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If humans did exist in Equestria...What do you think they're like?

Rainbow Sparkle

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The question is not how would humans be different from living in Equestria. The question is how would Equestria be different with humans in it. I've discussed human nature AT LENGTH in other threads, but when it comes down to it, we are the meanest sons of bitches in the universe. We don't play nice, we learn to kill everything else to that we can eke out a living, and end up dominating, even at the cost of all else. Whether for good or for evil, we would still be our warlike, wheeling and dealing selves, just with sentient ponies and dragons around us.


I am of the opinion that we would indeed be like this, though depending on tech level, we might have a sort of respectable tolerance of the ponies thanks to their magic (especially if humans don't have access to magic) Especially of Celestia and Luna.


The humans live in caves and say Ugg a lot. Celestia keeps a close eye on the few small human colonies. If one ever starts utilizing fire or makes a wheel...




This made me laugh, despite the fact that I don't think humans would be like that in Equestria (though ya never know)

This was the premise for a fan fic that I had yet to start.


Humans are originally from Earth. They've advanced so much in technology that they can travel at 99.999% the speed of light and have harnessed the power of the Black Hole to instantaneously transport themselves to any point where humans have their black hole harnessing technology. So far, no intelligent life was found in the Orion Belt of the Milky Way.


Although they advanced so much in technology, their need for domination, conquest, and curiosity is insatiable. Though Earth is at peace, a massive corporation called "Millennium Heights" plans a great expedition into the vast unknown, the owner sick of life in the Orion belt. So, with a random wormhole, the CEO and 100 colonists land on Equestria.


Long story short, establishment of the human colony is a failure after Discord's reign destroys most of their computers (Models go screwy when cotton candy clouds rain down and the night and day cycle is random) and kills some of their colonists. The owner goes into a stasis pod and the colony is now a peculiar ruin with only the master computer and deactivated defense turrets left, the rest of the colonists die from an unknown virus.


I had a similar story idea to this, though the idea was that Equestria was Earth, years and years and years after a nuclear war nearly destroyed humanity (save for some that managed to put themselves in a cryostasis in deep underground bunkers) The idea was that the Diamond Dogs would accidentally stumble upon one such bunker, and Humans would return to the world of the waking and discover what had happened to their world. Their would then be some who sought to live in peace with the other creatures, while others would seek to restore all of Earth to human control.


I really need to work on that idea.


As for if the humans evolved in Equestria, humans would be ultra-advanced. Humans, we can all agree, are very intelligent creatures and humans have the capacity to exploit the land and resources. Ponies, from what we can see in the show, aren't as ambitious as humans.


But humans have that tendency to want to dominate and be superior, like all Apex Predators. Either they would've realized that fighting the ponies was fruitless (Science vs. Magic) and lived in isolationist villages. Or they would've just left Equestria after being sufficiently advanced enough.


Not necessarily isolationist villages...we just would leave the ponies alone and stick to harming each other :P

Self-declared general of the Legions of Anarchy

Harmony? Order? Bah, where's the fun in that. Come with me, and we'll have some real fun with Discord as we ride towards Armageddon!

Join the Legion of Anarchy, and take up the flag of Discord here on MLPForums~

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I am of the opinion that we would indeed be like this, though depending on tech level, we might have a sort of respectable tolerance of the ponies thanks to their magic (especially if humans don't have access to magic) Especially of Celestia and Luna.


Confound these ponies. They drive me to religion.
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This made me laugh, despite the fact that I don't think humans would be like that in Equestria (though ya never know)


It could make a very funny episode that Hasbro would never approve of!


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Confound these ponies. They drive me to religion.


Thanks to an image (that I have no idea where its hiding) I once had an idea that when Luna turned into Nightmare Moon and challanged Celestia, she managed to convert the nomadic human warrior tribes from worshipping Celestia to worship her, and they sided with her in her war against the goddess of the sun.

Self-declared general of the Legions of Anarchy

Harmony? Order? Bah, where's the fun in that. Come with me, and we'll have some real fun with Discord as we ride towards Armageddon!

Join the Legion of Anarchy, and take up the flag of Discord here on MLPForums~

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Thanks to an image (that I have no idea where its hiding) I once had an idea that when Luna turned into Nightmare Moon and challanged Celestia, she managed to convert the nomadic human warrior tribes from worshipping Celestia to worship her, and they sided with her in her war against the goddess of the sun.


Unfortunately, I'm going to posit that with humans on her side, Luna prolly would have won.
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  • 7 months later...

I'd actually considered this question once...


My idea was that they were from Equestria, though it was called another name several thousand years ago, before the rise of Ponykind. And they, once, ruled the planet. By sheer might of Science and Technology. They had ruined the land, but eventually, at the precipice of global disaster, a miraculous discovery was made: The technology which could create nearly infinite energy and, even more startling, infinite rescourses.


They called this technology, Elemental Recombinance.


This Tech allows them to input raw matter of any kind, and rcombine it's atomic structure into whatever matter they disired, and raw energy was released from the atomic reaction. Centuries later, human civilization had consolidated into a single mega-city, which they called Olympus. The ability to simply create anything they needed from anything they had led to a civilization-wide Reneissance. War, disease, famine, civil unreast, even crime became nearly non-existant. People became less materialistic and more focused on the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual connection to eachother...


Olympus became a Utopia of enlightenment and thought.


