation...

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The apparent finale to Make Your Mark was actually exposition for a new G5 story arc. 

There's no guarantee that Tell Your Tale will be the only G5 series going forward. It even says on the marketing slides calling it "the one and only ponable series" that plans are subject to change. 

I’ve also read in EQD recently that a possible reason for no announcement for a new MYM chapter is being a restructuring within Hasbro’s multimedia department with the sale of the studio that made ANG, Rainbow Roadtrip, and Pony Life. It’s even less likely they are giving up more 3D G5 content now that is clear a new arc has been opened 

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1 minute ago, Steve Piranha said:

I’ve also read in EQD recently that a possible reason for no announcement for a new MYM chapter is being a restructuring within Hasbro’s multimedia department with the sale of the studio that made ANG, Rainbow Roadtrip, and Pony Life. It’s even less likely they are giving up more 3D G5 content now that is clear a new arc has been opened 

Should have done that form the start honestly 

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After watching MyM Chapter 6 I don't know if I can say that TyT is likely going to be a slice of life series, that would mean the series would be going back to its "roots", so, maybe?

Opaline has been some sort of a "problem" for TyT in its latest episodes, TyT is meant to be a simpler series that doesn't focus on presenting lore, TyT's focus is just telling stories from the world of G5 and nothing more, MyM had the purpose of making the opposite, specially with its lore that surrounds the G4, and G4 is the "headache" part here

Have you ever wondered why TyT, unlike MyM (and ANG too) has absolutely 0 references to G4? Where are the references to Twilight? Where is Spike? Why does Opaline only appear in the form of smoke and why her scenes are so short? Why the only episode focused on her is a joke one? It's simple, TyT wants to be original, be about G5's original world, characters and stories.

Now notice how in Secrets of Starlight there are no references to G4 unlike Chapter 6. The Aurora Unicorns, their village, Starlight Ridge, their Star and Alura, what is their relation with G4? exactly, none (at least I didn't notice any)

They got rid of the G4 related villain, the Unity Crystals are fine (Alura don't seen to be interested in them), the Dragons are fine, the new location, concepts and characters introduced in Secrets of Starlight have no relation to G4. There's absolutely no reason for the characters to touch in something related to G4 again, the legends regarding Twilight, the Unity Crystals, Opaline, The Dragons, all of these story arcs seem to be complete, damn, there's even a strong possibility that we'll never see Spike again, and if he does, it could be just for a joke or irrelevant scene, 

Remember how TyT used to be in its first episodes? Well, MyM came later and introduced Opaline, Twilight's message and all those stuff, maybe Hasbro wanted to include this bigger plot in TyT to get G4 fans to watch MyM? That's why the later TyT episodes feel less "filler"? 

Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I have the feeling that maybe, maybe they made the Opaline arc to see if MLP could be again a sucess amongst all audiences not only kids as it once was in G4's golden years, but they saw it failed but that kids loved TyT, as, well, they're kid, they don't care about continuity or canon, so they are taking the easier and better path for them, so they ditched Opaline and the G4 storyline so they can now emphasize G5's new original characters and ideas in order to go back to TyT's "original purpose", but first, they decided to start this new G5's phase in a MyM's "finale" rather than in TyT, with Alura and the Aurora Unicorns having no relation to G4 I think it's safe to assume that it's going to be easier for them to work these characters than it was with Opaline and the Dragons, another win for them.

So I believe TyT will be indeed the only series and it's going to be better for them as now they have new G5 content to work on and references to G4 aren't necessary anymore,  For now I can only see them making a new 3D series if they decide to bring back Opaline or make a new villain related to G4, it could be in a new movie too, but I think this will take a long time, maybe when they get desperate it can happen too, in summary, I think TyT will be the only series and it's going to return to its more "slice of life" style but this time with a new villain and new characters that are more in line with the original purpose of the series, make G5 a soft reboot where they give continuity to G4 but without bothering themselves to try to address things that happened in FiM, unlike MyM and ANG. They gave up on G4, that's my thoughts.

The best I can say for now is, keep your expectations low.

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"Stand quiet like the Sky, and Move faster than Lightning"

Follower of the ultimate power, spirit, divine dreams and wishes of the Heavenly Eastern Angels of Stars (Starys), Husband of Mary, The Eastern Stary.


