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private The Other Ponies


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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23037-the-other-ponies/

The calming allure of the morning came across the town of Ponyville. Ponies were still asleep, enjoying the ignorance of there dreams. While others were getting ready for the morning work.


One pony in particular, was stirring in his sleep. A brown earth pony, a black mane that has become messy from the movement of his sleep. A black tail hidden his belly. Hidden under the sheets, was a cutie mark. A notepad on his flank. His eyes slowly opened. Brown with red cracks around his eyes, the past day has haunted his big eyes.


Carrick groaned, pushing the sheets off him. He slowly shifted off the bed and gave a loud yawn. If only she could gave us an extra hour of sleep. He shook his head trying to get the blood flowing into his brain. He stretched each of his hooves, then took a look around his surroundings. A bed, a nightstand appear left of it with a notepad. A mirror and an old desk. On top of the desk had a fedora, a trench coat, and shades. All in black. A single door that lead to the hallway. It wasn't the best hotel room, but it was enough for Carrick.


Nothing... Carrick stared at the blank papers on the notepad. He grabbed the notepad and throw it on the desk. Carrick heard about it but it was difficult to believe. They were look upon as heroes, they were able to stop the strongest foes and now....they're gone. Within an instance, for whatever reason. Could it have been Discord? Had Princess Luna become evil again? Changelings? Was it something else? Did they just leave? Tired of the responsibility of Ponyville? Questions but with no answers.


He look himself in the mirror, he open a cabinet and grabbed the brush. He took a few brushes on his mane. He placed the fedora and trench coat on. He puts the shades on and adjusted his trench coat. I better get started. He walked out of the room, out to the hallway and went out of the hotel.


Ponyville. Glances they gave him were of worry and fear. They didn't know who this pony was but his appearance gave a somewhat dangerous look. "Ponyville is sooo great now" Carrick thought outloud. The detective walk down the streets to treehouse of the said residence Twilight Sparkle...

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Blaze was flying through the air, It was early in the morning, so early in fact that most ponies were still in bed. Bed Blaze thought Ha. Blaze scoffed at the idea of bed. It had been nearly a whole week since he volunteered to help find the bearers of the elements of Harmony, and had not gotten on shred of sleep. Nor did he try to. Blaze had been searching non stop and had not found even an iota of evidence to suggest where the Element Bearers were. He was tasked with this mission from princess Celestia herself, and the fact that she asked him for anything was a miracle in itself.


Blaze had always been a black-sheep when it came to the Royal Canterlot subject. His father was a infamous pirate who had died when he was fairly young, so he grew up with his aunt (his mom's sister) in Canterlot. Even though his father passed away when he was younger, his father had left him with some fairly powerful flame magic. Blaze could still remember all those long mornings when he was younger. His father would wake him up, and they would go down to there secret spot by a creak, and they would practice fire magic. They practiced and practiced until Blaze would nearly pass out from exhaustion. Things changed after his father died, Blaze became more entangled with the Royal side of Canterlot. He still remembers all the disapproving glances from the nobles, and the occasional mumbles under their breath that would say things like "delinquent" and " his father was a murderer, he might be one too". So Blaze still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Celestia asked him personally to help look for the missing six ponies who wield the elements of harmony.


Blaze had been flying from town to town, he started in Canterlot, and was making his way to Ponyville. He was flying above the outskirts of ponyville, when he saw some early morning farmers from down below, staring at him as he flew above ponyville. Blaze remembered his father tell him that he always looked like a Pheonix when he flew. Because whenever he picked up speed he left a trail of flame behind him. Even the Canterlot Nobles had to respect the fact that he was one of the most beautiful Alicorns when flying.


Blaze was now almost above twilight sparkles residence, Celestia had told him he could meet someone here who could help with the investigation. As Blaze descended he say a brown earth pony who fit the description Celestia gave him. He landed on the path right right next to the brown earth pony.


"I was told a brown earth pony such as yourself would be helping with the investigation, I am the Alicorn sent from Canterlot to help with the investigation. My name is Blaze."


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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.Thunder Chaser was in a bit of a hurry. He had been hired by the Princess of the Night to guard a group of ponies who were searching for the Element's of Harmony. His sharpshooting skills, while usually used in performance, would most definetly be useful.

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The few ponies that were out in the early morning started whisper a different tone. Carrick rose a eyebrow as he heard talks instead of the pony in the fedora but a Alicorn?


"Oh great, it's him!"


"Just what we need" a unicorn muttered.


"When will this nightmare never end?" A blue earth pony whispered as he walk past Carrick.


Carrick turned around as he saw the red pegasus? No, this creature not only had wings but, a horn that some of the orange mane had covered as the creature slowed down. Only creatures with great luck and genetics are able to have both wings and a horn, an alicorn. A trail of fire past behind this Alicorn, only one pony can do that. The Alicorn descended upon in front of Carrick. He spoke "I was told a brown earth pony such as yourself would be helping with the investigation, I am the Alicorn sent from Canterlot to help with the investigation. My name is Blaze."