Using the ER-tech, the city was capable of building both to towering heights and deep within the planet's crust. A planet-wide re-terraforming effort restored the planet to very nearly it's pre-industrial. A side-effect of the re-terraforming was an odd kind of radiation which seeped into the land and it's creatures, but did not effect humans in the slightist. Concerns were expressed, but since no effects could be seen the radiation became a background curiosity examined more as a hobby than as a genuine Science.


Human Science eventually progressed to the point where biological and cybernetic augmentation became not only possible, but commonplace. With the advent of ER technology, currency systems and barriers between rich and poor became obsolete, and augmetation became both a medical science, and a hobby. Eventually, the ability to become technically immortal became possible, though surprisingly few people leapt at the prospect of living forever. Some people, the leaders of Science and Philosophy usually, augmented their bodies and minds in order to better serve humanity as leaders, and for longer. The one price of immortality that could not be circumvented was sterility. Becoming an immortal ment giving up the possibility of further having children. It was one price that very few people were willing to live with.


More centuries pass, and humans once again look to the stars. A mass exodus ensues, hundreds of ships carrying millions of humans spread out in all directions. Colonies and terraforming operations on the other planets in the inner solar system, followed by asteroid mining, then outer planet colonization. Humans eventually discover Faster-Than-Light capability whic allows them to reach even the most distant stars.


At this point, the remaining humans on Equestria are few, numbering perhaps only a few million who are devoted to caring for the homeworld. But they suddenly realize that they are not the only intelligent race on the planet. And these creatures resemble mythical creatures from ancient human Mythologies. Dragons have eveolved from desert-indiginous reptiles, Griffons from a strage genetic combination of birds and felines, and Pegusi, Unicorns, and an intelligent race of diminutive horses all from the plains-living equines on the Eastern continent.


Even stranger, the plants and weather began to act strangely, followed by the adaptation of all of these new creatures to the changing enviroment. The "Pegusi" began to regulate the weather, manually. The "Unicorns" began to use a strange set of abilities that were driven seemingly by thought and will alone which accomplished seemingly impossible tasks. Even stranger: The so-called "magic" that these Unicorns weilded had a similar signature to the re-terraforming radiation of centuries before.


A council of the most respected human Scientists and Philosophers was called to debate what was to be done of these new, strange creatures and happenings upon their homeworld. After several weeks of debate and postulating, the opinion upon which not even a single human disagreed with was this: It wasn't their homeworld anymore.


And so, the Final Human Exodus happened. Humans used ER technology to recycle nearly the entirety of human Technology on the planet, including nearly all of Olympus, into starships and supplies. A group of 2,000 augmented immortal humans, called the Caretakers, elected to stay behind to continue watching the new species on the world develop. They built a pair of habitats, one on the Western continent, where Olympus once was, the other in space, made invisible by advanced cloaking technology, and placed in orbit above the Eastern continent where all the new species were developing.


And so it has been for millenia. The Caretakers have watched over the developing species like both Scientists and distant parents, watching in wonder at the growth of their magical powers, the advances in their societ. Never before had any human Scientists been able to watch a species grow from the ground up as they had. They were... proud of them all.


Until they started fighting eachother, that is.


They understood that all species go through these periods of instability, but to see the collective negative feeling actually phisically manifest in a bitter, chilling winter... It astounded them.


But they took heart when members of the three races of equines bonded, and the power of their friendship litterally blasted the winter causing Wendigos away. To see positive feelings influence the actual world around them amazed the Caretakers.


Over time, they saw everything: Discord, the Changelings, the rise of the Sister Rulers... Their records have a more complete history of Equestria than Equestria itself.


And so there they are. Two thousand humans left on the planet, untold billions amongst the stars. Technology beyond imagining, infinite scientific knoledge, and an enlightened, non-violent view of the universe.

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  • 7 months later...
I think humans could be very useful for Equestria, but how useful can they be? Despite lacking of magic or wings, human beings can do things that both pegasi and unicorns do and further thanks to science and technology (With which we practically do certain "magic").  
So, what kind of role could humans have in Equestria?: Politicians? Protectors of ponies? Assistants of princesses? What?



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The things mentioned previously, politics, protection and economics, are the very institutions that have messed up this world. I believe humans could learn from Ponies (making our role in Equestria students), but there is nothing we can contribute to their society that wouldn't turn bad down the road. We might be able to offer knowledge of natural medicine, but they seem to do just fine.

Keep flyin'


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Autopsy and War, And Guns, And drugs sex and Rock 'n Roll, Yeah.... Really bad stuff because humans are bad, that's why i made a portal to Equestria years ago


http://dascottishbrony.deviantart.com/ My DeviantArt Page.


Why Only Tuesdays, I'm Not even in this fandom, i've just been sent here to spy on all of you. You guys are defenseless without your tin-foil hats!
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Technology and our knowledge would probably put most humans in those sort of roles. But they don't really need any of our technology so I guess we would be pretty useless. I guess most of us would be scientists, doctors, engineers, architectures and etc. so I guess most of us wouldn't really have any role, we would probably just be the same as the ponies. Helping them out when needed, we aren't really superior. Except for our hands but they have magic so there really isn't much we can do that they can't. I think there wouldn't be any role for us, we would just work like any other pony. Be it digging a hole or creating a blue print.


So role: Citizen of Equestria, that's it,

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