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Ugh, I hope they ditch the G4 references, so I'm with you there Rafa.  It's easily the worst part of G5's storytelling, and I can't think of a single benefit it brings to G5 either.  Since I have a well-supported headcanon that places G5 in an alternate universe, I don't need to be bothered by the unnecessary link between series, but I can still acknowledge bad writing for what it is.  

In any case, I do kind of like the direction the series seems to be going.  Expanding the world of G5 and meeting new characters can only make things more interesting from here on out, the 3D series is being dropped, so here's hoping no corners have to be cut on story going forward as a result of being unable or unwilling to animate certain things, and we were told that there would be four longer-length specials to look forward to.  We can pretend not to notice that most of the Mane Six (or possibly Seven?) will remain underdeveloped, because there will be too much adventure to care.  Allura seems to be an alright villain too, even if I'm a bit critical of the need for this series to always have an ongoing villain.  Seriously, can we finally drop the notion of G5 being more slice of life than G4?  It makes zero sense, as it's not as though an episode set at one of Rarity's multiple boutiques, or on Sweet Apple Acres needed to cut away to Chrysalis or some other villain.  If anything, it seems as though the G5 writers have an aversion to dedicating more than a TYT short to slice of life storylines, though I do appreciate Chapter 5 doing one such episode, even if it had to share said episode with other stuff.  

In any case, if my cautious optimism is warranted...G5 still won't hold a candle to G4, but at least it can be fun in its own right.  If it's not, well, G5 will continue to flip flop between being dull, and being caught up in a long drawn out villain arc that goes nowhere.  So...either way I think it will be better than the first season.  

I do have to wonder if the inevitable hiatus starting in a couple weeks where we won't get any G5 content will kill much of the momentum the series has had in keeping a captive audience?  Couple that with MYM being dropped, and time will tell if G5 continues to sustain enough of an audience, or if there will be a Season 3.  

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@AlbaTross  I think I can say you're a bit lucky there, everything I said in my post was by looking into a corporative perspective, and everything makes sense for me, be "G4 part 2" was 3D G5's purpose, getting rid of MyM and only working with TyT, where animation and stories are much easier to be made, damn, it screams easier work, easier money to me, I don't think anyone can disagree on this.

Now I only think you got me wrong in how I feel about this lol, while I'm not against the idea of moving forward and dropping references to G4, I actually support it, if in fact it's true what I said in my previous post about them giving up on references to G4 for the reasons I speculated, so this will be really sad for me, I know there are a lot of fans like you who think that G5 would've been better as a reboot, but they actually trying to give continuity to G4 and building a lore surrounding its unseen Post-FiM Past (this doesn't make much sense I think lol), I really appreaciated that, I thought it was very brave of them, I know you can go and say that they only did it for Nostalgia bait, it could be, but for me at least, they really tried to do something good, regardless if it worked or not, for me they tried, they cared, they really were emotionally attached to G4 and tried to make a good connection between the two generations, I really liked the references and mysteries, it really felt like they were having fun and wanted to make something interesting imo.

But now in Secrets of Starlight we see them avoiding to make any reference to G4 out of nowhere? Idk, for me it really doesn't feel natural for me, it's such a sudden change, I originally thought they would still try to look into some G4 lore after finishing Opaline's arc, but now not even Zipp seems to have even a flake of interest in that anymore, idk, in-universe you can go and say that it's alright, yeah, but now think about what was happening in the creative teams behind the series? I wouldn't be surprised if the writers expected to do more but Hasbro told them "your stupid 3D show with references and connections to the past generation isn't doing shit to increase our numbers, cancel that and create something new", idk, I have the strong feeling that's what happened, what it feels like is that SoS actually takes place in TyT's continuity and not in MyM's (if that makes any sense for you), and that will surely make a apocalyptical damage to the rewatch factor of ANG and MyM's first 26 episodes, yes I can still have fun with them and be happy that they happened, but I'll certainly always feel and think about how all that journey, the theories, speculations, mysteries, references, were all for nothing, a waste, a failure, the ones at the creative team must be thinking at this moment "we should have made this a reboot from the start" and that is really heartbreaking for me, I really don't like to see stuff like this happening, it would be like if I was from Japan in 1996 and saw Toei changing Dragon Ball GT's tone from the more Original DB style to the DBZ one because they noticed that the first episodes weren't working and everyone was hating the show, I really like those first episodes and how they tried to make something good by going back to the series' roots, I really appreciated their attempt but it also saddens me to see that it failed, as much as I like what the series became later, it's exactly how I feel here, but here it's worse because instead of just being a change in tone and style of storytelling, we are dealing with an entire continuity factor.