"Blaze Pheonixtear, the infamous child of Pyro Phoenixtear. Leader of "Phoenix Kings" " Carrick knew who this said Alicorn was. Who didn't?


"Carrick Murphy," He took off his shades to show his brown eyes. His eyes didn't show of fear or anger but...indifference. Carrick placed the shades back. "Detective."


"Let's start, shall we?" Carrick walked up into the treehouse. Not sure what to except...

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Blaze was astonished to hear some one (other than his aunt who raised him for most of his life) speak to him in a calm and collected manor. "Yes" Blaze said "Let us begin" Blaze joined Carrick on his walk up to the tree, that once was the private domicile of Twilight sparkle.

Edited by Bronynonymous


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Embers woke up and remembers that he had to meet with some ponys to look for some pony he didnt even care about, but it was still something he wanted to do,So he got up and stubled over to the treehouse.Just as he got there,he triped and fell on his face

"Ow...." He slowly got up,but now he had a cute on his nose

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A glance at the fallen red alicorn came upon Carrick eyes. He took notice but went inside the house, he had more pressing matters to worry about than another Alicorn.


Books, books, books and more books. Carrick saw the treehouse and a plethora of books carved inside. A ladder made only brown wood that was able to get the highest book. A table that had a statue of a pony's head. A small desk that would be good for reading as well. This is a bookworm's dream. That does sound like Twilight Sparkle, least the description. Carrick thought to himself.


He heard snoring coming from the second floor of the treehouse. A dragon, a small one at least only a few years old maybe a bit more. Most of his body was covered in purples scales while his belly and frills were green. He snored happily, dreaming about whatever dragon's dream of. "Blaze give him a wake, I'll be looking around here." Carrick walked by as he look upon the desk for any clues...

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Ponyborn woke with a start. He had overslept! The batteries in his alarm went out and he was behind by about 50 minutes or more, he ate a quick breakfast and got on his usual detective attire, making sure to put in his ear piece so he could keep in contact with HQ if he needed help.


He flew as fast as his wings could take him to Twilight Sparkles home. He had met the Pony before but for her to just disappear? Is such a thing possible? When he got there he saw everyone busily trying to find out what was going on, just like he started to do so no one could give him any grief about being late. It was hard enough being an Alicorn.

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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Blaze did what Carrick told him to do "Hey, lil dragon buddy, wake up." no response "Wake up little dragon" The dragon continued to snore "WAKE UP!" Blaze yelled in royal canterlot voice. The dragon woke with a start "WHAT IS IT, CAN YOU NOT SEE I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!" as the dragon yelled wisps of green flame came from his mouth and nose.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Embers got back up and walked slowly into the were every other ponys went, he looked for the main one, the he walked over to him,

"Hello, Ill be helping you today, is there anything i can do for you?" Embers looked around he saw the dragon and jumped back


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"Really Embers?" Said Ponyborn to his old friend. "Hes only a baby dragon, lighten up a little." He said while giving Embers a pat on the back

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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Carrick slowly look at each detail on the desk. It seemed to be carved from the tree itself as well. He saw an book that was closed. The title was: Psychological 101.


He opened the book and skimmed the book. He looked for any notes or marks that would give him an idea...nothing.

Carrick grabbed his notepad and pencil and wrote down the title of the book.


He then took notice to the other Alicorn that appear inside Twilight's treehouse. Another Alicorn? Will I be the only normal- Carrick slightly jumped when he heard Blaze's royal voice "WAKE UP!"


The dragon woke up in a fright and screamed "WHAT IS IT, CAN YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO SLEEP?" The purple dragon's flames came through his nose and mouth just a bit. The other red alicorn started to become sacred of the dragon though the other alicorn decided to comfort him. Carrick sighed softly, he got the ladder and climbed up to the second floor. He saw the dragon seething with anger, though Carrick didn't blame him. No one likes to be woken up by screaming in there ears.


"I'd apologize for my associate here, I didn't specify how to wake you up." The detective took off his fedora, seeing the dragon slowly calm down.


"I'm Carrick Murphy, detective. I'm here on the regards of the disappearance of Twilight Sparkle and 5 others."


The dragon began to realize who they really were, they might be able to help out! "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't-"


"It's fine, I'd probably react the same way. If not more anger." Carrick gave more sympathy towards this purple dragon. "though next time, you better not do that to this here Alicorn." Carrick said.


"Oh! I'm-i'm" The dragon began to stuttered realizing who this Alicorn was...


(@Embers: I'd write you off for a week, but next time. Say it in the OOC topic or a PM.)

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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" I tried a more subtle approach, but this stubborn dragon just ignored me. And... well... I have a short fuse. Okay?" Blaze said angrily. "Anyway, I am guessing we have some questions we need to ask him?" Blaze asked.

Edited by Bronynonymous


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"Yes, we do need to ask questions." Carrick agreed with Blaze as the detective wrote down something on his notepad:


Blaze, short-fused.


Carrick then heard a voice call from outside "Security is here." Carrick did not except this many ponies on this investigation. He usually just worked with another detective at the most but never this many ponies. "Well come in," Carrick turned at the door. "we have tea and crumpets for everyone" Carrick said sarcastically, he could hear the dragon chuckle at his joke.


