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Has your favorite pony always been your favorite?

Silly Lily

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So, has your favorite pony always been your favourite? And, if not, how often do you change your favorites? (And if you changed them, when and why?)


1) Between Mane Cast

2) Background ponies

3) Other characters


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Picking a favorite was always hard for me (at least out of the mane 6). At the very beginning, I liked Fluttershy, but after 6-8 episodes, it changed to Pinkie Pie. during season two, Twi was my favorite until the season finale, when it changed back again to Pinkie. I'm not terribly good at committing to one favorite pony.


...Unless you count the great and powerful Trixie. She's always been my favorite of ALL the ponies. :P

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Admittedly I had a favorite long before I knew names of Ponies or ever watched the show.


Rainbow Dash was an early favorite of mine.

I watched the show and not much changed until late into Season 1 I started to switch over to Pinkie Pie!


Pinkie Pie was my favorite for a long while.


Then as we got deep into Season 2 I started to like Pinkie Pie less and less. She just got less funny as the show went on.


For a little while I just didn't have a favorite.


And now my favorite is Twilight Sparkle! And really I don't see that changing anytime soon!

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The first character I ever got a good look at was Rarity. And it was the best thing I've ever seen.


I watched a pmv that featured her, so she was the first character I watched out for when I started watching the episodes.

I thought she was gonna be the stereotypical "bitchy" female character you see so often. To my surprise she was a fabulous, polite, and well mannered lady!


I didn't actually think about choosing a favorite for some time, but when the time came it was gonna be either Rarity or Fluttershy Overrated the Pony.

Of course, I went with the magnificent Rarity over the tree! She's owned the top of my list ever since. :wub:

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I liked Fluttershy most before I watched the show. After a few episodes, I liked Twilight the most. Pinkie became my favorite pony when I saw The Last Roundup for the second time.

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Edited by SageWise
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I had always been partial to Rarity, but I never really thought of her as my favourite; and then I fell in love with Vinyl.

After rewatching some episodes, I found myself becoming partial to Rarity again and soon my favourite ponies were Rarity and Vinyl! :D

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Fluttershy from the beginning, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.


It took me a while to figure out my favorite background pony (Because I didn't pay attention to them at first) But I gotta go with Lyra.


Luna would be my favorite "other", as I don't consider her a background pony.

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To be completely honest I liked Rainbow Dash first, with Pinkie Pie at almost the same level. Though after a few months it shifted to Pinkie Pie quite strongly, and has been there ever since. There are facets in both of these ponies that I can relate to, but more so Pinkie Pie. So I guess it was just fate that she won out in the end. Not to say that I see Rainbow Dash any less than I did at first, but the focus has shifted. As for the CMC I've always liked Sweetie Belle the best. That has never changed. Though my background characters is a constantly evolving thing. At first I just liked Derpy, and I'm sure most do. Though I began to like other background ponies like Carrottop, Daisy, and Noi. Though this might just be because of fanon, and how they portray these background ponies. Though it is a fascinating subject to me that there are so many different ponies that many different people like. While I'm sure that most of us can pick a favorite pony from the Mane 6 and the CMC. Background ponies seem to be the most unique to the individual. Just an observation on my part.

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My favorite pony changes almost every day. It usually comes back to Fluttershy, but picking a favorite is a much harder question that it seems.

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I have issues choosing only one to be a favorite, so i have 3 or 4, two main ones and 2 secondary ones.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle

I can't choose which of these is my favorite, though Fluttershy and Applebloom are the cutest.

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It's always been Pinkie Pie! I relate to her really well - I can be really hyper and crazy but I have abandonment issues. The Party of One episode reminded me of myself more than I'd like xD

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