There are the "leaks" about they still trying to make 3D G5 in the future, but I believe a message from someone on Discord isn't enought to assume anything, those people aren't Hasbro, for me it's way more likely that TyT will be indeed the only series from now on, specially because of those announced 20 min specials. Now, I said that I can only see them bringing Opaline or the G4 related stuff back if they make a new 3D series or a movie, but I think there's maybe more "evidence" now that they could be just taking a break from Opaline and the G4 references.

  1. When Opaline is defeated in MyM it is really left in doubt about what her fate was, she just goes into despair, leaving no plans that she will return, but in TyT's version of events (The Rise and Fall) she is reluctant saying that it is not over yet, and since TyT episodes are made after the MyM ones (at least I think they are) maybe this could indicate that during the production of MyM Chapter 6, their plans were to actually ditch Opaline and move on, but after that they changed their minds and modified the depiction of the scene in TyT to make it clear that she could return. 
  2. Since TyT's Season 1 will be ending in Episode 70, there's maybe, MAYBE, the possibility that the Allura arc will already end in the Season finale, and then Opaline's return or something related will open Season 2 or whatever comes out after TyT Ep 70.

But I think both are very unlikely, that's why, as much as I love Opaline (ngl she's my favorite from this Generation so far), I think the best choice is to not bring her back, that and all the legends about the characters and stuff from G4, including Spike, I mean, they can bring him back, but make him not talk about Twilight or his past anymore, leave him to just have fun with what this generation has to offer. I say that because MyM and ANG were pretty much a hope for the G4 fans, and if they bring back Opaline or something mentioned previously, it would raise that hope again, but I think Chapter 6 killed that hope very well in a way that perfectly opens the gates for them to do whatever they want and turn G5 into what they now possibly think it should have been from the beginning, a hard reboot, if they really think they failed with the G4 fans then now it's the best opportunity for them to make these people give up on following G5, I say this because I know I'm not the only one who really wanted to see G5 doing more connections to G4, I saw some saying that if TyT becomes the only G5 series they are going to give up on this generation, I'm sure one of the reasons is because TyT don't make connections to G4 as MyM and ANG did. So yeah, I think TyT will get a Season 3, also, remember what they said about TyT's reception among kids, right? I don't think you need to worry about the series losing audience.

They can plan on moving forward and forgetting about G4 for good and never go back to it, but it's a fact that this is going to damage the legacy of this generation, this failure will always leave a mark on it for us, the older audience, and it's going to be hard for me to get over it no matter how good the Allura/Aurora Unicorns Arc will be. I would say the best part here is that through their failure they apparently learned what I already thought about G5 before Chapter 6 even came out, My Little Pony will not be a hit again, G4 was an anomaly, it shouldn't have been the success it was, it arrived at the right time and with the right heads behind it, the world changed now, this can no longer be maintained, nothing lasts forever, older fans (both those who were already teenagers or adults at the time of FiM and those who grew up with the series) have to move on from the franchise and the franchise itself has to go back to what it was before G4 was a thing, be popular only amongst little kids and specially girls, that's how it has to be, that's the reality, and with the next episodes of TyT and the second season they can finally put an end to the comparisons between this generation and G4, the franchise will return to its old home.


Or maybe I just went overboard with sentimentalism in this post lol, the biggest one I've done so far

  • Brohoof 2
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"Stand quiet like the Sky, and Move faster than Lightning"

Follower of the ultimate power, spirit, divine dreams and wishes of the Heavenly Eastern Angels of Stars (Starys), Husband of Mary, The Eastern Stary.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2023-11-25 at 3:21 AM, Rafa Stary said:

@AlbaTross  I think I can say you're a bit lucky there, everything I said in my post was by looking into a corporative perspective, and everything makes sense for me, be "G4 part 2" was 3D G5's purpose, getting rid of MyM and only working with TyT, where animation and stories are much easier to be made, damn, it screams easier work, easier money to me, I don't think anyone can disagree on this.

