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Opaline as a villain

Rushing cash

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What are your thoughts on Opaline as a villain?

I personally think she ended up being a good one, she is relatively successful when she gets going, she is powerful when powered up and manipulative. I think she is pretty entertaining to watch, she is easily annoyed and dramatic which makes her reactions pretty fun. She also got a decent amount of screen time (something many villains in G4 did not have), so we got to know her better. The battle against her was great while her defeat was satisfying and relatively intense. Her actions, from how she treated Misty to how she took everyone's CMs and hypnotizing the dragons were bad enough that the (at least vast majority) of the audience were rooting strongly for her defeat. 

I do think her arc could have been better if she was more active in earlier chapters, she was an evil but pretty powerless antagonist early on and only became a legitimately serious threat in chapter 6, if she was more of an active threat earlier (for example C4) she could have been a really amazing villain. 

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I honestly thought that she was a great villain, loved how much buildup she got. I do feel that some more complexity to her character was sacrificed to make her more of a comical villain, but she is so entertaining. :griiin:

Edited by Misty Shadow
Minor rewording.
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9 hours ago, Misty Shadow said:

I do wish Opaline's backstory had been expanded on more and I stand by what I said with wanting her to have more complexity...but she's still a step up from FiM's irredeemable villains in that regard. :grin2:

I agree, she does have more complexity compared to many G4 villains (mostly because she had more screen time, probably :ooh:), I am not sure what the writers had to do to make her more complex though. Make her motivation something different than jealously, pride and desire for revenge? Maybe its just me, but I think this are legit reasons for a villain (as long as a show doesn't overuse it), not every villain needs to have a sympathetic backstory. I am not sure a show like MLP can produce a villain with a sad backstory and not reform them, although that idea is actually pretty interesting and I would love if that happened. 

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Another positive aspect is her voice actress, it was a great performance, possibly the best in G5. It felt like the voice actress had fun and really got into the character. Opaline also had some great and memorable lines during her run. For example her whole "conversation" with Izzy was one big highlight.


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As a villain - very bad. I can't even remember such poorly written villains in any work.
It is impossible to perceive her as a villain, because for this she needs to do at least something, but she did nothing except sit in her castle and make a villainous laugh.
But okay, this is G5, everything here is so bad

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On 2023-11-27 at 12:26 PM, Rushing cash said:

She also got a decent amount of screen time (something many villains in G4 did not have), so we got to know her better.

Maybe because that's G5 style of working villains and telling stories? Idk but I have that feeling,G5 and G4 have different objectives from each other, making a villain appear frequently for several episodes could be one of them, I really think Allura is going to receive that same treatment as well. 

(Unless they already plan on finishing her arc in TYT Season 1's finale as I previously theorized)

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21 hours ago, Kantet said:

As a villain - very bad. I can't even remember such poorly written villains in any work.
It is impossible to perceive her as a villain, because for this she needs to do at least something, but she did nothing except sit in her castle and make a villainous laugh.
But okay, this is G5, everything here is so bad

Except she did leave the castle, did all sorts of things to harm others, and almost took over Equestria. If you do not like anything about G5, why do you come to the G5 section of the forums? :pip-err:

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/4/2023 at 4:37 PM, Misty Shadow said:

Except she did leave the castle, did all sorts of things to harm others, and almost took over Equestria. If you do not like anything about G5, why do you come to the G5 section of the forums? :pip-err:

Because the author of the topic asks for an opinion. I'm voicing it.

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On 2023-12-17 at 6:54 AM, Kantet said:

Because the author of the topic asks for an opinion. I'm voicing it.

It's clear from the topic's title that it's about G5, something you had to have known before clicking on it. You have made it clear multiple times in this section of the forums that you don't like anything about G5, directly stating it here. Thus this question of mine...

On 2023-12-04 at 6:37 AM, Misty Shadow said:

If you do not like anything about G5, why do you come to the G5 section of the forums? 

...was not answered. 

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While I was unimpressed by her at first, her first appearances in TYT, which displayed a more humorous side, which carried over a bit in MYM, made me warm up to her. It helps being in the same universe as FIM and having the first overarching and seasonal villain not introduced prior helps

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She kinda started off as a bit of a comically evil character imo. But they did a decent job developing her later on in both TYT and MYM, making her less like a Disney villain who’s mean and evil to everyone just cause.

Definitely agree that her being more active earlier on would’ve made her a better villain. But she still ended up being a decent character.

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