Carrick turned back to the dragon. "Yes, well I'll like to ask you some questions, is that alright?"


"If it will help finding Twilight, anything." The Dragon said eagerly. Carrick grabbed his pencil and started getting ready to write the witness's statement




"Spike. Just Spike."


"What's your occupation?"


"I'm Twilight's Assistant. "


"When was the last time you saw Twilight?"


"About a week ago, she said that she was going out."


"She didn't say where she was going?" Spike shook his head.


"Can you tell me how was she? Did she seem like herself?"


"Well...she seemed to be very...distracted."


"Distracted, what do you mean?"


"Like she was thinking about something else whenever she was doing anything. Even when reading books! She's never did that, she loved reading books...that....egghead." Spike looked down, realize that she still isn't here.


Carrick eyes lit up, he wrote down in underline: Distracted. Carrick continue his investigation "How long did she act like that?"


Spike went back to his calm persona as he put his claw on his chin "At least for a few days, every time I asked her about it, she said that she was fine."


"I see...now tell me was this book" Carrick pointed at the book on the desk, "was that the last book she read before she left?"


"I think so..." Spike didn't seem confident about it.


"Are you sure?"


"I dunno." He said.


Carrick looked at the book than back at Spike. Carrick couldn't tell if he should consider that book as evidence. However, if that was the case, why would someone be reading a psychological book?


He turned to Blaze. "Well, do you have a question for Spike?"

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"Exactly what time of day was it that Twilight left?" Blaze asked


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"I think it was around early evening, like...maybe 7?" Spike said.


"Seven o'clock...could mean someone should of saw them leaving," Carrick said outloud "though if that's the case, someone should of said something already...unless." Carrick rubbed his chin.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Ponyborn skimed the bookselfs and noticed a note tucked into a small crack in the shelf. "Hey boss i think i found something." Ponyborn said as he pulled the note out with some tweezers so he didnt smudge the ink on the page

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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"Spike, one more question from me and then you are done as far as I am concerned. Did twilight have anything with her when she left?" Blaze asked.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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When he got the paper out of the crack in the shelf a vile fell out. It was made of metal so it didnt shatter when it hit but it was very odd. He put it back in the note and walked over to Carrick and handed him the note and vile. "I found these in the bookshelf over there, it might be a clue."

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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Spike thought it about it for a long while. He tired to visual the memory inside his head. The purple pony as she walked out the door...


"She didn't have anything, nothing at all she just...left." Spike said.


Carrick's train of thought was disturbed by the blue alicorn. The alicorn was dressed in a form of a detective uniform."I found these in the bookshelf over there, it might be a clue." The alicorn said. He gave Carrick a note and a vile. A note seemed to have been made not too long ago. Carrick read the note:


We live so long, yet so short.

Time is subjective.


Carrick was confused by the note. He then opened the vile. The detective looked inside seeing just...an odorless liquid. Maybe, water? He drop a small amount on the ground to see if anything happens...nothing. He corked the vile again. Carrick couldn't tell what was with the note or the vile. The vile is probably just water or maybe a chemical but, the note. What could it be? Is it necessary to the case or is it just random words? More questions but once again, no answers.

"Thanks," Carrick said to the blue alicorn.


Carrick went back on his notepad and went wrote down what the note said. He then place the vile in his pocket. Carrick then went up to Spike.


"Spike, do you understand what this means at all?" Carrick showed him the note. Spike rose an eyebrow and shook his head. I thought so. Carrick looked at the group besides them "Alright, let's do a quick sweep of the place. There probably isn't anything but, check anyway. After this we'll be heading off." Carrick went and sat down on the ground, though he would usually go look for clues himself. He had a feeling that these will be all the clues that he will find in this treehouse.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Blaze was never any good at uncovering clues, he was more of a brute force type of pony. He would constantly get into fights when he was younger, and he learned a thing or two about combat magic from his father before he passed away. Needless to say, Blaze was not exactly thrilled when Carrick told him to 'do a quick sweep of the place'. "Oh man, looking for evidence is not my thing" Blaze said, voicing his discomfort. But he decided to look around anyway, he knew how important this was, and this was no time to be picky. Blaze did a superficial search of the place and turned up empty handed, wait what is that feeling Blaze thought it feels kind of like. "Wait got an Idea" Blaze said. Blaze shut his eyes and his alicorn horn glowed a bright crimson. " Just as I thought, there was a high amount of magic used here in the past week. There is not much left of it but there is still traces of it all around. Someone was using very high level magic about a week ago. Spike, did you see Twilight cast any S class spells before she left?" Blaze asked.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Ponyborn started checking everywhere. In the drawers, books, shelves, and everywhere else but he couldn't find anything else. When he opened the last Cabernet he saw a few things, first was a broken bit of mirror, the second was when he looked through the mirror shard he saw something quite disturbing. on the ceiling written out by leaves and all of the lights on the roof was the phrase i begin were all things end. Ponyborn wrote the phrase down on a note pad and called Carrick over to look at what he found

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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