Now I only think you got me wrong in how I feel about this lol, while I'm not against the idea of moving forward and dropping references to G4, I actually support it, if in fact it's true what I said in my previous post about them giving up on references to G4 for the reasons I speculated, so this will be really sad for me, I know there are a lot of fans like you who think that G5 would've been better as a reboot, but they actually trying to give continuity to G4 and building a lore surrounding its unseen Post-FiM Past (this doesn't make much sense I think lol), I really appreaciated that, I thought it was very brave of them, I know you can go and say that they only did it for Nostalgia bait, it could be, but for me at least, they really tried to do something good, regardless if it worked or not, for me they tried, they cared, they really were emotionally attached to G4 and tried to make a good connection between the two generations, I really liked the references and mysteries, it really felt like they were having fun and wanted to make something interesting imo.

But now in Secrets of Starlight we see them avoiding to make any reference to G4 out of nowhere? Idk, for me it really doesn't feel natural for me, it's such a sudden change, I originally thought they would still try to look into some G4 lore after finishing Opaline's arc, but now not even Zipp seems to have even a flake of interest in that anymore, idk, in-universe you can go and say that it's alright, yeah, but now think about what was happening in the creative teams behind the series? I wouldn't be surprised if the writers expected to do more but Hasbro told them "your stupid 3D show with references and connections to the past generation isn't doing shit to increase our numbers, cancel that and create something new", idk, I have the strong feeling that's what happened, what it feels like is that SoS actually takes place in TyT's continuity and not in MyM's (if that makes any sense for you), and that will surely make a apocalyptical damage to the rewatch factor of ANG and MyM's first 26 episodes, yes I can still have fun with them and be happy that they happened, but I'll certainly always feel and think about how all that journey, the theories, speculations, mysteries, references, were all for nothing, a waste, a failure, the ones at the creative team must be thinking at this moment "we should have made this a reboot from the start" and that is really heartbreaking for me, I really don't like to see stuff like this happening, it would be like if I was from Japan in 1996 and saw Toei changing Dragon Ball GT's tone from the more Original DB style to the DBZ one because they noticed that the first episodes weren't working and everyone was hating the show, I really like those first episodes and how they tried to make something good by going back to the series' roots, I really appreciated their attempt but it also saddens me to see that it failed, as much as I like what the series became later, it's exactly how I feel here, but here it's worse because instead of just being a change in tone and style of storytelling, we are dealing with an entire continuity factor.

There are the "leaks" about they still trying to make 3D G5 in the future, but I believe a message from someone on Discord isn't enought to assume anything, those people aren't Hasbro, for me it's way more likely that TyT will be indeed the only series from now on, specially because of those announced 20 min specials. Now, I said that I can only see them bringing Opaline or the G4 related stuff back if they make a new 3D series or a movie, but I think there's maybe more "evidence" now that they could be just taking a break from Opaline and the G4 references.

  1. When Opaline is defeated in MyM it is really left in doubt about what her fate was, she just goes into despair, leaving no plans that she will return, but in TyT's version of events (The Rise and Fall) she is reluctant saying that it is not over yet, and since TyT episodes are made after the MyM ones (at least I think they are) maybe this could indicate that during the production of MyM Chapter 6, their plans were to actually ditch Opaline and move on, but after that they changed their minds and modified the depiction of the scene in TyT to make it clear that she could return. 
  2. Since TyT's Season 1 will be ending in Episode 70, there's maybe, MAYBE, the possibility that the Allura arc will already end in the Season finale, and then Opaline's return or something related will open Season 2 or whatever comes out after TyT Ep 70.

