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My Little Pony: Wolves VS Ponies! Text Based Role Play Game


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I'll try this out.


Type of Pony: Griffin

Name: Garth Steelbeak

Crush: Nopony

Looks/description: Head feathers are white. Body feathers are amber. Wing feathers are dark amber. He is to the point and harsh.

Age of Pony: 19

Gender: Male

Hobbies/Likes: Fighting, Flying, Hunting.

Dislikes: Doing Nothing.

Preferred Dorm: Male Dorms.

Favorite subject: None. He doesn't go to class.

Other: He is a griffin!


Garth crashed through windows and walls and landed on the ground. He grunted, "What the hell just happened?" He flew into the air to right himself and landed. "Who are you ponies and what's up with the howls outside?"

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(Garth don't fool around. He says what he means and doesn't sugarcoat anything.)

Garth looked at the red colt. "What's wrong with you?" He walked in front of Shy Flower and sat down, waiting for the pony to stop cowering and answer his questions.

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(I don't know why, but when you said sugar coat, I pictured a griffin with a coat full of candy...God its too early to rp xD)

Shy flower slowly looked up at the griffin.



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(Well, that's just strange. And you're right it's too early. It's 2 AM. Also, to better portray my character, I didn't read anything past the first post. I literally know nothing of what has happened.)

Garth slapped his own face with his claw. "Okay. And what are the howls outside?" He got up and paced around the room, looking at everything that was there.

Edited by Linguz
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(Welcome to my world. they weren't doing anything at all really. Plus there has been no wolves yet, so it really isin't vs... AND LOL. WHAT A JERK XD)

Shy flower stared at the griffin.

*What is wrong with him...*

Edited by Finesthour


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(eep, I have no clue what is going on. they have just been talking the entire time about random crap. nothing has been going on. Only person that knows anything is the thread starter xD)


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(Oh I know. But chatting with parenthesis does the same thing AND keeps us out of character.)

"Is that so? Well, might as well get to know each other then." Garth sat down on a chair he found while looking around the room. "What brought you here?"

[Go on, give your character some sort of background.]

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(Lol, I'm not trying to seem like an butt hole, but I know how to rp. Don't need tips :P)

He just looked at the griffin, wondering why he has taken an interest of me, of all colts.

"Well..uh...I come from equestria...and I can never go back.."


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(Okay. But do you know how to make an OC pony?)

"That's... very informative. Cause obviously I wanted to know nothing. And by the way, we are in Equestria. What do you mean you can never go back if you are already here?" Garth sighed. "Anyway, if you won't tell me about yourself, I'll tell you about me. I come from Dragmire, a small island country located far to the south of Equestria. I heard something had happened here in Equestria and I came to check it out. When I arrived, all I could see was desolate land. Something hit my wing as I was flying, a rock of some sort, and I coincidentally crash landed here."


[by the way, after the ellipsis (...) comes a space.]

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(Yeah, I have to make a pony that is his own pony)

Shy flower sighed to himself.

*This guy will not take a hint that I do not want to talk about myself what so ever...*

"Fine... if you want to know more about me, here. I meant to say I am from Equestria, meaning I was born and raised here. And what I mean that I can never go back is... let's just say that I am not... welcome anymore."

(what I am thinking that we can go with this story is that I can eventualy tell you why shy flower is "shy" since wolves haven't attacked...once :P And yeah, its 2am. I don't really try to do my punctuation skills a chance to show :P)


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(I completely support developing a character over a period of time, it's what I'm doing in my fic.)

(No, Garth will never take a hint, he expects creatures to be as direct to him as he is to them.)

(We need the other people to show up, but I don't think that'll happen this late.)

(I personally prefer thoughts in italics but however you want to do it works, I guess.)


This pony, I don't get him. Garth got off his chair and walked to where he had crashed. "Okay. Anyway... I guess I'll see you around, maybe." He flared his wings, getting ready to take off.

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(Meh, over the years on rp forums, the way of thought was always the stars. And yeah, I have rp'd with someone like your char before. I know what to do :3 And its honestly not very late into the story. It was just all talking.)

"W... Wait! Don't you want to stay.. just to rest first?"


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(If you have yet to notice, I write my posts as if I was writing my story. It'd be impossible to RP with someone like my guy before since I can alter him in anyway I want to change him. Also, I've never RPed before other than here, so I am very new to it.)

Garth turned around. "What's with the sudden change of attitude? One minute you were a shy pony, just mumbling some answers and now you want me to stay?"

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(I just woke up) Autumn had gone outside to try and find a quiet place to read, when he heard the crash. He quickly flew back to the school, when he saw the griffon and the broken window. "It everyone alright? Are you injured?"


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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(as of my last post, we were chilling downstairs talking about stuff. Then Garth shows up, I assumed as we were doing this. But now I see ponies who I remember were with us waking up? Or am I wrong about something?)

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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(Maybe they didn't get any sleep the night before because of the wolf attack. They could just be taking naps)


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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(I suppose that makes sense. Also, welcome new person :D)


Evilshy had been dozing off at the table, a half drunk cup of Feng's tea near her hoof. She woke up to a loud crashing noise. After rubbing her eyes and yawning, she looked around and saw a griffin and a broken window. She giggled quietly to herself. She had met a few griffins before in cloudsdale, and they all fit the same type; strong, brave, but not very intelligent. Judging by the broken window, evilshy thought this newcomer was of the same mold.


She lazily walked over to him, still yawning. "hey, who are you?"

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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