But I think both are very unlikely, that's why, as much as I love Opaline (ngl she's my favorite from this Generation so far), I think the best choice is to not bring her back, that and all the legends about the characters and stuff from G4, including Spike, I mean, they can bring him back, but make him not talk about Twilight or his past anymore, leave him to just have fun with what this generation has to offer. I say that because MyM and ANG were pretty much a hope for the G4 fans, and if they bring back Opaline or something mentioned previously, it would raise that hope again, but I think Chapter 6 killed that hope very well in a way that perfectly opens the gates for them to do whatever they want and turn G5 into what they now possibly think it should have been from the beginning, a hard reboot, if they really think they failed with the G4 fans then now it's the best opportunity for them to make these people give up on following G5, I say this because I know I'm not the only one who really wanted to see G5 doing more connections to G4, I saw some saying that if TyT becomes the only G5 series they are going to give up on this generation, I'm sure one of the reasons is because TyT don't make connections to G4 as MyM and ANG did. So yeah, I think TyT will get a Season 3, also, remember what they said about TyT's reception among kids, right? I don't think you need to worry about the series losing audience.

They can plan on moving forward and forgetting about G4 for good and never go back to it, but it's a fact that this is going to damage the legacy of this generation, this failure will always leave a mark on it for us, the older audience, and it's going to be hard for me to get over it no matter how good the Allura/Aurora Unicorns Arc will be. I would say the best part here is that through their failure they apparently learned what I already thought about G5 before Chapter 6 even came out, My Little Pony will not be a hit again, G4 was an anomaly, it shouldn't have been the success it was, it arrived at the right time and with the right heads behind it, the world changed now, this can no longer be maintained, nothing lasts forever, older fans (both those who were already teenagers or adults at the time of FiM and those who grew up with the series) have to move on from the franchise and the franchise itself has to go back to what it was before G4 was a thing, be popular only amongst little kids and specially girls, that's how it has to be, that's the reality, and with the next episodes of TyT and the second season they can finally put an end to the comparisons between this generation and G4, the franchise will return to its old home.


Or maybe I just went overboard with sentimentalism in this post lol, the biggest one I've done so far

Well, thank you for sharing your thoughts.  While I definitely don't see things that way, and the G4 references do not seem like they're out of love for G4 to me, thank you for explaining your mindset for why you like the connections to G4.  I'm definitely in support of Season 2 focusing more on just being G5, but one thing that fascinates me is that it almost seems like certain camps might end up switching places in regards to Season 2.  People who were critical of Season 1, particularly regarding its ties to G4, may end up liking Season 2 more, while those who were really on board with the G4 stuff and/or liked the direction of the series before, might not like it as much. 

I guess we will have to wait and see, but that is the vibe I'm kind of getting.  If so, I wonder if TYT will either alienate some of its current fans and effectively spell disaster for itself going forward, or if, on the more positive side, there will be different parts of G5 that end up appealing more to different people and effectively expand its fanbase, or maybe some combination of both?  I guess we will see if things play out how they appear to, and whether that will be a positive, a negative, or net neutral for the series.

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Tyt was doomed from the start.

Gen5 was doomed from the start.

For no matter what twist and turn they make it is forever bound  to gen 4 lore.

They cant just say NOPE it aint connected to gen 4.

Lol  they used gen 4 as a stepping stone and now they removed it?

They think they can float?...

Welp even if they removed gen 4 from them they still lack a lot.

But tyt vs mym.

I think tyt has more potential than mym.

Is gen 5 even famous?

All i get is cringe from that show.

And i was so hyped from the movie.

The execution... Bad.

Tyt might have 1 or 2 years in it.

Unless they do something miraculous.

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On 2023-11-25 at 6:21 AM, Rafa Stary said:

@AlbaTross  I think I can say you're a bit lucky there, everything I said in my post was by looking into a corporative perspective, and everything makes sense for me, be "G4 part 2" was 3D G5's purpose, getting rid of MyM and only working with TyT, where animation and stories are much easier to be made, damn, it screams easier work, easier money to me, I don't think anyone can disagree on this.

Now I only think you got me wrong in how I feel about this lol, while I'm not against the idea of moving forward and dropping references to G4, I actually support it, if in fact it's true what I said in my previous post about them giving up on references to G4 for the reasons I speculated, so this will be really sad for me, I know there are a lot of fans like you who think that G5 would've been better as a reboot, but they actually trying to give continuity to G4 and building a lore surrounding its unseen Post-FiM Past (this doesn't make much sense I think lol), I really appreaciated that, I thought it was very brave of them, I know you can go and say that they only did it for Nostalgia bait, it could be, but for me at least, they really tried to do something good, regardless if it worked or not, for me they tried, they cared, they really were emotionally attached to G4 and tried to make a good connection between the two generations, I really liked the references and mysteries, it really felt like they were having fun and wanted to make something interesting imo.

But now in Secrets of Starlight we see them avoiding to make any reference to G4 out of nowhere? Idk, for me it really doesn't feel natural for me, it's such a sudden change, I originally thought they would still try to look into some G4 lore after finishing Opaline's arc, but now not even Zipp seems to have even a flake of interest in that anymore, idk, in-universe you can go and say that it's alright, yeah, but now think about what was happening in the creative teams behind the series? I wouldn't be surprised if the writers expected to do more but Hasbro told them "your stupid 3D show with references and connections to the past generation isn't doing shit to increase our numbers, cancel that and create something new", idk, I have the strong feeling that's what happened, what it feels like is that SoS actually takes place in TyT's continuity and not in MyM's (if that makes any sense for you), and that will surely make a apocalyptical damage to the rewatch factor of ANG and MyM's first 26 episodes, yes I can still have fun with them and be happy that they happened, but I'll certainly always feel and think about how all that journey, the theories, speculations, mysteries, references, were all for nothing, a waste, a failure, the ones at the creative team must be thinking at this moment "we should have made this a reboot from the start" and that is really heartbreaking for me, I really don't like to see stuff like this happening, it would be like if I was from Japan in 1996 and saw Toei changing Dragon Ball GT's tone from the more Original DB style to the DBZ one because they noticed that the first episodes weren't working and everyone was hating the show, I really like those first episodes and how they tried to make something good by going back to the series' roots, I really appreciated their attempt but it also saddens me to see that it failed, as much as I like what the series became later, it's exactly how I feel here, but here it's worse because instead of just being a change in tone and style of storytelling, we are dealing with an entire continuity factor.

There are the "leaks" about they still trying to make 3D G5 in the future, but I believe a message from someone on Discord isn't enought to assume anything, those people aren't Hasbro, for me it's way more likely that TyT will be indeed the only series from now on, specially because of those announced 20 min specials. Now, I said that I can only see them bringing Opaline or the G4 related stuff back if they make a new 3D series or a movie, but I think there's maybe more "evidence" now that they could be just taking a break from Opaline and the G4 references.

  1. When Opaline is defeated in MyM it is really left in doubt about what her fate was, she just goes into despair, leaving no plans that she will return, but in TyT's version of events (The Rise and Fall) she is reluctant saying that it is not over yet, and since TyT episodes are made after the MyM ones (at least I think they are) maybe this could indicate that during the production of MyM Chapter 6, their plans were to actually ditch Opaline and move on, but after that they changed their minds and modified the depiction of the scene in TyT to make it clear that she could return. 
  2. Since TyT's Season 1 will be ending in Episode 70, there's maybe, MAYBE, the possibility that the Allura arc will already end in the Season finale, and then Opaline's return or something related will open Season 2 or whatever comes out after TyT Ep 70.

But I think both are very unlikely, that's why, as much as I love Opaline (ngl she's my favorite from this Generation so far), I think the best choice is to not bring her back, that and all the legends about the characters and stuff from G4, including Spike, I mean, they can bring him back, but make him not talk about Twilight or his past anymore, leave him to just have fun with what this generation has to offer. I say that because MyM and ANG were pretty much a hope for the G4 fans, and if they bring back Opaline or something mentioned previously, it would raise that hope again, but I think Chapter 6 killed that hope very well in a way that perfectly opens the gates for them to do whatever they want and turn G5 into what they now possibly think it should have been from the beginning, a hard reboot, if they really think they failed with the G4 fans then now it's the best opportunity for them to make these people give up on following G5, I say this because I know I'm not the only one who really wanted to see G5 doing more connections to G4, I saw some saying that if TyT becomes the only G5 series they are going to give up on this generation, I'm sure one of the reasons is because TyT don't make connections to G4 as MyM and ANG did. So yeah, I think TyT will get a Season 3, also, remember what they said about TyT's reception among kids, right? I don't think you need to worry about the series losing audience.

They can plan on moving forward and forgetting about G4 for good and never go back to it, but it's a fact that this is going to damage the legacy of this generation, this failure will always leave a mark on it for us, the older audience, and it's going to be hard for me to get over it no matter how good the Allura/Aurora Unicorns Arc will be. I would say the best part here is that through their failure they apparently learned what I already thought about G5 before Chapter 6 even came out, My Little Pony will not be a hit again, G4 was an anomaly, it shouldn't have been the success it was, it arrived at the right time and with the right heads behind it, the world changed now, this can no longer be maintained, nothing lasts forever, older fans (both those who were already teenagers or adults at the time of FiM and those who grew up with the series) have to move on from the franchise and the franchise itself has to go back to what it was before G4 was a thing, be popular only amongst little kids and specially girls, that's how it has to be, that's the reality, and with the next episodes of TyT and the second season they can finally put an end to the comparisons between this generation and G4, the franchise will return to its old home.


Or maybe I just went overboard with sentimentalism in this post lol, the biggest one I've done so far

OOOOOOOR, maybe they wanna lay down on connecting it to G4 for a year, just in time for Discovery Family’s hold on G4 characters expires :oh_golly:. I mean, maybe they’ve wanted to connect it with G4 in an attempt to catch bronies which failed, but I hardly believe the target audience will care much if both generations are connected :mlp_icwudt:


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7 hours ago, Steve Piranha said:

OOOOOOOR, maybe they wanna lay down on connecting it to G4 for a year, just in time for Discovery Family’s hold on G4 characters expires :oh_golly:. I mean, maybe they’ve wanted to connect it with G4 in an attempt to catch bronies which failed, but I hardly believe the target audience will care much if both generations are connected :mlp_icwudt:

Most of G5 stuff for 2025 will probably be made before the contract expires 

One of the MYM voice actresses confirmed that Make Your Mark started production in 2021 and it ended production in 2022

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16 minutes ago, WickedGames said:

Most of G5 stuff for 2025 will probably be made before the contract expires 

One of the MYM voice actresses confirmed that Make Your Mark started production in 2021 and it ended production in 2022

That doesn’t necessarily mean no more G5 content :mlp_icwudt:

Edited by Steve Piranha


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2 hours ago, WickedGames said:

Oh I was talking about when it comes to referencing G4 stuff and why I think it’s highly unlikely 

It may be possible, but they’ve hinted a future journey of Sunny to become a princess. I’m sure Nerd Poneh will play a hand in it :proud:


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1 hour ago, Steve Piranha said:

It may be possible, but they’ve hinted a future journey of Sunny to become a princess. I’m sure Nerd Poneh will play a hand in it :proud:

They can’t 

Again if you want that go read fanfiction!

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16 hours ago, Steve Piranha said:

It may be possible, but they’ve hinted a future journey of Sunny to become a princess. I’m sure Nerd Poneh will play a hand in it :proud:

You don’t get it 

My point is most of the G5 we will get soon probably we will be made before March 2025 so that’s why the rights will stop them from having references that aren’t vague and retconned


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18 minutes ago, WickedGames said:

You don’t get it 

My point is most of the G5 we will get soon probably we will be made before March 2025 so that’s why the rights will stop them from having references that aren’t vague and retconned


The writers could have written some G4 characters in anticipation for Discovery’s hold on G4 expiring. Also, what about 2026?


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44 minutes ago, WickedGames said:

You don’t get it 

My point is most of the G5 we will get soon probably we will be made before March 2025 so that’s why the rights will stop them from having references that aren’t vague and retconned


Brah seeing how cringe and crappy they made gen 5 anything is possible at this point.

I bet discord would show up and be the reason for her princess hood. 

Or better yet kill sunny.

Who knows yes?

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22 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

Brah seeing how cringe and crappy they made gen 5 anything is possible at this point.

I bet discord would show up and be the reason for her princess hood. 

Or better yet kill sunny.

Who knows yes?

The end is Twilight wakes up and it turns out to be a bad dream 

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